Can You Make Stretch Armstrong FLY With Helium?

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today's video is sponsored by rage shadow legends today we'll test if we can make a stretch armstrong float like a balloon by filling it with helium we filled a stretch armstrong with air and then we filled them with water and a lot of you wanted to see us fill a stretch armstrong with helium so today we're going to try to do that sounds like a great idea honestly here's the basic idea lots of you wanted to see if we could fill a stretch armstrong with helium to make him float we're gonna try that as well as freezing a stretch armstrong's skin in liquid nitrogen to see what it does to it before we get to that we quickly need to talk about today's sponsor which is raid shadow legends guys rage shadow legends has a lot of gameplay to offer and there's so much about this game that we love the fact that we can go on our own adventures and battles in the campaign but then also jump into a pvp arena makes the game so versatile it constantly delivers a new fun playing experience upgrading my champions the pvp battles figuring out a team build for a clan boss or dungeon all of it the various levels and modes of this game are what really kept me interested now is the holiday season and raid shadow legends is in a giving mood they just released the biggest update ever within this new update is the doom tower 124's a secret challenge rooms and 12 epic bosses to fight against the raid team is also spreading holiday cheer by giving away lots of free goodies and releasing 14 new champions and we've got three of them here by the tree sir nicholas rain beast and frostbringer if you want to get a huge head start in raid all you have to do is hit the link in the description and if you're a new player you'll get your free void champion bulwark 50 gems an xp booster some energy refills and even an ancient shard as soon as you get in game new players can find their rewards here so click the link below to download the game now so we have this new stretch armstrong um along with this one we have a stretch armstrong that frankly we don't know what we did with it or what happened to it before it got to us but something about the rubber and the goo inside has gone terribly wrong yeah he's not really all that stretchy anymore as he is just breaking we broke his foot off not really sure what happened to it this one is a classic okay functioning stretchy mr plastic this one we're going to try to drain all of his goo out and then fill him with helium and see if that will actually make him float now we do have an empty stretch armstrong skin here um as an example of about what we're going for after we've thoroughly cleaned out all his goo so it is very stretchy but it just pops back into place instantly instead of slowly like when he's still full of the goo first step is to drain the goo out of him and i think we had best success by just microwaving him until all of it heats up becomes very very liquid and runny and he can just pour it out take a cut somewhere we'll probably cut off part of his foot and yeah pour out the goo so our strategy of microwaving worked in the past but this time not so much okay after our microwave mishap i just decided to soak stretch in some hot water and all the corn syrup is not like completely runny but as you can see it bounces back very quickly so we're just going to cut off part of his foot squeeze as much out as we can and then we'll wash him out to get the rest of it this is the goal helium balloon but balloons weigh a lot less than a stretch armstrong now stretch armstrong should also hold a lot more helium than this size of balloon that is true but he wouldn't hold more helium than say this size of balloon and this size of balloon still weighs a lot less than stretch armstrong so we're going to have to see how well this works [Music] let's take that opportunity to remove okay the head should we try and put the spigot on the head or are we going to try and just uh i think that the foot will be easier to tie off when he's inflated so let's try and tie off the head now neck is removed i'm going to try and tie that off but first i'm going to wash it and my hands because they're so sticky that'll try and tie off all right my knot didn't hold that's very disappointing he's leaking from where his head used to be ah fill it up with glue and tie it tighter tries again all right third time's a charm no before it all escapes breathe it in breathe it in we don't want to waste this this is how i lost a co-worker two catch catch points fingers crossed we'll give it a try yeah why not well it's letting go with the the first rubber band seal has scooted up to meet the second rubber band steel okay see oh it pulled out no oh it's letting go more i can't i can't i can't stop it i'm sorry i really thought that was gonna work it worked more we got more with that time all right so our newest thought is that if we can glue the head opening closed because i couldn't hold it on the nozzle just stretched out of my hands if we glue it and then maybe also tie it so we're going to try e6000 which is supposed to be a latex base and we're going to glue it and then clamp it and let it sit it says full strength maybe after 72 hours so we're going to let it sit for 72 hours and really try and get like a nice good glued up seal and hopefully it will hold we got our guy all glued up at the neck it's clamped over the weekend there's a lot of blue in there so much glue we hope it's enough to seal it i suspect it's going to do the same thing it's going to blow up big and it's just going to leak out some tiny spot or it's just going to just peel that glue right off because it probably sticks to this rubber but it probably just doesn't stick to the really really stretched out rubber there's no way this glue stretches as much as the rubber does it is a stretchy glue it's a latex glue so it's it has a better chance of working it's e6000 but 60 or something yeah solid rigid you can see it stretch some amount of stretch some i'm being very gentle because but stretch armstrong is stretch armstrong and this is not stretch glue okay shall we let's see how far we get before it leaks i don't feel any leaking it's good i think it's going to happen all at once i think it's just going to like not as a pop just if it pops i'm going to be well it'd be hilarious i would prefer it if it did not oh oh it is officially leaking now no there is stretch armstrong come on you are doing so good how buoyant is he here hang on uh i'll hold my finger on this hole for a second can you tie this foot off maybe no no no i think the next idea is to see how many balloons it takes to lift a stretch armstrong skin it's really weird to try and uh breathe helium from a decapitated creature's neck yeah it should be weird that's not something you say every day let's take a look at our fail point so the glue itself did start to come off the latex so even though it's a latex based glue it's not made to bond quite the same because as nate was saying stretch armstrong is much stretcher so this glue is just peeling off now now that we have that fail point so that's kind of what was happening is it peeled away and popped that hole right through it [Music] so [Music] that's what it takes this many balloons apparently to lift a headless drained washer i'm taking him outside with no foot stretch your arms strong so i have a balloon and i'm concerned because 10 feet away nate has a blow gun this is an emergency retrieval system in case you accidentally let him go oh no here we go are you kidding me well if he gets away from you i'm taking it down let's see how many balloons do you have to pop to get him down now ready i'm gonna run like i'm not gonna let him go fully i'm just gonna so i'm gonna do this step back and then after you shot once i'm gonna step back in and grab okay one shot may take out one balloon it may take out twelve i don't know okay ready uh yeah three two one [Laughter] still not yeah like the first shot would take all the balloons down what do we do now um follow we gotta go we gotta go get him now he's going up if you find this stretch armstrong you send it back to us and we will sign it and send it back to you thanks to raid shadow legends for sponsoring today's video use our link in the description and if you are a new player you'll get a free champion 50 gems an xp booster some energy refills and even an ancient shard as soon as you get in game we'll see you in the arenas guys we really hope that's not all after this video if you'd like to see more content hit this box to check out our other most recent videos and we'll hopefully see you in the next one talk to you then
Channel: TKOR
Views: 871,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helium, helium balloon, helium voice, helium challenge, helium tank, helium atomic mass, stretch armstrong, breathing helium, filling a helium balloon, stretch Armstrong helium, changing voices, stretch Armstrong toy, stretch Armstrong experiment, blow dart, blow gun, blow dart hunting, blow dart gun, king of random, tkor, nate, calli, king of random helium, king of random stretch armstrong, king of random balloon, king of random fly, tkor stretch
Id: -C2vMR4vB50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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