100 Egg Yolk Truffle Pasta

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we're gonna make a truffle pasta today with 100 egg yolks yes you heard me right 100 egg yolks just the thought of separating out all those eggs to get that kind of scares me a little bit but we are here right now on this channel to do crazy things with food so why not do that put in the pasta i want to buff it up a little bit more and i actually want to use an ingredient that quite frankly i don't really like that much but that goes along really well with truffles a few mushrooms now wait a second if you hear the word mushrooms and you immediately hate it just hear me out for a quick moment i'm going to use the best of the best when it comes to mushrooms truffles of course you have to consider the king of all mushrooms and that's almost a separate category but there's another mushroom that's extremely extremely fancy and precious and that is the morel mushroom so first i want to take you on a little ride and we'll go grab a few so we are on route to go get some mushrooms we're doing a hundred egg yolk pasta today that's crazy first of all i wanted to give myself some buffer space so 100 egg yolks are going to break a couple naturally right so i want to make sure that i'm kind of prepared for that but i did want to go get some nice mushrooms just to really be able to make some ah i went the wrong way i went the wrong way look at the gps look at that gps but i figured we'd get some really good mushrooms truffles i already have a truffle pate a truffle tapenade that's extremely good so we're gonna go see what we can find at this marketplace i don't know what we're gonna find to be totally honest but i really wanna look for those super super fresh mushrooms i like bringing you with me to go see what we're gonna find so let's see what we can get and we'll head back and make some uh ridiculous 100 egg yolk pasta yeah all right so we're on our way to find some chives first because we're using green to put on top of that pasta all right we found our chives a little bit of truffle butter too because we gotta coat all the pasta in that truffle butter and then we just need a few mushrooms so i'm just gonna pick like a nice selection of a bunch of different kinds here the nicest ones we can find thank you okay we were leaving the store but they have such nice flowers here and i figured i might as well get some for isabel because she always helps me with the dishes so i'm going to help her out all right minnie minnie i picked some really good ones thank you we got our food we got our flowers and we are back home to make the craziest pasta you've ever seen perfect length away from home and check the temperature perfect perfect i'm not sure if you guys can tell but i get really really kind of nervous and embarrassed filming around people i'm not really sure why it's kind of like the same thing when people come up to me in public and oftentimes i just get kind of embarrassed because i'm just kind of like a shy quiet person but we still try to go into different stores and get some tidbits because oftentimes it's just so much fun talking to the people in there and i also want you to be able to join in on going and getting all those ingredients that we're using for all these different videos because it's just fun to be able to go and see that behind the scenes aspect of everything so with that said we are almost home and we will soon be making some delicious pasta all right we're back and just like that we have a big handful of morels i want to show you one of these beauties up close as you can see they're extremely porous and normally you're not going to find these things anywhere in fact oftentimes i have my mushroom guy that's what i call him and he is awesome literally go out in the woods and forage for morels and other mushrooms too now normally you're only ever going to find these dried in a market unless you get super lucky but they also happen to be super expensive in addition to these beautiful morels we have what are called wood ear mushrooms and the craziest part is that they literally look exactly like ears most things when given a certain name don't actually look that much like that exact thing but i always find it crazy that these mushrooms literally do look exactly like human ears perhaps what's cool is they also have this really unique texture almost something that reminds me a little bit of kelp but they are delicious in pasta this right here is what i'm gonna call my egg palace most of you have probably never seen this many eggs and if you have okay congratulations you're better than all of us but if you haven't this is probably around 150 eggs i didn't count exactly i just wanted to give myself a little bit of buffer room if i break a few yolks on the way because keep in mind i am about to have to separate all of these eggs into yolks to get our 100 yolk pasta then we're basically going to measure it out with the flour and make this massive fat hunk of dough that's going to rest in the fridge for a little bit and then give us this beautiful truffle mushroom pasta but for now i don't want to make any puns or anything but let's get cracking all right so they're going to be timing me right now see how fast i can go through 100 eggs to start i'll say that this is where we're going to put the yolk so i'm going to add a little bit of olive oil so that nothing sticks because whenever you're separating out egg yolks you want to lubricate