How I Won a RANDOM Tournament

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Pokemon is a game known for its Randomness Critical Hits freezes accuracy the list goes on and on some sick person out there thought to themselves hey you know what would make this random game more fun even more Randomness and ever since randomizing your Pokemon has been a popular fan mode of playing the game last year I entered a tournament where everything was randomized and I finished second place just short of winning the entire thing and ever since then it's kind of bothered me I wanted another shot I wanted to win to prove that no matter how random things got the World Champ difference could pull me through and that's when I heard about the random tournament hosted by VGC Pace this tournament was interesting it would use the official competitive format for Pokemon unlike the fan mode of singles that I played in the last tournament the bigger change though is how they gave out these random teams if you've ever played random battles on Showdown the way that it works is it just selects Pokemon randomly from a pool of preset Pokemon that introduces a ton of luck since there's no attention to Synergy or cohesion across the whole team this tournament was a random team tournament VGC pace is an incredible resource that gathers the top performing teams across a season for the tournament they selected over a hundred of the best performing teams and each round you'd be given one at random every round you'd get a new team from this pool so you'd actually get to experience a ton of different Pokemon and team compositions throughout the course of the tournament I was sold it seemed like a great way to balance the skill of battling with the fun of random battles the tournament had two phases the first phase of the tournament was six rounds and I'd need to win four of them to advance to the final bracket I sat down turned on my stream and took a look at my very first team it's a trick room team hariyama orguru torkol can Gambit skovilid and annihilate unfortunately the match-up is horrendous my opponent has armor Rouge indeedy Drago hydrogon Gyarados and Tyranitar my team revolves around torkel destroying the opponent with powerful sun-boosted fire type attacks and armor rouge's immune to fire type attacks and Tyranitar turns off The Sun Also both Gyarados and dragon are very specially bulky and they resist fire if I want to win I'm probably gonna have to find a different path for just one second this actually looks like a pretty good lead matchup Gyarados is intimidate gives annihilate an attack boost unfortunately Tyranitar is holding the mirror herb causing it to copy the plus 2 boost that defiant gave annihilate now this is kind of spooky but I have an idea I go for final Gambit into Tyranitar and trick room but Tyranitar protects it's fine though I covered for this oranguru can use instruct next turn which will cause annihilabe to use final Gambit again immediately except I made a mistake oh that's not good tyranitors Max HP is 207 and thanks to the sandstorm chip my annihil ape only has 204 HP left that means final Gambit won't KO honestly given how threatened I was that last turn taking only 60 on one of my Pokemon is pretty close to a best case scenario Arden the guitar protecting and kilgara that's great now I need to make a play to get value out of my trick room my opponent sends out armor Rouge armors doesn't have protect I'm gonna yawn here and count out leave here let me think about this I'm actually thinking is for stupid your gargoyle is the last Pokemon and I send out my torkel I only have one turn left of trick rooms so I need to make a count let's go for instruct and terrifier eruption oh my god with only Drago left there's no way it can win a one against three and I win game one even though I'd be switching teams between rounds every round was a two out of three so I need to win another game in this very difficult matchup I decided to bring the same Pokemon for game two skill villain is worthless here and against most of my opponent's Pokemon I just really don't like hariyama what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna go for trick room and final gamut into the Tyranitar because I don't think there's any way I die to Crunch yeah as expected a drop defense drop doesn't matter Trickum goes up now I have a choice I know what you can Gambit or I can go into torkal torkel allows me to put on a ton of pressure where I can't do that I have to go can gamut Gyarados comes in okay that's really actually not ideal in all honesty this happens because kangamba doesn't have defiant I'm Suddenly at -1 attack instead of plus one I'm gonna go for instruct teradark and Cowtown feed it's probably gonna look you're terrifying yeah that's okay though this is oh they totally boomed me Ah that's really bad they super got me not only did I waste my Tara and take a ton of damage I didn't even do any damage to Gyarados terrifying Tyranitar is a surprisingly big problem for my team the question is do they have Armor's last should do over 50 instruct finishes It Off oh wait they can just rock slide right yeah that was my bad I didn't have a better play though I lose both Pokemon cheat targets a little sand damage I have torkel has to go ham here and I don't think that I can there's no actually I can't win this yeah um no matter what's in the back I don't I don't kill I dragon's the last okay parkle does his best but it just isn't enough I lose game two it is all down to this final game I decided to do something really risky and bring hariyama indeedy and hydragon are the leads against my harihama and oranguru yeah helping hand the question is is it Draco or is it dark balls It's Dark Pulse I survive I'm inner Focus so I cannot Flinch I take the KO here and that puts me at a lead of the three turn ones we've had this set I would say this one was the most in my favor worth noting though that I was forced to terastalize early Gyarados comes out weakening my hariyama so I don't think that Foul Play will do enough here what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna actually instruct this okay that was a mistake that was a big mistake as it turns out however I'm actually in okay position so even though I lose hariyama there I'm able to go into torkal which is a big deal because now what I'm able to do is I'm able to go for eruption the problem is the last Pokemon could be armor Rouge and if it's armor Rouge that's actually quite bad but I think it's more likely to be Tyranitar so I am going to go for eruption and instruct because I want as much damage down as possible I take out the indeedi instruct I get one more eruption off take out Gyarados now it's just a question of who is the last Pokemon is it Tyranitar or is it armor gargle jar gargle takes huge damage from eruption and instructed eruption and even though it takes out torkel it just can't do enough to my king Gambit and orenguru I win the game and the set one win and zero losses so far in the tournament hey gang uh videos like this one take me well over 40 hours to make so if you're enjoying the content I hope you'll consider subscribing we're getting super close to a million subscribers which is honestly something I never thought