How I package shirt orders to ship to paying customers

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what's up homeboys and homegirls a boy a dub Allen Wayde King Allen Alexander on Instagram and other social medias I'm here rocking the custom GI a dub shirt that's right cuz I grew up in a GI Joe air with Cobra Commander destro anyway what's up guys I'm here I'm about to press up a bunch of shirts and I just want to show you guys this video is mainly to show you guys the process of getting a shirt together for client and packaging and things like that and shipping not so much packaging to deliver like hand in hand but packaging to a ship and I'm gonna show you guys what's and how what I use and how I wrap up my stuff to make it nice and professional presentable because we all know impression is everything but first before we do that I'm gonna show you guys a couple presses that I'm doing right now and it's gonna take a little minute because man I got a lot of presses to do but I'm thankful because they're at the business and people are hitting me up now to some stuff so got to keep it moving guys I got like 20 shirts over there to be pressed so hey let's get to it so guys one thing you absolutely have to do because it's imperative to making sure you don't screw stuff up is you have to continuously look at your order forms or whatever type of device that you have but the people ordered to stuff on in my case it's a text messages via Facebook YouTube and other different Instagram and stuff like that to make sure you're lining up the colors with the designs and stuff like that because you'll mess around and press something on a shirt you press something on a wrong color shirt or a wrong size shirt then you have to start all over then you'll have extra shirts that you might not be able to sell especially if it's the customers it's not a design innate didn't give you permission to sell it you know I mean or something they make they made up in their heads like it's saying that they made up you don't want them to take a person would be like hey you're making money off this thing that I invented so you know I mean so you just don't want to get involved in any of that so just make sure you are looking at the size that they want the color that they want and make sure you press in the right design on the right shirt just a little tip for you to pay attention to alright guys so the first thing is gonna press up is I got a medium white shirt and I got a large black shirt I gotta order some more blacks I'm almost all out it's more black large shirts rather I'm almost all out first thing you wanna press up is we're gonna press up the wifey on the white shirt so let's get this thing ready I'm not going to show you guys the whole process because um this would be a long video if I did and I've already showed you guys this process I'll just show to you one time so that you guys can see that I do it exactly the same all the time for all these shirts press have to get the moisture out as I usually do egg look those triceps three or four seconds got the moisture out then once again put my shirt in half like I showed you on the previous video to find a center line right press it mark it no market in the center just make a little crease got that Sun alarm popping sometimes when you do this stuff you don't all and you press that you think you got some lying you don't necessarily get it but you can on make adjustments and like this this isn't exactly on center so I'm just gonna make adjustments when I'm lining this up so I think my wife oh I should carefully fill my stuff up try to rip off for me but I still did so I'll take my wife you design put in half crease it make a little crease and the center part of it all right line it up in the center normally I would line up the fold with the put the crease but in this case the fold is slightly off-center so I'm going to just line up the wifey right here eyeball it alright three inches or so from the neckline that's in the center press it 10 to 15 seconds I normally do 15 seconds this is just regular size or easy meet age TV 9 10 11 12 13 it's good oh bam so on the shirt nicely hit it one more time just to make sure sinks in the material people like these wifey shirts guys girls people like these wifey shirts they're hot they're hot item everybody's requesting them wifey and the hubby everybody's requesting that boom got yourself a nice product to sell right there you know reasonable size not too big and gaudy just like the quiet the client requested hanging out over the couch cam cam silhouette cameo 3 and we're going to go on to the one for the hubby alright guys what's up I'm back and I didn't press up every single shirt that I wanted to because I got tired but I pressed up a lot these right here or for clients and I'm gonna I'm gonna mail off these to these to get picked up and these I'm gonna sell in the park so um guys I'm gonna show you how I package my stuff both to sell as well as to mail off now first off you're going to need some wrapping paper the proper name for this is a white tissue ream and you don't necessarily need it but like you ever open up a Christmas present and you got that paper in between the material it just it's just a nicer feel and it just feels more professional so I like to include that when I package my stuff up the mail so I got a whole