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oh I've got another order I like cash in my head to my ad so hey y'all I'm naina Cole and welcome back to my channel if you guys are new here I am the owner of boss up baby boutique my website is boss up babe calm I'll have it linked down in the description down below be sure to go shop my website and support a black-owned business so on my channel I do entreprenuer vlogs I recently just launched my business about two months ago now and yeah so I want to take you guys along the journey of me being a business owner and showing you guys how I do it and how this all came to be so I'm super excited to show you guys some behind the scenes of being a business owner yeah I just wanted to remind you guys be sure to click that subscribe button down below and also click the bell but until you guys can get notified every single time that I upload I do upload a new video every single week and I have so much in store for this channel so you want to stick around go ahead and click that buy them right now maybe be a second seconds over your subscribe let's move on yeah today's video I'm going to be showing you guys how I ship off my packages without being required to go to the post office like why mind blowing I can shove off my packages and I don't even have to drive my car and go to the post office it's amazing and I want to show you guys how you can do it too so I hope that you guys enjoyed this video be sure to give this video a huge thumbs up and let's go ahead and get started alright so what am I gonna serve this is weird I don't know alright so these are my poly mailers are beautiful they match my packaging and like my business cards and stuff like that so I love these you can find poly mailers on Amazon and going Amazon is lit boom you're welcome I have two different sizes I have this like smaller size and then I also have this bigger size to put my so put my it was what they look like you're gonna need either Polly mailers some type of box you can also find Polly mailers at Dollar Tree I don't know if y'all know but you can find them like Manila I think they're called like the yellowish ones you can find them idolatry they're a dollar and dollar treat also sells boxes as well so if you guys need like a small box it's a dollar boom you lit do that so excited yes come through okay it's lit so I have three orders to ship while today look at God like God really comes through I'm really not the type of person to sit here and lie to y'all and act like oh my god I have so many orders to ship off today velocity blah see blah I really only had two but now I got three so I'm live like these are real emotions right now I was just so excited and God is just so good so I'm gonna show y'all how I ship off my three orders today it's me look at God wow I just love my life like life is just so good God is just so good alright so let me get back on track because I just got like way way way way way way off but um so yeah you're gonna use your pal emailers and then I'm gonna take you guys over to where I store my inventory oh the next thing that you're going to need is you don't even need a laptop and I'm lying to you not like you really don't even need a laptop to ship and order off as long as you guys have either a phone whether it be an Android or iPhone I think they have an I'm pretty sure they have Android and um and or an iPad you can go ahead and ship your stuff off straight from the app my website builder that I have chosen is Shopify I absolutely love Shopify with my whole entire heart I really did like the Nitty Gritty research I compared all of the website builders GoDaddy I compared Google because Google has like a website builder as well Wix I don't know like all of the website builders I compared them all and I was like and Shopify is kind of one of the more expensive ones but do I want to undercut myself and lose out on a couple features that Shopify has or do I want to just go for it song went for it and I'm just Oh freakin happy Shopify makes my life so easy like I literally have to do like the bare minimum it does it all for me and I love it and I even made my website by myself like what website builder who what I used to just do MySpace layouts back in the day and I taught myself like coding all this other stuff my entire website I built by myself and I'm not acting like it's the best thing in the world like can you definitely be better but I spent $0.00 to make my website my graphics whole nine business cards logo all that I did that by myself and I want to show you guys how you guys can do that as well so now I'm gonna take you guys over to where my actual inventory is store it and just for the sake of this video I don't always go one by one but just for the sake of this video I'll go one by one and show you guys it's like how I package up the order one by one so go ahead and grab our lashes and I believe this is my last row boom so she ordered are you go girl lashes which are super popular I love these lashes so much they're really natural and just beautiful so yeah that's that she quarters her lashes what else should she order she also ordered our established necklace which is our year necklace and I'll show you guys what that looks like as well and they in here so this is my necklace drawer just what everything looks like and I also have labels on everything as well this one's 93 and silver and I think this one's gold a sticker must have fell off yeah perfect so this is our established necklace in 1993 which is what she ordered as well so also ordered our take flight shades and then our faded shades now my shades drawer they're not organized they're not pretty like this one would so I keep my shades and I have two shades drawers because I just restocked I have so many so many so many shades and I have to go through here order these ones these are take flight sunglasses are available on our website and the silver is black-ish sort of color and then she also ordered our faded sunglasses and I gotta find those well and these are our beta sunglasses and it's her order so this is everything that she purchased I went ahead and gathered that all and then I'm gonna go ahead and pack that up in the poly mailer but in the