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come on you can do it yeah in today's video we're going to test if it is possible to turn egg shells rubbery by coating them in toothpaste for 24 hours [Music] [Applause] golly I've sent you a couple videos on Instagram both that people sent me first or they really sent them to us I sent the king of random Instagram a couple different ones came in at different times and I feel like one of them we may have even tested at some point here's the basic idea following a couple viral videos on Instagram that we've seen we're going to test out a couple methods for turning eggs into rubber we're gonna be using toothpaste sprite and skittles to let them sit and see the change so the first one involves an egg in a cup with some sprite and some red skills then cover it and you let it sit for 24 hours and the result was like this rubbery egg with a red yeah the other one involved taking an egg covering it in some toothpaste and I did my best to buy the same brand it was like the crest complete with the scope outlast that was the type of toothpaste using the video so following it as close as possible I think they have changed the packaging of the box since then but I believe it's gonna be the same and we're gonna try and cover the egg in the toothpaste the same way they did let it sit for 24 hours and see if it turns rubbery okay I like it so first thing let's get some skittles in some spray alright so now we put the egg in there and then we're gonna have to cover it so this isn't gonna be an instantaneous thing we're gonna have to come back overnight that's the way the first test go supposedly in 24 hours we're going to have a clear membrane on an egg with a red yolk visible alright what's our next one next we take an egg okay let me take some of our crest complete whisk Oh with scope outlast toothpaste and after some toothpaste is applied to the outside of the egg and then used a toothbrush for passing a toothbrush because it's toothpaste the coated whole egg okay we'll also come back to that in 24 hours alright it's been 24 hours what do you think hoping you have a good rubbery egg which one do you want to check first you want to try the skittles one or do you want to try the rubbery egg let's do the rubbery egg first okay this one was covered in toothpaste your toothpastes for 24 hours we'll see what happens why all right this looks different let me wash this off I feel squishy feel squishy right we've got a clear squishy egg what have you gotten yours what what do you feel sprite all right let's see so this should be clear and it should have a red yolk let's see good well it's by red yolk you mean the yolks decided to multiply into bouncy balls yeah inside a rubber balloon look what it turned into eternity bouncy balls amazing own the co stretching squishy this is Wow do any of you still believe us when we do this if you ever ever see a video showing how to make an egg and it ends up like this it was faked they got one of these a little rubber toys if it ends up just slightly rubbery and slightly squishy but then breaks open it means it was soaked in vinegar or another similar acid also another good key is the fact that the yolk massively changes size and how about the fact that there's a plug on it you know camera angles yeah let's take a look at the real a reveal of these all right guys we already know that the experiments behind us aren't going to do anything we've made rubbery eggs before Callie's done multiple videos that showed them and play with them and she showed like how you can actually use toothpaste to prevent eggs from turning rubbery when you soak them in vinegar for 24 to 48 hours parts of the egg and any part where the egg shell was touching toothpaste it actually didn't dissolve so it's the opposite of what that video is telling you now I guess sprite you might have enough acid in it to eventually start wearing the shell down a little but the way vinegar takes like a day or two to get it all the way rubbery and it's and it's not this kind of rubbery it's like slightly flexible you can see through it a little bit right never seen this video where it looks like he pours one of these down into the into the tear and then pulls it out and then starts doing this with it no no egg membrane don't do that that's not they're not that strong if you were to drop it from this high and actually egg membrane is going to break in fact we're probably going to show you that in a couple of days when we pull these field experiments out all right eggs in a vacuum chamber fake eggs in the vacuum chamber and field you see the air bubbles in the clear eggs are definitely expanding I assume it's happening in the white eggs here you just can't see it as well oh and look the yolk is bubbling up imperfections oh whoa oh we hit critical mass what even I think the water began to vaporize and so now we're getting all of the water that turned into vapor is also expanding along with the air that way really quick maybe but that was just so quickly oh I think our other ones hit that no no no I thought it was gonna maybe double in size naught times 20 that so bizarre and the fact that there's air in the yoki enough to do that I didn't see that coming at all either it's a white one just not expanding as much or did the clear one just take up 200 room I'm not sure our vacuum chamber strugglin also that meter is no longer quite calibrated that's back so it's that's about as far as it gets I think most the time it's all still inside this hasn't popped and so all the water is like bubbling inside the eggs membrane you can kinda see it in the white one as well not nearly as much but from my angle I can see enough light coming through it that I can see the water doing the same thing well I think we should let the pressure back in yep Oh No that stretched to the max egg like stuck all over the glass and now it's just having to go back to its normal shape I do actually I think it's gonna return oh it sticks really good D glass it's okay yep it did permanently deform a little bit and see like that crease going across it still held its shape a little bit better than the other one did the little bit deform but not nearly as bad as the clear squishy egg versus liquid nitrogen yeah it's down there I just heard something ha half an ice cube very very cold well I made egg slushy did alright let's see what this one turned out like oh wow so the rubber is no longer flexible and then the ice expanded his it froze and it's all shattered apart I am curious if any of this rubber is gonna go back it is still a little bit sticky but ya see that you've got that expanded air bubble right in the center there you can see concentric rings it breaks open alright here's the real reveal of our our egg so if you have anybody shocked so really if you recall regular egg Kevin and toothpaste regular egg in sprite and skittles both soaking full 24 hours let's give them a look see you have red sprite I do have red sprite now I am curious on yours because sprite does have like some citric acid in it and a little bit of acid over time could do a little bit to the show all right al it may be basically what we got is the weirdest way to die in easter egg ever but at least it's skittles flavored alright here is the egg covered in toothpaste in the original video it like they like poured it out I think this rubber rubber it still had toothpaste on it but they just yeah it was rubbery instantly obviously this so far appears to be a very normal egg it's actually probably stronger now maybe might have absorbed maybe the fluoride in the toothpaste actually strengthen the calcium of the shell so let's talk about these for a second guys I have done videos in the past where I have put eggs in vinegar but I've also covered parts of them with toothpaste and if you recall those eggs the places where the toothpaste were or whatever I had used to coat the egg that was the area where the eggs stayed solid in fact if I remember correctly the egg that was in toothpaste in vinegar with toothpaste dissolved but the egg itself even in vinegar stayed intact that's because eggshells are made out of calcium carbonate which is similar to what your teeth are made out of and toothpaste isn't gonna make them dissolve that would be the opposite of what it does as far as sprite and skittles go you just soaked it in sugar for a really long time yeah this egg is probably not happy about what we've done but there wasn't enough acidic anything in it to have eaten through the eggshell itself this isn't how you make rubber eggs the eggs that they're showing you in the video they're toys you can get these as toys they're fun they're really funny to stick to your ceiling but other than that that's about all they're good for so if you want a rubber egg toy you can buy them that's not a problem if you're trying to make rubbery sorts of eggs at home all you have to do is take an egg put it in some white vinegar overnight and you're going to have that calcium carbonate shell dissolve and you'll have the membrane look it is cool to see you can't do it by putting things in sprite or skittles there's not enough sugar or acids to dissolve the outside of that shell cool concept kind of know it's fake guys that's not all you know we've always got more good to see and if you like this kind of content make sure to hit that button down below to subscribe to never miss out on the fun see in the next one
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 2,471,852
Rating: 4.8815322 out of 5
Keywords: thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, random happens, testing viral science videos, viral videos debunked, mythbusting viral videos, mythbusting videos, debunking 5 min crafts, blossom videos false, diy craft videos debunked, eggs in sprite, eggs and skittles in sprite, toothpaste and eggs experiment, is it true
Id: IxXhIpN8vUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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