How I Got to #1 In the World with Glaceon...

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real YouTube is suffer this is a would deal with many suffering this is the end one way or another for real there will be no more after this we are about to attempt the impossible one final time so many of you many of you may be asking yourself wolf wolf Glick a man some believe not to exist why are we here isn't it midnight for you it's April 1st perhaps this is a joke to you no my fine viewers unfortunately this is not a joke we are here in person now on line to attempt perhaps my greatest idea ever so here's the way that it works there's two ways to solve a problem you can work harder which I am not a fan of or you can work smarter which I am a fan of we tried our hardest it took 10 streams we got Glaceon to number 8 on the ladder and it wasn't enough we could not get to number 1 however however right now there is nobody at number 1 spot the highest ranked players are in great ball tier 9 so if I am the only player in master ball what this is this is battle speed well if you have to move fast if I am the only player and master ball then by default I will be number one I am it is midnight on April 1st the season has just begun if I can just find opponents yes all right we have to win quickly it's time to bring out the swap gang rank 9 in the world this matchup is terrible just kidding when Yasur Nene tails up front wait this is work okay I can just hit swamp gang time baby this Swamp gang baby you know tails okay okay we don't the rush this is actually a pretty good venture forklift gun that's not actually I wouldn't go that far let's calm down wolf chores are I think this trick is not to prank elation at sushi tea thank you very much for the kind words and encouragement I'm going to need them don't text me my good friends all right I have to lock in I need to win these games quickly it's support Toja kiss all right Glaceon doesn't really do very well here but you know what I play Shawn I believe Swamp gang returns we have to win every battle we have to go undefeated because our only chance at doing this is to get to number two gets in to get to master ball before anybody else we're have a 45 second delay I'm not messing around Drago pull it is the lead okay they just went for it they didn't care no Laura respect is going to be shown off from me to my opponents anymore I'm done showing respect the swamp gang doesn't respect the swamp gang all Nemer only only only kills there's no respect I'm walking in immediately I knew you couldn't walk away one last ride the salt sea ulti thank you for the sub Bob Thunder welcome to the swamp gang I'm just gonna give it here for a while but thank you for supporting the South gang Tom thank you for supporting swamp gang is back in so my place she owns final stand yeah you know I wish that hadn't happened a pokémon's which is in the worst possible Pokemon that could switching in fact some people would even say that was very bad I'm gonna play shot in the back it's looking kind of rough but we're not give it up hey give up because of an era thorn Saul do you thank you for the gift sub now I don't have a way to hit this phantom force interesting goodbye guys what's gonna come out here now this is not a great start I'm gonna be honest that was the worst possible turn one that could happen I wish I just switched into nine tells them to sleep pattern but yeah just what I should have done I just decided to go aggressive okay this person has proved that they are worth worthy of respect we're gonna go into details here and just pop this thing take it out in one [ __ ] one shot Odom's not thank you for the sub man max guys are excited ton of damage final form video yes now so drinkin DNA tells it's risky for a number of reasons and one of them being they still colossal they're not a solvent marathon I'm pretty confident that they Dynamics Ferrothorn okay that's actually not terrible as long as nine tails survives if not nose dies we 100% lose cuz I didn't bring charger from the back which is a mistake thank you for the cheer this is a bad start I just have to make sure nine tails doesn't die this time basically okay excellent so I shouldn't die to this that's a lot of damage oh they cook me that's why now I can no longer unfortunately I can no longer I can't be colossal I die here this is your enviable bat oh they're gonna overwrite it I can still sleep powder stuff everybody oh that's so good let's go dragon pool goes down they're gonna for max overgrowth yep I think pre marina will survive this maybe not I think we'll survive it I'm on till confidence tree marina back against the wall survives grass and crane is up I wonder how much damage we do two colossal with Max Keiser oh there no colossal here which is a colossal problem [Music] what do they do here they go colossal they go toad you tomorrow interesting so presumably they want to smack my okay with a book one they have left grasp lunch okay right that's my new oh i colleges want a heatwave honestly here with max strike is that stupid if Nigel's goes down I will lose and Galatia undoes next like literally nothing this game seven a Theon and I'm gonna max strike here because I don't want to activate the rain and I would like to lower toes Gemara speed winter thank you for this up there should we fake out into new details the go over fake out I make the raid correctly and now Wolf click back against the wall but how is he going to hobo secretly did not lose two colossal it's this question because the thing is colossal occult which it will get the steam engine speed drops and toes you tomorrow I don't actually know that was super helpful in hindsight steel spike actually and Dupree marina I think I live this I died okay so there were things get dicey I think I have to make some reeds I want the Wolfie champions look back you were hot there are you saying I'm not part anymore because that would make me feel sad and I hope that's not what you mean isn't the season over yes the last season is over but let me ask you what about this season so we need ninetails to win this game I think I have to go in tonight Intel's here my opponent has shown me that they are there that they are smart that they're that they are worth respecting and so I intend to respect that I can no longer pledge it up which is a bit of a problem however I can harden Reed I don't really love this I know you guys spend money to make money hopefully gloss which is in foreclosure tomorrow here it softens Avera thorn yeah it's offensive Ferrothorn but are they like if I get this play wrong I mix I'm hard red a max guard and a switch to colossal because I go for a heat wave like Nigel shouldn't be able to punish it either the Pokemon bank lations not really a good for the one to have here wolf click back against the wall but an indomitable will that's horrendous you guys need to go to bed go to bed I will carry on without you he makes a hard read yes yes like Pokemon before yes yes he's solar beams with this choice effects nine tails in the grassy torini now this is not over folks specs I until doesn't do it up damage now Ferrothorn is out of Dynamics a so it's nine tails and when you sore backs against the wall my opponent unfortunately does not or they do not know that I'm specs so I do need to switch here because I need all I need to do when this game is to get one heatwave off with nine tails so it should be it we should be we should be set but I yeah I mean walking just little room there is that I wanted to double hurt excuse me card rate with both my mom's my shadow balling that would been kind of cool but I wanted to get when disorient earlier just in case something went wrong wolf quick his final gambit oh thank thank you very much okay they do not protect grass blood comes out I need this to kale please colossal Goes Down and as long as they don't gyro ball into play Theon they gyro ball into when you soar a wise decision but not wise enough nine tails is gonna come back in here out speech Tozier tomorrow and if I hit a heatwave this game is over how do you get through Ferrothorn I have Nina tails yeah this is charger this game would have been over so long ago I'm gonna go for a protectee and I'm gonna shout out all the Toja tomorrow why go to bed Riga witness history being made that's a good question that's a you question on any question Iona comes out who they have our head motivation or flinch no no flinch is from Glaceon shadow ball comes out almost gets the kill harsh sunlight fades which is a little unfortunate what I would like let's take the grass into this train as well I really should just sack both my Pokemon here I think the problem is ninetails is never 100% accurate fire move the grass is gone actually you know what it's fine I can actually double here with grass pledge and shadow ball because sure they can kill one Pokemon but they can't ki both does equation have one their ball does it get whatever all it does doesn't it is there delay there is there's 45 seconds of delay I fear no stream sniper right now I have nine tales to tell you when they're about they're about they should get into number one when Yasur does go down here however without quick claw on this on this on this Ferrothorn shadow ball's gonna take out told you tomorrow collation gets a KO with the two hundred percent accurate move [Applause] blasian goes down however we played this into a 1vs1 and my last Pokemon is Nina tails with full HP and a dream Nina tails is back on the field Wolff click back against the open air can heal and an overheat to win this game more like overheat am i right ooh Zane listen to my master plan this is the most brilliant thing I've ever done in my entire life the ladder just reset 12 minutes ago 12 minutes ago and everyone got booted out of master ball tier every single person meaning the first person to get to master ball tier will be default number one in the world so all I have to do is get to master bolts here before anybody else which helped me the starting to midnight exactly okay yeah it's not great this is the only way I can get Galatia to number one is I have to be the first person there I need to start winning faster I think I just need to lead Charizard nine tails every game this is like a movie I swear okay Ikki that's what they say when they see my team they say oh wait what was about your answer with this team again Oh swamp gang treasure nine tails just some away through them I don't need to someone's here I all speed everything so babalu thank you for the sub this is like a sequel to a prequel to a sequel my brain isn't big enough to think about that right now so I either do Glaceon Galatia and toad to kiss or Glaceon nine tails I think we're relation on it's actually not bad here and it switches into Lapras really well the only question is do we do Charizard or nine tails Charizard loses a lot of power without I think we do nine tails I don't love nine tails here because of rhyperior but I think being able to overwrite these special events boost is good for Venus or hay in any of you were trying to get to number one my need is greater than yours okay I need you to have empathy okay I need you to have empathy have you played like like like like your time could come later but I've suffered a lot and I need you to consider the greater good here dusclops and told you guess so my plan against Rick room some might describe it simple the concept is clear maybe not me but but some would describe it simple now I've seen this movie and I know that in this situation I actually do miss the sleep pattern however it's not a big deal I have no I don't want to take him out here I want it I want to just have it be nap time more Pecos later more pico is easy where Pico is fun where Pico is cool bar prequel is a good Pokemon play shown is an actual trash Pokemon and I can only do it through cheese sleep better comes out well okay one of all I had no idea now I am slow pre marina which is good so they don't have a group I don't think you switch into a car right here you're here especially without stream delay or with stream delay i guess you a Lapras but it still feels kind of risky we should have a big ol protective post Pokemon the goal is not let them get trick remark their luck load and get a sweet burn sugar I'm here so if I burn it turn this turn that I can move off sleep better next turn I don't know if you expect particular but one year they do not expect protect and all I need is a swamp and I'm moving protected on both Pokemon turn to if trick room is burned I have so much experience using this team then go for it nightshade and presumably oh gone oh kyoto she gets here or I could go for swamp time I think I want a sleep pattern moon last mo most sure did pick up the Kalin toad you guess the first hyper voice did about 40 boom bus is boosted and frankly significantly stronger significantly stronger so all I need here is sleep editor and connects and I'll be in she gets in shape I would say they