was possible so if you're enjoying the content and even if you think you're subscribed already I'd appreciate you double checking I'm feeling good it was a really tough matchup but I somehow made it work but then I see my next opponent team oh no I know this team I played against it in the first tournament of scarlet and violet and let's just say that even with the team I built myself things were pretty dicey last time it'll probably be fine what are the odds of getting super unlucky against the same team again my team consists of grim snirl Sylveon Garchomp Dragonite Volcarona and amungus this matchup definitely looks better but I haven't used Volcarona or Dragonite all season I will say even though I haven't used Dragonite I'm pretty sure that they're not supposed to run wing attack wait does my dragon out of wing attack no way you're yanking my chain oh man no I am wing attack Dragonite if you're wondering yes aerial lace is just strictly better in every single way yep and Volcarona against my opponent Obama snow and Rotom wash velcorona is in a great spot so I set up light screen with Grimace gnarl and terastalize and go for quiver dance with Volcarona hydro pump me doesn't do very much damage I go for Aurora okay this is expected this is what we thought was gonna happen Rotom specs Hydra pump does nothing and a boneless know sets up an aurora Veil I'm gonna go for Spirit Break and heat wave here the only question is I think I may as well Spirit Break the Rotom here that's oh that was an idea was it Obama's note trastilizes to water going from quadruple weak to fire to resisting it not that it matters anyway because uh Heat Wave misses the combination of Spirit Break and Heatwave doesn't even do a quarter of arcanine's health and abomas node does decent damage to both of my Pokemon with blizzard I set reflect up as Grim snail takes a little bit more damage but I'm no closer to getting these Pokemon off the field I decide to double attack into the Obama away from earlier ends up really hurting me a lot ate the flare Blitz did a ton of damage you go for blizzard no freeze please why did I say yeah the odds of Blizzard freezing a single Pokemon is 10 the odds of it freezing both are one percent and the odds if it freezing both and Grim stall not thawing out are 0.8 percent eight in a thousand this is actually even worse than if both my Pokemon had just been ko'd as at least then I could switch a new Pokemon and try and attack since I'm frozen my opponent can reposition for free since I can't do any damage they bring in gul'dango to try and set up while the KO Volcarona Grim snarl stays Frozen I go into Garchomp now I have a choice to make arcanine and golden go will both go down to Garchomp's earthquake as will the low HP Obama snow in the back because of this I decided to predict Arcanine to switch into Rotom as is their only ground immune on the field and golden go to protect I should make a play here I think yeah baby that's what I'm talking about that's why they call me wolf click big um okay we're not out of the woods yet though I need to get the most value out of my Pokemon so I decided to make another play I feel like if I'm in their position I'm switching Arcanine in for Rotom right if I'm in their position I'm just not making the right movement teams rotom's Hydra pump misses Garchomp but because of the light screen from earlier that probably didn't matter Obama snow comes back out so I can go for wing attack it's time and dragon Club wait a second pause champ it's not grass type anymore I forgot about terrestrialization I can go for Dragon claw and dragon claw to protect that's fine I go for Dragon claw my opponent is down to their final two Pokemon but neither of them can handle my dragon types Garchomp's earthquake chaos both of my opponent's Pokemon and I win game one for game two I decide to switch up my Pokemon so I decide to replace Grim snarl with a Mungus bringing my total ice weaknesses from two to three the battle starts and Volcarona and amungus are staring down goldengo and kilowattroll kilowattroll does a ton of damage to Volcarona but I survive and set up a quiver dance baldango Subs but amungus puts kilowattrael to sleep overall I think it's a pretty even trade I go for another quiver dance to make sure that I live goldango's Shadow Ball which I do just barely but a Mungus heals Volcarona up with pollen puff suddenly Volcarona is looking extremely scary Heat Wave brings kiloateral down to its focus Sash and breaks the substitute on guldango and even though goldengo is trying its hardest to get rid of my moth amungus heals it up with pollen puff letting it end the turn with more Health than it started so now I can go for Heat Wave and Spore and the question is who do I want to support here in order for this not to work I'll spoil the the golden goes more pressure to switch right never mind I support wrong didn't matter it was only it only mattered in case I missed basically Volcarona takes out kilowattroll as Rotom comes in but Rotom has no way of getting past a Mungus Garchomp is revealed and my path forward is clear Volcarona and Garchomp both to rasterize but unfortunately for the Landshark it's not a very favorable matchup and with only Rotom and guldango left my opponent has no way of getting past full Corona I win game two and the set putting me at two wins and zero losses in the tournament wait a second have you eaten today if you're anything like me finding time to make food is tough and it's also hard to find time to go grocery shopping why does that have to be so hard well thanks to today's sponsor it doesn't have to be Factor 75 is a pre-prepared meal delivery service that fits your lifestyle with more than 27 meal options each week including keto calorie 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sponsoring this video oh playing against that team is so stressful but at least I never have to do it again I have to play it next round there are over a hundred teams in this tournament playing against the same one back to back is extremely unlikely oh I don't like this at all I I lose I super lose oh my God if they see it I can't win this if they see it see what exactly my team is indeedy armor Rouge golden go back Excalibur annihilate and mudsdale and my opponent has Choice band Garchomp my team has zero Pokemon immune to ground uh zero Pokemon that resist ground and only one Pokemon that out speeds Garchomp to make matters worse only one Pokemon on my entire team has protect so I can't even reposition around it if they make good use out of Garchomp it's pretty much doomed it's so doomed I'm trying desperately to find any way around Garchomp but I just don't see anything oh my God it's so doomed if I win this one I'm the goat the only consolation is that this is the third time I've played against this team the first time I lost a game to back-to-back rock slide flinches and the second time I almost lost to a double blizzard freeze there's no way I get unlucky again for a third time right the only Pokemon I have that can stop garchom from just running over my team is choice scarf final Gambit annihilate which I can lead with indeedy to final Gambit the Garchomp and get trick from up my opponent leads with Garchomp and Rotom which gives