bunch of it right here I'm gonna take out a strip so I can show you guys how I do this I'll maybe I'll take out two strips and got the white paper right there adds a touch of professionalism to your stuff and the next thing that you're going to need guys is this stuff right here this is uh got the names right here guys self seal flap tape clear value mailers poly bags guys use a clear poly bag and I don't use these to mail off stuff because they're too flimsy quite frankly but you can put these inside of the next item that I'm going to show you guys but what I do do I think the regular shirts that I'm going to did I sell in my hand on the street in these bags so people can see them see what they look like see the sides to the tag and I can also write on the bag what it is like oh so large and medium you ever do that the next thing for your items that you're going to mail is these poly Millers right guys all these things that I show you right now are going to be in the description so if you want to buy any of these items go down in the description and click the link in the description and it will navigate you right to that item you can pick them up for yourself so you can step your professionalism up and feel confident when you're selling stuff from showing people stuff when you sell them so especially in the t-shirt business so these are the polymerase these say they're from you on I'm pretty kind I'm pretty sure that I got these off of Amazon I'm gonna put Amazon link down because I see my in my Amazon product thing that I that I purchased these but I guess maybe Amazon gets them from Uline but they're the same price they're very inexpensive they come in packs of 100 I got two packs of these I got one pack of these coming to pack with it also and that comes in a whole bunch so like and all this stuff is cheap and it steps up your professionalism a thousand notches now the issue with these bags are they're kind of thin along with Holly Miller's they're thin also so you're gonna have to kind of fold your shirt in a way that it fits inside of them so I'm gonna show you guys how to do that so okay the ones that I'm gonna mail off you're gonna put in here first so where I do I grab my shirt Mikey shirt for example and put some tissue up in there right on drop the tissue right on the bottom it's just it's just something about when you hear that tissue sound it just sounds more like you're getting more for your money okay so I dropped one arm over like this nice and neat flip the arm over like so like so like this and wrap it up like this I just take my bag and I come and like measure it kind of gauge it so I can see how much how much I need to spear this and actually this is a little bit too thin but I'm putting in your polygon so that's fine like this and like this guy's so that can drop right inside of this poly Miller bag right here it's nice you can hear that crinkly tissue noise it's dope and it's nice and fresh no it looks neat once again I grabbed my shirt grab my shirt this one right here just a puppy shirt in a large clip around the back flip it around the back drop the tissue right on the back part alright I'm gonna take one side flip it in like so nice and neat tuck the shoulder tuck the sleeve rather come with the other side flip that side in nice neat flip that alright come up like this once again I take my poly Miller bag and I kind of like measured it up this is too big so I could just come down like so and once again gauge it kind of sorta and I know that this is gonna fit inside of the bag and these two are going to the same person so I'm going to put them together you don't have to where you need to take another piece of tissue and put them together and you just drop them in there like so and since it's different colors guys I'm gonna grab another piece of tissue and drop it in between both of them sold it just in case there's a lot of moisture and it's hot that on the black doesn't bleed onto the white which would be a horrible thing we're calling like yellow what the heck cuts happen you know so drop that in there like that like so like so you got the white and the black nope nothing's gonna bleed on us to each other stuff that in your power mirror right there and with two shirts this is ready to be shipped off as soon as I get it inside of this until it better just give me a little problems you want to make sure you take your time and get it in there nice and neat let's think of the video I'm kind of rushing it but I'll make you sure I'm getting in there nice and flat the thing I like about these bags is take this little strip right here peel it off the ground and the bag is sealed just like that guy's dope when they open it up all you gotta do is take this and then have a tab right here just pull through and it just rips it opening and just like that this one is ready to be delivered you just write the address on there drop that baby post-office and you're good to go now for the ones that are myself this I got the customer come and pick this up so I'm just gonna fold this up and put put it nice and neatly in a bag so I just fold this up regular regularly and don't have to put any any plastic in here this is regular customer she expects her stuff like this pull it up nice for her boom just like it's in a store guys just like it is in a store look at that look at that just like