How I Won the Biggest Pokémon Tournament Ever

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I won the biggest official Pokemon Tournament of all time with a Pokemon that everyone thought was awful this is screamtail It's the ancient form of Jigglypuff and one of 14 Paradox Pokemon that recently became legal in the newest competitive Pokemon rule set now when it came to these Paradox Pokemon the consensus was that these four were great these three had potential this one was gimmicky but threatening and the rest were garbage screamtale has 65 base attack and special attack for context that's as much attack as Slowpoke and as much special attack as Psyduck on the plus side screamtail has amazing bulk and incredible speed plus it gets some of the best supporting moves in the game such as reflect light screen trick room Encore disable the list goes on the reason I use screamtail has to do with a move that it has that very very few Pokemon learn perish song Parish song doesn't do damage like regular attacking move instead it applies a counter to every Pokemon on the field starting at 3 and at the end of every turn Falling by one when the counter hits zero the Pokemon faints now that might sound broken but all you need to do to get rid of this counter is just switch your Pokemon out because there's such simple counter play and because so few Pokemon actually learn Parish song it's almost never seen competitively almost there is one contentious strategy all you need to do is pair Pokemon that learn perish song with a Pokemon with the ability Shadow tag which prevents your opponents from switching out this Probably sounds like a really simple strategy but trust me it is a lot more complex than it initially seems the thing is it's really difficult to win a battle without attacking your opponent and with this Parish trap strategy you're almost never attacking also Ghost type Pokemon are immune to Shadow tag and moves like U-turn and volt switch still work as normal and can switch your Pokemon out before we talk more about how I made this super unorthodox strategy work we first have to talk about the sponsor of today's video disc plate this plate is a company that displays Arch printed directly on metal it's a really unique way of showcasing the things that you're passionate about and it's a totally distinctive look I ordered this mushroom display and this national parks one to hang up in my apartment this plate is really cool because they have both branded and artistic designs meaning they have incredible artwork as well as many designs inspired by your favorite series including lots of anime and movies getting them on a wall is no problem thanks to their easy to use mounting system which I like personally because it uses a magnet which I don't know I just think is cool this plates typically arrive four to five business days after you order so if you find one you really love you won't have to wait a long time to display it when I was looking for displays that I wanted I got totally lost on the site there's just so many incredible designs to choose from if you find one that you really love you can use my link in the description option to receive a discount ordering a display to help support the channel so I'd appreciate if you check them out Harris trap is pretty widely considered to be the single hardest strategy to use in competitive Pokemon it's so difficult in fact that it has only ever won one official Pokemon tournament I load Expressions count fall Cesaro and Wolfie Glick is crowned your Regional Champion yep buy me Paris trap is my single favorite strategy I've been using it since the best Parish song user was Miss mojius and the only Shadow tag Pokemon was Wobbuffet I fell in love with the strategy in 2012 and I've brought Paris song to an official tournament every single year from 2014 to 2019. the only reason that I didn't bring it to a tournament during sword and shield was because tournaments were shut down for most of the game's life span nevertheless bringing only Parish song to a tournament is very different than bringing a dedicated Parish Trap Team the only time I did that was in 2015 and even though I did win the tournament I never attempted to do it again not only is it an extremely difficult strategy with way less margin for error than almost any other team you also need very specific team building tools to even make it work in the first place there have only been three Pokemon ever that can legally get Shadow tag Wobbuffet who doesn't work because it can't learn protect which is a crucial part of the strategy Mega Gengar who was great because it got both Shadow tag and Parish song but is not in generation 9 and gothatel gothitel is a good Pokemon which is good because it's also the only way to make this strategy work for Parish song prior to the Paradox Pokemon these were the only Pokemon that could even learn it in scarlet and violet and of them I would consider only these to be even possible to use now originally I wasn't planning on bringing Paris trap to this tournament but that changed after I talked with my friends I worked closely with other Pro players for these tournaments and oftentimes will end up using the same teams in San Diego the first official Tournament of scarlet and violet a bunch of my friends and I all use the same team that we built together but on the whole they did a little bit worse than they were hoping so for this tournament we all agreed no matter what happened we would all work on and use our own individual teams in order to hone our individual skills and so I decided that for this tournament I I win with my favorites every every Harris trap team has three main components Pokemon that use Paris song Pokemon that have Shadow tag and Pokemon that support let's start with the parish song users first if you recall Ghost type Pokemon are immune to Shadow tag meaning I couldn't trap them on the field with gothatel I needed to have other ways of dealing with them and since Ghost type Pokemon or week 2 Ghost type attacks flutter Maine worked phenomenally it's a ghost and fairy type pokemon with Incredible special attack special defense and speed but it's balanced by its abysmal physical defense and HP stats flutter Maine was my offensive Parish song user I maxed out its speed and special attack stats and gave it a focus stash to help keep it alive for its other moves I went with moonblast and Shadow Ball because they were the strongest options it has available when using a parish Trap Team taken Kos is a very valuable tool because if you knock out both Pokemon on your opponent's side of the field you won't even need to worry about Shadow tag to keep the opponent trapped because they won't be able to switch out due to not having anything to switch into lastly on a team centered around Paris song every single Pokemon should have protect to be able to stall as the parish counter drops most fluttermane chose an offensive Terror type like ghost or fairy or a defensive one like fire or steel I didn't have that many good ways of getting a Mungus off the field quickly so I went with Terra grass I wanted