Applique with the Brother PE800 (FULL TUTORIAL)

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Dublin how are you thank you so much for joining me if it's your first time here give this video a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and guys I know why you're here give this video a thumbs up and I like right now if this is why you're here we're gonna be doing some embroidery today using the Brother PE 800 highly overexposed because my ring light I like to like myself light myself like this excuse the overexposure on the P 800 but you guys know what it is I know why you're here so stay tuned I'm gonna tell you exactly what you need hey guys if you haven't subscribed to the channel yet please take this moment to hit the subscribe button and also hit the post notification bill so you can be notified every time I upload a new video it helps me out a whole lot more than you know it thank you so guys the first thing that you're gonna do in preparation is you are going to iron out your t-shirt now the reason why you want to iron out your t-shirt is because you want to find the direct center of the shirt and iron out the C's t-shirt you want to make sure you fold it in half use the sleeves and the bottom of the garment to make sure you found the center lay it down on the ironing board and pass your iron over it to create a sharp crease that symbolizes the center of your shirt alright so the next thing that we're gonna want to do guys now that we have our shirt we found a center is we're going to want a hoop our shirt what we're going to need is we're going to need of course our backing which is a piece of cloth because this right here is a thinner shirt that's the next level shirt very high quality very comfortable so we're definitely going to need a backing to make this a little bit more solid because you you're not just going to be able to stitch on to this period so I explained it to you guys in the last video if you didn't catch it go watch the last video a very valuable content so on boom you're gonna need this and of course you're going to need your material that you're going to use for your applique and this one I'm going to make I have a little bit of this military-grade material right here this what do you call it fatigue or if you're using felt or if you're using red or black felt in this case I'm going to use this military-grade I'm gonna have a few quantities available I'm gonna have a few of these available X I'm gonna have two available I'm gonna make two exclusive if you want one then message me down below you can cash at me or PayPal me your size and I will make this shirt for you in fatigue other than that go to the website Allawi calm and you can purchase either the felt one in red or black and in white or black let me get this car go fast a double production apologize for that guy's the kid is under demand of course you're gonna need your hoop also cuz we're hoping this thing alright so like I said the first step is to where's my spray adhesive got the spray on adhesive this is a fast act three four I'll leave some leave some of the description if you want to buy some of this stuff but the main thing like I said in last video you want to make sure it's good for materials okay so we're going to take our shirt and we're going to look at it first we're going to look at it and we're going to find what seems to be the center because we're going to put this design in the center actually we don't even need to find this we can line it up on the other side alright so what I do is I flip my shirt inside out like I showed in the last video flip it inside out then lay it down on the table after since that up alright make sure it's nice and straight because we are putting this in the center alright so got the John nice and straight make sure it's flat this important part we're going to do a lot of these videos on direct-to-garment guys so make sure you guys are tuned in subscribe and all that good stuff I would take our spray adhesive spray it on here all right now we take this material and we just lay it down right in the center right here Center it up right right about there that's good all right boom now it's on there the fasttech adheres to it it's stuck on there sticky all right so what that's doing is it's making it if get it's giving the shirt less give and less pull all right and that's what we want to make sure you want to make sure we give the embroider machine something to you know something to embroider without too much give you want to make it make it perfect as possible all right so now we turn the shirt back to the right side to the correct side and the next step that I do personally now that we see the center of the shirt and like you can see right now that my um my line is not quite in the center this shirt it's not the line actually the shirt is a little bit off okay yeah okay it is in the center sorry I just have to line it up so you want to make sure everything is straight when you're doing this all right so you take the bottom of the shirt and I start rolling it up rolling it up I'm gonna show you in the last video start rolling it up you guys know how to do this if you watch the last video and I get it to about right there take my hoop and with the frame at the bottom right here I go ahead and I put it in and I find the center eyeball it now I have the center line I can fill with my hands where the hoop is this is going to take some experience guys is going to take