Resident Evil 3 Remake (PC) No Damage - Inferno, S Rank (No Shop Items)

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a no commentary version of this run can be found in the pinned comment in the comments section below hello everyone this is a no damage s Trank playthrough of Resident Evil three remake on inferno difficulty no bonus items are used in this run this pandemic is spread faster than any disease in modern history he was knowledge it's pretty wide emergency declared CDC is quarantined the lower Midwest honesty integrity these are the core values that create the foundation for umbrella it's this foundation that will continue to build a brighter future for all of us [Music] so this is more or less the same run as last time albeit fewer saves I have no intentions of doing this without saves because Inferno difficulty is a piece of [ __ ] so I'm pretty much done gets worse every night maybe should have done a 100% run as well but whatever that'll come with the hardcore run look at that hello Joe are you okay Brad is that you listen you gotta get out of there what are you talking about I don't have time to explain you gotta get out of there right now all right let me grab my [Music] yeah so the only autos say that this difficulty is right here I guess I'll talk a little bit about the differences in inferno mode by the way I'm not doing a nightmare mode run there's no reason to I'll explain later Inferno mode is basically nightmare mode except there's fewer bullets there's a lot more BS I guess and there's no auto-saves that being said literally any of these strategies can be used in a nightmare mode run if you're still trying to complete nightmare mode you okay tend to find them but right now it's got a hard-on for the only two stars left in town you and me I'm not sticking around just look around you the longer we wait the more screwed real wait down here damn it dreaming as many people be infected strafe left here be quick the zombies will aggro further away and they will kill you don't think about we're gonna make a run for it crunch oh we know how this ends no I don't or we still Jean always the to be favor don't [ __ ] up like I do go sorry the requirements for s-rank on inferno by the way are sub 2hours and under five saves the requirements are the same on nightmare waiting to take you to safety turkey garage isn't far in order to get around this guy we're just gonna go wide and probably do a couple of perfect dodges to get around up you can lure him back in to shoot up until he stuns and that drunk hasta it's probably a lot easier to get around it that way dammit it's my turn [ __ ] hey easy I got you how are you what do you do call us now I'm sated come on let's get you someplace safe I think we're in the clear hope so we've been bringing survivors here you're aware my guys have converted some subway cars into a shelter it's safe I'm fine personal space okay I get it let's go huh come on who's the [ __ ] to close this sorry we're gonna have to go around Hey nothing I never seen anything like it but it's no zombie he knows what it wants and won't stop to the get see don't you like that in a man no thanks he's all yours listen I promise you're in good hands I'm with the Umbrella biohazard countermeasures service maybe CSR sure are you kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me you guys are the ones who caused all of this whoa what are you talking about but you don't have to trust me but I'm going to the shelter come in it's this way hey captain it's fine young lady could use our help Carlos you didn't even think the worst fine young lady your name she is an elite operative of our APD special tactics and Rescue Service her name is something Valentine it's Jill nice to meet you Jill I am you pcs platoon leader Mikhail Viktor my team was sent here to rescue civilians right how's that going for you the city is completely cut off isolated most of the hundred thousand civilians will wind up dead correction Undead my platoon has suffered serious losses just well you can thank your corporate overlords for that yes well we are doing all we can if we can get this subway train moving we can have a q8 some survivors but we need help my men cannot do this alone [Music] alright I'm in climb on their side not horse wait it's cool we don't want the same thing Thank You Jill all right Supercop there you go we can use this to stay in contact I know what a radio is all right working on it so what's the plan clearing the tracks you might get in the subway infrastructure back online and how do I do that copy that let's do this fast we get the Magnum at the side pack right off the bat also throwing away health items because I can we're survivors I've got to get that tree moving so I do things a little differently here actually I lied when I said this was the st. run we're going to bait this guy around and just make sure we don't miss any shots to start after he goes down we're gonna stab him at the head a few times and he reached out while he was dying as they do whenever they've been on the ground is sort of like fake their death it there's gonna be five zombies in the sali way here and we're going to lure them out into this wider area [Music] [Music] so going in actually causes them to turn back towards their spawn points basically whenever a zombie lunges you know like yeah like that's that's pretty much exactly the time to dodge if you're like going head-on Carlos I reached the Main Avenue which way do I go you mean the alley that's on fire as long as we take white angles and try not to aggro anyone we can actually get around them but doing things the way that I'm doing it now basically means I get to save the flash-grenade for later but the red dot sight the pistol now has 100% accuracy a few focus shots are enough to bring her down when that's done we're just gonna keep stabbing in the face pop out here and down this guy and I actually got really lucky and this guy didn't agro towards me so I took advantage of the situation otherwise we would have lured him up the stairs and gone back through the door in order to make him turn back around because his tether point is this room and if you leave the room then he'll move back to his spawn point move past mr. safety over here get the other high-grade gunpowder whenever this guy pops out we're just going to pop him in the head then run all the way back to this body unfortunately I missed that shot whenever he came around the corner I was trying to trying to nail him but I guess he shambled a little too quickly this is probably about as unlucky as the section gets so the only way to really the only way to really deal with this situation is to try to take out that's not be over there and we're going to move backwards and hope that that zombie is able to expose the back of its head but we got a we got a manipulate it quite a bit in order to do it and I don't know the zombies zombies in this game probably have like owl DNA or something and they just keep spinning their heads in awkward positions especially when there's like parasites on them about the only option there is to get lucky and hope that the back of the parasites head is facing you so that you can put it down used way too many Magnum bullets though clearing off this catwalk over here so that we don't have to dodge around zombies so much yeah you're nervous yeah all right I'm not what the [ __ ] wasn't fictive he might have been infected Oh stars be soft then what are you you be see is killing your own people he would have turned where's your sense of self-preservation you're back to the subway station we don't need a bleeding heart like you getting in the woods so now we're gonna go back and grab the shotgun before we proceed any further I need to get the shotgun in order to get around a couple of zombies in order to get the lockpick that's why I ran that way to grab the bolt cutters first we can stand up here the tether point is right over here so we can just keep shooting that guy in the head while we're standing in the doorway he won't aggro he won't come towards us or nothing [Music] so I've sort of been halfway considering maybe not mixing so many Magnum rounds if I were to come back and do something else inferno in the future I wound up with like eight magnum rounds at the end of this run well maybe I could still use these Magnum rounds but don't really have to worry about don't really have to worry about being as conservative with Magnum rounds as I have been so you're probably wondering why I'm raising my weapon and lowering my weapon over and over again and that is because doing that on stairs allows you to move faster up and down the stairs it's very