go for a nice [ __ ] who's an into when Yasur loses its item through this encounter now that's not perfect but free Marina back against the wall under speeds Tajikistan pick up the ko it does all be nazar needs to do is hit a seventy five is inaccurate sleep pattern can it do it it goes for a sleep patterns a second one of the match this time it connects this is a big deal folks this is a huge deal they go into presumably Lapras who is it Lapras comes in is wolf Glick and his back that is against the wall prepared for this he has a switch in is he gonna go for it he go into Glaceon what's he going to do what's his plan what's the strategy premier Anna is boosted is he going to Dynamics it moon blast into the dusclops it's a risky play I don't know but we'll pay off Baba thank you for being here laparis presumably will Dynomax this turn it does Lapras dynamaxx it could turn the tide of this battle is it going for GMAX Aurora Vail into the when Yasur did wolf lick correctly make this prediction his back is against the wall do not forget it if Lapras goes for GMAX Aurora Bell and will not do very much damage to glacier but a max lightning would it be devastating laughter just come Cygnus diversity of sleep resonance comes out that is GMAX Aurora Vail it hits glacier how much is glaze she's gonna take from this pitiful damage Glaceon says I eat these moves for breakfast a roar evil does come up the wolf click in his back that's against the wall need to be careful Prairie morena moon blasting dusclops wolf cliff knows he need some damage on this pokemon he does good chip special attacks rock that is not relevant here how many turns of trick her mother left focus I believe it's the last one last turn of trick room Glaceon back against the wall shadow ball now what is premier only gonna do here is wolf click going to scout for the max lightning or is he just going to go for the KO on the dusclops wolf good back against the wall he knows he can take him max lightning he's gonna get double the dust cloths don't stop stays asleep that's the first part of the plan is it max lightning it is max lightening cream Rena phasing down dynamaxx wipers take some X lightning relatively well sleep powder from Venus or is now off the table there are no tables and there's no sleep powder they're allowed to be used on them if there were tables shadow ball from Glaceon no three marinas moonblast first dusclops takes another thirty percent forty five forty percent thirty five percent clay xi'an shadow ball finishes it off dusclops wolf cliff doing quick math in his head written much hand cream we're gonna take a max lightning through protect the first one did seventy five percent that means the effect one should do roughly twenty but it's now one point three times multitude of two is full madness run that's free quick man usage of twenty six percent but his first one did actually less than seventy-five percent it to do 80 percent how much did it do whatever comes in right here is the last Pokemon although wolf's close back is against the wall he has a feeling that this might be a dangerous rhyperior set for him freeze-dry is gonna come out here this is gonna be max lightning folks wolf lick doesn't have a good Pokemon the Dynomax in this situation it's gonna have to be Venus or freeze dry and protect now freeze drying water pledge let's try and get rid of this thing and force the REB here goes for protective as unfortunately an obvious play but unfortunately wolf lick decided not to cover it freeze dry does nothing water pledge unfortunately also does nothing opponent goes Remax lightning into pre marina free marinas not gonna survive this one but wolf click back against the wall successfully sought about Dynomax a critical hit doesn't matter but it makes wolf weak feel better because if he predicted you definitely would've died so I didn't really have a better option there except move awesome to Lapras which might even better what is wolf gonna do now it's got clay Shion he's got one you swore he's got a dream but this Dynomax Lapras which is no longer Dynomax but has it up the Aurora Bella's looking kind of scary wolf Blake has a feeling that when you saw her the Dynomax is could take a hit from the slack wrists freeze-dry into the wreck he really doesn't have a better option and max overgrowth his strongest to move into the rhyperior all he needs is a KO on the threat carrier and he's hoping that nine tails and the Glaceon together can beat down this Lapras using grassy terrain will overwrite the electric terrain mean that Lapras is best move will be a nice type attack and a water type attack against assault this place yun in the son [Applause] the swamp gang has gone down with it set up nicely for this end game when his back against the wall dynamaxx is 212 HP gonna take an attack for this Lapras right here is gonna go for the double protect here and unfortunately it gets OH Lapras back against the wall protects itself from one users max overgrowth but it wasn't aimed at one you said wasn't named elaborate so his aim is said at the rhyperior can it survive does not appear he goes down and now all of a sudden Lapras is back is against the wall and Dynomax when Yasur is staring down another obstacle on the road to number one [Applause] now unfortunately setting up grassy screen is not ideal here folks and the reason is we now have to wait longer for the turn to last place she got hitting out but should not be able to be fainted by Lapras now well click cleverly did not damage the Lapras that he didn't have to wait for grass to train recovery now freeze-dry into the eek overgrowth into the eek there should be a forfeit this turn there's no way Lapras can win this one yes opponent respects Wolf's trip respected rib Karen we dine him back to the second-to-last turn or on the on the third second last turns that we wouldn't have to watch the shrinking animation no this is a waste of time we'd pixie plate continue battling have some zinc no wolf it to the right button okay let's see how much do we get for this well I think the first one after you win after loss is just like a little yeah okay so we probably need two more wins two more wins in the ultra ball tier ten to get to Matt to get to master ball but it's getting late and I'm getting tired I'm fighting mono goes to the focus class Gengar I wish I could fight against that although actually I kind of I would kinda already to fight that we fought cooked your bull goes this is it folks can we do it five and one with clay Xian we need to find an opponent soon we know there are people in ultra bolts here but how many we don't know no that's not how that works saw cornfields new season yes new season come on come on come on come on come on give me the opponent give me the opponent it doesn't even matter who okay there we go hand somebody a rein team against my son team interesting now ride she's a bit of a problem I won't lie to you I won't lie to you about right at you Charizard goes in here so I think what we try to do is set the swamp up and then win with I kind of want to leave behind tales of me destroy and force them into pelipper early yeah I kind of want to do that and turn one just wish to Karina I need to put somebody the swamp we haven't had a swamp gang we haven't put them in the swamp all all all stream I expect like hide Regan lead may be right you may be hydreigon or corker overnight overnight Roger and korbinite okay did I say that I expected this is really expected now I could Dynomax to my and nine tails here essentially not the craziest thing I've ever ever thought of now I'm in my opponent shoes here I think I make one of two plays one I take out the nine tails or two I push to palaver so for that reason I'm gonna sleep out of the Raichu and switch what not bad hey you doing wait Eduardo why are you here go to bed they switch out warmer night actually that's a good move as well we pelipper okay pelipper comes in so I did sleep powder into the Raichu so I don't know if this will work for me see what they go for here novel comes out into the window sore okay that's not amazing I'm the one here this one amazing on the other hand it's not terrible if I get the sleep IRA off no that sucks okay that's quite bad that's unfortunate I'm gonna get nuzzled again right or they gonna voltage me oh that sucks dude okay how do I win this I'm gonna I'm gonna let something I'm gonna let somebody go down here for a hyper ways I don't have anything they're gonna ask me to write you anymore which is like a huge problem and I can't even I can't even go for a swamp gang actually I'm gonna go for small gang no I can't do that I'm gonna timeout fight hyper voice both yeah this term Google very badly for me take over does okay I make sense there's some sprint paralysis and get lucky I'm just a brief should be hurricane when she's not surviving that does it like a parrot again every whis comes out big damage okay so we know three of their Pokemon now I'm gonna go into nine Ches here and click heatwave I'm gonna put a big ol heatwave here I kinda want a heatwave Mack strike not gonna lie I feel like D'Arnot maxing my I think what they're gonna do here they're gonna bolts push it to my pre marina honestly but I'm gonna heatwave like I think they're gonna switch should I make the read that's that seems very risky I could heat weep for another they're not gonna attack it if we're here here they are they're not gonna they're gonna hold these nine tails right I'm making a hard read here I'm predicting they to switch that pelipper and then hold switch a de Corbin and I think and then volt switch into and then volt switch with ride shoe into pelipper so I made the move that I thought would potentially get me both Pokemon however I get paralyzed we're in trouble they could also just nuzzle me here though if they nozzle the loose book Pokemon anyway we don't know who the last pokemon is here unfortunately that kind of makes a big difference Steve its volt switch to volt switch okay I made the right move so they're gonna go to pelipper here which on the service is bad I agree however I think there's a chance depends on who the last Pokemon is here because I will get rid of korbinite as long as I'm not full paralyzed he'll ever comes back in okay I think we're just right you somehow it's really annoying whoever comes out here with a chip damage is nice in the pelipper he could it was both stopping through a lot to cover but it's adding up oh my god it oh my god if I knew him do that much oh we quit that's why get the burn on pelipper that's actually nice okay glad does it matter yeah oh it doesn't matter doesn't matter note to the matter kiln anyway geyser comes out okay so pelipper is damaged Raichu damaged it all comes down to pre marina I don't know but I don't remember the last moment it double heatwave burn should be right you again Ludicolo that's probably gonna spell defeat for me folks I don't see how I can get through the de colo with what I have I think I have to stay in here right you know for heatwave and max strike I don't think I can win this it again this is up and this is up I need to hope they like Mexico ass here for some reason though I don't see why they would yeah I would need I would either to max grass here I'll max strike into the gala per details come back that's fine yeah that nozzle pair was a really bad turn one the Dynomax Ludicolo I was just hoping it wasn't lady cold oh yeah I may be sure this was charged that I don't know I messed up I would need them to do something stupid like the thing is there's almost no wrong move they can make other than like Max Garvey Colo which I don't think they would do overgrowth okay if I live this I'm gonna say we have a chance if we live this does a chance I think and if they like skull oh wait no there's there's really no way for me to they would have to like hurricane with with pelipper or so I don't actually I don't know maybe no I mean they could just max card and then ya pick up a skull I don't think Charizard yeah I don't think Trevor lives this I would need charger to survive I died unfortunately and yeah in this position I don't think I can win we might even get pair of this turn we get max strike off into pelipper so it is a 2 versus 2 and this were two versus one I'd say maybe but no they can just go for Mexica again and then we lose so I asked a little fortunate socks dude like I played well but I don't know I got the turn one went really badly and I guess I'm just right she week I once again didn't really shine once again I lost there's no way I can win this I think I really need to get that right she turn one yeah Sun comes out a droplet equals speed which you know is somewhat useful but yeah back to the battery for my thing well actually one more turn of Dynomax left actually so I guess I could hard to read them here and go for and where there's no there's a will there's a way I have to make a hard read this turn right [Music] I started on it they volts which my gosh darn it there