How I became the #1 ranked player in Scarlet and Violet

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I became the number one ranked player in Pokemon scarlet and violet here's how I did it the in-game ladder where you can see how you stack up against the whole rest of the world was coming out on December 2nd and I knew I needed a good team to make a strong first impression but I didn't want to use just any old team I wanted to get rank 1 using only new Pokemon introduced in scarlet and violet now this wasn't gonna be easy there's less than 50 fully evolved new Pokemon for me to choose from compared to the like 150 returning but I'm the Pokemon world champion I was not about to back down from a challenge I started my team with dundozzo and tatsugiri the way it works is if tatsugiri and nandozo are on the field together at the exact same time tatsugiri's ability Commander will activate and it will jump inside of dundozzo's mouth when this happens the battle becomes a one against two as tatsugiri can no longer attack or take damage until dondozo faints that might sound bad but there is an upside dondozo gets a plus two boost in every single stat when tatsugiri jumps inside of its mouth now fighting a one against two is definitely not ideal but there is one very specific way to get around it if you can just somehow knock out tatsugiri while it's inside dundoza's mouth you not only get to keep all of dinozzo's stat boosts but you also get to switch in a new Pokemon but how do you knock out a Pokemon who can't take damage why don't I show you the team that I built let's start with tatsugiri I trained it to be both fast and strong and gave it protect muddy water Draco meteor and endure because I wanted her to take damage without getting knocked out I then gave it an item that is normally considered quite bad but on this specific team is broken the toxic orb toxic orb poisons the holder and that might sound bad because I'm poisoning one of my own Pokemon but there is a reason poison damage is one of the only ways that tatsugiri can take damage while it's inside of dendoza's mouth in other words we can knock out our tatsugiri with poison even though it's invulnerable to all other damage sources for its Terror type I I chose Terra grass I didn't want a Mungus to support hatsugiri and prevent it from being poisoned next I needed a dendozo set I knew I wanted it to be fast and strong but I had a couple more decisions to make DiNozzo has three good abilities to choose from but I decided to go with unaware while oblivious prevents intimidate and watervale stops burn both of which are very valuable unaware totally ignores your opponent's stat changes now this might not sound like that big a deal but I was prepared for other dundozzo since endosa's main thing is you know boosting all of its stats being able to not only ignore their defensive Buffs but their offensive ones as well is a pretty big deal of course if their DiNozzo is also unaware then you're still kind of at a stalemate so I decided to go with a substitute and leftover set because it should have an advantage in the mirror match for its offensive moves I went with wave crash because it's the strongest move it gets and Order up which is its signature move that gives it an attack boost every time it's used even if it misses or attacks him to protect all that was left to decide on was the Tara type and I went with drag Dragon this not only resists both electric and grass which are both the nose's weaknesses it also makes order up stronger I was thinking about which new Pokemon to add next and then I saw a really interesting ability co-star which is the signature ability of flamigo the way it works is that whenever Flamingo switches in co-star will cause its stat changes to exactly mirror its Partners so if the partner has plus one attack then flamigo gets plus one attack when it switches in but this also works the other way the thing is flamigo was never intended to be paired with pendozo you're supposed to be fighting a one against two after all but with toxic orb and endure something truly terrifying is possible if flamigo switches in after tatsugiri faints after entering dendoza's mouth it will also get the plus two boost in every single stat I realized I'd struck gold I trained by flamigo to be fast and offensive and decided to take advantage of its strong attacks close combat and Brave Bird because Mendoza was giving it defense boost I chose the last moves to make it survive longer using detect and Roost between the offensive boosts and the really powerful attacks I felt like flamigo was doing enough damage so I decided to go with the defensive Terror type of Steel lastly I needed to choose an item in the end I decided to go with white herb because I was worried about close combat dropping my defenses too much and waiter can reset that and I also didn't want to get caught off guard if flamigo ever had to switch in when his partner had had its stats dropped I needed a fourth Pokemon to round out my core but I was kind of stuck I wanted a way to consistently lower tatsugiri's HP but I didn't like the explosion users and then I remembered one of my favorite new Pokemon annihilate an eyelet gets access to the move final Gambit which does exactly as much damage as it has HP every time and because annihil ape is a ghost it can't be stopped by priority attacks like fake out or extreme speed so if I lead tatsugiri and annihilip together I can use endure and then final Gambit myself dropping tatsugiri to 1 HP and giving me a free switch into dundozzo to be clear it is a totally ridiculous strategy to start the battle off by knocking out two of your Pokemon but I thought that it could work I trained annihilate to be as fast as possible and then maxed out his HP stat because I figured I'd be clicking a final Gambit most of the time anyway I gave it close combat rage Fist and Phantom Force for the times that I didn't want to be clicking final Gambit and had it hold a choice scarf so I could get final Gambit off without taking damage first for the terror type I went with ghost because I had two Ghost type attacks and only one fighting type attack so I figured it was more likely to get value with this I had a very solid core of four Pokemon but I once again hit a wall I only had two more Pokemon to add to my team but the main core was pretty airtight it was kind of hard to slot new Pokemon in because every Pokemon was there for a reason I took a step back I figured the last two Pokemon would probably be coming when I didn't want to bring dendozo and tatsugiri I don't have to use final Gambit on myself so annihilate is pretty flexible I can bring it to most battles but what about flamigo if I wanted to contribute to the battle I'd probably have to make use of co-star though I began looking into stat boosting moves the best stat boosting move for any physical attacker is belly drum unfortunately the only good belly drum user is azumero who isn't a new poker wait a second what's this it's a Titan it's a Titan not only has access to belly drum it also has amazing stats that make it both very powerful and really bulky thanks to its ability thick fat it becomes way more defensive and it also has access to the strong priority attack ice Shard which is very good when paired with belly drum and if you make its Terra type water it becomes extremely difficult to take down here's the thing about belly drum in exchange for maxing out your attack you do have to give up half your health and that's where flamigo comes in flamigo only copies the stat changes not the health of its partner in other words it can get all the benefits of belly drum with none of the cost I trained mice the Titan to be as strong as possible and put the rest of the investment in its defenses to help it survive for longer I only had one Pokemon left and I needed it to help to Titan set up belly drums safely I decided to look at the Pokemon who can learn follow me which is a very useful move for protecting a partner and I see something very interesting Mouse hold now mousehold is mostly known for its signature attack population bomb which can do ridiculous amounts of damage especially when paired with technician but that's not the only thing that Mouse hold can do not only does it get access to follow me it also has the ability friend guard which causes its partner to take less damage when mousehold is on the field I rounded up mousehold's moves with protect super Fang and Encore and had it hold the focus hash item so it could keep protecting the Titan for as long as possible I gave it the maximum investment possible in its speed and split the rest of the points between HP and defense with the goal of taking two Garchomp earthquakes I was a little worried about a Mungus at this point so I decided to give it Terra grass so it could follow me and protect the rest of my team from Spore and with that my team was complete I had no weaknesses not one every matchup was in my favor every single one I want you all to get ready because you're like oh the regular Pokemon battles right this is gonna knock your socks off if it's if it's appropriate remove your socks right now you're gonna see you're gonna see Pokemon in a way that you've never seen it before I'm just telling you right now you're going to be seeing things that you didn't even know were possible in Pokemon you're gonna think you've seen it all and then find out you haven't seen anything kid you're brand new you're basically like a Babe I'm Gonna Be uh dude I'm like the guy in The Matrix who offers you the pills morbius and I'm gonna say it's morbidden time this team is broken okay this team is so good I spent the days trying to counter it in case it gets out of hand and I can't I who built the team cannot counter this team it is really good this is a moment in history you're witnessing a moment I hope I lose every game that'd be so funny you're witnessing something here that will that might never happen again my friends were literally like please do not use this please win just save this for the actual in-person tournament and just win the first tournament in person I said no I created a monster and it's my it's my responsibility to let it out I want you all to know that if there were like a United Nations of Pokemon that tried people for for crimes against the general uh populists they'd have to take me away they have to they'd have to they didn't have to take me away my first battle my first ranked battle my first