us in the store Tommy does all right boom next month the painting process right I'm gonna go past this one guys and I'm gonna show you how I get the ones ready that I have in my hand that I sell at the park let me show you how I get my I love chili shirts together they have a lot of these to package up bagged up so just do the same thing same fold same fold make it nice and neat so they can go oh man this is this is dope they just you know so people can feel like they're getting their money's worth they can feel like you know they're buying something that's worth spending their hard-earned money on so I like to fold these exactly to size the bag so I kind of like you know kind of give some extra space in there measure it up so that it'll fit like exactly if not that much room left cuz I don't want it sliding all over the bag and open it up and then it looks sloppy inside the bag because these bags also have the strips on them that's sealed so that's good perfect size so I take this like so boom look at that look at that looks good slide inside that bag not just for all my stuff now looks good looks like comes came from the factory and as a matter of fact when you order something from a website this is how it comes when you order something from my website this is how it's gonna come when you pour some for me this is how it's gonna come guys well actually it's going to come in the white pile of mail a bag but if you see the only statements on something I'm gonna give you something like this in a bag and it is sealed and ready to be sold some blue line how's that guys like I said the product link for all of this these are little tidbits to make step up in professionalism will be in the description of the video and that looks dope that looks dope that looks like something that I wouldn't mind spending twenty twenty-five dollars on especially if you're visiting a city then you want to I love Philly shirt I'm a guy boom repeat the process those do you want to pull some angle of what just happened once again it's Miller bag or your you know your your professional bag you've transparent bag take that shirt flip it upside down hold one side over keep an account that you wanted to fit in that Miller bag exactly alright let's let that arm over like so then you get that bag make sure it's to write with that's about that looks about nice looks like it's gonna take up the whole bag that's good flip it like so little bit down a little bit and you come over one more and that is going to fit perfectly up and shit now you take it grab the shirt boom collar on cheek and stuff it up in that bag so it fits nice and snug in there and you got a nice nice professional product in there looks good take that seal take it off and close air out I love Philly oh man you know I forgot to do okay I don't want to get a sharpie guys does it look this is a small okay so I'm gonna get a sharpie and I'm gonna write small on it like an S that's one step that I forgot to tell you guys so I got it yeah I know this is a small right here because I just looked at it okay seal it up so you guys want to do this in event so this is small so you can take your sharpie and write directly on the bag write an S or a small right there just like you do a store let that dry off and you know what size it is they note size of this and you're good to go do the same thing on this bag let me take a peek in there this one is a small also yes guys so this is how you package your items to make people feel like money well spent step up your game so guys I hope you enjoyed this video the product link to all the items that I talked about will be in the description down below step up the professionalism guys to see what everything looks like it looks dope looks clean looks like get something new money that's up this one with some tissue paper so it feels good it feels like it's some substance in there and the people are gonna be happy when they get their product look at this look at this it looks good it looks great so guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you did give it a thumbs up share don't forget to subscribe to the channel and hit the post notifications also you can be notified every time I drop the video plenty of more content coming up I got videos on deck that I haven't edited yet so it's your boy man hit me up if you want to collab on something hit me up if you want to purchase one of these I left off your shirts or any one of my other shows that you see as you've seen already or you're gonna see in her future because I got some other top-secret stuff that I haven't posted yet so stay tuned guys see boy Alan Red King Alan Alexander eight dub as shit boy I'm out peace turn up that while I listen to rest miracle in the past baby
Channel: A-Dubb Productions Allan Wade
Views: 19,972
Rating: 4.8067226 out of 5
Keywords: Video tutorials, A-Dubb Productions, allan wade, how to, blog, blogger, tech, tech news, technology, heat press, heat press accessories, T shirt business, vinyl press machine, how to package t shirts, how to sell t shirts, how to package t shirts to sell, make money selling t shirts, clothing brand start up, how to package orders, packaging t shirts, how to ship t shirts, how to ship to paying customers
Id: Yw54YD_I-wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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