How I made a rookie mistake and how much it will cost me

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I just made the biggest rocky mistake on this deal [Music] so we've had like four or five people in a lot of really cool people you know that is really the best thing about what we do is we get to meet cool awesome people that have common interests as we do so maybe you know politically you're religious or other things we have nothing that can comment we like bikes and we get to talk about bikes and that's really cool so we have the with the Goblin guy coming up one so we're to see how that one goes hopefully I mean we were very clear about what the Goblin is and how that hell that is that should be fine we put a new battery in it this morning and then he's bringing in a KLR 650 I'm so yeah there KLR 650 or am XR 650 bring it some please kill or is KLR 650 to trade in so we'll see how hope it's not super beat but I'm excited to get rid of that cobbler so you see all that what goes I'm turning dreams into reality hi guys this is AMI hey guys you watch your channel right yeah hold on awesome huh yeah so did you get another bike no not yet okay yeah how'd you get it in here I got two wraps over yeah I took kind of a main thing I'm looking for is a starter clutch I'm gonna look at the bike make sure you know it doesn't pretty clean and make sure that starter clutch is not having an issue right now when the starter clutch is going bad it'll it'll crank and then pop out and then crank again and I just did that much time - shouldn't feel fun so where you come from Frederick Oh for Jamel nice man yeah two hours today I watched the last you tube video yeah which will be the 10 hour drive oh yeah yeah at the wall last night yeah yeah yeah yeah dude that was crazy you know what he called you such a such a good such a good dude whole family came up it was cool the main reason I got I got a 650 is because of Sean I watched a video of him with Yamaha 650 okay I think it was like the same model like this yeah and he was wearing a like kind of like a same best I have I'd wear this today but them has like a white vest okay cool he took it to the highway and and he was like is the 650 enough for a big guy you know he's playing all that he took it on the highway pilot day like 65 and he's pretty that's why I got that's also I got the bike yeah that's awesome so this is your first bike this is my first bike where'd you get this one at this one I got it in PA like I think it was like near Pittsburgh okay it's nice I mean I wrote in PI like up I'd be like 200 miles on it okay yeah cool how long had I bought it uh June July okay and I put tags on it on August okay around yeah beginning of August yeah that's awesome and then just kept it in the garage and I guess that the other guy I bought it from he had like a little like a little tent yeah yeah and by his house yeah and that's all yeah cool and then that guy he he bought it off of a dealer of the older couple and uh I guess they traded it in and but it's been known with a good shape I see the title yeah [Applause] anytime you're checking out a bike look at the numbers the odometer reading on the title this is eight six three oh look it on the bike it's got to be more than that it's got to make sense you know I mean if the seller is saying that well I've had this bike for four five years and I've written it ten thousand miles and you're looking to be like you bought this two weeks ago and you've written five well you know that maybe it's an inconsistency obviously what he's saying is is this a 100 percent right and then I would just make a make a thing to verify the VINs you know the last four numbers just because some we've made mistakes you doesn't mean it some people make mistakes he maintained he made a grabbed another title you know cool man everything looks good just like what you say it is I'm cool with doing the price that we talked about let's go let's go let's go wrap up the paperwork okay and then we'll bring your ramp and take it off to start for you sounds good awesome thank you I just made the biggest bookie mistake on this deal so some we got my text messages and I said I said alright I'll do it I'll do 2,000 for it and he said he really wanted 22 and I'm like I can do two and he's like okay when should I bring it up so I run the check for 2,000 he was like he's like oh I thought we said 22 and I'm like no he said I'm like nah me we said 2,000 and then they were fine with that and then we and then he's like he starts mentioning about why he bought the why he bought the bike and he's like I bought that bike because you did a video about how a 650 is big enough for a man when he said 650 my Hartsock I was like what bike you're talking about he's like that bike and I'm like that's a place it was 1,100 oh that's not that's nested the bikes look almost identical there's the you know a few things you can actually mean Hotel 1 a 650 as a single front runner front disc some looked at the text mess he never