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hello everyone and welcome to a most exciting game from round two of this year's Dubai Police Global chess challenge 2024 I accidentally uh put 2024 twice so sorry about that let me just fix this I have no idea why it's called that like if any of you can figure out why it's called that uh you know make sure to share with the rest of us in the comment section and uh three rounds have already been played but this is the game that really called my attention is from round two vladislav artv it's been a while since we've seen him on the channel against Adam fazi Egyptian grandmas who we've featured on the channel three times already and in all three games that he was featured some incredible chest was PL I will in fact put all of those three games in the description below first three links will be those games uh if you have time to check them out um some you know tall like moves were were made there uh and this game also does not disappoint it's uh okay here uh a part of this game is absolutely spectacular and the other part maybe a bit slow so I will skip the second part of the game because it's a fairly dull Rook end game but the first part where the action really happens is uh something that we haven't seen uh so far so let's check it out uh vladislav with the white pieces opens with Pawn to E4 and here we have Pawn to C5 the silian defense now to get a better understanding of what happened in this game I will just uh I would just like to show you a very quick game it's a seven move game that starts with black replying with E5 now if it usually happens when a player with the white pieces is a bit stronger and player with the black pieces is maybe a beginner but let's say black plays D6 let's say Knight to C3 and maybe black got destroyed a couple of times by the Knight coming to G5 so maybe black plays H6 white will play Bishop to C4 and black will pin the Knight with Bishop to G4 feeling all all good about himself but then comes Knight captures on E5 uh White uh overlooks the queen and then after black captures the queen black just gets checkmated with Knight King E7 and Knight to D5 Checkmate so you've either seen this Checkmate from White's perspective or from Black's perspective but I'm pretty sure you have seen it so that's uh something that happens quite often in chess but it's very rare that you will see something like this happening at a grandmas level and here it kind of does happen but uh through a much more complex move order so here we have Pawn to C5 the Cilan defense Knight F3 we have Knight to C6 and now not the standard D4 or my personal favorite Pawn to B4 at Knight to C3 this is the closed traditional line of the Sicilian Defense G6 we have Bishop to C4 Bishop to G7 and now Castle King side we have Pawn to A6 by Adam and now Rook to E1 uh we have Pawn to B5 chasing away the bishop and now there is a game where Bishop to F1 was played but here Bishop to D5 a bit more ambitious approach by vladislav and it is now as of move seven that we have a completely new game so uh previous game only seven moves this game uh seven moves completely new game so okay Knight to F6 challenging the the bishop on D5 and uh Bishop captures on D on C6 very unusual to give up the bishop pair so early on but okay you do mess up Black's Pawn structure so D captures and now Pawn to D3 artm is much much higher rated he's a 2700 player so he has to use obscure lines against lower rated players in order to get um uh winning chances more easily uh so you know he has to create Madness on the board and he has to navigate that Madness uh more precisely than his opponent Bishop to G4 we have E5 challenging the Knight and now comes Knight to D5 we have Knight to E4 and okay you might be thinking why did vladislav um uh uh play this what what's the idea why is he giving up the E5 Pawn I mean uh is there any compensation behind it okay Bishop captures on E5 and he plays Pawn to C4 and you might be thinking okay this is all some sort of a crazy preparation but no both players are actually spending a lot of time both players are already down to 30 minutes in this position and there there's no ation here this is all action on the board and here the Knight is attacked so what do you do here the problem is there is only one move for black that doesn't lose and uh Adam plays it he plays Knight to B4 and okay again you might be asking yourself okay I mean Knight captures on D3 obviously a threat this is still not an issue what is what is artmia even doing here and here we see what he's doing Knight captures on E5 he sacrifices the queen like in the the seven move game that we've shown at the beginning of the video but now okay I'm not going to show you what happens next but you know look at the position what what if black captures the queen like what is white what does white have here there there are two knights in the middle of the board uh what can you do with two knights in the middle of the board well obviously quite a lot so Bishop captures on D1 was played is the only move that um black can play and now feel free to pause the video and try to find vladislav idea here while I give you a couple of seconds so for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on spotting this uh well spectacular idea and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it is