me the chance to get rid of Garchomp right away this actually looks pretty good I can use final Gambit to make the battle a three against three and get trichroma bye-bye oh no crit era yeah so not only did that critical hit ignore indeedy's special defense boost causing it to take way more damage it also somehow paralyzed and full paralyzed at the same turn which prevented trick room that's a four percent for the crit a 30 for the discharge para and a 25 for the full para for a total of 0.3 percent or a three and a thousand chance of happening I can still win if I get Trickum up but that turn one makes it so much harder to make matters worse I make a mistake I tried a terrifying my armor Rouge but I accidentally do it on indeedy did I just I thought it was an armor Rouge no yeah that turn had a 7.5 chance of happening if I hadn't been paralyzed I would have been poised to win this game but now it's kind of looking over Rotom and guldango team up to take out my armor route making the battle a one against three unsurprisingly Rotom paralyzes back to caliber with discharge though for the first time all battle Max caliber actually attacks despite being paralyzed you all even know that could happen but is that a crit they would have they could have wait what wait what's the last Pokemon is Arcanine hold on my Max caliber is assault Fest which means it won't get ko'd in one shot by kilowattroll Ice Shard drops kilowattro down to five percent but Excalibur lives the Terra flying air slash after all of this bad luck after being down one against three is it possible that I could still win this is this the World Champ difference of Legend laughs this is my Joker moment now normally after losing game one you would assess what you did wrong and make an adjustment for game two but uh yeah anyway I bring the same Pokemon for game two this time my opponent leads off with Rotom and guldango and it's time to learn from my mistake of last game I go for final Gambit into Rotom and trick room a bomo comes in but this is night and day compared to the last game because trick room actually went up I'm a little worried about Golden go to rationalizing and going for a shadow ball into armor Rouge so I make the safe play of going for follow me and Heatwave Obama's nose sets up in Aurora Veil as guldango makes it rain with a critical hit dealing massive damage to armor Rouge without the steel typing though there's nothing stopping helping hand expanding Force Iko both of their Pokemon forcing them into their final Pokemon Garchomp Garchomp lives the expanding Force but it's taken way too much damage Max caliber comes in and cleans up the battle on to game three I once again bring the same four Pokemon I just don't feel like goldango or mudsdale are doing much for me because kilowattroll is focus Ash I don't have a good Target for final Gambit unlike the last two games I decided to go for shadow claw and trick room thinking that even if indeedy flinches and can't get trick him up I'll at least have Shadow cloth pressure on the next turn shadowclaw does have to go Dango but I take a ton of damage from Air slash and Make It Rain truck room goes up I decided to switch annihilate into armor route are they really gonna Shadow Ball me here ah okay I was like did they do it I live I live nice damage is adding up Thunderball comes out that's fine by me I know both sweepers in position I think that is my best interest to launch a glaive rush here hey they prayed against both they're stalling my trick room which is actually pretty spooky expanding Forest takes out both goldango and kilowattroll putting me in the lead but I only have one turn left of trick room if I don't make a count I could easily lose Obama snow and Garchomp are the final two Pokemon bar jump rastolizes to ground but I double it with expanding force and Glade Rush taking it out with only Obama's no left there's no way it can beat all three of my remaining Pokemon and I win the game and the set three wins zero losses in the tournament there's three rounds left in this stage of the tournament and winning even one of them ensures that I Advanced to the final bracket I've already overcome such abysmal luck to even get here in the first place I decide I want more I want to win all three sets my next team is Tyranitar lichenrock Rotom heat annihil ape the nozo and tatsugiri and I'll be facing off against murkrow Garchomp Breloom hydragon goldengo and Arcanine unfortunately for me this matchup looks abysmal I have a answers and balloon beats not only Tyranitar like and rock but dundozzo and tatsugiri as well but in doubt rock slide one out I don't have anything for Garchomp I don't really have any match any match up here I decide to double into berloom to try and take it out oh they're gonna try and take me out I died to that oi going down a Pokemon this early makes the rest of this game look very Bleak but I'm not out yet I send out annihilate I predict Bloom to protect and switch into Tyranitar to get the KO with sandstream I get the call correct but Arcanine does a ton of damage to annihilate with playoff murkrow comes in and suddenly I'm in pretty good shape I can switch back to Rotom and rock slide and as long as I don't KO murkrow which I really shouldn't I can not only stall turns of Tailwinds but take both Kos on the next turn that was the worst crit I've ever gone that was an abysmal crit fine okay what does my hair type the problem with critical hitting there is I give the opponent a free switch into goldango whereas otherwise I could have taken both chaos at the same time this is the crucial turn getting it right probably wouldn't be the game but otherwise I'll probably lose they're specked right so if they I'm gonna tear here I think I made a mistake I made a huge mistake I was I was fine oh it does nothing it's weak as heck please don't miss oh I won oh my God how did I win this wait how did I win Arcanine can never win against what I have left and I clean up game one I decide to bring the same Pokemon for game two with murkrow and berloom it's just way too risky to bring DiNozzo and tatsugiri which kind of forces me to bring the other four my opponent leads with the same Pokemon from last time as well now last game the opponent took out my lycanroc with a turn one double up of extreme speed and mock punch so this time I decided to tear a ghost and become immune to both of those attacks okay don't miss don't miss don't miss don't miss hey it's a big kill it's a huge kill in all honesty with berloom down they're now exponentially weaker to uh I forgot what I was saying now I could close combat the high Dragon but I am minus to attack so it probably won't even do that much damage I'm gonna go for rock slide here because if I get the winch I'm in just in much better shape I could also miss that's a good idea wolf thanks Wolf anytime wolf oh they messed okay let's do it that's why they call me Mr champ world with tyranitor on the field now I can go for close combat and rock slide and even though their Pokemon do a bit of damage first they both get ko'd what is the final Pokemon if it's Garchomp I could still lose oh it's murkrow I win the set putting me at four wins and zero losses in the tournament and guaranteeing my spot in the final bracket