something you're gonna mess up some shirts because some people use the guide the guy that the who came with and I recommend using that guide but I've been doing this for a little while now so I don't really need to use the guide see where the top of the rim is I know that within the hands distance this is where the borders going to be to here to here all right so just want to make sure it's in the center make sure that's nice and flat all right take any pieces of material you see on there take it off like so it's clean you can take some you know the material stuff like the the rollaway thing I'll put this link to that in the description you guys know it'll talk Mike the lint brush lint roller yeah and get all this all that stuff off but yes is pretty much in the center so I'm gonna go ahead and take my hope and I'm going to lay it on top of there look at it again once again and this is good because it's the center that you see the center line so I'm going to move my design over a little bit because you can see that center line right there where where the center is then you want to hoop it right on the center all right boom boom push that bad boy in all the it's just it's nice and in the center meets the center meets my center line he's dead center line alright from the iron now I go ahead and I tighten it up tighten that bad boy up nice and tight right got that in there like this video if you like how it's going so far next step it's put it in a water machine and get busy you guys see the brother PE 800 waiting for this one when you turn on the machine when you see the PE 800 guys you know what time it is it's time to get busy with some applique alright first and foremost we are going to turn the machine on we turned it on already we're gonna make sure the foot is up we're going to grab our hoop and we are going to loop our shirt alright you lay this down flat bring this underneath make sure the fabric is removed from underneath and the hoop is down flat on the machine that way it slides directly underneath but this is the tab right here where the tab is so you're gonna do it sideways and it should slide right underneath like that nice and smooth make sure no material is underneath your hoop because if it is going to embroider you don't want to do that alright so take our edge put it in right here Wow nice and locked in up neck just a neck right here make sure you know where the neck is you're gonna pay close attention to that all right now once again make sure no material is underneath your hoop or else that's going to sew together all right so now that we've made sure no material is under the hoop everything is ready to embroider we have to do a few changes and adjustments on the screen and then we can get busy all right we're gonna touch the screen one time just gonna move around a little bit the whole machine moves around a little bit you see all that movement right there and now we are going to press this button to make it let the Machine navigate to our design boom let it think a little bit all right then we're going to go ahead over and find our PE 800 folder with all of our brother PE 800 files inside of them we're gonna press the button now after you press our button we're going to select the file which is this one right here press set and there is our design buy back the block once again guys if you want to purchase this design right here go ahead over to Alan in we'd come and purchase this design we can do all types of stuff to it right here we're not going to get into that right now so we're just going to hit and edit and embroider but one thing we got to make sure guys cuz sometimes you got to be real careful see how our design is sideways that's exactly how it's going to stitch out because you want to pay attention to your neckline and where your neckline is my neckline is right here so I know that stitching out the design side way is gonna stitch it out the correct way all right so we're gonna hit the button and it's going to start to embroider our design alright first though you have to put the foot down in the back right here so you put that foot down oh yeah forgot to hit and embroider and border on the screen and now boom see the first part of it see that that button changed yeah changed all right so the first part of it is just the stitch to show where we're gonna put the placement the placement stitch alright and then the second is going to be the tack down stitch and then we're gonna get into the meat and potatoes of it alright so let's get into the placement stitch to press the button you guys got to understand the key about applique is understanding what applique is and how you do it I missed one really really important part guys I am going to adjust it in just one second I'm gonna go ahead and let let it do this stitch and I'm gonna adjust the one part that I missed real fast let me put this up down a little bit put that up so you guys can see lock it in okay so now the part that I missed right here right so right here on the screen I'm gonna adjust the tension this is just like just like a tension before that we had on the machine where we had the wheel right here we had the wheel right here on our brother se 600 this time our attention is right here because this machine is a little bit more high-tech a little bit more sophisticated got our tension embedded right there alright so we're gonna go okay wait a minute no not this one at the bottom you gotta hit this one right here