How I got to #1 In the World with Leafeon...

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guys girls and everyone else we started out and they're like 250 s with this team with the Leafeon team a Pokemon that many popular Pokemon youtubers have said is bad have set is terrible one person even said it might be the worst Pokemon ever we are here to prove those people wrong we are ranked 19 in the world we could do the unthinkable a few moments later all right check I've released 1% of my power starting now we're in 1% wolfy mode ok you've been watching base wolfy now we're number 1 % wolfy why is it actually a really hard matchup like like no meme they're gonna lead sable all right I think I should you like wolf Glick world champion and his leafy on his friend possibly the greatest pokemon Leafeon what is my opponent have for a well-played Leafeon Rotom wash is the lead all my friend not the pokemon you want against the well-played leafy on AV Conkeldurr lifework Rotom here's the thing about life for votes on chat it does not like to carry protect what am i what does my opponent have here I work and I'm probably in the back I'm gonna say no Sableye my plan is simple Alice vs. dusclops big swords dance they switch out as expected the plan was simple who's that sylveon Arcanine interesting let's see what happens here what's Conkel they're gonna go for does not Dynomax swords comes out and what was meant to be an intimidate is instead a boost - one turns to +1 ice punch comes out into dusclops interesting they if well check they had one chance to freeze me and they got it I probably will lose now it's probably no way for you to win this Arcanine a fire type Pokemon I'll even give it the sunchat I'm a generous guy okay if the arcanine wants to have the Sun up Who am I to say no give them the Sun our kid on a fire type Pokemon is intimidate seems like it should have a good matchup against my Leafeon doesn't it wouldn't you agree doesn't that seem reasonable to the chat well my opponent Dynomax here they do that's unfortunate hopefully it's consular or not arcanine luxury ball that might be Arcanine it's Conkeldurr that's fine comm gunner has Dynomax as is Leafeon so not to be a big threat quake comes out Arcanine the Leafeon counter how will it take this attack surely pretty well wrong it's going it's not over though he's gonna get an attack oh no he's gonna go for the hail either that's fine that's fine it's not because of my damn accent shouldn't take that much damage not that much damage at all that's fine assault that's Conkeldurr my Drago goes boosted special defense that's not bad at all for torkoal I mean we know they've wrote some in the back who's the last Pokemon I don't think we can take another ice punch Rotom is the switch here who else could they have in the back cuz why are they baiting me here I'm gonna go for Mac's guard and switch into dusclops here even though I'm frozen they stayed with Rotom it surprising maybe an ALICE which is coming out you're still looking at Wolf's one percent wolf Blake don't forget it's all this comforter life will Rotom what firms I'm going for are they just gonna sack it off to me Alex which I see rockfall ok interesting ice punch rockslide it does come takes a little bit of damage but not the end of the world here we are gonna need the thaw in order to win this game because we have one turn left the Dynomax that was a risky play but my opponent but it did pay off or Leafeon is faster than their Rotom that's something to note here chat let me ask you will dusclops thaw this turn I'm gonna say yes if I go for allies [ __ ] I'm gonna say Alice which gives me a very good chance of thawing chat says no they don't believe in dusclops this witch wrote some out I made the wrong play unless is a sylveon that's sylveon this should go down dusclops is not being a homie there's good news and there's bad news though that should KO sylveon Leafeon proving it is the superior even loose and Dynomax has gone for both teams hailstorm comes out again that's fine Livio is gone unfortunately but and took two kills and put a lot of pressure in Rotom you may have noticed something about Li Fei on the last move Louie fian setup grassy terrain what does that mean chat you might be asking yourselves who cares if the grass is always greener right wrong the grassy terrain allows torkoal solarbeam to be boosted that if he hadn't frozen me on turn one with ice punch gosh gosh the problem is I don't know how bulky Tork ilysm might not be able to be able to take attacks from Kong holder and Rotom so what percent wolfy has to think really quickly if I'm my opponent am i doubling torkoal I believe it torkoal til the day I die I believe Interpol come on dusclops the Sun is up you shouldn't be able to stay frozen and Sun okay I made the right move anyway I should survive this this should be a rock slide the old please don't flinch me please don't flinch me if I flinch somebody actually was said dusclops avoids torgul please don't flinch this is like the one time please don't flinch snorkel okay so Liberty comes out leave the owns grassy terrain powering it up rogue sun goes down to torkoal the problem is conquer is also healing here dusclops is healing though which is good alright chat we have one pokemon in the back but they have rhyperior and unfortunately my rhyperior has earthquake for some reason which is weakened by leafy hence grassy terrain does go push it out here rhyperior is on the field in order to beat my rapira they have to proc my weakness policy rockslide comes out and I can do much damage to rhyperior I can tell you that much chat I'm also stalling grassy terrain turn to topping them more than topping me at this point fire punch you want to play with status we can plant wait I don't want to burn it's called gut skunk I feel like burning is the one way I'll lose this three slow Pokemon on the field assault this call cooler Sun grassy terrain many effects are active here close combat comes out I think that is the wrong move they drop the defense's weakness policy procs proxies it's dumb word my peer here suddenly three fire punch three times stronger than before and 4.5 times stronger than normal one shots the Conkeldurr and that's it leaves he unclaimed as a second win in a row 1% wolf powering up getting stronger with each victory we fell from 19 in the world to 102 in the world and now we're back at 50 and then J chat we're getting we're getting close to the end one way or another I have a feeling we are exactly back to where I started two and a half hours ago I'm gonna just choke this know what to make it is one I'm afraid I'm like superstitious now like I shouldn't bring me if you enter this but I feel like I might leave it then I'll definitely lose wait wait wait you guys with this is station station wait station is a station we have to bribe him we have to bribe him to lose station please please sage and I know you I know you're stronger than me I've been working so hard I need you to lose this game oh god if I should I should have played differently now at staging he's ranked 103 he's not streaming he's just beating me oh say Jen are you here please please please the forfeit I need the points oh I need you stream tonight I need the points please forfeit please I can't beat him he's too powerful what honor them I don't deserve this stage you're gonna do this to me we're friends this is bogie chart DeBary Lake play yeah I know what he's going for I know exactly what he's going for he's going for he's gonna trap me his any regime accent to score cheap convo I need plumber right now like he's gonna go for you Jon and Angie back sent to foreign arrow and then I'm gonna I know it's a Jen but I can't do anything about it oh actually that's fine that's fine that's awesome well that's congratulations stop it's agents office agent stop it stop it stop right now there's a lot I have an idea this is a good idea no but it's my idea why did it not bring torkoal hey wait why did that bring torkoal it's unfortunate bro those are good now let's switch who is it touji cos you know what I've seen worse you know what I've seen way worse I mission to say it I've seen so much worse for me I'm no idiot I well wait I am an idiot it's okay I know season well right sage is going to is he gonna max grass meat don't think he is but I don't want to risk it right what's the best play follow me in rock fall feels really safe here right follow me in a rock fall yeah he might go over protect though stays in yep I'm