Answering the questions I've AVOIDED about my past...

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why hello there welcome back to my channel I'm so happy you guys came back it's just just just me here today you guys I have let me just show you really quickly I have a list this is my list of ideas of videos I'm so excited that you guys decided to come back to this channel if you are not subscribed yet make sure you subscribe and turn on that notification bell because I've got all good story times in line for you guys and Q&A all kinds of fun stuff today's video is going to be answering all of the questions that I have avoided so let me explain a little bit there's a lot that has went down in my life for the past I mean obviously like my whole life but for the past 10 years that have been put onto YouTube I've been very picky and choosey about what has made it out there so today's video I'm going to be answering a ton of different questions revolving around things that either I have not answered before or I answered previously but it seems like a lot of people still have the question like maybe people missed a video maybe I went on Instagram live and answered it there and that's why you guys didn't see the answer so this is just gonna kind of be like an FAQ of things that a lot of people don't know about me I asked you guys on Instagram and there is an insane amount of people on there who decided to join in and asked questions to be completely honest there is no way I'm gonna be able to answer every single one of these questions I'm gonna try to hit some good ones so I'm just gonna start at the top here this is gonna go in no particular order I'm gonna try to keep all the fluff out of this and give you guys the answer that you guys want so this is one that I got quite a bit revolving around my son's Kyson Caden and Landon seeing their sister on their dad side if you don't know the twins and Landon actually have another biological sister from their dad he had a relationship after me and him broke up she's almost exactly one year younger than Landon is they are no longer together I don't know what happened with that I don't speak with her anymore we've chatted a few times here and there I don't think there's like any beef between us if we reached out to each other so I think both of us would be willing to do something about that but there just hasn't been that being said they have obviously met her before the only times that they ever see her is when they go over to their dad's house this ties in with another question of how often do the kids really go over to their dad's house and I can't speak on the futures Drake and I are in a very good place right now I won't ruin saying good but we don't fight anymore we used to fight a lot we would go back and forth and think there was a lot of hostility I was really bitter for a long time for obvious reasons there was definitely a lot of head clashing for a long time however these last couple years things have really calmed down I got to a place within myself where I realized that I me getting upset about anything wasn't going to change his relationship with the kids so I'm not going to speak badly on his part I'm not gonna say anything that I couldn't say to him or with him sitting here right next to me because everything that I'm about to say is 100% facts since the day that we split up I've tracked every single visit that they've ever had with him I do want to say that I do have sole legal sole physical custody of them that being said I don't use that against him any time and I mean this when I say at any time he asked to see those boys I let him do that I know that's really controversial among my viewers I never want to be the reason that they don't have a relationship with their father when they grow up I don't want them to have resentment towards me part of me and I think a lot of people probably feel the same way feels like I should protect them and kind of keep them from the in-and-out nests that has happened in the past with him being in their lives no shade to him but I don't want him to be able to ever say like your mom kept me from them because that will never be true growing up if they decide they want to have an adult relationship with him I want that to be okay with them and me to my knowledge he's not a drug addict or alcoholic as far as custody goes I can read you the exact dates that they have seen him this year once in January once in February once in June once in July and once in August take it how you see it he did pick up Landon one-time-only Landon for his birthday and he took him somewhere for a couple hours I did invite him to the twins birthday this year because we have been on a better we've been on better terms and I would love if he were to come around and decide that he wanted to be involved in that he might have been busy I honestly don't know and I don't really care I'm just trying to do what's best for them and like what I see is best for them every single time I see him we talked and he has told me several times that he wants to change and that he does want to be in their lives I hold hoped for that but I don't get my hopes up for that if that makes sense as long as I know that my kids are safe and they're not putting any kind of dangerous situation and they're having fun over there I don't mind it does it make me angry yes it does for them does it make me sad yes the little time that they have spent with him they've had good things to say coming back so that's kind of what I base my decisions off of obviously if they came home and they were saying something different or like they felt uncomfortable going over there I wouldn't make them go over there and honestly I don't think he would make them go over there either we're kind of in a place now where he knows he admits it that he's not really a dad to them he's even told me recently that he respected Chris