I'M BACKKK - Unhappy Marriage? Controlling? *NEW* assumptions about ME

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well hi there long time no see at least on this channel it has been a long time since i've done a just test video and here's why if you don't follow me on any of my other channels or social media hi i'm jess these last four months have been wild we actually bought a house we built a house we moved to the house we have kids we have lots of kids we have them home full time with us right now so it's been quite some time since i've actually gotten to do a just jess video and i'm so excited because i really want to start getting back into it now that we kind of are into the swing of things we're like in our new house our kids are still at home most of the time but hopefully that changes soon and they go back to school love them so much but like i'm tired of being a homeschool mom i have a few different videos that i've actually had planned and actually filmed and edited for a while that i want to start posting and getting out to you guys and i am so excited to be back so i wanted to do a quick little introductory video today letting you guys know that i'm still here i'm still around can't get rid of me also you can find me on tick tock i'm like super on take talk now apparently who didn't jump on that boat during quarantine i guess probably a lot of people but i did you can also find me on instagram and if you don't know my main channel is actually called jazz fam so this is kind of a spin-off of just fam and it is just jess so it is really really big right now on instagram to do the assumptions about me i've actually done this it's hard to film a just jess video when it's never just jess it's jess and a million children i love you guys so much i'm actually standing making this video guys i don't think i've ever stood while i made a video before but here i am i have been seeing a lot of people doing the assumptions about me i've actually done this twice before i did it once on this channel i will link that down below and then i did another more family friendly one on my just fam channel and for today's video i'm going to be reading some of those assumptions about me i have not even looked at these yet if you don't follow me on instagram that's where i'm asking these and i'm just gonna get right into it no limitations here on just yes for the sake of this video i'm going to skip over the more family-friendly ones and do more just just ones this one says controlling slash dominant if you're talking about in the bedroom i guess a little bit like i'm not so into this to the point where it's like a thing you weren't happy when you married drake um i definitely thought i was happy at one point i can remember this very distinctly if you don't know drake is my ex-husband he's richard we've referred to him as richard on this channel i distinctly remember this and i don't know if i've ever spoken about this publicly but i distinctly remember shortly after i had my twin boys i was sitting in the rocking chair and i was nursing one or both of them i just started crying because it was one of those times where like it was really bad like our relationship was never a healthy relationship never at no point was it ever healthy but it was really hard on me mentally because there was always other girls like and it was there was never a time when there wasn't other girls i had just found out that he was talking to another girl and this happened many many times throughout our marriage and our relationship it was not just the one cheating story although i never actually caught him cheating or know for sure that he ever cheated on me any other times i do know that there was multiple times where he was i would like catch him talking to like his ex or different people and he would hide it so but i distinctly remember like i just found this out and i was sitting at home and he must have been at work or something and i was just bawling my eyes out i lived with my mom at the time so i actually lived like in a kind of a duplex kind of thing with her she i don't know why just mother's instinct i have no idea but she came in there and she was like what's wrong and i remember telling her that i knew that the relationship that i had was extremely unhealthy i knew that i wasn't happy i'm sure he wasn't happy either i knew that i deserved better but i couldn't ever leave because i didn't think i would ever find anybody better and i was too scared to parent by myself obviously you know fast forward down the line he ended up leaving me and it was when i was eight months pregnant with my youngest son that he decided to leave which was the best thing he could have ever ever done and i thank him for that because if it wasn't for because i truly honestly probably wouldn't have ever left i left him when i found out he was cheating on me but as you guys know we did get back together and we actually remarried we actually fully legally divorced and then legally got remarried and i think i'm gonna like talk about this in its own video honestly if he didn't leave me i probably wouldn't have ever gotten the balls to leave because i was just too scared you and chris have sex every night um not every night but i would say a healthy amount of time lately i don't know with the kids being home and homeschooling maybe like three to five times a week but depending on you know the circumstances i think we would both like to do it every day so this is an interesting one not so sexual but this one says you have cheated on your no meat diet and that is true you don't know back in february i decided that i wanted to try being a vegetarian since then my complexion has completely