said 650 or 1,100 I assumed it was an 1100 yeah so at that point now I'm paying way too much for the bike salicin okay here's here's the situation already cut you the check you know like the deal is done but if you if you still wanted 22 you can undo the deal you win we get under the deal yeah or you can take it but if I if but if I would have realized this and this is 100% on me if I were to realize my mistake when you drove in like I should have you probably driving backward with a bike in your trail in your truck yeah because you know the paint 2004 uh you know for a six in teeth way too much yeah how much do you think it's worth 1,600 bucks 1,600 okay do you think we'd solved for Y somewhere around maybe 28 or maybe 3,000 okay some around you know some time it's not it's not like we're gonna be losing money but I cremated as much right it's you know yeah so but yeah he said let's do the deal I'm a be my mistake yeah he's happy he's super pumped yeah he was telling me about his uh about like how he yeah we got to worry you guys job yeah great story he was just saying how he um he's like the manager of this like big body shop and he just started bugging the guys like 10 years ago I do anything I do anything for you guys okay and then he's like you know he's sweep in he's helping the guys that Lee worked the way out worked way up nice in the main office and he's like managing like three body shops now that's awesome so cool guy yeah that's awesome man so 650s never had a starter clutch issue now is that was strictly a 1100 ha d star issue what a rookie mistake up this was done oh well That's Life that's the business Oh own it yeah and I mean honestly like what lease you weren't like I need that check back right I mean I mean like it wasn't him yeah it wasn't his mistake and he's happy with the deal I mean we're like ah you know it could have been better but hey it wasn't it wasn't a terrible deal it wasn't a terrible deal I mean the tires on it look brand-new right yeah there's gonna be a good bike for for someone yeah definitely this is a this is a great entry level bike for a lot of people it's pretty clear what super clean I mean it probably helps he works at a body shop so he probably is like really particular about how nice is just going to walk it down watch this side another sign I should have seen I could I never I could pull the choke chokes down here yeah chokes on here on 650s the chokes up here [Music] all right so this guy bought a gold wing from us no joke like eight months ago and he has not written it except for down the street and it's just a little bit too big for him which I understand he's like I made a split decision about some something so we're gonna trade it back in and he's going to buy the triumph Thunderbird from us which is an awesome bike and actually right after he'd put a deposit on it like a bajillion people wanted to buy it uh so we're gonna load it up whole thing over there as well unloading and loading bikes in the snow you never know what's gonna happen which kind of its kind of dicey but we have yet to drop by fingers crossed not one plus not cold weather oh the guy meant the key thingy yeah yeah oh those are the best invention ever well he made them or like he made him he had keys cut he got these knobs from like RadioShack oh oh you buy these enough yeah you can buy them yeah if you take a good close look at that well I don't know they he said he custom he said he custom-made he might have made an epoxy in there and what what this is for so that if you have you have to pull your key out of here and and open up this or open up this or right and nobody can steal the bike with them they won't work in the ignition right wow that's really cool they're too short wow that's really cool so we actually sold this bike to him I don't know seven months ago it was one of the cleanest gold wings we've ever had it's got tons of paperwork tons of service we love this bike it's like we've actually sold twice the next time we sell would be the third time we sell it he's gonna buy the Funderburk's we're gonna put that on the trailer and he put he put new exhaust on it like the exhaust tips about this big he pull it he put new ones on again a little better sound and when he called he said hey you want to bring the old one I was like yeah bring the old ones the awesome thing about it is because the other gold when we have the exact same color which is irrelevant and it's kind of a common for some kind of properties but it started a rust on the bar of the exhaust and then we get to now we could replace we put some nice ones on there so I'm pretty pumped about that how long have you had that uh July lives here yeah somewhere around one thing I like the one I really do but this old kind too comfortable in that machine anymore really no look like back home no just feeling stable okay oh yeah I got you all right the legs ain't what they used to be right and I feel a lot better if I'm flat-footed on the road okay cuz you get a little