STOP making LOW CONTENT BOOKS on Amazon KDP .. Do THIS instead

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everyone is talking about how easy it is to make money with low content books but with high competition and oversaturation you're probably wondering are low content books still worth it before you throw the whole side hustle away I want to share with you a new way that people are making money that is earning them an extra two three even five thousand dollars a month passively this side hustle has way less competition and even higher profit margin before I tell you what that is I need you to understand something the reason you're not selling books is not because of oversaturation oversaturation is a myth it's only a problem if you're creating crappy products like everybody else's everybody is spending five minutes creating a product pricing it low and hoping it sells and if you're one of those people then yes I wish you luck it is going to be oversaturated for you but for the people who create high quality products that nobody else wants to spend the time making there is virtually no competition for you in this video I'll teach you what you should be selling instead of low content books how to find highly profitable niches what to actually put inside the books and tips for how to sell more and because I love you I have a gift that I'm gonna give to two special people at the end of this video so make sure to keep on watching to learn how to enter that giveaway this video is going to give you the strategy to create a real business it's not going to go over how to design the cover and the interior because I made a bunch of videos like that you can click the link up here or in the description to see those rather than filling your store with a bunch of low content books I want you to shift your focus over to medium content books with these books instead of blank pages being on the inside like you would with a journal the inside is going to contain coloring pages puzzles mazes prompts quotes and any kind of activity that is going to bring value to your customer because they're more detailed they actually have a higher perceived value which means that you can charge more money for them but you're not just going to create any all medium content book if you want to make thousands of dollars a month let's learn how to find profitable niches so that you can start making sales in just a few weeks and not months to show you how to research I'm going to use examples from some of my subscribers stores nairal sent me her store to review so let's look at this first one recovery pal injury Recovery Journal let's open that up this is just a regular Journal that we're going to want to turn into a medium content book let's do the research so that we can find the best niches to do that to start my research I'm going to start with Recovery Journal because this is the basics of what she's selling and let's see what other ideas come up we can see from the search results that there are a lot of results forty thousand so what we want to do is we don't want to go up against 40 000 people that would be crazy what we want to do is find something that has low competition and low search results but let's just get some ideas immediately we have a sobriety so we can do something related to sobriety there's something interesting thing right here trauma Bond recovery wow okay so narcissistic abuse we have that there let's type in that narcissistic abuse and Trauma recovery we have something here about PTSD recovery what we're trying to do right now is get ideas that we're later going to research and see if this is a good Niche for our medium content book another thing that I'm going to search is injury Recovery Journal and let's see what comes up for that we have a few different ones and even narels is ranking right here which is good so I saw something about knee recovery that I can put here so when I see knee recovery what I'm going to start thinking is is there something for other body parts for example arm recovery or leg recovery or whatever so we can scroll all the way down and something that I saw that was interesting here is this stroke recovery activity book so think of what other types of illnesses can I find and maybe I can make a book out of that in here remember that I told you medium content is about puzzles and coloring books book so we have it right here stroke recovery activity book puzzle workbook you know I think that could really really be an interesting thing so I'm going to go over here and I'm going to say stroke recovery look at here we have 4 000 results that's a lot different than forty thousand so that means that we're getting even even more Niche there's a big niche of recovery and then in that Niche is stroke recovery we see here that we have a bunch of activity books we have something interesting here relearn how to write now most people would create handwriting books for kids let's go ahead and see what handwriting books for kids let's see wow 60 000 results so for those people who were thinking about handwriting books for kids because it's in the top 10 Niche video that you found on YouTube look how saturated it is but from the research that we did instead of doing a handwriting book for kids let's type in handwriting book for stroke look at only 1 000 results which one do you think you're gonna have a better chance of ranking in on the same niche of stroke you can think what is related a lot of things that I saw there was dementia dementia so let's see if we can have a dementia activity book right maybe there's something there okay we have 10 000 results here which is kind of a lot to be honest but we can find a niche within a niche low vision activity book all right let's see if that's something low vision activity book only 1 000 results there so which one do you think is better going with a low vision activity book or going with a dementia we're always going to want to go with a low vision because we have more chances of getting discovered there so I'm going to also put that into my notes here now that we've found a bunch of good niches I want to show you how you would actually make one of these puzzle books or activity books so in book we're going to head to create and then click on book bolt Studio I'm going to quickly show you how you would access the parts of book bolt that you would make the puzzles and The Mazes and all of that stuff again I have a video going very in depth into that I will link it up here and also in the description in order to get to the interior Library we're going to click on this maze looking piece right here and we have a bunch of options what I'm going to