them just a little bit so they're not sticking together and then breaking so without further ado let's get the timer going i'm gonna save all these equipments oh my god i broke her first one i broke the first one horrible horrible start by me okay um i don't know i broke the second one ah i can't go this fast i can't go this fast keep mine i can eat all these eggs that are over here but it's just sort of more of a all right so first egg done one okay [Music] my hands are so cold can you cut the cameras for a second yeah yeah thanks guys i'm just kidding this is water but let's do a little halftime check-in while i go through these eggs so as you can see i've done 50 of these eggs and come closer here i'll show you how crazy this is look at this bowl of yolks this is so soft and jiggly oh my gosh look at that that's just all yolks that is 50 egg yolks right there it is crazy it's a cool sight i almost wish i could kind of wiggle my fingers in there and just kind of move around in there but i don't want to break them so i want you to see this i want you to see the action that's going down what you can do with these over here actually is strain them all out at the end get all those shells out basically it's a really good kind of hack and that way you can make a really good omelet scrambled eggs without having to like think about sorting out your shells in a separate bowl this is a really quick way to separate then strain it all out at the end and make an omelet so do a little tip let's keep rolling [Music] 99 right here egg 99 look at this fat full bowl of eggs [Music] 100 egg yolks all right now that we have those 100 egg yolks all measured out we're gonna go a little sciency on you for a second so let's drop this empty bowl identical to what those egg yolks are in onto her scale and i see here that it's a thousand thirty grams and i'm then going to tear the scale to account for that bowl that the egg yolks are in again swap out those bowls and i find that this is 1800 grams or so so because we have about 1800 grams of eggs here we're going to use about 3 600 grams of flour since you want to typically do about 50 hydration so i'll swap this out now put our original bowl back on and begin to measure out 3 600 grams of flour if you don't know that's a lot of flour and after i have about 1600 in here and 2 000 grams in here we've got all the flour we need to make our pasta you know i like to use the classic italian grandma well method and that essentially means dumping our flour out into the center of our cutting board but don't forget we have another bowl so we'll be dumping all the flour out onto the middle of that cutting board into this massive massive mound almost like some sort of ant hill keeping everything nice and even and then i'll take this very same bowl and push it down right into the middle of the well slowly rotating to make a nice little shape in the middle to put our egg yolks and now very very gently into the middle of our well we put those a hundred egg yolks letting them fall on top of each other just like that and by the way look how perfectly all of those fit normally i'd whisk this up with a fork but this is way too small so we're gonna ditch the fork and replace it with a whisk time to get crazy that is unreal look at that yo that's the coolest thing ever so the idea here is that we're gonna whisk this up until all those yolks are nice and fully combined and when i say we really needed a whisk i'm not kidding we really needed a whisk egg yolks are extremely fatty and thick almost as thick as me in fact so it does really require some elbow grease once we've whisked all those yolks up we're then going to start bringing some flour in from the outside of our massive well this is when things will get pretty difficult to stir but because of how much yolk there is here we have to be really careful not to break the well so i'm going to come around the edges with my hands and help guide everything right into the center as long as you're really focused at this step in the process it'll be fine but in this case i'm making so much pasta that i have this volcano that will essentially explode all over my kitchen if i break the edges so i have to be really careful here the more i stir the thicker it'll get and then it'll be harder and harder to stir it all together but eventually it'll get thick enough that it's not gonna spill everywhere and i can just combine everything all at once at this point scrape off your whisk and prepare to get those hands dirty because it's been combined enough that it's not gonna run off our table now i'm lifting all of this dough in on top of itself pressing and pulling and lifting and dropping my entire cutting board is gonna be full of this beautiful beautiful pasta dough but this is probably the most beautiful thing i've ever done on this cutting board so it makes me really happy at this point we're pulling everything together slowly bringing it closer and closer to that uniform pasta dough that we're looking for you should see that beautiful yellow color from the egg yolk start to come out all right well i've been eating this for quite a while and i wanted to turn off the video just to give myself a breather you know i've been breathing pretty heavily at this point and it's a fat piece of dough i mean this is just like this is the biggest piece of oh you could ever imagine but the real thing here is that i'm not gonna be able to do all this right now if i were to do this