Playing Until I hit #1 in the World or I lose a Game

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okay so here's the situation everybody I just woke up and I actually woke up a lot earlier than they normally wake up because a drive is a morning person that we had to Tom this morning some week um last night I had a very bad night I'm going to tell you about it because I was very bad so here's what happened i streamed as I have streamed for like seven other Lots ten days with Glaceon and just like every other time my ranking only went down and down and down which is the opposite of what I wanted and I'm at my wit's end I've had enough and I'm very upset so I had I had a thought and I said first of all I used that chairman team the other day and I really enjoyed it second of all what I was filming that I felt like I could keep winning I felt like I can continue winning with this team because I went four and OH in my video and so I said to myself what happens if I make a video where I'm just gonna film either until I hit number one unlikely or until I lose and let's see what happens and so here we are so that's the premise here either I'm gonna hit number one unlikely or I'm going to lose but I figured maybe as long as I can win like a couple games in a row which is also given what happened last night unlikely but I don't really want any more losses if you kind of catch my drift I would kind of like to stay at this amount of losses because any more losses would only be more losses and that's bad for me so anyway so we're never 288 in the world got lazy on team two number 30 in the world and have since as you can tell tanked it I would like to get my ranking up higher again that would be nice for me I don't know if it's possible but I would like it I'm actually I don't know what I don't use charity make up a little bit so we should pull it up for them pull it up here just so I know what I'm working with here I mean I built it myself but I still don't really know what I'm doing with it yeah it's just ready to screens drag a pool with surf maybe should ala switch on this thing I know some people or any allies just drag up old if they really want to be annoying I could have also added like Lucario on this team but justified because dragon for gets beat up I could have done like surf dragon darts beat up Alice which never been funny please let me find upon it please please please please please please please come I can find one well I don't have my videos my videos so uh hope you enjoy this little like a whistle anticipation building building I know my microphone might sound a little bit like echo II it's because it's facing the wrong way come on I hate the matchmaking system dude actually such garbaggio it's so bad well that was unexpected ranked battles here we go okay take two all right just edit this part out easy this is just edit this part out Oh Mike come here because he hid lon Hobbit a champion time do these please these you probably my people wasn't as sharp as they used to pop-filter you guys think I think words that sound what are they called automata p is that gonna work sounds like himself I wanted a professor in college it was like I think I'm just talking about how a lot of words will sound like what they are like soft sound soft you know and like hard sounds hard didn't he thought that was really interesting there we go but he's like he was like the one exception is bed bed sounds hard but it is soft I think about that sometimes all right mimic you drag a bolt route some washi for me heyget slash toad you kiss so what's kind of like gold here the fairy types are a bit of a problem I definitely I definitely need colossal here I don't think I can get through the fairies without the triple fairy pokémon without colossal so I think this is gonna be a colossal Dragon Ball lead yeah like I'm put I might go for a light screen this game for sure and then in the back so Conkeldurr really honestly isn't great here so I don't think I want to bring it I think I can bring chair the special defense for this to come in handy polluter is actually so bad here have like never seen a worse imagine fourth all go there in my life the problem is that I don't bring Conkeldurr I would have to be more you know what guess is fine maybe I do okay so I think Freeman actually I think dreamer it is the third pokémon here this is a rough match up that the question is either cherrim or dusclops cherrim is not break as a son we get to marinas water tech moves but it does also give supreme rain especially depends boost which is kind of useful here and dusclops gives me trigger I make a speed control I want to bring chair am I think I didn't have and have steel palms it has helping hand in a sunny day I think I think the special effects boost is worth it frankly now I fought in Britain most leads here we find I'm most worried about Rotom wash up the front that would be kind of bad they wouldn't pull my damn is calculator cuz I know actually not much I take from X geyser converts and watch in the Sun and dynamite we're on wash and okay so I had a feeling this is gonna be the capabilities here let's see so Rotom wash Max Keiser versus colossal Dynomax colossal in the Sun it should not pay out of its life work though what count so actually we're gonna do here is I'm gonna say okay they expect me to surf I'm just gonna rock protect and go for a light screen here I like this move because this very likely that we're trouble dialects I expect the speed limit could be of course so I guess and a max airs doing there'd be kind of bad for me but realistically it is the Rotom and the thing is and they go from X geyser they're gonna activate I don't have to serve myself which is nice I guess for theory I don't even have to dynamaxx I didn't want to he just walks like here let's here they go for though it should be follow me I think no they actually don't follow me so I don't I mean I can see what they're going for lunch can you come without you ever guys are okay so they're gonna activate witness policy now this is still them to a watery eyes it looks like we've hit a lot of damage so that's kind of bad even through protecting and light screen that a lot that kind of implies is off that's vitam to me [Music] they like work do not look at differently okay so not an amazing to everyone this might be the end of our challenge right away now I have a choice I can go for of knots flare here but the problem is the rain club the other options just and Dynomax might clear it in the end so we don't really know when I go through this workshop I don't you know for I think Rock Slide I don't I'm gonna I'm gonna need to dynamite River this man shut up terrible it's not sure pretty good awfully I just need to remember that I can't I can't you want I got it back so Kiki's water so I'm gonna do the rock star dragon darts here does that reflect as well she's like an investment relator oh I'm gonna drag your tongue do follow me okay so I think cluster rocks legend kayo if it doesn't we're gonna have a problem they were following me I go from rock slide I miss the Rotom which is a huge deal that's a really big deal and I failed to Kay