do is click on Word puzzle now do you see a bunch of different puzzles come up and these are all that the activity books are filled with could be coloring pages could be word search could be Sudoku could be crossword we have up all of that here in football crossword we have mazes down here that we can add so these are all activities that we can add to the senior citizen dementia activity book if you need more ideas of what to put inside you can always use the look inside feature from Amazon so let's see if any of these have it see these are all puzzles we can do a crossword puzzle like that we can do a numbers puzzle we could do a word search we can do Sudoku that's all it's filled with guys it takes a little bit more work but you can do it so if I wanted to add a maze for example all I have to do is click on maze I can select the pages that I wanted to apply to click next how big do I want The Strokes to be now because this is for senior citizens we need to make The Strokes as big as possible right because they may not have good Vision so we can just put it up and make The Strokes as big as possible what size do we want it to be I'm going to make our maze a little bit smaller because again this is supposed to be relaxing this is not the Olympics brain game you know and then I press submit it and bookboat is going to start making the puzzles and putting them on the page you see how it comes here like that you can move it up and down change the size all that you want to do here and you would do that for each puzzle if you want an in-depth video of me teaching you that please click the link here because I'm just showing you as an example right now that you can fill your whole book with things that are similar to this if you find a really good Niche but it's too saturated here's how you're going to find medium content books that's not too saturated and you can actually make money let's head over to the product tab in book Bowl in this product search you're going to enter a niche like diabetes for example and keep the category in general this is going to show you all the different types of books that creators are making in this Niche so if you have a big Niche like dogs or cats we can go deeper and find what is the specific medium content books that we can create because we're just searching in the general category all different types of books are going to come up not just one type so we have blood sugar trackers we have swear words we have diabetes Journal log book two-year log book there are a bunch of options I even found something that was a diabetes coloring book that I thought was super cool we wouldn't have even known to create a coloring book if we hadn't have come to the product search to do our research once I find something that I think is going to be a good Niche I want to check how is the competition on Amazon so look at 1 000 results for diabetes coloring book we just found a super good Niche here that we wouldn't have found if we didn't do this okay and we can create here I also like to type in diabetes Journal 4 and Amazon is going to give us a bunch of options like for women stuff like this let's look at diabetes journal for kids because I saw that in the product search 284 results that's even better if we create a book here we can rank as long as it's good okay book bull is going to be one of the best research options out there for you if you don't already have an account I don't want you to worry because I am giving away two free annual book accounts later in this video make sure you stay to the end to find out how to enter that giveaway and build your Amazon business today I had another person send me their book this book has an amazing cover it is really pretty did you make this yourself let me know in the comment down below French Martin if you're seeing this French margin says why aren't I selling okay post it about one month ago the first thing that I'm gonna do is I'm going to copy this title I'm going to copy it and I'm going to put it into Amazon because I want to see this is a nice cover but is it a good Niche let's check let's press enter first thing I see 60 000 results animal coloring book for kids tell me French why did you choose this Niche if it's 60 000 results and you're a new seller if you go against the big dogs in this oversaturated Niche you're gonna cry on your pillow at night because you're not selling anything not because you did something wrong you didn't have a nice cover it's just because you're biting off more than you can chew now let me look through here and try to find you a better Niche I'm looking through all these results and I see a few different things I see wild animals I see happy animals I see farm animals I see baby animals and ocean animals so these are all ideas for different niches because we want to find a good Niche but go a lot deeper in order to find our cozy little niche okay we need to stay in our lightweight category so I'm gonna look this up farm animals and I'm gonna see the sperm animal have some better results let's see farm animal coloring look I see this one is only ten thousand okay that's a little bit more doable can I think of anything else that is related to farm animal maybe I can do jungle animal maybe I can do ocean animal one thing that I thought of was maybe zoo animal right how much is there 10 000 as well okay that's not bad maybe I can type in Safari animal right and look it we're hitting the jackpot now because we went a little bit deeper instead of trying to do two animal coloring book which is very broad now we're at Safari animal which is only 3 000 results well this something that I can definitely see myself competing in we have a lot of people making safari animals not too much 3000 is very doable so how are we going to really differentiate ourselves well what I would do like this person did English and Swahili have it in another language that's pretty cool or like this wild animal one did coloring plus awesome facts a did you know coloring book now that is a good idea that's a really easy way to differentiate yourself that not a lot of other people are doing you know why they're not doing it because it takes extra work now you're saying energy I don't know about safari animals I don't know these fun facts this is where Google comes in and I can type in facts about safari animals and look it hippos can reach speeds of 20 miles per hour zebras have amazing eyesight wow mobile now you're helping me to build a business that I wouldn't have been able to build before if I was just targeting cute animals coloring book this is too broad okay now I want to give you three quick tips for how to sell more books because