a little further than meowstic but like there's only so much I can only do so much guys well let me rock slide might even better but I would follow York's like made me better all of it that like I want to help again rock slide into the into the hopping in max rock well I want to hopping in rock side but then I wanted to pop again max rocker descent to scorch actually you know what that's not unfortunate I'm gonna take it back that's not fortunate at all wait that isn't fortunate ever much there man that's unfortunate not a lot of damage okay okay okay okay I'm glad I followed me it wasn't true he's gonna go for it just get the terrain up though which is really bad crits mean it doesn't matter I was gonna die anyway this terrain up max tropical desert a little damaged because he's protected why not wrongful descent two scores just max carded um I didn't want Tobias to yawn me okay let's see they're out of Dynomax I'm still in Dynomax I mean they say judge added Dynomax I'm in Dynomax I have two turns left to die no max they have follow me could I do anything that I mean I could I always switched I guess but hey you know it's good you know what benefits from grassy training this Leafeon I feel like I'm running at a trick room pretty fast I could have a golfer all I search there maybe that was better power comes out my pure is very good sorry station wait no decision I'm sorry I need this more than you right now I'm really sorry but I need it right when you read out yeah stick okay this is the time for a light switch towards ones and look to trigger my believe once your lesson trick room okay I'm gonna go for the Ally switch here I think he's gonna protect but I can't risk it I need that sent a smartphone for Leafeon to win he doesn't really have a safe switch to this I'm plus 2 and he's charging Barry I feel like he's made every correct play I just having two dogs power up alright let's see if it goes of the on I need to get some big damage off here yawn yep dusclops taking a nap sleeping on the job you know it is let's be a video depends if I get ranked one or not that's the truth please Cayle please kale these kale holy cow I can't tell what do you think Chad is that gonna go is that gonna be enough okay okay we made it we made it we made it okay wait actually that might be bad is that bad dusk loves a yawn on it right now let's protect and bury that was 1/8 the damage it should have done all right trigger was up in dusclops is yond and desolate and rhyperior is +2 and grassy terrain is up drag a fool I gotta get a trigger muffin a SAP meowstic it's fake tears and I'm not boost a special offence but I can rock slide a light switch I can trick or protect I wish I knew what was going on with this what if you like has faked his fish I'll I switch to on let's take out full attack I'm gonna rock slide trigger I'm gonna go for it reflect ok ok ok dusclops is taking a nap I sold the leafy on on the back I shouldn't be able to get one shot by anything else it's hydro pump wow I think I lost come on right here lifework okay I got lucky that he miss powerup okay when is this grass and ning cuz I would like it to end now dusk off sticks a nap sleeping on the job just clubs we have one turn left of grassy terrain so what I can do here is I can actually I have a safe one condition I can protect and I nightshade don't matter roof wait unless he has trick room yes certain mail doesn't learn trick room right fake out Alice which reflect we have non sinn the last move we haven't way we've seen Alice's yawn reflect we haven't seen fake out there's no way it gets trick room right Peter goes for protect I just wanted the grassy train down so I didn't draw a rockslide protect okay what's meowstic doing gone oh he's going for the double protect okay I was just I was just scared okay when turn asleep so now I can is why I protected and now I go for earthquake +2 and I go into you leafy on go to the double sage and you're scaring me say Jen stop it yawn comes out okay if he gets to triple do I lose how much you're drinking my left to fire fun I'll do fire punch plus the leaf blade yeah if I personally would he goes to the triple and fails and even gets to kill okay okay so if you say to him somehow I think I see mister peres whip and now we are passed hopefully past where we said we're worried where we started we started it ranked 19 seniors rank 103 this is the highest I've ever been the ladder guys I am ranked number four in the world I might be one win away from being number one oh my god my heart is actually but my heart just I just feel like I just woke up holy cow okay I think I mean there's a chance of I win this I would be number one okay so in GD mail normally to me says one thing and that is in prison guys someone's gonna say it and I think it's gonna be me believe he looks really good here do you feel like a super good here we feel much super good here thing is like I don't know if I can get trick him up easily I actually think the best move here would be chopped right wait what does he have four I'm gonna try something that I have never done before I'm gonna try something weird this is the wrong wave isn't it I'm gonna go for it I mean if you're not willing to take risks you'll never be number one this is I don't think I don't know I don't this is right I don't know this is right guys Oh God I don't know if I did this right this guy's team is really tough it's tearing us right and GD okay cool do you think Leafeon drops chin Dede the psychic I don't know honest I'm gonna say that I live okay this is it guys um nope not what I wanted I'm going for it I'm about to get rolled Tyranitar my heart's actually being so fast it's here an ATAR okay I mean I called this this is really expected I expected max overgrowth and to leave this grassy terrain to be played oh I was Cal King based off old leaf blade though okay let's see what happens over bill comes out I need this to like 25 to 30 crumbly somewhere in there okay I don't know if leaflets gonna be enough I'm really I'm bagging it all in leafy on I might need a crit see indeed he goes for probably psychic we just policy yep I think I messed this up crit that wasn't even close psychic into leafy on come on leafy on hang on there hang in there okay levy on hangers on lutheran hangers on rockfall comes out okay I'm dead but I'm alive you know once that as I got to get it could have been it could have gone worse honestly sitting grass you train there is kind of bad oh I weaken the psychic train that's why I survived holy cow that was a big brain dusclops is in it is +2 Tyranitar which is pretty bad sash DD if I hadn't said grassy train this would be a bit easier but so I think I'm gonna laughs god I feel like I'm about to make a hard read and then just lose because of it dig dig a light switch is that a good move guys I don't know I coulda just can't eat our dude that's what sucks I could have just straight-up Quixote tar and I lost in prison yeah I know I know I know I just can't teach her there why did I coulda just ko there I hard right - I can't predict it in a light switch or protect I can't come back from this there's I think there's almost no way right cuz it the thing is it's plus two and I said grassy terrain up which means like there's no there's literally no order in this cuz I it's plus two train ATAR plus 2 max Tyranitar if it was his last Pokemon shore and now Rotom of course um he's also dropping my special defense just agency dodged my wind condition here is I protect all of us which as he maxed our campuses and hydro pumps I dodged a hydro pump and step one I got a dodge a hydro pump a Dodge oh wait why don't you do that for this isn't to okay okay okay there's a ton of damage that's fine that's enough ton of damage I don't think I can take a plus two crunch but I Oh God all right everyone ready for the only way that I can win this because I am sure ready I protected okay chat I need your energy right now there's almost no way that I can win this the only thing wid the only way that I see is that I protect um I got a double protect and then I live a crunch I don't know if I can live a crunch I think I probably cannot but I have to have faith so I go over the double but I fail against the hydro pump can mrs. dusclops he crunches wait if I survive this come on dusclops it's plus two but you're very strong wait a second no way no way no way and I survived the hiss and because of the grass that leafy on that was set up for Leafeon um I I dodged a hydro pump that was pretty