but I still have two rounds left to play in this stage and I want to win both of them for the fifth round I was given a team extremely similar to the team I faced in the last round Garchomp hydragon goldengo murkrow berloom and mouse hold I'd be facing off against Gengar Garchomp Rotom wash Grim snarl corvinite and annihilate okay let's give this a shot so it's gold Dango and balloon lead which is a little slow a little passive into Grim snarl and Gengar okay I go for nasty plot and Spore thinking they either have to choose between getting damage on guldango or stopping berloom Spore with taunt paragraphs Shadow Ball oh they're actually doubling me this is uh for them damn wait are they doubling no they didn't double okay cool now I know this turn probably looks abysmal because uh all I did was put one Pokemon to sleep and I lost almost all of my health on two of my Pokemon but honestly it really wasn't that badango and berloom KO both of my opponents Pokemon putting me in the lead four to two annihil ape and corvo Knight are the last two Pokemon Shadow Ball into eighth and Spore to protect okay the Tailwind if I get the Spore off I'm an amazing shape excellent okay that's really good I decided to let both my Pokemon go down so I can get free switches into my final two I even use mock punch to intentionally activate corbinites Rocky helmet koing my balloon now it's all down to the dragons I go for storage dance and Dark Pulse as annihilate protects and corvinite stays asleep which is a super positive turn I'm on a dragon claw indoor pulse I'm faster than this they wake up they go for Brave Bird they actually should kill themselves with recoil and I think that means they just win a rage Fest doesn't do much damage Dark Pulse game one done now I just have to win one more I bring the same Pokemon to game two but my opponent switches it up and leads with Rotom and Gengar I go for terrifier I want to debate this ideally I go protect and Make It Rain to scout for gengar's taunt or rotom's Terra and they actually go for both Make It Rain brings Gengar down to its focus hash but rotom's Thunderbolt does a ton Gengar taunts balloon but I go for bullet seed taking it out brodon tries to hit guldango with a Terra Blast but I switched to Garchomp and take basically no damage corvanite switches in I expect Rotom to protect and corve to attack into bloom so I switch out and sword stance nylib comes in they want to take the hits but I'm not gonna let them do that I'm gonna Swords Dance it's haunts they got me they boomed me they totally boom me oh my goodness they absolutely Omega turbo Ultra boomdy I try to get a little cheeky by switching Garchomp into hydragon and attacking with goldango but coronite just Brave Birds hydragon doing over half of its health and I picking up the KO I bring berlumen and protect but my opponent doubles my terrastilized hydragon picking up the KO and wasting my Terra now things are looking Bleak Garchomp and Ila both set up as berloom puts corvinite to sleep it's gonna come down to sleep turn after another slow turn I decide to make a read they got me got me shoot I don't think Berlin takes this is Corbin it was actually a problem oh yeah well I don't take that I get the play wrong anilib takes out Garchomp and I lose game two once again it is all down to game three okay so what went wrong in that last game I think the main issue was just that I didn't make good use out of my high Dragon it's a super strong Pokemon in the matchup but I didn't really do anything with it for game three I decided to bring murkrow and hydragon up front my opponent sticks with Gengar and Rotom I could suspect drag on the Rotom here is the other option okay an Island's just in that's fine honestly I'm gonna do big damage here yeah I think it's the specs given how much trouble an island gave me last game I am very glad to get damage on it early I switched murkrow into berloom and Dark Pulse annihilate again but annihilate blocks it with protect as Rotom switches into corvenite but now the position is heavily in my favor my opponent doesn't have a good way to stop Spore except for taunt but thanks to the Tailwind I set up they cannot taunt me before I Spore Rotom blocks four with protect but corvanite switches into Gengar who eats the Dark Pulse and goes down to its Focus dash sludge bomb look at the poison do I get disabled I could have just killed both so disabled nice sleeping sleepy sleepy corvonite re-enters the field but it's also asleep I'm in such a good position that I actually decided to pull back on the gas a little I switched for Loom into murkrow to maintain my speed advantage and Dark Pulse the Corva Knight not only do both Pokemon stay asleep but Rotom actually wastes Tara because it's anticipating a bullet seed I take out corvinite as Rotom wakes up and does a tiny bit of damage to Hydra again but this match is nearly over annihilate is forced back in and though it protects to try and stay alive I predict it and take out Rotom with Dark Pulse putting me up or Pokemon to one our Dragon finishes off the ape and I win this head putting me at five wins and zero losses in the tournament only one set remains for this first stage and if I win I could get a buy through the first round of the final bracket and you know Fate has a funny way of interfering with our beloved funny game of Pokemon would you like to know which team I was dealt in this final game before the elimination bracket none other than the very first team I faced in this tournament the gargle Tyranitar one my opponent's team was new with Talonflame skilleturge goldengo annihilate Tyranitar and houndstone I lead off with Gyarados and Tyranitar just like in my first set I'm able to intentionally activate Defiance to activate Tyranitar's mirror herb and give it plus to attack my opponent double attacks into Gyarados taking it out but I trust allies into fighting and used crunch to eliminate guldango keeping the Pokemon score even Poundstone and indeedy replaced the Pokemon that have faint but Hound Stone immediately switches into Tyranitar as I set up trick room I take out annihilate with crunch putting me in the lead my opponent protects both Pokemon trying to stall out my trick room this next turn will be the last turn I can actually make use of it yep it both came over that was still kind of tricky though for game two I decided to switch it up armor origin DD vs Tyranitar and skelet urge this is a horrendous lead for me truly abysmal I go for wide guard and switch to Gyarados but my opponent calls it and crunches the Gyarados switch in as they Shadow Ball my armor Rouge for the KO I tried to double skeled but the opponent calls that too and protects it as they bring in annihilate I just realized they could have just what was I doing they could have just yeah they uh could have just closed combated and ko'd tyranitars so uh lucky me that they didn't I tried to set up trick room okay don't Flinch don't Flinch don't Flinch don't Flinch don't Flinch don't Flinch don't Flinch don't Flinch don't Flinch don't Flinch don't Flinch don't flinch pongers my opponents which is both Pokemon out but I call it and go for a rock slide and do a ton of damage to the switching in skelet urge the problem is this goldango I need to