Can You Really Fix Things With Ramen Noodles and Super Glue?

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Aurantiaco1 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
today's video is sponsored by cross out in today's video we are taking a look at a very popular internet phenomenon if you can repair things with ramen noodles and how well it works really though this is what you want to see us do this is it this is it we're doing it let's go [Music] you did some research and found why this is a thing or at least how this started someone popular on an app in China posted a video of repairing what was the sink the first one thanked as far as we can tell the sink was the very first video and it is on an app similar to Tik Tok this is an app that's used in China all the time and this guy repaired a sink using ramen noodles supposedly he took an entire chunk of ramen noodle several stuck it in the sink made sure to add the seasoning packet and then just sort of covered it in glue I think we have had hundreds of comments asking to see us test whether this works can you actually repair stuff using ramen noodles and superglue we have actually been hunted down I don't know if you know this but not just YouTube but our Facebook our Instagram and discord all four of those we have been getting just slammed with comments about this so I went yeah we're not even the first ones to try this at this point but like we had comments as recently as like today still ask me about this so we I think are gonna try it we have several things that aren't yet broken and one thing that already is broken and we're gonna be doing some tests about whether you can repair them using ramen noodles and superglue so while we will see if we can fix things with ramen noodles something that is really fun to build on your own is your own robot which is something that you can do in the online vehicle shooter game cross out all the vehicles in the game are player made so you have complete freedom to create whatever you want the game gives you a huge arsenal of parts to build from but it doesn't take very long to build a robot from scratch so it's easy to get into the game quickly there are PvP games co-op PvE raids and open-world campaign that you can play alone or with friends best of all the game is completely free to download and play which you can easily do on PC ps4 or Xbox one by registering now you can also receive three free weapons or a banned cabin so go ahead and register by clicking the link in the description now let's get back to testing the ramen and noodles in a previous video Nate sawed my beautiful little Jace board in half so we're gonna try and fix it today but we're not just gonna try and put it back together no we're actually gonna try and make it a little bit longer maybe actually make it about the size of a real skateboard this is a penny board it's much smaller we'll see if we can modify it wait around here's the basic idea we have a lot of ramen noodles and we have a lot of superglue we're going to see if we can repair several household items getting these two things well start out we've got some dishes we've got three dishes a plate a bowl cup and I can't help but notice that these are not currently broken the trick here is going to be breaking them a little bit without breaking them a lot which is why actually rate I'm very impressed with this plate flawless all right so we've got that we got that all right I want to break a piece off of this piece here and just so we have a good size gap and I'll try and just glue that back together sans ramen there we go that's a good sized missing piece I think so I'll work on gluing these three pieces back together and then we can start the patching process like my plate you're gonna have to break a piece off of what broke the bottles that the guy had in the video were completely unmarked I don't know if we just peeled the labels off or what but I went to the bottle to look as close to what he had as possible [Laughter] so I wanted to try a little variation we're still going to be using the ramen on three things but I on our cup I wanted to try something else superglue has a chemical reaction when it touches baking soda and it makes it solidify pretty quickly very quickly in fact and it turns into just sort of a hard white plastic so with our cup I'm actually going to try and repair it using just baking soda and superglue without any Raman involved all right I'm gonna start off with just pouring some superglue down in here it obviously it's a liquid so I can't fill in the whole thing but keep going just gonna sort of do layers of this you do that I'm gonna turn on the blender if one of the videos a bowl was repaired and they had they used like just the the shavings I guess the the crumbs of ramen so I've made a powder we're gonna see just how perfect we can get this bowl back to be it's even possible some people including one the first videos I saw the guy just had a piece of paper held it here dump some ramen in and poured in the super glue so you know other people put a piece of tape there because I am gonna be turning it a few times to make sure I get all sides you go the taper out see if it works so take a bowl just gonna go ahead and start piling in some ramen dust here [Music] all right using superglue and baking soda I've now built up considerably more than I needed to to cover most of this chip oh that definitely is reacting well it's a good exothermic reaction it's putting off beaming and bubbling steam or smoke or vapor of some kind very warm to the touch which is a good sign actually because it means it is going to catalyze it reacting and with the Roman holy cow that's coming alright so now I'm actually gonna take our chisel and I'm gonna try and take down some of the extra superglue here and hope it doesn't you know just break my whole Cup and everything again this is something sort of from the original videos is using I think it was a paint scraper so while my bowl is curing and hopefully repairing while nate is finishing our cup here I'm gonna start taping together our board we are gonna add a little bit of a gap see if we can just fill it up with Raman this will be the weirdest sized board ever it won't really be a penny board anymore it's not gonna be a skateboard it'll just be some sort of hybrid and hitting you know maturity boards not really really sure what it is in life yet [Music] I don't think the ramen is gonna replace the fact that we took off the grip tape but my plates got quite a bit of a ramen noodles and then ramen powder built up on it with several layers of superglue as well and now I'm gonna try using my chisel to just take away some of the parts that are too big the ramen is way easier to cut through with this chisel than the plain super glue and baking soda was although when I hit the chunks of super glue in it definitely gets harder again so everything else is sort of curing right now I've got my board taped together we're gonna start adding in the ramen noodles and the super glue we're gonna