very slight I realize how annoying it is but I don't care I just do it without thinking but basically Jill lunges off of her back foot it's only like I don't know like 0.1 seconds of time loss every time you raise the knife but it's like 0.2 seconds of gain every time but again that doesn't matter let's just say that it helps in some enemy encounters to be able to steer skate up and down stairs because it gives you like a few extra inches even though ideally I would like to not be in that situation it's coming out here gonna grab these handgun bullets and then we're going to round this corner over here there's gonna be a couple of dogs stand by this palette and whatever the dog's about to attack we're going to pop the generator and then we're gonna finish the dog behind like the second dog and then finish the first dog off with a knife because it's close enough we have enough time to be able to stab them to death these zombies don't have very much HP so like three focus shots will kill them we can run behind this first zombie over here that other female zombie around the corner was gonna lunge at us so that's why I shot her then I kneecap the third zombie now we're going to run over out back here to get the lockpick quick hand gunshot on that box over there see if there's any more handgun bullets can always use those against drain demos of course I messed up I was supposed to go to the box before this for now just going to put away the Gunpowder run those grenades apparently could have put away a lot more still need that green herb because force damage the parasites damage you at fifteen damage per second jill has like about 1200 HP or something like that but you know it you just use the green herb immediately just to purge the parasites I don't know this whole this whole sequence is dumb so now that we've got the lockpick we're going to backtrack and we're going to get every item that we missed so far there were some handgun bullets and a regular gunpowder in there I mix my regular gun powders together of my high grade gun powders together there's no need to really mix shotgun shells I mean it'll help though you get like four extra shotgun shells every time I guess that is to say it is up to the players discretion whether they want to make shotgun shells or magnum rounds but because of certain enemies that absolutely need the old Kapali I just recommend straight up mixing magnum rounds personally I just hate tentacle zombies taking the catwalk back means we don't have to deal with dodging a [ __ ] ton of zombies the zombie positions have also shifted after the cut-scene with Nikolai and Murphy I like to go in here in order to get the extra shotgun shells from this case over here yeah I mean I guess in some cases it's probably a little more efficient to be mixing handgun and to be mixing some shotgun shells with the enhanced gunpowder's probably like a lot earlier it's better to mix to mix those because like two high-grade gunpowder's will only yield two Magnum bullets on Inferno so I don't know maybe it is better to just straight-up make a shotgun shells I suppose we'll keep that in mind for the future of course my inventory was choked out I should have put it should have put away the Magnum I used my handgun to finish him off because if I use the shotgun that I would have blown up the barrel also absolutely needed to capitate this guy I always kept saying decapitate that zombie I finally did future cars he finally learned from past car C's mistakes we're gonna put away virtually everything now except apparently not virtually everything really you I should have just put away the Magnum and anything Magnum related so after grabbing the fancy box we can use the shotgun here to down these guys there's gonna be some handgun bullets over here now we're going to make our way back to the main street it's a couple more doors to unlock fortunately mr. safety decided to move towards the car the most likely zombie to lunge at you is the balding zombie and gray over here the aggro range on inferno is ridiculous I don't like it at all that kind of forces you to use the perfect dodge I guess also get in here there's gonna be two more magnum rounds it's probably not even necessary to really open these doors on Inferno because the fancy boxes are elsewhere but can't go wrong with more gunpowder so trying to set up for the next segment over here because we're going to be fighting nemesis a lot as well as taking out the drain demos but that's pretty much it for the first segment so for the second segment we want to carry with us Magnum three grenades handgun and the shotgun and shells we mostly need the handgun and the shotgun for dealing with all the all the pion enemies for the most part we're gonna pop that first gen in order to kill that guy and then the second guy is gonna be around the corner so we're gonna shoot him down I'm not sure I've actually done this strategy in the previous video but I decided to run this route instead because the way the drained demos work here is in the first whenever you're pulling the first lover there's only three of them and for the second and third lovers there's going to be a maximum of five that's spawn if you shoot drain Deimos and you stare at them and they're like about midway away then there's about a 50% chance that they will turn and run and that means like all of them so you can use that to your advantage while setting up and trying to advance a little bit but every time you pull the lever then they all respawn pretty much instantaneously or at least several more spawn and like static positions and the others are just recycled and become random access bad guys pretty much you can see that basically I'm just like trying to pop the generators every chance I get if I don't pop any generators yet then I wait for them to come back on reason being if I do that then there's a chance that I can pop them around the corner get rid of them or Hank Oh bullets in this barrel over here so on the way back we're going to chill out here in this area there's obviously a butt hole to the left so we got to be careful but in general we can use this area to relegate the positions where all the drain demas are going to come from because they can only come from the ceiling in this area and if there's too many that we can like fall back to the ladder and wait for them to get on the ground because they can't be on the ceiling when you're next to the ladder when these guys pop out there's going to be a maximum of a seventh dream Deimos the reason why I wait and pull this lever for last is because this way all the drained Deimos will spawn closer to that last lever and then we can run all the way back this way some of them will migrate towards this direction but by using this angle to exit the area they will be lined up and I have a better idea of the angles at which they can attack from whenever the whenever the the junction into that next hallway is there I just like dodge twice and then I dodge to the right a third time and then I look to the left with the shotgun pop around the corner if there's some that are too close so it's pretty complicated section not really a fan at the dream demo serie right I think I know the building not your partner deal with this next area coming up nemesis is going to pop out and the only way that I found particularly consistently to deal with this short of like actually using the magnitude down up here is just pop a shotgun shell and make sure that connects and hits both then we're going to turn the camera back and nemesis is going to get stuck on those other two zombies while they're still up if there's any still awake we're just going to pop them with the generator and just use like shots and a head shot at these next two zombies that prepare it's not 100% consistent sometimes a nemesis will jump in front of you but to my understanding you can also look down and nemesis will never jump in front of you I ran over to like the marker that I use to spawn nemesis over there is a green bottle on the ground that's about when I turn around somewhat nemesis tries to pop up the gate we're going to toss a grenade and that brings him down to 33 percent HP then we're gonna wait for mr. safety ever here to walk up and we're gonna use this third grenade to down him over here I use the I use the grenades here so that I can get the extended magazine as well as down um over here so that I don't have to deal with any nasty surprises well I'm on my way to the kite Burroughs railway office but basically using that using that gate over there just allows me to cheese them and then we have like 30 seconds to make it here at which point you know we can we can