get a rock slide Flinch I go for it but I don't get it yeah that's my bad I honestly forgot that golden go could do that that's my bad bigot rank chaos both by Pokemon leaving me with only my damaged Gyarados against goldango skelet urge and Tyranitar this is over right oh right it's Max Speed called Android wait um chat you eat over actually there actually is a way in which I win this because goldingo has to rasterized into the water type and the thing about water type guldango think about water typical Dango is that it's no longer Steel type and the thing about it no longer being Steel type is that with only one attack left only one turn of sand left it will actually faint making this into one versus one now I don't believe that Gyarados is it's definitely not strong enough to KO Tyranitar but if it flinches ah how does that matter he turns left it doesn't matter I could have dragon danced but yeah they got it okay but I had a pretty good chance of winning surprisingly I had a surprisingly High chance at winning here once again it is all down to game three I decide to one more time try out a different lead no annihilib no annihilate no annihilip guitar okay keep Escape time every other time this set my opponent has chosen to lock into rock slide instead of close combat should I predict them to do it again [Music] it's not a perfect trade but it's not a horrible one either getting rid of ape right away is pretty nice honesty I don't take that much damage either I thought I would take a lot more so actually I like this position much more than I did before well Dango comes in I double attack into goldango but it protects and Tyranitar nearly finishes off Gyarados I make the same play again but my opponent which is into skeleton and sacrifices it in order to keep guldango alive I'm up three to two but if any Pokemon can turn this around it's that gosh darn goldango I predict goldango too to rasterize I messed up okay no they cripped me oh man seriously what a way to go I was fine they gripped me losing helping hand there is a huge problem and suddenly I'm really on the back foot I protect High dragon as goldango trastalizes and launches and Make It Rain which my Tyranitar survived Tyranitar also survives their rock slide and retaliates by doing a ton of damage to their golden go wait I can win I can win I can win I can win I can win I can win I can win okay rock slide only did that was their strongest attack against me and it only did 18.8 percent 19.8 left so I win on a rock slide Miss [Music] I could also make the reading go for dark person to teach her I got the KO what do they go for Rockstar comes out I survived they get another crit but do I flinch let's go that was very close that was not an easy matchup and just like that I am six wins and zero losses it feels great but there isn't time to celebrate it's time for the final phase of the tournament four rounds all best of three and if you lose a single time you are out of the tournament it's make or break time as I pray for a good team in my first round of this final bracket I start looking at the matchup oh my God it is Omega turbo Ultra doomed I have no matchup wait it's lit looking really Bleak as my opponent is using a very powerful Reign team that also has verloom and the only Pokemon on my team that can handle the water types uh are Pokemon that lose to berloom but then I noticed something my team is both tatsugiri and endozo yes but the tatsugiri doesn't have the commander ability it actually has the storm drain ability Bozo's not very good here which means I either have to bring Arcanine with extreme speed and flare Blitz in close combat or okay so here I have a couple options um I don't have that many options so the problem is that they can just wide Garden right okay I dream about misses that's why I don't want hydropump is Shadow Ball me that's too much damage and I think I just straight up lose now okay not getting that damage onto goldango is a massive problem especially especially as the next Pokemon my opponent sends out is Dreadnought I decided to leave Michael Dango in since there's nothing in the back that I really want to take a shadow wall a Shadow Ball again get the KO that's fine right even though Michael Dango faints I think that this turn has gone in my favor by bringing meows grotta and try and Sucker Punch guldango but it switches into high Dragon Dreadnought to rasterizes and brings me out scarrado down to its focus sash but Tom siguri's hydro pump does a ton of damage to Dreadnought this turn has made things pretty precarious and what was looking like a winning position for me suddenly feels a lot more up in the air the next turn is a bit of a nothing Burger as I bring an Arcanine and protect and they bring in goldango and protect this next turn is the crucial one I sucker and close combat I take goldango if Focus energy and get the crit rate off which is scary but I crit them because I'm the best I don't think that matter to be completely honest with you like I think because basically by going for that they were always in a range of close combat plus I think Sucker Punch probably I'm gonna go I'm just gonna I'm just curious to see how much this does I think they arranged A Sucker Punch Yeah so it actually didn't the course didn't matter there honestly it was a pretty clean game one but the set is definitely far from over I bring the same Pokemon for game two but my opponent switches it up and leads with palafin and goldengo for Loom switches in that's a huge switch oh they got me but I do a lot of damage right I do a ton of damage all honesty yeah look at all this damage what it taught to actually I cannot afford to let Tatsu go down yet right what I'll do is I'll switch here in Shadow wall it's like a free Shadow Ball basically they go into powerful hero for me they protect a mock punch they crit me that's actually a massive crit the gigantic okay you might be wondering why I chose to save tatsukiri when it's already pretty low HP well the opponent palafin is Choice band and choice band transformed palaven can KO every single one of my Pokemon with its powerful water type attacks except tatsukiri's storm drain not only redirects all water attacks to the user it also makes it immune to them in other words letting tatsukiri go down before I've killed palafin is very risky I switched tatsugiri back in to protect my goldango but my opponent which is palafin into hydragon anticipating a Shadow Ball going into that slot unfortunately for them I Shadow Ball the balloon finishing it off boldengo switches back in so the position is I should have guaranteed game from here they have lowish people Dango who can't protect palafin at low HP I have sash me out so I'm gonna ice you in edible here and I will come out dark post kills top two I can go into it now I think that I've guaranteed they have not they have tearod so I can go flower trick and switch into Arcanine here and what that does is it ensures thanks to the ICU and speed drop they can't really do anything under that it is in hero form it just it just doesn't show up here because it's Choice band palafin they have no counter play to this I can switch out flower trick take the hail and palafin Focus energy comes out um and then I can just knock off