clutch that was a risky play from my opponent my rhyperior is slower than his Tyranitar quite think it doesn't have protect okay this is it guys we're over bulldoze and we gotta get some rockslide luck I think I don't think we can win this with that rock side it's a rock slide look we didn't do it yet this is still I think what falling happens I'm in a rock slide it's key they're gonna miss or I'm just gonna knock Tim knock here the Rotom I think I don't think it here's Rotom I think Nelson super frail Rotom but we do that we have a fighting chance this is not a hundred wasn't over just looking bad rocks leg comes out connected to both Toronto's gonna go down how much is doing to Rotom it's alive I need a flinch I need a flincher right now I need a flinch right now just Sitrus berry okay I need a flinch this second I it's not gonna flinch it's not gonna flinch miss dusclops he put into the ally switch wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second we're gonna get the flinch I am - special defense because of the crunch Santa's gone that's bad oh my god what's the last Pokemon oh my god I'm sylveon I don't think we can take a hyper voice because of the special defense drop on the sand expiring we're good at we need a flinch we're minus one special defense and it's sync there's no way we can take a hyper voice chat we need a flinch right now please send me your energy seven anyway everyone put your hands up Rock Slide please connect me hit both if we get a flinch we're so close oh we were so close please flinch miss I just lost - himself you yesterday we got some number four and then lost it was rough it was rough we were probably one or two wins away I want number one I want it so bad I don't have mixed emotions I have regular emotions its determination okay this is one of the this is a long time BGC player this is calling higher aka the battle room and he is using some interesting stuff so this is a team that got top floor Oceania and I have a Leafeon you know leave him to match up actually isn't bad here if I Dynomax it it's got like a really good so got like a not bad magic begins a lot of these Pokemon I feel like I can just charger I think here's the thing I think chars I would just run a train on him however I don't think he's gonna leave our kind because I don't think he's gonna expect this I'm gonna do something a little weird here is it the guys this is not like god this is like a very good player unfortunately for me this is what I expected to hear there's a couple interesting things about this team but the thing that I forgot is that this gang car actually a sludge wave which is quite annoying so I'm gonna heat wave here I'm gonna go for a little bit of weird plant I go for a heat wave and got down green I need to break the stashing hangar so that leaf hyung can beat it like in theory so torkoal conditioned ended on this scene the bisharp is life or with an nganga a sash Milenio thank you very much for the three months so I expect this to be sludge wave and iron head that was what I guessed it's ash Gengar who does that's a crit that's gotta be oh wait maybe not a crazy fish how the heck did he call that alright why lost that's unfortunate um well he keep called no follow me even though follow me was super obvious there that's a weird play because I go if I go for anything else there he probably loses cuz follow me heatwave probably just won me the game there but cuz you get for third in the world for the former top four in the world Assurance is more damage if you already taken damage that's a weird why I don't know hopefully he's not watching and I'll play it no I don't think I can take an iron out here okay stays it was a gengar that's good this isn't with both Mons horse racing I don't know were there sash and my Ford I mean I can get two kills here probably what we feel on depending on what the next one is but and I also get a special offense booster just come to nice wait here's your Diner maxing bisharp cuz I could kill both these Pokemon I hope this is Gengar wait just leave young kill alright why do I suddenly feel Mike Callaghan Norris like super frail come on Leafeon if there was a moment where I needed you in me right now it'd be right now Leafeon they even go for protects okay so okay Conley be on let's do it max quick comes out in the Ganga please can only feel and your life orb it's super effective okay the Dynomax is gone hang on a second hang on a second everybody this game is not over kangaroos town so now and they're done his Dynomax is off the table wait a second so even though we lost torkoal turn one we broke the statue and Gengar would set up for Leafeon really well but we and we only have two turns up the Dynomax the thing is conquers the switch okay that's interesting all of your fans were raised by wolves you know what you're not wrong that tells me that he doesn't have Arcanine in this on the in this matchup I'm gonna do something I'm gonna make a weird play I'm gonna go for overgrowth and a lie switch into the Bisharp I'm gonna say he's going into either two against a Rotom I was wrong I could've just killed it okay well let's see what happens here second approach comes out he calls it he does a ton of damage I think he's in range though I'm pretty sure that's arranged the shark should feign to this this should definitely ko okay okay the sharp is gone Leafeon ko is both Gangaram be shark to vote wanted suppose to have a bad matchup against I wish I just a defense boost right now by that's fine so he goes for ice punch he actually calls it correctly but that doesn't do that much damage that which is really nice um and he can't freeze because I set the Sun up it has not flame or bug conk what that means that I can actually kill that this turn with oh my gosh Rotom wash so I think I could win this with levy on I don't think that Rotom has protected this team I'm just gonna go for it nightshade and overgrowth holy cow wait Liz leaf you got about to get four kills because it's kind of looking like it okay they go for the eyes which however I think this will kill I'm pretty sure it's max overgrowth life war boosted grassy terrain boosted Overbrook comes out into Conkeldurr because I targeted the road Tom I had one shots Conkeldurr okay well that's another four kill match for Leafeon it looks like Leafeon despite a terrible turn one Leafeon gets four kills lost Ernest son but not the last turn of grass he doesn't have protective doesn't matter this pokemon sucks okay alright guys that was a rough start belief young really really um closet back okay number twelve ah this is a game where if I win I get one rank and if I lose I lose like thirty and rosary does not a good pokémon for me to be dealing with I'll be honest I don't decide this looks like a rough match it for me does anyone see way for me to win this cuz they're gonna lead Rosa rate and I'm just gonna lose I think I have to lead charger for that reason torkoal is really good here to be fair like turtles are really good I'm sure rhyperior they're really really want trick from uplift we're good here how many times you been ranked 1 in the world never ever really wanted let him set a trigger for you so the best-case scenario is they lead like indeedy dusclops or togas dusclops what's rosary doing unfortunately it's probably just destroying me so I'm gonna take a nap which is unfortunate but I think I can get some good damage off which is nice I probably will take a max airstream here like isaac them two dives with them to Dynomax or Togekiss right and have focus Astros right and sleep powder my Charizard but sleep powder can miss they go over follow me okay so he wave I think was the right move here I would love if they missed a sleep pattern I miss a heat wave that's huge miss that's that's a big deal where do ii okay okay well we know GG's not focused ash that mrs. Hughes I would have been like 70% okay well we get the burns we trade rosa raid I don't actually it's a good trade but Dame is as well it's a great trade [Laughter] that one does globes is the switch I don't know about that one chief agency dodge what do you want me to say and it's just a fact heat wave heat wave feel the burn amigo and that's why I don't like using Rosary because it misses how much it needs the studious chores are burn agency burn air slash connect somehow that's honestly axe that's big image that's double axe chicken goes up okay well alright we have to find a way to win this game without rhyperior just rolling me I think I just have to