How I TRADED my broken bike for a BMW + $400 at Sheetz Gas Station (Part 3)

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we're call it's the $4,000 motorcycle challenge we have to buy motorcycles each holy and maybe you did hit something did God send you here [Music] mom broke it broke do you know anything about these things a little bit are you serious did God send you here never bring you know it's funny cuz I'm just driving by it at that and I not see you another one of these too often around here the whole way much about these things I just bought it Charlotte North Carolina and my charging systems not working generator bytes coming and it started acting like it was uh it was it was out of fuel but a little too early looking the tank is putting fuel my lines out there's tons of fuel in there you got I was just driving by hand side since I can't believe there's another one in town and I waved them down on the desperate is there an auto parts place around here there is not too far there's actually two of them down here and they're open freely so I mean let's say if it is the battery in my charging systems been out for a while and like like states away hunt like out with five hours so if it is the battery we can put a new bet well I'm just going to be tough at night for me knew it need those headlights simply beginning if ever the beginning of the trip good news is it's really easy work right but what if we jumped at all well it's not it's not it's not gonna keep this under good battery maybe that would identify like a bit if we jump off New Starts then we know it's the battery if we jump it off and it's still sputters then maybe something would go that's true the combustion it's just a way to it's a way to like right here--like rail that actually I would help troubleshoot yeah that identify the issue $10 chuckles in there I wanna go check I I know it kind of seems like what has happened as the batteries just gotten run down right it may not be the battery you know the charging systems but your charger that's coming on in fact charging the battery battery could still be good but just enough charge right right which is what I think so you would you know you could charge it up but it would take it a while charge like overnight but you know if you guys aren't the big hurry that you know you could throw a charger on it overnight and I'll stay without here somewhere and then leave in the morning if you're not driving with the headlights anything on you know you'd probably get depending on how old that battery is they couldn't be the batter he celebrated memory yes well wouldn't the charging system would doesn't show you the battery it shows you the voltage from the charge the tooth back yeah I mean it could be both you know it's like what's your name I I'm Dana Dana yeah you are this is I'm Shawn John this is a youtube youtube youtube he just made me an offer to trade this bike for another bike that I I'm really almost Navy took and I said well I'll trade you for this wife said he didn't to do it oh yeah no I I looked right for the the CS because I like these bikes I like the air hills I like the CSS there it's a fun little bike but I you know I'm into this airhead scheme these days give me give me your honest opinion which one is more valuable well this one has the potential to be more valuable okay but as it sits the one running some pitifully more valuable so this one five hours ago in this condition we also have the wheels of the whole firm how you do yeah okay there we go for this was this was back on the table now this one's back on the tape right there but the bulk area is a desirable thing why'd you take it off well it wasn't actually mounted on their city was next to the bike it you have to like some out take these things off they they they clip in here and then a bracket that goes here but as we're missing the other bracket they going on the other side I got brand new set of cases they'll swap you for the grand jury right now they're not brand new better they're they're closer to neither of those [Music] I don't what can happen but hey the key so while Shawn is out gallivanting around a Sheetz gas station eating hot dogs and milkshakes I'm fixing his bike Road from the Auto Zone which was about I don't know no more than a couple hundred miles away to hear what this thing in my lap on the way here there was in fact a burning building with a child inside and duty cold so I feel what needed to be done you know am I here to talk about that one close to it okay terminals elites in the wrong way but I got screws that matched the terminals I've hooked it up it's a motorcycle battery let's try to start it and see what happens Pete another person walk over here actually you go that's your issue man so here's what's going on in case you didn't pick up on this what we concluded was that the reason the bike was not working was because the charging system is not charging the battery and running the bike was just draining the battery more and more it's also why if you saw earlier the headlights were super dim almost barely on and now it's very bright because it's got a full super good battery the problem is it's gonna keep on draining the battery and I don't know how long it's gonna go before the headlights start getting dim and I can't see anything and people can't say me and now we're at night and if we keep on going it's gonna be late and there's not gonna be any part stores open so my idea is if I can go back to Advance Auto Parts buy a jump box that's got jumper cables with that in the saddlebag run the jumper cables to my battery to give me that extra a little bit of voltage that might just be enough to get me home advanced autoparts didn't have a jump box that I liked or that would fit so I bought a spare battery worst case scenario with the stop on the side of the road and replaced the battery to give me a fresh a fresh new one while we're riding now Dana kept on casually throwing out this even upgrade idea with his bike I've never heard of a 2000 something BMW f650 CS I've never even heard this bike never seen one in my life he even ran home to go grab the bike to show it to me well we were convinced I mean I was convinced I was gonna fix this BMW r9t and make this thing home tonight I've always said you need to leave with the girl that brought you to the dance the problem is the girl that brought me to the dance kept on breaking down the battery had to be replaced a couple times charging system wasn't working right it was slow I couldn't break very well I couldn't keep up with Jarrod and someone would that make me a pretty good offer on her so I took the other girl