I Was Best Friends With A Compulsive Liar For 6 Years... | MyLifeAsEva

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sniffles I hope you guys are having an amazing day and an amazing week and I hope everything is going flow it's been a couple weeks since I've uploaded last on this channel I'm actually been working a lot on my blog channel and also if you guys didn't know that you guys aren't following on Instagram the Aviator community has officially donated over a thousand dollars to aiding and fixing and nursing the coral reefs in the Great Barrier Reef back to health I have over 20 coral polyps growing in the Great Barrier Reef right now and they're growing and they're gonna become full-blown coral reefs head on over to my blog channel if you want to learn more about that for now though we sit here today to tell the story this story has been a story time that I've been holding on to I've been holding on to for quite a while this story is about a girl that I was friends with for many many years that chose to use me in multiple different ways I allowed to use me I stopped talking to this person many years ago I was a freshman in high school all the way until I was like a senior in college I didn't even realize honestly how much I was like manipulated this entire time in my life until I told people how crazy this story was and they told me they're like Ava why did you stay friends with this person for so long I don't understand why I stayed I'm gonna tell you all the details to put your seatbelts on give this video a big thumbs up if you like my story times if you want to watch any of my other story times you can find the playlist in the links down below I feel like a lot of you guys are gonna relate to this this happens to the best of us this happens to everyone and honestly you're probably that crazy person in someone else's life so at the end of the day I don't judge this person no bad vibes I feel like people that do really bad things to you have way more going on their own lives you can learn from this story to not take it personally everyone is hurting and everyone is hurting other people as a result of their own hurting so bless and yeah let's get into this video I don't even really know how to begin this story because this story starts back when I was like freshman in high school I used to be friends with these two girls in high school and like for protecting their names we're gonna call them Taylor and Carrie Carrie is like the bulk of this video okay a little backstory on Carrie Taylor actually attended my high school and so that's kind of how I knew her but Carrie didn't go to our school she actually lived like really far away like 45 minutes away from my school in my city she wasn't really friends with her friends at her school mole foreshadowing she would always attend every single football game she would try to attend homecoming dance prom anything she could to like get to my school and to hang out with friends that went to my school my parents didn't really take a liking to her you know when parents like say they don't like one of your friends they usually know best and it was one of those situations where my parents were kind of like iffy on her and I was like you just don't like my friends you know like she's kind of weird but like she's cool and my parents were just like no alas I didn't listen to my parents and I kept hanging out with her I was kind of like being prompted by a lot of people that I wasn't hanging out with like the right crowd if you will like people that were like a little bit just like sketchy I just always thought you know like people are just judgey stop judging my best friends like I'm good the situation that led me to ultimately stop talking to them was I remember there's this one moment and we were kayaking and Taylor was like dating this guy at the time mind you we're all 14 years old okay and she was like oh my gosh guys my boyfriend wrote me a song and I was like no way that's so cool and Carrie was like that's so cool like can we hear it oh yeah like here's the song like oh my gosh he wrote this for me so we're all stoked like yes girl your 14 year old boyfriend is a song right heard she shows us the song lyrics and quickly I realized these are the song lyrics to this is true by Ryan Cabrera and I'm looking at these song lyrics and I'm like Taylor you know I didn't know how to break it to her because she was like really stoked that her boyfriend wrote her song and here I was like 14 years old being like I literally had this song on my ipod touch she really like thinks this is a moment like she's proud so I took a deep breath and I was just like hey Taylor I think these are the lyrics to a song that I know and she's like oh my gosh like what do you mean what do you mean song that I know like what buddy what do you even mean so she goes on her phone and searches the lyrics this is true by Ryan Cabrera sure enough they match identically to the song that she was sent by her boyfriend then she starts freaking out texting her boyfriend and she's like listen what's going on this fourteen-year-old little pimp kid next to racket is like oh yeah my dad is a famous songwriter and he allowed me to like shadow write a song for Ryan Cabrera so like that's my song which is not okay like maybe it could be true in some parallel universe but like in this situation it was not true okay we did all the research it's not true Taylor was so like humiliated in that moment because she really was embarrassed that like it was not a song written by her boyfriend that she fought to the death he said this his dad is a songwriter he's famous this is the song I don't know like what you're talking about he wrote the song and I was just sitting there like so after that situation I kind of just like yeah this is no not my people not my people I