take dusclops out here and make this a 4 vs. 1 he's having trigger for me just burn it I like the way you think I just want to make sure that I I could serve I don't nobody protects Almighty I don't have many protects on my team 3 turns up the trick room oh wait I heat wait first I can't let him no no okay okay okay okay we have me it doesn't matter right here doesn't matter heatwave does not want to hit today but that's fine max Rockville comes out someone's dad hopefully actually turbo could maybe do torque around here I guess torque low makes more sense there yeah yeah it says okay guys how do I win this game okay we have three turns left to trick room okay I see the would win I see the way win with the leaf god this is so easy I don't feel like it's very easy this should be the end of my Charizard I mean I guess I could just Dynomax and win by having more pokemon in more dynamics turns but if I lose this beat I than I lose so rockfall they call it correctly ibi gets it make sense okay everybody all right two turns left so I think my play here is leaf blade dynamaxx leaf blade I'm gonna go for the double I think my player is Dynomax leaf blade blade two gems left right dynamaxx leaf blade and then detect or max guard on the la Serna trick room and then leave max overgrowth and win I over the double protect here because I don't want no what I don't want to have happen is win the speed tie win the speed to I activate their wings policy and then drop my leafy on I go over the double protect I don't think I get it turns out I don't wrongful comes out they didn't even go for me okay cool this should knock K oh yeah so I could have proc the weakest policy but I wasn't sure just a lot of damage and that should be that should be it I don't think I don't think I can win this anymore because we have one drill up the trick room I have earthquake on rhyperior still I don't know how horse power I'm so dumb Le'Veon bad behold protect Leafeon EQ yeah that's the plan that's always the blame I've had to hide horsepower I might be able to win this turn but yeah how's the right play earthquake and then I don't know if protect but I do of Max scored all right let's see if I want to speak Thai I do not I can't get anything the right ear drops but now we have one two it love to Dynomax and sand is almost over grassy terrain is very up and even though their IP R is boosted I can't really deal with me anymore so I'm gonna go for a leaf blade through protects or I assume they protect it deploy actually I think a low kill they go for protects that's right move it does so I get a one point three times boost thanks to the terrain and Iko through protects goodbye so charger came it didn't lose this time mostly cuz I dodged to sleep better I was mad Charizard char then had a good night's sleep and now it's ready to announce retina Rumble okay top 10 we're top 10 okay everyone stay calm everyone stay calm right now if we went like through odd no no no no if we went like three or four more I think we can get to number one so now is now wearing clutch time now it's time for clutch box okay let's see higher ranked high ranked number two that counts 227 low roll thank you very much Penta Global you're seeing something you know what this is a good Leafeon match it actually beats four of these mods so I think they're gonna lead with Gela Sims the question is I'm either gonna be with Togekiss this is raw like it's like Leafeon late-game this is a closer gloves employees wait tell a Twix can i bribe him to throw I need him to throw Oh garlic glozell oh I beat him the last time I feel like he leads Jellison I feel like it leads Jellison I don't know what I'm doing I don't know what I'm doing I don't know what I'm doing I don't know what I'm doing it what I'm doing this isn't about subs anymore this is about number one the ladder I'm just trying to have a champion time at mr. Klose nobody panic stay very very calm how are you leading with gloves I show me Toby gets to rennet are you know what that's not a battery theory or magic I wish I had protect on Leafeon I'll be honest this would be a really nice time to have protect Leafeon I also don't want anything I want stone Giga said I'm doing weird stuff guys I don't think I'm gonna win this but gosh darnit am I gonna try cheese our switches or can I no no from Timmy tee is he gonna die no max - yes sub and he'll run I will take that okay no no Dynomax and more importantly no uh no battery berry so we should get touge against this turn no Lucas palsy air slash okay we should survive this barely that's behind any crits oh dude it's pretty scope let's go boys fine okay right here I need you to hit these I hit them okay just goes down but I lose my Dynomax pretty much do a lot of damage to arcanine though I don't know if I can beat dynam extra rennet are but I have to try he goes jealous sins okay um trying tickets are gonna I was resident goatee [ __ ] he stays with arcanine lascivious protect leftovers elephants knowing about Arcanine he does Dynomax presumably Jellison it is jealous okay so now this is a game of can will find his way through dynamaxx jealousy and in Tyranitar I have a feeling the answer might be no but that's again I forgot that I wasn't faster than arcanine but I dodged a heatwave uh if I went to work well there I would've been a great shape but for some reason I went to oh my god well I should have been a KO believe they don't get to second KO how much you guys think max grass does that's my question so how much did that do forty five down to twenty eight to seventeen I can't take no more of those dusclops taking a hit doesn't do that much damage though actually I honestly think my best move is to like steal Spica - jealous and give myself a defense from boost and then what do I do here what do I do here I can stall it the Dynomax relatively easily okay I don't know what to do from there alex is so pissed Alex what about me I'm using Leafeon have you no sympathy I'm gonna lie I'm gonna lose this turn I can I could feel it I think I think I don't want to do I think I lost it before fitted wait why wait Klose thank you well I I guess you know what I met I think I was throwing there at the end because if I switched out if I switched out and vice what's out with me Fiona and they got Sun I just won cuz Le'Veon in unintimidated Leafeon probably just won what am i ranked skis with a my rank chanko shadows 8 I am top five in the world okay alright there we go here we go here we go Luigi okay ah it's not that it's a weird matchup I'm worried about the Milotic truth be told I'm working at a couple things like the Gothic tiles really annoying to rent it sorry this is a rough match up I think I'm gonna do dusclops and I'm gonna do something a little weird imma do dusclops Duskull trip here torkoal are gonna drizzle that's actually super super super fine 220 hundred K so you guys are making me something kids number four I don't want to get burned is the thing so I can Ally switch here and rockslides but I'm a little afraid of him Dynomax thing I really need sure come up to win I think I messes up ok ok ok maybe not this I think this might be both peak stuff like bolt beak into dusclops will-o-wisp enter that into right here here yeah earthquake would have been good date both of them there to think of a bowl peak taunt okay good to know good to know good to know here's some more bribe money well that's so wait a second boys can I just kill myself with earthquake service says is a chance alright which move are they using cuz it's gonna do a lot of damage but I am max bulk ok ok ok I should survive because I'm - - come on alright period come on right beer drop my attack don't care dust bubs do not Creek dusclops right now dragons other organ line crits are fine but does go up this off the table okay no crits no crits no crits that's good that's actually a good chunk of damage - cool boy all right okay okay all right there's not much that first earthquake did I don't know of a second one with ko like I have a couple options here I'm just gonna go for the big one though I'm - - so I'm gonna go use this to get back to neutral then this is where that are that miss really starts hurting and this really hurts right now because I had just a little bit of chip damage this whole game would be different my loader comes out and I'm gonna drop its speed stat which also doubles its special attacks that fun fact this is neutral though this is neutral so it's not terrible the only question is is my rapier about to die