multiple Pokemon immune to Spore and rage powder so that even if I couldn't get a Mungus off the field quickly it at least wouldn't be able to put my team to sleep I just want to take a quick second and ask you to subscribe we are so close to a million subscribers so if you don't mind I'd appreciate you just double checking to make sure you're subscribed even if you think you already are next scream Tale the MVP of this team booster energy is an item that activates the abilities of the Paradox Pokemon these two abilities named Quark drive and photosynthesis both do the same thing they raised the Pokemon's highest stat when activated for most stats the Boost is 30 but for whatever reason if the stat instead boost is speed that boost is 50 in other words using booster energy to boost your speed gives you the most stat points possible and speed is exactly what I needed I gave my scream tail enough investment to out-speed choice scarf annihilate which also meant I was way faster than any Pokemon that hadn't boosted in speed I still had a ton of stats left over so I decided to max out its HP then I invested enough in his defense to allow it to survive adamant life or Max attack King Gambit iron head which is a very powerful super effective attack many players would probably just put the remaining points to the special defense but not me remember earlier how I said that fluttermane has abysmal physical defense well it's so bad that despite screamtale's horrible physical attack stat it's still able to two shot flutter main if you give it a little bit of investment with playoff this has the added benefit of allowing scream tail to KO even bulky roaring Moon which was a big deal throughout the tournament finally I put the remaining points in screamtales special defense to give it a little bit more staying power for moves was I knew I wanted to protect Parish song and play rough but there were so many options for the final move slot my first idea was sing which is a very evil move but I thought it could work here screamtails so bulky that it tends to sit in the field for a long time and buying yourself a single extra turn with sleep can be a big deal when playing Parish trap but I knew that if I ran Singh I would inevitably end up in a position where I needed to click it to win the game and I didn't want my tournament to come down to dumb luck my next idea was Encore but Encore is mostly used to lock opponents into defensive moves like protect and since my team isn't exerting any offensive pressure I wasn't sure how often this would come up but then I thought about encore's partner in crime disable you often just need to survive for a single turn when using Parish trap because you can protect on the first and third turns and then switch out on the last one on top of that many Pokemon were only carrying one attack that could damage my super bulky Pokemon especially when considering to rationalization if you disable a Pokemon's best way to new damage it's gonna be much harder to move of my bulky Pokemon from the field even better any Pokemon holding a choice item would suddenly find themselves at a massive disadvantage against scream tail because if I disable their attack they're going to be forced to use struggle finally because I wanted screamtail to be as bulky as possible I gave it Terra steal this resists steel and is immune to poison which are two of scream Tail's three weaknesses and steel is also just again the best defensive type in the game next as the premiere and only Shadow tag user in the game gothatel was added to the team gothatel received a major buff in generation 8 when it was given fake out since Dynamax Pokemon are immune to fake out this didn't really feel like a big deal at the time but now the Dynamax is gone we can see this buff for what it truly is let's say I have screamed hail and Arcanine on the field if I switch in gothitel and use parashong the parish counter Falls to three I can now use fake out with gothatel on whatever Pokemon's more threatening and do whatever I want with screamtail as the counter Falls to two I can then protect both of my Pokemon as the counter fall to one and then on the final turn of Parish I can switch out before I faint fake out basically allows goth Intel to use sudo protect for one turn and on Paris trap that one turn is a massive deal so I knew I wanted to protect fake out and psychic since I knew I wanted a damaging move somewhere on there but I was once again stuck on the last move slot I used trigger for a while but I didn't really have good tools to make use of it in the end I went with heel pulse I don't love heel pulse in general but on a team like this where the main and only goal is kind of just to stay alive it ended up being absolutely the right choice I maxed out gothatel's HP gave it enough defense to survive kowtow cleave and put the rest of its stats in special defense I wanted to use an item that would keep gothatel alive so I gave it a citrus Berry because it's the most consistent one just like with screamtel I went with Tara steel because it's the best defensive type let's talk about Arcanine Arcanine is kind of a no-brainer on this team because of two reasons first intimidate is very valuable on a team where you want all your Pokemon to stay alive second golden go I hate this Pokemon goldengo is a ghost type Pokemon which is already a problem for Paris trap its ability good as gold is so stupid it makes it immune to all status moves Now goldango isn't immune to Haze which as far as I was aware affected Pokemon in the exact same way that perish song did it works through protect it works through substitute Etc the thing is goldengo is not immune to Haze which is great because it can be used to reset its stat drops but it is immune to perish song that means that unlike other Ghost type Pokemon you cannot beat Golden go by taking two Kos and then forcing it to hear the song the only way my team was going to be able to beat Golden go is by knocking it out the old-fashioned way which is a problem because my whole team was focused around defense While most Arcanine including the one I ran eight years ago are typically trained to be super defensive I decided to go a different route this time the most important thing for my Arcanine to do was to KO every single goldengo it came across so so I trained my Arcanine to be super fast at speeding all gold angle and all great Tusk and maxed out its attack stat for its moves I chose protect flare Blitz Willow Wisp and extreme speed protect and flare Blitz are obvious but Extreme Speed was used because I didn't have any good ways of naturally controlling the speed of the battle the last move spot was between willowist or snarl and I went with willowist because even though snarl was a good attack Wolowitz has higher impact and my team was trained to be specially bulky across the board for its item I chose safety goggles to make it a reliable check against the Mungus and brute Bonnet who happened to pick up in usage right before the tournament I initially had a terror type of normal to boost extreme speeds damage output but I switched to water