just we can just shoot them down really you know you can use two shotgun shells I tried to get away with using one but two is safe okay alright where are we confirmed Carlos it's me I finished inputting the subway room chill you are amazing toughest nails to hurry back to the station make sure the subway is ready to depart in order to get around this guy I shoot him in the leg shooting the technical zombies in the leg will disable them pretty much immediately but you know there are some situations where like we would be headed off by this guy at the top of the stairs that we absolutely don't want to rely on shooting them in the leg so I just moved to that corner over there next to the door because that actually triggers the zombies to move back to their tethers it's like that corner part of that corner is inside the railway office so that way I can use that as an option to cheese the two zombies or choose cheese the two technical zombies just use focus shots pop into the head from a range then we'll go up this way by avoiding the cutscene we are able to use this as an opportunity to lure nemesis over to this gate I've been saving that barrel for this very moment right here but you know I reckon I could actually I reckon I can actually use few more Magnum outs right over here whenever he tries to screech us over here unfortunately using the Magnum while he was screeching did not actually trigger his death animation and he actually gained a little bit of armour there so had to wait for him to come inside and shoot him but normally it takes three Magnum rounds to take him down one of those magnum rounds has to be charged like has to be a focus shot and the reason why I took them down is because there's all these zombies over here and I wanted to be able to comfortably get around them so there's a little bit of a click like if you listen to the if you listen to the tentacle zombies really closely there's like a there's like there's like the chittering and then there's a click and then there's the attack so the click is the click is about when you want to have your thumb like on the on the dodge button and be ready to hit it but it's like a good it's like a good timing point for knowing when to actually dodge the tentacle zombies when using a perfect dodge unfortunately perfect dodge is about the only consistent way that I've found to get around that particular technical zombie I want to be able to open all of the all of the items up over here because I could use the extra side pack as well as the extra grenade I don't know as far as I'm aware the tactical trip doesn't really do a whole lot with the shotgun this last lock box over here has shotgun shells nice job super comfy I'm impressed back in business yeah mostly but we need 30 to 40 minutes to finish maintenance Nikolai how are we doing that Don's crawling with those freaks no chance of fighting around this why is she here she's helping get the trains run you get that time to start getting did waetford she's unreliable can pull the trigger when it counts hey take it easy she'll get you killed sorry about that everyone's a little worked up come on not again it's mean he's after I'll buy you some time wait wait Joe no so you gotta listen really closely it's like after the second step I guess about the third step is when you want to be pressing the perfect dodge button when you listen to Dennis's footsteps I don't know dodging nemesis here is a pain in the ass I think it's a bit harder on hardcore though because the least nemesis runs at a consistent speed here I think a lot of that has to do with nemesis being so slow on hardcore anyway supply case here has shotgun shells [Music] Carlos do you copy Carlos more shells and handgun bullets and the walkers there gonna be doing a little bit of fancy footwork here the route is different in the sewers compared to the compared to the previous rod so I actually used the the knife to be able to perfect dodge and counter them which will actually stun them for a really long time I'm using this curve over here to beat out the actual lunge attack that can actually one-hit kill you because when he's recovering from that that's exactly enough time to get around them and we can move over here grab the grenade launcher putting away these handgun bullets don't need them and also these hand grenades I'm not using any hand grenades on these guys by saving the hand grenades actually get to ration them out for use against nemesis so doing anything but using hand grenades against the hunter gammas is a good idea he's gonna pop his head out you know things gonna do a secondary lunge attack so it's like the first thing is like the intimidating thing and then the second thing is like the thing that actually kills you I think I actually get off the PD in this round I'm not sure but anyway I'm gonna use the Magnum on these guys [ __ ] using a grenade on them I am going to equip the flame rounds and use the flame round on this guy over here so that I could take my time and dodge this one because both of these guys are actually about to de-spawn whenever I go to grab the battery pack [Music] fixing magnum rounds herb sorry explosive rounds with these explosive powders taking the shotgun shells out of this case so we can consult it space get that battery pack don't got to throw nothing away take these shotgun shells I could have actually probably done a perfect dodge here and been able to counter and get around him but I was able to get around the regular way it doesn't really matter too much we're gonna use flame rounds to disable this guy because we're gonna take stun whenever this guy jumps out of the jump side of the sewer sewage over there it's just whenever we're getting pincer attacked we pretty much are forced to use a flame round in order to be able to gain enough time to be able to counter the next one so next up my guys popping out of the water over here we're going to open the lock cut through here grab this other battery pack we're gonna wait for the hunter to go back into the sewage if you come close enough he'll pop his mandibles through the door we would rather that not happen and while he's jumping down there we can actually we actually have just barely enough time to be able to make it past him got the site pack got this extra explosive got the high-grade gunpowder here there's a lot of goodies in this room I just want to show you what would happen if we got too close to the door so now we're loading that Magnum I'll take the battery pack and then we're going to move over this way in order to get him to jump out this way so we're baiting him that way so we have a clear running path to get to the ladder and be able to put the battery pack in yeah we got to be careful about those doors because he can actually kill you in one hit but now we're out of the sewers yeah I'm alive I lost him gotta shoot that guy in the head so we don't have to perfect dodge em gotta grab that explosive a before we can't anymore and it's really annoying when the zombies give you hugs after you decapitate them because it just allows other enemies to just roll right up on you really I should just meet captain starting to think that we capping the zombies is probably better so before we go to fight nemesis we're going to take these last three hand grenades the handgun bullets here flash grenade as well well I guess I'll take the flash grenade later just one magnum round is necessary for this flight so here's what I do here's the current no damage strategy for Inferno because we grab the shotgun shells first and then we go to grab the grenades while nemesis is busy wasting his fuel then we're going to fire shots until he stumbles backwards that's when he reaches his first HP wall of 95 percent after that we're going to throw a grenade and we're going to pull our handgun back out and then pop him one maybe two more times after which point he will be down to 65% HP when his tank on his back explodes then we're going to pull out the grenades again and we're going to wait for him to put his right foot forward very very slowly then we're gonna Bank that grenade off of that there after we use the burst grenade and I usually like to finish this off with a shotgun but the Magnum is probably a better choice especially given that I have like a [ __ ] ton of Magnum rounds at the end I played this really conservatively just Lanson broken glass shattered ribcage Carlos its Jill do you read me yeah bastards dead don't start I did what I had to so let's we're over here we don't even really need to go through all the trouble of killing all these guys the only thing that I really need to worry about is this tentacle zombie over here we're