and close combat and that's and in the end storm drain tons of giri was a huge Factor here they didn't fall for it but the storm drained Tatsu was an enormous Factor here in my in my victory like a super big factor because they couldn't they're basically they brought palafin they were just immediately on such a back foot because uh they couldn't they couldn't get around storm drain there's only eight players left in the tournament now and everyone here has proven that they have what it takes when it comes to these random battles the teams are given out for the quarterfinals and I take a look at the matchup okay let's take a look at this it's ghost mercuro with sash uh life for me escarata back to school Dango t-tar with Lum and Dragon Dance with snarl Swords Dance clear I mean like garchi okay and then I have King Gambit what the heck um what on Earth is this okay did I read that correctly yep okay well here goes nothing I guess so at first glance this team might not look that bad but it's by far my least favorite one that I've had to use for the entire tournament here's the thing in competitive Pokemon moving before your opponent is a massive deal and one of the best ways to control the pace of the battle not only is my team full of incredibly slow Pokemon I don't have a single move that can help them get faster no Tailwind no trick room not even any Thunder Wave and my opponent has incredibly offensive Pokemon that naturally out speed almost all of mine toy specs goldango meowskarada and Tyranitar this is arguably the worst matchup I've had in the entire tournament I lead with hydreigon and Grim snarl against my opponents murkrow and goldango I go for light screen and Dark Pulse but icy wind and Terrace deal Make It Rain takes out my grim snorl and does over half to my high Dragon despite both light screen and assault Fest at least I get a Dark Pulse off except it only does like 40 percent I tried to Spore the murkrow but it switches into meowskrata while guldango does even more damage to my high Dragon I try and take up my escarata but they protect and push into Garchomp as I switch into a zoomero I once again try and hit the meowskarata but they call that too and Swords Dance with Garchomp as they switch into murkrow Garchomp does a ton to azumero as mercury takes out my switched in high Dragon but azumerel fires back and Ko's Garchomp with playroth this next turn will decide the game I call mioskarata to protect and Spore the murkrow if I got the double protect I can still win I'm so close I need a double I win on double I think come on baby one in three I failed okay ah dang it I don't have enough damage left I'm so close I just needed a little more if this thing was gone I could have won okay with only a Mungus left I can no longer win this and I lose game one this I think this might be the end of the Run folks I think this might be the end of the Run going down a game in a matchup like this makes the idea of winning the set legitimately seem impossible but I can't think about that all I have to think about is winning the next game last game both hydreigon and Grim snall were abysmal and so I'm gonna leave them both behind and instead lead with a Mungus and King Gambit my opponent leads with the same Pokemon as last game please don't they crit me please don't Flinch please don't mention we don't Flinch we might be okay no Flinch my opponents which is in meowskarata and block Sucker Punch with protect as I bring in my skele urge my opponent saves Garchomp by switching into murkrow but I survived meowskrauta's knockoff thanks to a timely rationalization and pick up the KO with torch song giving me the first lead of the set boldengo comes back in goldlingo trastalizes and finishes off skeleton but can Gambit fires back dealing over half of goldengo's HP with kowtow cleave with all the damage I've dealt I'm getting closer to Checkmate get the sucker off the should kill eh Mercury goes down to sash okay it's all down to game three okay game three a loss here means I am out of the tournament they're gonna lead with Garchomp I know they're leading with Garchomp that's that's something I know for sure since I know they're leading with Garchomp why don't I do high Dragon enemies because that exerts a lot of pressure with a zoom roll and can gamut in the back the opponent leads with Arcanine and guard chomp whoops I have two options here I could drasticize my amungus to water to survive the flare Blitz but if they read that with flower trick I'm done for or I could leave a Mungus unguarded and go for Draco meteor and Spore and basically just hope to trade one Pokemon for one well it was a nice play but it might be all right humongous doesn't die to this thing a lot of recoil there putting Arcanine to sleep and getting some damage on goldango honestly really works in my favor don't you lose this just yet heel comes out we got the Terra out which is great maybe a flinch out they me they they me I that's really bad this battle has totally swung around because I took so much damage this turn now hi Miss Draco not winter and sleep okay oh this is getting really bad really quickly Garchomp comes in I'm technically up in Pokemon but three of my Pokemon have super low HP please stay asleep please don't die the crit mattered so much oh my God the crit mattered so much yeah this is looking like the end of the road half health amongus and a zoomerul against Garchomp Arcanine and meowskarata Arcanine can always take out a Mungus and meowskrada can always take out azumero this one's as good as over Garchomp protects as AquaJet takes at Arcanine but it doesn't matter my amungus doesn't have protect which means earthquake and knockoff into a Mungus is a guaranteed win for my opponent unless they misplay if I survive don't miss wait could I win it all comes down to this the problem is meow scrata will always take out a Mungus here and the only move that azumerel has that can Keo meowskarada is play rough which misses 10 of the time surely after all this I'm not gonna lose to a Miss Right 90 of the time I win this come on come on come on Azu oh my God that is without a doubt the World Champ difference there's no time to rest my next match is already here except there's a catch you see there's actually a secret Final Phase to this tournament in order to minimize the odds of the very end of the tournament coming down to dumb luck in team selection the rules change a little bit when there are only four players left each player will be dealt not one but two random teams and they get a choice as to which one they use unfortunately for me both of the teams that I am dealt have some pretty serious problems the first team is Garchomp Mercury golden go annihilate porkel and ferrigarath it's a hybrid Tailwind trick room team which is cool but there are some interesting choices the only Pokemon that likes being in trick room is torkal and its item is safety goggles without a boosting item there's no guarantee I'll be able to overwhelm my opponent in trick room which is a problem because if I'm going through all the the trouble to set up trick room it might be a problem if none of the other Pokemon on my team actually want trick room to be up on top of that torgle doesn't benefit from tailwind and furrygraph