How Honey Is Made (Farm To Table)

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frozen honey it is the hottest trend right now and everybody from young people on tick tock to celebrities are all trying out this new trend but it doesn't come free from a few issues the biggest one being the fact that apparently you can feel quite sick from it i mean we shouldn't be that surprised that eating that much sugar in one sitting can make you feel sick to your stomach but after doing just a little bit of research i saw so many articles by different doctors highly advising against it which naturally made me want to try it even more but you know me we aren't going to do this the usual way in fact today i'm going beekeeping for the very first time but wait wait hold on just a second i know you want to see me put on this beekeeper's outfit but before i do it do me a huge challenge and go down and toss a like on the video if you won't do it for me do it for my cute little baby hamster pesto he is literally such a nugget and all he wants is for you to toss a quick like on the video all right back to it with just a few clicks of a button i got myself a full beekeeper suit this baby right here is going to be one of my prized possessions for many years never in a million years did i think i'd be doing something like this but ladies and gentlemen this is not a drill let's head to meet the beekeeper we are on route we're just a couple minutes away from the bee farm and i am super excited but i did have to take off the suit because it was incredibly incredibly hot all right we're pulling up the beehive looks to be is it somewhere in the back here i am i am pretty scared of bees my brother is perhaps almost deathly allergic to them i've been stung enough times to know that i don't want to be sung again we just talked to the to the keeper of these of these hives back here who said that some of them have been a little bit testy lately if anyone's getting stung it's manny well we are suited up here i'm actually feeling kind of ready for this i just i know i'm gonna get stung manny looks absolutely absurd i mean i don't really know what to say right now manny you're fired it's a wooden box with screen on both sides there's 13 000 bees in there and inside of there there's a little cage which is basically the queen cage and this is melted candy so in one end there's candy and here's a queen with three or four attendants if you buy new bees to start new hives they send you the queen is all protected in this one in this in this package they steal those bees from a whole bunch of hives and then they're raising queens in a different yard they package up the queens they put them in a box with a can of sugar syrup and 13 000 bees her pheromone wow is what they identify with and in order for them to get that pheromone they actually have to touch the queen you you touch me i touch him he touches mine don't touch me so these are nukes nucleus it's a smaller hive these are full hives with honey supers on them there's queens in all of these hives so each have how how many queens is in one one queen in each one queen rules each of the hives yep they will kill each other so if the hive were to lose the queen for whatever reason and there was larva less than three days old they will make a new queen so they'll make multiple queen cells so the first queen egg that's laid if that one comes out first she'll run around and kill all the other queens in the cell if they happen to emerge at the same time they will have a battle and the strongest queen will oh my god yeah just a queen battle and manny wanna when a mother b and a father be love each other this is kind of how this goes right this is the birthday hasn't gotten to the stage [Music] don't worry about it you're fine huh how you doing manny what are you doing here i'm lighting the smoker and what is that exactly for to smoke the bees so what it does two things so when you open up a hive the guard bees will stick their butts up in the air and send out a pheromone danger will robin's in danger there's something coming we need to worry about this the smoke indicates that there might be a fire this smoke will mask that pheromone that they send out it'll also make them think that there's a forest fire coming or something and they'll start to go down into the hive and potentially start to eat up the honey in case they have to leave why are the bees attracted to the black so it's it's black as in dark so any kind of animal that would be coming that could be a potential potential predator like a bear or a skunk or something they will send out scouts to figure out what that is and if they think it's a bad thing they will potentially sting it you're going to be fine you're not you're going to be fine manny we got you covered manny you're screwed when they sting you they die if you get stung today on the outside of your suit here you may see the stinger hanging out let's go let's go down and check out this hive over here this is fantastic when you look over here where all the bees are entering the holes look at that so one of the things is you don't want to stand directly in front of a hive oh so only because only because that's their flight pattern so watch what's going on right now oh my gosh so you might want to just take a look in there before you check this out and is that nectar that's sugar syrup that's my job is to make sure that these guys are going to be strong enough to make it through the winter now you oh they don't look happy this is not a huge hive so there's nothing going on in here there's not even a lot of there's not even honey not too much in there okay nothing there's nothing wow but they're all like oh my gosh can i hold it is that okay yep these are nectar bees so that's also the shiny syrup in there that's not honey yet so nectar whether it's induced from sugar or from plants is about 25 moisture so the bees bring it back they put into their honey stomach they have a special stomach they mix it with enzymes they come back to the hive they regurgitate it to one bee that bee takes it and puts it in a cell then there are ventilation bees that will take and ventilate the hive drawing the moisture out of the hive they need to get that nectar down to 17 percent moisture they're sticking their heads into the holes they're probably puking things are about to get wild if they were lined up along here looking at me i would probably not want to go into this hive whoa yeah so this is honey that right there is honey and they've filled it up and they've sealed it off with wax there's a lot whoa that is a lot of bees so here's the queen right there yup the giant one right there they mark the queens with a different color this is a little testy these guys are yeah these guys are getting a little wild so that's also an indication to me there's a whole bunch right there oh my god are you doing man you probably get a real kick out of this huh wow that is a lot of honey see how they build it more yeah see how it's thicker on that bottom part yeah we want that we want that so this hot frame would be basically pretty