Knight captures on C6 seemingly sacrificing more material after you just sacrificed your queen but not really the Knight cannot be taken and now the problem is the black queen is hanging so what happens if you take the Knight okay Knight captures Knight F6 check uh the king cannot go to D7 covered by the Knight also you cannot take the E Pawn is pinned your only move is King f8 and then all of a sudden Bishop to H6 Checkmate so that is vlad's idea so after Knight captures on C6 uh you you get White's idea white doesn't care about the Queen White doesn't care about the Knight why why doesn't care about anything why wants to play Knight to F6 check and Checkmate the black king so the only move for Adam is Pawn to F5 you have to create some breathing room for the King on F7 so F5 attacks the Knight and now vladislav just takes the queen Knight captures on d8 we have Rook captures on d8 and now Knight captures on C5 okay Knight to C2 forking the two Rooks Rook captures on D1 and Knight captures on A1 and now okay once the dust settled the Knight is on A1 the bishop will obviously move you will take the Knight and you will have uh Rook bishop and Knight for the two Rooks so can can white win this let's see what happens next C captures on B5 with 20 minutes on the clock artmia does not find the most precise PR way to continue the most precise way is C captures on B5 but you have to prepare it you have to play Knight to E6 first I will just show it because it's very nice point being that now after you move okay you could also move the The Rook to D6 but it doesn't do all that much then the Knight Knight to C7 check comes then Bishop to F4 and you're just in time to pick up the Knight so here probably Rook D7 and then you take on B5 but now you can you cannot take back that's the big difference because if you take back now again Bishop to F4 goes after the Knight and once you play Knight to C2 there's Rook C1 attacks the Knight and of course uh there's no way to defend you don't have Rook to C7 the Knight covers that and if you try something like Knight to D4 then comes the real idea Knight captures on D4 Rook captures and Bishop to E5 and white wins the game so that was the the Improvement that vladislav needed here so first Knight A6 and then C captur on B5 but he captures on B5 right away and he allowed Adam back into the game a captures on B5 and now Rook to D2 now the same idea no longer works because you can just play Rook to C8 and now after Bishop to F4 the C2 square is already guarded there's no point in playing Rook to C1 the Knight is defended so after a captures on B5 Rook to D2 a bit of a different way but now vladis wants to capture the the Knight with B3 Bishop to B2 and then Bishop captures on A1 uh so Pawn to B4 if B4 is uh allowed then it's going to be much much more difficult to play this but after B4 now it's actually Adam who's who's pushing this position we have Pawn to B3 uh Rook to D5 going after the Knight and again Shifting the advantage to vladislavs um way castling here would have been a more solid approach uh we have Knight to A4 and now King to F7 Bishop to B2 goes after the Knight and now Rook H to d8 saying okay you you can take the Knight I'm going to take the D3 Pawn but no vladislav doesn't allow it and now Knight captures on B3 okay we always knew that the Knight will not be able to survive this a captures and now Pawn to E5 and uh vlad's position is winning now but he has three minutes on the clock adamn has one minute on the clock so let's see how he handles this Knight to B6 okay attacks The Rook Rook attacks the Knight Knight to C4 attacks The Rook Rook back to D5 and now Knight to E3 attacking The Rook of course you know you cannot take uh just Rook captures and then the Rook on D2 would hang so Knight to E3 again attacking The Rook Rook to D E6 and now Knight to C2 just defending here H we have e captures on D4 and now you can play pretty much any move here like Rook to D3 you block the pawn you you play F4 you play G3 all of these moves are are fine and will uh maintain a winning position for vladis but he played Knight captures on D4 right away and here he allows a very nice drawing mechanism for Adam uh you know so feel free to to spot the the the the move here uh the only uh idea that that draws the game for Adam I give you a couple of seconds uh congratulations on finding it as I imagine all of you found it it's either Rook to A6 or Rook to A8 that's that's the idea and the point is the weakness of the the white king uh in the game uh Rook to A6 was played and now the problem is uh okay how do you defend if you play Knight to F3 which seems like something you can do you The Rook is defended uh Rook capis Knight capis and now just a nice Rook to D6 and you can can't really move the Knight because Rook to D1 will will be a problem and even if you try something like Knight to F3 it doesn't help uh just Rook to D1 check Knight E1 and then Rook captures it will be Checkmate so what you will have to do is play Bishop to C1 but now Rook A6 goes after the bishop and again you're not going to be able to defend this unless you play Bishop to B2 and then black just repeats Rook D6 Bishop C1 Rook to A6 and so on and so on we will have a draw by three-fold repetition uh but here uh okay King to F1 was tried and now comes Rook Rook to A2 going after the bishop uh King to