and annihil ape don't really benefit from Tailwind either it's not a bad team it's definitely better than some of the teams I've used but it looks really difficult to play with zero experience the other team consists of a Mungus Gyarados King Gambit Talonflame meowskarada and annihilate now this team seems way more my speed but there's two main problems first only two of the Pokemon have protect now this might not sound like a big deal but in competitive Pokemon protect is a really good move because it allows you to keep your Pokemon safe and reposition with a lot less risk the other problem is uh wait Hasty Gyarados hi yeah so Hasty nature raises your speed but lowers your defense there is no reason to run non Gyarados over Jolly which raises your speed at the cost of your special attack which is a stat that you actually never use so Gyarados one of only two Pokemon on the team with the attack protect which I need to keep my team alive has a nature that causes it to take 10 percent more damage from physical attacks it's a really tough choice between the two teams but in the end I decided to go with Hasty Gyarados it might be a mistake but I think it'll be more intuitive for me to use than the torkel one I load into the battle and take a look at the team my opponent has selected to my surprise I am staring down a hard trick room team hariyama photograph meows garada skelet urge King Gambit and dragonpold one of the best ways to beat trick room teams is to alternate protect every other turn to waste the turns of trick room so bringing a team that only has two Pokemon that have protect might really bite me I lead with annihilate and a Mungus against my opponents dragon pult and meow scarada Dragon Pole to rationalizes to fire as a Mungus to rasterizes to water annihilate protects but Dragon pulled flamethrowers into a Mungus toy span protand meowskarada launches a u-turn at amungus and switches into fragira but amunga survives and puts Dragon Pole to sleep not a terrible turn but I wish a Mungus had more health I decide to make a read like I don't think it's super likely that Dragon pull stays in here right oh my God wolf Glick out oh I'm so good oh my God I'm so good oh I'm so good that turn was a huge swing as Choice banned meow scrata was one of my opponent's best tools to stop my annihilate Dragon pool comes back in but it's asleep annihilate does a ton of damage to dragon pult and heals back to full HP while amunga survives the dazzling gleam and puts paragraph to sleep annihilate takes out dragonpalt revealing King Gambit as the final Pokemon can Gambit goes down to drain punch and I win game one without losing a single Pokemon for game two I decide to switch it up my opponent's lead last game of meowskarada and dragon pole shows me that they might not be that comfortable with the trigger mode I decided to counter their lead from last game and go with meowskrata and Talonflame into dragonport and what I thought was going to be something else okay that's quite bad my Talonflame is Terror ghost so I decided to be a little cheeky and try and catch them off guard by using teragos to potentially block a fake out they got me they super got me oh they really got me oh they really got me oh my God they got me that didn't go very well in all honesty I predict Dragon Ball to switch out and double attack into hariyama it just barely survives A Brave Bird but U-turn finishes it off three Pokemon left a piece Dragon pulled his tent out and I bring out can Gambit and meow scarada I once again predict Dragon Pole to switch out okay grass how much does this do is that enough no it's not oh but I lived things are getting very precarious because of the damage I took and the fact that Tailwind is about to expire if I picked up the KO I had a guaranteed win but skeletors surviving there means that by the time Dragon pulp re-enters the field helwin will be gone this turn is really hard there me ask grotta can KO mine with Sucker Punch but it could also kill my king Gambit with brick break getting this turn wrong will definitely lose me the game depends on this play okay I think I got it right brick break they locked into uh brick break now this might look like a winning position but there's a problem my meows garada is Choice band and it's locked into knockoff and if my amungus goes down I won't be able to get rid of their fighting type meowskrata before Ko's both of my remaining dark types I need amungus to survive this double up among his raged powders and takes the flamethrower but it goes down to Brick Break Me asgrotta takes out Dragon pulled but now things are looking kind of grim I have two dark types neither of which can protect against my opponent's fighting type Choice band brick break meow scarata their meow scarada barely survives Sucker Punch and knockoff and Ko's Mike can Gambit with brick break fifty percent of the time I win this 50 I won I'm the best I'm the golden finals let's go definitely a messy end game but hey we take those Against All Odds I am in the final if I win this final set I'll have won the entire tournament all right Chad we have a choice to make this is team one King Gambit teradark goggles hariyama standard pork oil clear smog specs if this gets into position it can just run over a team sash meow AV Dragonite and photograph I've been offered for a graph a couple times I've never had to use it I guess I haven't offered it the other team might look familiar to you it's a team you've seen before this weakness policy armor Rouge indeedy for gargle hydrogon Gyarados not not Hasty and mirror herb Tyranitar it's another difficult Choice should I step into the unknown with a volatile team that I have no experience with or gamble on the Drago team that was first by Bane and then my Ally I go back and forth and in the end I make my decision the Gerardo team is the better choice here I know how to use it I've got some experience with it and the natural bulk of the Pokemon make it a very stable choice and yet I choose the torkel team because I am a content creator and an Entertainer and this is a random tournament I did not enter this tournament to play with a bunch of teams that I already knew how to use I entered to show that no matter what team I'm given I will win so I chose the lesser of the two teams and challenged my opponent to one final set Talonflame Sylveon meowskarada golden go Mouse hold and annihil ape are what I'll be facing off against in the finals and I immediately noticed a major problem my opponent has choice scarf final Gambit annihilate I have a trick room team that very much needs trick room to go up in order to win and my only trick room Setter is always ko'd by final Gambit annihilate yeah I lead with meowskrata and photograph into my opponent's annihil ape and goldango the final Gambit okay nice play by me flower trick comes out I do a chunk of damage they are now at -1 special attack okay not the worst turn by any means it's looking like I'll actually be able to get trick room up I go for trick room and Sucker Punch but to my surprise my opponent switches both of their Pokemon out they bring in meow scarada and Sylveon I got Trickum up but now my one HP meows garada is kind of just sitting on the field doing nothing I decide to make an absolutely