it's not that bad like I get a lot of good damage off here not as much as I would have liked actually crits the Milotic that's good Barry that's bad then I still have Leafeon on the back and all the moms are in the underage hormone comes out okay - one again sucks and I'm just about dead as well I go torkoal now so I have to make sure I don't lose before trick room is over this is a rock slide turn for sure okay now do I eruption which won't kill Milotic I I think I actually have to eruption here I'm oh I don't I don't want to because I think that I want to solar into my load because of the thing that's all right I have direction okay I made the right move somehow which is good mom okay three versus three it's rhyperior in the back with willow Asst Milotic with plus two minus one I think this is a solarbeam rock slide for me right I don't really want a Dynomax yet I think I want think I won't leave you know two dynamics two turns left a trick room and in the back they could have I think I have to I think I have two Dynomax actually because I think I had two dynamics torkoal because if I get it wrong and he goes into Tyranitar then I lose so I have to do this stays in with Milotic interesting I did not expect it to render to come in there I hope I got a flinch or a crit or something let's see did you not go for the double so I should get the kill here so I also setting up grassy trains are really good for leafy on meta SSB thank you very much for the sub no it's not come on rhyperior come on rhyperior why did that not kill come on right here I need you to connect with both and I need a KO on this Milotic I connect with both come on it's not gonna kill on - - that's so unbelievably unfortunate that is so unbelievably unfortunate well that's probably at the end of my run wait a second that's not the worst thing that I've ever seen I need a flinch on the arcanine a flinch on the arcanine is it's really needed right now okay all right all right we're still in the Sun now Milotic is somehow not the threat the threat is actually right now arcanine now that trip comes about to end I'm gonna double the Arcana here with max Flair and rock slide like I feel like if you're Milotic here you have to go over there protect okay okay yeah I was like if they don't protect here I'm gonna be really upset straight-up gets the kill it might be Crippen I doubled it anyway no so I'm gonna crit or can I just goes down okay so now the question is who is the last Pokemon because there's a couple big one that we bad to see right now ah Toby goes for example pretty much anything that's not got to tell is bad to see right now tea tar okay everybody this is kind of the moment it's plus - Milotic but it's clearly very defensive so I think in order to win this game what I need to do is I need right here to go down here so gopher rockslide and was tore go I have a choice I can set the Sun up or I can try and kill other Milotic I don't know how fastest Milotic is but my gut tells me get down the Milotic here although yeah my gut tells me target down Milotic I'm gonna do it let's see it should be like rock slide and muddy water maybe but I think tour who can live teacher knows will protect oh my gosh wait what's gonna happen this turn my luck goes for recover I don't know if Leif Sullivan's gonna do enough actually max overgrowth in the grass come on connect rockslide it shouldn't do that much but it might the chip is gonna matter here I think we can act okay give me a crit you should do like 10 to 15% all right all right all right but now this is sun boosted overgrowth maybe something some was better there I'm so close I'm literally working so hard look oh oh and now mad at Dynomax this is so I literally can't believe this cuz now you just recover again but are they gonna recover are they gonna attack I think I'm gonna have to make a read of some point I'm doing it now although no I think I can't do that I have to though right I have to go for how much into Christ attorney laughs this is so we're so close to zero to grassy terrain are they gonna attack this turn are they gonna recover I can't switch out to warp oh I would have to listen to leafy on here all right let's do they go for no protects come up from my opponent you son I don't need son I just need to dodge a rockslide right now come on leafy on dodge a rockslide no okay sorry that's right doesn't do that much sleeves really physically bulky I'm weird oh there's Milotic though recover okay I made the right call there do you guys think the life or believe played kids Tyranitar serious question I'm being serious right now do you think life or leaflet kiss earnest are in grassy green I feel like it doesn't oh it's super does okay it's super does but it doesn't get it outside of the grassy trains Soho okay guys we have a read to make here I feel like Milotic is gonna protect itself but I can't risk it I'm gonna switch into rhyperior grasses you're in league play see there knows the project Leafeon okay they double did they double connect to the double cryptid right okay okay all right cool fine I'm gonna go into I'm gonna go to torkoal here the reason is no actually I'm not gonna go intro I'm not that weird at the sand I'm gonna go for this I'm gonna go for the leaf blade rock slide let's go to the double fails and they got that I was with you it's super obscenity leaf play comes out this is not over unfortunately but we finally got rid of Milotic after this whole game we got the credit didn't matter we feelin strong enough here crunch comes out until probably Leafeon targeting the correct Pokemon okay okay that's it that's the game that's the whole game we won we won so now even they keep protecting it the can't win because I can go for a leave plate and switch and to torkoal and then I have the speed advantage like even if we were speed time torkoal can win now or like godly can't come win now I need to leave God in the chat to go for protect most likely it but doesn't matter I could've gone for digger okay okay alright okay whoever ranked 5 in the world and Luigi was ranked like 2800 or something okay when are we at number 5 down to number three this was the furthest I've ever gotten I was number five with Noctowl I was number four last night with Leafeon I'm now number three in the world with leafy on one or two more games we'll do it but every game is so difficult every game is so hard I've never been number one I want to be number one on the ladder so many defeats so many setbacks here it is an opposing trainer has been found we're going up against number eight thousand five hundred twenty six in the world oh my god this looks like the worst matchup I've ever played against I haven't played many shandler with this team but it looks like impossible um when the going gets tough we start to think about forfeiting that's what I've learned I mean - right Pierre is great here rap here dusclops upfront it could be good I want to like maybe yeah maybe the thing is like I really want Leafeon late-game because like if I can get past the Chandeleur and the total kiss those are like the two main threats here I'm gonna do this oh god this is tough this is it guys this is this could be the one this is one this is probably the worst matchup we've had Silvio and two sylveon Chandeleur okay interesting for period dusclops all right why did I sound surprised my said rhyperior does clubs sash schindler and pixie played sylveon okay so if I rock fall into this into the Chandeleur then I get the kill like I think the imprison is super obvious right I could also go for the sylveon here um because even if i KO Chandler that probably can do in Trenton sorry but that's not actually the end of the world I'm still I'm still gonna go for what's may be a bad move they don't die the Mac so I'm taking a hyper wiesen probably it in a prison here y'all on sylveon to be very bad yeah cuz like I really want to come up but it's so hard this game I mean it was obvious but like I don't want us to do their yawn ah you know what actually that's not the end of the world it's actually not that bad because I get rid of Chandeleur here and then I get rid of Schindler that's one of the two Pokemon that I was worried about for Leafeon so it's we trade dynamaxx and jana my Dynomax Pokemon an exchange we get Chandler they can go teach are here sure but Gyarados wait is this so I was originally wait a second guys like I could at work will here rep like so I I can go for I who for rockfall and trick room right what do they have in the back the