after much testing I wanted a terotype that could both resist guldango's Make It Rain and iron bundles hydro pump Among Us is an incredibly bulky support Pokemon that excels at slowing your opponents down and keeping your team alive Among Us used a standard moveset of protect rage powder Spore and pollen puff Spore puts opponents to sleep rage powder forces your opponent to Target amongus even if they really want to get rid of its partner and pollen puff could be used for a little bit of damage or to heal its Partners up by 50 among Us's ability regenerator was also super nice and one of the main reasons I used it over Brew Bonnet I trained a Mungus fully in its bulk but to be honest I don't remember specifically what I calculated for so I can't tell you what this specific EV spread does all I knew was that it felt like I was normally surviving the things that I felt like I should be surviving which was good enough for me I initially used Tara water but being weak to freeze dry even after terrazolizing felt really bad eventually I settled on dark it's a really solid type without many weaknesses and resisting ghost and psychic type attacks was a really big deal for the item I initially had a rocky helmet and then switched to a berry that restored HP but neither of them felt very impactful but then I tried mental herb and I knew that it was the right item for this amungus lots of random Pokemon started running taunt and without mentaler Among Us was super weak to them with mental herb and a good defense of Terra it was almost impossible to stop him Mungus from disrupting an opponent's team in the very first version of the team that I built I had these five Pokemon plus king Gambit because I figured there wasn't a better Pokemon dealing with Ghost types but can Gambit didn't really feel like it fit it was clunky and awkward to use after testing a bunch I realized I had two main weaknesses King Gambit and torkel King Gambit did super effective damage against all three Parish trap Pokemon was stupidly bulky got stronger when intimidated and often used terriflying Terra Blast or amungus poor gold did ridiculous damage with terrifier eruption in trick room and would often completely overwhelm my defense was there a Pokemon that could handle both of these behemoths I really felt like I needed a hero very early on I made the Bold statement that palafin was the best new Pokemon introduced in scarlet and violet except people didn't really seem to agree nobody was using palafin so I put it at number one of the 10 most underrated Pokemon of scarlet Violet but it still wasn't very popular and was almost exclusively used on Reign teams so I put my money where my mouth is and I gave it a shot not only did it help with King Gambit and torkal it added a whole nother Dimension to my team it has incredible Synergy with Arcanine and Mungus and because it's so strong when it transforms it could help me pick up some early chaos so I could win the game later with perish song I trained palafin to be as strong as possible gave it enough speed to outspeed all Tyranitar and bulky goldango and put the rest of its stats in its bulk for its moves I chose to drop two of its more common choices Haze and flip turn I wasn't worried about dundozzo which is the main Pokemon you want to hit with Hayes and frankly I think flip turn is really bad on palafin instead Iran protect wave crash jet punch and close combat wave crash when transformed does enormous damage jet punch is an incredible priority move and close combat allows palafin to threaten Tyranitar King Gambit and iron bundle even before it's transformed because Jeff punch is so strong for a priority move I decided to use my remaining resources to make it even stronger a terror type of water and the held item Mystic water allowed me to push jet punch as far as it could go with this palafin could still contribute to a battle even while in its zero form and with that the team was complete but now it was time to test I hopped on the ladder and I played a bunch of games but before I knew it I was having trouble finding opponents without realizing it I had become the number one player on Showdown during my Ascent I'd come across several of the world's top players and my team was so good and so unusual they decided to copy it to a t using it on stream they seem to be having trouble getting it to work especially because screamtailed didn't seem to make any sense I thought I was in the clear but I wasn't they modified the team dropping scream tail for iron hand and then entered and won a huge online tournament the week before Orlando regionals to make things worse they then posted their version of the team online which was just my team with iron hands over scream tail most serious players began practicing against the team in Earnest oftentimes even modifying their own teams to maintain a better match-up several other players took this modified version and then modified it again dropping palafin for iron bundle they then went off and laddered with this version and tested against their friends and chaired the team in private circles meaning that even more players had experience with and against a version of the team right before the tournament I had totally lost my element of surprise but I wasn't worried without scream tail the team played totally differently and beyond that I'm the best Paris trap player in the world I don't think anybody else alive can use this archetype the same way that I can so even if my opponent had experience against the team it wasn't the same as having experience against me before I knew it it was time to leave for the airport but something was bothering me horacle it is spiked in usage right before the tournament and after testing further I realized that even with palafin my matchup was not that good so on the way to the airport I pulled out my switch spent 50 terashards and changed my gothatel's tarotype from steel to water except something else was bothering me I was having the worst back pain I've had in my entire life I moved recently and I threw my back out during the process I couldn't move without pain and getting through the airport took me three times as it normally would because if I tried to wear my backpack like a normal person I thought I was gonna pass out when I made it onto the plane I thought it was probably going to be the biggest thing I accomplished this weekend nevertheless I made it to Orlando my friends Aaron and Brendan helped me carry my bag to the hotel and we spent the night doing final preparations before the big day after a two and a half hour delay on the day of the tournament my first opponent was revealed to be Aaron Brock a semi-finalist at the previous Regional Championship can Gambit flutter Maine and Volcarona are all problems for my team I lead with palafin and screamtail against my opponents flutter Maine and Volcarona knowing I can catch him off guard I double Aaron's flutter Maine with jet punch and play rough knocking it out on turn one Volcarona sets up a quiver dance but the damage is done I send out gothatel and click perishthong creating a clear path to