on camera we would not have daylight anymore so what we're gonna do right now we're gonna hack off a nice beautiful end piece with my bench scraper set this big part aside and believe it or not i have a lot of neighbors in my building here who would love some fresh pasta dough so once i actually make my video later tonight i'll go back roll out the rest of that dough and hand it out to a few lucky people for now i just want to knead this dough until it's really nice and smooth and you can see that already just a few minutes in we're getting that beautiful elasticity that we're looking for here perhaps more importantly it's also getting that beautiful yellow vibrancy that we want in a nice egg yolk dough once we've kneaded this for about eight minutes or so into a beautiful nice dough we're gonna plop it down cover it up with plastic wrap and rest it in the fridge for about a half an hour until it's had some time to relax while we're letting that pasta rest we're going to wash off our mushrooms so let's pour our morels and our wood ears into some crisp cool water we don't want to wash these for too long so they get a little bit soggy and over saturated but we also really want to rinse them enough that we can get out all that dirt on the morels because i'm sure you can tell by just looking at them that tons of dirt can get stuck inside these cavities here and can you see how murky this water is just from them lightly touching it i mean these come straight off the ground in forest so it's pretty understandable that they'd have a heck of a lot of dirt once those morels have been rinsed off a little bit we're gonna cut them right down the middle getting these beautiful little pieces that will pair perfectly with our pasta dish if you're so inclined you can always give them another rinse after you open them up like this but i'm gonna be searing them at super high temperature so i'm not worried about anything at this point just a general rule with mushrooms that you should be pretty careful with them when it comes to rinsing them thoroughly once our mushrooms are all laid out i'm gonna pick all them up and get ready to sear them off now for cooking our mushrooms i'm gonna go in with a big spoonful of white truffle butter the butter itself is also homemade but you already know is my go-to thing to do and now once that's melted down i'm going to toss in all my mushrooms followed immediately by a nice sprinkle of salt now we'll let those get nice and cooked through fully coated and all that beautiful butter and perhaps a little bit crispy here and there once those mushrooms are all nice and crispy and cooked let's set them aside now to make our actual beautiful cream sauce we're gonna go in with a little bit more of that truffle butter once that's melted we're gonna go in with a nice little sprinkle of all-purpose flour and then mix that up until it's a nice smooth paste creating what we call a roux that's r-o-u-x essentially what we're doing here is making something that's going to help us make a thicker sauce that'll stick to our pasta once that roux has thickened up a little bit we're going to add in a little bit of our half and half or heavy cream and we're just going to stir that around until it begins to thicken just a little bit which should happen in just a minute or so once that begins to thicken up i'll grate in some fresh parmesan cheese from the massive 82 pound wheel of parmesan reggiano that i've recently brought in from italy i know that sounds kind of crazy but all my amazing subscribers already know the story behind that video definitely go check that one out if you haven't seen it once i've graded in enough parmesan to make it nice and thickened i'm gonna add some pure minced black truffle to my sauce and mix that up until it's evenly dispersed the smells coming off of the sauce right now are absolutely incredible and i can confidently tell you right now that this is gonna make probably one of the best pastas we've ever tasted in this kitchen but for now our pasta sauce and our mushrooms are ready to go so it's time to do that pasta once we take that dough out of the fridge let's unroll it and appreciate how smooth it is our next step here after pressing out that dough is going to be to flour just a little bit here then press it out so that we can push it through our machine sometimes it's good to get a rolling pin but just like rolling out the dough i like to do it by hand once we've shaped this dough into a nice elongated piece really pressing and stretching it out we can flour our machine and then begin rolling it through it's not going to look very pretty after the first go-around but that's why i like to fold it up and put it through a couple times at first eventually you're going to start to get this really nice smooth dough and as long as you continue flowering and lubricating everything it'll go through smoothly once you've gone through the lowest setting on your pasta maker a couple of times go ahead and change the dial to make it a little bit thinner then place it through again after you've gone through a number of times your pasta sheet should be at your desired thickness and you can be ready to cut it and cook it once that's all nice and laid out on the cutting board flour it up just a little bit more and today we're gonna do something special and cut our pasta by hand i want those beautiful luxurious sheets of pasta here so i'm going to gently cut nice pieces out of it and then make beautiful