was a chance here that's the worst part is that if I get the max card off I mean dude nuzzles broken nose was actually broken because this wouldn't launch Ludicolo yeah doesn't large Ludicolo I mean they would've been hard it would have been super hard have I done it guys or then didn't matter but because I dropped booty-call speed I thought maybe there was a chance yeah I mean what a minute I don't know I don't know maybe I maybe there's still feels bad I didn't wanna lose like that yeah I'm faster than Ludicolo so like right now if I have pre Marina this turn I at least get to get to I heatwave off on this and then I get to get a heatwave off on the glacier on why are you so bad this sucks alright rain was a problem riichi was a big problem I shoulda broccolis young all right I need to get the swamp up if I get the swamp up on fine no I need to get to number one quickly I'm 2 and 2 and ultra ball that is not firm 1 and 2 and ultra ball I think I need to get I need to Owen there's we're finding opponents faster which means there's more people here oh god what is this like actually what is this is it bad match up I'll tell you that much I think we go swamp gang up front try and get some swamps in the chat and then Glaceon and your Charizard a nice house here I think we're gonna bring shadow as a problem babies with no problem I think Charizard you're watching that finalist to 2011 whoa that's a good finals you seal the Paris I need your opinion on GTS what do you mean like as a player as a person I'm so tired I've got yet to master well soon all right we can do this we can do this we do this we can do this draggable cliff areas would expect dreadful kathiria's were owed rain will gravy area okay so I think I want to swamp them it's time I don't care about anything else I'm just gonna swap them yeah yeah the other Nats finals 2011 are ridiculous oh yeah I got ya a game to a particular okay I made the movie oh wait hey what are they doing a preview must be tying okay they're not scarf and this is the water to move that'd be sick it's not though but now there's never swamps now they're in the swamp now I hope they over Talan are they got to be really funny they go over rockslide Creamery no voyage that was in the book mine I wanted to avoid but it's fine but there isn't a lot of damage I'm gonna sludge bomb into Clefairy and go for hyper voice I could of course go for a sleep powder but I think of this situation I'd rather just go for slug Lomb well ferry does not get beat up yeah I don't think they wanted our necks because it's raising there all right I wonder why they went from rock sliding like maybe they expected Charizard or an I tell suspicion I always wonder if this swamp yeah you can raise your speed if you want but it doesn't really help because you're in the swamp we its woof gang swamp gang baby II oh maybe it's Rhonda they might be ten to one shot my my Kareena I guess Bop cuz oh I didn't do very much damage actually I'm gonna poison okay nice this is new video and I had never was comes out good bit of damage good bit of damage done bad they're gonna damage see they try to kill here no stream comes out into either okay they try to one shot free marina they succeed one trying to marina which is unfortunate another plus speed okay so I think we go place Yun here I don't think nine tails is really the the end game and we have two turns left with swamps we have to win before those run out yeah oh and I don't mind toes in the back I've stressor so let's see let's check my Pokemon they have in this team draggable darken on Corbett and Chandler I think pretty much regardless we want to get a sludge bomb off and we want to get a max Kallstrom off the breviary kick good word of the Dynomax is kind of important here we want to force them into their Pokemon that I can sleep powder and then I can speed control versus I'm forcing them to follow me if they want to pick their brain area I guess the worst-case scenario is that like protecting life do with remax burden life - I'm not sure I needed to Dynomax here but I wanted to get hell up I thought it was important also if you rock slide brave bird superpower I don't have you a mex card like maybe their assault vest didn't take very much damage for my hyper voice I don't have X so you another +1 speed it's still way slower than me in the swamp worst case there is a max card that'd be pretty bad ideally they don't do that I mean I guess you could you have fire tips in the back so it's not the craziest thing protect with ferry again I mean greedy in my opinion I'm just gonna say it's very greedy that's why I did this play because I had a feeling they were like you have to keep people honest sometimes good one buried very nice okay now stone comes out I don't know they know help swamp works but we get both chaos this turn goodbye pretty athlete unfortunately though this is I don't think they know about swamp we shouldn't say it I'm getting the feeling they don't know about swamp - or take some chip damage I might have to invest in a max strike this turn good poison was nice dick was here he goes down dubstep it yeah what's up okay tutors look through Dynomax one drill left is swamp the swamp is the thing to concern to me here I dig it's no cloak actually for the first time in a while Chandeleur Arcanine it does that Corvette Chandler okay I think I'm Justin go forth kills here I'm gonna go for a sleep powder into Arcanine and the max phantasm it to Schindler I have speed both Pokemon they have two fire types and I have a charger in the back and I charger so I basically put one that I'm at against fire left with lost bring marina already I guess that explains why they tried to KO garena so fast sleep better comes out and connects our kena is gonna go to bed this should be the end of Chandler as well unless it's know if there's no I didn't I think that would predict chandelier for me and I will take some damage here but I think I could win anyway they could not be sat on this thing they probably are yeah they are sash but I still think that was my best move let's see if they can hit a heat wave in uh so they're gonna heat wave inhale okay we'll do it I will do it I will do it snap turn not trying to turn one legal trickery me eat what comes out they do miss the Glaceon the hit Venus or so is the end of you to soar but how's the two versus one and I have one turn left for Dynomax Oh urgent okay I'll check now oh my god why don't we what year are these problems 2011-2012 I don't have a beard in this one where did you get these okay Swamp is gone but I am NOT we're gonna smack them with the OL air sloshy and ma'am none thank you for the sub don't necessarily agree with your Genesis with the message but I appreciate the support okay alright glacial actually did really well this game I'm not gonna lie swamp gang set up for the Glaceon winning there's something very fun in the vehicle a hsien beating a Chandeleur I don't know I think everything it's very clever but not clever but I just think it's very goofy alright let's see we're still an ultra but we have to we have to just go on a win streak well we probably still need two more wins realistically so we just lost the one before this one okay two wins that will get to master bolts here but we are wasting time 2011 where did you find those secret okay all right I'm getting tired so we need to do this quickly because we're not even in master ball yet we're all gonna to play at least a game someone's definitely beat us to master ball but we maybe if we can win one or two games you can do it please please please fast fast victory fast victory I don't miss having long hair now is annoying they were part of it that I miss like it was super soft miss my hair is so soft like weird a like some of the softest hair ever you can't really tell when it's when it's like short it's so soft but it was like it felt really nice not like the hassle of it is not worth it come on please what's your name oh come on you want Smash Brothers triggerfish come on come on come on come on finding trainer two three two one no luck sorry come on come on please somebody anybody I don't care no that's that's really bad that's really bad hacks dude when every second counts that's Garbo mashing a I'm just gonna mash a a but really it will work I'm no Ludwig but I'm doing my best come on okay all right Andy you are an obstacle in my path and your team is an obstacle in my path as well okay stupid to write you again this one at least they can't control the weather so we're wait I kind of want to just do Nigel's charizard that probably loses too like a lot of things though right I kind of undo Nigel's venusaur charizard charizard venusaur ninetails place young I feel kind of weird not having glaciers really good against some of these people one I'm gonna do it I have faith in Glaceon for once I think I'm gonna regret this but I'm doing it Kevin Hawk thank you very much room for the sub join this time to score good access to all my teams get access to the my hopes and dreams yeah well if they have seen you when these this matchup is garbage I'm not gonna lie to anybody I'm not gonna lie to a single person here this matchup is really bad guys you know there are more eloquent ways of saying it but Wolfe click back against the wall Andy's here Andy isn't chat Andy my need is greater who is he [Laughter] Lapras rides you back against the wall okay not a great lead I'm not amazing I'll be honest with everybody here I would prefer to see other things then the lapis lapis right - I'm gonna shooting over some hard reeds and smack attack them with this Co Angie's here good luck have fun Andy that's kind of bribe Andy Jeffrey she ate it but don't you have faith I go in this okay if he goes for fake yard into Nina tails and Max hailstorm its immunity tails then then then he goes no private okay Arif he doesn't do that I love to go boom thank you for the four months Andy's having fun doing a just having a great time let's go Andy I've seen offers for Chinese yard I've seen offers for Sabo oh my gosh I need salt let's see hey got if I get nuzzled one more time I'm gonna be the moves my mind it's me I'll kill Charizard first turn wait how what does he have my charger won't be like back to rock balls it I probably do all right they got any details oh he wasn't kidding oh he really wasn't kidding wait a second it was a kid hey chat what about what has that bribery going there just not for any particular reason but uh yeah we have a problem okay guys that's fine that's super see they didn't you really didn't double charger in front of the venusaur though I'm impressed that takes guts kid I'll give you that we do fields +2 Lapras dodge again to vex now which let me just put it let me put it lightly that's the problem I don't know if we can win this one my back is against the wall [Applause] wait this is not going well espadrilles with which that was gross that was gross even for me and I wasn't doing it um it's not terrible it's not good it's not great it's pretty bad let's see I'm gonna double out into Khaleesi on I'm in a rock slide and like a Mack fly that you would probably just lose me the game I could just max card I'm not like gonna rush right I get some X bar here what else is he up to see him the goal is when you soar in the end right I'm gonna max card I'm really not in a rush just a glass gun and in the end I try to move the penis or and he's not forfeiting your brother chats try them what they're not driving very well I guess I think I might lose glyph down here which would be kind of bad okay you're protective anyway I thought they'd hire NIT of migration by the zoom in and I was like what you have a resonance into his art okay so this is actually not terrible the reason I say it's not terrible is because although things are really bad Lapras is Dynomax is about to end and when Lapras is Dynomax ends it has to choose between setting up Aurora Bell which is very bad or or setting up electric train which like either I get sleep better or they don't get a word L off I think this kills even in the rain and not positive I just kind of assumed it would okay no you've got to be kidding me no okay that one very bad I should switch to nine tails oh god it one shot me oh all right we're back against the wall time chat okay well it's it it's a two versus two but they have a week's palsy Lapras and I ain't you don't very much and I get her water villa so yeah it's not great pretty much a lot of things could have been better than that no Andy's not an N he's not being a homie he's making the right moves I can't believe it survived that message tonight until there would have been good because now the problem is hallway and he says we'll be in tournament this weekend winky face Andy it's not over we've taken out two of the problem Pokemon the the third problem pokemon is unfortunately it's the norway the feeling is in the back oh he is when Yasur interesting ok sleep powder battle sons off the guns up all right guys who's asleep