more out a little more strength more stability yeah and that's a lot of machine to be in five mile an hour traffic right now hey keeping it upright how about you okay I brought up the paperwork and me and Harrison will get the full load in the new bike okay say I'm standing awesome whoa this guy's tank straps he's got his tag straps he bought from us I'm sure you guys have a tie on a bike with one person because Harrison is useless it's super useless hope you tie it around the blinker yeah tight around okay let me try to run the blender but this time ago you go right from that little hook right there yes think about that no I was hoping I could pour a little bit more forward but I actually I actually can I could still do do it like that I remember when he bought this bike he's such a cool he's such a cool guy we have a bunch of customers about about his age they got a new bike every like 7 months or like every year just cuz they're they enjoying it but they're still trying to find that right by a can or they like one thing about something and then they want something different we had one customer that I bought like four bikes from me and then fry like three bikes between the bikes house selling him and I kept on sound I'm like man oh man we're gonna find that right bike for you and then I realized the right bike is just the next bike you can under me like he just likes having different bikes yeah what's wrong lunch right so a lot of people give us hassle because let me leave the kickstand down and there's no weight on the kickstand it's just an extra precaution see I'm shaking I'm shaking the bike not only is the trailer moving one with the bike but his SUVs moving - that thing's solid it's not going anywhere these things are locked down in place they're not going on if you have extra slack from the rope just kind of yeah just kind of you know give it a tie it'll be fine and always always secure the ramp to the trailer so these things are a lot of fun to drive you get you get so many people looking at you which is really most of the enjoyment how everyone would just want to stare at you and ask you what it is and you know if you drive something like this that is pretty exciting they also want to they also want you to race them and then when you raise them and you smoke them it's super cool super cool and super fun so if you're wondering why limas why I'm selling this I've had this for about maybe eight months I was super excited to get it and my plan was I was just gonna furnish drive it the way it was but a dealer tag on it and I thought it'd be good I wrote it around the road for a little while and I got in trouble and because it doesn't have a body or fenders or anything like that there's a couple a couple reasons why this is not the car for me one this is the two point this is the two point two Ecotec Ecotec motor which is right now like 175 ones somewhere on that horsepower out of the Chevy Cobalt the base one this this motor with a lot of mods you can get well over 400 500 or power but you ask you to jump into the engine and turtles to just the throw to throw so the power adder on there like a turbocharger or supercharger you can take it's about 225 with another 50 horsepower on top of this would be a lot more power it just doesn't get to where I would one I wanted it to be I want it to be ridiculous maybe this is the guy we got sure they're wide enough for ya dude he's not that wide what the goblet of the trailer goblin okay I'm sure it'll fit yeah that's a pretty decent size like me that guy's smart parts in the cul-de-sac I'm taking everyone like parking on the curve that's it that's long and I think I said it was no wait but then I looked at the title [Music] okay I'm gonna pull battery oh yeah go ahead this is a after market oh yeah there it is mr. goblin yeah we put the battery on this up a little while and better is pretty dead so we put that in there this morning mm-hmm so yeah I was communicating with the manufacturer whatever just okay look asking about it you knew he knew of it didn't they know about this one yeah yeah yeah they they knew the previous owner well we have what you pay for it for how did you all know about the Goblin oh you know demo ramp that's how everyone knows what the god okay yeah he's not a sponsor easily no not yet yeah although I did have this before demo ranch did he finished his like in a day I just well I think he sorry he's in Texas right yeah but I think he bought like parsley as a new son I thank you so one time I saw this online it did about an hour of research and then I committed an eyeball and that sent some guy have to pick it up for me knew very little about him never seen any um you know no one ever you know the guy from a pretty famous youtuber he would he test drove one with the owner Jay Leno know everybody fast night or something like that yeah you test drove it that made a pretty big they got about sales this is like what number fifty or something like that okay did they tell you know I think