just gonna do focus shots the moderator actually increases the crit chance now we can head down over here and open up the chest and get some more enhanced gunpowder sorry the high-grade gunpowder I keep wanting to say enhanced because Resident Evil three classic but anyway can I head up the stairs over here and we're going to take the long way around under this under this ladder and pass the ambulance there's going to be a graze on be over here just bashing on the gate and I got unlucky and that female zombie got us away I probably should have actually lured her over to the barrel and shot it so I wouldn't have to deal with her female tentacle zombie you know take the semi-auto barrel combine that with a shotgun actually no we're not alright alright so stretch sorry I'll jump you there didn't know quite what to expect no [ __ ] look we're using the subway to get people out of town you win subway wow that's good thinking when we get out there's gonna be a lot to do we can use a man of your skill set what's wrong nothing just uh just bad timing is all look don't worry about me I'm gonna make other arrangements okay you better depress the gun Smith around oh no don't do anything stupid oh that's that's your job right take care Jill were actually not going to combine the peril just yet don't do that I don't even know why I said that I'm also gonna put away the grenade launcher and take the flash grenade there's no need to hold on to the grenade launcher for the section so we'll shoot that tentacle zombie in the face in order to stun them and get past them then this next guy we're just gonna straight-up kill three shots then then we'll combine the barrel while throwing away the key in order to get six shotgun shells then on the same menu as I was supposed to we're going to equip the flash grenade this actually makes the chase section here a lot more tolerable because it stuns nemesis in all the places where he would normally like rush up to you and punch you in the back so with the laser from the rocket one who disappears that's what we want to throw the flash grenade because nemesis is charging us at that point then we're going to shoot these two zombies in the leg with the shotgun and this other technical zombie also going to shoot it in the leg carlos said lots to somebody else again are you [ __ ] me I thought you killed me too as long as we hug the cars we don't got to worry about the rocket damaging us but on the third rocket is when you want to actually dodge rather start mashing the space bar or the Dodge button whatever the Dodge button is on controller by the way there's no reason for me to ever do any of these on console because the strats can be done on console as well head back towards and lead him right to you okay in order to get around this last encounter with nemesis ever here we're going to stand it between this glass and this light post over here and then we're gonna listen for two steps but nemesis doesn't spawn so we have to trigger him to spawn over here sometimes he spawns sometimes he doesn't whenever you hear nemesis stepping a second time so it's just two steps from nemesis that's when you hit the generator but you have about three steps of buffer before he actually hits you so in between steps two and three is good before the third stop just make sure you keep the camera focused on him so he doesn't jump in front of you [Music] okay go go come on let's get out of here Carlos I know we didn't get off to a great start thanks for the same hey you saved my ass first you're a hell of a lot braver than me well what matters is that we can get everyone out of the city now yeah now you'll be safe what about you now from the sound of it I won't be catching the train why not no there'll be new orders if it means I can help save the city it's fine by me good work your reputation is well-deserved get inside the subways about to leave Carlos Tyrell you have your orders you need to go back out into the city and find that Daniel part this isn't the last ride out of town right do not worry once the civilians are safe that train will be back it's all right you go on ahead I'm not gonna die on you leave you in a cold cruel Carlos this world okay you'll need to find this scientist it's vaccine the research could save us all you see you're learning your life that matters is your good luck let's go you don't really think Vincent Porsche like you will read about teammates there is something else finally a brain where zombies can ambush you look dude like that funny the gate was locked how is this [ __ ] not dead yet come this way nicolai what are you doing it's not after ships barred up now it's been a while Subway's got to be clear this city by now along with your hot date no she's not like that I know she's not like anybody all right keep your head screwed on Romeo this is the police station are you sure it looks like a cemetery to me all right stop T come on man not you too [ __ ] it's locked you stay on the door I got this [ __ ] come get some so while Tyrell is opening the door we're going to go down the stairs and go into the room over here and grab Brad's ID cards and if with any luck Brad should be standing in his neutral position we are just outside his tether range so we can just snipe with a handgun over here you're probably wondering why not just dodge him his aggro range comes from really really far and he can turn towards you while you're running around them so that would leave you with only being able to use a perfect dodge to get around them and the timing window for that is [ __ ] so I would rather not take the risk and just keep shooting him in the head instead it's gonna raise our da by quite a lot though finish them off with a machine gun bullet where'd that cop go don't care our Intel still let's find him and take him into custody custody I thought this was a rescue Carlos take a look at this I've located the Stars office remember Bart had access to umbrellas darkest secrets he knows we'll try to keep him under our thumbs so this search and rescue mission is really more like find and detained hmm right good to know I'll open the shutter so you can get through you stay here and find out what's been going on here at the station call you if I find anything Thanks be careful yeah you too now here's a weird [ __ ] door leave it we're here for bard and this is the end of the second segment so this segment is going to be leading up until about halfway through the hospital basically the idea is to try to save the game before any like particularly any particularly orangey sections [Music] here we go got the scope from the Box gonna keep shooting either in the legs or in the button till he stuns and then we equip the knife and then I do two tackles and I use like I raise the knife in order to cancel out of that which is another thing that the stair skating has been handy for is just teaching me the timing of how quickly I could raise and lower the knife but basically raising and lowering the knife after tackling allows me to recover a little bit faster so all that annoying raising and lowering keeps me from getting bit in the back by that zombie I've got a very carefully pay attention to these zombies so we don't get crowded up on while we're trying to like shoot so maybe about a clip and a half is probably enough they're going to enforce the center of the door here so a little tip for shooting zombies like this is is just use like one or two bullets just just here and there until they stun and then just like unload into their heads because it's like their heads will jump back but their bodies won't so it allows you to so it allows you to get off a lot more shots on the head and it causes more damage at this point I'm just checking bodies so yeah he's stunned and it's like I was waiting for him to sort of halfway regain his balance before I started to shoot him anymore basically it's just like as soon as you see like the first half of that stunt animation just like let it go I'm using focus shots on these guys to kill them we want all the zombies in this hallway to be dead all of them next up grab these assault rifle rounds handgun ammo nine fifteen seven and we got the hip pouch there's gonna be some more assault rifle ammo just five bullets but every bullet counts he's facing at a weird angle so whenever we stun him it's not gonna be totally on center so I got to stagger my shots a little more or to make sure I'm actually hitting them by the way you know how I mentioned there's no auto-saves there's also a fewer typewriters in uh inferno mode and I think this is like one of the first areas where there's like no typewriter generally Inferno mode will give you ammo