Victory now that I've shown my cards game two is gonna be an even bigger challenge this time Aaron leads with fluttermane and a Mungus preventing me from going for the same jet punch and play rough play that I did last game both Among Us play a huge role in this game putting multiple Pokemon to sleep Aaron brings King Gambit this time but it sleeps for long enough for me to knock it out with perish song in the end my screamtail wakes up after only one turn of sleep and I'm able to win the game after such a tough draw round one I'm hoping for an easier round too so you can imagine my chagrin when I see that my next opponent is Kyle Morris a player who's been playing almost as long as I have Kyle leads with roaring Moon and iron bundle against my screamed hell and palafin I know roaring moons only here to stop perishthong with throat chop and I knew it a month ago when I gave my scream tail enough EVS to Oco it with playroth before it could beating up a Pokemon when using Paris trap is a huge Advantage this one turn essentially wins me the game game two Kyle brings his roaring moon in the back to avoid immediately dropping to screamtail I'm able to get two Kos with an early perish song and by using a Mungus in the mid game I can end the game with a second perish my next opponent is yet another veteran player with another challenging team booster energy iron moth is an extremely difficult Pokemon to beat it outputs huge damage on its own and it can set up for Kos with its partner by using acid spray and it's faster than booster energy scream tail meaning I can't get cheeky with disable of course course there's another way that I can catch it off guard para water jet punch on the first turn of game one up a Pokemon I perish song and win the game I won't be able to use the same trick twice my opponent leads with iron bundle and sash flutter main this match is much closer but am able to narrowly claw out another win in order to advance to the final bracket I'll need to win eight of my 10 Rounds today unfortunately my next opponent is chongjun Pang a regional champion from last season when I see Chong Jin's team I am once again overcome with a feeling of dread flutter Maine with Focus Ash that I can't trap in with Shadow tag can Gambit rage powder Tara water Volcarona who I can only remove with parisong and brute Bonnet who not only could put my Pokemon to sleep but also threatens huge damage I lead with palafin and flutter main into my opponents Volcarona and flutter maid I need to get rid of their flutter Mane if I'm gonna win with Parish song so I attack it with both my Pokemon Paul Corona switches out making my play great but I lose a speed time causing my flutter Maine's Health to drop really low on the plus side I do end up killing their flutter main group Bonnet and King Gambit are on the field now I realize if I take one of them this turn I win the game so I decided to make a really aggressive play doubling into King Gambit with close combat and moon blast but chongjin reads this and terosolizes his kangambit to fairy causing me to do no damage I could have gone for a completely safe play of Parish song and protect but I missed it and suddenly I'm really on the back foot chongjun doubles into palafin taking it out I go into a Mungus but I miss another Safe Play protectants 4 has no a drawback but I don't know maybe the impatience got the better of me I go for moonblast on brute Bonnet which backfires because I lose my flutter main to Sucker Punch all I'm left with is Scream tale who just doesn't have the offense to win this game it's my first loss of the day the good news is it wasn't really my team's fault I had a lead but I threw it away game two opens up better with our flutter Maine's trading Shadow balls as king Gambit falls asleep Harrison goes up and can Gambit switches out I knock out my opponent's flutter Main and put the incoming Volcarona to sleep I go for another Parish thong and try to switch in Scream tail but can Gamba wakes up after just one turn of sleep and does huge damage to it I need to get gothitel in so I go for the double switch but Volcarona also gets a one turn sleep and does big damage to gothatel amongus loses half its Health to kowtow cleave and I'm once again struggling to keep afloat for the first time all set though Paris trap is up and there's only two turns left on the counter a sacrifice flutter main to safely stall a turn and then go for a double protect to secure the double knockout with only brute Bonnet left I easily take it out and bring us to a game three I go with palafin and amungus this time and chongjin goes back to his lead from game one this vulcerona is a problem so a go for a risky turn one play heradarka Mungus an attack into the flutter Mane Chong makes a great play protecting both of his Pokemon now I've burned my Terra and a Mungus is suddenly weak to flutter Maine's moonblath I'm able to switch palafin into Arcanine for free but kongjin goes for tarot water on his Volcarona it's gonna be incredibly hard for me to get rid of now dungeon doubles my amungus knocking it out but thanks to a burn from flare Blitz I keep the Pokemon count tied at three to three I expect chongjin to protect his group on it and switch into King Gambit since Volcarona and Bonnet are powerless in front of safety goggles Arcanine but chongjin misreads the team sheet and uses Spore into Arcanine this mistake ruins my flare Blitz read into Volcarona if I just attacked rubonnet I'd be in a good position but I had gone for what I thought was the most sensible play after this chongjin makes the play I expected last turn I once again get the turn wrong as I double into brute Bonnet as it protects finally I get a read write I predict brute Bonnet to switch out now and I see a path to Victory if I double into King Gambit and koit chongjin will be down to his last two Pokemon and I can use Paris song and switch out my Arcanine to secure a win unfortunately play rough does way less than I expected and King Gambit survives the flare Blitz I no longer have any way of getting rid of Tara water vulcerona and I lose the stats I'm disappointed I feel like I could have won if I just hadn't played so recklessly losing winnable games is not something you can afford in a Pokemon tournament but one of the skills that any good Pokemon player has is being able to shake off a loss for round five I have a similar match up to my last round however I learned from my mistakes and take the set in only two games the lack of group Bonnet definitely made things a bit easier as did taking a surprise KO with baby palafin my next opponent had a very strange team amungus can Gambit gothitel are all standard Pokemon but Rotom wash Salamence and Slither Wing I didn't have a single practice game against anything like this because my opponent has gothitel I need to be very careful when setting up Parish song If I'm not I can easily end up being trapped myself game one opens up with my opponents can Gambit and Goff Patel into my flutter Maiden gothatel I go for an early Parish song even though I can't trap the gothitel and take out king Gambit after a