battle in scar oh that's not a good matchup I mean this is not the best combination of six is the truth of the combination of four but it's what I want to do because I want to show off the beginning of this the beginning of the the original The Original Point okay the original strategy oh yes the fire yes it's fitting okay wow this is exciting my first this is my first combatant of battles yeah this is what I was worried about okay I'm gonna click endure and I'm going to click final Gambit and I'm going to side Target with my final Gambit my own Pokemon [Music] oh no oh no no oh no no that was for myself oh my god oh man they totally boomed me I wanted to stop this is the worst team I've ever built expanding Force don't trick room nah how could this happen to me oh I'm fine nevermind I'm fine I forgot I forgot how things oh no I'm not fine am I fine okay well trigger wasn't this didn't uh uh okay well anyway that didn't work okay now Commander it goes inside the mouth of the donzo and gives me a plus two boost in every stat uh we should figure out what this garganapple wants to do because we might have some trouble yeah this is actually a pretty bad match I'm not gonna lie to you the topsuguri has been poisoned by the toxic worm so what we need to do now is we need to stall this out we just all this Trickum there are four turns left in uh in in oh are they trastalize them psychic yeah that's the pro that's gonna be a problem that's gonna be a problem it's not a jump down in conclusion to your chat are they going for iron defenses are they going for assault care is the question iron defense okay well this is going poorly uh this is like the worst case scenario I should just go on the offense don't say washed guys I haven't even lost yet okay it works okay that's fine okay now we got the better music okay it's fine okay all right Chad this is the worst matchup and I brought the wrong Pokemon because I wanted to showcase the strategy but we might still be okay I have terra dragon tatsugiri this Powers up order up which I don't think this will be a KO but I don't think I can afford to go over wave crash okay that's fine iron defense is so fine we're just really worried about this uh armor Rouge because it does enormous damage spanning Force misses the indeed the tatsugiri but it hits the dozo please don't do more than 30 percent oh I'm so dead was that a damage oh I super lose okay well uh it's okay uh see kale I should use I couldn't really do anything it's fine I can still win this however uh in order to win this I need to double protect so this is not necessarily the best start okay it's fine I can still win uh it's a rough start it was a bad MAP I I wanted to showcase the strategy so we're gonna let this one into the final video plus six I don't even think that'll fall I don't think this is we need one double protect one third of the time come on baby come on to donzo show me the money [Applause] oh no oh man this thing is so strong okay all right that's my bad all right I should have I should have played with Bart okay it's fine okay we'll just pretend that this okay here's the plan okay oh they cripped me that's why I lost okay I'm gonna be honest I I uh okay here's here's the new narrative I lost on purpose because I wanted you all I wanted to have clips of people saying it was bad and then I'm gonna win I'm not gonna lose another game Trust fine no it's not really fine that assumes me I think [Music] okay no more losses all right that was the warm-up that was a warm-up it was my first game come on give me this is my first game come on crit I don't even think of crit will KO Minecraft donkey oh all right if I live the poison I don't think I love the poison right wait if I live the poison I don't think I love the poison right like on five right do I live [Applause] wait is there any chance I win this there's no way close Karma the armor is just way better I should have thought about that I knew it I totally knew it it's Tyranitar [Applause] oh my God I literally had it I need I need an accuracy drop I can still win this if I double hit muddy water come on how to get your party shot okay yeah give me the accuracy drop come on time oh I have a choice I can either call the trick room or I can call the attack I'm calling the attack they get to call if they think I'm going to and they think they because the thing is if they trigger them they'll die to sand okay come on Armor attack armors there's no way I win this there's no way there's no way Stuart the flamingo no way we know it's it's life worse it should go down here I'm not as familiar with the new HP bars [Applause] foreign don't wait hang on I could lose a bunch of protects this is why mpb Max might Flamingo I was like do I really need to do it it costs money but yeah 26 down to okay just nine if I get the double I should probably chat don't you feel a little silly don't you feel a little silly for doubting me after all I promised you do you really think I would lose do you really think I would lose the first game on stream after all that hype leave please chat please please don't you feel silly don't you ever doubt me again don't you ever doubt me again you all forgot about the World Champ difference I felt disrespected that was a test and you all failed every one of you you all failed how do you feel foolish stick around because I'm I I warned you oh yeah I should probably actually explain how you become the number one ranked player in the world scarlet and Violet's ranking system has 11 tiers for the first 10 tiers winning battles earned you points which you can use to rank up to the next tier once you make it to master ball there's no more ranking up in terms of tears but you're now given a numerical standing if you win matches that ranking will drop and if you lose them it'll go up if you keep winning matches in master ball you'll eventually be the number one ranked player I tried to tell you for so long I spent so long I spent like I was like I need to go live 30 minutes early so I can tell them what to expect and despite everything you still doubted me oh World washed oh well no what am I saying this perfectly all right chat so you thought you've seen it all right you thought you'd see no wrong they're thinking about it but it doesn't matter this game is over this game I've calculated never with this unless they rock slide me that's not over they switched in front of me poor thing oh you poor sweet thing oh Gyarados oh my you poor four oh I'm a monster oh my God oh my God you poor poor thing you poor creature switching in Gyarados in front of me oh my goodness oh you poor to my poor child forgive me forgive me child paragraphs oh I guess I didn't mean to draft boys wow all right good luck supporting this one belly drums to tighten it's going to cut its attack in half cut his health in half and maximize his attack that's not even it's this is in this instance a plus seven buff a plus seven attack stage buff taking me from minus one to plus six that's the Titan's so slow guys this time's so slow Gyarados can attack it before it even gets a move off wait hang on oh oh please don't draft Elijah oh it's Kara I thought it was gonna be among us oh terrifying that's terrifying see what they got [Laughter] oh nice use of terrestrialization but I'm afraid it's no match oh it's okay maybe a Mungus will put us to sleep chat maybe Among Us will put us to oh they disconnected they super disconnected they can't they're forced to use protect again oh chat oh you poor things oh they didn't twitch [Music] amola gonna go for one blast that's fine [Laughter] oh carnivore oh god of war god of Warcraft what are we gonna do with you [Music] see ya oh wait what I just got deleted Why didn't it drop this is only the first part of the strategy why don't for fun we just switch out how about that Chad why don't we switch out for fun does that sound fun to you so now we're going into Stuart the Flamingo and what you have to understand about Stuart is that his ability co-star copies the partner's stat changes when it switches in so now Stuart the flamingo has plus six attack his attack stat is also maxed out so even if they had somehow gotten through mice to Titan they would now have a plus six flamigo waiting for them this is what I was gonna do game one but I thought they can't handle it I need to ease them in and you have the audacity you doubt me wolf Glick the world champion you comments on my chat and you say oh you're washed you're bad you're lost this game I had to make it look close for your sake and at this point we're just getting into a rhythm here why is what's going on okay I just want to take a second and ask you to subscribe for scarlet and violet I have quadrupled the amount of videos that I'm putting out so subscribing now is like the best bang for your buck I'm really trying to be the first competitive Pokemon channel to reach 1 million subscribers and I kind of need your help to do it regardless I really appreciate you watching and I hope you enjoy the rest of the video Rotom and garthomp okay this to me looks like this quake in which case I kind of want to get fancy but I really shouldn't should I get a little Fancy with it yeah okay chat we're going to take out two of my own Pokemon understood nice unless they willowless man which because I'm super hosed please don't Willow miss me and they will lose me as an insta loss all right we're using final Gambit not one but two of my Pokemon please don't wallow with me please don't do it okay please don't pair up please don't pair up please don't Pera oh no oh no please don't do it [Music] oh we are big killing oh my God we are Omega chilling okay so we sacrificed annihilate and attacked our own tatsugiri putting it at one but but alone one HP oh no chat I miss clicked well at least I get to eat this delicious fish and now katsugiri is one HP and is poison and the dojo gets a stop boost in every single stat so uh the donzo is now boosted in every stat but you know it's still one versus two we're not out of the woods yet I'm a little scared I'm just gonna click protect how about that now when the Dondo is in this form um you play one versus two basically tatsugiri I'm I can't switch anything in the other slot and so I have to stick around until the donso faints and then tatsugir will come back out except that's not really how it works if you do the specific setup so by using final gamut into tatsugiri turn one apply perhaps you forgot about which you would be forgiven for