instead of a typewriter though which is kind of nice except when it's just handing out ammo that it's like hey [ __ ] you you're on your own buddy DCM is the code here and it'll give us 20 assault rifle rounds so just gaining back the assault rifle rounds we used on these zombies slightly slower quantity than what we spent once we get down here we're going to start walking because there's gonna be two liquors here around this corner real tight just keep walking don't worry about it just keep walking and try not to touch that's the trick 104 106 at 109 are the codes here and we grabbed this battery apparently first all right but I usually like to take down that zombie and just grab the battery if we grab the battery the Brad will visit us again trying to get in to bust down the door as quickly as possible so that we can run around these lockers and just run around him overall then we can slow up and start walking copy that c.a.p in order to get this other flash grenade here flash grenades are absolutely essential for this entire playthrough next up we're gonna throw a grenade through this hole then we're just gonna run around these guys and head towards the wall next to those kale head and then start mashing spacebar after his buddy pops in now we're just going to sneak around the slicker and head towards the door that whole section is a non-issue dr. Park don't worry we're gonna get you out of there just tell me where you are I'm trapped in a goddamn Hospital surrounded by every kind of abomination doctor scented stars they're gonna know what to do negative our PDS overrun - then figure it out I'm brothers gone crazy they're killing all the researchers only one who knows how to make the vaccine to stop the zombies so you can either sit there with your dick in your hand Orson send somebody who's capable of getting me the hell out of here I like them already yeah you would you heard what he said we can't turn him over to the company that's not I'll call to make that's no hyo's call I'm gonna check the computer see if I can trace the docks location one more box of assault rifle ammo in the case over here yeah what's up deep rail was anyone hurt Jill [ __ ] wait what Jill Jill what happened Jill come in see I gotta go do what you gotta take care of bar the only one who Carlos come in Carlos damn it I guess I'm out of range pick these mine round this and then we go into the box we're going to drop the Magnum and take the grenade launcher with us we're saving all of our grenade rounds for the end of the game I should have probably popped puff those back in the Edit box as well now we're going to climb these stairs over here don't got to worry about attacking anything flaming exploding zombie making [ __ ] Nickelodeon sound effects great choice Capcom now we're headed up [ __ ] can't swim Carlos respond yeah what's up we didn't make it the train derailed everybody's dead mihail everybody nicolai left us to die so we got to make sure that we got the flame rounds equipped with a grenade launcher before all this because our first shot is going to be a flame round so that we can stunt nemesis basically the rule is if nemesis is not already on fire than a playground will stun him six shotgun shells and then we're going to start luring him around the obelisk in the center over here the statue sorry shows you how little I pay attention to the environment but we're just gonna alternate between flame rounds and shotgun shells for this and then after the third flame round we're going to reduce his HP down to 70% with the handgun and whatever he screams like that he's down to 70% HP next we're going to grab these mine rounds over here we're gonna equip the mine thrower and we're gonna plant a mine over here stand in the center over here and then boom got to make sure that we recoup the flame rounds before we lay into him here somehow I missed it somehow I did not get hit I have no idea why [Music] I really wish I didn't miss that flavor out because I would have made that section a lot easier but I still managed to pull through it so ideally you're supposed to put your flavor outs back at the grenade launcher and then switch to the shotgun right after you throw your by for around because at that point you know you got downtime while waiting for Nemesis to hit the mine so you might as well take advantage of it right so there flame round is already ready already six more shotgun shells he's gonna run around in a circle again I'm switching weapons in order to cancel the abnormally long animation that it takes for Jill to actually put the grenades in the grenade launcher I've taught you so many of the attacks from the sky that yeah I guess I guess I do have the PD timing down pretty good for this he doesn't have a whole lot of HP left at this point like after the third Dart so we're just going to fire off one more flame round get up down but he's already charging around in a circle so pop off our last line round here it should be enough to finish him off maybe you should use shotgun shells don't do what I'm doing Carlos you still there you got a crap out on me now I'm gonna take the rest of our spoils here the rest of these shotgun shells and these other two boxes of mine throw our rounds here [Music] interest you have done me a big big chill Hey answer me dammit Tyrell do you copy what's going on Jill's been infected I I'm taking her to the hospital maybe dr. Barr can save her all right you hang in there super cop I got you find it Joe I'm gonna get you the vaccine you're gonna be okay taro where's Bart now back copy I'll go on ahead so coming here we're gonna start walking then we're going to make our way towards bards office take the tape player we're going to stay behind the tether and just snipe these guys with the assault rifle I got lucky and I scored a crit on that one save me a lot of ammo [Music] I usually just use the handgun to finish these guys off before I move on just we're going to do one two three four five six seven shots seven focus shots are to finish off the zombie on three because that zombie will jump up man I got really lucky with the crits on this one pretty good I'll take the assault rifle ammo and then we will jump out of this window over here take the tactical grip so the gun doesn't jump up as much or drift up as much whenever we sustain auto fire before we move on to encounter hunters though I'm going to run all the way back to the save point because it is very very easy to take damage on the hunters and of course like an idiot I just charged right into the room with the liquor so we got to wait about a few seconds for the liquor to return to its neutral position so that we can walk around it hopefully it doesn't randomly decide to agro it does that sometimes we're gonna make our save right here it's a part for starting from the middle of the hospital going all the way up until acid nemesis I decided to make my save in the middle of the hospital just to get around the hunters there's not really many options for what you can do with hunters on Inferno unless you want to burn through a lot of ammo and put yourself at risk for getting hit a lot after getting the key in the courtyard the next thing that we have to do is get the key card but upon getting the key card we have to deal with hunters we're going to avoid looking at the skybridge there is a hunter they're already active I eliminate that zombie first so that we can just run straight through here heading towards the double doors before we trigger the hunter there's a flash grenade in the Walker and then we can open this lock or grab the hospital ID card that will cause the zombies in this room to get up and we just hug the left hand side stay far enough away so that the zombie to our right doesn't aggro and the trick to this area over here is to just look up for some reason the hunter doesn't attack you if you just look up afterwards we're going to make our way into the safe room over here by doing so that will return the hunter that's down the hall way across the skybridge to a neutral position we're gonna look left we're going to check to see if he's moving and he is moving so we're gonna hide around this corner over here hunters turn really slowly so it takes them a while to turn around and catch up to us once we hit this door we have to release all buttons all together so that we can go back to walking unfortunately holding the Run button does not work on the PC version if you want to be able to have good control over your gun as well because for some reason if you hold the Run button you can't hold the right mouse button in order to raise your gun like you couldn't resident able to remake so the developers pretty