How Dangerous Is An Exploding Air Mattress?

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in today's video we're going to test what happens if you over inflate an air mattress especially one that's been sitting in the sun [Music] hey guys i'm here with ken and he's gonna be helping us out today hi kennen tell us like five seconds about your background you can go over it's fine that's whatever uh yeah i'm kennen obviously and i am a microbiologist so i work in chicago at northwestern studying microbes and viruses and things that make us sick but when i'm not doing that i love playing with all sorts of science and science experiments so here we've got i would call this science adjacent it's an experiment of sorts we wanted to see what happens if we overfill an air mattress and you can see we have a few of them the boxes are a bit crumpled on some don't worry about that shouldn't affect them here's the basic idea we have a few air mattresses and we want to try pumping them up until they rupture we're going to try this in a few different ways to see what different shapes we get before they pop i have three different things i wanted to try out first is just attach the pump and just keep pumping it until something breaks like what part of this is gonna give first second these are made of like vinyl and if they stay out in the warm sun they get softer and stretchier so i want to see if that changes how much air we can get into it before it breaks however these air mattresses they have supports in them designed to make them not turn into too weird of shapes and canons suggest that we try removing those supports so we can maybe get a bit different of a shape out of these things i'm really looking forward to watching it pop i think that as the sun warms up this like polymer type plastic that we have that it's going to allow it to expand and that our our warmed up air mattress is actually going to get bigger and hold more air than our uh our normal one before we finish popping this thing i just want to test it out and it's kind of over inflated state yeah how do you think it did i do a good job you comfortable it's a little much for me um and it's very very warm it's dark blue and sunlight is just shining right onto it and so i just have heat hitting me and then hot cloth like radiating oh it's uh i'm out let's just blow this thing up all right sounds good i'm always down for blowing stuff up oh this side where the sun oh there it was so one of the supports tore through the side of the mattress didn't give out so you can see every one of these spots is a little support ribbon down in there and one it just tore right through where it was connected so it's not really the material giving way it's just that there's so much pressure from the support that it literally separates it got so bulbous over on this end of the mattress the curve was because the top has more sun on it it's warmer it's softer and more flexible and able to expand whereas the bottom stays cooler and doesn't expand so i want to see if we can kind of push that to a limit like if we carefully warm both sides of this can we get bigger or a different shape i'm down let's give it a shot okay we've got deformation it's already starting to banana and i just want to let it stretch a little bit like this and then we can flip it let that side warm up then we can add a little bit more air i like it i like it work it a little bit at a time while we're letting that stretch the other thing we talked about doing is severing all the supports in another one so i think we should grab our other air mattress we can cut a hole in it go in with scissors cut all the supports and then patch that hole back up all right i have slept on patched sleeping mattresses before so i'm confident this is going to work so it can be done we're going to be using probably gorilla tape to patch it up hopefully that'll be strong enough to hold and not cause too many problems with our our overall shape we're doing pretty good considering i believe in it teamwork makes the dream work i think we can still keep adding a little more air to this one it's not reached a popping point yet uh interestingly though we're not getting the same banana shape um maybe there's enough heat on the cement that it's keeping kind of even but i'll add more pressure and we'll see maybe it will start the banana i think where we do see maybe a little bit of lifting but nowhere near as much when you're doing it it's definitely a deformed kind of shape no one would fill their match like the sides are just bowed out quite a bit now see to me this looks like the most comfortable bed that there is that's where you want it yeah all right so we do have some banana curving so do you think we should go for this side and let it expand as much as it can or do you think we should try and keep flipping it to heat both sides i like the idea of flipping it to both sides to get it even you know we already saw it bow up on one side i want to see how much we can get it to like expand completely i think this is hot so maybe what we can do is just lift this up for a few minutes get it hot and then put it down to heat this side back up i like that i think we even have more bowing here where the sun is on it then this side yeah that's in more shadow like this whole side looks higher and bulgier that's crazy that is just crazy so it's all the side where the plastic is getting or the polymers getting warmed up is just allowing it to expand more on that side which is why even though the sun is over in this direction you're only getting that expansion on that half and this is really interesting we keep talking about like where the sun's at i'm positioning and now like our banana shape is flattened out on this side but where it can still expand over near you it's still like rising up or it's like a recliner now so much heat is just hitting right here so it's i think ballooning where the sun is hitting it um once again the failure point not the sides of the mattress that all stayed strong let's fill one up without any supports inside see what shape it turns into sounds good all right i think it's time to try our mattress with no internal supports and see what shape we get how big it can get and what the point of failure is yeah i'm pretty excited for this one i'm hoping for a big big pot and let's we'll see the initial shape just right here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is already delightfully pillow shaped uh i'm amazed when i think about how like that one that was like way wider and i think it just stretched out that much so i think we kind of just get to see if this one will stretch like that too but without the restrictions of the supports in the middle and do you think it's going to get as wide as that other one did or i don't know it's going to keep like raising up like it's doing right now it's hard to say i'm guessing a little wide and a lot up all right oh no it's all leggy out oh no no no no no oh it was the inside tape no no it rapped you had one job the tape won the plot and the tape it's still winning i can't get out oh my gosh don't worry nate's coming nate's coming stay with me stay with me we want you to explode our gorilla tape failed us we have one more thing to try we've got flex tape here we're going to do a patch of flex tape and see how it holds up frankly i think the boat or the pressure in the mattress is going to win but we'll try if it can hold together a boat it can hold together an air mattress don't let us down phil fixed it with flex tape if that doesn't fix it i don't think anything can okay so now we're getting to the real stress time against our flex tape it's starting to stretch and pull will the flex tape be grippy enough or is it just going to shear off like the the gorilla tape did see it's starting to pull along these lines here but i don't know if they're give up oh i feel air coming out i feel air no oh no no no no no bigger patch tape has failed uh bigger patch i think uh i think we have to let the flex tape take the loss oh yeah it started pulling oh yeah oh i'm impressed with the size and shape we got but in the end even flex tape at least if you apply it and then five minutes later try and not even like one minute after you apply it uh it doesn't matter i'm saying kennen has been lost he's been eaten by i feel like a cocoon i'm gonna come out as a butterfly well it's now inflated enough you can't tell that there is a person inside oh oh it's like a sauna i feel like ryan reynolds in that movie where he's trapped underground buried buried all right guys inflating air mattresses to the point of failure on this kind of air mattress it's the connection points uh that failed and we got a lovely large pillow shape after you cut all of the supports in there that was nice that was a cool shape now unfortunately we were not able to get a tape that held things together as well as the original vinyl strength so that kept being our point of failure but i liked the shape that we got so that was a giant pillow shape yeah not the same as the mattress and it had definitely expanded beyond its original size guys if there is other stuff you want to see in the same vein let us know we might give it a shot try it out it could be fun stuff guys that is it for today but we've always got new great stuff coming out and if you don't want to miss it make sure you hit that button there to subscribe and we'll see the next one talk to you then you
Channel: TKOR
Views: 1,830,809
Rating: 4.8554778 out of 5
Keywords: thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, random happens, over inflating air mattress, exploding air mattress, too much air in air mattress, what happens when your air mattress gets too much air, how does an air mattress work, whats inside an air mattress, how can an air mattress support you
Id: Ij7v1NQY7ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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