that perhaps you forgot about final game but turn one right we put our Touch of gear down to one HP and it's holding the toxic orb which allows it to be poisoned so now thanks to the final game at turn one and the poison turn one by protecting turn two katsuguri faints while inside jonzo's mouth despite being immune from almost every type of damage this is the one way that tatsukiri as far as I know can faint which then it costs tattoo giri is fainted so don't just still keeps the plus two boost and it allows us to go into flamigo and if you remember how flamigo works from the last uh battle flamigo now has plus two in every single stat so by sacrificing my first two Pokemon I was able to put myself in this specific position Stuart the flamigo bye bye the only damage I took this game so far is when I attacked myself Rotom is down oh and there's I feel like I forgot to mention something what was it okay to know to use this order up well okay that's nothing exciting there Dragon movie that's expected hey guard thumbs down okay okay yeah okay guys I didn't forget anything [Music] oh I did forget something cat would you look at that the dawn does order up where this move works is if the donzo has a tatsugiri in its mouth it will either raise his attack defense or its speed depending on the type of tattoo giri but the dojo doesn't have a tatsukiri in its mouth anymore so it shouldn't be it shouldn't be raising its stats except that it is because the game doesn't understand that katsuki is not supposed to be able to think from inside the mouth it shouldn't be possible it shouldn't be possible chat I think fire no brought that differently don't you get destroyed by Marco's pangster Haze you know what goes before prankster Haze I shard yeah I hope I don't play anymore bro the only damage I did that I took this entire game was damage that I dealt to myself think about that Chad I am the only one who damages my Pokemon one turn of setup for four for four Kos and two turns nothing can survive this this onslaught that's all I expected okay all right I can't I can't I can't be I have to actually think about this because this one's actually pretty tricky this won't KO but it will do about half [Music] I don't even know if this is good but it's only better than nothing about half okay why is flamigo faster than Dragon oh my gosh you only take Dragon darts or something here best Lego custom Dragon Ball I understand yeah okay nice endure the hit one more time come on illidoza proton oh Rotom they don't have it they don't have the dungeon they faster than me no okay I didn't press one they're fine so the reason I go went after Flamingo here is because uh or the reason yeah the reason I went after when they go here is because at the end of this turn like the dragon Bolt's faster than me anyway so I couldn't really do anything about that but at the end of this turn it must be scarf flamigo that is slower than its scarf flamigo okay I figured out a scarf Amigo but it's slower than an island how to get painful in the mouth which is good let me go into flamigo who now is plus three attack so I know the order that I have to attack Pokemon here so now this time last time we had copied all the stats but this time we have plus three attack bye bye bye bye and they protect us fine I think it goes for Brave Bird he's a flamingo that's fine no more worried about scarf I'm not worried about scarf flamigo anymore I think this game is over Chad I think despite this they didn't bring the Pokemon I was afraid oh oh wait I'm fine I was like wait a second hold on [Music] and that's gonna be the end of Rotom chat no easy way to say this but I think that we might have this one unlocked okay GG another win GD and gonzong nice play by me hard predicted to follow me and hit them with the Encore to prevent them from doing damage the Titan gets set up that's plus six attack [Music] okay trick room goes up I have to get to the next four turns hey there's Dan that's the second terms foreign [Music] that's a big deal okay and GD can't switch so I'm going to take advantage of the psychic Terrain and I'm going to intentionally fail my ice shard I know this looks weird but bear with me there's a purpose ice shark comes out and fails I am stalling their trick room this is why I Encore oh that's a bit of a problem [Music] it's a huge risk I need them to go for iron defense here God I'm so good okay I am intentionally attacking my mouse hold it has levitate however I take out the ngd removing follow knees effect on the battle and household because it didn't take damage earlier because turn one I predicted to follow me and used encore survives thanks to its focus Ash because it's still at full HP bunker goes into bronzong it is not mental herb bronzong has been effectively taken out of this battle okay they didn't they don't Tara are they tearing Marco what are you going for eruption thick fat and Terra water Hickman's a Titan from a Pokemon that would ordinarily get destroyed hi torkel oh my God it doesn't even do a quarter and torkel the Soul remaining damage Pokemon on this team does not take plus six earthquakes as it falls into my opponent with their final two Pokemon Trickum is up weirdness is gone ice Shard is back on the table I don't want Maxwell to go down just yet and the reason is I want to be able to continue tear a lot with our Encore locking this bronze on okay they don't protect that should seal up the game as I suspected they do oh it's okay oh good move oh whoa hang on oh I'm actually in danger aren't I okay I get salt cured but there's one more thing I feel kind of bad about it there's one more thing I haven't told you chat this will be the end of the Titan but it's done enough to carry us over the Finish Line because I haven't shown you all of my tricks yet I still have one last trick up my sleeve we take hours [Music] Minecraft Donkey Kong but unfortunately salt cure is still active iron defense bronze long thanks to the Encore forced over and over and over again to continue using iron defense the Titan is taken out the stunning up bronze on the sole Pokemon standing dondozo is back on the field and I can encore once more [Music] and this poor bronze on this poor bronze on with plus six defense must once again waste time using this miserable miserable iron defense dondoza's ability is unaware unaware States hey whatever stat changes are on this opponent's Pokemon good or bad I don't care about them so even though this bronzong has plus six defense to John dozo it's as if it has plus zero so even if Mouse hold went down I wasn't worried oh and you know by the way would also ignores plus six defense super fast just fixed damage so because the Sun is up this isn't gonna do a ton of damage but if I need to I can go into tons of giri that's doing way more on the Sun than it should if that if this plus expenses being factored in so even though this poor bronze on spent the whole battle setting up these iron defenses just so it could eventually fit like wall everything it doesn't even matter unless I miss a couple times plus six defense it won't do that much [Music] this poor bronze on this poor bronzing when people first saw an [ __ ] they just saw the power of population bomb and how strong it was as an attack and that is very strong it's a very strong set but it's not the only way to use Mouse hold oh no they've got the crow no they have oh this is the dog mat this is the garbage matchup base 91 oh no it's way faster than I thought oh it's so doomed this is the absolute worst matchup I do not think we can win this well that's a bad lead for me oh okay no protector murkrow [Music] Tailwind okay oh God so basically the abilities here mess up my entire team [Music] in America no it's not blood [Music] hello I'm up probably [Music] um wait I can win oh it's a lot of damage come on hang in there oh I'm so doomed oh it's life orb oh yeah this is the worst yeah I just they played well they played really well I couldn't really do anything the problem is that photograph's ability turned off priority attacks so uh yeah and Mercury's one of the only Pokemon in the game to get Haze so I can't really do anything here our team doesn't need speed control because I have done Dozer which goes plus two and speed and I have ice Shard but but uh Marco gets rid of all my Boost and this is a boost team and [Music] I have a one in three chance of having a chance at this basically to Titan one and three of the time baby I probably still lose I promise [Music] I think because of murkrow surviving in the back I'm probably still doomed here the item it's not life form [Music] okay Helen's done I think we're still losing this though okay they didn't switch if paragraph specifically uh honestly they need to just let both they need to have they did not have protect on either Pokemon here wait hold on hey the white herb that I added specifically for this kind of situation is in play if their last Pokemon is I don't remember what else was on this team but I think there's a Tyranitar what else could there be make it rain comes out please don't cry me white herb it cancels out my stat drops okay hang on make it rain this is minus one and I have a pair of water they crit me no I totally had oh my God I literally had it it was through minus one and water oh my God we literally had the game one like no matter what was in the back I realized uh because of Roost and flamingo's typing I win no matter what oh man we literally had it because it's because they lost [Music] oh [Music] man we literally had it we literally had it that's right okay it happens it's okay I mean like it was a really bad matchup and we stole almost one and to be fair they could have just protected if they had it and then I would have lost anyway so um yeah yeah so that so I like the technical but I could just lost them being better that's bad that was really bad we might not be the first player anymore so we gotta make sure we keep winning Among Us okay I could have gone after the Among Us here if I wanted like I really need to do a lot of work here I think that this is speed like Spore plus screen here it could be wrong though I've been wrong before reflect gift screen should be clear Smog or score a little worried that it'll break my okay goes for Spore that's good it means I have a little bit more health I am plus two this should like two shot right oh nice play oh that was a really nice I should have wave crashed okay that's okay there's ah it's not really okay is it