only thing is if I fall asleep I might be in trouble like okay is it better to switch here in this work well I just think it's better to rockfall here this is a bit of a weird play but I'm gonna go for it I'm gonna rock full and trigger man let him put me to sleep interesting okay maybe another Yanis coming out I still could do some good damage though hyper voice oh yeah that's fine that's fine don't a lot of damage because a pixie plate um we're gonna do some good damage to return my repair is gonna fall asleep though that actually doesn't do very much at all I throw intimidate off I switch there we weren't in really good shape we wouldn't super good shape but unfortunately I did not switch so now we're in trouble um I have another term of Dynomax thankfully um I'm in a rockfall in the night sheet here this will put sylveon a range of eruption which is good I think my period can like most likely take a hit from Gyarados they suck Gyarados which is actually good for us who's the last one is to rennet are okay that's kind of really scary who might be into major trouble mesh a comes out throwing shade hyper voice dusclops is nearly gone and now I'm out of Dynomax and uh they still garrote us in the back I have three turns left the trick room there my white honestly my biggest like the main thing I'm worried about here is the fact that should I okay should I read the one turn sleep and should I bulldoze myself I think probably not right I think most likely rockslide in nightshade here is better dynamaxx is Tyranitar okay if one of my Pokemon could survive this turn that'd be awesome but I don't think it's likely unless I get the one turn sleep with right here and they they got a flinch cuz like as things are about to get very dicey for me Nagi comes out can do very little damage rapier woke up I should have called it rockslide okay big damage there's actually not bad damage and I'll give you the flinch Piper who is alright that's bad does a lot of that live ahead okay one turned sleep doesn't want me that much in the end knuckle comes out now it's plus one attack very bad extremely bad okay I think I lost guys I'm really sorry if trigger moreover I'd actually have a decent shot two times left a trick room is actually super like super super bad here okay so I have to call as Garrett uh switching out here you guys don't think Garrett us which is in here I think it does to get the in submit it off well I had to play like a dog I hate a big Creek I need some big crits everybody I think Selby I'll just do gyarah I went against my instincts wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second if I Swords Dance there then I would just get targeted on this next turn that wouldn't work wait a second I see a way for me to win this yeah I do see a way for me to win this though in order to win this cuz this journeys get a max rockfall right which is gonna mess up the speed order mid turn and my leaf he owns really slow I can't protect it on a predict only fee on so I have to erupt here but I go for eruption and leaf blade here into Gyarados then I think what will happen is providing like a ticket provide me max rock falls into torkoal might be a mistake I needed a Mack truck full torkoal here and IM not protected Garrity's there's one specific clay okay he doesn't protect okay I need this to be adorable if it's at the leaf Yannick probably lose torkoal okay wait a second now this changes in the speed order mid turn and Miley fields actually really slow here and because sand is up now the Sun is gone and that means that leave he owns enough slower than Gyarados and this is the last turn of trick room meaning leave you guys should move next okay doesn't move an expert Garrett's cuz for waterfall which is not a big deal do I flinch you know what that's really unfortunate if I didn't flinch there I think I won well I probably okay to cheat all right through -1 but that is the most part losing on a slow gara waterfall flinch has to be like the worst way to lose right cuz I don't know if I'm intimidated leaf blade kills here but I guess I have to go for it come on leafy on come on leafy on I need you to kill Tyranitar right now the thing is I have a one-date chance to crit okay we don't protect please leave beyond wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second did they bounce oh my god hold on a second please Theon no no no wait a second everyone calm down wait a second oh god what if it's like the berry Gyarados it has we know it has protect and then sand heals it oh god this isn't over is you ever protected oh it's probably berry maybe I should Swords Dance I'm so nervous I'm so nervous cuz sand is still up there's got a couple more turns of sand left I might need a little mini leaf blade crit okay okay okay okay alright we were number three please please let that be out I don't have much more of those in me rank three down - he's all trickery if they give the five gifted subs I got no points for winning I won that game and got nothing are you kidding me I didn't know those possible this is nuts that's unfortunate that whole game was for nothing well we have to keep going I guess awful that's so bad that's just this is a scam that's ridiculous it didn't update cuz I didn't get any points that's why I didn't update alright that's fine top 500 all right let's see the winning team okay wait it's okay it's fake tears wait how does this team beat trigger many buddy anybody know how does this BGM eat chicken I know the sets which helps um I'm just a little worried about drinkin ish but I feel like I felt like it's Leafeon heard I at this point and if the answer is death then I choose I choose death I was worried this would be the lead truth be told this is an unfortunate lead for me to go up against me it's quite unfortunate AV sash yeah trick room and protect one Driggs art when we want to lose mystical doral dome was probably the worst-case scenario here he's got fake tears I know I just yeah die nicer island that's fine so I actually the written did you heard me typing a second ago he doesn't have trick room stop telling me that information I rent a car can I should live modest max Draco even with non he doesn't have darkness he has he his body press so we'll see I mean unless this is a different team which case I'm screwed but I'm gonna protect here this should be fake tears and drag and move into one my Pokemon fake tears into okay okay okay I made the right move I made the right move dragon I have that eyes like my glossy prescription is pretty strong okay wait do you think he waiver eruption is stronger I might use eruption just so I don't missed I think that's probably right move okay now now is where he gets to answer my question of what for trick room um trick room goes up okay draw domes bulky but I think I would rather do one's account here just go further up ssin get some damage down on the door a lid on and get rid of them caught right away like taking chaos is really important here cuz i stoled Leafeon in the back erupt him yes Cap'n fake tears comes out maybe cast or cool you can't get dusclops I think yeah what makes most sense there is fake use into stuff scoffs and then um still it's a good chunk of damage there's probably max dragon into torkoal realistically I strive against at least ugh eruption stronger until torkoal hits with 111 HP thank you who is better for it to hit go to dusclops we should we survive this yeah I come fat who is chat honestly all of us are chat really - attack so I - to attack it doesn't matter I don't think a rupture will ko but I think I corruption I think eruption that shit'd will not kill Darrell alone but max eruption might but then I would have to Dynomax and I don't know that what I want oh I just had a huge brain idea I just had an enormous brain idea ok one more another Dynomax under a load on okay Drake emission comes in um they're dragging this is actually a problem here so I have a couple options I actually my best move is to max flare here actually wait no the bet the best move here is I don't really want to Dynomax this Pokemon but I think it's in my best interest I'm in a nightshade and max flare into derp Alabang um the shoot ko it's much stronger than the heatwave I just used so just ring a [ __ ] out that was actually a bait it looks like maybe Rotom conquers the last Pokemon okay so I need to be really careful it's Conkeldurr it's flame orb Conkeldurr it does it does have detect so I need to keep that in mind oh they always ask who is chap and ever ask how