out the total kiss oh my god I missed the road so that I failed to give it up guess I lose mine of Expo c'mon so that's quite a lose my colossal that's a rough start it's not you know it's not a hundred where is just looking really bad I'm gonna go chair here and I'm gonna go first I hope the dragon won't serve in the rain will kill this toad you guess it's fairly bulky I do cool very as well and I'm max speed terms like that wasn't unfortunate and this like the chip damage there's really important because we wrote songs a huge problem well yeah I'm shooting for sunny day and surf here I don't think this is 100 percent over by any means the bike because I still have my Dynomax basically and with helping hand and pollen cloths and all that good stuff you ever follow me okay so they don't want to take any hits from a chair I'm gonna serve myself which isn't great it's course however you've got one why did you order this Tobias geez dude it's like every single thing I do nothing works well we got the Sun up which is good I guess this means that my cooler now 1.5 times as as pulpy which is good darkness come that's right big dragon hold it this but obviously this way that nothing would surprise me by draggable Singh who hangs off good I guess Mike special offense falls back to that before how do I win this I think I have to energy well the toge guess and hope at Kos I actually don't even think it well and then I'm gonna go for the flight come on chair I really need this one I really need you to handle it this one never plucked up I don't know like I wasn't like I was like surfers gonna do me any good there I'm a little concerned about the potential defense drop out my cherrylle I'm actually so unbelievably upset draggable goes down and that's you handle a screen as well what is why is my wife okay light screen still up so okay so I have two options here the first is energy vol and hyper would use a special attack boost and then next turn i Dyna back to the hill pulse I think I'm actually gonna do that I'm an energy ball in hyper voice here even though the Sun is up the reason being is like this gives me a special attack boost I still have my super bulky cherrim I looked super ice ooh I still fought flower if can play I could have also Aquajet it into toge against an enemy of all the Rotom but I think this is fine man sheriff's are happy happy flower for me yeah I really need this toad you guys go on and I am about to be playing a four versus do I haven't killed a single Pokemon because for some reason I just can't get rid of this toad you kiss but I have I'm gonna activate my throat spray and I think that with all the buffs I'm giving my all right we didn't get 400 this will be a really bad time to get crit jinx it but Jake sittin Leslie okay I don't nasty paw through the math they can't Thunderbolt until my finger that see it doesn't do very much damage they don't get paralyzed at cross this I got a hyper voice off now it's not gonna do a lot of damage but I didn't use it for the damage I used it for this now white screech probably an end here so now things get a little tricky but the Sun is still up and I'm still in big I'm still a boosted in Romania so it's not horrible I think my prune is slow though as I recall is this okay and then accuse this place so I'm gonna go for a big haul and puff into my Rena and they're gonna Dynomax and I think I actually want to match strike here and lower them to make you Steve I think I just wanna get rid of overtime for short like I still have reflect up well yeah okay we're betting it all in frigging writing here we've we've you know taken to KO we've gotten a special time boost we still reflect the lights cream is now gone this reflects is actually creating clutch rumors gonna Dynomax so if we're gonna win it's going to be here please it in D my girl candy in my program I don't that's super unfortunate I lose a ton of help because I don't have dynamics candy I got to pulled up takeover SD so that's bad they're not horrible honestly like they're close to however your flesh is still up they don't crit me where there's so much less you so much less okay it can't be burned any more anything I know if I ever turned left with Sun and I should have wanted like at least one term left with reflectors and it hasn't been that many turns right I should have some doors down now that actually isn't the end of world it does the world you want some of that but see they going to though still be on or because I don't have one more to Dynomax after this and I do self-reflective I'm just trying to think of like how do I win this okay aegislash is the final pokemon so last turn of sun but i have the turn left it reflects honestly son isn't that big a deal right now I'm gonna energy ball they're probably too much here let's turn some an energy ball into star fall into the queue I guess that depends if the physical or specialty just lash and like what the item is an age / the thing is my career and I'm most likely under speeds it okay no protects soaking shields we're going to use the skies so mimic you is plus two but let's see what they go for play rough they miss good memory night vision hope let's either physical or special I wouldn't take that much damage from this either way I think they go for a close-combat actually lowering their defenses but thanks to reflect we don't take very much than that we get to get a Big Mac star fall off here goodbye okay so premiere it again another kill and this is all because of that hyper boys investment I stood the first channel son is gone however their physical so son being gone actually I don't have that playoff miss mattered it wasn't gonna do like given the pack my career it is all at yeah that much help through like you saw how little close-combat did and yeah I don't think it mattered I guess I just go for the pollen pump into myself and then that star fall here I guess cuz my reflux is going down I'm gonna keel back I think I actually go back to full because of the fact of that I'm not dynamics Candide we go for Ironhead that's no reflective not killing me and this either will K or a be the to be an officer regardless there's sash makes sense okay so we want or we want a game we want to get him somehow despite them kind of rocky start it was a [ __ ] cool up yeah those screens helped a lot I'm glad I chose reflector down there this was obviously I thought we were gonna lose battle one so I'm glad we at least won a game energy ball and then I'm jet [Music] Oh okay everybody so that was a bit of a rough start however I'm proud of that we play that I think we kept her cool we assessed the long you know the early game looks really bad there I'm not gonna lie to you their other game looked extremely bad III lost colossal I missed the rocks on the road Tom which is all kind of important I didn't I couldn't get rid of that toad you guess but I got my screens up I got my I got my boost on my marina I stalled out there Dynomax and I was able to reverse it so yeah okay first thing I'm gonna use 10 of my dynamite candy please think it's here okay this is the pre marina we're gonna move it to the party as you can see if Dynomax level