the scissors alright boom so alright tensions on for right now we're gonna take it down we're gonna take it down okay so we had Anna brother se 600 we added between two and one so I'm gonna put it about to actually I'm going to put the 1.6 for our attention alright one point six we're gonna see how that turns out alright so now we got our attention adjusted and we got our placement stitch down and I'm going to just use the same thread same thread it's not necessary to change right now place my stitches down now I'm going to lay down my material because I know now this is where my material goes alright so I'm just gonna go ahead and lay down my military fatigue material right over top of this right here because I know that's what I'm a placate all right that's where I'm applying it to alright so I'm doing what's called floating I'm just gonna float it I'm not gonna apply it on there I'm just gonna float it it's just sitting on there by itself all right so now press the button again making sure it's nice and flat alright and it's just laying down and what I'm doing is I'm just making sure it's flat as it stitches it out all right while I float you don't have to do that I'm just anal I guess all right so now now that it's stitched out the stitch I'm gonna go ahead and I'm going to take the design out and I'm going to take design out and I'm going to cut the excess off see all this access right here I'm gonna take it out and I cut out the excess all right so I'm gonna make sure the thread is loose bypassing our embroidery shears embroidery scissors underneath it if I can find them here over here one second I just passed my embroidery scissors underneath there one time dewsnup that thread and I'm gonna take the design out so yeah applique is a little bit more involved so now I can go ahead and take my scissors and I can cut cut the access off of this all right eight dub productions and watch how I cut it I'm just gonna peel this back right here and cut it real close right here cut it real close to the stitch mm-hmm that's it cut all four sides just like that real close to this stitch don't cut the stitch because we want that to stay on but just cut it real close to the stitch all right just cut all four sides like that all right that's I that is be real careful you don't want to cut your shirt you don't wanna pull on it pull it out of place anything like that you don't want to leave too much on there like like right here it's just too much I'm gonna I'm gonna trim some more off that edge right there after I'm done I'll come right here so I can see what I'm doing close this stitch but don't cut the stitch [Music] and then this part right here needs to come off I'm gonna grab my brother's here so I can get him closer on it I'm just gonna cut that right there that's about sufficient I'm happy with that all right so now we could actually leave it like this to be honest with you that'd be a different type of look but I hate doing that all right so let me put it back in the machine right cheer put that thing back applique is a lot more fun and a lot more enjoyable you get more of a finished product than just regular traditional embroidering because it's a combination it's a combination okay that's the best way I can explain it put this back aside it's a combination of embroidery once again make sure everything is clear make sure everything is free clear free and just for me nothing underneath and then put this back down and we're going to do our next part we just simply hit the button and let the machine do what it does it's gonna stick it's gonna put down the border all right let's put them down on border right now around a whole design all right so I'm gonna let it do this and I'll be right back guys if you haven't purchased your pe 800 embroidery machine this is not a sewing and embroidery machine if you haven't purchased a PE 800 embroidery machine use my amazon link down in the description below to purchase your PE 800 today all right use my product link down in the description below be right back alright I just want you to you guys to pay attention to see how clean this is let me try to get you guys some better lighting how clean this is with no no pull at all you guys see that I'm trying to angle the light in a way that you guys can see it but when it's done you guys will be able to see it I'm just gonna let it stitch out then once again I'll be right back if you haven't done so already please hit that like button I greatly appreciate it thank you halfway around well pretty much almost all the way around but once again if you guys can look in there you guys will see absolutely zero pulling zero pull let me turn this light back on it's pretty dark absolutely zero pull on this guy's so long you know the methods that I'm telling you work so give this video a thumbs up I'd greatly appreciate it because I'm giving away some serious tricks right here like like most guys will not show you exactly how to do it so that some of the tricks can remain hidden but I am going to teach you guys how to do a lot of this stuff and I believe that everybody should have a fair shot because not everybody's going to want to do this not everybody's gonna see them in this video because I'm a small youtuber so I'm gonna give you guys the ins and outs and as I learn things they shouldn't have told it to me because I'm going to tell it to you and it's a lot of stuff that I haven't showed you guys yet but don't worry be patient subscribe