betters more accurate he is Aurora Vail but I have wildfire cuz I've seen you in this this is not impossible this is not possible I'm asleep better do Lapras and I'm gonna go for a heatwave I've already it's running sore on this team [Music] and my missus Lee powder we probably lose if he was asleep better we hit a Sleep Powder we probably win the Aurora Ville is is up lapis goes were protected okay so he's just kind of delaying stuff I go for sleep powder if I hit a sleep out of here we're in super good shape he goes for sleep powder and connects that make sense I mean it sleep better now I just need my knee may tell us to do exactly that now this should be the last turn of wildfire I think and now I have a choice to make do I go for a protect with my uh with my window store or should I go for a I'm gonna sleep pirates a lot first number for heat wave I think I see what he's going for though which is called slides mom into my Nina tails and you know gift ut3 of you forfeit now man well you have homies in the chat but you have homies in the chat I will don't let anyone tell you otherwise I go over sleep at her and I connect so two sleeping Pokemon and sleepy Pokemon my night else is wondering more of sleep than his does but he has a roar avail so unless I wake up this turn if it's was wrong to accuse me earth power Oh God did this to Iquitos we're probably screwed yeah I mean it's Daniels doesn't wake up so we're super screwed Nigel stays asleep actually it's not being a homie so I think the way I don't think I can win this actually I think this is I think this is over I think I lost to Andy so that is unfortunate I have to go for this I would need probably a critical hit on my Pokemon Andy says should i forfeit he's just toying with my emotions spinning I don't crit okay get rid of the earth power let's see if I can get [Applause] okay they stayed for his sleep before another turn I mean let's see we know he's not okay basically it depends with his Venusaur two shots my venusaur I actually have a feeling it's not this Andy okay he doesn't put a glabrous so just basically I can still win this if sludge bomb is like a 40% just like 40% to Venus or if he's probably modest so everyone comes out it's exactly a - okay okay Andy if you're gonna forfeit you have to do it now I don't think this is gonna work I lose I will lose this most likely it's a damage roll pan Andy oh my god the whole Chad is pop it off Randy bandy it's not for me the chat is powerless to this man was well read I lost also I'm sorry well and she's not gonna and just not give it to me that's alright you can't blame him alright so the first ones mom did 78 no 79 when the second one to do 76 it's a role he said he's battling you before Andy appeared on stream oh it's really true he didn't he didn't okay that's unfortunate oh god yeah alright Jesus Bob come on with the story and we lost to Andy good game Andy is not a homey and he doesn't care about me he doesn't care what I stand for it really was Andy Andy is not a homey I do appreciate that so many people in the chat would have done it oh god it's snore like stuff what on earth am I supposed to do against this oh yeah Charizard turn the night Jess what do they do against chars are nine tails wait actually what do they do get a charger nine tails this team of this whole team is built around Snorlax when you're sore and free marina all right here we have our charges are rubies so set we'd be super set I mean none of my Pokemon are relieved maybe Togiak is actually in the back here so I can redirect Snorlax a tax return like this whole team is just like can you I can also go max lose with Venus when one and sludge and heat wave but now I think I like this better it is all right I gotta win tomorrow I was superb as I say impressive love destructor Snorlax and who's the support and didi so I think turn one I actually did over Airstream to that turn to I can go out fire this Matt I wish I'd heatwave on both pokémon right now that'd be really nice yeah I'm just gonna try I'm just gonna try bullying the Snorlax with all my moves no sexy the psychically okay if I had double heatwave here there to be so easy but on air stream and heatwave here speed time with four to another pair of Pokemon when she was speed tie which is very unfortunate right about now this is all mostly not a great matchup because I don't have great spread moves to smack this thing they could have like max Rockville Snorlax so much cuz I'd probably lose turn one like I've they just Dynomax from X we're all pull me right away I think I lose unfortunately yeah the more I think about it the more feel like that could actually happen here yeah we should be really bad so they stand with both cuz that's one way around the max heatwave max key wave where the heat with heat with I just kind of assumed they'd go for the belly drum play but now that I think more about it I think maybe they go I don't know it depends on people this team is like so clearly built around the Snorlax but I don't have the book to be dealing with I messed up I'm so stupid they're gonna rock for me I can feel it they definitely a rock fall okay I don't know if I can win this anymore guys that's a really bad turn on the thing is like if I ever Snorlax it's easy but I even brought like I brought only support Pokemon basically he way comes out they don't even follow me and respect me enough to follow me give me a bra full boob extend I know thank you very much the subs Barry yeah this is this game is over that's a net loss for me I feel like as I can see it walked a little 4 bit at this point oh my god what a play and then do the rock fall wake into nine tails okay I mean fun terrible I do die which is pretty bad but I don't worse there's nothing worse they don't have they've quake belly drum they might have rockfall I've been on the ruffle [Applause] alright I'm gonna take up the indeed astern I just need to hope they don't have rockfall because if they have rockfall things are gonna get kind of bad kind of fast yeah these next few turns are gonna be really important follow me they don't forget sleep powder that much is clear yeah I mean if I get the wildfire off turn to you which is good yeah I'm over this cuz I definitely did indeed you gone I need charger just survive here basically at this one of things and Jeannie goes down see I feel like if they have rockfall it makes more sense to go for that turn one and gentelmen wake oh let's see quick again okay so their little special defense boots they want to basically become very especially will key to the point where I can't ko them which I respect for sure all the way with the pledges I think I have a chance at this head-on so they probably have to go into either targets or a bomb be here the Wildfire is going to help a lot I think so they're going to either hit towed you guys hitmontop or or ribama bit we're Bumby told you guys okay that's fine I'm gonna go for I'm gonna go for a wild fire here trying one shot it and then I'm gonna switch into my own toad yuccas I'd like to save my son relax if I can or my Venus or if I can basically just want to lose pokemon for no reason and the Snorlax clearly doesn't have max rockfall in my opinion so if I get another KO here then anti Psalter Dynomax then I could be an OK spot because on the one hand yeah all my Pokemon are you know they're all you know oh come on come on why do I deal with this how this shows you guys long enough no sucks hey damage I mean I am doing damage slower than I'd like quake comes out again desert yes so Dynomax is over but I've taken I'm almost a son I don't live two turns left the Sun which is very bad for Venus or they have no buried right now which is good I need to keep my Charizard alive I'm over the fire pledge here it's my strongest move into the Tochigi and I'm gonna go for a big ol dowser gleam just in case fireplaces in Ko I should I am still faster than heard you guess so that's good the problem is of course that a bomb B can come in let's see I need to get rid of toad you guess this turn because that would mean that next turn I get out speed where bomb B or I need to get rebound be in the burning field basically if the ours was a gun that's bad but like I'm still doing damage they're not doing much damage did you won't have rockslide there's no way come on fire blood comes out does not care told you guys but I do have max speed so I go over the double the Chukyo Dukas more damaging the Snorlax to go for a body slam let's pull para here into overtime and there's a lot of damage they could stay do a ton of damage and they get the full para I swear I'm but I feel like I'm about to lose I have a feeling I'm about to lose this how about to lose the party's thankful para I knew is your bomb be um but alone be I have to follow me here at the robe on be most likely wants to go for okay excellent excellent excellent last earnest on last in a wildfire and last turn of psychic strain so I'm just gonna follow me here if I get full parody that's where things start to get trippy and I get bodies Lempira into full para yeah things get really trippy winding on the locks the reason is because of this because we're Bobby's ability blocks sleep so I can't I can't sleep relax so all I need is a follow me here I get the follow me off that should win me the game I think is that the correct place to judge you guess yes okay sash here we go boom blast Oh waiters like this might not be over if we die to this it's Gucci guess Special Attack drop body slam okay we do you are do that okay but it's a one versus two Sun is up fair which is bad so I'm not being being honest bad but I think we can came out even with lots of special defense booths I'm gonna hit with the Bernie field okay yeah and I'm not surprised fine weirdness is gone Sun is gone battlefield returns normal I'm the wind okay we need one more one more right now to get some master ball what up Kyle from 45 seconds to the past alright let's go for a fire pledge and grass pledge a strongest move and we'll KO and even if it doesn't it would put them in a trimer the toxic damage Andy thank you for selling weed ears all right when you're sore can ice and fire pledge wait why does it jumpy to see a fire if the game is over that's stupid and I don't trust the chat I never trust the chat we need probably one more win I hope one more win maybe two please be one please be one dead tree thank you for the sub don't forget to subscribe guys if you want to subscribe and you wanted someone to remind you okay we could maybe finally get out of altar boats here or we could not I don't know if it s it's kind of a mere match but the mere match is like really bad where's these types of teams are normally to do when you saw Charizard truthfully and then the back I think do we even want ninth LCA I think pre marina has to come I think we were 100% has to come so then the question is told you guys nine tails or equation play shields not good here at all like at all at all it beats to Pokemon of each one Pokemon Togekiss is good for support and nine tails is good for the Sun we're gonna replace your establish um stream it's crafty choice okay I'm not terrible not terrible not great not great but not terrible man this be a good time to have nine toes in the back I'm not gonna lie I'm not gonna lie realistically this is kind of a rough a rough start and should I just sack my penis or hear that sounds like a bad idea right I shouldn't a sack might be destroyed when I have a super tempting snack in the back I'm gonna protect and scratch it makes me nervous cause it could that head smash and I don't think it an Airstream okay of it I'm gonna 7/8 in the treasure okay I either they don't Dynomax or the dynamics crafty or they are solely to me I mean that guy was go for a speed tide turns I realize like there's a good chance raise X thank you very much for the sub video Dynomax okay doesn't reach aren't abuse ball this is looking like a rough match up the one good thing is I do of prin Rena I wish I had nine toes Everglades and I really know what I was thinking if I have nine so is everybody done here this becomes a lot easier because then I can switch it and do this warrants leap out of the Charizard but I didn't bring anything with Charizard for some reason so that was kind of questionable protectee Rio they give it a gifted sub I think it comes out there should be one you swore it yep let's see if I won the second sweet eye I do in the second seat in the second speed ty excuse me and we do not bad damage either not gonna lie damages you got at all let's do they they'd probably Airstream here don't you do for wildfire yeah airstream you Alec sense into my Wendy's everyone this one ok so that's a lot of damage not gonna lie I know other people yeah there's a lot of management all right I want to speak eyes so far I'm gonna go for the third it's a 50% chance at worse so I'm gonna go for the double into the Charizard if I get it then I will KO Charizard and if I don't get it then I'm in trouble