is zero how much dynamite canada's wolf have reveal 49 not enough for a full team Oh 39 - dandy I hate just to shoot injuries or something okay now we're good to go Donna next on next on events okay cool back to the ladder so we've won one game so far and it was close but we pulled through I'm shocked it was surprised by how much you wrote so much hydro pump did through protected light screen I thought it was gonna be like 10 to 20 percent it did like 40 colossal we've got to try a little bit okay 249 we are trying to undo the work that I did with Glaceon gun okay battle to I really hope you guys can't see my legs because I'm so I'm not wearing pants I'm writing just boxers but I'm a debauch too so they're like the tight ones you know like they're actually compression for attending someone make me do laundry I need to do laundry all right hiring component see what they have for chair okay so this looks like a hardship routine for Swart my team isn't terrible against Ripper at all they have the anchor chart this kind of I mean cult leader is really good here I'm once again kind of weak to thee I'm kind of weak to Rotom I'm kind of weak to sylveon but I think I got some stuff for it does someone do - scoffs dragon pool or colossal dragon for the front I think this is definitely a cockle their game a beach a lot of these Pokemon and then the last Pokemon is going to be either I think cherub or Pomerania here the reason I would want to share them is because it would allow Conkeldurr to be really bulky and and stuff and it supports colossal well the reason it one of you cream arena is it's better than sylveon who's a problem so I think whatever so looks pretty here and pretty not like makes my matchup versus the anchor a lot worse which is a problem but Congo decree marina beats more or less everything here except where the anchor is a vice which in this Conkeldurr but I use it on a different team but I changed it to a bum slide and I really look to the Vice much right now but I don't have so I guess I could change that it's nice but um I think it is because fire punches a team so I just I'm just probably a TM but yeah I think of this matchup screens are gonna be important I don't necessarily need steam engine I love dragon ball actually primarily because if they lean badly it could be good for sure but also just to get immediately getting a reflector light screen up which is kind of important but not important but it just helps a lot because the goal here is I do kind of need cloth over this team I think like I might lose colossal carelessly then I might be just a big trouble so let's do it okay so they go with Tyranitar and in this situation so I kind of have two options so they don't beat this policy in the note focus - my colossal how fast it I've forgotten I think I'm like in the 70s I'm 78 speeds so I could actually like I could just reflect in switch to folder because I think they're really incentivized to dynamics here the obvious moves just to go for damage and they might even dine in that clear TriNet sorry and and with that in mind like I'll get my console Duran I won't take that much damage from this I do it be very wary of a light switch they're also probably self rocking because policy like that your best pops yeah but I think there's a good chance that they just you know dynamaxx year or they yeah like I visited the Dynomax which they do okay I like this is pretty good for me because I'm gonna reflect up I might lose my dragon for sure but a getting colder in this position is really nice because I got I get colder and I use mine about it so I can save my colossal for like excuse me aqua jet they offer a helping hand actually okay so they're not going to trick room come to get reflect up let's see if they're trying to drag a boat I think realistically the trying to colossal stay over rock ball actually who okay how's life over mine okay well that says the life herbs rennet are was it good you know that's definite it to know i'm flame arm so i don't remember how much pompadour much with youtube janitor dynamaxx Tyranitar it's max enough goal okay so Mach punch will knock here this Tyranitar dream bunch or ever will I think I'm shooting over Mach punch and serenity are and light screen here I could detect for sure they over to their helping hand so I'm guessing to damage off here the detectives really obvious so I didn't wanna go for it I got the light screen up they go for knuckle this time okay so I will drop to this and they will give dusclops in attack booster which frankly isn't a huge deal oh yeah what's Sandin burnett will draw but again not a huge deal the attackers is kind of concerning I'm not gonna lie the problem is I don't think I can easily stop tripping right now and that is kind of concerning however I mean I think I go through right here I don't remember fast I am but yeah I think I think I'm a preemie now I don't know if they're gonna be able to like they're gonna expect me to eat faster than that I think I don't know like basically I'm a little that attacks just did I think that I think there's a pretty good chance to run to max cards here and they go for a trip which is terrible and we're gonna sniffle attack boost in that instance in that circumstance yeah let's see the slower but sure lots of Korean is one point slower than to rehearsal I'm mincemeat if they go for trick room that I would under speed them we should be good no I forgot my purse my right so I guess this is kind of obvious move but you never know they go for helping hand so my Farina actually probably try this here based how much did you come folder now definitely DARS isn't the attack blue is the 100% of dyes not a lot of damage there and almost no damage here actually didn't wear than I expected this year alcohol yeah I could've predicted pretty Rina that we've been smarter in hindsight okay that's not great however I have tried to put myself in a position where now I think which might sound crazy I know it might sound crazy however I'm here's what you have to realize I did just chunk this desk lobs just a little bit I just chug it just a little bit right and although that might not seem like a big deal I think I'm in a position where I can get to chaos discern because again I've successfully solved other Dynomax and I have screens up and I have a colossal an injury so I don't know how much damage plus two Falls gonna do to dusclops I'm gonna go forward that's them in this is max they're just slightly stronger I'm going over both no because in the off chance it doesn't you know which I'm pretty sure okay Oh for the record myself in case your editor protects here I'll get the KO either way so there's no way for trying to further to survive and Leslie switch it to like it's not it's actually still the other people so yeah the should care I think that I actually don't know reproduction you have actually works with with my own sir but the sand is up right now which is also very good like Michael awfully extremely especially pokey right now the other gotta light screen up like up to say that's sylveon is never gonna get let's see what surf does here 382 80 all the way down to which is more