Is the Ural as TERRIBLE as everyone says?

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this is the ural gear up and it's claimed to be one of the most versatile motorcycles on the planet but on the flip side of the coin it's also the most unreliable motorcycle you can buy a brand new in america to this day so this bike could either do two things one get you to the far reaches of the planet or have you pushing a 750 pound archaic looking boat anchor to the nearest town where hopefully they can help you out so the claim is that this is just as off-road capable as the original willy's jeep and i couldn't think of a better day to test it out nor could i think of a better place to test it out than famous writing outdoor off-road park we decided to see if it was as impressive and unreliable as people say it is and we did this the only way we know how so the euro has claimed to do a lot of impressive things and we're going to put them all to the test right here the question is which euro is actually going to show up the one that actually can do anything or the one that breaks down all the time and if it can successfully make it through this challenge i've got my own ridiculous claims about what the euro can do and we're going to put that to the test next but since the ural was designed to have a side car in there and was designed to have weight in there i'm going to need some dead weight to sit in there just to level things out where's my dead weight hello but now that i finally have a url and we got the space to do it i got to reenact my favorite scenes from my favorite indiana jones movie i have been known to be called the indiana jones of motorcycle riding [Music] [Music] ah explosion we got it all in post this thing's actually a two wheel drive so you have of course the drive wheel down here but then you have a dress drive shaft that goes to this other wheel and i think one of those is two wheel drive oh owens over here so i have to get on the other side of that there we go here we go there we go yeah it is i'm just walking through it we're good we're good [Applause] let's try to back it up and get more more room more speed let's go [Music] [Music] let's go we can go this way we go this way yeah it should be fine one of the other coolest things about this thing is right here if you give your if you kill your battery it's got a really awesome kickstart [Music] [Music] all right let's go find some place else to go i'd feel so sketched out if you were not in there no oh my gosh we were having the greatest time until some of that unreliability decided to show up well kind of all right guys which path do we take comment if you want to take the right path and comment the left path if you want us to take the left path drew's oh no are you serious that that path does not look doable i'm not gonna lie oh my god did it just die it shut off pretty quickly yeah let's tell us out with the quad oh we gotta get thing out man get it out here we go holy cow we do all the work to that side of the engine no nothing to this side of the engine if we get too late out here we're going to eat harrison i call the sad that all the chipotle sits on [Laughter] you like cut them open and it's like my pizza chipotle mcdonald's they all have their own little sections inside his body it's like its own little food court at the mall if we do get this running how far do we get away from the van yes let me phrase that when we do get this running how far are we going to go away from the van as far as we can yes so i'm hoping for was this 28 miles i guess in the grand scheme of things we didn't have to go through the one that everyone told us to go through yeah there is a nice little side path here i don't think it was gonna be that deep sean did say we probably shouldn't and i was like do it sean did you get it running yet so this is about the time that i realized this is not gonna start back up there's just there's just too much water inside the cylinder we have successfully killed the euro this was not supposed to happen to these motorcycles there's actually testing videos of urals getting washed down a river with water going completely over the tank and still running and for us with just one mild sized puddle we killed it but we decided to put the plugs in and just give it one last shot sixteen seventeen six seven three nine ten eleven twelve three four five oh dear god help this german bike help this help this horrible version bite the run oh dude we're there no oh we're over there over there you keep the choke out yeah very impressed very pleased thank river [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah we just managed to put ourselves in a worse place to be stuck we're gonna be stuck here like at least we're not stuck in the near the water now at least we're stuck in a ravine now [Applause] [Music] harrison doesn't think we can do this neither this caleb i'm pretty confident we can make this top of the world ma double the world the euro is set up to be a pretty amazing off-road vehicle if the thing is working properly and it's got some features that no other motorcycle i've ever seen has including like i said before the two-wheel drive it also has a shovel that's mounted on the thing right over here that folds out so you can dig yourself out of a hole this thing's all nice and sealed so that this stays very dry and we kind of tested that out along top of that giant toolkit giant toolkit that it has it also has a very large tire pump