to channel and as we grow I'll show you guys how to do more and more and more and more but give this video a thumbs up hit the like button subscribe to the channel it encourages me to make more videos like this and you know it lets me know that I'm just not doing it for myself I'm actually people are actually getting something out of it so if you guys want to know more man subscribe to channel like the video and I'll keep on making more videos like this alright teach you guys some more in-depth stuff but look no pull the material is not pulling at all this clean looks pristine looks professional look at that mmm nice so the next part guys we don't even have to switch thread I couldn't make the text black or I can keep the text red I think it will pop a little bit more if I kept the red thread in there so I'm just gonna stay with the red theme but this part right here with the letters you're gonna want to kind of babysit this I'm gonna start let us start you're gonna want to kind of babysit this because it involves a lot of cuts and you couldn't let it stitch out all by itself all at once but if you do you're gonna have to make a lot of cuts alright so already right now I see that I want to stop right here and trim this I'm not gonna stop it I'm just gonna reach in there and trim it myself don't try that alright and you'll Jack yourself up your jacket is on up possibly so don't do what I do do as I say not as I do alright and after that stitches this out it's going to go to the inside you're going to stop your machine and you're going to make a cut see right here it's going to slow down gonna go to the inside you're going to stop it right there I'm gonna stop that and you're just gonna go ahead and make that cut because if you don't it's gonna stitch over that it's gonna start getting sloppy I can let mine do that but for the sake of this video just keep on keeping it neat let it stay neat all right and after done the inside that be it's gonna jump to the other side stop it again and trim it trust me it's going to look like spaghetti when it's done if you don't don't like that alright stop it make that trim it's real small it's good cut that get some tweezers if you got them all right down there just keep on stitching out all right I'm gonna let the whole thing stitch out just so you guys can see what you're gonna encounter if you don't let it stop it and let it go alright if you don't stop it and make the trim see excuse me kind of sneeze so I'm gonna go ahead and let it stitch out and just let your stitch out or you can stop it and make the turns but one thing you definitely ought to stop is when it's done stitching this one line out right here and it goes all the way down here make sure you stop it and make that cut because all this text over here is going to stitch over that one string and it's going to be painted behind and get that off so actually I'm done I'm gonna stop because I want to make that cut right there if it's gonna go over the top of it you want to keep it as neat as possible all right I want to keep it as neat as possible so I'm just gonna go over here to the back of my machine and make this cut it's much easier to make the cuts now because the stitches aren't stitched over over them and you know it's just better you know all right guys you just jump right here it's about to go from the first line to the second line all the way over there definitely stop it make that cut it's too far along of a stitch and it's gonna just mess the whole thing up so you're just gonna go ahead and cut that string see how nice and loose it is because we changed the tension on it so try to raise this foot up as much as it can go and just go ahead and make that cut long as you can as best you can that's good enough yeah just go ahead and let it go all right and let the rest on the stitch out as you guys can see up and I've been on trimming all the different layers as it that's been going and now for demonstration purposes I'm going to show you guys okay so we're out of bobbin thread so just in case you run into this problem where you ran out of bobbin thread while you were stitching out okay on the screen don't keep on stitching you got to cut it put a new bobbin in and start back over all right now start back over total you just start over from where you left off so I'm just gonna hit this cut button right here all right cut the thread underneath I'm gonna raise the foot in the back swipe wants to loosen up that thread okay you got to take the design all the way out put and put in a new bobbin all right there's no way to get around that tied up in a new ba-ba-boom take that out same thing like on the SE 600 guys take this out and if you're new and you're just here to watch the PE 800 videos make sure you go check out all the SE 600 videos that I have I have a trillion of them on this channel so check those out okay so go ahead and load this up correctly take your time and load it up right alright because if you don't you'll regret it down in here bring it around around here slip and it's inserted correctly all right time to put it in now while I have this out go ahead and make this trim right here so trim right here that I can make now's a good time to make some trims if you see any that you can make loosen that up that trim we are good to go to start stitching again and once again like I said I'm just gonna let it stitch out the rest of the way without making any trims to let you know and let you see the