How To Take The Chocolate Out Of Chocolate Milk

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in today's video we've got several different liquids that we're going to put into a centrifuge and spin around at several thousand rpm [Music] this is a centrifuge it's a fancy nifty little machine that is designed to spin really really fast so this whole thing right here is what spins there's a motor that drives it and it's very precisely balanced and these cases slide out with our little glass tubes and tubes uh and then once you close it you set a time and a speed and it just starts spinning what's interesting about it is what happens to a lot of different liquids when they get spun the effect is really one of increased gravitational pull meaning anything more dense has a tendency to settle out of a liquid down at the bottom anything less dense should rise to the top of our little glass vials so we have a lot of different things we want to test it on and see what happens when they get spinning here's the basic idea we have a centrifuge a machine that spins extremely rapidly we're going to fill it with several types of juice milk clay water and paint to see what happens to each of those substances so over here we've got a few different types of juice i wanted to see the difference between no pulp and some pulp orange juice oh good we've got some raspberry lemonade and you can see some stuff floating around in it i'm not sure if that's going to end up being more or less dense than the watery juice content then we've got some v8 fusion which i've always thought was interesting like as you tip this you can see the liquid swirl around quite a bit i want to see if it separates i think that milk will separate you always hear about you know milk fats and stuff rising to the top but usually it's going to be with a whole unpasteurized milk can't really get unpasteurized milk we don't have access to a cow so we've got everything else you looks like you've got non-fat whole milk heavy weed yeah we've got we've got non-fat two percent whole half and half and then heavy cream so we're just like increasing the fat content okay and along with that we've also got some nesquik which i enjoy but i have noticed that if you like stir up a cup of nesquik and then let it sit for a bit something does settle out so i want to see how much it settles out and how much stays truly dissolved in the milk i like it and then this was one that you suggested i brought some of my modeling paints they're already pretty separated as it is you have to mix these up a lot to get the color to show otherwise you can just see that something settles down at the bottom yep and then i've just got what looks like a lacquer enamel at the top along with that i also have uh this is just some ceramic clay that has been that has not been fired is unfired and i just it was dried out and i just ground it up so i now have some clay dust and we'll mix some water into this and see how well that separates out in the centrifuge as well since we can do six things at a time yep let's do maybe two of each of these it is best to keep this perfectly balanced so it doesn't break it's best to have the same amount of the same substance in vials across from each other so it doesn't matter if they're all weighing exactly the same but like any two vials across from each other should weigh the same okay [Music] so now we can uh close this now we can choose how long what do you think should we start with five minutes all right we're gonna start with five minutes looking in we do have this tiny little window here you'll be able to see it start spinning up and it should be good i think it broke is that what happened i think it cracked the glass yeah this one the uh the glass actually broke off of the vial and interesting so i'm going to say we had a flaw in the glass yeah wow breakfast of champions right there well we'll make sure we rinse that out real nice i don't think any of the other ones broke so we i think we heard that it just made it like a huh but there we go we've got this nice clear pink liquid and a lot of something lemon and raspberry leftovers would be my guess [Music] all right so we've extracted the the non-solid part here [Music] tastes like raspberry lemonade [Music] lemon pulp okay it's actually fairly low on flavor interesting pretty similar results in these two and they should be they're the same thing look we found pulp or something we're in something we found we found something we found a thing here let's let's each get one of the uh the high poles as well okay we can do a side by side wait wait a lot of difference in pulp there you know how's your extract of orange it's good orangey that's the low drank anything out of a centrifuge low flavor again you know it's squishy fibery pulp yeah do not recommend two out of ten [Music] yeah just broke we just heard what i believe was the sound of a vial cracking so i'm interested to see if it was number three uh and if it was then i'll i think i'll know what to look for in the future in in the vial being suspended by the lip rather than resting against the point while that's going i'm just going to add some water to our clay dust here and make some clay water i am just going to let this sit for the next you know as long as this is running before we pour that in it's gonna sit yeah we'll see how much does settle out and then we'll just pour off some of the stuff that hasn't settled out we're not gonna try and like intentionally add solid clay into this but i don't think it's all going to settle out i think we're still going to have very clay filled water and then we'll see how much settles when it spins i like it [Music] and broken but number three the one i was worried about is fine so here we have mostly just juice for the most part it hasn't changed a lot but down here at the bottom we have a little bit of very concentrated powder solids of some kind so some stuff in this juice it's the heaviest stuff or nearly the heaviest stuff and it's white [Music] all right we're going to do this one for 10 minutes just to try and give our milk a little more opportunity to separate and here we go hopefully we don't break them all this time we heard three of them crack which is you know not ideal down here right at the bottom so if i have it right there can you see how there's like a layer of clear yes and then it goes back to like a white solid this is a heavy cream okay oh yeah this has there we go radically different separation this is a half and half again pretty similar result a three millimeter layer most of the same and then a thin stripe down here at the bottom so if i poke through that fat layer there's that liquid underneath we made butter is what's happened here this is we've made we've made butter and then our non-fat which is just as as i took it out like it's shaking around the other ones didn't shake because they had that layer of fat at the top that had sort of congealed and stopped it does still have something down here at the bottom which we can see is a different texture consistency whatever you want to call that but when it says non-fat you know i'm not seeing any they mean it any fat in it [Music] oh boy yeah you can wow you can see that separating line right there so that's all of what settles down you get the same oh wow yours is even more yours is just like clear that's so cool our paint absolutely separates out there was a lot of like that separated out very ooh very strongly watch you can watch me scrape through the gold here that worked much better than i thought it would look at that look how much came out of the chocolate now it's just milk and chocolate in fact we also just got a little bit of a cream right here up here at the top good not a lot but a little bit of milk fat i'm gonna try it it's a little warm the machine warms up somewhat that actually has more flavor than i thought it would nice i thought it would just be like milk but there's definitely still some flavor in it's not particularly chocolatey but it doesn't just taste like milk [Music] not a lot of flavor there it has a cocoa flavor not a good chocolaty flavor like it doesn't taste like it has like cream and sugar added it just tastes like cocoa that separates a lot so nesquik really doesn't dissolve into milk i'm guessing that some sugar dissolves into milk a little bit of the flavor but the the cocoa it gets suspended in the milk and you can drink it while in suspension but it it comes out a lot ooh look at our clay water look how nicely that separated out that did great if we compare it to just our cup which don't get me wrong there's separation but we only took from up here where it had already had the biggest particulate settle out but look how well that cleaned up there's a little bit of cloudiness and then we've got like layers of clay down here at the bottom we've got the one dark spot right there and then just different layers of thicknesses of density of clay that's formed in there that pulled a lot out i'm very impressed with the result of that [Music] guys that's not all you know we've always got more futuristic and if you like this kind of content make sure to hit that button so you're subscribed and you never miss out on the fun we'll see you in the next one talk to you then
Channel: TKOR
Views: 1,619,110
Rating: 4.9241929 out of 5
Keywords: thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, random happens, centrifuge, random centrifuge, spinning tubes, centrifuj, milk, orange juice, lemonade, v8, heavy cream, king of random cantrifuge, king of random liquid, king of random spinning test, spin test, separating liquids, king of random separating liquids, random milk, random lemonade, random paint, king of random clay, random separate
Id: 5TPU68uljRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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