much almost done this side's done they can't even put any more honey a little bit in the corners but we consider 90 done so here you're just taking a nice big scoop of the honey huh yeah wax and everything wax and everything oh wow here we go yeah yeah thank you oh wow that's really good i so that's a light honey so this is a spring of spring honey through the season the honey gets darker and darker depending on the different types of plants that are blooming so hopefully we'll get some fall honey this year they're really trying to sting me no they're not they want me if you take a little scoop of honey and you expose it to the air within 10 minutes bees up to two miles away will sense that honey and come to it and we just did that and we just did that so you don't worry about it you're fine the bees travel a two to three mile radius around the hive within that two to three miles they will collect all the nectar and pollen that they need bees can look for honey and other bee hives so they could come in and potentially attack and kill that happy entire hive i've seen it happen in like minutes the bees will be at the front here and there is a war going on and they are just clumps of bees falling on each other like waterfall like waterfall so we now have this full frame of honeycomb we are going to bring this back to the kitchen and make some magic but thank you for having us here today you're welcome i see manny the bees aren't really aggressive i know no they like you oh they were nice they're very nice they're very well behaved today you hear so much about bees and how important they are so it's pretty cool what the is going on it's been like 30 minutes what was it where was he what the hell oh my god get out get out shoo we just felt like we deserved a little cake pop as a reward for being so brave today so we're going to grab ourselves a cake pop no you're not getting one shot yes hi can i just please get one of each of the cake pops please where are you how are you thank you they're definitely making fun of me you have these do i have these yeah we went beekeeping but like we just got back from beekeeping but i i already found one on me half an hour later so i still got the suit on yeah yep they're laughing yep thank you so much have a good one that's great [Music] we are back and we have a full frame of honeycomb to work with first things first i'm going to show you how to separate all the wax from the honey and then we can toss it in the freezer to start i just want to tell you how incredible and aromatic and floral this honeycomb here smells all of this right here of course is wax and it smells just like that but through all that wax and in that honey is this incredibly powerful flavor that i've never really smelled with honey before to start i just want to scoop down the line watch and listen oh my gosh as you can see right there that honey is glistening it really is gorgeous and you can just tell by looking at it that it's going to be good honey first things first we need to separate all the honeycomb from the frame here because this needs to melt down in our pot this is what will allow us to separate all of this wax from all of our amazing honey and just look at that ball of honey right there into the pot we go and we want to make sure we get every last bit i'll scrape off my entire frame and once it's all in our pot we're going to melt that honey down it doesn't take long for it to separate and in just a few moments you'll see a massive difference after just a few moments all that wax has risen to the top and below this is our fresh clean honey then it's time to strain out all that honey a process i do several times to make sure it's super clean after a little while you should have beautifully clear honey perhaps with just a little bit of pollen in there then after a little bit of magic we've frozen all of our honey and i've decided to freeze it in a couple different ways as a first step i thought it'd be really interesting to freeze it in a massive block like this as you can see the consistency of this is extraordinarily unique to me it looks exactly like taffy you can stretch it pull it do whatever you want with it and as the kids are all doing right now you can take a giant bite out of it nice and clean like that i also tried freezing the honey in an ice cube tray but it appears the consistency isn't gonna let me play with it the way that i really wanted to here it's still cool to show you the consistency of this and how incredible it is i mean the fact that honey can turn into something like this just slightly different from its original form is really cool i just had to go and make a honey popsicle and it seems like this one might have actually worked that right there ladies and gentlemen is probably the world's first ever frozen honey popsicle to demonstrate exactly how frozen honey works i'm going to take a bite right off the top and you're going to see how clean cut these bites can really be it is the most unique mouthfeel of just about any food i've ever had it's like taffy but stronger it is overwhelmingly sweet and it coats your mouth with the most amazing honey i can also take nice clean cuts with my knife something that you would never expect to be able to do with honey really what i like about this is that it's just unique but again don't forget the warnings from the doctors you're gonna get diarrhea the very last way all the kids seem to be doing it is pushing it out of bottles and this is the most traditional technique i've seen done the cool part about this is that it shoots vertically straight out of the bottle which i have to say is pretty cool i want to break down this trend once and for all after literally going out and sourcing the honey myself then turning that around and making frozen honey including a frozen honey popsicle i think i have a pretty solid grasp on the whole thing and here's my two cents i think it's totally fine to try freeze just a little bit of honey and take a nice bite out of it it is really really cool at least from a culinary standpoint to taste honey in a really unique way a mouth feel an experience you never thought you'd associate honey with but do i think you should be having entire bottles of it absolutely not diarrhea as cool as it might look it's not good for you i want to give a giant thank you to all of you that came on this journey with me and to everybody that helped make our little trip happen because that was genuinely really cool to see and i know manny was really scared but that kind of experience really gets me going what are you doing until next time [Music] you
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 4,864,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honey, trend, frozenhoney, sweets, dessert, Nick DiGiovanni, Cooking, Food, Chef, Recipe, Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen, ASMR, MasterChef, Osmo Salt, Salt Bae, Learn To Cook, Knife Drop, Cookbook, Kid-Friendly, Kid’s Recipes, Kid’s Cooking
Id: 8zgG89_hwuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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