couple turns in the mid game Rotom wash and slytherwanger on the field and I'm able to once again trap them in and go for Paris song for game 2 I over predict on the second turn giving my opponent a chance to knock out my gothitel destroying my central strategy I do my best to stay in the game and manage to set up what could be a game-winning Parish song but my opponent knocks out both of my Pokemon on the field it's a one against two and my humungus has to survive for the next few turns somehow it hangs on for dear life and I win the set it's time for the seventh round and I have a matchup that looks like it should be simpler my opponent leads with lycanroc and Tyranitar normally I consider this favorable but I neglected to realize that lycanroc is Terra ghost because I can only trap one Pokemon with Paris song I lose the damn image trade and find myself without enough resources to win the game I'm surprised to see Sylveon and Arcanine as the last two Pokemon without gastronon my opponent had no way of stopping caliphan I lose the game but this information gives me an idea win game two without palafin showing again that I really don't intend to bring it to the sets and then for game three I will bring it and secure an easy Victory when my opponent leaves behind their gastrodon game two starts and I immediately take way too much damage I'm forced to give up both gothatel and screamtail in exchange for lycanroc and Tyranitar I only have Arcanine and amungus laugh and my opponent has Arcanine and roaring moon it's a two against two that I assumed I was gonna lose but because I saved my terrestrialization I'm just barely able to win my opponent once again Left gastronon Behind as I left behind palafin it's time to play my Ace like in rock Tyranitar are now faced with their worst nightmare I'm tempted to try on KO lycanroc with extreme speed and get punch but something stops me I remember how in my set versus chongjin I left palafin in zero form for way too long Calvin is so good here I should probably just switch it out early to make sure that it's in hero form the entire game my opponent also goes for a switch and would you look at that astronaut hits the field my Pokemon are slowly getting chipped down by lycanroc and the sandstorm damage and I can't get rid of this gastronaut for the life of me I've gotta make a play gastron is around 80 Health next to lycanrock against my palafin and screamtail I need playoff in close combat to KO the gastron or I'll never win lycanroc goes for rock slide neither of My Pokemon Flinch play Ruff drops gastronon to around half and close combat picks up the KO with gastroenton down there's nothing stopping palafin now I take the set being one of the last games to finish I had no time to rest between sets and of course my next opponent has one of the hardest matchups I've had all day it's a parish trap mirror these matches took forever and I don't remember that many details the opponent's gothatel is faster and has leftovers and taunt making it extremely good at shutting down my gothatel I bring gothatel all three games but because of taunt and being slower it isn't really able to do that much I can't get rid of fluttermane quickly enough and its damage output is overwhelming costing me the game I'm narrowly able to win game two using my own flutter main to break through enough of my opponent's defense but game 3 doesn't go so well a gamble on a flutter main speed tie and I lose and my opponent adjusts and brings in Iron hands once my flutter main goes down I can't deal enough damage having already lost flutter Main and I lose if I don't win both of my final sets I'll be eliminated from the tournament my ninth opponent has a number of major threats to my team in game 1 I face off against King Gambit and iron hands I think my position is decent so I go for parasong and bring in gothitel iron hand has Swords Dance I'm able to KO the front two Pokemon but they do so much damage in the process that it costs me the game if I lose either of the next two games my run is over I need to pull it together I start with gothatel and screamtail allowing me to immediately punish their non-flutter main lead with this adjustment I cleanly execute my game plan and I win game two but this makes screamtail and gothatel a very risky lead for game three since if my opponent leads flutter Maine I'm immediately on the back foot I can't risk it I need to find a different strategy iron hands and King Gambit are the lead once again I lead with palafin this time the momentum of the game goes back and forth but in the end what will determine who wins is left to whether or not I get a read correct I get it right and I barely win stats only one round Remains the final team of the day looks like if somebody had tried their hardest to build the absolute worst matchup for my team I pray that my opponent doesn't see what I see a mouse hold and goldango Lead invalidates my entire team guess what they lead with mouse hold and goldango the only way to win this is to play out of my absolute mind so I do I double attack the mouse hold as gulingo protects with goldango in a vulnerable position next turn I dish out enough damage so that I can deal with it later once that's through I perish song and miraculously I win but that's just game one for game two my opponent sticks with mouse hold and goldango and I see an opportunity using Shadow Ball in front of Follow Me Mouse hold is just so risky but I need to take risks if I want to win Mouse hold protects and I double into goldango with Shadow Ball and Terra water wave crash realizing I need to push this Advantage Iko the mouse hold and finish the game with perish song I win the set and advance to the final bracket by the time I'm allowed to leave the venue it's 11 30 PM I've been in this convention center for 16 hours and I need to be back tomorrow morning in less than eight hours my friends Brendan Zhang and Justin Karis also made it to the final day and Aaron's trailer was just one win short a single set lost at this point eliminates you from the tournament which is a problem because my next opponent has the team of my first loss today the flutter main Volcarona kangamba team used by chongjin I molded over as I tried to fall asleep thinking about what I could do differently when I woke up the next day I had a plan I couldn't trap both flutter Maine and Volcarona on the field at the same time because flutter remains a ghost type but I can't win the game unless I get rid of this Terra water Volcarona I realized that if I took out Volcarona with Parish I could probably win the game with palafin and Arcanine later on I thought for sure that my opponent would lead with fluttermane and Volcarona as chongjun did in games one and three against me I was very surprised to see King Gambit and Volcarona be the lead wishing I'd LED with gothatel I switch in and pair a song but flutter Mains which is in for King Gambit this is still fine though as once Volcarona goes down I can probably win with what I have left Volcarona Goes Down And as I suspected the combination of palafin and Arcanine are able to win the game