HOW I found out my ex-husband was CHEATING on me - STORYTIME

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hi you guys came back as I'm filming this video I am this close to a hundred thousand I could cry so I'm here today to tell an oh so familiar story if you've been following me for a long time but here's the thing I've only told the watered down version this is going to be the story of how I found out that I was being cheated on for the sake of a new channel I'm going to keep the name of this person anonymous for this story I'm going to be referring to this person as [Music] gosh basic ass douche bag okay the top ten list of most douche bag name's chad chris is on this list brad trent brandon guy paul lake if you're dating anyone with this name just be aware blake charles Richard Richard okay for the sake of this video we're going to call him Richard so let me set the mood here I was a teen mom I had a at the time she was one a one-year-old daughter and I was newly married and by newly I mean literally three weeks ago I had gotten married and I was pregnant with twins was about five to six months pregnant with twins I honestly have limited memory of good things happening around me during this time I got married on 11 11 2011 so 11 11 11 I found out that I was being cheated on on December 7 2011 so if you do the math that's not very long it's about three weeks of being married it from the day that we got married until the day that I found out I was being cheated on so I don't have any notes or anything I'm just gonna do this purely based off of what I have in my head December 7th 2011 I have no idea I still don't know to this day how long before the day that I found out that he had cheated on me all I know is what happened that day about a week before I found out he was cheating on me there were a lot of weird red flags and what I mean by that is well he had always been kind of picky about like you can't see my phone or you can't see it right now type of things I mean he would leave it out but sometimes he would be very adamant about keeping it in his pocket when he was at home like playing video games I would watch him like pull it out text or something and put it back away little things like that and girls don't miss the red flags this was a good what was that eight years ago holy [ __ ] eight years ago this is back before everybody in their mother had an iPhone I didn't have an iPhone he didn't have an iPhone and it's a good thing because apparently the app that I found wouldn't work on an iPhone it's really weird the way that it worked out so I didn't want to admit it to myself especially because I had just gotten married and I was pregnant with twins I didn't want I think I was shielding myself from reality by just choosing to pretend like nothing was happening but it got to a point where I looked up if there's ways to see who people were texting in the past I had tried to get a hold of his phone and if I did things would be deleted so it was that kind of relationship it's not like we had a closed phone policy like I if I'm remembering correctly there would be times where he'd be like go through my phone like go ahead go through my phone but it was the times when he didn't say go through my phone that he would like keep it hidden and when I did go through his phone nervously deleted there had to have been a decent amount of red flags for me to actually sit there in Google ways to see people's text messages or something I came over exactly what I said but I just literally went in did Google and it came up this app called I don't think anyone was even an app it was a website like it was before I mean there probably was apps but it was before like everything in your and its mother wasn't out I don't know if this [ __ ] website still exists but it was called spybubble spybubble calm at time your girl was a broke-ass [ __ ] I was in school full time I was a teen mom YouTube was pretty much just a hobby back then I'm gonna obviously wasn't broke but I didn't have like extra money to spare we had just had a wedding I was pregnant with twins I was saving for that I had a daughter we were tight on money so this at or this Web site costs $30.00 to do and I had no idea if it even worked I think I like looked on the reviews on the website itself which is always sketchy because you never know like if they pick and choose what reviews end up on there but for some reason there was something in me that just said just do it just try it I think I ended up putting it on my credit card even but because it was like 30 bucks to do this thing so this website claimed to be able to read people's text messages track who they're calling what times is this is all happening every 15 minutes it would record like one minute of sound or something it would take pictures like every five minutes it would just like snap a picture and somehow save it to the website but not to the it would show the websites that they're visited this [ __ ] was probably illegal it would record the phone calls it would record the voice messages and it would send it to this app that you paid for you had to like login and you could see what was happening I sound like a [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] but you guys it works so let's bring us to the morning of December 7th I was in school full-time it had to have been either my third or fourth semester in college and I had a child development class that morning prior to leaving Richard would often sleep in in the mornings and I would be up with my daughter you know like making her breakfast and doing that whatever I'm just getting ready to go to school it had various specific directions of how to put it in and it was so sketchy like so sketchy step one get the phone step two I don't remember what it was honestly this is so long ago but you had to like click this this this this and this and then you had to download this and then you had to type in this and you had to do this and then you had to delete this so there was no you couldn't see it it was on your phone you would have no idea that it was on your phone at all again this is probably out log now at the time it was there I don't know so he was sleeping and he had his phone sitting like right next to his face and he was sleeping right but I knew like based off of what he normally does in the morning there'd probably be a good hour before he woke up so I sent my daughter up um like made her breakfast and stuff sat it