NEVER have I EVER... *tipsy edition*

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[Music] [Music] tipsy videos so I invited some of my bestie festie Bessie Bessie is over and here we are today we're going to do a never have I ever asked you guys on Instagram but you don't follow me there go follow me there and get amazing so for the record the majority of us are mothers and we have our husbands downstairs they are sober as [ __ ] all the kids are sleeping or sleeping looks like you've taken of our emergency it literally wants me to call a [ __ ] fight honey that was me baby so today we have with us a completely sour underage Hannah and she's very against the questions that you guys posted on my cheek my tail no no no no there's no Instagram today on my spit questions that you posted on my today I'm legitimately afraid of what's gonna be at least I'll hit at this one I'm sober I have no clothes we're hosting a never hosting we are answering you'd never have I ever we are all drunk as [ __ ] to be but my friend Jamie here's Rosalind mwah and Jenelle and then of course to Vienna who is underage she's gonna be hosting this say she's going she's on the Instagram currently and she is going to be reading us they never have I ever challenges that you guys sent to me gonna be fun okay Hannah let's read the first question have you ever smoked pot abso-fucking-lutely I'm just saying I'm answering present truthful like I mean unfortunately she is my student actually I hate it I think I love it I don't feel bad my sermons I made it I think it makes you slow I think I do have you ever regretted sleeping with someone who's at the heart it's a hard question because my collegues so luckily don't think so can I guess who there's no way you can live with regret for what you know certain circumstances better patience with my time Jenelle yeah no no no regret Joey Gertz you get that tattoo yeah you don't drink doesn't erase everything we got divorced he got no regrets Teddy do you not know we could smell right but it looks bad it looks like it's [ __ ] have you ever gotten blacked out drunk mmm I'm joining a party yes absolutely I've never seen you black out drop yeah and a half lifetime have you ever kissed a girl have you ever got arrested no can we lie have you ever had a threesome why is this tell points I am ready have you ever sent a dirty text to the wrong person I think so I think I did that to it I don't know hey really don't that's like it really big here mine actually runs mine where's your sign my purpose / accidentally I don't have the right answer I did it on purpose but accidentally thank you next question if he says have you ever gone skinny-dipping never been skinny-dipping let's go to your mom's this person said how do they I have definitely won this gene have you ever done anal fuckingly how do you joined the mile-high club no airplane 14 hours to figure it out Oh nobody have you ever used no yeah I know I've seen them yes have you ever forgotten your kid or lost them at the store no no oh the Walmart on Black Friday no no I lost big Kaden because the baby is responsible yeah hey they found them and it was it was fine blue scary have you ever purchased a sex toy oh I have everybody know Oh have you ever had a one-night stand oh wait wait an intern ever have you ever had sex in school no no no that was a virgin in high school I've had sex guys is that not okay and don't the CSIs what else you got bro have you ever said about bored in front of your kids meow yeah yeah I'm gonna talk about babysitting that's true yeah I don't wanna get stuck in the leg on such [ __ ] and then you pull of I was like us you know oh my god no way no meow is all I have Ivan no at the end of the day honestly I'm allowed to say those things because but you're not allowed to write like I can say you're not allowed to these are grown-up words you don't sacred words oh yeah the twins of the three-year-old implicated and they know that it's a bad word have you ever been caught having sex for your kids no have you ever lied about being on your period to justify bad behavior no what's bad being in here I don't maybe you know like I do ever means someone huh right now we just did I don't remember oh I get it happen when I'm not sober have you ever had a sexual fantasy about a girl it's not a question about a girl not a certain role booster just a girl have you ever wanted to drink in the middle of the day because of kids have you ever married someone twice I feel like this is a personal attack I've never been married I told her not to everybody am I like told me not to it's just the kind of your person to know kind of superfish kind of [ __ ] but have you ever tasted breast nuts yeah I feel like I've tasted yours I don't remember like I feel like I have gonna be a bird and if I didn't I would have I just like it maybe I haven't happened I don't remember like I really really feel I can happen have you ever given redhead ah I want to say like one time have you ever smoked cigarettes absolutely it's gross but it's real it's so tolerating have you ever made a sex tape define sexy I will do a sex tape without my face how about putting have you ever recorded it's all have you ever thought about someone else while sleeping with your husband or boyfriend have you ever told your parent that you were going somewhere but what somewhere else I'm gonna just everyone has it have you ever taken a belly shot no a what a shot maximum belly fat Irish what about a big shot no have you ever said the wrong name while having sex no no we gotta get your game straight people do though have you ever kissed you know we can change this have you ever considered doing porn mmm no like seriously no have you ever used a sext wife I mean my answer have you ever lied to your kids that's just a given if you're in normal Paris oh wait I'm sorry I like have you ever gone to a strip club I have you I want to know have you ever had sex on the beach no no sanim Crichton's no way no I know that have you ever sent a full nude picture I mean new husband have you ever tongue punched a fart box I don't think so I could be wrong how you never broken the law so that's it for this video guys I hope you enjoyed it we're too [ __ ] up to know you learn all right now I don't know what I'd look like now take off all your clothes you guys next video please actually I don't know who would like this video I don't know why you're here honestly okay that was great thingies for joining us we're drunk get to good bye bye [Music]
Channel: Just Jesss
Views: 305,908
Rating: 4.9121027 out of 5
Id: PBkm95TujPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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