it's like somewhere like number 50 in the in the first soul in the first jazz it Simpson they've sold like hundreds of them and then we also happen that we have we have another tank for Luca for if you were to supercharge it hmm what what the difference is but I don't know it's thinner so that's a thing that's sitting up there on the rack mm-hm yeah I was looking at maybe yeah turbo because you can get fits for less than a thousand bucks or something yeah and dirty dirty I drove about about three days I put a tag on a tag right here right which makes me it gives me insured and it makes a vehicle registered I'm like what more do you need you know but then I've invested got pulled over by a very nice police officer and he's like he walks off and he's like do you know why I pulled over I'm like I'm assuming because I'm driving this you've said what is this and I'm like I don't really know and we have really nice conversation and he's like it's like there's spunk just I'm not sure what the pinpoint is wrong with this situation but you probably can't drive it yeah and I'm like okay so the guy was so nice to me that I didn't want to push my luck then we take it first thing I mean but it on yeah yeah [Music] [Music] now he's making me regret or second-guess selling it it has a blast to drive like this is the go-kart on the street I was gonna say street-legal but Who am I kidding I mean this looks quick the way it is it's a blast to drive and with an ex 120 horsepower would be incredibly quick super fast and put them put them around like 275 but I didn't want I wanted I wanted like stupid ridiculous power I wanted 400 horsepower out of something like this that's what I wanted and so someone else is gonna put this thing together and finish it and have an awesome awesome thing I'm just just trying right here kind of really makes you second cast like maybe I should have just finished it but someone will do a better job than then I could I'm pump the pump form yo i'ma get a coffee oh oh oh I see what it's a little bit thinner oh so you can fit more it's more if you supercharge it Oh cuz you have to fit the supercharger right you need a supercharger the turbocharger yeah yeah look smaller actually yeah I don't know check this out someone told me that these lights when they when they designed the Viper they ran out of budget to design a side marker light so they went to the day what's the store and they got trailer lights really so that's the same so they say this is a matter that I mean I thought of course do do that like they but these are straight-up like off of a trailer you know I mean you know it's the exact same thing yo should I replace these with red ones well with red ones to be hilarious you know now the next thing is it's the Goblin gonna fit yo for real though I was looking at that I trust in it isn't well anybody was playing on the theme that lets go um let's go member dallbrooke we're gonna measure yeah just remembering okay yeah oh yeah 67 inches was real clear it will clear so 67 inches only uh less than six feet so really yeah definitely oh yeah this is definitely fitted just drive it in [Music] like on the back iron your judges oh we were a little worried is this your company yeah no problems one of my dad's don't show it on camera he'd pay us the first how long it's gonna take you to get that thing legal I don't know depends okay can you do this for me okay when you get it legal and get it all like suspension dialed in stuff like that can you bring it by man let me take a first bin probably where you put a blower you know I mean that'd be awesome let's make a video with it then so we'll try to offer you money because I might even try to buy it off at you I tried to find it I've tried to sell to my buddy telling him I'll probably buy off you whenever you finish it because I'm never gonna finish yeah I'm a starter I'm not a finisher mmm-hmm how about I start a lot of things you know so cool man I love it thanks yo thanks for coming buddy okay yeah thank you awesome have fun with that dry cool take one last look we have to say goodbye that is exactly what's going on I had big this is the first this is the first car I've ever bought that I paid more than four thousand dollars for you know in my life toes true yeah and I paid eighty eight hundred bucks for [Music] did I'm gonna put this part into slow motion and put some real sad music I'm really glad it's going to a good home yeah happy to get rid of it because you didn't ever think you would get rid of it I'm happy I'm going to another project here truth [Music] you
Channel: Bikes and Beards
Views: 117,221
Rating: 4.8240314 out of 5
Keywords: motorcycles, test drives, moto vlogs, harley davidson, test ride, bikes and beards, funny, yamaha, suzuki, kawasaki, selling motorcycles, ariel, atom, atom 2, atom 4, atom 3, df goblin, df goblin kit car, df goblin build, srkcycles, fail
Id: xG4VwZVxbYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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