much locked us down to only being able to use the toggle run scheme which is actually quite bad for the control in this game and probably my only real chief complaint with like the bass controls of this game but it's still a pretty bad one we'll take out the pale head they're just unload Carlos's assault rifle into it and then combine the extended mag we're gonna pop the door open here so that we agro the hunters then head back out into the hallway in order to D a grow them after that we're going to go in here by D a growing the first hunter he's going to have his back turned whenever we open this door again so we can toss the splash grenade and then take a wide circle around whenever you flash hunters they always do like to fight they always do like to slashes to like one side or another like if they always start with they always start slashing to their left side then slashing to the right side when we're in the middle of the room before we go to grab the the audio cassette we toss another flash onto the bed in order to keep them stunned because they're stun can actually loop with the flash grenades the problem is if they get out of stunt too early then they are likely to just randomly gain iframes and just jump on beds I don't know for some reason they just decided to make it so that hunters can't be immune to your flash grenades so the hunters can just be immune to like half the things you do hunters are really really really cheap enemies once the zombies crash shot here we're going to hit the female zombie as she clatters to the floor and just go ahead and melt her and these other four zombies over here are going to be alive and we'll just take them one at a time once we hit the O R actually it was three zombies because we took care of Babs before wasn't handgun bullets that time it was a red herb so be sure to miss a couple of shots to lower your da I will explain why in a minute Lord Tyrell Bart's dead he's been shot I'm looking this is V or C chief Nathaniel Bart September 29 11 p.m. I am acutely aware that my time's running out and I hope and pray by making this recording and bringing the truth to light that I can restore some small shred of Honor to my name all over [ __ ] City's suffering began with the release of a biological weapon known as the t-virus my employer the umbrella corporation engineered this virus and they ordered my team to develop a vaccine which we did I keep samples of this vaccine here on office the rest of it is stored underground but those sons of [ __ ] and aboard they want to destroy it they don't want the world to know what they've done so they're trying to erase all evidence that the virus ever existed now I'm not a fool I know they don't want me to I got Jonah won't walk and she trusted me anyway is it here right hang tight T I got it be careful equip your flash grenades before you go through the door and when the camera forces in the direction of the hunter crashing through the skylights toss the grenade by the time the hunter lands the grenade will detonate and will freeze the hunter in place giving us enough time to get over into the liquor hallway over here without having to worry about getting hit by the hunter because if you don't throw that flash grenade the hunter is going to catch up to you come on this [ __ ] better work Tyrel what the hell happened attention all citizens the contagion spreading throughout the city has been designated uncontainable on October 1st Raccoon City will be completely destroyed in a missile strike all residents capable of rational thought are urged to evacuate immediately this is not a test and that's only a day away there's still people in the city you think Uncle Sam gives a [ __ ] [ __ ] here they come why don't you sit tight I got this better grab some I'm gonna try to lower the window shutters the left entry points better how do we do that I'll try a can you get the hospital security system keep them off me in the meantime now so here's here's the deal with the siege segment the reason why I said to miss shots is because there is a hidden difficulty scaling system the DA system which I have mentioned in several other videos up to this point so the DA system the better you do with the game in other words the more shots you nail and the fewer hits you take the DA is going to go up to level 19 or a score of 19,000 now if you're da score is between 18,000 and 19,000 or I should say 18,000 9.99 then it will be at level 18 level 19 is the max for Inferno the higher your DA level the lower the damage your shots are going to do is the game's way of getting harder so if you missed a couple of shots before the siege segment like I said to do earlier then we'll be at da 18 instead of DA 19 as your da value does not increase or decrease during the siege segment so by missing a few shots you'll have plenty of ammo and you will also be able to kill the zombies and fewer shots thus making it slightly safer so the zombies here take about ten eleven shots to kill depending on where you hit them but in general I try to stand in this area and whenever they pop their heads through the windows or whenever they're walking towards the windows I just unload about 10 or 11 bullets into them in case you're wondering about da for other difficulties yeah III guess I'll talk about it later so once once the lights go out we got to equip the got equip the hand grenade after killing all the other zombies here we don't got to worry about the hunter damaging us when it pops out the door because that's just an animation he's just meant to be big and menacing so keep your back towards the door let the hunter come in and toss the grenade as soon as we see him because he will be recovering and the second he recovers he will get nuked by the grenade after the hunter comes through then the zombies will have slightly more HP moving on we have one more hunter to worry about but from this from the second half onward we also have the parasite zombies to worry about the parasite zombies have the same amount of HP is every other zombie and with the bonus with the bonus caveat of them being able to take damage while the parasite is active you can actually like shoot but in order to kill them you have to actually like shoot the parasite at least once after they are low or out of HP so when they're on the ground like that I just don't load it to the parasite until I started to see the head melt otherwise they just unload about 12 bullets into the rest of these guys so wouldn't uh when Tyrell says almost got it we want to actually start to hover around this generator and the door over here and we can be killing zombies here as well once we see the the zombie the female zombie with the blue shirt over here that's a that's basically a signal that the hunter is going to pop through the window so because generators actually do not cause any harm to Carlos in other words they don't stun Carlos if he pops them during the siege segment we can actually pop it and then throw a grenade to kill the hunter no need to shoot heads because they all have very low HP to begin with and shooting heads is just gonna cause you to miss shots especially when it doesn't matter if your DA is going to go up or down anyway so once this section starts you got to shoot the generator in order to freeze them in place then put down the plastic explosive then we're gonna go in here grab these two flash grenades and kill this other zombie and once we see the zombies here start moving again we can just toss flash grenades to keep them locked in place if you kill zombies then more zombies are gonna take their place and it's just going to be that much more of a problem so just stay put and just keep freezing the zombies once assume you nine ten red light this whole section is GG easy I'm coming back vaccines the real deal darling somewhere you damn right what do you think you're gonna do whole city is about to be microwaved come on man call the government tell them we found a cure you stall for time buzzing [ __ ] chill okay I've got good news it's over now the city safe where am I what's going on attention all citizens the missile strike on Raccoon City will occur in just hours the payload is designed to eradicate all biological material you will not survive if you remain in the prototype refers to eight now repeat unfortunately the recording of this playthrough was subject to a bug where if you get to the warehouse before nest 2 then for some reason the music doesn't play whenever you reload a file so too bad because this track is slapping more in sunshine you saved my life I sure as [ __ ] didn't that was all Carlos he cared you hear and he treated you himself crazy bastard where