actually said that buddy we've got good damage in the Charizard maybe maybe the Sabre play was airstream aegis crafty and then sleep powder into venusaur or so go to Charizard so like hedge my bets a little bit in case charger for himself but yeah I didn't do that the driver is a retiree he's retiring for a while okay I do want another speed time so since I won three I'm inclined to believe that maybe Marley's Charizard so be sure to take out their Charizard here which is kind of a big deal taking up the treasure is a big deal because that is a big problem for my team Slugger all comes out now I'm really worried like head smashed crafty maybe it's stupid to worry about that but I'm worried about it let's see foul play okay I think I live this I'm four already sure I love this let's go when you soar no physical attack one just soar let's go let's go okay cool so this isn't bad we get one turn left we can launch a wild fire if you want which I probably will want to do honestly and then yeah I can sleep out or something as well I ought to be their whole team now so I guess the worst-case scenario be like jealous and I go direct earier actually so they can't Dynomax that so I guess I'm gonna go for a I'm over grass pleasanter rhyperior and wildfire inch that's crafty I think getting the past the damage off that's good here I don't know if grass plus K is right here but I left yelling it does I also figured right here in protect itself so I figured maybe like I don't think Airstream kale is crafty so I figure maybe just go for some damage here like this isn't gonna go scruffy but it's you know that the chip damage is gonna be nice loose the game cuz it's just so much to it to go for here because I do think I love another foul play they go for a brick break I should live this as well actually maybe not let's go in your story looks I'm six and the wildfire should is gonna add up very quickly so yeah I think we could win this one having the speed advantage and this is just really a big deal if somebody breed me is your attack Ivy Venus or because if you did your home and you just want me this game so as long as we hit an air slash I think we should be fine here now I know it sounds crazy but we could still lose this like my face mr. Jellison get curse body then things start to get a little dicey what saw with her own you're a carrier all right other than that mr. doose it was true oh wait a second they could be Venus or night as well okay wait you remember what I said what happens I get air slash comes out this could miss it doesn't miss okay so we get the kill here I could lose this like there oh wait a second that's quite bad oh wait is that good or bad there's not a lot of damage I have free actually wait freeze directly showing is actually really good here somehow because free I can freeze dry air slash into the Jellison here too I mean I could also just more blasted air slash into the Jellison or three marina glacier on pre Marine is probably better here right comes faster I'm gonna [Music] let's see I'm gonna freeze-dried that Jellison I should be faster and I'm just gonna go for a protect here I think like I don't really see what chars or does worst-case scenario is like a strengths app with Jellison and they're faster than equation but jealous is a couple points naturally slower the Glaceon ok freezer comes out this should kill if this doesn't kill these super upset okay you tell us it goes down and now we should be able to win pretty much regardless with with crew marina yeah for sure so we won three in a row push it are just thank you stuff look very cool should I go for Blizzard I'm feeling good about Blizzard I don't know a freezer I will kill freezer I will probably kill but I'm feeling good about the Bliss [Music] I'm actually at a wolf stream strange times well why is it strange okay well we must hope they connected I wasted my own time I've got no one to blame with myself a freezer everyone me the game I don't know why I did that I don't know why the loser did around oh let's go burning cumecs wildfire freeze-dry into rhyperior and then water pledge for a cure here honestly I don't really do anything for with my beard like it just this is just the way it grows actually little shaggy right now for me I actually I think that like my beard is weird because like the sides don't growing like the sides like don't go around very full you don't like get past this like I can't I can't like grow like a full beard you know so I just keep it short in the front I think really the trick with facial hair and I didn't like I never did like number 11 in the world okay wait we can do this we can do this we can do this wait we made it we just have to win a couple battles number 11 with Glaceon this is crucial and I have a feeling that when you're added to master ball you get added to the bottom if I had to guess right look there's no reason to be out of the top so that means that there are ten other people in master ball right now if we just been faster we would've been number one but that's okay they also means that can't be separated from us by that many points this is this might be the end of our journey but I need to win a couple more games in a row because this is this is really where it cuts clutch um but yeah I think with beard like with facial hair just looks in general like there's I feel like there's not really one overall rule but he you should find what you like right so like my facial hair is like like my facial hair I like I like the way that I look with it you know like my ideal fascia layer is like the sides are shaved and then if the front is really short like I'm like I don't like the word goatee cuz that really is like a I don't know goatee is like doesn't evoke good images in my mind but like a very short just like up front so I was yeah so basically just I would say just like you know find what you like okay here we go what it rank are they should be lower than us okay I don't know how this ranking works then if there's somebody 21 okay it's a Heil team with goodra which is a problem he'll team with goodra and aegislash and sylveon honestly Shawn is like really good here like stupid good here right because I'm Alicia and Torchic is really good the one thing is nine tails dragon fold like an Aurora goal nine toes is kind of scary true Marine is also really good here but completion in particular is like actually I cut or did you swamp swamp time I kinda wanna do swamp time but if I do swamp time but whatever I did to swamp time and then the swamp gang and then I thought and I was trying to set up for Glaceon nine tails in the back and if they lead like with their own I know that while switching and I'll sleep out of them yeah cuz I get the swamp up like glacially I basically need swamp up to make lee hsien good here but this is a very very very very there important thing this is a very important game punch a weird team give the first non creepy goatee I've ever seen thank you it's just good I don't throw it out it's not like a goatee I think it was like long drag a pole and hoon J Erdos the interesting interesting so I have a couple options here I don't know who they want a diner back to smokey programming often targeted Dynomax and it is Moxie Gyarados which is very interesting so this kind of sucks I'm not gonna lie like I'm afraid of it they just double into my I'm gonna try I'm gonna go for the swamp gang I feel like if I don't go for it I'm gonna read it if I got a wrong I probably lose they Dynomax food it's in a pokeball a Jenner a Pete ball it's red that's probably the GRS and it's probably like jolly sky artists all right so gyre doesn't dine of actions I need the swamp here it's very important if they're not jolly I will not speed them or if they don't if they don't like use videos like phantom Ford to reflect or something because there's no fix abort dragon pool they over you turn into pre marina oh we get the swamp up probably unless they power with me oh no oh no what do they power with me that's really bad please don't power with me or they go into nine tails oh I think they're gonna go into nine tails and that way they can KO my Airstream comes out not into your neck okay when Yasur survives that's very good it's very very good can we get the swamp off which isn't which is crucial that the kids stay that's crucial listen crucian the chat so realistically I think I'm about to get shadow sneak shadow snuck but I can't be sure I actually can't be sure wonderful it comes out grass plus comes out - boobs have become one pebble primero to the ton of damage and then they got swamped on boys so let's see plays you don't like I said is really strong here I think I'd want to protect and do under particular I think I want to sleep pattern hyper wasting here right I think it's actually better to lose both my Pokemon here right I think this is actually best if I lose it because they're gonna show if they like I need to break a potential focus on this aegislash cuz ninetails glacier on the back kind of be looking kind of kind of nice you know yeah they got worse I could have protected but I just wait actually I could've connected oh wait no I wanted both mine don't wanna go down shadows need comes out so let's see that we know they're not life orb i what for hyper voice over water clutch here I don't know why in hindsight but I really wanted to break a fudgicle focused a Cheers I do that I get some nice damage on this aegislash and I'm probably to get over birth okay cool so that's not that's amazing but it's actually not terrible either we get the grassy train out but we'll lose my friend Rena so it's two versus four wolf glued back against the wall but the swamp is up and that's that's that's how we're gonna win this if we're gonna win this is gonna be with the swamp weed you know it's like floor draggable dough and I just like that makes me kind of nervous yeah mark Z activates as well which is kind of bad aegislash heals there's some time okay glaze on and nine tails are coming in now so maybe I should save them on there like maybe protect us better in hindsight though I actually don't know I actually don't don't know yeah I think maybe predict is out of there but I wanted to keep them honest okay drought comes out so fire moves are weaker let's take a look at routine because the pokemon are the most worried about now is that dragging a pole in the back sylveon goodra or nine tails they all like basically most of the book one in the back is just straight up loose ticklish em so the biggest threat in my opinion is this pesky aegislash who hopefully isn't gonna switch here but totally could like glue giris feels like somewhat of a safe switch in here then you have King shield okay that's not great that also means that I do they aren't protecting their generate oh so I will K what here okay [ __ ] comes out are you Shadow Ball as well on Glaceon so it's not terrible they're probably focused on [ __ ] doesn't matter if I had to Garret us here it's dead anyway swamp affects everybody even flying Mars yeah everybody snow what does immune to swamp as you will see here Garrett is is clustering spherically just okay is it and I have enough Dynomax yet I mean there are worlds we're dining next in line tells make sense in this game but I don't think hey just watch feels a little more this is the lust this next turns the western of swamps so this is kind of my last turn to to really make a makeup stand let's see who it is it's not drag a pole that's nine tails okay the cool so in this situation I can kind of just I don't see what stopping me from just heatwave shadow bowling right it'll pretty much mean that I got a ko guarantee get KO from this and then it covers everything and then what if I miss you wait should i dynamics now max phantasm in heatwave what are they trying to go for I'm gonna do it I'm not excited as you wave back heatwave okay they staying with both so if they don't wide guard here and if I hit both my heat waves I think I'm gonna get both chaos here unless Daniels predicts it so 9 tails vs 9 tails there 9,000 splashed oh my my nine tails but only next turn not this all right bull click back against the wall word once that we're just gonna end our last two pokemon they go for shadow sneak let's see if they missed my Glaceon I don't think they're actually targeting blasian I think they're targeting nine tails yep they're targeting nine tails shadows knee comes out that was long as we hit a heat wave on this aegislash wasn't a lot of damage that crit me okay that's fine keep it comes out do I hit both I do okay and this should be a kale and ghost Pokemon I think yeah they have a sash however so there's a lot of damage and now because of the swamp I faster once again then of the nine tails and I get to go for a max phantom here so now swamp is up but because of the swamp we were able to get three Kos swamp gang doing its job now this is basically just playing against drag a hope but I'm gonna be honest it would be I would be shocked if I lost way