in case you've got a flat and you've got to re-change your inner tube if you come over up here it's got a spotlight it's got an adjustable spot light for the uh for the passenger to play with it's pretty awesome and because the thing is so narrow it is able to go through different paths than what a suv or a jeep would be able to and even though even though these tires don't look super knobby it just it goes through almost anything the only thing that really stopped us was hot with super high water it also has a gas can on here that specifies not for gasoline and drinking water don't you switch if you didn't know that wasn't a good idea maybe i don't know if i want to be riding with you but then i want you to switch it also has a sealed intake box you know if you if you flood it out you can keep the water out of the intake and we also proved that you can even you can still have a little bit of water inside the cylinders and still get it to fire up now if you look back at the movies that were made in the past 50 years you'll find that euro is kind of a star and the reason is because it doesn't age the communist russian-built motorcycle has not changed since the second world war when they made it hold on a second how did the russians design such a vehicle that stood the test of time like this well the solution is they didn't this is a copy of a bmw motorcycle the bmw r71 but how did they continue making this motorcycle for 90 years because it basically never changed but they still have not fixed the quality control and reliability issues well the answer to that one is communism all right so we didn't know that this trail was coming up to this i don't know if we're going to make it but if we don't wait and so we can get back you see the ural or ural is just like a woman smooth sleek and beautiful no temperamental not my woman of course but your woman we don't know what euro we will get today we get the cool chill girl that can get us anywhere it is down for whatever adventures we can think of or we get the euro that locks herself in a room just because i bought myself a motorcycle for her birthday again now full disclosure these are not my experiences with women or urals this is just what i read on the line so we were able to take the euro back to the shop in one piece and in a moment i'm gonna tell you guys what i really thought about it all right so here's the scoop to make awesome videos like this sometimes we need a sponsorship now as soon as the sponsor contacted us i had one question i said can it help people grow better beards they were very quick to say no it does not it's only for your head so the sponsor for this video is keeps unless you're like my friend steve from high school who started losing his hair in high school two out of three men actually started losing their hair before the age of 35. so if you don't want to commit to just be straight up bold and shaving your head you might want to consider looking at the keep it's revolutionized the process of you saving your hair they send you new product new medication every three months you don't have to wait in line in a pharmacy whoa you don't have to wait in line at a pharmacy and you also don't go to any uh weird awkward visits where your doctor makes you take your pants off when all you want to do is have your receding hairline checked out you don't have to go broke trying to avoid going bald if you want to stop hair loss the key is prevention now it does take around four to six months to actually start seeing results if you guys are interested in this or want to know more about it click on the link below for 50 off your first order so at the end of the trip the euro started kind of bogging down on us spitting and sputtering and it was getting a little hard to start so once we got it back to the shop i replaced all the fluids the uh the gas the oil cleaned out the carburetors and then put new spark plugs in it and now it's running 100 a brand new url depending on what color scheme you get could cost up to 24 000 so these things are awesome they're fun they're super cool and they can do they can do things that most other motorcycles can't do but in comparison the camera vehicle that did everything this thing did potentially better was a quad we bought from amazon for 2 000 bucks so i don't know but i did love i love driving this and it was i've written a lot of cool things this was a very unique experience and i i don't know i kind of want one now and i found out that it does have a reverse and it works awesome i just didn't know how to use it i wish i had that feature while i was actually taking off road now i don't think we hit the full potential of this uh bike i still have some claims that i want to test out and prove i want to see in the comments below what you guys think we should do this thing next and uh how we should test it out what we should test it against subscribe and we'll see you next time you
Channel: Bikes and Beards
Views: 1,258,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motorcycle, ural, raiders of the lost ark, temple of doom, last crusade, kingdom of the crystal skull, sidecar, ww2, wwii, motorcycle with sidecar, ural with sidecar, ural gear-up, gear up, torture test, offroad, offroading, test ride, bikes and beards, broke, bought and broke, not working, terrible, is it as terrible, unreliable, as everyone says
Id: cwCnelwB8xQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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