I hired a STRIPPER for my husband's birthday *STORYTIME*

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one as many if you have no particular reason hi guys welcome back to my channel today we are going to be talking about a story that has come up a few different times and I keep getting a lot of questions about so we're going to talk about it I am still pretty new at these like story time videos so let me know how you guys like them I have a lot huh I have a lot of stories to tell this story is good about the time that I hired a stripper to strip at my husband's 30th birthday party but before I get started today's video is going to be sponsored by naked whines calm what is this is that okay fun night so you know how I always want to like try new I'm great yeah and I don't know what to try I always just like drink well I think this counts insert your happy hands here Jessica how many did you buy it's a subscription service place any different kinds you can try them if you don't like it you get your 100% money back guarantee Wow so I went on naked wine calm and you can pick out the different ones you can try I never know what wines to pick and that's why this kind of subscription services project and the best part is they're much cheaper than the overpriced stuff that you get like a piece or they're like a wholesale price I can't cook so I bought wine that's literally you one thing I really like about it is that it helps support your local wine makers what if I helped me number a wine tiered or at a lower cost no you're even sexier than four away for me Nikki wane.com offers the best without any of the hidden fees cutting out all the marketing and retail costs for wine makers and then passing all those savings on to the customer you don't have to be rich to drink red wine naked Wayne's Commons giving you a massive $100 off your first order so if you guys are wanting to try something like this I would highly recommend stealing the steal up all you have to do is click the link down below in my description box and start selecting your favorite choices I would definitely definitely recommend this one this is the icon NIST's I cannot figure out how to pronounce it but this is the one that I'm drinking tonight and it's really really really neat I think it's like more of a sweet wine which I like so grab a little bit of your favorite wine go order some new wines down below and let's get this storytime rollin so I do not have any kind of notes that I'm going along with or any Kyrie Aledo know how or where I'm gonna start talking about this I'm just gonna pretend like you guys are my friends and I'm telling you the story the way that I've told it to many of my friends already because you can't make this [ __ ] up I filmed a video on my main channel called I forget what it's called but it this was the day that this all happened back then I didn't have this channel for you guys my personal channel my after-dark channel I didn't have that and so I didn't really film anything other than what was kind of filmed there so May of 2018 was my husband's 30th birthday this is a man that doesn't like being the center of attention he's just not much of like a party scene kind of person but this was huge like a 30th birthday party everyone knows like dirty 30 and I wanted to throw this awesome fun birthday party that he was never gonna forget so I did a bunch of planning to put this thing together I invited all of our friends we had a kid version of the party and then later in the night when all the kids left that's all the weird stuff sorry so let me just take you that okay so the day before the party I'm sitting with some of my friends and I was like how cool would it be if I could get a stripper to come to my husband's dirty thirty like that's cool I'm a cool wife like I'm pretty [ __ ] cool right I've never been like a jealous kind of person at least not with Chris I feel like once you are with someone who you truly feel secure with and there's multiples trust that goes both ways I don't know maybe it's just me but like it doesn't it's not to me I have no problem with him looking at other women or late I mean within reason like going to a strip club together is a cool thing but little old me over here who's done nothing but been a mom her whole life where the hell am I supposed to start I don't know where to find [ __ ] strippers I don't know where to start so I did what anyone who didn't know where to start was I googled it I typed in my computer strippers in Modesto mind you I have made a few comments about the place but hopefully this is not a great city there are some areas in town that you don't want to find yourself caught up in so I don't know what the [ __ ] I was thinking to do this I was just trying to be a cool wife there was a few things that came up there was a couple of like strip clubs that you could go to and then there was a site called strippers to go calm I clicked that and lo and behold it says women strippers and you shop like it's an online order like Amazon like you just go and you pick your girl and then that's it and you order them and they're there at your house and that seems easy enough to me it was a very reasonable price from what I can remember it was something that not super crazy it was what I would expect for hiring a stripper plus of course like whenever they get there you throw many of them I think I don't know I just envisioned something you'd see in movies in my living room like that's what I was watching so I start shopping on strippers to go calm a bunch of beautiful women then I see this redheaded goddess named Delaney in a sexy aerial looking outfit pause my husband if you don't know he is very interested it's a thing for him so obviously I want to find something that he's into so there's this gorgeous redhead and she's dressed in an aerial outfit if you've followed me for a while you know Ariel is his dream like if Ariel existed that would be his like Hall Pass you know this is so weird so I called up this number and I said hey yo I want to order this Ariel girl not exactly like that and everything went really smooth I paid and I told him what time that I wanted her to be there and where we lived in blah blah blah blah and again now that I'm saying this out loud this sounds absolutely freaking ridiculous everything went smoothly there was no red flags mind you I didn't even think to google the reviews on this place so fast forward to the night of Chris's party and I believe we told her to be there at 11:00 p.m. like 10:30 or 11:00 the night that we told her to be there they told me that I would get a call like around the time that she was supposed to be there she was gonna call me when she was there so I get this phone call I answer it and she's like okay it's Delaney I'm here I'm parking when I'm in a park while unless she has a parking way down the street which was kind of weird to and mind you mine gee wait I have to Chris had no idea he had no idea he actually locked