shutting this dragon fold again it's almost any quadratic Oh draggable degrade franklin's and now realistically they're gonna go for a big ol phantom4 see this turn in the next turn I'm just gonna hailstorm them in a heatwave we know that they're not we just policy they can only hit one pokemon they have to get through snow cloak please forfeit the dragon arts okay that's the end that's effectively a forfeit this is the other nine tails so I will faint thanks to the crit but it doesn't matter I wonder if the hit glacial I wonder who was second before okay hey clay Shawn do a lot of damage however not nowhere near enough and glacials gonna win this game so with my backing into the wall I win and gets the number 21 player in the world prototype it depends on if I get to number one so once again guys let's see how much we climb for this we write this will give me a general idea of how close together people are we were ranked 11 keep in mind that seasons only been live for two hours no I don't want you to double team ma che come on come on come on come on how close together are people very close very close it can't be that far apart okay Glaceon number three in the world there's a very good chance that if we win this one this horrible journey will finally be over this is the most important battle of the evening we're got them against Hawaii okay money thank you for the gift sub this matchup doesn't look great for the people rooting for wolf quick in your swampers too swampy team huh police shot actually is really good here it's for the most part like the extra land to run it are a bit problematic I could just go for swamp stuff again though I'm a little I'm a little hesitant to do that like the problem is the Tyranitar right to run if there's a problem because I have zero physical attackers on this team this is a really bad matchup this I'm a new venusaur and Creamery not in front I think with nine tails and I I think I've the collisions not good here right but it's also not the worst Pokemon I've ever seen I think I think I'm gonna do it with Glaceon I think honestly I'm gonna go for swamp early game I'm gonna go for Glaceon mid game I'm gonna go for light shining in I've got nine tails first like to overwrite Sun and stuff as well third over ice and Chad's popping off final bath bosses Aoi yeah free marina does do pretty well here I'm a little worried at the Rotom though I can swamp that like if I can find a way to just sleep at her everything I expect like wavy Airy exit is really truth be told if I'm in their position I'm probably doing like gravy ax drill I think bravery is the same base feet as Venus or I'm like yeah definitely they're going to check but I will check anyway just because it matters yep it's based 80 so Holly bravery and Venus or would speak Thai but yeah I'm gonna push my my faith and the things that have got me this far which a swamp gang and Glaceon if I lose this is gonna be really bad so let's just try and win this could be at the end of my terrible journey dive ball to lure ball and ooh that's a very good lead for the swamp gang that's a very good game so what we can expect our opponent to do here what can we do here I don't think they I think they're gonna attack me with air stream I think we have to go for the swamp immediately even the grass splits with water plugs aka Rotom I think I should hit the road tile bucket I this to HD my back is against the wall my back is against the wall because of ice yeah the Dynomax probably waiting huh that's very good they Donna makes birch my name is Sean did like it sweep out of that okay TV room protects itself the imagine wrote on Alice which was I would lose my mind they actually I couldn't just OCO the Rotom fight I knew I should have gone for it but we got some damage on the gravy area which is nice we don't get much damage in the bravery truth truthfully we get swamp we're just you think about our endgame here air stream comes out this is probably one Yasur let me sir hangs on but they've used the Turner Dynomax which is you know good for us you should be Thunderbolt and to look for actually hit for me now I just drop to that I don't that's not a crit so it's either specs or it is life orb okay cool cool let cool before which is a super cool but it's sample I think I think this is time to go glacier and it just starts like smacking things basically I don't think freeze guys gonna do a chat I think I have to go for either sludge bomb and freeze dry and knock Dynomax or I think I have to just go for sleep powder into Rotom I think I'm think I just have to go for a chat I think isn't the way to do it my one concern is that at the end of this like although he actually I'm gonna do this no I mean the thing is like I'm gonna be basically down to the glacier on vs. for Pokemon in the back Pokemon are probably torrent at our necks good rule so I think in actuality when those I'm gonna Dynomax house will go very there's a nine tails because I'd rather have meanness or like I'd rather I don't want to be down to like to Amelie I'd rather be able to over at the sand once more gonna stand with both we're putting it all English in guys late we have a glacier and a swamp in a dream and that's it and that's kind of all we could ask for at some point so this is what we this is what we are left with at the end of the day this is what we have left we're gonna do our best here so let's do it Rotom goes for here it's kind of a big deal Alice which comes out okay well that is extremely bad that's extremely bad of course it's a lie switcher Tom I'm gonna smack Rotom with max hailstorm by accident I think this is probably gonna be the end I don't we can come back from this I mean we know it's it's not over gosh I knew and if I cared wrote sauntering 1 hey let's see knuckle comes out into Glaceon presumably doesn't do that much damage that's fine I have two turns left of Dynomax so overeating my own son is kind of bad um it's not a deal which is stronger so overheat is 100 and bismuth to 100 beats power and yeah this is much stronger I'm gonna overheat and Max hailstorm here into a theory yeah it's probably backfires oh that sucks yeah now I mean this isn't gonna do any damage I lost guys I'm really sorry I lost I don't like they would need to really mess up basically yeah wait what am i had the right play I meant to double the I'm a just double the Rotom that turn that's what I meant to do I'm just I'm just wrong my backs against the wall but I don't think I don't see a way out anymore um I'm gonna lose nine tails this turn and with Alice's garbaggio this is not winnable this is not one of all I'm just gonna say it like unless they have sylveon in the back with 1 HP Venus or English I'm like if they have to run it on the back which they really should I'd be shocked if they didn't at this point I don't have health left in my penis or if I have full HP Venus or maybe yeah they have to run it or that's just gonna steal it oh I don't think it can win this actually wait I see one way to win this which is awesome over which we can get up so snip with snow cloak where is the snow globe there the way but I will lose Venus where this turn a hundred percent so uh yeah we really Potter inches around it's alright surely gonna protect itself but we have to go for it we're gonna go for a Halestorm inch deep for aviary yep no reason not to Oh brave earri okay what we should still kill it let's do four interprets itself okay that's cowardly like there is a chance a bit because of snow cloak there's always a chance but I think that they have extra doors lost Pokemon and so if they hit me with any move like I died and I don't know if I killed him the tails from here this sucks okay I do kill with hailstorm so it's a two versus one but the one is non dynamically Shion who has not been great for us so far um if the last Pokemon is sylveon I think we have a small chance he goes rockslide like if we get a rockslide myths blizzards probably a to ako but yeah but the one versus two I don't know I'll try my best but it's basically have to look at this point which is not normally done in our favor because the swamp is gone as well so our speed control is gone so they would need if they've excadrill I don't think that oh it is okay so basically here's the thing their moves are 80% accurate at best but 80% is extremely high Blizzard's not gonna one-shot the excadrill I'm not even I'm not a canary it's over there's the odds the odds are so infinite with this much health like the odds are so incredibly small that it's not even worth talking about so we'll try it we'll keep trying we go a little longer than we'll go out there to cry for a while they're thinking about it alright yeah I already connect yeah that's it that sucks that really sucks I feel like if they didn't a lie switch me unfortunately choke City I almost enjoyed that was a joke like like if they had a lot of Troy so I don't know why they didn't go for a turn one yeah I think my plays were just bad so yeah that was bad we were through eleven then we were three let's see where we are now we're probably gonna need at least two or three wins in a row but the longer this goes on the more people get up here so god that sucks okay that's really bad everyone to Washington 6:00 a.m. yeah but what about me I need to sleep I have stuff I need to do tomorrow I'm mashing I'm mashing who is it Andy the returned number 44 people are filling up the ladder we used only people in the 20s sable is a problem for this team as is Lapras as is alchemy as xql Conkeldurr is okay tough so to deal with it seem like this what are we gonna do big part of me just wants to go all out firepower right five thousand bits holy cow thank you very much thank you very much for the for the for the very generous donation and for the kind words we have to get swamp in the back this is a bait up front so we can get swamp in the back you know what I'm saying ladies are this veto is important for the pledges no well actually no no I pledge you on speed time but no the it's really bad to have pledges with with speed ice and UK at 8:15 a.m. I knew they're gonna lead this so I I had to MIT I have to hope I have to hope here they could be tricky check button that wouldn't be the craziest thing I've seen they think about stabilize it has so many options that could be tricky check button here I think I might actually want to cover for that and go for protect heatwave we'll see what they go for or actually I must what's your dream arena and heatwave I don't really care if they take my throat spray for example yeah I knew they were to leave this maybe if I since I knew they're gonna leave this that maybe she countered it better but now that I think about it like save like and go for rain dance or whoever trick eject button and I just don't want to lose the game because I got triggered dick buttons so I'm gonna play a little cautiously here little slow play that's okay f9 just goes down as long as I get swamp gang up and I'm thinking like if they go for trick eject button like I'm actually tricked by shortening I don't know doesn't seem crazy okay they don't go over to eject button probably the rain dance would be kind of bad here you know what they probably have ready dance now that I think about it let's not like this turn one all right let's look they go for here rain ends would be bad trick room dad I'm sure you good okay I am glad I covered it I had a feeling it was either sugar rain dance so yeah it's not great here rain didn't save life heat wave comes out and I do miss the Lapras which is a little annoying cuz the chip actually matters a lot like it might not look like it but the chip matters a ton here and they were presidents actually probably the Charizard yeah Charizard okay so what I want to do here what do I want to do here with the veil up I need to get rid of this a boy and I need salt or Dynomax there's my two main goals right now I'm gonna moon lost into the Sableye and switch or they need to be in a sort let's try get rid of it I don't think they're gonna hit me with Max Keiser into or max the max Aurora Ville again cuz they already up their veil up they got they you know they kind of got what we came for in my opinion turn to of Dynomax here I need to get rid of say boy I don't think my boss will kill though it's also if it's not trick eject button it's very likely Rosalie berry so yeah I think this is probably Max Keiser into my banjo sore here I don't know how much you're taking this we're probably a lot ooh okay they are Rosalee berry so they probably found playing somebody here or I don't think it's knockoff this generation give me a big prick no crits that's okay geyser comes out that was expected don't lean to when you sort and then then you soar we're gonna go for a big foul play though this isn't super strong when you saw Will Survive return I think in this situation I want to go for a do I think hyper voice will do enough damage I think that it will but if I'm wrong I could be in trouble I'm gonna go