basically stopped talking to Taylor Carrie I kind of like drifted apart from and kind of got some other friends and joined some sports and kind of like drifted away from that kind of crowd kind of how like I stopped being best friends with them fast forward to freshman year of college okay I'm a little freshman I have my youtube channel you know I was living large I was living in my little three-bedroom loft in Orange County had college friends I had just started hanging out with Elaine you know life was on the ups life was good Carrie decided to attend in out-of-state school so she went to school really really far away I was finally free from like her always trying to hang out with me and like always trying to like just be in my friend group in my space winter break came along sure enough Carrie started hitting me up on Facebook and she was like I'm coming home for winter break let's hang out I haven't seen you in months we need to hang out with each other and me being the nice person that I am I'm like yes girl it's been so long sure so when Carrie asked me if I wanted to hang out and she was gonna like drive to LA since we lived in Orange County I thought it'd be super fun cuz I had never been to LA really like with a friend before wall around LA she's like Ava OH my gosh you know what you should do is throw in New Year's party it would be lit I'm not wanting to like throw parties I don't throw parties but she kind of like peer pressured me and was like Ava you have this like giant loft house now you can throw parties you're not in an apartment your neighbors won't care and I'm like you know what maybe but honestly I was leaning more towards like no I was just like I need to get out of this I need to just like give her what she wants say maybe of course obviously never throw a party okay she's just like we will get music I make awesome playlist jello shots we're gonna have an invite list like she's listing all these things and she's kind of becoming this like party planner for me I'm freaking out I've never thrown a party before I'm like very stressed within the following next few days I get a Pinterest invite from Carrie I got invites from a Spotify playlist called like Carrie's New Year's jams and I'm like you know this is all fun and games like what if we did have a New Year's party we're not actually gonna have one but like Tara is really starting to scare me because she's like making all of these like Pinterest boards and stuff like for this event but I'm thinking like there's no way this is gonna happen like she's gonna see that I'm not interested in it and forget about it tomorrow next morning I wake up and I wake up to a bunch of texts from my best friend's my my best friend's saying Ava why aren't you attending your own party [ __ ] I'm getting text my friends being like Ava you need to like click that you're going it's your party and you're not even RSVP I go on Facebook and I see carrie has started an event Ava's New Year's party like 46 people that are invited people are saying that they're going my address is on here and the event is created by Carrie not me by Carrie as I'm like reading all of this I get a notification from Carrie and she's like oh my gosh girl like this party's gonna be so late RSVP if you RCP everyone's gonna come like a B you need to RSVP to your party me and my dumb ass is like you know what I do need to RSVP to my party in that moment I was like this is f like this is not okay but people were already RSVP'ing and it was too late to back out in my eyes within the next couple weeks we started planning this party and I'm letting Carrie do all of the work with like the jello shots and the decor pinterest boards and the music and all of that i base just like funneling her money to buy like supplies for all of this area was coming to my house quite a bit to plan this whole New Year's party one of the times that she was at my house she was like hey I don't know if you remember Taylor from high school but her and her boyfriend actually broke up Perry tells me that they were engaged with each other they were gonna get married she had moved out to his state for him this boyfriend that she was dating since she was like in high school so she's like hey you know she doesn't have friends that live in this city anymore she's pretty bummed she just got this job she gets off work in ten minutes can she come over and I'm like absolutely of course she can come over it's time to restart the friendship high school was so long ago I'm sure she's a different better person so we hung out that night everything was perfectly fine had a good time together life was great so for the New Year's party I invited a couple girlfriends to my house to get ready for the party you know like get dressed in my bathroom do our makeup together like have a little girls night before the party you know so I invited two of my best friends like literally my best high school and college friends um Maci who you guys know my friend Sarah came Elaine was there and then I think it was just Carrie and Taylor so it was like all these girls in my bathroom getting ready bumpin music we were having so much fun before the New Year's party and I was actually really happy that I ended up having the party in this moment I was like you know what tonight's gonna be a great night tons of my friends are coming ton of people that I don't know are gonna come to my house but like it's gonna be fine you know it's gonna be a good party so where did things go downhill well right about now the party starts and Taylor is nowhere to be found she didn't get ready with all the girls so Carrie comes up to me and she's like hey Taylor still working her shift gets off at 9:00 is it okay if she uses your upstairs bathroom in your master bedroom to get ready before the party like starts of course you can