is that oh it's actually pretty bad okay I forgot I forgot Graham got parting shot armor Rouge okay [Music] okay oh it's still what even if the attack doesn't protect that's not how it works on Showdown oh my God wait this Pokemon is broken although honestly waiting for tattoo to die is not the worst thing in the world [Music] okay that's not very strong oh it doesn't have clear smog I've been worried for nothing hey I'm walking here [Music] okay I actually am grateful for the damage in all honesty don't worry about triggering but I think it's okay okay I did nothing [Music] that is a very low probability of happening that is an extraordinarily more probability of happening [Music] you've got to be kidding me I haven't seen Spore oh I have seen Spore okay they don't have okay we should be fine let's think of a trick from here rip dozo don't cry me you're not crazy it's so strong wait why am I taking so much damage I was so fine [Music] no it does it's free Spider okay 148 minus [Music] 148 minus okay touches down okay yeah oh my God this is Japan what a drag I think I can still win this maybe I can lift 55 times 1.5 it's weaker than 1.5 okay I think I'm terrorist deal oh my God that does nothing because it reflect wake up you fish you turn [Music] bozo Among Us return okay reflect is gone this has to KO it's plus two I'm not crazy right it's plus two [Music] Aaron should wake up this has to KO 120 base power plus two Max attack adamant okay I'm dead too but that's fine that's a good trade honestly that was their main source of damage they shouldn't have a way to get through plus two Flamingo anymore thank you for sacrifice dombozo you kind of messed up big time rip Bozo but uh ripped OZO but you gotta stare in the end and now I've got annihilates fill in the back I don't think they can win anymore I'm so glad I had Ruth in all honesty [Music] special attack Falls oh they're dragging it out my race for rank one and they can't win this they shouldn't be able to win this they only have Spirit Break to damage me [Music] if plus two in every stat I can heal [Music] oh from The Parting Shot oh I forgot about that okay second train all right [Music] oh thank you flamigo thank you Stuart oh my goodness okay we got the W which means we rank up which is good this is the same combo I lost to oh Lord they got the Rona they got the book that's not what I meant to say they got the Volcarona ow they CR oh my God that's actually so unlucky that's so unlucky no the crit that's such a big deal oh that sucks that sucks [Music] no why oh it's gonna take so long it's like a 1v9 again I wish I had more damage on me I honestly wish I decide if this was gonna be the result then I wish I decide side final game I did at that point okay I'm just gonna take out the palace is good if it didn't matter I don't I just don't know what their answer is for domboso how hey I'm walking here my speed my speed Mac fast into what type of trains or chat with like we figured it up is that a crit let's play form oh I super lose I will make it for balloons I cannot win this they're a dragon you know what type dragon resists breath even though it's a very powerful attack gunboza was able to survive question is we take out the Sylveon here unfortunately thanks to the recoil we do go down does this Volcarona have hurricane we know it has Giga drain it has to have a fire move it is on a rain team please don't die to that [Music] Stuart barely survives great bird comes out paragraph is weak sternum tanks at home and the only Pokemon standing is the only Pokemon intended to faint oh that was scary oh my God Stewart comes through once again with a clutch Mouse holding Grimson okay oh oh population bomb Oh okay it's fine the same result actually miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss no no no no no no no no dodging oh they boomed me they totally boomed me it's fine come on I Shard show me the money okay this should KO okay one down we've each lost one Pokemon but my offensive positioning is a lot better here get plus six flamigo now there's also like Loki covers for they might switch to armors here so they stay in okay okay they didn't have sash that's what I was worried about [ __ ] just down iron defense that's fine we can beat this eventually with postcard with um final Gambit or honestly I'm pretty sure plus six plus combat will still KO I love the Titan this team makes me likes the Titans so much it is grass I almost Brave birded it but I was like that's probably stupid wolf you shouldn't heard it thing is if you don't kill me this turn you are going to have a bad time okay it doesn't protect the [ __ ] right [Music] hold on a second [Music] why did it survive it's super bulky it's also not scarf hey I just need one of my Pokemon to survive and this should be good as this game should be as good as over green punch good thing I protected holy cow a good thing I cared I I didn't think there was any chance to live that body press I might even survive this I don't survive this but it is okay okay but then you can't cancel throttle position imagine you could turn it on and off like that'd be really bad it's funny using braver Decay or rock type with Foster defense but this is what it is okay okay another win nice job macro nah oh chat this is a chance at Redemption my arch nemesis my only weakness murkrow of all things a Pokemon that most wouldn't consider to be super threatening but uh we know otherwise garshot marker okay oh there's going on the offense okay it's probably um banned [Music] oh it's tanky God dang it [ __ ] you well we'll find out if it's banned momentarily okay okay [Music] maybe I'll play here I think the mice should survive mice should survives pretty sure I'll play into the mic that's not good okay they gave me the macro hold on I'll stamp I see a path to Victory so it is difficult I know I know [Applause] polka polka polka Full Cup Full Cup show me the bulk up [Music] okay we're still in this we're still in this I could have belly drummed just won the game Talon's gone and that means that tan the mouse mouse Patron is now faster than any other Pokemon on the field oh they don't they don't care oh my God they don't Tara car jumps down and because the tail one ended and eyelid is forced to continue using volca hey No No Tara but it shouldn't get any spread moves it has its movables really limited it has like power with oh we see that doesn't KO it's a support set oh actually I wanted to kill please KO the Titans online the Titan's finally online it took forever but it's here latest belly drum so far on stream 18 HP remaining 10 Mouse hold can you hang on no but we yes oh no I didn't want I didn't want that to happen it's fine we have our backup plan it's gonna be really down to the wire Chad but because of tandemouth's mouth hold cyber Mouse aspartrons Encore has bought us some time and now Flamingo is online Stuart copies plus six attack from the Titan I sure comes out no Tara Bramble boy is gone [Music] Stuart the flamingo is faster than annihil ape in his base form so even though it's now plus four plus four and full HP let me goes faster a shirt comes out a [ __ ] will steal it if flamingo's not faster it is brain bird comes out this is plus four defense but it doesn't matter Flamingo picks up the KO and Against All Odds a 4-0 victory grow now why why I didn't I'm a good person I don't deserve this well at least we know where it is is it ground oh my God Harris still murkrow what the [ __ ] I mean I guess it's okay right it's not the end of the world weird Ellen [Applause] [Music] uh give you a later time hello it's the Titan oh oh it's not funny he did it on purpose I was like haha he messed up and killed his mercuro it's part of the strategy no please don't miss tandemouse just live for him okay please don't miss okay big dick that's huge damage I messed up there's my earthquake I could have I overpredicted that's my bad [Music] it's my bad [Music] I actually that was a huge throw I should have gone for ice Shard I I ran out of time I was thinking about it too much hey [Music] oh hang on still in it okay okay this is actually still winnable oh hold on is this KO big damage regardless okay big KO Gyarados goes down because the double fails [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] done we seem to have pulled off the impossible back-to-back games four oh again oh this guy I lost this guy Mark row no who is Paris wasn't here bro ghost oh they thought I was gonna final gamut into the murkrow again oh they can't tear anymore okay oh that's not good is there any chance nothing else was quash is my question [Music] shoot they went for Foul Play that's not good that is really bad I'll plan to annihilate [Applause] a lot of damage okay on a deal okay [Applause] [Music] it's a ton of damage the Titan hangs in there I guess I could have eyeshadowed the Sylveon but I wasn't confident it would do enough and I wanted more damage on the murkrow bird spray yeah I sure wouldn't have killed I'm not even sure a big kill oh foreign Jesus Christ that does a lot [Applause] okay it's specs oh that Dooms me that super Dooms me [Music] I needed to double without the double it's not doable yeah I like didn't have a good fourth Pokemon to bring here I had flamigo it still was doomed right around geez that smack Thunderbolt hit so hard we got through the Tailwind but it's like not I'm so close I'm literally so close I'm sure I died of this I was gonna save Terra dragon and to this yeah the problem is t-ball probably just one shot to me Mendoza's not that bulky without the Boost especially yeah I wanted to Tara here but now it's holding the back so strong oh yeah like there's just nothing I can do because my whole team revolves around stat boost and with Terror ghost I can't even final Gambit important for me oh man that sucks losing the same team the same player twice in the alt like out of all the players I had to play twice having the counter team is like the worst case scenario oh okay that's not as bad it's not as bad this is maybe doable like a surge baby that's why they call him psychic sir sir whatever okay Encore here let's predict to follow me and let's go for belly drum I wish I had ice spinner right now okay we predicted to follow me correctly that's great foreign [Applause] [Music] goes up Lincoln thanks very much for joining the wolf head oh thanks for joining the wolf heads all right chat let's turn this around we've had a rough start around well we had a good start we had