meantime I don't want keep running back and forth so I'm going to just get the next one's going our next order or the number two and she ordered our girlboss iphone key so this is how I store them and on the back of them I actually have labeled every single iPhone case so it makes my life a little bit easier and yeah so she purchase a girlboss case and that's actually right here here it is she purchased a bride phone seven eight so yes here we go so that's our second order alright and then for our third order she purchase our off to brunch shades so I'm gonna go back over here to my shades drawer and now I gotta find my office uh brunch Hey so let me share my real life struggle with y'all I say here went through this whole drawer I even went through this drawer and I'm like where are these glasses did I not update my inventory like I was freaking out I'm always on top of my inventory I want to make sure I'm not selling anything that I don't actually physically have I forgot I purchased this sunglass case and I forgot the glasses actually ordered are right here stupid me I'm like oh my gosh should I sell out of them and I didn't remember I think right here I was worried for nothing here they are these aren't freaking beautiful she's gonna love these so much so I have to go ahead and package these in bubble wrap them so that they make it to their destination there we are next step okay so the next step is going to be me actually packaged into orders I have everything and I have my poly mailers here a little ghetto I kind of have them just a really big just shopping bag because I don't really know how to store these I got to find a storage solution for this all my items here on the floor and I'm just gonna show you guys how I go ahead and package up my water right so I'm just gonna head back to the Shopify app just so I don't get all my items mixed up all over again alright so I'm gonna go ahead and really speed through this part of the video but I'm gonna go ahead and package everything and put them in packages and then we'll go on with the shipping label on how I go about back worship all right so great we went ahead and packaged up our order and then I want to make sure that I throw in one of my business cards so this is my business card looks like that's the front and then that is the back so go ahead and throw in the business cards and then I also want to go ahead and throw in my thank-you card as well and I'm gonna show you guys my thank-you card and also my thank-you card I also have a promo codes for my buyers next order right and this is what my thank-you card looks like so yeah and I'm covering up the promo code because y'all ain't gonna get it unless you buy it go ahead throw it in the thank-you card and yeah that's it I can go ahead and set this one to the side moving on to the next order I'm gonna go ahead put that in there gonna put a business card then once again I'm gonna throw in my thank-you card and this is a better look this is what my thank-you card looks like go ahead and throw that in there yes I'm not gonna steal these yeah cuz they're not completely done I still have to print on my invoice and put my invoice inside of those take another one of my small mailers and package this up just the same way go ahead my thank-you card and then throwing in my business card as well and I had another business card just sit here so this person will get to all right and here are all the orders they're all packaged and ready to go but first what we're gonna have to go ahead and do is weigh our items so I have a shipping scale and we're gonna have to put the item on the shipping scale this is the part where you're going to be able to skip out on pull into the pull ups office because usually when you go to the post office a way to item they print out the label for you sort of thing but you can do that all from home and with Shopify it makes your life so much easier so yeah I have my should been skill it's in the room with the rest of my inventory so I'll take you guys back over there so you guys can see how that process works all right so here is my scale if you guys are wondering I purchased my scale from Amazon you can find this on Amazon just type in like shipping scale or something like that it'll be there so yeah this is what my skin looks like so what I'm gonna go ahead and do I already have the skill zeroed out I'm just going to place the package on there and then I'm gonna take new and then I'm gonna have to go ahead and put that into Shopify alright moving on to order number two placing that on the scale order number two is two point seven ounces and now on to order number one this is a much larger package so I know it's gonna weigh a lot more alright and order number one is nine point one ounces so all right we're set so now we have everything we okay so now I'm going to be required to enter in the weight of the package I'm included in the package so order number one we sell was nine point one ounces it also tells you what kind of shipping they paid for so I'm gonna go ahead and click on that and then you're gonna go ahead and click on buy shipping legal so click on that it's now gonna generate our shipping label this is exciting all right so now the amazing part about Shopify is it's gonna automatically send the shipping email to our customer we don't have to do any of this legwork we don't have to send out a tracking number anything so because we just purchased our shipping label through Shopify is gonna do everything for us it's amazing and also you get discounts on your shipping rates as well so you save money it's cheaper than going to the post office it saves you money you don't actually have to go to post office you can weigh everything at home you can do everything from your phone like it's amazing like Shopify is absolutely amazing I love it so much all right so our next step is going to be printing the shipping label and I'm gonna show you guys how I go about doing that I'm gonna take you guys over there to my printer more printers right over there and I'll show you guys how I print my ship lately all right so here is my printer if you guys were wondering this is a Canon printer I don't really know the exact model I'll put that in the