use my bathroom I'm a hospitable person go right ahead I've always heard horror stories of people like stealing stuff at parties and since there were a lot of people that I didn't know that were gonna be at my house I took the liberty to like obviously make sure everything that I cared about was stowed away all my filming and camera stuff obviously was like tucked away in my office and locked other than that I like left pretty much like all my home decor out as usual I didn't really think I had any breakable items like you know like vases or anything hanging around the house when I was in my bathroom after I did my makeup I specifically remember I did my makeup all my friends were in the bathroom as if my makeup bag and I was about to put it in my bathroom drawer like you know underneath the sink and I was like you know what Ava why don't you put it underneath the sink why don't you hide your makeup a little bit cuz I did have like some expensive products in there and I don't know something told me that I needed to put this underneath my sink by the pipes so that's what I did though about the party as usual and the party was fun it was a good party pretty early on too when a party started Kari comes with me and Taylor and they're holding my cat ears so literally like maybe I don't even know maybe like a week before the party I'd ordered two pairs of cat ears from like this Taylor Swift concert website merch thing they were these to be exact these cat ears were like 24 29 bucks apiece and I was really excited about them yeah I hadn't even gotten to wear them yet and Carrie and Taylor come downstairs and they're holding both pairs and they're like are we okay to wear these during the party they're so cute can we please wear them we just really want to wear these during the party I mean I'm surrounded by all these people at my party and I didn't know how to say no actually doesn't mean a lot to me you can't wear those cat ears so me being an idiot I'm like sure you can wear the cat ears just don't break them all I said just don't break them that is all I asked and you're like girl thanks we're not gonna break them as the night progresses Taylor starts like making out with multiple guys all over my couch was just like a whole other thing she gets really really drunk and messy and I had this like glass coffee table throws her heel breaks the glass coffee table she got in a fight basically she was making out multiple guys my house and they tried to fight each other outside of my house and it was just a mess then she went made out with the other guy by my house cuz he got kicked out after fighting everything that could have possibly gone wrong at a house party like went wrong the only thing that didn't happen was the cops didn't show up which they probably should have it's now like 1:00 in the morning I'm tired people are still in my house partying like crazy I'm freaking tired my good guy friend was just being really really sweet that night and just came up to me and was like look I know you're really tired why don't you go to sleep I'll take care of the party will clean everything in the morning I was so good on him to do that a good friend that was like yeah like thank you so much like that's so night that was like so nice even modestly like if you're watching this so I wake up in the morning it's like 8:00 in the morning and all the girls that I had to get ready in my house I told them that they could spend the night so they slept in like guest bedrooms like the couch and stuff like that so everyone wakes up I go downstairs I noticed that like my house is pretty clean my guy friend I guess after the party was over last night had cleaned up as much as he could before everyone went to bed this guy is literally blessing ladies he's not single he's married now so he was already awake like sweeping downstairs so I was just feeling like really thankful for my friends at this time party last night was wild but at least I have friends that have my back and life goes on and it was a good time after we clean downstairs all the girls went up to my room and we just like laid in my bed and talked about how fun last night was we took funny pictures together of all of us and how crazy we looked the next morning after the New Year's party and we were all just laying in my bed like me and like five other girls and I was just like you know what guys I love all of you guys so much everyone get dressed we're going to I hop for pancakes so everyone's excited and I go into my bathroom to like put makeup on and get ready for the day to go into my bathroom I look underneath my sink and my whole makeup bag is gone so I start like looking everywhere I'm looking checking every single drawer I'm like where the heck is this makeup I don't understand I know I put it right there my photographic memory sees myself putting it in by the pipes and it's not there all the roles rush into my bathroom and start searching with me we're searching everything from like like places that don't even make sense after we discovered that it was definitely not in any square inch of my bathroom we're checking underneath my bed we're checking even downstairs in the downstairs guest bedroom we literally checked my entire house probably three times top to bottom we just didn't want to accept the fact that my stuff was stolen um so we checked everywhere because we were like you know what last night got crazy what if someone was like drunk and wanted to do their makeup and took your makeup and left it in like a closet somewhere you know under good faith that maybe someone put my makeup somewhere else and like forgot to put it back after searching the house three times we realized that my makeup was definitely gone and definitely stolen and I was pretty sad about it because I had never gotten something stolen from my own