feel this goes our plate bowl and cup are at a I wouldn't say they are perfectly repaired but they're at a state of great improvement the plate and Bowl again that's superglue and ramen the cup is being repaired with superglue and baking soda because that's a known element that combines well with superglue to sort of harden into a translucent plastic and we've sanded them down quite a bit there may be more that we could do adding very careful thin layers of more super glue and ramen but I think we're at a pretty good spot right here they're fairly smooth and we're now going to move on to paint for the cup we've got some paint that almost matches we're gonna have a clear difference but I didn't take the cup with me to the store when I bought the paint and I don't think they carry this slightly oranger shade of red anyway it's gonna be pretty close and then we've actually got two different kinds of white we've got just a gloss white regular spray paint and then we have what says it's an appliance epoxy and that should be pretty durable so we're gonna try just you know one of this one of this and then I'm not sure what the inside of the cup will be I'll just sort of see which of these two I like better going on we'll see how it works one note the inside of our bowl is not as smooth as the outside this is a proof-of-concept we're not trying to make it a hundred percent perfect if we had better tools or time we could definitely get this smoother to match the outside how smooth that is but for now we just have a little bit too much Raman built up on the inside and taking it down would take a long time so we're just trying to test if this can work and I think we've got plenty of pieces to do that with start getting the paint on there and you really can see where I've got some slightly lower spots that aren't perfectly smooth and flush [Music] we've got four things that we have repaired with superglue three with Roman one with baking soda and we've I've done a little bit of paint on the ceramic pieces they look okay I talked a little bit about how we didn't spend tons of time on this so you can still see there's little gaps in pieces I also didn't use any sort of primer so I'm spraying red over red right here and right here where it was actually missing a piece on spring red over the sort of translucent white with the plate again there you can see all the little divot bits the ceramic underneath it was this super bright white and even with a very good coverage of white over that it's it's not a perfect color match even the fact that we spent you know a couple hours on that that's not bad also that's not the only things that we fix like I am curious you know like I want to try and put a hot drink in one of these I want to see if it survives but I'm very very happy about this one we have repaired your skateboard a little bit we expanded it by about half an inch where this was a penny board it's a very very small board it is maybe a centimeter wider now repaired with air quotes with Robin do you think it's gonna hold up at all no okay well I mean it's held together with a lot of superglue and the gaps are all filled with glue and Raman I'm curious about the durability of some of the other things like this bowl for example so I want to do a test and just see if you can chip it hit the side of it and see I'll just sort of alternate between hitting the superglue and the ceramic and see which one breaks first pretty gentle tap okay I don't sound that different anymore you know I'm gonna say that at least with a casual level of abuse it's it's holding up somewhat like what the biggest thing we actually lost was just a chip off of the surface somewhere where it was already cracked so we had this chip in here already and it broke a little bit of it off but the overall integrity of the bowl I think we may have extended some cracks down here but the super glue noodle hybrid did not come out now it might be a little looser I'm I'm just gonna hit it from the inside and try and break it out here goes there it is now it's coming out and go to some extent that was working that that formed a solid piece and it held in there casual use even just hitting it with this chisel a little bit it didn't break until I just dropped the whole bowl so repairing a sink that I do it alright hey mate yeah I made lunch oh good well survived holding up yeah the paint isn't so thrilled however it does seem to be holding noodle juice and he's boiling water that that water boiled I had in there for over three minutes when all was said and done I really thought that the noodles would expand or something I guess they're sealed in with even after they were sealed we sanded it down paint helped a little I guess I guess that lends some credence to the idea you can use it for a sink it's gonna be waterproof its watertight and I put on the microwave that was boiling water it's hot I'm confused but entertain well I think it's time to test the board let's try the board man I've got high hopes for it I put it out on the street and everything I'm just gonna same thing as I've done in the past testing out boards I'm just gonna keep egg until my weight on it I'm much more nervous about this than the Flex tape wait hang on hang on here I'm gonna do that hold on guys guys is working I'm just gonna come on you made it almost three heat here's the thing I didn't actually think it was even going to take me hold like standing on it I think I stood on it for too long I probably could have gotten at least 10 feet yeah it turns out superglue and ramen yeah not super great for you need flexibility and a board you need it have a little bit of a bounce the point of superglue is that it's very rigid ramen is brittle it's not a good combination for a board however sinks can be rigid again skateboards not so much the fact that it even held my weight though I'm just thrilled about pretty impressive I might glue it back together just make it into a shelf because it's fantastic also big things to cross out for sponsoring this video cross out is free to play on PC ps4 and Xbox one and remember you can unlock three weapons or a van cabin by registering now and clicking the link in the description below guys that might be it for this board but you know we've always got more for you to see go ahead and click that box up at the top if you want to see our latest video and we'll talk to you the next one see you then [Music]
Channel: TKOR
Views: 6,571,216
Rating: 4.7748032 out of 5
Keywords: viral video, ramen noodles, repair, diy repairs, debunking viral hacks, testing viral videos, comment request, diy, ramen noodle sink repair, ramen noodle table fix, ramen noodle fix sink, do it yourself, fixing things with ramen, repairing broken furniture with ramen noodles, repairing car with ramen noodles, diy ramen hack, repair with noodles, maruchan ramen noodles, is the ramen noodle video real, tkor, random happens, grant thompson
Id: fja9k9OIr2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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