Food Theory: The Challenge That Nearly KILLED MrBeast!

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This video really needed to have a trigger warning at the beginning. They talk a lot about hard numbers specifically, show a before and after of a man who didn't eat for over a year.... Of course they aren't encouraging the audience not to eat, but this video in particular felt very irresponsible of the team. It really surprised me. A lot of content in this video could be triggering to someone with an ED. Hopefully someone sees this and they know for next time.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Emozgil 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2022 đź—«︎ replies
mr beast has taken on some dangerous challenges over the years from attempting to spend 24 hours underwater to getting buried alive to being trapped for a day in ice but his latest challenge without question is the most dangerous to date i am not eating any food for the next 30 days are you sure about that seriously listen to the talking head of john cena there jimmy not eating for that long is in fact more dangerous than all your other challenges combined which come to think of it would be a banger of a video for the channel 24 hours buried alive in ice all joking aside though if you watched his most recent video you saw jimmy in mortal danger and the most dangerous part wasn't the part that you might expect you see there was one man who was almost responsible for killing mr beast before our eyes and that man was gordon ramsay at least take a bite who's the idiot sandwich now gordon [Music] hello internet welcome to food theory the only show where the host has never eaten because i'm an animated png from 10 years ago so jimmy donaldson mr beast always the youtuber most known for taking things to unreasonable extremes especially when it comes to food he's eaten the world's biggest slice of pizza he's created the world's largest bowl of cereal and he sampled the world's most expensive foods but his latest food challenge is a whole different level of extreme challenging himself to spend 30 days not doing something eating if i for any reason eat food in the next 30 days chris you get to shave my head now it should go without saying that this is the kind of thing that you absolutely should not try at home something that jimmy to his credit makes abundantly clear multiple times throughout the video seriously do not try this at home i had a whole team of doctors watching me every single day but you kind of gotta ask yourself why like what's really the big deal here you don't have energy for a couple days your body slowly eats itself if and when it finally gets really hungry like what is the real immediate danger of this situation i mean if things get really bad you could just you know nab a sandwich or something and boom problem over right wrong very wrong very very wrong even though i think we all inherently understand that not eating is kind of dangerous i don't think we actually have a proper understanding of just how immediately dangerous it is so that's what i want to talk about today crash diets fasting and how gordon ramsay almost killed mr beast now what mr beast is doing in this video is going on what's officially known as a crash diet where a person dramatically cuts their food intake to an extremely low number of calories overnight and he's far from the first person to do this sort of thing a popular crash diet those of us live back in the early 2000s may remember is the master cleanse this was a diet that promised to flush the body of deadly toxins as long as you consumed nothing but a mixture of lemonade maple syrup cayenne pepper and water for three days straight it was such a big thing at the time in fact that it became immortalized in an episode of the office i'm on the third day of my cleanse diet i just bought some bikinis online size two so they look amazing but for as extreme as that diet might sound and it is the quote-unquote diet that we see taken by jimmy is far far worse what he did was known as a water fast or voluntary total fasting and for as intense as it is it's not all that uncommon it's actually the same thing that we see used during many hunger strikes which leads us then to our first major question of the episode how possible was jimmy's goal in the first place he set out to not eat for 30 days straight ultimately he ends up folding after two weeks but could he have kept going and if so could he have possibly survived for another 16 days the answer shockingly is yes in fact we got to see one high-profile example of this from magician-turned-endurance artist david blaine after being buried alive and then frozen in ice david then decided his third major stunt would be to live in a plexiglas box without food hanging over london he did this to um i don't know something about showing strength of humanity obviously it was a big marketing stunt for the guy personally my head cannon is that he wanted to live like a funko pop for a couple weeks anyway hold on what did i just say bury it alive frozen in ice no food for 30 days is david blaine actually programming jimmy's channel right now just saying if mr beast starts hanging upside down or wrapping himself with tesla coils we'll know who's secretly pulling the strings on that channel anyway david managed to make it 44 days without food so the 30-day goal absolutely possible and that's not even the upper limit here when it comes to voluntary total fasting doctors estimate that the average male could live close to two months off of water alone not easily live off of it mind you just possible you see eventually your body will fully burn through its fat reserves and it'll start to break down the protein in your muscles in order to survive in the david blaine