than I expected we got two plus six speed and we're going to go bloop off here so even if those Club survives and if it survives I'm gonna feel kind of dumb because flare slightly stronger than mo clip so if it survives my fault like I'm surrounding like one that I should use flare but I want you to stand up and I really want to go on the field and it drops okay so I made the right move so I got the burning coal which is you know actually a lot of damage and to redditor can't come back in because it will hold a strong thought senior stand to sell up they're gonna take a lot of chip damage from these holes and light screwed so that's really good so they basically we now get to find out whoever thought last book one is the one that's not the one that isn't tryna tart because the coals are super anti still turns with the Dynomax Souter editor is dead on entry and sylveon is in range of a cluster Dynomax colossal gigantic next class or and they have one pokémon left that I haven't seen mr. threats which that is not so I can just G Mexico quilt here if I want I can also zoom X quake it'll definitely ko sylveon on this video for G back so close oh and drag darts I think this is good because it covers pretty much everything let me just look at the team like there's no I don't need to rush here they have no switches to G Mexico cliff dragon darts band they don't have a switch into GX o clock period and they can't even protect for an ATAR because they'll just go just start up over with so I think this is winnable like I don't only do I think this is well I think that we are in a good position here so vocal if comes out that don't protect this should definitely cancel me on if it doesn't and we note written Tara's life long enough scarf and even star because now my dragon pool anyways so we're gonna go to Dragon darts off here get them wondering uh nurse kiddos and now it's a tubers as one I've screamed up I have a turn left of Dynomax and it's gone so I can set the Sun up now kind of guilt-free my reflect is gone so we'll see if I need it if they go into anchor then a vote for reflection I guess maybe max Clarence as lily was better there but I just figured like just in case Aleutian Senora yeah they said it wasn't Senora clasp and I could you go for global with that reflect here and I don't think they can win so yeah it's another one another dumper colossal what that was close that was again where I had to get some big reverse dynamite sweeping calm but I'm happy with how I played that yeah I was I think I was really smart with my Dynomax there and just really probably played that one overall actually like I switched the call letters new one I wasn't greeting with my Dynomax I you know got some damage done to run it's hard to put in range later I I was very conscientious of trick I'm going up and like of course the goodness that should come up but it's also why I you know why I played the way that I did so he got a good ranks for that we're back and talked to hundreds or take over 100 from where we started thank you Thank You chair huh so so far so good the first matches they were both close they were they're both like yeah but I do feel like I was kind of in control of that second one even though I was losing Pokemon so let's see us rain team button arranging with no slips from user so I don't know how much colossal does to Lapras [Music] there's no strain look it's not a one shot to Dynamite's Lapras where does max HP no defense okay so versus a rain team my communes want to do honestly cherrim is really good here like chat wait just jam Conkeldurr just beat this whole team because it kind of looks to me like it does I mean I'm gonna do charm Conkeldurr which is a little weird in the back I'm gonna do I kind of like creamer eating here I actually like pre marina and I'm gonna do colossal I think is the last I don't really need sure everybody up that's game to win I might end up having to dine MX my comp over here like this because um however lead would be a little scary totally would be a little scary um the thing is that I couldn't set the Sun with unless it's scarf pelipper does this team is your overall free flow so it could be star pelipper I could drag philosophy as well the sharpen touch tricity actions so I kind of just want a sunny day to get my attack and switch the defense up and I I mean there's a party off the drain punch the part of me that wants to rock slide we should a rock slide here like it might backfire but I like I just don't see how you leave the sharp open here I guess you could dine it max I kind of want to damage the texture city cuz I can mark I can always walk win to the shark well it's providing my don't you do that much damage open walk coaster be sharp and the market which is so obvious here we're gonna sue China this is caliber I'm gonna pop off okay I'm not gonna pop off but I'm happy that it's pelipper and must they're like scarf trucks tricity and they they attack before that I get sued for sunny day no they actually Dynomax are gigantic feels like we are they gonna get are they gonna like full care of me because that would be bad no they're not going over electric hearing over poison here they want to special taxes right so truck should be slower than chair which is a fun fact that you should know so here's your fun fact in the inside a on okay somebody comes out that's great because I've overwritten their reign which is probably something they wanted and I also put special defense booths which means both like with a bunch of survived now I go into happy flower for me they go for my shoes okay sorry chairman can take some damage here oh actually call I don't disagree with the move like I see where they're wanted but it's gonna let me kill pulses next turn if I want frankly I do kind of one let's see as long as I get my rock slides let's go Rock seconds out okay did some damage but not as much as I would expected to offer but I think that's a Mach much range so I have two options here I can Paul and Punk myself steel back to full or I could I can also just energy ball developer but I don't think they're gonna let me I'm gonna pull him off munch I'm thinkin switch here though like I feel like they can switch I get also an energy ball into pelipper and I'm not gonna energy ball developer and max walk fall into the toxicity I don't know if I survive a plus-one max boobs but I I think that this is not a bad play this is Pavarotti oh that's right I'm gonna mark punch it okay the sharp comes back so we've broken a sash on this thing which is good the one thing I'm kind of worried about is if I drop to +1 maxie Jews here and I don't know if I will but I if I do might have some problems there might be some problems walked out dynamaxx here I might invite you sorry when I say if I drop I meet of my console drops then with an energy ball cherubs kind of a Borden's matchup not gonna live because I get over at the weather and I get a big boost but they go for whose again into cherrim quad Jeremy I don't know if you okay all right well all is like I have a focus - so that's why it survived but I get plus well I'm gonna kill myself no sand is so stupid well chair survives