under in her high chair nice knock back into our room stalked back I walked my ass in my room I carefully grabbed his phone I put it in and then you have to restart the phone and then I went and I put it back and he didn't wake up and then I was like so then building you have to wait for is for things to happen as soon as you send attacks this website would be tracking things and it would update the website every 15 minutes there could be like 20 text messages sent but you would only see it every 15 minutes and it would update and you would literally see it would have a phone number and the message and a phone number in the message and then like the times that everything was sent but again I knew that something was off and honestly like honestly you're not willing to give up your phone to your significant other that's a red flag I was married to the man I bought the [ __ ] phone like I feel like I had every right to put it into his phone if you don't have anything to frickin hide then there should be nothing wrong with it right so I put this thing in his phone and I got lilia up and ready eventually he woke up and I said my goodbyes and I had to leave to go to school i sat down in my class literally guys within 15 minutes of getting to my class Richard was already texting some number that I didn't know didn't work I put it in my phone because we have like all the same contacts you know so like I put it in my phone to see if I recognize it I didn't recognize it but at the time I'm like helpless there's nothing I can do at that point within those first 15 minutes of reading through the text that were being sent I knew that I was being cheated on there was something about kissing and something about what are you doing tonight like that kind of thing I obviously couldn't say anything because I didn't really have any proof I mean I had proof I didn't want to blow my cover right away I wanted to kind of just like see what happened I wanted to know the extent of things because I didn't I didn't want to jump in it too fast and mind you I am NOT a confrontational person so this terrified me the thought of saying anything to him absolutely terrified me I could not concentrate in class that day are you guys I was so devastated not only was I [ __ ] emotional because I was hella pregnant but my whole life was falling apart before my eyes and I knew it and there was nothing that I can do about it so I let that class go by I remember we had a break meal like a 15-minute break and all I did I like brought a snack I didn't eat I just sat there and I was watching him text this other female [ __ ] that you shouldn't be saying when you're married I think I had three classes that day so eventually I had a break I think it was right after the child development class I went home this is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do I had to see him face to face and not say anything knowing that I was being cheated on knowing that I didn't want to blow my cover I had to go home and talk to him as if nothing was wrong I don't think I did a very good job of it I think he ended up saying like what's wrong what's wrong and I think I just blamed it on like morning sickness or something I was like I'm just not feeling well and you know but really I was so sick to my stomach it was really funny though because when you watch the pattern of these texts when I was home all of a sudden they stop and I knew that because they could see the times of everything eventually I left again I had to go back to school throughout that class was when things really started getting vulgar it was an English class followed by a math class that I had so sitting in my English class and pretty sure English I couldn't check it a whole lot because some professors are just you know you have to like super pay attention more obviously that day my brain was like not there I probably shouldn't have even been in school but I like never never missed school and I just remember after the English class reading all these texts I specifically remember him saying Jess is gonna be at school for another X amount of time can you come over and cheer playback something like oh my mom says I need to vacuum more rooms and do this and not I don't know if I'm gonna make it in time so when I saw that tech that I'm not gonna I don't think I'm gonna make it in time I texted one of my best friends Courtney she was my maid of honor at my wedding and I told her what was going on and we were at the same college she was not in my class and she was in another class and our break was at the same time and so we met up at that time and I like showed her and explain to her what was going on and I was like look I need a [ __ ] catch him doing it because he was the kind of person where if you don't have cold hard evidence he's so manipulative he can talk his way out of anything so convincing I just knew that if I didn't catch him in the act he would deny it to his grave that that didn't happen and it would be my word against his word and that would be the end of it I knew that I had to catch him an order for anybody to believe me because he was so charming and manipulative so I explained to her what was going on I showed her the texts that were going back and forth at the time I still didn't know who it was that he was texting because I didn't have her number or anything so my little shady ass texted him and I said hey I really miss Courtney it's been so long you know things have been crazy since we got married I think I'm just gonna go hang out at her house tonight and like catch up of course he was like okay babe I'm gonna miss you so much but go ahead lo and behold the next text message sent was she's gonna be gone for the night come over surprise surprise right so I remember going to my next class I still had another class I was checking I have always been really good at math like I've always had straight A's in math I've always been I don't know baffles always been really easy so it was really easy class for me and I sat there and did my work being a good girl and I was watching the text every 15 minutes update back and forth and it was so you guys this is how bad it was Richard would send me a text saying I love you so much I'm gonna miss you or I do miss you and the next text message sent was when are you coming over to this other girl I miss your touch I can't wait to do this that whatever stuff that is not YouTube friendly literally one after the other it got to a point where