example with 44 days without food he lost organ and bone mass developing both breathing and heart problems so obviously not great for your health that said the current world record holder for the longest fast without solid food is angus barbieri who went a whopping 382 days let me just say that again in case the number didn't quite land 382 days he went over a year without solid food now to be fair he had more than just water in his diet he lived on tea coffee vitamins he also had some yeast in his diet to provide essential amino acids also small bits of sugar here and there to boost his energy levels but still this guy put the 30 day goal to shame here's the clickbait title for you i went a year without eating and the thing is it's not even click bait in that time he lost 276 pounds 125 kilograms going from 456 pounds down to 180 or 247 kilograms to 82 which brings us to our next interesting point about jimmy's video weight loss over the course of the 14 days we see jimmy lose 18 pounds that equates to approximately 1.28 pounds per day an absolutely terrifying rates but what you might not have noticed is that the weight loss isn't consistent across all that time day by day we get a breakdown of jimmy's total weight and you'll notice that there's actually a huge difference between his weight loss in week 1 versus that in week 2. out of 18 total pounds lost 12 come out of week one and only six happen in week two why is there such a big difference is he cheating somehow maybe he's eating on the side during week two when the going gets tough no in fact the results are exactly to be expected for the first few days of starvation the body is going to use up its store of glycogen in the liver and muscles basically it's using up whatever spare sugar reserves it might have hanging around each gram of glycogen though also comes packaged with around three grams of water so when you're burning up the sugar for energy that water is also getting released and water is heavy so losing it is going to help you to drop weight fast this is what's commonly known as water weight and it's the reason why weight tends to come off quickly in the first few days after you start dieting or exercising it's only once you've burned through the glycogen reserves in your body that you start to use up your fat supplies and fat is actually much more energy dense as a result it takes a lot more work to burn resulting in slower weight loss in general a pound of fat is gonna be about 3500 calories considering jimmy is six foot three inches his metabolism is gonna be passively chewing through around 3000 calories per day that's why from day eight onward we see his weight loss slow dramatically to between point seven and one pound per day his natural metabolism is burning about one pound of fat per day just from existing so if his energy is slowly being eaten away how do you explain this today is day number six and for whatever reason i'm feeling really good i'm starting to think this is actually possible on day six jimmy reports that he's feeling better why what what changed at this point he's used the last of his glycogen stores shouldn't his energy be dipping considerably well interestingly enough this phenomenon is actually pretty common among dieters and it actually has nothing to do with food when you go on a diet any diet your body is going to be feeling withdrawal and not just from caffeine sugar and fatty foods but from the dopamine in your brain now we talk about dopamine all the time across these channels so i'm not going to bore you with the details but dopamine is the reward chemical in the brain you eat something tasty and sweet boom your brain is gonna get flooded with the stuff to reward that behavior it feels good and you're gonna wanna do it again but once you cut out those delicious rewarding foods your brain stops getting rewarded as well instead it starts to produce elevated levels of stress hormones it tries to get you back into your normal routine and this is true for more than just food the exact same thing happens when someone tries to stop doing something like smoking it's withdrawal so basically the reason we're so cranky when we start a diet is because we're junkies for food but typically after about five to seven days those withdrawal symptoms subside and your stress levels recalibrate you achieve a new normal and that's exactly what we see here with jimmy on day six but while his withdrawal symptoms went away this didn't so funny story i just pooped and that's significant because this was my first poop in over a week if he's not eating anything why how what well there's no real delicate way of saying this but your poop it's more than food poop is actually 75 water the rest of it a lot of it is just dead bacteria and blood cells that's actually why your toilet torpedoes down there are brown even when you haven't eaten anything brown that would be bilirubin which is what the body discards when red blood cells die have fun sharing that one with the family the next time you're sitting at the dinner table i'm sure they'll thank you but enough about excrement now it's time to talk about the most dangerous part of the entire video and shockingly it's not the no eating part the most dangerous thing we see him do is take a single bite on the final day day 14 jimmy faces off against chef gordon ramsay and we see this i'm gonna make a sandwich are you telling me now you're not gonna eat it nope i'm not talking about the dangers of being in the same room with an angry brit i'm talking about the dangers of eating gordon's cooking at least take a bite you'll be the first person in my entire career that i've killed something from start to think please gordon ramsay's peer pressure here might have been fatal if jimmy had actually given in we get a small