for it if I'm wrong I'm really in trouble they're right ah wait what do they have in the back - I need swamp this game I feel like I don't need swamp this game but boy howdy would it be nice I'll never remember less to protect here hope that I could take a max lightning I think better is to be safe in this instance like they cook over quash into one Yasur or taunts they go for quash in ship is probably when you soar I think I take out Sableye now do I think also I might get max lightnings so we'll have to see here they go for a resident to Venus or I could have fruit to that and switch the ninetails actually maybe that would be better I don't think I survived the trip defect yeah I drop okay so basically there's good news and there's bad news the good news is the bad news is I lost my venusaur and I've taken some damage and rain is up though yeah it's not horrible like I said like it could have been worse I'm basically worried about like Sasha the drill I don't know if you run sash texture on this team like they're hang with the Aurora belle up is bad but I haven't I haven't done a max yet which is really good especially since I have charger and most likely dying to maxing here so it's basically my two starters and I do a very powerful water type attack right now okay these extra do I want to say that this thing does not have sash do I think it's like a sash or not it's my question right because I think I'm probably need a rockslide here I think I have you think about the end game here I'm gonna go for a hyper voice and a protect pretty much as long as extra don't connect himself here we should be fine I just don't know if it's a sex do drill or not like on this team you could run fashion off for me but you don't have to they're good the other good news is that they did they did go for a roar about turn one with their with their lockers means that in theory if it's not what's the one for here the two bad things are protecting than flinch takeover rockslide so since the rockslide please miss memory and I just give me some peace of mind here okay there's just as long as I don't flinch or I guess I was humming if their life orb that lived a life with damage to me yeah okay that's good now we know ok hyper vucic comes in they okay we also know now that Lapras is not shell Armour which is very important so we got a one-hit ko there [Applause] one turn left of the Aurora Bell thunder comes out so I don't die okay okay so we're gonna really quick Cal cover buddy cuz I think this is probably Toby kiss if I had to guess so Togekiss okay how much does it take from a 160 based power move actually wait hang on a second behind the title this is your moment okay so 160 base power in the rain plus one through Aurora Dell it kills according to my calculations it kills so I'm gonna go for it I'm gonna go for the rainbow I'm gonna go for water pledge and fire pledge and if it doesn't kill it I've thrown but I'm gonna go for it [Music] now there's good news news bad news the bad news is helping hand the good news is I'm only losing one Pokemon this turn alright rainbow time I think this will kill him plus one it's in the rain it kills premiering a one-shot Stu look uh Joe gets through Aurora Ville and I get the rainbow which doesn't really help me except that it doesn't mean that I couldn't over special attack easier thunder comes out someone is dead it's Charizard visualization chars are goes down here so it is now let's see if we're are availa ended rain stops aurora Ville ends okay so all I need to do to win this game is solar beam max fairy and I should win actually a forty percent dark pulse clinch and 60 percent moonblast drop so if this were not a high stakes game I just go for the rainbow like rainbow stuff I mean I could still do that but now I think the best player here is max fairy into the Lapras and solar beam they're most likely with this policy but I don't see how you can beat a two versus one with Rena here curry marina back against the wall carrying the team Okoye get Togekiss through light screen through Aurora though that's a big deal this could be it everybody solar beam comes out the animation takes a while nine tells us absorbing light and then we'll release it into Lapras his smug face I'm proud of how we played this one eyed we covered for we covered for rain dance we used rainbow really well that's a lot of damage and we just always you can activate but it's not gonna be enough I think because prune is gonna attack next and bring this one a home so wait we were speed time wait what just happened why did we reach B tying that whole time didn't my Primera always move first only one one speed tie I think okay well there's good news on this primarily bad news yeah wait no there's no what we can lose this right we know there item they would need a quadruple protect please don't go for a cruise on please don't be this demand this chat is celebrating but they don't know what's in front of them they don't know what's ahead of them they don't know what the right to see the rainbow should make you in speed dyes in my opinion Schott says POG but they haven't seen that my Priya marina dynamite just go one shot my thunder and Sun okay okay that's it nine-toes goes for solar beam absorbs light come on Kurama okay now let's see okay Lapras goes down what is our rank [Applause] Andrew now Andrew was ranked 44 so I don't know that soon enough points for us we were ranked 4 we were ranked 4 we have run won three in a row alright let's go ahead and check we're gonna update our ranking ranked about nope no I swear I hit down rank for update ranking come on come on come on come on please let this all be over let this night be every over please that's insulting that is so insulting oh my god maybe one more maybe one more we'll do it cuz every time the longer this goes on the more people clog up the rankings God every game is so I feel like this is it I feel like I'm about to lose no we have to pull through how is every game so difficult number three versus numbers another low ranked opponent with a Raichu no answer editor this is a this is a god-awful matchup not gonna lie to the people at home place Yun's no good here I think I have to go this I have to put my faith in the swamp I always forget that I have the option of just like doing like pre marina Tajikistan just trying to roll through people I think that probably pretty solid do I don't know if I want to start experimenting with it here although actually it's really really solid they're gonna leave with like korbinite raju right they're gonna korbinite right you right so I'm gonna hard to read a korbinite right you leave I hate write you so much with this team so what do I expect I've gotta win this one core what did I say I knew what they're gonna leave but the turn one is kind of tricky so like what is my opponent if you're my opponent what do you do here do you fake out into Venus or like you can't you can't just attack with both your Pokemon right cuz if you do you'll get I think I'd eat weight for sure I don't think I make any weird plays a few wave the question is do I sleep at her to keep him honest or I protect to perfect my integrity I think I'm shooting to sleep I think I'm gonna go for the same play I did last time which is sleep better oh man this is tough I don't love this please like surrender probably swishing in I went for heatwave just and like sleep I don't like it could backfire but it covers a lot of options it puts offensive pressure on corners is a soupy Tyranitar yeah just Tyranitar so I don't ride you guys here I could just take got a guest last time the person nuzzled me which is a problem oh that's extremely bad that's extremely bad I was not ready for safeguard right you okay hit both heatwave was just you know been good this is gonna be a tough one chatter I don't see how we're gonna work Oh actually you might I've seen you in these I've seen these I have ideas this is pre marina and protect here and then I can go to the swamp I just need to make sure that I got a speed boost at the right time of charge all right I think I'm like I got through his turn to try so I know max a little bit chip in tirana car is actually not bad here like I'm not feeling too bad about that yeah safeguard fake-out nozzle volt switch for today - I think they have brick break as well like right shows a lot of moves nikitos have faked out I think it does a fake out so if they got safeguard probably an electric-type attack it probably has nuzzle there comes down to mixture in a jar that make sense I need to get through these next few turns Roger doesn't switch but it could be going from volt switch so whoever who can never be sure the other officers I dynamics mind the other option is head Dynomax mightiness we're in this game but if I I don't think it really works truthfully let's do the go for here probably max rockfall or do they go for a ride shoe nozzle okay that confirms my suspicions that you have no goal so I got hit with them knives which is a little run for it hit with max rockfall I think this is gonna be into goodness or user control any damage that should get a lot of damage I'm not gonna lie so I have two options I think I'm gonna get maxwell hold again the problem is I can't really stop nuzzle so I could Dynomax my Venus or I could talk max my Venus or here it's not the craziest thing I've ever done the problem is I'm immediately gonna lose my actually yeah I think that could work like I'm gonna immediately lose my son but I got that's good we should go to ride yoohoo again I just really hate I think I'll take a max rockfall from China sorry if I don't I definitely just lose oh yeah basically my plan is try and use Dynomax to being a sort of to like do some big work here and then yeah I go from there with Charizard come back it does feel kind of stupid you gonna make me destroy those to make this bad I think I'm pretty sure I take a max rockfall and eternam sander to Max's comes out so we do get rid of [Applause] Rockville comes out into Wendy's door all right that did a lot of damage so I'm down from I have 30 house left no way this is 15 no way this okay but why is this doing no damage oh just nicely matter Finland korvac and I comes in okay so other than Corbett could not seem to go for it here cuz I could just one shot if I wanted but I don't think no long-term that's my best suit yeah so then when you were max start here into Super Arena that was the wrong of play I had I had a good play and I didn't go for it that was a stupid play on my part Oh unless before when I predict itself in which case it was already play no okay wait a second chat hang on a second hang on a second there in a rock phone on my pretty Rina please diaper in Rina I don't normally say this but I need you to die this time I think you will pre marina thank you for your service that's exactly what we needed we take one more turn of sands we're still alive it's very crucial it's calculated now we get to go into any details that's good that's good that's good all right so I think this is within range because both my Pokemon toko both a hysto c'mon realistically I think to run her husband shouting right [Applause] but you don't have a switch into this combination of attacks somebody go for heatwave I'm gonna go for max overgrowth and I'm gonna pray that something goes in my favor here I wish I overheated kind of like Luke II wish I overheated he was definitely overnight I'm worried that it will miss but I think that's a risk I have to take Bacon's werenít are out but why are you guys all doing oh seven in the chat turn the girls were protect okay this is it if i if i KO this korver night with my specs heatwave I'm in good shape otherwise it's very bad shape this is plus one but it's still true protects oh yeah if I can't I need I need to ko this to korbinite in one shot with you waves crisis ring goes up which is a you know that's good come on Nina tails I'm for the palsy yep right play alright come on Nina tails I really need you right now he went comes out it protects surrender charge doesn't connected korbinite okay it connects there's no oka bury we'd probably just affect that it's not focus - I should have overheated I just lost cuz i didn't overheat wait actually I haven't lost yet I haven't lost yet this is gonna be venusaur oh into nine tails okay interesting move um well we got unlucky that we didn't one shot up we got lucky in the end we now +1 venusaur and grassy terrain and son against serenity are without sand and grasses rain but it is that +2 safeguards gone which I did forget about thank you for riding me over for me to sacrifice thank you Oliviana is the switch this makes me a little nervous because Sylvia does get weak attack so I think what I want to do here is I think I'm gonna heat wave in protect because like I said Sylvia does get quick track and I don't want to lose - quick attack - so beyond just because I didn't go for protection how much does cricket XLV indeed am i kidding me anyone any takers any guesses