this chat they all say willfully what are you doing but they never say wilfy how are you doing yeah max flare this should kill okay now we know that so we know the triggers could not protect itself okay nice she comes out they have no Dynomax left and I think I was like 19 burns what can i still lose this it's scarf trick of ICH the problem is that Sun and trick room expire on the same turn which is actually really bad so I'm just trying so I know that Dragovich can't protect itself I think I'm gonna nice you the drink image for damage and then yeah okay I see it I see it I see it I'm gonna max flare into Conkeldurr because this there force to protect here unfortunate unfortunate play by me stupid move by me get a little bit in I teach you about damage off the thing is this is actually do a lot of damage to protect cuz Conkeldurr is not the most specially bulky pokemon this is Sun and Max and yeah everything and we get some damage on triggerfish as well they go for probably fish's friend yeah I agree with that into dusclops okay just what's goes down there's still a leafy on the back actually you know what I here's the play I actually I see the play clearly whoa I just see I just see up a big play I'm gonna go for the rockslide I'm in a rockslide in soybean cuz dragon bish is not the over the double they don't get it so I couldn't just can't Conkeldurr here but um with leafy out on the back I know that if drinkin which goes down I need to hit a rocks I might I might lose this game on a rockslide miss chat I might lose this game on a rockslide miss because Suns about to run out rocks like I've done it misses on Conkeldurr just missed ring Commission does not okay okay okay okay okay okay I think Le'Veon wins from here but I'm not sure that was very scary okay okay this is the team that won the most recent international I'm gonna fire punch cuz it's somehow my strongest move all of a sudden I'm gonna heat wave if they attack it to my torkoal then or the technoboy court or in my repeater that I should survive and I shaking my weakness policy off and if I just got Leafeon in I don't need sudden you more because Leafeon have to be stronger and one be flayed will kill it drain punch comes out into torque well I agree with that just a ton of damage thanks to the burn this is scary man 139 all the way down to 49 but I should be dealing that damage back with fire punch at least and even if I miss a heat wave like Oh Lord they did a lot I create okay come on you wave this is your moment for a rank of potential Rank 1 we connect Oracle okay guys we won against the team that just won the most recent international my throat is hurting my knees are weak palms sweaty please we won the game before we got nothing we got nothing are we ranked one did we make it to rank one chat saying ranks - I think the rank three probably I did not want to continue battling I want to go to ranks battles I wanted to do this we were ranked three please update we won the last game we got nothing the rank 3 all the way is it a change or Easter Egg 308 this long last time I beat the Reg 400 player in the world and I'm still rank 3 I think I'm gonna this is so frustrating because if I if it was like a guarantee ranked per game I'm styling every game is so difficult that's actually so messed up I'm actually so I'm actually so excited I was at rank 3 and won two games I'm still ranked three and even one was against a top 500 player Oh opposing screen has been found who is it number 39 I think if we can win this no Rosa reads like the worst matchup oh I have nothing for Rosa raid Leo please are you here please forfeit disconnect I did joke I wouldn't want Lin that way GT rhyperior interesting okay go ahead in the back - it does culture interior I have a rapier okay wait a second but if you gave Rosa red there's no way in didi has sash right I'm gonna call it I'm making a very risky play here stay in with both Pokemon what I expect here is that rhyperior max rock falls into torkoal all right I need a heat wave I need to connect with in tiny chickens both move on to put them in range is the first thing follow me comes out okay that's fine that's fine that's fine I think this should be rock fell into Charizard Thank You XM urge come on heatwave connects okay I need this to Keough I don't know how that survived whoo that's very bad and to Leafeon oh that's very good that's extremely good dad just changed everything and GD surviving there and Leafeon being able to launch an attack I really I really thought they were gonna take out Charizard it's safety goggles in DD okay we know the item we saw they didn't takes an image they don't have a switch into this a non-decision to heatwave and how much you guys think leave play destroy here here yeah looks like it kills to me and them overriding my son is actually really good they're like I could Dynomax but I might want to die nice trip here 45% now it kills just way more than that max card comes out again it's fine that actually as long as we connect a heatwave this heatwave connecting is gonna be big if we miss we probably lose okay we can activate that was the important one because the next turn I actually could if I really want to I can switch Oh what is it goes into door do they go to Togekiss though I guess that's the scary thing Togekiss okay I feel like there should be a safe way to win this but I don't know what it is like okay let's say heatwave oh I see it I see it oh wait no yeah wait like okay so I could Dynomax chars are just to get the kill here like and then and then but then Sun is up and then wait did wait no that works right cuz they can only kill one and then I go beefy on because their last Pokemon is most likely dusclops right most likely or complan I think when I do it I'm gonna go for that I'm doing something weird but I think it will work I'm gonna sack my chars out here they're gonna put Leafeon into position like I'm gonna lose a lot here and probably my Charizard this [ __ ] can turn I really think this chaos took a kiss follow me no no follow me I coulda just killed the rapier there we take out Togekiss okay who are they killing here they get they got one of my Mons Rockville comes out probably Charizard if I had to guess yeah okay but this is what I expected uh chosen is very strong I traded my Dynomax for their NMX and now it's a three versus it also bends with the last pokemon is right because like if it's like a lot depends on what the Philosopher's c'mon it's middle Leafeon here dusclops as I expected okay guys now is where things get interesting why four was frisked okay chuckles found out and they are out of Dynomax should have attacked rhyperior bad move they'e Togekiss what I could have lost if I tagged if they weren't for follow me I would've just lost oh hey guys now is where things get interesting so I have a leaf blade here that I get to use no I feel like I should did the dusclops but I'm not going to I'm gonna I'm gonna do some things a little risky switching to right here this might be the wrong move I just didn't want it I didn't want to lose because because last night I lost because I ran out I read it there was a rock-type that died yeah it was obvious but I don't think I had another option that's fine they should go for trigger trigger was actually way better for me than then on nightshade trigger goes up okay that's fine I probably would replace replace swords in to protect but it's okay let me go for protect here but you're up here in dusclops against right here in Oracle and trigger was currently up I could have dug but yeah it doesn't only help me that much because I couldn't even hurt quick myself I really wish I didn't ever earthquake right now he was the thing is like I just need to know if he has a light switch or not you know because if he bulldozes himself he also bulldozes me my government protects he does not protect obviously because he doesn't have it this word will OS that probably means no uh ways moves can I'll miss rockslide this could miss a miss here would probably win us the game trick room will-o'-wisp probably bulldoze right in nightshade okay check this is it should I go for the solar beam predicting the protects because I think what he's gonna I think I'm gonna make a read here it might be the wrong move but I'm going for it I'm gonna salt eruption a rockslide calling protected rhyperior okay I get the raw get the readwrite because I think they think he wants to I want the key once reversed trick room here eruption comes out there should do a lot to