is he he went underground borrowed stockpile the vaccine enough to give this city some home he thinks he can do this by himself I'm going after him wait did you see the broadcast they're gonna blow the city sky-high I'm trying to get a hold of someone anyone with the clearance to stop it leave this mess to him he's a professional so am i right so as per huge walk by the liquor I dropped most of my grenades into the box except for the except for the mind darts pick up this explosive B so that we can make some more acid rounds later so swapping in mine through our rounds we're going to pop the hunter twice and then we're gonna go into this area that the zombies were in earlier so that we can di grow the hunter and force them to stare at the wall because this game has some pretty amazing AI for the record this music bug actually happens on both ps4 and PC actually about to mine darts in a single shotgun shell is good enough here but we still gotta get all the shotgun shells here these zombies resurrect for some reason so really all we're trying to get for this segment is just as many Magnum rounds as we can get ahold of we got about 10 that we can grab you could get 12 if you get an additional high-grade gunpowder in the sickroom but I personally would not recommend it because of the amount of ammo that you need to spend in order to get through the zombies and the liquor next to the safe room to the right it's it's it's a hassle it's actually not worth the ammo that you have to spend in order to get get it safely in the case where the Magnum would be we get an additional two magnum rounds so there's like four in the one case for in the locker and two in the case downstairs and then there's gonna be the other grenade rounds that are in that locker over there and the shotgun shell ISM once we have all those we are free to go into the warehouse and nest - I just went over here to check this one more time because I usually leave that box for last whenever I play it no box playthrough I just want to make sure that I got those so we go through the door here there's going to be another pale head it's absolutely not worth spending the ammo on this guy so we're just going to lure him back in through this way trying to stand a little closer so that he gets through here faster I just don't like waiting well that's done we're going to go in through this door over here that make our way down to the warehouse there's no need to grab that gunpowder there because the only thing that we'd be mixing at this point is handgun bullets anyway although because I skipped the white high-grade gunpowder it probably would have been worth it to carry an additional regular gunpowder to be able to make some more shotgun shells for the acid nemesis fight you'll notice before that I also picked up the first handgun specifically for breaking open boxes and for fighting acid nemesis another hip pouch over here before we move on you can open the box put away the lockpick we don't need that anymore we'll take the high grade and the Magnum rounds here strafe over here and then we're going to use the focus shot on this pale head over here before he gets up so here's what I'm going to do next once I go up this elevator I'm not going to pick up the fuse I'm going to leave it for last because if I leave it for last then the zombies that are next to the fuse box that we put all the fuses too will have their hitbox is active but they will not aggro like they will when you drag all the fuses to the box so it allows you to take them out before putting in the last fuse a lot easier to deal with we have no choice but to stun this hunter Gama over here that's what that last flame round is for because if we don't stun it then the hunter Gama will swallow us whole during these two explosions sequences where you are forced to be stunned decapitate that zombie there and head right through here I only bother with lowering the elevator after I grab the fuse next to the hunter grandma coming up over here there's another high-grade gunpowder to the left after we raise the elevator I use that to make some more Magnum routes once someone plops down just head straight for the ladder there is no point in shooting or otherwise dealing with any of the enemies here because there is nothing to be gained from inside that container after that we're going to pull this lever and grab the final shotgun upgrade then we're just gonna walk right up the stairs there's no reason to send the elevator back up we just be waiting we'll do a focus shot on the pale head in the back because it's not a Kurd yet the two shotgun shells on these guys that rack that shell rack that we put on the shotgun is actually going to allow us to reload two shells at a time once we go in here we're gonna take this other fuse and the hunter is going to spawn in a nightmare and Inferno the hunter spawns after you grab the fuse and if you run straight towards the ladder that he always jumps on the box to like do his little stupid iframe [ __ ] so we use that to our advantage to just get around him like he always does that 100% of the time you don't ever have to shoot him just go straight from the fuse box to the ladder but hug the box that he jumps on anyway so that we can bait him into jumping on top of it he just wastes a lot of time like an idiot we'll decapitate these other zombies like I said earlier they they will not get up but you can actually kill them before grabbing the third fuse they only get up when you grab the third fuse which is why I left this fuse over here the easiest to grab one for last what was he doing here a final upgrade for the Magnum then we'll initiate this cutscene Joe tell you well I got through there willing to negotiate ah they'll call off the strike gift and this is one big-ass if we can deliver the vaccine to them before they launch how long do we have hours maybe then let's not waste one more second we'll find the vaccine up ahead sure you don't need to stop what I got your back all right let's get this done so in the save room here there's no typewriter there is some high-grade over here though to the left we're going to decapitate this Lobby because she is going to get directly in our way while we are trying to decapitate this guy fortunately it didn't really take any focus shots in order to take him down not entirely sure why but usually I have to do a full on focus shot but I think I think focus shots are really necessary at reaction we're basically saving the acid rounds and the mine throw around specifically for the hunter for like the five hunters that we have to fight in a bit and the Magnum is for all the tentacles on these and the pale heads in this area I might be able to use this to synthesize the vaccine I move into this room for a moment in order to die a Grove the rest of the pale heads that I left alive really this one yeah see that's the main reason that I don't like fighting these pale heads is just because they like [ __ ] wiggle around a lot when you're trying to give them the old Kapali now this guy is getting up give him the old kapowee as well got our two acid rounds and then we're going to mix this other gunpowder B with the gunpowder B we already have in our inventory so we need the acid rounds in order to stun the hunters and the mine three rounds in order to kill them I apologize I keep calling the vibe through our rounds because I'm too used to playing Resident Evil 3 classic because that's where they were mine Thor in the original game like it was his own dedicated weapon and they're just like mine darts in this one we're gonna mix up the rest of these explosive powders in order to get what few grenades we can and a focus shot this guy and the parasite zombies don't aggro on to you immediately that one egg grows towards you but if you're fast enough you can be capitate it without having to worry about it we'll combine the explosive and the explosive B I love how popular Mega Man toys are in the Resident Evil reboot universe the bad boxart Mega Man toys all right so for acid rounds we're gonna try to catch these first two hunters with one acid round we got to wait for the second hunter to come around because the first hunter is just screaming and being an idiot a single mine third round is gonna be enough between these two in order to take them out because the acids will finish them off and the mind will reduce their HP we're gonna try to catch two more of these guys that guy didn't stun quite so well so I had to use another line in order to get rid of them or acid round and already get him properly stunned taking advantage of weapons swapping sometimes I press the button a little too much but every time you cycle