the rough last two games let's see if we can turn this around trigger goes up not ideal but uh also not terrible in all honesty thanks to friend guard I don't think I die here I've been wrong before though this is parasychic almost certainly Boomers is that your Ferry oh interesting that's not as threatening though because expanding force is really what I'm worried about house Patronus protect two of trick room [Music] okay it's weaker than expanding Force even with Tara I'm pretty sure [Music] I shouldn't do that much damage a lot of damage fight okay we know where the life orb is that's great grip bozo pterodactyl thanks very much for joining the channel I hope this is National honesty it's not fast okay we've killed two which is good we haven't used Tara which is good you still have Mouse hole to full HP which is good this is the music okay nice predict alrighty here we go they lost expanding Force I didn't know that I forgot I didn't know that it was gonna do a ton of damage but it's not light board doesn't bring me down to dash which means I have the information for later but more importantly we hit the Encore predicting Minecraft Donkey Kong and forcing it to use the same move over and over and over again like some kind of sick joke we're just stalling on trick room here iron defense again gargan Ackle oh I was working for nothing okay GG [Music] all right nice job me okay GG the thing is that black sludge kills on the current turn you need to kill him the next turn or Trump meow okay no protect [Music] okay good protect no bad protect [Music] and protect [Music] okay not so bad be worse thanks grass ghost they totally boomed me oh that's actually a big problem for the rest of my team hey [Music] who's eating this Titan okay Jesus [Music] okay just follow me there but whatever how am I gonna beat this thing Mouse Patron's gonna take this hit sorry mastertron there goes flower trick Shadow Ball oh no my fourth my fort okay [Music] big damage please okay truly how on Earth am I supposed to win this unless it's scarf that's the world's hip difference and don't you forget it you stupid cat I'm not out of the woods yet folks I forgot about gold angles Make It Rain do a little bit of damage to an island not too much fine still so alive so good talent an eyelid's too slow candles beagle Dango make it rain comes out which is resisted they both survive oh no but but not least gonna get koed nightlife uses rage fist isn't gonna do enough damage it's gonna be really close just kidding but earthquake comes out and it's probably gonna finish off an island hang in there buddy Island goes down close combat we can afford to do this and not worry about recoil because we have white herb 40 percent Cowboy comes out the Titan goes down it's down to Stewart once again this isn't gonna KO most likely but it will do a lot it actually could KO Marco takes the hit it doesn't Stewart the flamingo once more takes it home okay kilowatt Trail [Music] from the earthquake I really needed to be Tailwind is the truth no it's the Titan Dodge it this is bad this is really bad it's a Titan hang in there you need to not take too much damage here okay I get one belly drum off it's life orb if I Flinch here it's the immediate game over it's insta dead okay oh I took too much damage take a guard jump probably at the cost of my Titan not a good trade oh we both threw I threw and they threw oh they're not they must have um they must have competitive Hayes it's a Titan please it's super effective and this thing is very frail if you connect us we can win are you sure it comes out it picks up the kale and killer control and The Encore prediction means that mercury was stuck on the field doing nothing it is forced to remove stat changes over and over and over again and it cannot switch out rambling okay oh oh they're forced to remove it they're forced to remove their own their own um thing I should have that was super dumb I didn't want to eat out each seed but that was kind of there goes the attack boost thanks murkrow thank you for your service the seat okay that's actually fine right this didn't protect I could have just won the game maybe they're Phantom forcing team bomb I live easy survive hand and mouse hit Mouse hold hits if one turn left of encore you're not gonna get to see it murkrow goes down heck that's seals that they can't win anymore I can all for that wait was that even right it would like kind of work right like I think if you selected the Z move it would go through it for the turn I think that's how it worked and Dynamics you couldn't Encore it all um and so people a lot of people really forgot how good Encore was Oro let's go one more win should almost certainly get us into master ball and thankfully it won't be against the murkrow Geo oh my friend oh no Geo my friend with the murkrow I'm gonna lose Evie mercuro oh man that is a that's a tough break huh chat murkrow to try and get into master ball potentially to get to rank one macro guard chopping not again how many times do I have to suffer before you're satisfied macro had another auction here I just realized there was one different thing I could have done [Music] just not gonna do enough oh man that's a super finger grip dozo I don't think I can win this because the Titan's gonna take too much [Music] oh he thinks that might be banned hey [Music] I don't really see a way to win this is the truth there's earthquake here comes the foul play though nice good switch by me really good switch by me that damage surviving the damage is a big deal oh he switched oh he's probably going to Golden go when you can't he has to go into oh Talent okay oh it's rough he's really pinned me [Music] God this is rough gosh darn okay sorry mousy I got a brave her but I think this is better I must hold okay how do I win this probably can't right that's probably the short answer I know where to win this okay [Music] not enough to tighten gray bird there's no way I win this right but there's no way I live on I'm perfect right so I may have made a mistake oh the first one is three percent I made a mistake in that case I shouldn't have switched out to Titan that was okay I could have won oh well okay uh he built me he totally Built Me little Dango I forgot about goldango oh Chad's not looking good oh Chad is not looking good at all Chad help out oh God I just got totally overwhelmed Rayford oh interesting huh he has to go murkrow here or something wait hold on a second hold on a second I can win it's gonna be really tight but Stewart picks up a kill and then and then murkrow and then I could have gone for earthquake here I thought let me go with a Shadow Ball I think he he has to go for shadow ball right I think this might have been a mistake in hindsight Make It Rain he's a minus one special attack [Music] flamigo should survive this please let me go no flamingo you were my amigo oh life form he fails oh he fails oh clever clever clever but I've got the double I was winning I just needed the double no flamigo for Mega y 'all I was so close oh it was so close I was so close I just needed Flamingo to take why is this Pokemon so strong uh I can't believe that cowed oh man if I take that attack there I kill murkrow so Titan's still alive I ice Shard and then uh annihilate wins the 1v1 I feel like it's gonna be I felt like it was gonna be this um okay oh they boomed me it super boomed me oh no shoot [Music] hey what are they using with an eye lape good thing I didn't do anything crazy here [Music] oh final game they did my job for me yes yes yes thanks for doing my job all right dondozo delicious munch population bomb don't crit one two three nine ten hits body press the sticker goes down it really should not be uh okay great prediction by me I covered both options here the close combat does not work what substitute it does this is iron defense money press again but I survived don't Crypt me survive nice big Lefty heal ing this whole time also their team is so fast [Music] oblivious I have to deal with this thing last I have to deal this thing last my sub oh oh no oh no no no no no no no her fairy's gotta be dazzling gleam come on flamigo you got me sash gosh darn it this is so difficult [Music] gleam I should have tear off the lies I was no I shouldn't have ah come on Flamingo you got me okay I hung in there [Music] oh you worthless Gengar I hate you I should have roosted I I should have roosted his liquidation I should be okay I should survive Ruth comes out Stewart heals 50 of his health is it enough [Music] the end of the mouse his mouths have been unloused I'm gonna take a ton of recoil in the process hey hang in there body pressed I survived it was I should double protect it I was really dumb I should double protect there [Music] can get the damage to stick the end of that all right Chad here we go I think that oh wait I'm posting special events okay final game it comes out annihilate get rid of this bulky monster it's down it all comes down to can flamigo take one hit from Gengar with Tara steal Gengar needs a crit here or maybe a focus blast it should no he doesn't have Focus blast Shadow Ball flamigo with plus two special events cannot take the hits it dies and Stewart the flamigo carries Us in to master ball tier master ball will rank are we number three we are the third best we are the third player to get to number one uh route to master balls here [Music] and Pokemon scarlet and violet I'm proud of that number three we were the third to do it Marco Golding okay in all honesty it's okay it's not great [Music] very bad very very very very very bad okay extraordinarily bad I can't even Encore because I just go to the gold foreign not enough Lord have mercy this is gonna be a pain to deal I need earthquake to do enough I need earthquake earth fake um [Music] and okay it's wide lens good to know Make It Rain please have a chance Jesus but there's so much damage I made the read correctly okay but it doesn't actually save me that much headache right broker comes in I predicted this correctly but oh it is uh okay wait it's only again huge damage oh it's interesting okay we get rid of mouse hole it's a three versus three and murkrow and um well Dango are both really low around co-star doesn't do anything it's murkrow supposed to be so much problems Tailwind okay three turn I don't even get into this now what I think this is a Titan or bust foreign goes into is it annihilate or is it to Titan grass type let me go no I had the win I super had the win [Music] they