Discarded after 25 years. The Day my husband left, My Story Time of Deceit and Betrayal.

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I'm trying to get my thoughts together this morning to tell another part of my story but this has been a little bit triggering for me so I've been putting it on [Music] yes the cat a very wise man once told me that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you can share it with others many of us are not able to offer financial help we don't have the resources for that but we can share what we have learned through our experiences and that is what I want to do I want to share my story I want to share the things that I've overcome how I've overcome them and in order to do that I have to share the part of my story that it really did trigger me and I really have had a hard time filming this because it brings me back to those memories that I had a year and a half ago and it was a very bad place a place that I don't want to see anyone end up but I want to share that I want to share it because I want to bring awareness I want to educate and I want to give other people hope that you can move on and you your life can change and you can go on to do amazing things so here is my story December the 2nd 2018 I had a birthday party for my husband I invited all of his employees their girlfriends their wives my husband's best friend best friends and I had spent three days cooking and cleaning decorating to get ready for this party and everybody came there was 15 of us and we had a great time I even got my fine china out it was a normal day the next day December 3rd my husband took me to get a crown put on my tooth and then we went to the zoo and we had a nice day came home we were watching Netflix and I looked over at my husband he was working he's at work he was a tattoo artist and he was working on a design for a client on his iPad for the next day his mom was in really poor health and I thought that you know maybe that's why he was being extra quiet and I asked him if everything was okay and he just really didn't say a whole lot and that's are you sure you're okay and he goes I don't want to be married anymore I want a divorce I thought he was kidding I thought he was joking we had just gotten back from Orlando we had had we had like five trips this year you know I I couldn't wrap my head around what he was saying I literally thought he was kidding and then I realized that he wasn't kidding my oldest daughter who was 24 at the time worked as an apprentice and an assistant his personal assistant at the tattoo shop he fired her from her job because she was afraid that he was going to that she was going to get into his records and that that I was going to ask her to spy on him for me that that never happened I would never ask my children to spy for me within the next coming weeks my health insurance he canceled deliberately he canceled my health insurance he wasn't sending me any money and I didn't know where my next meal was going to come from I did have a little bit of money from a money market account that I had saved and opened that he knew about you know our funds were going into it every month from our mutual account so he did know about it so that was my only saving grace so he ended up getting his stuff and he left and I immediately I really didn't know what to do I ended up going to the attorney which was the smartest thing that but I could have done looking in retrospect smartest thing I could have done what strikes at the attorney my attorney said pull the bank records and pull all the phone records and go through them you'll probably find you know something and oh boy did I that it just went downhill from there what I found I'm not going to go into a lot of detail but I'll say that there was thousands and thousands of dollars of indiscretion Airi spending I don't even know if that's the right word for it and when I went through the phone records I found a number that in the from the in one month was there were texts to that number there were 1,700 text to be exact to that number so I looked up what number it was and I realized that it was one of his female clients a female client that I had been at the shop while he tattooed her and sat and talked to her while she was being tattooed so she knew that we were married and I still couldn't wrap my head around it at all I called I called her fiance because she was engaged I didn't know the fiance and I called him and he had no idea what I was talking about well after I called the fiance I called the fiance one time on the phone about a few hours later I get a phone call from this girl and she is screaming at me on the phone how dare you harass my fiance it was just really bad she would she treated me very very poorly I don't know what else you know to expect I looked her up on Facebook and her profile on Facebook her bio said guardian of the Ninth Gate of Hell so I was like oh nice my husband left me for the guardian of the ninth gate of hell that's great but what was even more shocking was when she started telling me on the phone that my husband that she and my husband had witchcraft in the occult in common so my husband left me to go and practice witchcraft in the occult and Satanism you know somebody who had his two kids and and had been with him literally through thick and thin through everything literally everything and he was allowing this woman to completely harass me he had already you know moved out of the house gotten hit all of his stuff drank our bank accounts blocked me on all social media didn't want to talk about it he just up and left for this woman and I didn't have any idea what was going on I ended up getting really sick again with mononucleosis which I have had on and off my whole life since I was 15 and the doctors can't figure out why I have had mono my whole life it shows up as like contagious acute mono in my system anyway I moved in with my mom I was really really sick and I kept thinking that he's gonna come around he's gonna do the right thing yeah this is my best friend what's going on and that never happened that never happened I moved in with my mom I laid in fetal position for five to six months crying every day trying to put the pieces together cuz I couldn't get a job you know my candle business I couldn't make my candles I couldn't get a job because I had mono and I really didn't know what I was gonna do and then a few months after I had been with my mom I get a phone call from the alarm company at 4 a.m. in the morning from our business at our shop the tattoo shop they called and said your your alarms are going off and I was like well you would have to call my husband about that since we were separated I didn't I didn't it wasn't my business anymore so he had also locked me out of that you know I didn't have the keys to it and I was not welcome there I was not welcome in our house I wasn't welcome anywhere the house belonged to his parents it used to be his grandparents house and we were renting it from them and I'll back up a little bit and say that he he also told me that I had to get out of his family's house even though when we were first married my father had bought us a house and he put it in my name but it was I still considered that to be our house and my husband was fine living in my family's house for 10 years that we lived in that house before we sold it he was fine with that but here I was you know homeless and I had to get out of his family's house so that's why I was no longer able to live there anymore anyway so the alarm company calls I tell them to call my husband and I hang up and then a few minutes later I get about four texts in a row motion sensor but back left hallway this was a big building it was about 3,500 square feet the shop was said motion sensor rear then it said glass break front door and then it said motion entry way front door and I immediately set up and I was like oh my god something's wrong so I got my clothes on and I went down to our shop where I got to the downtown area and the whole entire street was lit up with just red and blue sirens fire trucks paramedics everything so the shop was burning down it was burning down the shop that we had worked together to build that we had saved money for years to to build so that he would have a place where he could do his work and it was burning down and he wasn't there thank God nobody was in the building anyway after that was all done then suddenly I asked the fireman I asked him I said I said what happened what happened and where did this start and he pointed at my husband's studio where he tattooed his clients and my husband had resurrected this giant altar with a bunch of satanic statues and a human femur bone and skulls and candles and all kinds of all kinds of stuff and he said you see where that table was back there I said yeah and he said that's where the fire started it started back there there was a table back there and the fire started on that table and they found two holes in the ceiling above that altar where they thought that lightning had struck the altar instructed ceiling right above the altar so I don't know I don't know what your beliefs are but it was very very sketchy in so many ways and then of course the girlfriend the girlfriend the next day had put her picture up on Facebook profile picture of her holding an alcohol bottle with flames huge bonfire behind her okay so what I took away from all of that in the end of that chapter of my life what I took away was that you never really know someone 100% and that you should never be self so that you should never financially depend on someone else that you should always be self-sufficient and at all times in your life you should always know where your money is and where it's being spent how it's being used you have to take responsibility for yourself because nobody else is gonna do it for you no one is gonna do it for you if you take one thing from this video know to be responsible for yourself and for your actions because you cannot and will never ever ever be able to control the actions of other people okay well that was a lot and that's all I've got for right now but please leave any questions or comments down below of what you would like for me to talk about I want to close that chapter of my life but I want to share some lessons that I've learned in that chapter of my life what I took away from it and how I moved forward thank you so much for you guys that have supported me and subscribe to my channel I appreciate you so much and just so much love
Channel: Jennifer Fontaine
Views: 844,413
Rating: 4.8119354 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, divorce, storytime, betrayal, discard, narcissist, divorceover40, greydivorce, cheatinghusband
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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