house at least underneath my knowledge and the fact that I had this party and that was the one thing I knew I did not want to happen happened and the fact that it happened in my bedroom when the party was all downstairs like literally no one was even out by my bedroom except for one person it was hard it was a hard thing to face then everyone sits there and like everyone kind of knows that like we're not really going to IHOP anymore because we've spent an hour and a half searching my house everyone was all hands on deck searching and the only person that wasn't searching as hard as everyone else or basically at all my good old friend Kari we get to the point in our life where we're just like okay who stole it who could it have been like the only girls that were at the house was like my core friend group maybe like two or three girls that were plus ones but they stayed downstairs everyone's going through everyone's like I didn't steal it I didn't steal it like obviously every every one day I was gonna say that they didn't steal it and so we're thinking like okay well who is in here that was here last night and the only person that wasn't there when we woke up in the morning that slept over was Taylor so then we're like well let's call up Taylor and see if she took the make up like let's call her up maybe she like took it accidentally when she got ready in the bathroom like maybe she has it and it's all a big misunderstanding also we're wondering we're like where is Taylor cuz it's pretty early in the morning it's like 8:00 in the morning Carrie goes Oh Taylor had to leave at 6 a.m. to get ready for work so Taylor is the only girl that slept over but dipped out before everyone woke up which is a little shady but I guess if she was working at Walmart and it opened at 7:00 then sure for this part of the story I just want to let guys know she actually didn't work at Walmart she worked in a place another store that's like a Walmart competitor that definitely does not open at 7:00 a.m. so that might affect things but we're just gonna say she works at Walmart so we're like okay well we can't get ahold of her so I tell Carrie I'm like can you please text Taylor and just see if she has my makeup and see what the heck's going on with that she goes oh Taylor would never steal anything Taylor understands the value of money and she won't steal anything because she's not like that she's not a thief so she didn't steal it and just starts getting like real defensive about it do my friends actually ended up going to the mall and buying me some of the products that I got stolen which was really really nice of them because I mean we're all college students so like we didn't have money you know for like Sephora products and the fact that they went and bought me just like a couple products that I'd lost like that really meant a lot so I knew that they didn't steal it because like they would have done that if they stole it I had taken this whole morning to kind of like process then I go downstairs I realized that Taylor has broken my coffee table Taylor and Carrie broke my cat ears Vickey your part was like cracked off of both of them I don't even know how you break cat ears and now my stuff stolen I'm just like this is just a total mess so I tell Carrie I'm like hey my coffee tables broken and my cat ears are broken Carrie is just denying everything she's like like literally the worst liar on the planet this person is Terry goes oh my gosh the cat ears are broken how did that even happen I don't understand I don't know how the cat ears got broken Ava we put them away as soon as we were done wearing them we put them away so anything that happened after that we don't know and I found my cat ears like on my fireplace mantel so first of all I'm just like if you put them away why would you put them on top of a fireplace mantel in the middle of the party like I don't understand how that indicates putting them away but whatever but I'm thinking like okay you know what maybe she didn't break them maybe they did put them away on the fireplace mantel and then someone else broke them like I tell my guy friend later that day that's helping me clean I'm like yeah you know like I don't know my cat ears got broken but Carrie said that she didn't break them he looks at me with like the most like dumbfounded face and he's like Ava after you went to bed last night Harry and Taylor were drunk as hell walked up to me both with the broken cat ears in their hands and they said what do we do we broke the cat ears we don't want to tell Ava so then I'm hearing this information and I'm like okay this is my first step to knowing that like I should not have trusted these people again in my life what I did and now look what's happening my whole life is turning to drama and noodles this is bad this is very bad shouldn't've gone myself into this mess but I did get a text message from Carrie about an hour after everyone leaves my house this woman has the audacity to text me after all she knows I've been through that morning tears after the searching after the mood swings Carrie texts me and goes hey Ava last night brought over a roll of toilet paper and a bottle of fireball and she needs to be reimbursed for those things so if you could send her $20 that would be great first of all a roll of toilet paper is like $2 $2 max for one roll a bottle of fireball like a small bottle of fireball of which I did not drink any of so I'm just like what makes you think fireball is 13 dollars and 97 cents and with inflation it was probably cheaper back then it probably ended up to being like sixteen dollars that she spent she's saying oh just give her a twenty like I said if I need to pay a freakin like interest rate on this I look at this text I'm like you break $500 coffee table fifty dollars worth of cat ears my stuff's been