only to faint that's really sad I'm sorry chair that's my bad that's my bad bro okay so my flower get goes away and a Kahlo the tux Lucy and I trade cherrim for it which frankly feels like a bad trade feels like a very bad trade there's also Bakula Dynamite's like homebuilder winning really I want mock punch right now if I had mock punch why being such good position but I don't have my question so okay I have colossal in the back so getting rid of this pelipper kind of feels like a big deal to me pre-emergent come in here they're gonna go probably developer they go to pelipper okay cool so my last Pokemon is colossal like I've mentioned I don't know if I take a hurricane I have two options I can hyper voice which will prolly KO both like actually hyper voice and Max knuckle here um into the sharp-eyed you all just tell us we're gone but I think they would need to double I pompadour take it out and if I get rid of a sharp knife into max guard in the last turn and then dock much I do think if you're in my opponents position you hurricane it's a popular here probably real problems I have it's in this lost pokémon and Lapras is very in validating they go for iron head into Praveen I think I make a mistake to take light for recoil they go for hurricane to come closer okay a particular state home builder survives barely so I'm gonna get to Kahless here good the special attack rays and I don't get a max knuckle or anything anyway so I mean as a 2 vs. 1 which in theory feels good but in practice was extremely bad because survives the hurricane and that could have detected there but if they doubled into my I could also bring a good trigger either there if I wanted which in hindsight might have been better but yeah ok so no 2 R is the one by the last Pokemon is colossal it was not the best but one out of the back they go into Serena oh sorry nah I see ok so okay how many dreams are interlocked too many right so I can't really solve this rain effectively so I'm gonna protect both my Pokemon now I don't think they're gonna go for high jump kick here but you always have to come before it dropkick okay cool so they go pro dropped into my pre marina they want that thing going I have to aquage up myself here and I have to hope that I know how it direct these directions work now plus to flare blitz is probably not gonna ko actually I think it will I'm gonna go reposted bird was here and I really hope that Whitney Majesty only protects my opponent and on me I have to I thought about recoiled but I'm glad I didn't do that much damage now if I don't KO here and they survive I mean this is basically flare blitz the regular player would to insert vs r e9 this neutral weather so I think this is okay oh okay I needed the truck get my my Farina if they attack my colossal okay whoa that was close tums really close Serena gets faint but it's not enough to survive the fight that was very close I maybe should have predicted that earlier +6 speed work with clock so you got sir [Music] okay well that was hard I'm not sure dining magazine calls with rose the play there but I do like I do appreciate my saving Prue marionette for the end me apply all right 142 I think we're three and out [Music] number 82 okay we're playing gonna punish today hey what what hey whoa okay I don't know what to do in the mirror match except when the speed tie well dang it what you hear I mean I have cherub which oh I'm not max speed on my colossal so I'm definitely slower than them however they're most likely special if I had to guess I could actually go for um I he / desktops come over here I should survive anyone hit from the I really want my I really wanted to try them here but I don't know if I can bring it like I think I need for raining here I mean are they gonna be afraid of my premier neck as I could do I could do dusclops approve ran out up front maybe dynamite I actually don't hate dusclops fury up front here with Jeremy turn him in the back term know without now I mean I so don't hate Joe Joe scuffle premier is that better than call it kind of is right because I can all these some throwing stuff well that what I'm um colossal and come folder sorry I really I really have had more time that I brought Jeremy here I think there's no way to make chair and work here because colossal and Sun and boost is really good basically my goal here is not the audience early game stuff it's the late game sweet okay so they had a similar idea to me let's look at their ID ID this look for Rena weakness policy and of course wave incense okay cool so I think this turn I'm just gonna go for an ally switch and a hyper voice because that first of all the trick room is very obvious so there's no guarantee state go for it and if they attack me I think they most likely they're gonna attack my trigger in essence is actually a threat oh yeah so I think that scoff is somewhat safe here and if I'm if I'm wrong that I might just lose yeah we also don't know how fast they're cooling wait I'm not Mac I'm like 228 to be an adamant colossal well there's no guarantee that they are faster Astoria order equal that like I just don't know so I like a less which here because first of all if I were to this Dynomax and smack their colossal water move they lose crumbly so they might go for like okay okay that's right so that's partially like what I thought could happen and they go into indeedy okay indeed a female that's why are they gonna Dynomax here something and keep in mind also it's in my best interest to get rid of therefore green on that's also something that I'm interested they're gonna go for a harmony over every which is actually cops turn away their speech I'm ugly cuz I'm min speed right I think I'm that speed speed oh they're gonna go from moon blots and to probably just bucks yeah they were aiming the screamer into the trying get some damage all but they okay let's see how fast like this I think I'm mid speed okay it looks like I'm in speed I think that's okay so we're speed time so in this situation my pens want to protect them I've got a special attack boost I could dynamite right through the over helping hands probably helping hand Watson to my friend right now if I had to guess I'm gonna go for protective dude they could also get my dusclops but after stuffs good shook him up I'm actually not sure how good remember us marina okay yep so sure come is up I'm not sure oh good that is for me but I do comp litter which is I could put one to have a good dynamite to my crew meeting here I feel like it's a little early honestly early I'm hyper voice and bad [ __ ] here I do any I do feel like it's a little early I go for a nightshade so I'm actually getting this off before they don't go fall they go for hyper voice does actually a lot of damage but I think that my avoid rejection Jeff short and they go for a psychic so that's unfortunate there's it you really unfortunately but a DD psychic doesn't do as much as I thought it would so now I'm gonna move off the pre marina and I'm actually gonna break the ng D I don't know if this will KO dusclops isn't super strong however they don't follow me I need this for prick the K out did the kiddos we're gonna be in a