How to package a shirt with clear resealable poly bag

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what a Dookie baby is your boy Mitch Shoji man today I'm gonna show you guys how I personally packaged a shirt from my clothing couple of man so stay tuned [Music] alright guys so if you guys are a startup clothing company just like myself you're probably wondering you know how do you package a t-shirt or a tank top or maybe even a hoodie to make it look professional when you're making a sale you know so in this video right here we're gonna show you guys how I personally packaged my t-shirts and I hope it helps you guys out man alright guys now before we do get into this video man I just wanted to introduce myself my name is Mitchell Gonzalez founder and CEO of roaring supplies so basically I started in 2014 we fell down got back up you know trial and error experiments and marketing and stuff like Ted if you want to call it but you know fast forward of 2018 we're finally ready to launch our website and you know that's a very exciting moment for me because you know this is a dream come true to me you know this is something I've wanted to do since I was a little kid I grew up in a skate shop in Southern California man so ever since then it's been embedded in my brain you know that I wanted to create a brand unfortunately it took a very long time but fortunately I'm doing it you know what I mean it's not something that I regret you know I mean because we're doing it in the making so basically if you guys want to follow a startup company that's gonna blow up this is the channel right here man cuz we taking this to another level and I promise you guys man we're not gonna stop until we hit the world so if you guys want to see that make sure you subscribe make sure you like make sure you hit that Bell so you can get notified man let's get it alright guys so the first time I'm going to show you guys is the poly bag here it's about what sighs this is but if it's a t-shirt maybe even two depending on how you hold your t-shirts but it's a very good size you can also fit a head in here like maybe like an unstructured dad hat or something of beanies socks very good size and it's also receivable so you can open this up from here and you know just remove that right there and it has adhesive so you can close it and it'll stick and you alright guys so the next tool that I use here is the hole puncher it's not your traditional size hole punch this one is actually a 1/8 which is a lot smaller if you look at that little turquoise dot right there that's what size it is and what I use this tool for is my hang tag so basically I use this hole punch to make a hole in the hang tags and to put our hang tag string in it and connect it to the t-shirt so I'll show you guys that in a minute alright next we have the Royal Dreams business cards basically this is a square shape I believe it's a 2.5 by 2.5 squared business card that I purchased on I got about 500 of these for I believe it was $40 or less but the front I ordered it shiny and the back was just a flat color I put my Instagram Facebook and snapchat my website and our email address for the brand so these came out really really nice they give it a very good look very modern look on the clothing and your hat just stuff like that alright so I usually put it on the top center and it doesn't have to be perfect as long as it's centered and on the top so this is what it looks like with the hole in it so what's cool about these is you can hand them out you know socially it's a business card and you can also put them on your clothing this is pretty cool and very affordable alright guys so next up we got our royal train stickers these are rectangular shaped as you can see they are about twice the size you know of the business card lengthwise which is a decent size a few guys you know are barely starting out and are you on and you're on a budget you know I would suggest to put one sticker per item and then one business card per item as well along with the hate text so that would be a hang tag isn't this card and then one of these stickers if you're doing it for a celebrity endorsement I would suggest taunt everything in there you know one of each and if you're just doing it for a sale and you're barely starting out and you're on a budget I would suggest just one of these you took whatever color you want and then you just throw it in the poly bag along with a business card I use of the hang text rings I ordered these on Amazon they're pretty decent size and basically I use these to hang the hate eggs which we want to do is you want to put this tip in through the 1/8 circle and here at the bottom you can see there's a little entrance for the for the tip so basically there's a little bump right on top here you can barely see it but what you would want to do is connect it to this little square and you hear it click so once it clicks it's good to go and that's the hang tag the majority of the items here I ordered on Amazon but this is a pear-shaped pen you can use whatever shape you want but this is my preference I like the black you know it gives it a more modern style look so this is what you would use to you know connect the hang tag to your item so you know we just put it on here we would just let it fall like so and then you would connect this to the t-shirts and it doesn't affect the t-shirt at all it's as I've tried it several times and it works perfectly alright so here we have our olive and black royal dreams classic t-shirt and we're gonna pin it up right on top here in the middle is where I usually put it you can also pin it on one of the sleeves whichever you prefer or you know you can also do with the bottom as well I'm just gonna put it up here there it is alright guys so now that the shirt is ready to go with the hang tag we're gonna go ahead and fold it put it inside the poly bag throw some goodies in there close it up and then show you what the final product looks like alright guys so this right here that I'm doing this manually holding the shirt but you can also use a you know a shirt folder which you can get on Amazon as well for like fifteen to twenty-five dollars you might even get them for cheaper than that but uh I don't have mine at the moment so I'm just gonna do it manually but what I do is I try to get everything you know as close as possible for the sake of this video I'm not gonna do it you know super uh perfect but you know we're just gonna fold it to the point where we feel like it's fit to fit inside this poly bag right here I fold this up a little bit so you can kind of see the tag inside and then I work with it right here so you can uh you can see them put it in the bag and make sure the tag is hanging out like that where you can hook it in if you like whatever you prefer I usually like to show my hang tag I don't actually remember the size of this poly bag here but I will leave a link in the description so you can check it out I believe I got these on Amazon [Music] [Music] all right business cards and there you go all right so this is the final product here so you know this is very professional looking you know we've got the Hang tag hanging the brand you can see it very clearly turn it around and then you got your stickers here your promotional stuff your business card with your information it looks very very professional your customers would be really really excited when you see this alright guys so that's how I personally package my t-shirts and I hope you guys enjoyed this content today if you guys have a better way of doing so man may be a better way of packaging it may be a cheaper way but still looks professional let me know down below I'm always open to suggestions and I will respond back to you so if you guys are startup closing company or maybe a fan of the brand and you guys want to follow me man make sure you guys subscribe man cuz we got a lot more dope content coming I got a better camera on the way we got a lot of stuff man our website launches this summer we're super stoked about it man I just hope you guys will tag along man because we're gonna blow up make sure you tune in [Music]
Channel: Mitch Alexander
Views: 35,731
Rating: 4.9105058 out of 5
Keywords: Start up clothing brand, Clothing brand, How to start a clothing brand, Starting a clothing brand, Starting a Streetwear brand, How to package a shirt, How to package a tshirt, Starting a Streetwear Clothing Brand, Starting a brand, Royal Dreamz, Royal Dreamz supply, Royal Dreamz clothing, Royalty, Streetwear, Hang tags, Hang tag string, Bella canvas 3001, Stickers, Business cards, Skate brand, Start up, Hole punch, 1/8 hole punch, King, Clothing
Id: ukdLXOPk414
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Tue May 29 2018
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