for stepping up as that role so that's why I don't have anything negative to say about him because I don't know I honestly don't know so going back to the original question dude the boys see their sister as far as I know it seems like he mostly tries to have all of them together I don't know what his schedule is with his other daughter I have no idea that's really not my business to my understanding they see her when they see him what I know is what I'm saying right here and again what I know I've said to him and I could confidently say that he would sit right here and not disagree with anything that I'm saying Oh heavy topic let's lighten the mood a little bit especially I don't know what these questions let's see how often do you and Chris have sex you guys seem to be pretty intrigued with my sex life I've got stories for days revolving around that so I'ma be completely honest with you guys um it obviously depends like it varies week to week depending on what we're doing but typically I'd say about every other day but sometimes it'll be more than once and one day so like in a week span I'd say about seven maybe a little less some weeks and maybe some weeks a little more it just depends like honestly it really just depends we don't have a schedule we do it the lazy way we do it the fun way we do it the spicy way we do it the tipsy way we do it the loving way I mean there's like so many enterprise so I feel like this should be on a different platform so this was another big one why is Chris not in contact with his mother anymore um kind of a backstory Chris's dad passed away almost three years ago he had a very very very close relationship with his father I don't want to get too into it too much because I know this is a very personal subject for him and I feel like it's not really my place to answer in fact I'm gonna ask him before I post this if this is even okay to answer so whatever he's comfortable with me saying is what I will put out there but long story short she started seeing someone pretty soon after his father passed away and she ended up moving there was lots of in between they are no longer in contact with each other we have no connection with her at all and it's kind kind of sad but essentially he lost his mom and his dad when his dad passed away and he is an only child I thought we were getting happier here okay I'm gonna try to pick some better questions you guys I need something upbeat in my life do you erase all of the footage from your home security cameras of when you have sex no sometimes we'll like turn the camera away but for the most part like so I could go back and watch it later though either you guys are some nasty [ __ ] have you ever kissed a gay while he was with his wife hell no I'm sorry that's kind of mean but no just nip that right in the butt right now you ever lose your [ __ ] with your kids you seem so chill all the time I'm not I'm definitely not sure all the time I never wanted to be the yelling mom and I feel like I've done a good job of that like I don't I wouldn't consider myself a yelling mom but I definitely lose my [ __ ] on those kids sometimes they do the stupidest [ __ ] like why why would you throw glitter all over the floor why would you do that why it doesn't make any sense to me that's the time where I lose my [ __ ] homework time I get so frustrated it's so hard having all of them sit down and pretend like they don't know what [ __ ] to do use your eyes read the words it's not that hard dinner time and make dinner I serve dinner they eat dinner they leave they go to bed right no no that's not how it happens ten minutes after dinner time is up [ __ ] hell how it's been two minutes for the most funny pic you do a good job at not losing my [ __ ] but don't let me fool you I'm still human I'm trying to not turn this into a QA like a lot of people have a lot of good questions but they're just kind of like basic questions I'm trying to keep these more surrounding subjects that like I've seen multiple people answer so if you have more questions don't worry they'll be opportunities for you make sure you leave video suggestions down below so if there's anything that you're thinking right now that I can make a video out of comment down below because I have a list I showed you have my list and have a list of topics to talk about as a boy Drake said you cheated on him is it true hey that T is so fuzzy is it spicy no it's just hot I'm just gonna be completely real with you guys honestly I feel like I'm gonna get really judged for this but I really don't care like I have nothing to prove to anybody if you don't know I was cheated on when I was how pregnant was I six months pregnant and it was about six months pregnant the twins three weeks after our marriage I walked in on him doing the deed that litter actually no he had just finished so he was they were done pants were being pulled up to the ankles I walked in he handed his ring to me that was the end I can tell that full story I feel like I've told it before but let me know if I hadn't gone into detail I don't remember what I've said in my previous videos and if I haven't I would love to tell a story that's good one when we split I was pretty pregnant with twins I was now single there's lots of hormones going on when you're pregnant okay I don't think this justifies this there are a lot of people that know me in real life they're gonna be very surprised by this gosh if you're like my family can you just click off of this right now or just like skip because this is gonna be embarrassing yeah girl like some D okay I'm just gonna be straight up I slept with someone when I was pregnant with the twins I was not with Drake at this time we were clearly split up he cheated on me it was the end we eventually did get back together after the twins were born so I'm talking in between here okay I'm not gonna get into details but honestly if your girl can get