got me they super got me I'll play hey protect big protect are you sure comes out into murkrow and takes it out 2v3 how much health does this stupid golden go have darker punch comes out can you ask around his type to dark the Titan lives are you sure it comes out into the golden no it doesn't pick up the cable it doesn't matter let me go close combat take something else Corona doesn't matter though goldengo's gonna pick up both Kos but the Pokemon waiting in the wings Mega Ring comes out both Pokemon faint foreign however it comes at a cost and the life or recoil chaos guldango and somehow another murkrow team defeated this is gonna be tough we kind of cheesed them last time we almost got really lucky because they didn't get any Thunderbolt policies yeah so they're just running it back makes sense no yay yay that's amazing that's the best case scenario okay cool unless we get parrot in which case oh okay let's see how much this does lightning rod is active household things on no parents to Titan please nice no Pera okay so Titan's online okay I sure comes out that should be the end of Raichu that's great we just need to dodge a couple more peras and hit the super Fang [Music] discharge is on the field hang on there's the Titan so lucky honestly not getting terrible this might be Garchomp in the back it was Garchomp last time they got me they super got me oh no it's okay they haven't rationalized yet Miss Miss businesses oh okay plus six we've got uh Flamingo online problem is you're not out of the woods yet no I forgot it's the Titan hang in there okay Mazel goes down discharge is active [Music] [Applause] they both survive but is there a Para there's one is there two it's the only way we can lose is a full pair of this turn there's not two Flamingo clutches oh no it all comes down to this ice Shard will you connect detect from flamingo okay no protect from Garchomp that's good to Titan bring us home no Show me Life orb Show me Life orb please blight form Stuart bring us home be the last one standing detect fails is an island gonna move next to Garchomp analy is his final Gambit [Music] won twice at rank four where does this put us how close to rank one number two chat we are number two in the world we need one more win and we will potentially be the number one ranked player in Pokemon scarlet and violet oh it's no mercuro but it's a mirror electros I think this is Ashton a professional player Mungus Garchomp okay Garchomp uses protect but Endura from tatsugiri what's the Moon is gonna do final Gambit into tatsugiri lowering it to 1 HP and the Mungus goes for the Spore which is blocked by the terror grass and the Moon is tattoo green fallen asleep there intoxicord would not have been able to activate we used paragraph specifically to block the Sleep forfeiting our draft civilization in order to complete our setup the donzo is on the field we're not out of the woods yet it depends on what the Pokemon on the back are switches out I could have subbed is it tatsugiri into donzo no oh oh no okay it's super doomed I should have subbed at the very least okay well it comes down to what we can win this we super CH might be able to win this I don't think we can win this it depends on what ability is on his de don'tzo I just subbed it was so I really thought that lady didn't have it in the back so basically I need to find a way the 2v won this okay did that comes out does he have leftovers and does he have oblivious I'm faster or speed time but I'm not slower for sure it's impossible to tell just yet [Music] beer herb oh chat is there a chance [Music] okay it's near herbs the donzo otatsugiri mirror okay sorry I misunderstood David should just attack there I'm going for close combat I don't think no why does it let me do that Chris I don't think I was running anyway oh my God I I oh I haven't played against enough I missed you can you can Target touch agree and Miss okay I lose I was so dumb I didn't mean to do that I should live this okay oh man if I targeted correctly maybe it is still a little bit too soon to tell if he has the correct ability it's not a possibility as the wrong one I knew it was coming oh my god oh man that's not good crit no damage okay now it's looking pretty doomed I'm not gonna lie to you unless this does a ton of damage now he has the correct ability okay I lose oh man flamigo you did a good job man but it wasn't it wasn't your fault okay I got the Reed it's gonna really hurt him hang on wait it's a 1v4 but is it possible that I could win do I have a sliver of Hope is there any chance in the world that my faster to donso with the substituted up could somehow beat this lower HP donzo without the substitute crit there's a lot of the oh crits uh sub protect shoot he could pee-pee stall me is he gonna take me to timer that one miss cost me so much guys that one miss literally cost me so much [Music] Chris come on Dundas oh come on oh hang on please break please break oh we have a chance we have a chance chats there's a tiny tiny chance I don't think we can do it [Music] come on rip dozo is there any chance he's out of protect no no oh I had him I had him ah that sucks I literally had it I could have won I actually could have won if I had a couple does It Happened One cycle earlier it was possible ah okay we're probably gonna need two or three more wins in a row we need probably three wins unfortunately okay interesting all right well let's bring this back Endura comes out no protects I think you're used to protect that's fine rage fist comes out foreign this could totally backfire I should have doubled no I shouldn't have doubled something here let's see if they're a max speed timid and if they win the speed time if they kill me I missed I missed I'm I okay it's fine it's okay still on the field which is nice oh baby unfortunately knocking when this Gengar is a big deal I think I don't think there's Sash on the top two gear I think I would have just killed it in one I want to see it protect here from tatsukiri because uh or a draco into this head plot that comes out that's great Shadow Ball probably hey this is probably sash which is where that mystery oh it's happened Barry wait is this KO is there any chance it's bulky it's super bulky oh the Draco missed earlier shoot Miss Miss okay nice all right hey okay I can still win this or false nice to win this yeah another earthquake use it use it use it protect yourself for my Onslaught you want to protect [Music] almost dead force it to use uh earthquake again foreign [Music] goes down but that's fine we are setting up for [Music] a sweep an annihilate and a dream the damage I took earlier from Shadow Ball and icy wind might come in hand to hand in here rage Fist two stacks Choice carve allows it to move first just rage this do enough damage Tara goes stab 150 base power goes down order up comes out time degree goes down we have the donso behind the substitute at plus a lot of attack an island Kings of Gengar is Curse party can activate no Denver goes down Against All Odds Bruce it doesn't matter they hard read the the attack and Against All Odds the dozo who had his boost hazed away oh I messed up I could have lost he didn't do who had his boost hazed away from it removed beat a donzo who is set up thanks to the power of tandemaus Amigo goes down oh my goodness what a comeback one HP annihil ape I cannot believe I won that holy cow we were two we're back to two chat we're so close we're so close holding go and a Mungus okay okay this is the expected not the fun okay they're going for sports not ideal but it is what it is air balloon is the worst item I could play against nasty plot okay this is really bad chat this is super bad in all honesty belly dream comes out I could have terror I couldn't attract right I can make a hard read here actually there's no reason for them to Make It Rain Mal's world is asleep right there's no reason for them to make it rain well this is Vieira oh no one of the strongest players of all time okay I don't think it's likely he goes for Make It Rain here so I'm gonna do this it boosts Shadow Ball can't predicted correctly he's gonna do a lot of damage but I should survive D I forgot my friend card hello oh terrible angle Dango if it wasn't air balloon I would have just stayed in but I felt like I had to keep momentum up I don't know I don't know what I was supposed to do there I probably had to talk to Gary I should have brought up to Geary he wasn't really prepared for it not again oh my God not again I'm a little worried about this in all honesty Willow is here oh it's fine the damage and drag U-turn okay big damage on tatsukiri that's nice go ahead and say this we're not ideal should be monkey going to sleep with my guess it's a little damaged pasta Gary it's not much better than nothing come on I guess Baton Pass it's actually okay I think foreign well he won't do that though right he's determined not to do that yeah that was maybe a mistake in hindsight I don't think I have enough damage yet I think one for sub okay we're fine we're actually okay that's fine protect uh pollen puff Spore rate [Music] just break [Music] no oh that's really bad that's so bad again wait hang on we're back in this I'm gonna blow my Strat now but it's okay I think there's never break no I didn't wait I didn't no I didn't okay it's finally time this if I'm gonna win this it's gonna be like this basically this is the condition I need I just need my I need my denonza to wake up next turn and next turn please any next Turners [Music] I would very much like the donzo to wake up please I just need to understand wake up this turn I've already slept for two turns you've actually rolled me that's gonna cost me big time that's really gonna cost me [Music] that actually awesome oh my God [Applause] crit please crit Jesus right nope [Music] it doesn't really matter I lost oh my God it's okay that's on me that's on me that's on me that's on me he got so many doubles okay then I shouldn't have complained I thought that I thought that for sure he was gonna run out of time um I thought for sure that that I had way more time left this one probably went way faster I'm just surprised that that was 20 minutes already I guess it took me a while to get the setup online I guess I took probably 10. the amount of time okay well GG well played at this point I'm super disheartened it's clear I'm not gonna be able to become the number one ranked player tonight I think about giving it one last push but the thought of going to