taste as to why within the video itself in the form of two mysterious words refeeding syndrome i'll take one bite and i have to spit it out technically because of refeeding syndrome but i still want to just taste it what mr beast doesn't go on to elaborate here is that refeeding syndrome can be fatal you see the basic idea is that after going so long without eating food reintroducing food even in small amounts into the body can drastically alter your body's chemistry this in turn can throw your metabolism way out of whack if it's not done in a careful and controlled manner is mr beast only taking a single bite and then immediately spitting it out a bit over the top no in fact it's absolutely not it seems almost like a big diva moment a severe overreaction to him losing his challenge like oh i guess i'll take a single bite but i won't swallow but in reality mr beast is doing the exact right thing here by not eating anything that's not doctor approved in my life but you can't just have an influx of carbs after not eating 14 days spot on there jimmy someone's been listening to his doctor by default our bodies are programmed to get our fuel from carbohydrates but over the past two weeks of fasting jimmy's body has effectively switched from getting fuel from carbs to getting fuel from fat tissue and amino acids in this new operating mode certain organs of the body like the spleen start to function differently he can't all of a sudden go back to eating like he used to because his body is literally not equipped right now to process carbs it's gonna take a while on a controlled diet to get his body back to the way it was and not only does he need to watch the type of food that he's eating but he also needs to moderate the amount of food he's eating this is not the time to go binge eating if anything the opposite is true in some cases patients at risk of refeeding syndrome need to receive as little as five calories per kilogram of body weight per day under normal circumstances a typical six foot three inch male would need between 2 200 and 3 200 calories per day but on day 14 of total fasting mr beast's body would only be equipped to handle around 458 calories even in the best case scenario where he's getting the full green light from all of his doctors he should be eating at most 916 calories per day slowly incrementing upward toward normal levels over the course of the next week if he doesn't the complications can include cardiac arrest or respiratory failure things that could literally kill him and no that's not me being over dramatic here for content people dying during re-feeding syndrome is a very real risk in a study published in the american journal of clinical nutrition researchers looked at over a dozen patients who died after going on an extremely low calorie diet and they found that 35 of those patients died not during the diet itself but during the post-dieting phase when they tried eating foods that their body wasn't ready for yet seriously it's a good thing that jimmy knew how to stay safe and follow doctor's orders because if he had started scarfing down gordon's food it would not have ended well for anyone gordon makes this big deal about how no one has ever turned down food that he's made for them before well gordon i think it would be way worse if your food actually killed someone live on camera now of course i'm not accusing poor gordon of intentionally trying to kill our friend mr beast i'm sure that if anything he thought it would be helping and improving jimmy's health by getting him to finally eat food after a 14-day fast it seems like basic common sense that for someone in that situation eating food is healthier than not eating it but uh rarely is human biology so simple it just goes to demonstrate a key point here which is that these kinds of quote unquote experiments can be extremely dangerous in ways that you would never be able to anticipate seriously who going into this video would have assumed that the most dangerous part of a 14-day fast would be the moment that he finally breaks that fast human biology is incredibly complex and jimmy had an entire team of doctors that were checking all of his vitals on a daily basis he did it for the content but what we're not seeing is likely just as interesting as what made it onto the camera the post-fast process of his body literally having to re-learn how to digest normal food and once that's done it's only a matter of time before he follows it up with the complete opposite challenge eating everything at a las vegas buffet let's just say that his digestion is in for one wild roller coaster but hey that's just a theory a food theory bon appetite speaking of eating a whole buffet take a nibble on the video on the right which is going to teach you how to do exactly that and hey if you want to see our detailed scientific breakdown of another mr beast stun check out this video where we break down the willy wonka chocolate river and find that it's actually way more practical than you might think and as always if you're hungry for even more knowledge hit that subscribe button i'll see you all next week
Channel: The Food Theorists
Views: 6,260,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mrbeast, mrbeast diet, i didn't eat for 30 days, mrbeast i didn't eat for 30 days, gordon ramsay, gordon ramsay mrbeast, mrbeast gordon ramsay, mrbeast chocolate, mrbeast contest, mrbeast winner, mrbeast deadly, mrbeast squid game, mrbeast bars, feastables, mrbeast feastables, mrbeast factory, fasting, fast, mrbeast fast, food theory, food theorists, matpat, game theory, film theory, food theory mrbeast, mrbeast food theory, matpat mrbeast, mrbeast matpat
Id: X1EA8vgu7xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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