good spot I think there's a brick break please ko doesn't have much luck okay you goes down good time to effort forgot some spots and they win another speed tonight which is weird I don't know if I survive this I actually faint which is really bad well they wanted oh please be quiet where they lost so nice because I guess I should say so they think will become turnout ah this is bad because they can just Dynomax I really need to pray to God because now they can dynamics colossal and aquas it themselves which is a problem the undo brother was actually delivered okay so we know other Pokemon um I think we honestly just won a max enough max rockfall I don't think drum beating lower speed and nightshade here like we basically we just cannot allow colossal to get the Aquajet we're sorry and here's the other thing we have to know my colossal physical not special what is a dynamic then the pilot my walk okay they're just overprotective okay that makes sense that make sense for sure I wonder if they faked me out they don't okay all right all right oh they probably knock off my right now Huskies rockfall comes out to give you a little dance premiere not through protect actually it doc dams is important because it puts premiered a in a range of nightshade next turn and that's really relevant because now I can nightshade in max knuckle the real event I think be able to do anything on this I don't know much about this not that's not great [Applause] other life or that's why okay and so I'm the slowest thing in the field which makes sense we know that they're pre marina is fake out knock off what's what I'll see you running on this thing what else are you running on you or brother take out knockoff drum beating do you this frankly ideally I don't want to protect here I just want it's not fun for me I'm gonna knuckle here use my knuckle the question is do i knuckle creamer inna we're doing duck over the bone I think I dug all three marina actually and I'm gonna protect my colossal and the next turn I think I know the room I don't think they can afford to switch here man I could've just won this game really fast really quickly you go into colossal okay they might all put it themselves that was a good read I mean I go Smita flare blitz them as well let's say that were just themselves no no off you say they do not get their way so I'm plus-one a Dyna magaz to call mother Claire but there would have actually been really good for me because I so how much is +1 Conkeldurr doing two colossal plus one max knuckle to noble okay and it actually is a ton of damage like it's a chance to open a bowl colossal even better that's one the other option is no I think I have to smack it to give it the boost I'm gonna max enough will be colossal and I'm just gonna I expect girl boom to go for a fake out here into my colossal they and then I took them also to Dynomax their Lhasa again the back so let's see we're gonna check out the back console here this plus one max fighting is a role to KOCO bulk loss not surely they have full realistically this is my last shirt at re/max but if I get that the other topics here I'm gonna train I can also just crit it's a 50% chance to came out no ball colossal think over oh they were to protect wait a second that's really good that's super good all they're super slow waited their special special Boulder special oh they're special wait there min speed convinced me colossal I think of it I think my rock side colossal immune to that I think it's immune to uh for know our we had of trigger the trigger mend and I just missed it did somebody not into Superman denies exists it I think that that's the only way that could happen I missed your amending well it doesn't change my plan the boy it's a good thing that uh actually does so trigger mended I just wasn't paying attention I guess it's a good thing they were special all salons physical because especially colossal I mean yeah basically I just need to survive now I think anybody there Cole's really boom is faster than Philosopher's Conkeldurr but probably not lawful yep I don't take damage for a module see lots of trip damage there I couldn't walk punch we know their life or benign plus two I think I just I'm gonna do that protect they got drum beating na coffee how they call it or anything for this I'm gonna mock punches platelets it feels like the safe move I think I dare like I think this is a forfeit this turn I don't think they play this out fools let's go knock that speed colossal you go not my big Lhasa doesn't activate their abuse policy and therefore survives well okay and that's the game all right I think you're four oh that was tough closet mirror matches [ __ ] word I feel like my pre reading is wrong I feel like the fact I feel like I was what fifty three stat like I feel like I should not have lost all three of those speed ties 58 stat try shitty should be 58 sad [Music] I wish I had breakfast before I did this I'm recording for like an hour and I had breakfast and I really want some let's see sand I mean Sun excadrill told you kiss what does this person have before sheriff this is definitely charm game mystic charm gang okay now premier network Conkeldurr so called the dirt is better against mr. drill triggers old kind of not really like this probably isn't it sir from team although why do they mimic you it's not a different Conkeldurr like they're both pretty slow Kong builder can mock punch like a consular can mock context provokes just kind of relevant [Music] [Music] it's not bad here either like the gunsmiths explained we're busily strong and with charm as well like helping him who stood mock punch way more biz is a really good thing especially because it looks like their main their weather of choice it looks like it's Sun um I beat pretty much every lead they can throw out me except for like external Toja kiss or Milotic stuff like Dynomax my little it's kind of hard here but that's why I like the by the screens because you know if they lead X drill togas I just go into chair and reflect and then next door I'm just like assuming they Dynomax quake in the next turn i light screen sunny day or actually I could just colossal surfing well let's see they go into extra Columbus unloaded took this okay so these are two special attackers which isn't terrible yeah it's a terrible at all this reminds me a little of the first game except the middle horse position so I like if you're reading this you're almost certainly offensive Milotic I think so I kind of want to read that their offensive Milotic could squish to cherrim like I think you're definitely Dynomax under my logic here the thing is like with this play is that if I get it wrong I'm not gonna have any offensive pressure but if I got right I really feel like you have to dine an extra Milotic here you don't have to actually I'm gonna predict my colossal go for a light screen I shouldn't just wake up there way that fall is what dream Oh [Applause] check this is similar to the Rotom situation but this time I don't have a who wanted the bat I don't cooperate in the back ah they didn't even go for follow me I guess I didn't need to I guess I see I definitely did quake actually