for a spin I understand this analogy it's getting very strange and very off if I took the other bike for a drive just to see how I liked it alright so what was that deal again 400 and then would you would you return my batteries and then just just like PayPal to me or something like that take back all this stuff it's a fifty dollar flashlight yes a 400 bucks you refund us for the for the two batteries like later and all right so we have dealer tags on our bikes so in true SRK cycles form we traded a broken-down motorcycle for a running motorcycle that was hopefully gonna get us home at gas pump number seven in sheets parking lot oh cool Hey I literally own this bike for what less than 24 hours No yeah she's been a good bike to me she broke down three times Brooke breakdown did it just broke down yeah I kind of broke down I mean I push it a lot the pop story every single time so great bike I'll tell you this if pop starts real easy make sure you can start yeah just so you know there's no Rick Dore Express working or bike to buy a new spark very clear someone younger fight [Music] why is that strange man leaving with my motorcycle that bikes never ran so good [Applause] [Music] well it's a big upgrade from my last hotel I don't want to drive on Route 11 at night Cougars and whatnot until there's Cougars out there you know we were gonna try to go fast and the visibility is gonna be crummy deer and stuff like that so we were gonna take 81 it was so boring so we just thought you know let's just go grab though you got light flares and something guy in whatever Subway skateable hotel relax hanging out watching TV and then in the morning wrap this trip up with somehow a different bike that when I started with today's been crazy awesome day awesome day guys [Applause] [Music] what's up guys we were in Winchester Virginia had a nice day I love Quinta in probably the nicest hotels I've ever been out where I hit route 11 the whole way back into Lancaster I think it turns into 322 near Hershey it's gonna be a great drive out so I'm shooting to make it back for 12 sing by the shop show the guys the bikes let's do it let's see if my bike starts yeah my I just kind of dump the clutch and I'm learning how to ride a bike right now first time so I'm not one to say that I always make the right decision or that I never make mistakes but not driving back on 81 that night was the right choice riding at nights is just so boring you're missing all the beautiful stuff you get to see in it and riding in the daytime is warmer and it's safer you can see so much better and we got to jump back on Route 11 which was so metal 12 times slower than riding on 81 I'm not sure how that's possible but it was you know you're trying to get like matching tattoos for this trip they say like route 11 yeah just past that place called piggies this house that's where I stopped when I was on my own my row King and I ran my headlights went out yeah I just want to say this before we get in the situation but if we get in one of those like fast and furious situations we're like we have to race and it cross train tracks before the train hits just assume I will be doing that now as much as I loved riding that 1975 BMW r9t it was just something it was not the best bike for this trip and I mean I will get another one I will definitely get another one someday but I was loving this new BMW so me and Jarrod are pretty competitive and we found this nice body of water so we decided to have a rock throwing competition Jer of course does an awesome job and I congratulate him by a great job buddy you did well now it's my turn I also do awesome job and Jared sources hands up and says yeah you're the winner you are the best it was amazing you don't think it'll start oh that was a really weak store let's go start all right up see if it'll do it so the rest of the trip was pretty uneventful no more breakdowns no crashes just perfect weather mediocre company and awesome motorcycles I couldn't ask for anything more until we found this series of loading docks slash motorcycle ramps and they also even had a grass motorcycle halfpipe just for us it was a blast now this was a third multi-day motorcycle trip that me and Jared have taken over the past ten years the first one was old sport bikes the second one was on KTM super Moto's and this one was on Europe he classic European motorcycles can't wait to see what we're gonna do next but for what you've all been waiting for let's tally it up let's see who actually won so the most recent tally with gas and hotel and food and so when I actually traded my bike in a net that added 400 bucks to my to my tally although they can't drop the value of my bike down it wraps up at Shawn spending twenty eight hundred forty six dollars and 61 cents Jared spending 3,800 $22.46 Jared saw a lot higher than mine that's irrelevant my bike is worth we actually we actually just sold my bike for 2,500 bucks we have Jerry's bike listed for 3500 bucks that puts me at this trip costing me 346 dollars and 61 cents it costing Jared $300 322 dollars and 46 cents as of right now Jerry's ahead twenty four dollars and fifteen cents but there is a twist of this we actually found some secret footage of Jared cell phone of him buying an item that he was too embarrassed to show us so I snuck there and I got the image off his phone yes that's just massage I need more women's patches to wear on my motorcycle trip with Sean ago got you Jared that actually puts Jared I win by one penny amazing well a second did you guys realize what just happened me and my body went on the best trip ever and everything went wrong and it only costs us about 350 bucks apiece and everything went wrong if everything went right save 120 bucks for hotel save the cost to break down said the tire it would have it would have been a free trip we've been 100% free trip if everything went well and if you want to spend time buying the bikes right which we bought the bikes wrong you know I mean we put on a full retail didn't even question anyone if you if you spent time behind the bikes right you could actually make money going on a trip like this think about it think about it
Channel: Bikes and Beards
Views: 193,762
Rating: 4.9041018 out of 5
Keywords: motorcycles, moto vlogs, bikes and beards, funny, motorcycles for sale in lancaster, trading motorcycles, craigslist, cheap motorcycles, motorcycle road trip, north carolina to pennsylvania, east coast road trip, budget bike, $4000 challenge, 1000 dollars, bmw f650cs, triumph thunderbird sport, bmw r90
Id: jz8iFCQB9dA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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