any guessers in the chat protect tipper quick attack okay okay heatwave connecting would be really nice here come on heatwave connects up both okay give me some big burns in the chat any burns in the chat that burns the chat crunch okay so I do faint to this however I feel like dinosaur is gonna be out of range of quick attack I have 20 health left like I knowing how much damage attacks do like intuitively like I remember that my hip Montauk faint did like 11 to 13 damage to primal Groudon and still be able to weaker than hit on top and Raveena sort of us walking around on so I think it's gonna be like roughly that range but pick slates a little bit stronger for solar beam into the Tyranitar and sludge bomb and sylveon plus 1 so this should definitely ko and if furniture goes down then chart like chars I should beat sylveon first Shore and I wonder is one my two starters protect from Tyranitar see they go for quick attack they do come on Venus or oh okay maybe I miss click or maybe they maybe they conceded I don't know yeah there's no way quick attack would kill so this is a pin I think yeah there's no I'll run that calc actually at 20 health it's actually really easy assuming they're modest how much maximum damage is 12 oh yeah even if oh yeah this is Knockhill yeah so we was super safe not even with quiet max with damages 14 so that was a guaranteed win but GG yeah was that was a good game all right you may only maybe work for that one solar beam grass pledge we're not gonna mess around with any fire pledge grass blood stuff is that the one way I can do this because fire pledge guys pledge to turn to a fire type attacks for awareness are 3:37 in the morning is this it those are the double bond of blood sure thank you for the sub alright and when you saw it was a tough matchup but we were able to pull through please please let it be over it's almost 4:00 in the morning I'm so miserable please let this be the end ranked battles Markus good morning please rank 3 just just just two more ranks I'm so close pray for me Chad hands up right now [Music] hmm [Music] thank you very much okay interesting wrote something certain that's a fine lead that's a super fine me all right well think think think idiot who's stupid idiot thanks for one second what are you doing alright alright alright what are you gonna do yeah okay okay okay so I the thing is it's so tempting to dynamite to turn one here I think it's super tempting and I'm gonna do it I have this feeling this is Dynomax insane Aurora which actually isn't that bad like I shouldn't protect printer a now I don't know if you I don't okay so if they Dynamics Rotom first of all there's no guarantee that our dynamics where it's on but if they do then they're slower than me which is very useful for me next turn I don't think you dynamically front of Venus or though let's do they go for should be thinkin I think something Dynomax is is it Rotom are in Sonora it's another Pete ball it doesn't tell me anything back against the wall wolf quick it is Rotom now that's actually not bad for us in my opinion as well because the target is like 40 percent this should be fake out into this roof a got into venusaur and love max lightning and to premier unified to guess which is why I made this play to go for take him to Venus where the foot expected that's why Dynomax tie figured it might be good just get the SPECIAL tech foots in play and I am faster which is really good like 40 you know I just forgot that wrote someone's weak to poison I like super forgot that rich almost weak to poison that was super dumb fighting comes out okay that was really bad okay cannot take another one of those so it comes down to whether or not their modesty I'm gonna say it I think I think I one shot I think I got the one shot here and if I don't whoops might lose this game probably will lose this game oh it looks like Alex isn't chat no Alex don't and don't forfeit that's at least let's play let's play I appreciate it but uh no I think I think I've I'm this far okay respect I respected I respect it using in terms of dynamics now this actually isn't that bad for me I do get a hyper voice off here I don't think this will kill it doesn't kill there might be a salt listener other things you very much damage I think that's all of us in sooner Honus lat you're gonna overflow but they might try to recoil cuz the other definitely dead to recoil oh that's very good that you survived so I'm gonna go for the same play overgrowth and why is there an otter on mice how do you do what you can do that swamp rising rise up thank you thank you for the donation thank you thank you alright this might backfire if I don't kayo will flip back against the wall um if this if this max overgrowth just knock ko Rotom and I really think it should but here moment of truth chat you get to see for yourself does +1 max overgrowth one-shot yes yes come on yes it does it's just one shot here we have traded dynam axis so this is you know this isn't over this isn't over but that's looking good don't goes down and I believe I might be speed time with them soon or actually okay I'm either I'm not speeding time where I will just beat I again for a minute takes the kaona Sonora and we're up four to two which is very rare we're not normally when I normally up for it's the only honest so we have the option of going through swamp now what I think they have in the back is most likely good drill and tear ana TR and my lab back will go on her son Pokemon so let's see what he goes into Tyranitar and presumably xtogo who just Falls that makes me kind of nervous because if trick room goes up wait a second hang on a second I have an idea no it's not going to work right cream arena with because rain let's change the space power to 160 in the grassy terrain versus dusclops [Music] we're Lars Jenner damage it is beauty damage oh it close to does not one shot okay so I'm gonna go for sleep powder into two rennet into dusclops here I think I can lose this if sugar goes up I may just lose I can't believe this isn't the swamp doesn't do enough damage sleep at our hyper voice please leave powder I need you right now I need you right now turn it over protective a so it's not the end of the world I really need the sleep header to connect via Sora sleep patter connects that's a huge connection call me The Rainbow Connection boys god that was really important that was if I miss that I probably lose I forgot the address box this swamp won't grow I don't know why this doesn't run tried desktop this is seem like plus to free marina should one-shot dusclops now I get some of the swamp at once on something it's probably safer to one-shot the desktops in the means from there like I've even grasp like or wasn't doing enough damage to win I have a couple options here I think just going for the ko and the desktops is probably fine dress pledge and water pledge and satisfy I mean even hyper voice is fine right Al's go for it I think it's wrong I think I think I'm gonna get to number one of the world I want to do this pump gang [Music] I could have one shot the turn its are here but you know actually wanna see something sick goodbye well after this swamp crunch okay cool look when you was gonna faint here all right and now I get to them with the strongest move I have which is plus two water type swamp swamp gang ten at all it's actually to be okay my final combination is the the rainbow swamp which some of the chat is affectionately calling the gay swamp so first the swamp then the rainbow and this could if we're lucky view it takes us over the edge and finally gets us number one in the world we are ranked number two in the world right now it is 4:00 in the morning fire pledge water pledge it's a water type attack almost like isn't it very stupid fire pledge comes out and waits for from arena and we're gonna end this with a rainbow at least this battle hopefully this terrible saga that make some noise and plus two water type frame arena with a critical hit which did not matter wins here's the rainbow let's see after the storm comes a rainbow is this the end is this the end my voice hurts my my body hurts my mind hurts my emotions hurt physically logically emotionally in every sense of the word I am in pain thank you for the bits this could be it ranked battles okay swamp rights please please please please please please please please come on please yes yes let's go I don't wanna wake up my roommate tomorrow but for in the morning back against the wall ghoulish yawn is now number one in the world did we do it with skill no did we do it with a lot of luck yes did we do it with heart absolutely did that feel good absolutely not despite my ability at Pokemon despite my skill despite my 10 years playing VGC let alone whatever else I spent before that this is one of the hardest endeavors I have ever ever taken the swamp gang was here for me Galatian was not but you know what being on the bench you you still get a ring right Super Bowl that's a sport thing if you don't play in the game you still gonna ring this was not my best team this was not a good team this was not something I ever ever want to use again but when it came down to it and my back was against the wall I persevered with sheer clever approach aka playing at four in the morning today playing until four in the morning the day that the latter reset but here I am I am number one in the world with a glacier on using every ounce of my creativity every ounce of my ingenuity everything that I had we gamed the system and it paid off and it was still almost impossible when there were 20 players in master ball rank we still were having trouble it was a nightmare I'm not gonna lie to you it was a nightmare can you believe a chat place young one of the worst Pokemon all-time holy cow five gifted subs thank you very much let's do a little recap we started off innocent young naive full of hope confident in ourselves and our abilities as a community and as an individual and the individuals me and we went to the ladder and we said you know what Leafeon wasn't actually that bad it took some hard work it took some elbow grease I pulled myself up by my bootstraps etcetera etc but we got there that wasn't that bad I think it took two or three streams I genuinely think it took two streams okay I genuinely think it took two streams okay so I thought Glaceon it's cool it's got some stuff we can do string number one no string number two no string number three no four no five no switch teams team number two no string number seven no team number eight no stream number eight no switch teams again stream number nine no stream number ten no switch teams again stream number eleven no and that was it it was eleven streams and four teams in the end what I ended up doing is I just put glacier on the swamp team and drops a valley thank you for all the support thank you for all the subs you guys were winning the opportunity to be featured in the YouTube video finally finally we got to number one in the world so we had eleven streams that we were ready to give up in fact I had given up when I had the brilliant idea earlier today when I realized that the ladder would reset at 8 p.m. and be back up at midnight so if I played from midnight until however long it took I had the best odds because nobody nobody would be in masterball tier and if I was the only person to master bolts here then I could do it that I knew I could do it right because if you're the oh it doesn't matter if you're the worst cuz if you're the only one who finishes you're still 1st place you know what I'm saying so we midnight I started the stream I played and I played we got out a great ball easily no losses Walter while we got stuck in flus many time many many time at every second people were getting into master ball people people were getting you know people were getting into master ball and being ranked one take something down take this one down and we got into master ball we had some heroes along the way we had some help particularly one hero in particular you know but at the end of the day we persevered and this is where we ended up so thank you to everybody thank you to the swamp gang for being here here is the rental code of this horrible experience then I hope I never do again even Flareon should be easier than this and this has been the story of how I got to number one in the world with one of the worst bog amount of all time Glaceon I hope I never have to use cliche on again I kind of want release Glaceon
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 585,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, vgc 2020, glaceon, glaceon #1, #1 in the world, glaceon team, eeveelution team, best glaceon team, worst glaceon team, wolfeyvgc glaceon, wolfeyvgc leafeon, strongest eeveelution, best eeveelution, eevee evolution, new eevee evolution
Id: Yz0iEXEonaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 31sec (8311 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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