How Men Know She’s The One

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if you're dating someone how long do you think it takes for you to know that this person is the one through this the black dudes say three years I gots to check it out I can't wash in the night and see I've been married before I need three years well most married people said this is a study that it takes a hundred and seventy two days for you to determine if you wanted to marry the person you're dating 172 days that's almost six months I'm gonna tell you something ladies what I'm about to tell you is something about men this is how me and know she's the one that's some simple stuff you know like you takes you to introduce you to his mama that's a good sign if you never meet his mama you ain't the one if you've been dating more than a year and you ain't met this man's mama you're not the one if your man is out in public holding your hand and he gets in a disagreement with somebody and he's still holding your hand say man what you don't know a baby baby guess what I say you don't send it straight behind me but yeah here's another one that no she's the one if she makes your favorite meal the one your mama always made you but she don't make it nothing like your mama made it but you eat it anyway oh yeah oh yeah see the world oh yeah okay here's another one this last world will do when you start putting the word we in all your sentences we don't like ice cream doc I had to pardon me tell me that one time he was with his girl he said no we don't like ice cream don't you know but ice cream me and you ain't growing up it was our favorite we stole ice cream together heating up to me and said well we stopped eating ice cream man get your pucks out of here let's do some hey Steve let's go hey you made it to the end of this video I got a lot more that you're going to enjoy so just click to watch the next one and make sure you subscribe to always know what's happening
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 6,013,922
Rating: 4.9417186 out of 5
Keywords: steve, comedy, humor, laugh, funny, Steve Harvey, steve harvey
Id: 0KZaLusGxWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 11sec (191 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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