your grenades always swap your weapons so that we can avoid the stupid stupid long grenade reloading animation it's like Jill will reload six grenades even if she doesn't have six grenades to reload it's pretty awful so the game is going to choose you out of time that you could be spending shooting enemies we need to cheese it right back by taking advantage of the lack of quality assurance is complete please remove the vaccine canister [Music] [Music] [Music] only a little bit of preparation needs to be made for the acid nemesis fight got a little bit of high-grade gunpowder combined that can always use a little bit more magnum rounds for dealing with pale heads just in case but actually I saved them for the final Nemesis fight because the Magnum will destroy a pustule in one shot before we move on grabbing the rest of these explosive rounds then we're going to load the flame rounds into the grenade launcher have flame rounds ready at the start of the fight [Music] nikolai don't the city needs that vaccine more than I do I don't think wisdom I'm trying to impart on you is getting Chan now I know you can't for the price of life but I'm in this business to get Kate so let's make a deal you go down there April the Nemesis and I'll record it all and silver come back that put on a good show and scene okay so the general rule for causing damage to nemesis here once again is while nemesis not on fire he will take stunts from flame grades but if he's already on fire then he is not going to take any stun so we have to run all the way back this way in order to get the shells basically literally directly across from where you start the fight there's gonna be some shotgun shells so after to flame rounds and I don't know ten shotgun shells or something like that [Music] let me spot for you he'll get down to 80 percent HP and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to fire a flame round swap to grenade rounds or explosive rounds rather and go flame round grenade round grenade rounds and he's going to slowly turn towards Jill's subjective laps the idea is to keep it burning and keep him stun locked long enough of course because we're playing on a high DEA level he's going to take a while and he managed to slip out of my grasp he does that we got to deal with more of these [ __ ] zombies over here we don't want to use too many flame rounds or go too early or anything like that because we want to be able to stagger him out there's not enough time to quote-unquote rip that [ __ ] apart so we're just gonna use this time to kill the zombies instead and cue up our flame rounds for when nemesis finally decides to charge stead of pussyfooting around on the other side of the arena let it charge the zombies but like once P gets back to us we're just gonna go flame around grenade round grenade rounds if he slips out again just repeat the same thing to capitate the zombies let Carlos take care of everything but in general when he's down we got to try to keep him stunt locked but we don't want to go to him on it because of how little ammo we actually have Carlos has to eventually do a lot of damage to the boss itself but I imagine I could have squeezed in like a shotgun shell here and there caveat is that there's still zombies on the field though we want to be able to save some explosive routes for safety at this point I'm starting to notice how few grenade rounds I have left so I decided to let him go so I could like car let's do a little bit more damage to him and then that way I could just cycle between keeping him stunned but eventually nemesis has to do the behind you thing it's like whenever you hear Carlos screen behind you then you have to dodge immediately because if you don't the nemesis will land right on top of you and kill you overall you have to get a little lucky during this fight on da 19 [Music] okay [Applause] Nicholi I like to use my last save over here because you will die so many times during this fight and I also only keep like this is about as much ammo as you need is just like eight magnum rounds and like 50 handgun bullets you don't really need anything else because I go for the I go for the two cycle strat we're playing on inferno so this is about as much preparation as you need and pretty much all you can prepare for it's done give me the vaccine you grease we shall make our ongoing money now drop the gun Oh [Music] abuse but you ever seen anything so incredible the bathroom this would be worth millions but you know how it is city's about to explode and you can for the price of life good luck Joe go after Nikolai he's got the vaccine what about you we're running out of time just so you know this is the last [ __ ] time so as far as I'm aware there is no real consistent way to do this fight there is a little bit of strategy to make it take less time and generally if you do the strat that takes less time you are going to have a higher level of success but it's pretty much this fight and the acid nemesis fight that prevent me from actually being able to solidly complete ain't no save no damage run I highly doubt that I'm actually going to be able to complete set no damage runs so what we do is as soon as the fight starts its gonna [ __ ] do his doggy paddle if I strafe left sometimes you might do Slams but he's also a little more likely to do with sweeps if we go to the left as well in phase one he is more likely to do as alternating slaps whatever he has done with his sweeping and what we have to do is we have to be right next to the battery as soon as we pop the last pustules so that we can tap F immediately as soon as the pustules popped and then we dodged in and push the second battery here as well while he's getting back up he can actually try to grab you to initiate his one-hit kill and you have to kind of get out of there like at the very last moment as soon as he's done grabbing we got to watch for other attacks whenever he does is alternating slams the middle the middle slam is gonna be slightly delayed acid is splashing over me but it's only stunning me it's only when Jill like waves our arm around that she actually takes damage but I usually like to save the Magnum for the second phase because then that way I don't have to worry about being body blocked by the arms because the Magna Bowl just pierced through everything the Magnum is ideal for this fight yeah doing this in two cycles kills nemesis like just makes it makes it a lot more successful so to speak but really all you can do is improve your chances you can't really you can't really do a no damage on this fight consistently especially when he has like his five to eight slams where he just like delays a hit and just totally tricks out your rhythm it's like not even human error at that point it's just taking advantage of reflexes that no human actually has I agree gel this boss is [ __ ] dumb and I hope that there is never another one like it in another Resident Evil game so at the end of this all we have to do is just make sure that we don't miss the dick shot we can't miss the dick shot and for the record it took me like three hours to do this [ __ ] boss fight I don't know how anyone gets this flight consistent at all we're not going to promise do this now do you have any idea what you've just done no don't care my client ordered me to reduce umbrella goodbye listen to me shooter I can't okay you do it you have to there's no other way and six hi about him why should do it there's a price tag for everything even letting the world phone I'll tell you did you get the other fish I'll paint whatever you want [Music] I don't mind a little detective work [Music] Joe you alright [Music] [Music] [Music] it's finally over [Music] I felt empty and cold as the heat from the blast washed over all this death wasn't caused by a monster making I decided then and there the ashes of Raccoon City would be umbrellas ashes too I would end them once and for all
Channel: CarcinogenSDA
Views: 1,317,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: バイオハザード3, Biohazard 3, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 3, RE3, RE 3 Nemesis, RE3 Remake, Resident Evil 3 Remake, バイオハザード3 ラストエスケープ, RE3 Remake Gameplay, RE3 Launch, Carcinogensda Resident Evil 3, carcinogensda resident evil, Resident Evil 3 Remake Hardcore No Damage, No Damage, carcinogensda, re3 inferno mode, Resident Evil 3 REmake Inferno Mode, Inferno, RE3 Remake Inferno no damage, No Bonus Items, RE3 No Item Shop, RE3 No Bonus Items, No Infinite Ammo, RE3 Inferno S rank
Id: AM0rVMpA1hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 17sec (9617 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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