E2 and now again a very simple equalizing idea Rook captures on B2 Rook captures and Rook captures on D4 and from all of that Madness we have sort of an elementary rook and pawn endgame four pawns each three points on the king side each one Pawn on the queen side each and this is you know with some um well uh you don't even have to be a spectacular player to play this you will you will you will get a draw here as you know we like to say on this channel even your uncle gets a draw here but uh okay 30 more moves were played in this game I will not uh explain all of them as they are you know it's a rook and pawn end game but I will show you the final position because it's also quite nice so here we have this position where uh black Rook sacrificed itself for the for the pawn on B7 so captures captures and now uh G3 so how do you evaluate this you you have two pawns already far Advanced against this one pawn and a rook and here vladislav of course not interested in a draw he still wants to fight for the win he plays Pawn to H4 and now for those of you who are new to chess I imagine this will be very interesting for you H5 G2 uh H6 G1 Queen okay The Rook has to take and now H7 we have F3 h8 Queen and now Pawn to F2 and look at this position white has a queen black doesn't and it's white to move can white stop the black pawn from queening the answer is no uh and uh the the reason for that is and I mentioned this like like maybe once every few months is that if you have these pawns like it's a it's a queen queen versus King and pawn and you have these pawns it's a draw uh on the other hand if you have okay let's use the green color a bit more assuring and if you have the b d e or G Pawn then your position will be winning and it's very uh easy to see why and uh uh of course it will be demonstrated right away so here Queen to D4 was played and now just a nice King to H1 usually you will have to defend the pawn with something like King to F1 or King to G2 but not when it's an F Pawn when it's when it's an F Pawn you just move the king to the corner and you don't care next move your queening uh or white captures it and then it's tailmate so that's also one of the reasons why the f- pawn and the C Pawn are a draw there are spectacular positions where it's not a draw but white King has to be much much closer to the action of course so King to H1 uh art have played a few more moves to see if uh you know Adam knows what he's doing but he showed that he of course knows and in the end we had a draw by by stalemate here on move 65 uh so yeah pretty incredible uh pretty incredible game especially that uh a beautiful idea here of U sorry uh bit bit closer of Knight captures on E5 I've seen the move many many times but not in this particular setup and I hope you guys um thought this was well worth showing uh but also uh this you know not everyone will know that the cwn is a draw uh this one time you know could be some 10 years ago I I played against um maybe even more than that maybe even like 13 years ago I play I was like maybe rated 1,600 and my opponent was a candidate Master maybe 2200 and we reached this position and uh he actually didn't know that this is a forced draw he knew that uh he knew that the A and H Pawn are a draw but he did not know that the C and F Pawn are a draw uh you know it it just uh escaped his attention and uh you know he he was trying to win this by force and then uh during the game he realized that he does not have a winning position and the only the only reason he traded down into this because he was sure he was winning his position was winning pretty much the entire game but I was persistent and uh you know he actually traded down into this and he you know in the game he realized the horror of what he what he has done with the position and you know you could just see it in his eyes he was you know very sad but I got a draw against the candidate master and I was very happy about that because I of course knew the rule about the C and F Pawn so you know hope it helps you too and Hope trick many many candidate Masters or maybe even stronger stronger players as you can see here even artm have tried the you know against Adam you know he played a few more moves just to check maybe maybe he doesn't know but of course he knew uh so yeah that's the game hope you guys enjoyed it very nice game from round two of the Dubai Police uh Global chess challenge 2024 like I said if you have any idea why it's called that maybe the police of Dubai sponsoring the event with $125,000 prize fund uh but again could be many other reasons uh so you know uh if you know share with everyone uh so yeah hope you enjoyed it I would like to thank Michael hilderbrand Johan hyby Lorenzo Tor Fred akan and chess legend for your contribution to my channel thank you a lot I really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank you all for watching and I will see you soon continuing to check up on your wonderful suggestions but also whatever else happens in the Chess World uh thank you all I will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 75,931
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess,, play magnus, magnus carlsen, best chess videos, learn chess, best way to learn chess
Id: Xun1y6YN05E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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