for game two I decided to switch it up if my opponent leaves with the same Pokemon again I can win the game immediately by Leading with gothatel Unfortunately they don't lead the same this time it's Volcarona and flutter Maine what I expected for game one I set up Paris song and then damaged flutter Maine with psychic and play rough dropping it very low even though I only KO one Pokemon with the Paris song I'm still making progress my opponent ends up trapped in the mid game with King Gambit and brute bottom in the field against my Parish trap Pokemon unfortunately these two are really hard to slow down I'm forced to sacrifice fluttermane to get perish song up and then sacrifice Arcanine and allow scream tail to fall asleep Iko both Bonnet and King Gambit but my opponent still has the low HP flutter main that can KO both my remaining Pokemon should I protect gothatel and try and give screamtail a chance to wake up or will my opponent expect that I attack with gothatel and my opponent's shadowball goes into scream tail gothitel's psychic finishes off fluttermane and I narrowly win the set only 16 players remain out of the initial 800. I feel really good about this win I beat one of my only two losses from the previous day but then I see my next matchup it's a friend of my other loss from yesterday day and wouldn't you know it they're running the exact same team to have both of my losses from the previous day as rematches in the elimination bracket feels cosmically unjust my gothadel is powerless against this faster taunt gothatel so I need to leave it behind in its place I'll bring palafin I might be able to give a surprise KO and even better I exert a fair bit of pressure against the flutter Main and gothatel Lead that I expect unfortunately for me the lead is gothatel and a moon guess this is the worst possible lead for palafin I decided to be aggressive double attacking into gothanshall turn one but it protects and palafin is put to sleep I protect flutter Maine as a Mungus tries to support it and gothitel uses psych against palafin doing just under 50. I go for teragraphs on my flutter Main and land a Shadow Ball crit on the gothitel even better palafin lands up and loses close combat on gothitel though it barely survives a Mungus fail Spore into flutter Maine and palafin just barely survives another other psychic my opponents which is gothatel into flutter Maine but I go for wave crash bringing it down to focus stash and knocking myself out I send out Arcanine and moonblast's flutter main which protects as I try to KO a Mungus with Flare Blitz but it switches into gothatel as a sacrifice iron bundle hits the field and I have a choice to make will he go for hydro pump into Arcanine it's an obvious play but the protect is equally obvious I call that it won't and I go protect and flare Blitz as he doubles up into flutter Maine with Arcanine taking out my opponent's flutter Mane I can now win the game with my amungus and Arcanine game two I switch up my leads going for flutter Main and a Mungus into my opponent's flutter Maine and gothatel I put gothatel to sleep early as my opponent brings in there a Mungus but my opponent predicts me to Terra and pollen Puffs my flutter Mane I don't take the bait and I Shadow Ball the gothatel doing over half while not to rasterizing next turn I drasticize and finish off gothitel as my opponent spores which I blocked this time for the first time in both sets against this team I actually have the lead I'm not gonna let it get away and I use my remaining resources to win the game and the set I've now beaten both of the teams that I lost to the day prior and I'm one of only eight players remaining in the entire tournament my next opponent is Emilio Forbes the only player yet to lose a single set all tournaments in terms of the team it's got a lot of the same Pokemon I've been dealing with all tournaments namely flutter Maine and King Gambit I lead with palafin and screamtail against my opponents King Gambit and flutter Maine the entire weekend I've been feigning defense behind this lead while taking Kos by attacking aggressively I have no reason to think that it won't work here I double attack the flutter main Emilio protects and I lose most of scream Tales HP in doing no damage in the process it was the worst possible turn one Emilio switching out the flutter main is obvious he doesn't want it to faint my double up but my gothitel switch in is equally obvious if I switch to Gotham till now and he calls it I won't be able to win so I make another aggressive play doubling the flutter main again and it switches to iron bundle scream till survive as a sucker punch but things are looking Bleak as I basically waste both of my attacks for a second turn in a row I know that the switch into gothitel is obvious and it's also obvious I want to bring palafin out so I take the long route switching screamtail out and protecting palafin I call this turn right finally and I get gothatel in safely but I have no way of setting Paris song up and no way of pressuring my opponent I switched palafin into screamtail intending to sacrifice it but Emilio protects iron bundle fear in close combat Bay gun stops can Gambit from moving with such low HP though there's nothing stopping icy wind and Assurance from clearing both of my Pokemon so I protect gazatel and try and sacrifice screamtail but Emilio predicts my tarot water and doubles into gothitel somehow despite being so low HP scream tail makes it through the turn and finally sets up herishthong if I can make it through the next few turns I'll be back in this game I switched screamtail into a moon guest and to rasterize gothatel calling that Emilio will go for Icy win this time instead of freeze dry and thanks to my new water type gothatel lives the Assurance I use psychic to take out iron bundle and what a fainted in a few turns anyway but I want to either find out what Emilio's last Pokemon is or Force his fluttermane to take some life orb recoil in case it's a role to survive jet punch I protect both of my Pokemon and the parish counter Falls to one but there's so much offense left on the field I sacrificed both scream tail and gothitel and can Gambit faints to the parish song the battle is now a two against two it all depends on what Emilio's last Pokemon is its Choice specs glamora jet punch takes out glamora and amungus survives the Shadow Ball Emilio forfeits and I win game one but the set isn't over I need to win another game and I'm a little less confident that I can do it given that the game was looking pretty doomed until Emilio doubled my I got the towel I bring the same Pokemon for game 2. Emilio clearly knows I'm willing to attack with palafin and knowing that I can switch it out easier but Emilio switches his lead up going with glamora and flutter Maine I protect both my Pokemon intending to threaten the disabled next turn but the glamora was baked it switches into iron bundle making my protect worthless now whenever I had palafin and scream tail against flutter Maine last game I attacked with both so I figure there's almost no chance that Emilio lets me attack