okay interesting so they actually missed policy without activating mine however that's not the end of the world that's not the end of the world here I guess the question is how much is my loaded gonna do it did like 25% through light screen the thing is like surface we do another 25% and then I think I just have to go over to the survived here I'm gonna max Claire and sir I think I just have to go for survival I'm one for a flare here because even though I want the vocal if off what I really want is to survive this turn and I I think I could take a quake like the summe serve just 25% which I'm not sure will I hope it does then I think another quake will do about who a lie swish swish against well that's not amazing I wasn't expecting that okay I think I'm gonna hit think I hit flare milah doesn't take zero from that play that much and we got the Sun up so I can probably look a quake see it to go for the governor okay that's why I went for but you survived so what I want to do for the disks they have they have one turn left and Dynomax I have two I'm gonna max card here and I'm gonna set reflector should I switch to chair them wait a second what I can actually do here is go away I flew something really cool I'm gonna max card if mr. chair I'm here with this is actually a really cool move I think it might not work so this is the last turn of their Dynomax which is good let's see if they have followed me so if she now is which indefinitely they probably follow me they go for quake but they don't follow me again they go for Queen it's not a big deal they don't crit me so now they're back to Davi for my living which might look that and I agree it's not amazing however charit is actually fast and this is my last shirt Dynomax which is bad so I'm marking early at my football I thought this game but instead what I can do is I can actually all in puff myself Oh unless they like that this is good except for the fact that if they call on me I'm gonna kill pulse them oh no but I won't give up I'm not falling for myself yeah okay so max flare comes out and this is a big deal he plays okay it's not gonna hear the church gets good damage I need colossal to survive this tournament the wind truthfully like a colossal faints that I will just lose however I get a phone call off and the thing is I changed my for me to a happy flower for me and this allows me to pollen puff myself so basically my colossus now one point five times more bulky on the special side and i cut the water moves in half again and I feel they go for heat oh I'm so bulky no burns no burns they go from mud shot Colossus so bulky doesn't drop accuracy speed speed speed okay oh okay doesn't matter doesn't matter okay and now I've made it so that my colossal even though okay you know things would go perfectly that wasn't the perfect setup I'm actually not in bad shape I can over rock slide here and I can pull him up again myself and I think that I will can about Milotic and take over allies which it doesn't matter I don't think they have follow me if they balance much like base now they're playing I'm over upside do I connect them both I do okay this tree tail milotic because of the multipliers I maybe should have considered helping handing there but I use just too afraid to miss no berry though it's my load really gone am eager to Tobias and there's no more Dynomax oh and we've cheered on the field and we're healing up a lot with flower gifts or with pom-poms they were muddy water and they miss my chair which is the important one colossal will survive this though I'm positive unless the correctly no don't do any damage as you can see know how cuz you drop down you see drops I'm back to +6 lower must be to raise it again well my electric is gone however we're in a great position right now um a lot like as you can see my opponents like struggling to break the chair business you don't excadrill so and their mole breaker okay cool so in this position honestly I just want to quake hope I survive with my chair yeah I'm just gonna earth quick and energy ball here let's see what else they have this team like is there anything that complet or doesn't beat completar draggable in the back of the concedes almost everything wait why am I doing this I could just um I can actually just protect and energy ball I don't need to rush this right cuz uh because next year I can go drag a fold like a dragon or explore blitz if I want like I said to break a focus ash I didn't if sharing goes down it's not even that bad we will protect from extra grill okay all right there I see you get over Blizzard okay this isn't gonna connect it might not even catch all the good you can suck the Sun the connect okay let's see between me I don't they freeze me too bad I'm surviving one again invisible focus ash um so what we wanted you here truthfully I kind of wanna rock slide I'm getting game for a flick here like I basically just want one of my Pokemon to survive this journey - both I can get a flinch here that's a four times uses an attack extra double resist rockslide and we still do 25% alright that was the worst case scenario I really hope that it never quake so this is not 100 percent over unfortunately I lost both my Pokemon there in a bad play I'd you call literally like they basically just comes down to what the lost go c'mon is like in this mimic you I'm kind of worried and this torque or dragons all I might be okay and the torque will drink a little should be okay I don't drink it okay so scarf trig easel does not out speed extra drill so I think I just heard dragon pool so I'm gonna dragon darts here and then I think I detect I don't want to mock punch though I think I'm on funds just keep him honest I don't think mark much tale about the burn but we're gonna find out please tale that's really bad that's really bad I did I was hoping that we can I couldn't done anything differently I think actually with that much damage on the drink is all I think that even if they can oh my dragon pulled here my mock punch with burn will cave she close they go for a big old bolt beat into punk guy way that looks like yeah some kind of boosting item as well yeah alright I'm going again I think at least I'm gonna walk put some curious first of all I think they forfeit but I am curious I'm pretty sure that was kind of close but I'm proud of that we man there's that my little situation like we we didn't get vivo closed off but we were like I realized that I didn't need to get vocal off off to win I can't move that Blizzard me inhale all right and son if they had missed that as well that would've been way easier all right top 100 we're doing well sure [Music] come on number 135 okay it's Sun tea so I'm realizing now in this instant that I did not bring anything for Sun to you sir and by anything I mean literally anything I don't know the scene building stuff when you saw from sleep pattering right my buddy so I think our answer is hope they miss I like that plan a lot call cooter and dusclops in the back you're right I actually think makes a lot of sense so basically they have no way of stopping me from going for Aquajet into myself and rockslide turn one or she might focal eternal