stolen out of my house and you get in fights at some house and he asked me for twenty dollars I I mean honestly I don't even think I texted her back I think my friend Sarah texted her and was kind of like hey like are you stupid like why are you what what and then they dropped it but like just to just to think that someone had the audacity to like text me that after knowing they like dip down my house before everyone was awake to see all the stuff that they broke and then asked for money I'm just like I don't even understand who would do that but anyway that's what happened so the next day on January 2nd I had to fly to New York to shoot a show with VEVO that I was producing at the time which you guys know do-it-yourself E so I went to New York and I needed someone to house it my cat and also just my house I didn't have anyone to house it for me I didn't know where to find someone so I posted on Facebook I was like hey can anyone please like house it for me for just three days I'm gonna be in New York all you have to do is just like feed my cat hang out with her for a little bit like that's it Harry sees my facebook post and she's just like I will do it I will watch your cat she was like really eager to just like be in my house and like I was saying in my facebook post I was like I'll pay you so my house was two stories it had a bottom floor that was all hardwood the staircase that was hardwood and then it had a loft that was carpet and in my bedroom was also carpet I had a problem with Paris like peeing all over my loft area because she would walk up the stairs and like use the carpet as like a litter box like a just giant litter box so before I left for New York I made this whole barricade where the top of the staircase I put suitcases and like clothing racks I just like really built up a whole like fortress so she couldn't go and pee in my loft and poop in the loft cuz I just didn't want to clean it up and deal with that when I got home because it smelt so bad when Carrie was coming over and watched my cat I literally just told her two rules just don't go up into my bedroom don't go upstair there's no need to because Paris will poop and pee up there and like that's the one thing that I want to avoid anything and more that she needs is downstairs she's like I got you don't even worry we're good we are Gucci down to the socks I'm like cool here's the key to my house first I am in New York 3,500 miles away I go on snapchat and I click on carry snapchat story and it's 200 seconds and I click on it and it's carry lagging in my bed with Paris heading her stroking her butt cheeks and her tail first of all I locked my bedroom door from the outside so like she had to credit card her way into my bedroom and bust down the fortress that I built all the staircase and she sends like some of the snapshots to me too so I click on them and I respond and I'm like why are you in my room what the hell are you doing there huh cool you seem like you're enjoying yourself just lock my bedroom door when you're done my dumb dumb dumb dumb self that's all I said all I said to her was just close the door who got it girl like of course also a day later I go on snapchat and I see a snapchat of Taylor and Carrie at a local house party that was really close to my house so I see this snapchat and my FBI brain starts turning okay they live 45 minutes away what are they doing at a party that's like literally five minutes away from my house I just I don't know I just I don't know I had this like slight conspiracy that maybe they used my house to like hang out and get ready that night I don't know that was my first instinct that's what my body told me what's happening but of course I had no proof so I just backtrack and I said just forget about it you're crazy Ava just don't think about it I get home from New York okay I start walking up the stairs and immediately I see that my barricade for Paris is not there and my heart sinks cuz I'm like I know I know what is up there in that loft space I know there's poop everywhere my bedroom door is wide open and I can see poop you can see poop from the staircase on my bed there's three poops on the floor there's pee all over the loft which leads me to believe that my door had been open since the day that I left when she came I'm so disappointed at this point I'm just like I don't understand I give you one job you break it I give you another you break it the night that I got back was Carrie's last day before leaving back to school she was having this going-away party in LA and like the Staples Center like some restaurant down there and I had already agreed to go with her so I get home from the airport that night I'm just like you know what I still have to go this dinner I'm just gonna go whatever I go into my bathroom get ready for this dinner I opened my makeup drawer and all of my missing makeup is on top scattered around I see this and I'm just like I don't even know I don't what I'm just like you know what I'm stay chill I'm gonna go to this dinner I'm gonna try see these people then I'm never gonna talk to them again so I go to this dinner in LA everyone's having a grand old time they get into this conversation about this party that they went to that weekend and I'm thinking like oh crap maybe this is the party that like I saw on their snapchat Taylor blurts out in the midst of like they're all talking and then all of a sudden Taylor goes oh yeah like when we got ready at Ava's house just as I suspected to be used my bathroom to get ready Taylor was there maybe just maybe you two put back the makeup products when you guys were in my bathroom and I'm hearing this and I'm just sitting there like I know what happened I leave the dinner I'm just like triggered sure I don't know what to do so I go home and I'm just like listen I'm gonna avoid all confrontation