here instead favoring protect with flutter Maine if flutterman's going to protect the best thing I can do is switch palafin out letting it transform for later I know three of Emilio's four Pokemon and two of them lose two transformed palafin iron bundle is one of the only ones that doesn't so I figure hey maybe I'll just use parasong now so I can KO it so palafin can win the game later so reading flutter Maine to protect I switch in gothatel and perish song but flutter main doesn't protect it switches out right into King Gambit the other Pokemon capable of surviving palafin Gothel takes a tiny amount from freeze-dry but perisong goes up if I can last three turns with gothatel alive I can win I think I can Gambit and eat another freeze dry as the parish counter Falls to two I protect with both and the parish counter Falls to one I switch into a Mungus who takes some damage and sacrifice gothatel as both iron bundle and King Gambit fall it's a two against three and I can bring in Scream tail but I need to be careful this glamora is Terra grass and unlike last game Tara is still on the table I can't just jet punch it to take it out nor can I redirect its attacks with rage powder but parashong and Jet punch are not my only option I protect with both my Pokemon and the glamora locks into Earth power I rage powder away the taunt and disable glamora's Choice specs earth power when a Pokemon holding a choice side in this hit was disabled its only remaining option is struggle I sacrifice among us to get scream tail next halifen putting myself in an unusable situation jet punch will always kill flutter Maine and disable will always Force glamora to struggle it takes a few more turns but the outcome is sealed I win becoming the first player to defeat Emilio and I advance to the semi-finals my next opponent is James Evans the defending North American International Champion there are some real problem Pokemon on this team namely gothitel and Tyranitar I lead with flutter Maine and amungus I go for teradark with a Mungus and rage powder as a Shadow Ball the gothatel keeping my flutter Mane alive James which is gothitel into iron bundle but I Moon blast it and I pick up the one hit KO this time I went for sporan to Tyranitar and though my flutter main faints I feel good if tyranitor falls asleep momentum will be heavily in my favor but amungus flinches and suddenly my position looks very precarious we both send out gothatel James uses to stop Maya Mungus from moving and does he huge damage to golf hotel with Crunch and in exchange I use heel pulse to bring a Mungus back up unfortunately the sand causes James's gothitel to eat a recovery Berry killing a ton of Health I bring in screamtail as Tyranitar uses crunch lowering my defense gothodol uses taunt on a Mungus but mental herb keeps it safe and amungus finally puts Tyranitar to sleep gothittle taunts among us again and it sticks this time but I double into the goffatel and knocking it out James's final Pokemon is great Tusk capable of koing all of my Pokemon the only way I can win is to get Paris song up and hope that I can Outlast James's offense I switched to gothatel and perish song but James doesn't attack he uses substitute it all comes down to a Tyranitar stays asleep and it does the parish counter Falls to three I protect the parish counter Falls to two I switch the Paris counter Falls to one I protect the parish counter Falls to zero and I win game one one more win and I'm in the finals James is forced to almost immediately switch out his gothicell in front of my flutter Main and Terra dark amungus was he really gonna lead it again for game two I thought not Dragonite Tyranitar stare down palafin and fluttermaine neither of James's Pokemon can switch out a shadow tag so if James didn't bring his gothatel I can get Paris song up immediately I switched in gothatel but so does James and though I get Paris song off dragonite's Terra Blast chaos flutter Main and one hit I'm now down a Pokemon and I need a hero we trade fake outs resulting in a dead turn as the parish counter Falls to two I decide to make a read James is going to switch out his gothatel Dragona goes for an extreme speed I hit the switched in Tyranitar and koen but the recoil drops palafin super low but not for long gothodel's heel pulse heals palafin for 50 I switched gothatel out and protect and though Dragonite does damage to screamtail the perish song takes it out James's last Pokemon is great Tusk it goes down to a single jet punch and gothal Falls shortly after I'm in the finals and here's where things get a little strange I mentioned earlier that this is the second time that I've brought this dedicated Parish trap strategy to an official tournament and the person who I had to beat in the finals of the tournament in order to win was Ashton Cox Ashton has a scary team goldango is a problem roaring moon has throat chop which can stop parasong group Bonnet could put my team to sleep and do big damage the iron hands has volt switch which can get out of my trap and of course you never want to underestimate dundozzo I decided to play without gothatel it can't trap goldango or iron hands and dendozo isn't able to switch once it combines anyway instead I'll bring both Arcanine and palafin to give myself multiple options to deal with this golden go I'll also bring a Mungus for support and scream tale so that I can win the game with parisong once I take two Kos the battle starts and Ashton leads off with iron hands and and goldango now I do have a pretty free double protect here but I worry what if Ashton switches out his iron hands reading might protect I decided to make a very aggressive play switching palafin into a Mungus and using flare Blitz with Arcanine Ashton makes the safe play of using fake out on Arcanine and Shadow balls my incoming amungus baldengo's exposed so I decided to double into it with Flare Blitz and Spore flare Blitz chaos golden go but iron hands is close combat takes out Arcanine in exchange Ashton goes into topsugiri as I bring out palafin in front of tatsuguri in Iron hands I can't really use palafin but I also need to keep amungus's low Health in mind I predict Draco Meteora switching a Mungus out into scream tail nullifying the attack halifin blocks the wild charge with protect I switched palafin into a Mungus and go for play rough into tatsugiri a Mungus Dodge is a draco meteor and iron hands is wild charge doesn't even do a quarter of scream Tales Health player off finishes off tatsugiri and iron hands takes a bit from pollen puff Ashton's final Pokemon is roaring moon screamtail kosa with playroth and palafin takes out the iron hands on the next turn I win game one I'm feeling confident going into game two but I need to be really careful I don't think that Ashton brought the correct Pokemon and I'm sure that he's gonna realize that as well but I feel good about the Pokemon that I brought so I bring the same ones for game two Ashen however makes a big adjustment Mendoza was led next to guldango and suddenly I have a very uncomfortable choice to make if I try and willowist the dendozo I may lose my best