description box for you guys if you guys are interested I actually got it for Christmas from my amazing sis Ashley I thank her so much this printer is absolutely amazing it's everything is Wireless like literally my phone controls the entire printer I can't get over it so this all right so here's a view this is what the Canon app looks like all right so now that we're back on the Shopify app we're going to now click on print shipping label oh I forgot to mention so I actually have shipping label paper back here so it's literally sticker adhesive one side is like normal like paper and then the other side is the sticker so we literally just take this off and we stick it on the package it makes our life so much easier and yeah like I said it saves time you don't have to go to the post office you can print everything from home it's amazing there oh so if you guys are wondering what the model of my printer is and in ts3 100 series all right now our printer is gonna work it's magic and it's gonna go ahead and it's gonna print out our label all right and there is our shipping label so it's already going to have my return address on there and then our USPS tracking number so literally all the post-office people have to do is just scan this and then that's it get it in transit and get it going and we're set so now we have shipping labels this is what they're gonna look like and I need to go get my scissors I need like one of those paper cutters my mom has one when I shift my orders from her house I always use her her little slicer but I need to get one from my house I need that okay pronto but it's just gonna show that I have like straight lines but I do want to go ahead and just cut out around the actual label because I don't need all this extra paper and all that so yeah I'm gonna go ahead and cut these and I'm just gonna try to get it as even as possible once it's on there really doesn't matter at all but I'm just being a perfectionist oh these ones here are a little more tricky so because I only have one label on one side and I still do want to use that other label on the other side I'm actually gonna have to peel the sticker off first and then cut it so I'll still be able to use a sheet of paper because I'm like the laminate and the back will still be on there so I'll still be good to put it through the printer but I just have to peel the actual sticker off first and then I can go ahead and cut it up and it is a lot more annoying this way but got to do what I got to do it's so annoying does it get stuck to everything but you can find these shipping labels on Amazon as well and then I'm just gonna take the sticker place them right on the front of my package then you're safe you can go ahead and drop these off in any like USPS like drop-off boxes it they do have different like pickup time so however so you need it to go out the same day your best bet is to drop it off at the actual pickup box at like a local post office those they check daily and like I think multiple times a day as well so if you just drop it off there you're set sometimes I'm really particular and I like need to see them scan it so you can also go to your post office and wait in line and they'll just scan it for you you're set you don't have to pay anything I already paid for this when you ship through Shopify not sure how it works for every other website platform but just speaking on Shopify it's also do have the option if you're like me sometimes I like to even go and get a receipt to show as proof that I actually should item off because things get crazy and you know just in case you need receipts you can do that so if you want to and you want to follow this steps you can just go and wait in line at the actual post office just go ahead and scan item in and they're gonna give you your receipt and then that's it so that's an option for you as well that said Shopify sends an email containing the tracking number so if your customer wants to track their package and see whether your package is at they can go ahead and do that and yeah you're done like that's it so on Shopify as well you do have the option of also on printing out your invoice as well I have to run and go get some paper so I'm not gonna print out my invoice right now um but yeah so your invoice is just basically gonna have your business name and it's gonna have your customers complete order so we'll have like a screenshot of everything there's your customer order and then the quantity showing that you actually shipped whatever the customer and then I'll also remind them because you know if you have a place to order you're like wouldn't I'd even order like I don't even remember so it affects your refresher they'll know that they got exactly what they ordered once you put the invoice in it so yeah and this is just what my package looks like it's all packed up so here are all of today's orders I'm not gonna close them up just yet because I do still have to put the invoices inside but this is what our packages are gonna look like once they're done that is how I ship my orders I really hope that you guys enjoyed this video I hope that it was detailed enough where you know it'll walk you guys through the steps if you guys do have any questions ever you guys can always DM me on Instagram my link will be down below in the description bar be sure to go follow me on Instagram and like I said if you guys have any questions as soon as I'm able to log most definitely get back to you in the best way I possibly can I'm no expert at this stuff but if I can help you guys in any way I would love to do so I thank you guys so much for watching today's video once again if you guys did enjoy please be sure to give this video a huge thumbs up I love you guys so very much and I will see you guys in next week's video bye you
Channel: Nay Nichole
Views: 2,465,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to ship from your phone, how to ship with shopify, day in the life of a business owner, how to ship orders, life of an entrepreneur, how to run a business, how to run an online store, how to ship packages, how to start a business, boutique owner
Id: Pf-L3dA5WGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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