How many prizes will we win from the E Claw Machines?

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how many prizes will we win from the ecommons today ninth in Game one I'm hopeful for one I don't know if we're gonna win anything more than one if we're going one I'll be very surprised Chris we'll start off on the tie or the tee why wash you guys have let us know how many we're gonna win come on make it playin so that's a loss little plate I don't know how many times you gonna play Chris yeah there's a lot of big balls here is they'll grow that way there's a couple right here to the right she's going for the same owl the good thing is if she wins the Outland she doesn't want it she can switch it out for any other prize in here and there's this specific one the chapel was held onto it okay like I'm saying if she wins the AL she just switch it out for right this goes so cool you have to win that the rebels seem like the green dragon that's a weird pink dragon I can tell oh no that one oh yeah yeah that one's already ending up in to the other side already feels like I'm giving up on that out I can't win it it's like in this side already so she's going through this like orange thing I'm not sure what it is looks like a pumpkin oh you can fight check that one out for that Nemo back there I think you can probably trade up to that dragon on the other side since it's a devotee why would you shoot Oh says trick-or-treat on it what is that going for that zombie with the doll too the zombie with goat cheese you're gonna keep it go for it all right zone the dead zone is everywhere in this play area that's the dead zone go try it one more time any luck at all [Music] over there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Angell [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this was going big or she's going home she's giving up and all those brush in front of Michael Kors she lost was on purpose find out if the risk pays off yes good children oh well that one is way under the glass there's no way to even get that one what you're gonna go for it soon turn for this one now this right here [Music] do you think that are the same way because if you go for the one that's lighter you're crying for a better chance of winning it I'm not telling you to change your mind I was just saying which everyone's lied I don't know anything about purses and which one it's way more but I feel like that would weigh more because it looks more solid this one I think is just full of hot like on paper not hot but just paper that's good [Music] no clear that actually I went to the coach more you have a rivalry there don't rake in really / sorry so she can go for this time the white one in the front oh good love I'll be very surprised here if you don't hit the price shoot if you don't have the price shoot that's pretty much a win like kind of like gonna win it but it's a good win for not hit the price shoot all right seconds truly eyeing it down there I bet she misses it she goes too far back all right well good luck you have six seconds bye here it is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] beets beets beets ties we still talking about she wants beats so bad she's gonna try and win some beets looks like this one right here I want you to want to beat get something right down the middle you got it first you didn't win game over yes that's definitely the way you should try because if it does fall just maybe just maybe it'll fall over here I doubt it but just maybe in fact about her way if I'm in your way you know what to say no angel no porkchop yup seven seconds Wow really fast hey you just flipped it over that's all you didn't slip that one over I like when it fits it up and then drops you know because it hey Chris here because it like makes you think you're gonna win I like it but I hate it as well which one oh yeah yeah sometimes on the road site you'll get really high and it'll just fall right down go for the same one there we go [Music] you're a little bit off center but that's okay I'm gonna try again tricky to get through that one I don't even think we're moving it from that spot actually yeah and like flipping it over watch this time after you play it she's gonna flip it over and go upside down I wonder what you have to put into this thing to win it no no I can't be that much can't be that much how much she beats cost because they have so many different like models on them now I think some of those like hundreds [Music] [Music] [Music] you know if I could get it into that like you [Music] like what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] back at the one we started on bristles like we're gonna India here cuz I'm tired of losing I'm like yeah good idea Chris a long time ago all right so this time she's going for the site cat and take someone play for it it actually knocked it over so maybe they played enough that we can win oh my gosh that won't fall off though because it was like oh because yeah it was a bad grab ready to fall out because the fall week and I couldn't tell I pinched out from that grab oh can you hit that dragon in the back you can't go back and forth okay we have 90 seconds if you do not go up it's not gonna win oh so be your last try okay guys so I think you're gonna end up video with no wins here's where we find out this is the last try make sure not to go too far back if you think they're just lined up perfectly come forward some working today five seconds [Music] wait no that was really good all right so wait actually there's really got dibs try getting Chris cuz you're getting that depth perception really bad this time whenever you think you're lined up come forward okay so whenever you think you're lining up backwards just come forward like two inches yeah she can't check the side because there's like machines there's a machine over here there's a machine over there all right let's come forward a little bit okay let's try that I'm gonna actually go back I think yeah yeah five seconds two tries ago to be honest I think you probably could have so you got this one your partner to trade out for that dragon right so let's get someone to try that out for us yeah the dragon we got rid of that other things what was the other prize that we want what's the cat or dog or so I don't remember what it was but we trading it out we got the dragon all we want was won a prize but we had a lot of fun playing today all right guys we hope you enjoyed this video thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 1,423,578
Rating: 4.6570311 out of 5
Keywords: e claw, e claw machine, e crane game, arcade claw machine, claw machine, crane game, plush time wins, ptw, plush time, arcade video, arcade videos, arcade games, arcade game, arcade, winner, wins, nonstop november
Id: ck3CDHjoxcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2017
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