one or something like that like in order to stop me they would have to go for nine tails Nigel Venus or lead is kind of the only thing that can that can handle this this lead but I mean if such Raveena's are such an obvious right here I'd also I mean I have the option of making a hard return one and aqua jetting into Venus or or you know hyper voicing and protecting in front of some leads legging for the night tells me to soar I think hyper woods protect might make a lot of sense Millette see Charizard OB charizard charizard amita's RK it makes sense um well also do marine out of Miami so I think in this situation I just puck would just slide myself it covers almost everything I might get rid of a Pokemon I got it say don't realize what I'm going for that I make every day Charizard turn one some could do that best-case scenarios the Dynomax charizard worst-case scenarios they protect chars are never at the power and then I draw lose they switch chars are the shippi nine tails I think okay well we got a rock slide off on the nine tails it's just good they join it makes wetness or who they're gonna rip our meat which actually all things considered just kind of flying I'm not gonna lie [Applause] so we don't get that much damage off but the problem is if it's we really wanted to be sash ninetails right now though on these teams are often not session ID tails so we'll see awkward just not gonna do very much damage however they're gonna cam my colossal which is really bad and they're really like I just couldn't I just felt like I couldn't risk it put him to sleep powder and last day for some reason go for yurina but I think this is almost certainly Ono who did I miss oh god you've got to be kidding me well that's so bad that's really bad [Applause] well let's find out the items that's super bad Oh so bad sash okay well sashes max I wanted this KO did I no sir nice now they're gonna be able to go for a mess max lose and heatwave can't really do anything about that do actually maybe I want to do we want to sacrum readers turn to get complement in I think I wait I think I do cuz next turn I can't lose both lose comes out probably okay I got special attack booths on their specs ninetails so thanks to Dan there's might even be an overheat specs overheat cook ham me I think and inspect over you can't be there's no vote for this game we go for overheat why didn't protect come on dusky and I just and keep in mind that's unfortunate okay well how when this is a mystery so if anybody can figure it out because I have to include I go calm here and they know what they're going for this turn but again I can't really stop it I don't think I can win this thing is the end the video the video so what are my options I could dynamics pre marina here but I can only use Mac's strike which isn't helpful I really wanted our necks my Conkeldurr but I can't kill anything and I can't solo with puzzler there's no way I got looking one with a double protect because this term what they gonna do is they max cruise my career they over and they're back to neutral Special Attack so outside of them is from an overheat and even then like even if we were to survive this time it would just die next turn so I think I don't know what this remedy it is I made the wrong turn one like in hindsight I think that what I shouldn't notice aquas into myself and flare blitz penis or cuz it was so clear the threat and it was so obvious that Charizard was gonna do something some jank okay so I would yeah I definitely need a double protect here and I need call order to take like topic on this somehow because yes I overwrite the Sun which is I guess crying yeah I seem to wait me doing this Bob I needed like a bike now if I got rid of nine tails earlier this whole game is different in my opinion like if I hit that rock slide but it's rock slide then this is so I guess it's kind of the thing about it be I think return one right she's got this aqua tech also Claire let's penis or because Chargers not gonna stay in there right it's obvious they want the Sun up or I think I also go to protect it in the microwave helper scheme but yeah so I think the way that I win this is venusaur on Dynamite's is here I guess I could have detected be popular and Max struck with my cuz even setting the rain doesn't help me that's not the dark okay so during meditation mist and if they're magnet in mrs. as FAR's gonna like flare blitz panel die but if I get a double protect you know don't protect and then I get hyper like basically if this were we go over the double protects I actually get wait a second if I don't think home builder has any chance of surviving here no leg advisor if they missed that and if they could have missed that I could I genuinely pull on that so I you know I didn't get I didn't give up like I put myself in the best chance to win I got half of what I needed which is a third chance and the double protect but I didn't I didn't survive an icicle crash yeah and again if I just came in nine tails like all I needed was tripping off this buddy get shook them up it's it's gonna be easy hyper voice cuz hyper whisk and other than would eat there an attendant chars are here they go for us to connect um but yeah that's that's the episode so I played until I lost my did pretty well I think I realize now that venusaur is a problem for this team I just didn't play any before so yeah I don't feel too bad about that I feel like you know she was not perfect but overall I feel like it's pretty solid um yeah I guess I guess maybe I should I could do this again if you guys want I'm really curious advantage doctor minute and Vicryl Charizard sash the penis or okay salt like kind of the perfect set for me scarf okay so then we're bad okay so I learned something interesting specs give me light and then we just policy yeah better punch all right cool um but yeah I feel good about it I took it about how this house went over all played for over an hour now you'd eat breakfast which is cool we did I'll check the rank to see we can see where we ended up here but yeah if you'd like me to attempt this challenge again maybe I'll do like one words like can you play from rank 100 to rank one without losing because I think this team can do it this is very different than glacier on where it's the reverse experience where I lose five in one okay yeah maybe I'll try to use rank 100 and then try and play from there so that'll be month that'll be the wolf flip challenge so yeah let me know if you're interested in that and I think that's all I want to say thank you for watching this video please subscribe by the merch guys please subscribe I spend I spend so much time recording please subscriber that's it thanks for watching
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 187,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, coalossal, cherrim, gigantamax coalossal, coalossal team, best pokemon team, vgc 2020, vgc 20, cherrim team, wolfey cherrim, pokemon vgc team, pokemon teambuilding
Id: 9nBrdbeMUBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 56sec (4256 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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