she said okay I'm on my way I'll be there in X amount of minutes I looked at the time that it was I looked at the time that it was sent and I was like Shh I need to leave now if I want to do this if I really wanna do this which I don't get me wrong I was I was so scared I was so scared because like I said I'm not a confrontational person I don't like conflict as much as I was so angry and hurt and like I had so many emotions going on I I was so scared I was so scared so I texted Courtney and I was like it's go time do you want to come like she was in her own class too but I had to leave my class early in order to get there at the right time and she was like [ __ ] let's go we met up together I believe we took her car because if I took my car and pulled up I was afraid that he was gonna like see it because it was a very very small apartment complex where I lived was very close to where the school was so we quickly made it there and I like sat there for a minute and I was like what am I gonna do like what what am I actually gonna say I just know that I need to do to do this I got my keys knowing that the door was probably gonna be locked we lived in on the second story of this apartment complex the stairs were so freakin creaky like my pregnant ass had to tiptoe up those stairs very quietly to the top of the stairs and that door was really loud to get in so once I got to that door I was we just have to go in and do it fast so I got up to the top of the stairs Courtney stayed in the car I took a deep breath and I did the damn thing I opened the door and the first thing that I see the way that our house was set up with that if you look straight to the left was our master bedroom and then like right there was the kitchen right when I open the door like I said it was super loud I opened the door and the first thing that I see is him right there he literally turning the corner from the master bedroom his pants were down I think his boxers were back on at that point but his pants were down at his ankles and he was pulling them up like right when he saw me he was pulling them up in his face I will never forget it looked like a deer in headlights so he quit quickly buttons his pants and I was like what are you doing and the first thing that he says to me is oh um this is my cousin you met her his cousin he wasn't lying [Music] it was his cousin by marriage so there's that but his cousin was in my house she attended our wedding I don't feel like I need to say anything else in terms of that at that moment I said I know who the [ __ ] you are get out of my house and that [ __ ] got up so quick and ran she like didn't say [ __ ] she just like left she walked out so quick and he was like what do you do he like tried to play it off what are you doing here like why are you being weird like what's going on cuz she was dressing her hair was wet so I'm guessing it was in the shower I don't know for sure but her hair was wet so she laughs like they are already done her work there was done so she left and he tried to play it off like oh what are you doing like I thought you were anybody turns out like what happened and I said I know what you did and he was like what are you talking about you don't know anything like what do you know I think I walked away cuz I didn't know like there's so much you know how you can wish you could just go back to the situation and say so much more than you said like oh there's so much that it could have would have been should have said they did it and I just you know how you replace ins in your mind again and again and again and again like I wish I could go back to that day sometimes I mean it's not that important to me now now it's just a funny story but it for a long time there I replayed that scene again and again and what I should have said and what I could have done but I said nothing I said get out and then I walked into my bedroom and I remember I leaned up against the dresser and I just started crying because I didn't know what else to do at that point and he was like what are you doing you're being crazy like stop come on what are you doing and I just said Richard I know what you did I saw the text messages and he's like what are you talking about he just kept playing it off as if nothing happened so that's when I threw out details and so I was talking about like I knew that he was gonna do this and so I said I know and this is the only thing that I could remember saying at the time I was like I know how she had to vacuum this this and this room before she had to come over I know this that and then it was very specific things and when I said that all he did all he did was look at me he had nothing to say and he took off his ring and he handed it to me and he left and that was the end and I didn't speak to him again for three months until right before the twins were born being Gianna is one thing but being cheated on when you're carrying that person's children like we know it's not even like we have kids together like I'm literally pregnant with the kids with twins it was rough it was probably one of the lowest points in my entire life emotionally the next day my whole amazing support system that I had came to the apartment and helped me move my entire apartment out I left him all the furniture I moved back in with my mom so that's the tesis that's how I found out that my ex-husband was cheating on me with his cousin fun fact we obviously you know eventually got back together you guys know this if you watch my other channel for the family reunion was at her house so yeah okay well no shade no tea just facts actually there's a lot of teether let me know if you guys are doing this video by giving it a thumbs up and subscribing i oh god it's like an embarrassing story to tell being cheated on is humiliating and then being cheated on with those circumstances is even more there's the whole story guys I hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you guys so much for watching and until next time bye [Music]
Channel: Just Jesss
Views: 2,843,828
Rating: 4.9102383 out of 5
Keywords: boyfriend, husband, cheating, story, storytime, tea time, just jess, full, explanation, spybubble, app, phone, iphone, website, texting, trisha paytas, he cheated | VLOGMAS DAY 3, he cheated, i caught my ex cheating on me, how I found out I was being cheated on, I caught my ex cheating
Id: d0K3L4qngWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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