in on pregnant why not a lot of people probably think it's weird you know it is weird no be honest it is kind of weird I honestly hate that women are expected to just sit down and be like obedient women of the world and never have opinions or feelings or the ability to do things that they want the world is very hard on women especially moms especially single moms especially especially especially single moms who are pregnant this was someone that I had already known I did not just go on ninth Street and pick up a stranger and buck him in the car and then go home it wasn't like that it was like a friend of mine I guess you could say he was okay with it I was okay with it lilia visited her dad I didn't have her around she would go over there every other weekend when we got back together we didn't really discuss anything cuz he was messing around a lot obviously he was a single man single men are allowed to do whatever they want it's just the single women who aren't after everything was said and done and we split up I told him I think I was mad and so I like kinda brought it up because I knew that he wouldn't be okay with it ever since I told him he was livid to this day he says that I cheated on him and that cheating is that cheating we were clearly obviously split up he says because I was pregnant with his kids that if I was cheating on him there's the tesis moving on there's a lot of you guys asking you about my virginity and it's a really bad story I think I'm gonna make that into a story time video that's gonna be its own thing wait for that one have the kids that ever walked in on you and Chris doing it before I can proudly say no you put a lock on that [ __ ] door there is a lock on that in the last video that we posted I kind of looked you guys on a cliffhanger unintentionally I didn't realize that I should address this part of the story but I had so many of you guys asking me so did you guys do it on the park bench we did not do it on the park bench we went to the car imma leave it at that there's a couple people asking here what happened - nany if you don't know who Donny is she's their next-door neighbor and nothing I don't know why people keep asking I guess because she's not in my videos as much anymore but she got a job at the time she wasn't working when we hung out with her all the time and she works now so we just see her less but nothing like happens we just don't talk as much anymore because we're both honestly it's just extremely busy but I love that family I think they love me I people want to know how many people I have stopped with I get really personal here but I honestly don't care it's actually a huge problem that I have a society that people look down on women for wanting to enjoy their bodies the same way that men are allowed to enjoy and mess around with theirs in these very few videos I've talked quite a bit about doing the deed but to be completely honest with you guys I have not slept with that many people I mean at least I don't view it as that way again I hope we're in a judge free zone here I know that the world is not the internet is not a judge free zone I have obviously had three long-term relationships to which I was married to there's three people obviously that I've had sex with total I'm 27 years old I lost my virginity pretty early it's not a story that I'm proud about but I was pretty young so I've had sex for the last and left in lots of years I've slept with seven people so I don't know if that sounds like a lot to some people but I definitely very picky and choosy about who I sleep with I just enjoy the activity in itself I'm gonna leave it there y'all asked I give you the answer I have quite a few people on you're asking political questions and I really don't like getting into politics it gets messy it gets controversial but since there's so many people asking I'm not going to go off on this I don't feel hardcore one way or another I hate the side picking thing and the labels and stuff my view is the majority of the time tend to be on the liberal side but I really don't want to get into that mess you guys have so many good questions on here like I literally I've already spent so long filming this the end time that you see on this ad an extra three times the amount because I'm sitting here scrolling through his comments and trying to figure out how I can answer them in the least controversial way possible but I'm gonna have to leave it there if I didn't answer your question this video it's Tina because a I've already addressed it previously and I don't want to kind of repeat it might be helpful for you to Google just spam and whatever question that you have there's a lot of really good questions on here it's because of you they're already answered them in a past video or the other reason could be that I'm gonna make an entire video based around that so just because I didn't answer your question doesn't mean that I'm not going to make sure you hit that subscribe button turn the notifications on so you get notified when I upload these videos these often might be uploaded at night because they're gonna be edited at night when my kids are in bed and not listening I hope you guys don't view me differently after watching this video I really like I have so many stories to tell you guys obviously if you want to see our life day to day our vlogs are still continuously posted on Jess Pham it looks like I hit the majority of the questions unless they are a bigger question that I'm gonna address as a whole later I hope you guys enjoyed this video and until next time bye [Music]
Channel: Just Jesss
Views: 679,301
Rating: 4.9412971 out of 5
Keywords: Just Jesss, Q & A, Questions, and, answers, answering, FAQ, Q&A, full, detail, explanation, explaining, my past, storytime, story, time, ex husband, cheating
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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