spaghetti that would happen if you didn't make all those trends but a lot of it we avoided already because I've been making a trim up and stop with the Machine and trimming it as it goes along because this specific design can be quite messy if you do all the trims at the end alright so we're back once again make sure nothing's underneath alright make sure the loose thread is up put the flip back down pick up from where you left off this bee is quite annoying if you don't make the cut it's a border you'd be right now it's quite annoying especially when it goes to the middle very very annoying you'll see matter of fact I'm gonna make this cut because it's gonna embroider if that line be too little yeah let me stop it I don't want to do that that is just a painter behind guys so I'm just gonna avoid this and then cut this right now and if I'm cutting it and I'm telling you the painter behind you can imagine how much of pain it's gonna be for you got the problem with this is this flip does not go all the way up like the SE 600 does so it's gonna have to cut it the best you can blow it away and keep it going now I'm gonna let it go alright I'm gonna let it go and I'll be right back after this is done all right be right back if you're new to the channel and you haven't subscribed yet please hit the subscribe button I greatly appreciate it helps me out a lot thank you alright guys so our design is done we are going to pull it out and I'll show you guys what I'm talking about about these jump stitches and all that pull it out suffer to pull that one out this stabilizer is a very very stable guys so here's our design now I hope you got some kind of see what I'm talking about when I say it's a jumbled mess look at all these stitches we have to cut over top under here through here over here under here through here a whole bunch of stitches that you know this went from here to over here and now this stitch that it's just a mess so the void that takes a little longer but stitch it along the way I'm going to clean this up and I'll be right back guys alright guys so here you go it's all cleaned up brothers and sisters we are buying back the block if you guys can't sell this then I advise you to just do something else don't sell t-shirts because this is like clean let me undo pit unhhhh hoop it fast you just unscrew the background right here I got this in really really tight that's a little bit there we go all right take that hoop out right there and of course what you're going to want to do with the back is you're gonna want to trim this let me show you guys the back right so that's the back for the most part looks pretty clean alright so you're gonna take your extra fabric and I didn't if you have to make this big see peel it off all the way up to the text you guys can you see the edges and you're gonna just cut right here with your scissors all right you're gonna cut right there with your scissors alright so like that just cut close to it you can leave the edge just like that because that's the insider shirt nobody's gonna care alright so that's all you did just cut to the edge right there on all four sides all right and then for the sake of showing you guys let's flip back to the front back to the front guys we'll be talking about when it comes to pull all right guys here we go got it on my centering method worked looks perfectly in the center let me know what you guys think down the comments down below if you can't sell this shirt guys you might as well hang it up on grab this design gotta be plenty more designs different types of designs so stay tuned if you don't like this one just keep on checking back gonna be doing more and more and more videos the same way we did the patches we're gonna be doing these designs also for your p/e 800 sewing and PE 800 embroidery machine it doesn't sell alright so if you haven't purchased your PT 800 embroidery machine yet use my amazon link down in the description below greatly greatly appreciate it hope you guys like the way the design came out once again you see no pole doesn't get more professional than that unless unless you buy one of those $10,000 mom I think it's called rheya comb machines one of those machines and guys you guys keep on smashing that like button keep on subscribing to the channel one of those will be coming to the channel very very soon so just stay tuned for that and stay tuned for everything guys go to the merch store buy some channel merch help support the channel don't forget subscribe follow me on instagram instagram comback size 8 up productions backslash ido productions backslash Kinkaid up on all the social medias and i'll see you guys on the next one hope you guys enjoyed this video peace [Music] while I listen to the rest miracle in the Best Buy [Music]
Channel: A-Dubb Productions Allan Wade
Views: 17,476
Rating: 4.9338236 out of 5
Keywords: Video tutorials, A-Dubb Productions, allan wade, how to, blog, blogger, tech, tech news, technology, vlogger, embroidery, how to embroider, machine embroidery, how to make a patch, embroidery patch, best embroidery machine, applique, applique work, brother pe800, brother pe800 embroidery machine, how to do applique, embroidering on a shirt, applique on a shirt, t shirt design, Applique with the Brother PE800 (FULL TUTORIAL)
Id: fUvuaBwNSQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 38sec (1958 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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