timer against endozo again makes me give up I go to bed super disheartened and defeated with a clear head and a little bit of sleep I decided to give it one more push rank 32 number 111 okay okay cool Garden more but most organizers should be physical I think okay Willow that's totally fine oops that's my alarm to wake up sorry okay excellent no damage was Titan let's go that's really lit okay no protect that's great [Music] I sure should take a guard over here unless it's uh attacked oh oh okay that's pretty bad that's really bad actually who goes first the Cardinal right okay oh it's okay it's okay oh it's oh it's faster huh there's like a psychic which isn't great because this thing is I mean I guess it's not the end of the world oh it's just cleaned okay it's fine so this is a fair bit of damage okay uh they don't protect guards down 3v3 the question is what happens next is it Willow us is it who moves next okay into flamingo there's just so much damage oh wait hang on a second I took a lot more damage than I intended if they have King Gambit I might actually have a bad time Excalibur oh show me a Boma show me a Bulma okay we're big chilling right are we thinking uh but I am a water type now hold on a second okay the thing is that this is the benefit of snow versus hail so it's um it has a defense boost so whereas that might have kale to the worst gliev rush comes out it's not scarf Obama the energy ball okay okay I think I have guaranteed game here when I moved first final game it comes out I did this I could have closed combat it obviously but I did a final Gambit because in case they had like a weird Terror type like I don't my annihilate isn't very strong because I've invested all the points in HP they also gave up their defense because they're doing this this is a lot closer than I wish it had been the hail is actually kind of strong because normally I'm used to ice shark just killing everything anyway let me go comes through this is the lead I expected okay reflect good prediction I'm a good great encore by me Chrome smells no longer useful Make It Rain okay I would have liked his mouth a little to survived this but I can't win them all can't win any of them no life for him a lot of damage though why did you do so much damage not Dragonite not Dragonite give me armors or something armor Rouge baby okay dundozo not ideal I'm probably gonna have to use an island to kill that thing pickles make it rain around two hey [Music] KO here but the problem is oblivious means that I'm not doing any damage just to um this thing it's the end of okay oh my God they did nothing literally nothing oh my God is it lefties Stuart 10 because the plus six attack which is nice that's not a deal it's an offensive dundozo I guess oh wait did I switch into Spirit Break Sucker Punch okay we're fine question mark para blast okay [Music] I lived come on Stuart Grim smells down flamigo I feel like takes this but like I've been wrong a lot of time I'm not good at knowing flamigo's defensive you like uh situation I'm faster that's good at least get some damage down that actually damage the damages it being really crucial actually how much damage is it a little bit enough terablast comes out into is it flamigo it is flamingo can you survive this you cannot oh no [Music] okay don't dozo's down it's a 2V1 one HP mouse holding one each piece of Titan against the world against denial ape rage fist okay follow me comes out it also depends on if they have close combat or drain punch are you sure it goes next a critical hit will steal it can we get the crit it's not a two shot they went for drain punch all right chat I technically can win this however it requires a double protect I don't think I get this I have a one and three shot at winning this game chat do you believe send me your energy put your hands in the air no I was so close I could have won that I I was really I was really close the reflect honestly props to them the reflector's really good it's okay it's behind us now Garchomp and kilowattroll are on the field okay I have an eyelape and tatsugiri hey garsh I'm down I feel like making this a 3v3 isn't my favorite in all honesty but unless I get perid hair splash I get this one nice the Flinch okay that's unfortunate that's actually really unlucky to be completely honest that one okay yeah I knew it was coming unless this is Willow Westward because I'm just screwed I thought it'd be an offensive set keyboard okay that's why I did this no Pera we got rid of Rotom and now we have the hard part of the fight which is a bonus now [Music] a lot of damage I need an off Flinch here oh interesting I would say okay I should be really lucky but I should go from 57 down to like 30. I think positive remains to poison as the Tailwind ends this is a really important timing here this is super important timing Tailwind is over and now so this thing is still you know you can see this kilowatt will still faster than me faster faster than my um don't dozo and that that is correct that that's the case um however it's not faster than plus two flamigo so flamigo is the fastest Pokemon in the field thanks to co-star copying the Boost um I can go for a little Brave Bird and Order up here okay Sylveon Among Us okay question is how is this humongous Max HP okay it doesn't even matter [Music] please die well played well played can't be mad about that one hypervoice oh I can be bad about that one though dang that sucks ah good spread they spread they totally spreaded me and then a nice item as well okay nice that's fine one HP here we go do you know what all their Pokemon are that's Arcanine okay it's fine this is okay I'm actually glad I didn't stop because that would get me one less [Applause] [Music] I almost wave crashed there but I actually am glad I didn't because I think I'd rather fuss to attack on Flamingo bouncinger goes down thanks to the toxic orb the speed nice play thankfully I have ruse so I'm not as worried about damage here you get a KO which is Big the sub yeah they're not uh terrestlers yet it's all cure nice block but it's not like they can switch okay GG chats we are two wins away most likely holy cow rank three okay shoot come on you got me right too much damage I lose I lose I lose oh my God I did so much and I'm gonna take so much recoil shoot ER symmetry coil just foreign [Music] [Music] okay like it's so hard against a good opponent I have no tools like like golden go murkrow and Revival blessing is just like there's nothing I can do [Music] if I could just take him to murkrow would have been okay you know what I mean I don't even know like they let with what they LED like it's probably banned uh group [Music] yeah like I just couldn't do anything I could have tried to go to Titan here but honestly I don't think that would have fared me that much better I don't like I don't I don't think that would actually worked right super thing I should turn one I don't really think that actually works either is the thing oh this is a this is a good player this is um I know them [Music] let me go no no my beloved my beloved Flamingo they're in a really strong authentication and they don't want to swim and so what I've identified here basically is that okay you might not intend to like I'm not really intending to sweep this game with you know tatsukiri dendoza or whatever but um if I can use them to get a KO then I might be able to clean this to Titan basically protect Garchomp okay that actually makes my life way way simpler and they go for Dark Pulse and they miss this toxic Yuri okay cool toxic word was online they switch out guard Trump something's taking a wave crash here the question is is it murkrow I don't know what that is it might be Mercer it's murkrow is it Focus Ash it's not John bozo there's a lot of damage is that life form it just does that much what okay wave Crush comes out that should pick up the KO a drink goes down earthquake comes out it's actually weaker than Dragon claw it's a slight uh hangs on GG 4-0 okay probably still rank three I won and dropped two tiers I won and dropped two tears that was from a victory brother are you flying okay who's more threatening in the long run hence oh okay no protect that's great we really didn't want to see it protect there [Music] why do I even speak [Music] my earthquake right nice place Choice band [Music] nice that change copy Baby okay we should be okay here unless this is uh Arcanine I'm Brian okay that's fine okay they doubled out they're gonna try and intimidate me down basically my white arm no my beloved white herb okay it's still okay yeah baby plus two and highlights wait where's my waiter wait where's my did my waiter not talk plus one oh I copied the plus one from Defiance oh my goodness ah okay I get to lose this I don't know what's going on here let's go for a cheeky sub question mark pay attention to what happens this turn if Arcanine switches next we know flamigo is uh doesn't matter okay what do we know we know it's Choice band um we know it's Choice band Garchomp we know it's not Citrus or leftovers Umbreon okay they're trying to intimidate cycle meme but if I know this I can play around it [Music] foreign [Music] that's really bad that is super bad I didn't realize wait I don't understand how did charm move first wait I'm plus two speed wait how did charm move first it's scarf Umbreon with charm he has to switch here yeah I see the original is going to continue intimidating cycling man you need to go on the offensive not very much damage DD okay that's fine actually it's actually okay but I have white herb thank you the defiant the Define from earlier coming in clutch I should have gone Terrace feel here most likely but I think it's okay I should have gone Terrace deal I'm faster than men's okay the men's amounts of the immense amounts of damage why did Altera steal here what was I thinking seriously what was I thinking I learned it on tear of Steel what was I thinking and why did I and why did I not tear a dragon oh no you need to get out on those oh please I left Stewart go down for no reason Okay order up comes out plus two driver Dragon even plus one Terra dragon chaos okay on Garchomp it's 2V1 I can minus one charm oh my God I'm either close combat oh I shouldn't break right since his phone okay guaranteed KO in case you try to take me to timer okay okay this murkrow dundozer it's like the worst it's like yeah Mercury golden go oh no now end turn one earthquake doesn't affect murkrow a lot of damage how much on tatsugiri