counter to goldango if topsugiri switches in and he wave crashes but if Ashton attacks with goldengo and protects dundozzo I could easily take a ton of damage I decide to protect with both my Pokemon trying to scout for a switch but Ashton uses substitute getting it up for free I switched to screamtail and go for Terra water but Ashton switches golden go to safety wisely not switching in tatsugiri which would cause dendoza to be unable to switch but instead bringing in Iron hands flare Blitz does a little under half to iron hands and the nose's wave crash doesn't do that much to my water type Arcanine and here's where I make a mistake if I protect both my Pokemon and then go for play rough And Flare Blitz into the iron hands I guarantee either a KO or tatugiri to hit the field trapping DiNozzo instead I predict a fake out into Arcanine and I try to get fancy going for Parish song and switching into a Mungus I do get the Paris song off but Ashton goes for volt switch and can now bring in his golden go I'm completely out of position the dozo isn't trapped and I don't have a good way of switching in a Pokemon that can handle goldango I predict endozo to switch out and I Spore the incoming tatsugiri but a Mungus takes a ton of damage in the process and I'm no closer to handling this goldango I get Palo thin in and protective Mungus but Ashton brings in Iron hands and palafin is threatened I get Arcanine in and I go for a wave crash koing the iron hands as it doesn't click fake out but I have a new problem Mendoza comes in and this time all my Pokemon are are damaged and I don't have intimidate active Ashton finally combines the dozo and I'm forced to make sacrifices I reposition a little and I'm forced to sacrifice Arcanine it's the only way I don't immediately lose to dendozo I'll just have to figure something out for Golden go later I'm so far behind I need to take risks if both my Pokemon make it through this turn I may be able to solve the DiNozzo and use pollen puff to heal up palafin to my surprise screamtail is faster than dundozzo if I realize this I could have made a better play the good news is I get perish song off the bad news is Ashton uses wave crash instead of earthquake and Ko's scream tail with only a Mungus and low HP palafin left I can't survived in dozos Onslaught it takes out my palafin and a Mungus Falls to my own Parish song the winner of the entire tournament will be whoever wins this final game having played it twice the matchup feels like it should be in my favor but Ashton played better than me he made a complex game plan that I wasn't ready for and he caught me off guard to win the game I need to stopped in dozo from combining and to do that I really needed to limit his switches I need gothitel if I leave palafin behind I'm bringing only one Pokemon that can even damage goldango if Arcanine faints before gold angle goes down I will absolutely lose for sure but as a risk I have to take I lead with gothatel and Arcanine if Ashley leans with goldango and dadozo again this will immediately force a switch in front of fake out and flare Blitz and it will stick the dindozo with intimidate right away but Ashton adjusts again this time leading tatsugiri and iron hands I switch in screamtail as Ashton goes for fake out and muddy water into my gothatel but this position isn't awful I go over play River to tatsugiri as Ashton uses muddy water again Ashton uses bolt switch and he has a choice to make if he goes into nandozo and I went for heel pulse he's gonna have a really hard time taking chaos before the parish counter runs out but if he goes into golden go and I went for psychic into tatsugiri he'll no longer be able to combine dendozo with tatsugiri he chooses to go into dundozzo and gets the call right I went for psychic I expect Ashton will go for earthquake and screamed hell will survive with this I can protect both my Pokemon then disable and pollen puff to heal up switching out on the final turn to recover HP the bad news is earthquake critical hit scream tail knocking it out I now have dramatically fewer resources to stall out this Parish counter I'm forced into gothatel and bring Arcanine in while protecting it with fake out but here I get stuck Arcanine needs to be on the field when the perish counter hits zero or else goldenga will come in and do too much damage but the parish counter is at two not one if I switch Arcanine out I won't be able to bring it in safely again but if I stay in I risk taking too much damage I can drasticize but then iron hands can KO me in one hit I'm running out of time so I switched to a Mungus and protect act as the parish counter Falls to one but now there really is no way out I can't protect Arcanine from everything I run out of time to make my move and make the move that won't immediately lose me the game switch a Mungus back into gothatel and go for a double protect while raspalizing I failed to double protect but Arcanine survives a turn and dodozo faints unfortunately iron hands re-enters the field if it uses fake out into my Arcanine and Draco meteor into my gothatel I don't think I have any chance of winning if Ashton doesn't click fake out if he's tempted to go for the KO on the water type Arcanine instead I might be able to do this Ashton doesn't go for fake out I fake out the iron Hands by slower gothitel and extreme speed the tatsugiri Ashton is forced into his final Pokemon a choice specs goldango who cannot protect but Ashton guldango is incredibly bulky the odds of my offensive Arcanine koing his defensive goldango are exactly 50 this game will be sided on a coin flip I've done all I can the rest is out of my control I hold my breath and click flare Blitz goldango's Health drops to zero iron hands finishes off Arcanine but I still have two Pokemon left against Ashton's one both my Pokemon are so defensive can they take out his iron hands I used fake out and pollen puff to heal up gothitol safely I try and put iron hands to sleep but Ashton uses Terra grass to block it but now he's weak to pollen puff gobletall survives the wild charge and psychic and pollen puff drop iron hands to Red HP understanding he's done all he can Ashton forfeits and I am crowned the winner of the biggest Pokemon Tournament of all time thank you again to display it for sponsoring today's video and don't forget to check out this plate using my link in the description
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 1,550,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, twitch, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, smallant, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, wolfeyvgc, purplecliffe, pm7, pokemen7, mandjtv, shiny pokemon, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, scarlet, violet, scarlet and violet, fuecoco, quaxly, sprigatito, orlando regionals, pokemon tournament, huge pokemon tournament, wolfey tournament, wolfeyvgc tournament, wolfey pokemon tournament
Id: FaCMpRnwSE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 13sec (3193 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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