him in the back yard handing him shots of fireball that try to keep him not asking questions there was so much else like going on I was trying to hide it keep it a secret and like surprise him and so he was just in the backyard getting wasted and me and a few friends we walk over to her car when she gets out of the car beautiful girl but not what I ordered the one thing that I made sure to make a point of when I was on the phone was that like the redhead thing like it had to be I didn't care if it's fake red hair you know like the redhead some kind of aerial looking in an aerial outfit like I specified that one I called them this girl was the complete opposite of what you would picture of an aerial you know she's got the dark hair darker skin pretty girl like super pretty girl but just not at all what I ordered whatever I'm like okay it's a stripper who cares we're all drunk so we all come inside and assuming she only says an ariel outfit you know we go in and to bring this girl in my house and the first red flag to me was that she didn't even have a bodyguard and not to me scared me I think the mom and me came out because she looked so young like she had to have been barely 18 and this sounds really really bad but immediately like my mom and stings came out and I was like oh my god honey what are you doing we thank god this she showed up at my house who's like this lame wife trying to make a cool birthday party for her husband you know what I mean because she had like no one protecting her which I don't know I have no idea if that's a thing I don't know if strippers are supposed to come with bodyguards I think I just like assumed that she was going to for her sake but whatever she's in there a week now so I'm like okay honey come in let's go take you into the bathroom because she wanted to change I guess she said she needed to change her something so we go into the bathroom and she's again super cute girl barely eighteen looks nothing like the picture she's got braces again cute girl just not uh-oh what I so we're sitting in the bathroom and this girl is freaking out she starts telling me oh my god I've never done this before like I'm so new to this I don't know what to do and I'm like honey I'm not prepared for this I don't [ __ ] know what you're supposed to do you're the stripper so naturally I'm just like um okay well do you have like songs like do you guys I don't know how this works I've never had a stripper before and she was like no I don't have anything why don't you just like pick out some songs and I'll just dance to them and I'm like okay you don't have any songs okay that's fine so I call II he's like basically my brother he's actually Gabe's brother but he always like DJs at my party so I call him over and I'm like hey put together some playlist it's fine whatever so not a big deal I'm in the bathroom with her she starts stripping down butt-naked which obviously I knew that was gonna happen she starts like bringing out all of the different pieces of clothing that she has in the middle of doing this she's still freaking out and she's pulling out all of these clothes none of which are Ariel none of these look like she ends up putting this fishnet top on and no bottoms and I don't know I'm like not a stripper and I'm not a professional my do I have mad respect for these women mad respect like I admire the [ __ ] out of strippers but I like thought that strippers were supposed to strip when they're doing the show like I didn't think that they were supposed to come out naked and um she was coming out in a cage which again is fine I just you know it's not what I envisioned this it's not what I thought was supposed to happen so the time gets closer we end up pulling Chris in we put him down in a chair and we blindfold him meanwhile I'm still in the bathroom with this girl trying to talk her through this not really sure what to say or having him move this situation at all at this point I'm sobering up because I'm just so [ __ ] confused this is supposed to be some sexy thing that was supposed to be fun and it's just turning into something that I did not expect so Chris sits down in the chair puts his blindfold on and everyone starts like sitting down I make sure that I tell everyone you know no videos no picture anything out of respect for her I don't know about the rule that they have but I feel like that's respectful I don't know I don't know protocol for this stuff I was brand new to this just as apparently she was so at that point we turn on the music she comes out and she starts dance and shaking a booty shaking a booty shakin a booty she doesn't really know how to do anything except just shake her booty but she got a booty I'd give it to her that girl do you do anything else the girl had a booty don't get me wrong but I just she was already naked she wasn't stripping and she was just doing the same thing for five songs straight chris is sitting down to the chair we eventually take off his blindfold and he sits there the entire time like this like a deer and headlight not sure what to do it just wasn't what we expected and he's just the whole time and then the five songs was up so I heard her back over into my wing I took her back into the bathroom and I was like are you okay and she was like yeah yeah no I'm fine like do you have anyone that's gonna like pick you up or like how does this work like do you want me to walk you act like I don't really know what the protocol is again on this and that was the end and I don't ever know what happened to so called Delaney but the moral of this story is I have no [ __ ] idea what the world the story is but that night did not go as planned Jenelle made a comment in one of my videos recently when I was like have you ever been to a strip club before and she was like only in your living room have I done in a video strip club look we're never her oh that's right that's what we're talking about I hired a stripper off of strippers to go and nothing went okay but I thought it was gonna go so I'm curious you guys has anybody else hired a stripper before is this the thing do they all go like this are they a scam or all of them a scam I mean it was just meant to be fun anyway it was definitely an experience you know not the experience that I expected but it was still an experience and that is the story about when I hired a stripper for my husband's birthday party so anyway let me know your guys's experiences have you ever been to a strip club would you ever go to a strip club would you ever go to a strip club with your significant other is that something that you guys are comfortable with I want to hear from you guys and thank you guys so much for watching this video I hope you guys have they're on channel thank you guys so much for taking the time to watch this video and until next time bye [Music]
Channel: Just Jesss
Views: 172,484
Rating: 4.9105344 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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