a lot of damage these do a lot please connect please connect please okay please KO okay Mercer down hey they're going for uh earthquake and protect and it comes out fake There Goes My annihilate but it did its job she turns off the Tailwind [Music] [Applause] that's fine I I needed to cover it because I can beat Garchomp with like this comes this battle comes down to can I wolfglick tail this tatsugiri and if I can KO it and keep the dozo alive I can win if not and I'm doomed it most likely doesn't have um [Music] foreign [Music] they probably don't they don't sub they don't sub for sure because they have earthquake uh no actually Helen is gone okay it comes down to this where four turns in 2v [Music] 2v3 Scout for protect you want to do it so bad come on baby I'm faster that's a big deal print is really nice I'm not complaining about that they ordered up into Mouse hold my sub remains intact come on super Fang come on please connect you connect big deal big damage wave crash comes out [Music] let me close whether or not one more chaos do you have to go for order up or if they go for earthquake earthquake [Music] wait we know it's Choice Bank as long as the sub doesn't break [Music] sub didn't break if I hit I have a 90 oh I win I win they messed up [Music] unless it goes to timer no they don't have the health they can't stall me we're only like we're only a couple minutes and it can't go to timer we have so much time left Trust to protect again [Music] please KO just make this easy nice the nose is down [Music] our Chomps down it's only tatsugiri left oh rough skin any water [Music] this is a high ranked opponent where rank three is there any chance this is a rank one PG oh my God no modsdale Grim Pearl okay what is the purpose of this my question this is a horrible flight whatever I have to do it I think don't really just waste a turn one for no reason [Music] okay it's okay [Music] but they're not terroristing for some reason ideally this torch song cryptozo I definitely breaks the tub yeah oh interesting [Music] oh if they want for that turn one I would have been in trouble [Music] okay so basically that cuts um dragon attacks damage now my dragon moves are much weaker sudden yes brother oh no oh no ripped OZO wait this is actually a really good setup for them to take me out 90 I take which one is me [Music] wait I don't understand but I actually don't understand why I did that not too super effective damage did I just miss it am I dead this turn anyway I have to tear out here come on Doza oh please don't take too much [Applause] it's okay [Music] it's gonna be close oh they're gonna slide towards song again [Music] they don't forget okay talk to her she goes down it took a while we don't have much health left but false issue is finally down the power of toxic orb coming in clutch they didn't Hera although there's nothing please donozo please pick up the KO I really need this it's so tanky no the nose is going down I don't survive this oh my God no [Music] oh my God that's a lot of damage why are these Pokemon so strong also how did it survive this is my only option I haven't been Nolan Stuart Stewart if you're gonna get me to rank one It's gotta be now [Music] I can just close combat into the ascarata and hope that I take on Oregon bravery and hope that I take a hit reflect is gone okay well I'm glad I didn't Ruth then I don't think I can win though Stuart can you carry us [Music] man that skeleton are just so tanky if it was just max HP I would have pulled it but it was so yeah I made a bad turn one play but like honestly I was worried about a lot of things okay it's two more wins foreign [Music] [Music] this isn't gonna kill obviously but uh it'll do half [Music] a lot here there's no scarf annihilate which is good to know right this comes out I will live this time might I live there cross bro s oh it's life important I think it's probably banned nice dude oh my God that's so clutch that's actually super hype rage fist here so I can Encore that of course um let's see if they go into proposal [Music] I love that he has like one raised eyebrow awesome [Music] okay oh I mean what are they tearing into it's all it's all good for me right this is electric round oh okay that's good he was fine because I'm Rick bozo should I go into an island into the final Gambit I think I should be big chilling in all honesty uh oh I was like huh okay let's just go on the offensive because I think they wanna they even want to stall it on it no yeah nice Super Tank comes out big damage cryptozo protect or no um oh [Music] [Music] Bingo Grim smile okay foreign [Music] this is the Terra electric uh de donzo [Music] it's fine because it's good I just want damage Uncle Dango in all honesty [Music] big damage that's really good damage to get [Music] out of all they got me they totally got me why did that do so much damage what yeah okay they got me from ozone what's this is like a sucker punch it did right no that was the other one right oh it does okay you go in two Miley right last time I remember now hey sucker Bush fails that's great [Music] probably the tattoo again hey did I make a mistake shoot I totally did didn't I I needed to attack there right it's gonna be close combat hold up hook up is fine in all honesty ready for some damage it's gonna go for order up itself and annihilate is gonna go for rage Mr grain time neither should break the sub and hunch this should not break the sub heavy Slim it doesn't have order up oh shoot it doesn't have water off hang on the sub didn't break anybody breaks the sub [Music] scribe to you that much not gonna do much at all right tatsuki is down now we can actually start playing I think I've positioned this correctly I think that I can win Here Comes Tara electric I was waiting for this moment [Music] problem is we just don't know what the last move is on um the third blast comes out [Music] this should still KO I think I just like I was I don't know yeah this should be fine as long as the caves here this thing might be a small test is my hunch based on how it's playing [Music] if you notice Sucker Punch I'm just worried about timer but I should be okay right hang in there flamigo plus one what fine liquidation okay and the work comes out wait is this not killed should definitely kill right it's plus five I should definitely go I should definitely it should Ontario Dragon plus five we should definitely kale okay an island goes down 2v2 and dozo versus endozo Here Comes liquidation and eyelid should not faint to this it does not faint it will go down to another one though I'm a little worried about timer I'm not gonna lie they're stalling I maybe should just go for the kill here but I was a little bit nervous [Music] vanishes from the field of play and not be targeted while it's off the field Shadow Ball comes out doesn't have a Target no it does have a Target I'm pretty sure this didn't know those specs anyway but whatever and divorce comes out as a KO it is bulldang goes down the 2V1 minda knows this faster because of the booth order up comes out Terra dragon reflect is still in play but not for that much longer actually okay it doesn't do very much damage but thirdones there's no recovery and also has no way to break my sub liquidation comes out that's gonna be the end of annihilate but it did its job took out two Pokemon here blocked all protects we should have guaranteed a game here this is a high ranked opponent at rank two is this gonna be enough wave crash probably not gonna pick up the KO here it does we win for a second timer rank two against the top we're against the number four ranked opponent an opponent we previously lost to who blew our team up with Kara electric dendoza a really cool Innovation to counter dondozo this could be it but I have had times where I have won three times at rank two and still not been ranked one was that win against the rank 4 player enough to put us over the edge and get us to number one be the number one ranked player in Pokemon scarlet and violet I beat the number four ranked player I I was ranked two I won I've got matched against the number four ranked player I won and I'm still ranked two I'm like sis at this I'm not this is my sis at this moment Among Us okay final game that comes out and two Among Us [Music] oh please don't be with you Mary please don't be what you marry [Music] please don't hear me holy cow please I missed anyway didn't I miss okay it's not ideal oh if they missed we're big chilling we're not chilling at all we are super amazing I'm not chilling oh yeah [Music] this is really bad I probably was now I mean now it's I literally have for the 1v2 now which sucks okay it's not ideal but it's okay those are attack balls [Music] we want this to do like a good chunk 40 nice [Music] okay you can break that's great [Music] and the sub goes down but now we know that we are actually in some shape basically I just need to make sure I don't lose some timer here we've got some damage on organ Ackle Terror Dragon which isn't perfect but plus two wave questions oh they forfeited three wins at rank two three wins at rank two chat I've been so good please rank one yes oh my God oh I gotta tell you after last night and it was just Mercury City population mercuro I was like I can't do it this team is good but I just can't do it and then I went to bed and I couldn't sleep because I was like going over every match I lost and I was like how do I how do I win and I was like can't do I can't do I can't do it I can't do it and then I woke up today and I was like what's my to-do list and I looked and it was like get rank one in the world and I was like all right well I should probably go for it certainly something how about that chat I was certainly certainly something
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 1,721,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, twitch, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, smallant, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, wolfeyvgc, purplecliffe, pm7, pokemen7, mandjtv, shiny pokemon, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, scarlet, violet, scarlet and violet, fuecoco, quaxly, sprigatito, rank 1, #1 pokemon, #1 rank, #1 ranked player, pokemon #1 ranking, pokemon ladder, pokemon team, best pokemon team, strongest pokemon team
Id: RZXXd8qDG8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 42sec (7002 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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