thick strips of pasta just like this something about having thick pasta like this when you have beautiful mushrooms truffles and other things makes it seem so much more incredible to me and that's exactly why i want to make it this way today once i've cut a nice selection of beautiful strips from my pasta which don't have to be the same shapes and sizes but at least relatively similar we're ready to go ahead and cook before we drop in that pasta we'll put a bunch of salt to get that water salty like the ocean once all that salt's in there the pasta will actually get seasoned when we go to cook it so now when the water comes to a boil again just like we see here we drop in those beautiful sheets of pasta give your water a quick twirl to let it spin around and not let any of that pasta stick together and then we just let this cook for a few moments when our pasta is almost done and all that starch has rinsed off into the water i'm gonna take a spoonful or two and drop it right into my truffle sauce to thin it out a little bit and also get some of that pasta water incorporated in our final dish that is an absolute must when it comes to making pasta never waste your pasta water now that my pasta has been fully cooked i'll bring this back and strain it this last step here doesn't require much we're really just combining everything so first we go in with just a splash of olive oil enough to coat the bottom of our pan then we'll go in with those beautiful mushrooms follow that with our amazing truffle sauce and last but not least our pasta then we'll gently fold and lift this over itself until it's nice and well combined making sure that all that pasta is beautifully coated with our sauce and being as delicate as we possibly can to not mess up any of those beautiful strands of pasta at this point your pasta is ready to plate to plate our pasta i'll twirl it around a little bit and drop it right down in the center of my black plate that white on black contrast from this pasta on the plate is absolutely gorgeous make sure you stack high and tight because when you plate you don't want everything to be an absolute mess and don't forget to top it with a few of those beautifully large wood ear mushrooms then we're going to come on with a little bit of that parmesan cheese letting that slowly melt over the top of our pasta and last but not least we have some edible gold leaf which quite simply begs to be placed over a dish this good i think it's safe to say that this right here is worthy of being in a hundred yoke pasta okay we had to bring in isabelle to try the pasta because i feel like you guys always get mad when i'm trying my own food and then just raving about it so it's really not fair for me to do that anymore so isabel crazy pasta right here it's a hundred egg yolk pasta in this i mean there's not 100 egg yolks in that but it's pretty good big bite very good what's it taste like pretty creamy i like the gold the mushrooms are a little strong but they're really good i like it a lot and they're kind of strong but it's really good you gotta like mushrooms can you believe that i feel like you really gotta like mushrooms but it's good i like it come on the mushrooms are very strong the truffle oh it doesn't taste like truffles this is like mushrooms but it's really good maybe i just got a lot of mushroom okay we also got isabelle really nice flowers because she always helps us do so many dishes so here's your flowers how do we do it this is even better even better oh they smell they smell too much like mushrooms i like them a lot in all seriousness isabelle does help a ton with dishes and around here after we make massive messes every day so i do want to give her a huge thanks for that i do want to give it another try because i feel like it's kind of fair for me to give it another shot here because i feel like i do want to take a deep dive myself and see what the flavor profiles are like here honestly this is the kind of pasta that if i went to a restaurant and had it it would be a 10 out of 10. those pasta sheets are very clearly fresh they're creamy they're delicious they're beautiful they're soft they're velvety in your mouth and all that mushroom is incredible in fact i think it just kind of builds on itself you can have so many different bites out of this one dish right here and yes the edible gold on top is a nice little touch but it tastes like nothing the real thing i'm concerned about is how much beautiful mushroom flavor is inside this dish like i said i'm not a big fan of mushrooms but having all that truffle throughout this is incredible this is a knockout dish and it's incredibly incredibly good in the meantime i hope you loved the video this was a really fun one to make and i have a lot of pasta dough left to hand out to some lucky people today please don't forget to like the video smack that subscribe button and hit the little notifications icon because you don't want to be missing anything and in the meantime i will see you soon
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 2,260,166
Rating: 4.9189553 out of 5
Keywords: egg, 100 egg, pasta, egg pasta, egg pasta recipes, truffle pasta, truffle pasta recipe, yolk recipe, yolk, egg yolk, pasta salad, pasta recipe, 100 egg yolks, 100 yolks, nick cooking, cook, cooking, cooking show, recipe video, truffle, egg recipes, egg cooking
Id: JDkm3a-7Hjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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