she leaves like in two days back to wherever she goes to school in another random state two more days Ava and you're in the clear and you can phase out Carrie right after that I had to fly to Hawaii to shoot this like sperry video that I did a while ago it had been two weeks since I had fully like settled into my house I think my mom ended up watching Paris that was good I get home from my two trips it is now been two weeks since New Year's Day and I always sleep on my right side of my bed but this one night this one night I just kind of I don't know I was feeling like maybe I should try out the left side maybe I should see how the left side feels I don't even know so I sleep on the left side of my bed which I literally never ever ever do I wake up in the morning and just as if you wake up on your right side and you'd flip the right side of the sheets over to the left I flipped the left side of the sheet over to the right and I notice right on my pillow and right like underneath the pillow is this big-ass weird ass stain it's like circular stain I was like texting Carrie she was like oh yeah I was like school Ben I'm back blah blah blah so I'm having this conversation with her talking about nothing so I text her and I'm like oh my gosh I just noticed the stain in my bed she's like oh my gosh like let me see it so I take a picture of the stain and I send it back to her mind you this is like a big stain like this stain is like like that big she texts me back after she sees this photo and she's like oh my gosh that's we make up and I'm like do you think I'm dumb I don't sleep in make up it's not make up then she goes oh well it's probably a spray tan do you see my skin I don't need a spray tan I don't get spray tans so then I starts to do a little digging this may be a little trigger warning disgusting but I walk right up to this stain and the same so disgusting lies like what did you from you knew you know the story right you don't know the story I walk up to the stain I look at it and it's literally like brown and green and red and I'm looking and I'm like this looks like this looks like like a period I literally smell it yes I've got to see what it was I bent down and I smelt it and I was like oh my god someone literally bled all over my bed in a circle I didn't like you know like it like spread and then it was turning like green and brown I was sleeping on top of it so I'm like what's up i text Harry and I'm like oh my god its period blood and she texts me back and she goes oh my god I saw that on New Year's and I didn't want to say anything to you first of all if you saw it on New Year's that was fresh okay that was fresh blah second of all you didn't want to tell me but when I show you the stain that you saw two weeks ago and it's in the same spot oh you saw two weeks ago why would you say oh with the spray tan oh it's makeup if you knew what it was when you saw when you saw it so I'm just like what psychopath am i dealing with what the hell it wasn't you that did that you would have no excuse to lie look if it were if it were me if I did see that on New Year's and I just forgot to tell my good friend two weeks later and she sent me a picture of it I would be like damn girl like holy crap I forgot to tell you like ha ha ha ha ha cuz I'm thinking like I definitely didn't do this because I haven't been on my period in this two-week span it was a weird spot where the stain was because it was like by the pillow like by her head so it clearly wasn't anyone that was like sleeping in the bed cuz your period is incumbent air so then I started to think back I start to backtrack and I'm like when were the last times that people were in my bed because I was out of town for like close to two weeks I on New Year's Day when everyone got into my room to like talk about the night and we took pictures and we were like planning on getting I hon Gary came into my room and she sat on my pillow right there everyone was laying in the bed and because there was kind of like minimal room she went around and like boughs where she sat kind of like crisscross applesauce while everyone was talking so I started to piece everything together and I was like oh my gosh it was Carrie all along this was her this makes sense now know why she didn't just tell me that if she would have just said yeah like I literally had my period in your bed and I was like embarrassed to tell you like I'm sorry like I couldn't get mad at that you know like she's telling the truth that's fine that's that's nature that's what happens but no she like try to make me think it was 40 other things and that's when I texted my friend Sarah from college and Sarah was like do you need to bring it up to her you need to say something and I'm like no you know like let me just you know kick back like pretend like it never happened and she's like no you have to say something I go to my bathroom and I take a picture of the stolen makeup I send the picture to Carrie and I say do you know what this is Carrie responds and says oh no I've never heard of that product before but I've just looked it up on sephora.com and it has great reviews what do you think about it she literally tries to act like I'm asking like for a product review for her so then I text her rack him like these were the stolen makeup products from my house she goes oh my gosh how did you find those where did you find them at and I'm like I found them of my makeup drawer right underneath all my other makeup and she's like oh my gosh that's so funny like how did we miss that that's so weird I'm just like girl you were at my house and we'd searched top to bottom through that entire bathroom like what are you even talking about and I send her the duplicates I send her photo both them together and she's like I don't understand someone put the makeup products that