dusclops it's like it's a very strong move I might need a flinch here he goes he's trying to reverse trick room as I expected okay give me a flinch a flinch will win us this game trick room is reversed okay ah it's so close if he flinches me o'the rockslide I might see no now we still have een a try here here we fire punch it this close okay so we're probably both min speed rhyperior so if I win this beat I I can take out dusclops here he goes for this rockslide but he misses torgul okay no flinch should we win no flinch we win even without the even with the flinch we can probably still win fire punch comes out holy cow this should ko and torque will get the solar beam off you should ko the Shakya we've been ranked three and one twice do we move up do we move up to Rank 1 with leafy on okay with one for the third time in a row rank three did we make it to rank one I'm just my heart is beating so fast press 1 if you were here ranked 2 I would even take Rank 2 I would even take it although I'd really were ranked 1 cuz I cannot do this much more I'm at the end of my stamina rank 3 he won three times in a row this is so difficult oh here we go I think I think this might be able to if they have I don't think we can do it oh god this matchup looks rough although I will say the one thing is that Leafeon looks really nice here well I guess we're just gonna keep trying what we've been trying just clips from here torkoal and Leafeon i like here it seems on the top of the leaders and standardized I'm using Leafeon what do you want uh you get ranked one I by double merge I don't listen I appreciate it but we got we have a long road out of this before that let's see Grimstone surrenders alright that's not great light clay weakness policy all right you want weakness policy I'll give you weakness policy trick Karuma and maximum quake Graham thank you very much for the five dollars but I'm stopping in to say you can do it manager pretty new followers but let's go man thank you I don't I really feel like this might be the game I think I'll that's what the leads alright rapira any I need some I need dust gloves to survive this turn if dusclops dies this is about to be very hard so reflects being up as a problem don't get me wrong there's a lot of damage that's a crit that's going to get crit we'll take it we'll take it to the bank I've worked hard I don't need your I don't sympathy I've been working very you have no idea what I've been through give no idea what I been through they do have Toby's in the back looks like I'm a little worried about not gonna front should I try again my weakness policy up I don't think I should I'm gonna make sure the tokens can't come in here bulldoze won't KO the Tyranitar it's doomed enough to reflect max guard okay so I think I made the right play there thunder wave that's not great thunder waving screams it's not over it's actually really not over because my trick returns are gonna run out like ASAP do crits bypass reflects they do yeah that was a huge critic who that moved it like way more than it should have like over double as much okay that's a good damage so dear we can get both kills this turn there's almost like a part of me that wants to go for I think I double to Rena for this turn just because they get paralyzed but screen okay so I deal with all the screens for eight turns which is annoying but if I can just get a nice [ __ ] off here and not get paralyzed okay okay this should kill okay to render goes down as so does grim snarling both Dynomax are out of play which is really good and it's a 4 vs. - I've got Le'Veon and torkoal in the back I have two turns left the trick room but I'm paralyzed and they have screens up Conkeldurr that's a little scary not gonna lie that's less scary okay so where does that tell me that tells me that they don't really have a quick way through I'm actually gonna bulldoze here right boulders fire punch and just try and take out the winds because I'm like the way that I win this is like torkoal in torkoal and trick room is really strong here I still balanced which available they go for charm again it's not great I'm gonna get moving suppose the off so not gonna do a lot of damage here but we do break a sash on this apart cut some more chip damage off like this won't kill but it probably puts it in nice shade range okay they are not meant to be no right here is this Laura okay so I think I can survive a hit here even a dream punch ok 131 down to 37 there's no scope for minutes hack I don't actually know I don't remember okay this is also the last furnace Sam's so I don't care for up here it goes down like I don't even want to I could Ally switch I guess I don't really want you though I'm just gonna nightshade and fire punch because this way even if I got my punched I should still be okay mark punch yeah that might be you might be might be might be okay come on okay come on dusclops come on dusclops am I gonna lose this am I actually gonna lose this holy cow why do I feel like I'm like so close to losing okay calm down wolf calm down wolf calm down everyone calm down Leafeon will win this game if you can put it in the right position right so all you have to do is think clearly and calmly like screen is not going away for this does match I just need whimsicott gone and I can win so I got a heatwave off here I just do not got like flinch to death Talyn comes out okay that's good I'd rather take a tailwind here cuz I drop Kong speed so it's speed isn't really relevant anymore goes for rock slide connects with both I really just need one of these to not flinch there's a lot of damage though don't flinch heatwave connection woman's call okay okay okay okay now we're back in this we're back in this everybody okay we're in this we Jeff okay huh so there's two terms or reflect left right so I think my play here is nice shade and protect and then switch to leafy on a light switch yeah that's definitely lit screen is up but drain punch comes out okay okay last turn of reflect I believe alright I just not get paralyzed this turn okay just not parent no pair of this turn no pair of this turn and then we're gonna get like four boosted Leafeon in the Sun come on those clubs okay Alice comes out those long as I didn't drain punch dusclops it feels unlikely drain punch comes out into okay okay okay okay reflect is gone okay now Leafeon even though there are tail when I'm Way faster than them so I can actually go for a leaf blade nice Jade here and that should just straight up do it my flip comes out leave you on cleaning up the game wins okay week on wins again okay we're so close oh we're so close please is a chance let's check please I have felling we didn't that guy was ranked like very not high not I mean no nothing against them but given what I need I don't think we ranked up other than oh no children a message yes let's go yes let's go let's go huh ah ranked one in the world with Leafeon took us for battles from rank three holy cow I don't believe it we brought Le'Veon to every game today we want what 708 No oh my goodness that's incredible that's a Grove was actually really good we had a couple games or Leafeon took all four kills huh chat what do you think getting to Rank 1 with leafy on are you not entertained oh thank you everyone thank you thank you oh thank you for subscribing thank you for the bits oh my god I really didn't think we were gonna be able to do it I'll be honest so guys I'm gonna tell you for being here I'm gonna tell you that my Leafeon is bad video it was part of my master plan so when I finished stream was it gonna be any second because I have to go to a voice lesson leave Fionna vote for sure number one in the world number one in the world with this team with Charizard torkoal Leafeon rhyperior dusclops and Togekiss oh my god luigi on team went 31 and 6 that's crazy exhibition more discord went the discord if it doesn't sync up DM me on Twitter alright I got my voice listen thank you guys for being here really appreciate it love you all peace
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 534,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, leafeon, leafeon team, wolfe glick leafeon, wolfey leafeon, best leafeon team, best leafeon moveset, best team, best Pokemon team, vgc 20, vgc 2020, pokemon rental team, eeveelution, eeveelution team, best eeveelution
Id: 70Mp6rbKj_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 53sec (4433 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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