changed like vastly changed obviously i don't know for sure if this is related to like the no meat thing but it definitely made a difference when i first started getting into it there was like ups and downs with that and even throughout my whole like vegetarian lifespan there's definitely times where i'm just like i'm not so strict on myself i didn't become a vegetarian because of any reason other than i feel like it's just healthier for you know my body and for the lifestyle that i want to have i really want to try my best to have a no meat diet but i'm not perfect and i don't expect myself to be perfect so there's definitely been times where i'm like i just want to try a bite of that i'm okay with that that doesn't like upset me and that's not not really a secret so i technically have cheated on my vegetarian diet for sure but for the most part i'm pretty plant-based there was actually one thing that i read and this is one of the things that inspired me to try being a vegetarian as well that said if every single family ate vegan this is specifically vegan which i'm not vegan but if every single family ate vegan one day a week the impact that it would have on the environment would be enormous so i really try to keep everything as plant-based as possible and for the most part i'm really really really good at it to the point where i do consider myself a vegetarian being a vegetarian is a lot harder than you think because there's things that have meat products in it that you would have no idea like i think even marshmallows is one like there's so things like that like i'm not crazy about things like that so if you consider that cheating then yeah you used to be really shy but you're not anymore that's not true i think anybody who knows me in real life can vouch for me on this i've never been shy like i've always been extremely bubbly outgoing to the point where people think i did drugs like i've just always been like that i don't do drugs by the way in case you're wondering this is an interesting one you would be happier people think i'm a hoe i'm not a hoe it just like sex that's like not a bad thing right like that doesn't make me a hoe you would be happy if you were single and able to hoe around i would definitely not be happier i am obsessed with my husband and he is the best thing that has ever happened to me besides my kids and who says that you can't go around together your husband thinks he's the boss but you're the real boss you're a control freak yeah to an extent like i don't even think i should hide that i'm definitely a control freak to an extent but i don't i'm not like i guess it depends on what it is like when it comes to filming and editing and like vlogging i'm a control freak that's one reason i edit my own videos i can't figure out how to let go i'm so consumed with my work life and it takes over so much of my life to where i wish i would allow myself to hire an editor but i just don't trust anyone else to edit content the way that i want to edit it and that way i'm definitely a control freak when it comes to my kids i don't know i feel like other areas of my life i'm not like a super control freak but i do like to have control in a lot of places as well so i don't know maybe you need an adult vacation so bad send help especially one of the reasons i haven't been doing too many just chess videos too is because i really want this channel to show like the behind the scenes of me not being a mom and i'm just a mom 24 7 right now because of the pandemic and everybody being home 24 7 there's really just not much time like even right now because they're downstairs doing homework chris is down there too i definitely definitely definitely definitely definitely needed a notification you make bank and have no other debt than your mortgage that's an interesting assumption so it is true i do not have any other debt besides my mortgage and i definitely think it's like not a bad thing to say social media influencers make a lot more money than you think that they do there's so many different revenues now with social media like you can make money on tick tock you make money with sponsors you can make money with ad revenue so there's so many different ways and 10 years ago i never thought that i would still be doing youtube but here i am and make enough to cover the bills and pay for my kids college so i'll leave it at that all right i'm gonna do one more for the sake of this video but i do have a video coming out tomorrow it's one that has been filmed for quite some time and i just haven't gotten around to putting it up so look out for that and the final assumption is okay someone said you're still a virgin honey you need to google how kids are made okay last one is your eyebrows are fake and you're correct i draw these bad boys on they are completely blonde they are the color of my skin you cannot see them i actually dye them they don't look like this when they're dying they just have like barely any color and then they draw the rest in so honey you're right same with my eyelashes this is a picture of me as a kid so that is it for today's video guys i hope you enjoyed this video now i don't know how much i'm gonna post on here but i just wanna let y'all know that i'm back and i plan to post maybe once a week every other week but for everyday content you can definitely go follow me on my main channel just damn where we post vlogs every other day make sure you go follow me on tik tok and instagram and that's a wrap so until next time bye [Music] guys
Channel: Just Jesss
Views: 203,798
Rating: 4.9479566 out of 5
Id: VbLKs-2h7yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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