were stolen back in my bathroom she's like oh my gosh how did that even happen and I'm like girl I don't know but since New Year's you're the only person that's been in my house besides my mom to take care of Paris downstairs well I don't know what you're trying to say but I definitely didn't steal them no one else has been in my house so unless like a ghost wandered into my house and put makeup products back when they were stolen I don't understand and she's just like well I would never steal from you like I would never do that so like it definitely wasn't me I don't understand and starts getting like really defensive and let see so then I was like well did you bring anyone else to my house like I don't you know I want to trust you and she's like no no one came to my house absolutely it was just me I stayed downstairs the whole time then I'm like oh I start getting fired up and I'm like listen Carrie I love you I don't so then I start like all these things that I bottled up were finally exploding first day that I was gone in New York I told you don't go up into my bedroom and she's like oh that was another time you're getting confused with another time that I was like at your house I think I would remember cleaning up the poop from that New York trip like I know what week that was I remember that I was the only person up in your room like I just wanted to hang out with Paris in your room like saying stupid like she's getting messy at this point okay I'm not even mad like I don't care I just don't like being lied to if you or Taylor stole my products and put them back that's what it looks like happened I just wanna let you know that I'm upset about it I'm upset about cat pooping and peeing all over my house because like I told you to close those doors I'm setting up my furniture being broken but like you know all I want you to do is just like admit to it out of respect for me you know and she's just kind of like oh well like I definitely didn't steal it but like you know like I to Taylor and like she said that she didn't steal it so like I don't know what to tell you and in that moment I just kind of was like you know what this person's crazy I don't need to associate myself with this person anymore oh you key out mind you this was all in the span of literally like a two-week winter break period I'm done with this I'm not the drama hold the drama I'm out that's kind of how I ended things at the time thank God winter break was over because I could go back to my normal life all my friends and I could just talk about how crazy that whole week was and that whole experience in my life everything couldn't go back to normal which it did it really did until Carrie entered again so yeah that's basically how I cut ties with a scam artist impulsive liar I brought her back for one more round and I realized how stupid I was I thought I cut ties with her stole more money damsel that's gonna ask me for part two you guys want that video and you guys want to know give us video big thumbs up life's been good since that situation ended more of a story if you have a Fred in your life that you are literally going through like dumb stuff with like this get out be lonely have no friends do whatever you have to do in a second someone is in your life and you feel like you're getting roped into unnecessary stress and drama you need to exit I learned that this situation and I learned it with some other situations in my life I can't say that I'm perfect at it but I always go back to these experiences when I deal with someone entering my life and I can make the decision a lot quicker if you're struggling with any of this please send me DMS and just vent to me because just get it off your chest let it out we're all dealing with some crazy people out there at the end of day we're probably the crazy people in someone else's story so that's just life just don't be a compulsive liar that's it I'm out so that is this video this is the story that I've been holding on to for many many years yeah I hope that none of you guys are dealing with this and I hope you guys enjoyed the story time and I hope that I don't know it inspired you to look at your friendships under a new lamp and keep the good ones and kick the bad ones out if you guys liked this video give this video a big thumbs up and comment down below a good story about a good friend that you have comedy on below something that your friend has done that is not psycho cuz they are good friends out there you just gotta find it subscribe to this channel if you haven't already head over to my blog channel to see what I've been up to the past couple weeks and yeah follow me on Instagram Twitter all that fun stuff let's say if this video gets a hundred thousand likes I'll do part two if you want to know how I got scammed by the same person how I allowed myself to fall into this trap again I love you guys so much have an amazing day have an amazing week an amazing game and I love you guys and I'll see you guys next week [Music] yeah taking shots [Music] Arda likely my spend some time give it up that she's on my mind
Channel: MyLifeAsEva
Views: 5,243,099
Rating: 4.9441409 out of 5
Keywords: Mylifeaseva, my life as eva, literally my life, diy room decor, morning routine, diy, eva, back to school, Eva gutowski, high school, back to school haul, expectation vs. reality, ghost, vlog channel, song, roast yourself, summer, beauty, fashion, lifestyle, sketches, comedy, reactions, health, i was best friends with a compulsive liar for 6 years, best friends with a narcissist, best friends with a liar, Pathological liar, Narcissist, sociopath, best friend storytime, drama storytime
Id: 41Wcow6DCRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 28sec (2068 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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