it doesn't have to take you a while to sell books like I have posted books and it sells in just a few weeks not a few months so what did I do to get there you need to have a great cover because this is what is going to get you noticed creating a great cover goes further than just finding the good images you need to learn things like color psychology okay because different colors produce different effects in a human mind I want to use an example of a book that one of my subscribers sent me to review this one is a piece book okay it's something about anxiety relief and stuff like that but nairal why did you put red with the flame on the cover when I can go to the color psychology wheel over here and see that red means excitement strength and Adventure but if you're going for peaceful we don't need people to get excited and strong and take action no we want them to be at peace so according to the color psychology I needed to put a yellow for Joy positivity and warmth or I needed to put a pink that is calmness this is what I mean by going above and beyond now if we were to do the stroke recovery book you know what I have to research how do stroke patients process color because this is important if your brain has changed you might process it differently I was able to find this study Hospital wall color impact on stroke patients so what did it find it found that the blue wall color calmed the medical personnel patients and their family the most soothing blue color was this variant of Arctic blue so now I know when I'm creating my cover for the stroke recovery I actually want to have an Arctic blue on the cover according to this study that's what I mean by creating a great cover goes beyond just looking nice or looking pretty you gotta go that extra mile if you guys don't know about design you got to take a design course on YouTube watch a 30 minute video about how to create pretty designs look around you I want you to see what are advertisers using in their magazines or in their poster or a movie poster or concert poster or something like this so you can start to understand what looks nice and what catches people's eyes when you're scrolling on Netflix see what catches your eyes what is it about the font what is it about the colors what is it about how they arranged up you have to start studying the world around you learning the human psychology learning from the greats and then apply that to your book this is how you build a real serious business the next thing you should do in order to sell more is focus on the SEO let's go back to narelle's book this Namaste let that go okay this is supposed to be like an anxiety relief book I was reading her description so I can say Anxiety Relief journal the thing is nairal if I were to just read let that go I wouldn't really know what it is about what is it I don't know is it about diarrhea I have no idea what are you letting go okay but if I go to this Anxiety Relief I can see like this one it says the same thing but it says anxiety journal for teens stress relief anti-anxiety mental health guided Journal so do your research to have the proper SEO because right now this one is not going to get found because you don't have the right title do your research that you know what are other people saying what are the keywords that they're using and then you can use it in your book if you had had a great title if you had changed the cover and if you had some guided prompts in there or you had some positive quotes in there right supposed to be anxiety really why don't you put some positive quotes or some spiritual quotes or whatever you want to put in there and now you have a book that is ready to compete with the big dogs because this niche of Anxiety Relief Journal is ten thousand results so it's not that bad you could rank here if you really put in that work which leads me to my last tip about how to sell more I need you guys to go above and beyond we cannot in 2023 have these low quality books because if you put in low effort You're Gonna Get Low reward in order to have what others don't you must be willing to do what others won't most people aren't willing to go the extra mile put in the extra work put in 10 20 30 40 50 hours of research into a book and you're like energy 50 hours of research what are you talking about you go to 40 hours a week at your job and then you know what you have to do that job week after week after week year after year after year what if you put 40 hours into one book and it pays off for the rest of the year you made fifty thousand dollars you made ten thousand dollars and you don't have to work anymore for the rest of the year okay we have to change our mindset and say I am willing to do more because I want to have more if you want to earn six figures you have to put in six figure work I know I'm being very intense but I just want you guys to win which is why I partnered with book bolt for this giveaway okay I'm giving away two annual Pro plans of book bull you're gonna have access to all the features that I went over in today's video from the research tools to the creation tools this is everything that you need to actually build your business on Amazon and start making real money I love book because you even have access to weekly calls with the people who work at bookball so if you have any questions about research or creation or whatever's going on in your account you can be on the live calls talking to them and getting those questions answered you have all the tools that you need for Success the way to enter that giveaway is to click the link in the description box below or the pin comment also let me know Down Below in the comment section what is your goal amount how much do you want to make per month from this remember the only way to enter this is to actually click the link in the description don't put your personal information in the comment section don't message anybody on WhatsApp or telegram any of that I know this video was helpful for you and I'm so excited to see what you're going to create
Channel: ENERGI
Views: 458,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: low content books, kdp low content books, low content book publishing, kindle direct publishing, amazon kdp, no content books, paul marles, kdp amazon, passive income, amazon kdp low content books, low content books amazon, make money online, medium content books, kdp amazon step by step, make money online amazon, selling on amazon kdp, how to sell medium content books, kdp amazon tutorial, sell more low content books, sell journals amazon, amazon side hustle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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