Unholy read I Sucker Punch Sylveon and trick room with marigarath if you use trichroom when trikram is already set up it will turn off trick room and put the battlefield back to normal so why would I do this I'm predicting their meows garada to go for or trick room I have to make this play which is Sucker Punch and reverse my own trick room hyper voice comes out and I call the reverse trigger on their end this not only gives me a free switch into torkal it also gives me four more trick room turns and now calling the double trick room allows me to go for hyper voice and Terra fire eruption and I can take advantage of one of the main weaknesses of this team which is that oh I didn't realize that was an option not enough damage that's fine that's not fine okay losing photograph there is a major issue I'm now down to Pokemon left to four I think I can do it though I just need to take a couple Kos before tricker Runs Out and because neither of the Pokemon that they brought in the back have protect I should be able to win this protect they got the double no oh my God I'm gonna lose because of that me getting a 30 chance for a double protect is game losing if meows grew out of faints there I'm all but guaranteed to win surviving for one more turn allows them to sacrifice both of their last two Pokemon to reset meowskrata and Sylveon and then protect just all out the final turn of my trick room without trichoma without protecting my Pokemon there's nothing stopping Sylveon and meow scarada from cleaning up hariyama and torkol I lose game one that was a really bad game to lose my team desperately needs trick room to go up but it feels impossible against final game but annihil ape and trick Romeo's garada if I were up a game all I would need to do is somehow cheese at one more win but with no room for error and having to win two back-to-back games in the matchup like this it feels impossible even though I've already shown my hand there's just nothing else I can do that can handle an annihilate bleed unfortunately for me my opponent adapts even further leading meow scrata and annihilate this time around I protect for a graph as my opponent doubles into it which is good the problem is this time my opponent went for close combat instead of final Gambit because my photograph is Terra normal and not Tara fairy I can't even draftalize to survive the combination of close combat and knockoff annihilate trastalizes to fighting and we trade for a graph or annihilate my opponent gives up their Terra but I give up any hope of getting trick room up porkel and Sylveon hit the field I'm worried that if meow's Grotto goes down I'll fall too far behind so I protect it and attack with torkel oh that sucks porkel brings me out scarrado down to focus stash but it took so much damage in the process things are looking okay though the last Pokemon is most likely goldango just like it was in game one which means king Gambit is actually pretty neatly positioned to clean up this game I need to make a play this turn I read meows garada to protect okay hold on I need damage please survive torkel they cripped me I was fine in the crit oh my God I'm now down to my final two Pokemon can Gambit with full HP and meows grotta with almost nothing left I should still be able to win as long as that final Pokemon is goldango sylveon protects but can Gambit finishes off meowskrata with Sucker Punch If quick attack on this thing oh last month's Talonflame are you serious this is the turn that decides the game I have a couple options and which one is right all depends on what Talonflame does if Talonflame Brave words my meows garada I'd like to kowtow cleave with King Gambit and protect meowskrada if it flare blitzes my king Gambit I can KO at first with Sucker Punch from both of my Pokemon but if it willowists can Gambit I probably want to Sucker Punch Sylveon and kowtow cleave with King Gambit I only have 45 seconds to make my decision and I don't know what to do two of my best moves involve cow talk leaving Talonflame so I decided to do that and protect meowskarada only Talonflame uses flare Blitz oh it's tough I played the set really well and a matchup that felt impossible and still came up short Pokemon can be frustrating like that by all accounts the odds are in my favor to win both of these games a failed double protect game one torgel getting crit game two either of those small changes could have caused a Reversal of Fate it feels especially bad because I feel like I had to work so hard make so many plays correctly and even still I lost I just can't believe that over the course of this entire tournament I never got lucky maybe I don't have the World Champ difference after all what can gamut lives Talonflame flare Blitz in the sun Sylveon quick attacks can Gambit but that leaves me ask grotta free to kill it with flower Trek somehow Against All Odds we are going to game three for the third time I am forced to lead meows grotta and fergraph my opponent goes back to their strategy from game one annihil ape and goldengo now in both of the other games I have protected ferigraph turn one and attacked with meowskarada this time for the first time I'm Gonna Leave It vulnerable and try to get trickerman I got it right foreign is it enough or was it enough tons of damage I don't know if it's enough the problem is that now I have to play a cheeky guessing game trick room goes up but that pesky meows garada is back on the field and can reverse it at will I take Uncle Dango and damage meow scarada but the pendulum has swung the other way Sylveon comes back in and threatens a double KO and the throat spray worse Sylveon is Terra fire if it trastalizes it resists the attacks of all of my remaining offensive Pokemon and can KO can Gambit with Terra Blast in other words I need damage on Sylveon I make a hard read that thermos garage is going to protect and go for overgrow boosted Terra grass flower trick into the Sylveon yeah I mean I knew it was coming but I still had like I had to go for it there's any damage on this thing more than it goes down but it's done its job Sylveon is now in range of Sucker Punch I bring out king Gambit King Gamba KO Sylveon but meows grotta takes out Ferg we're both down to our final two Pokemon I sucker punch in Isle but close combat takes out king Gambit hold on flamethrower please they've already teared oh I won and that's how I won an all random team tournament without losing a single set if you enjoyed and want to see more content like this I hope you'll consider subscribing thank you for watching
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 916,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, twitch, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, smallant, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, wolfeyvgc, purplecliffe, pm7, pokemen7, mandjtv, shiny pokemon, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, scarlet, violet, scarlet and violet, fuecoco, quaxly, sprigatito, random, random pokemon, random tournament, random pokemon tournament, random tournament pokemon, random scarlet and violet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 39sec (3639 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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