I Built A Life Sized Gingerbread House

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i built this life-sized gingerbread house you might be wondering how we got here let's rewind a little bit [Music] we've been working on this for about six months it all started when i thought of this crazy idea and then had our whole team calling all over the place to find someone crazy enough to make this much gingerbread cats and kittens grab your business you're talking with samuel from chinchilla boston how can i help you hey samuel um i had a quick question is there any way that you can make around a thousand sheets of gingerbread by next monday thank you yeah you're sure that wouldn't be possible all right no worries after tons of unsuccessful calls we found ginger betty good afternoon ginger buddies bakery how can i help you yes hi um we are looking to make a sounds crazy life-sized gingerbread house we're trying to find a place that'll help us make enough gingerbread to do it omg well i think you might have called the right place that's our specialty gingerbread not life-size never done one of those we haven't nailed down the details yet but i'm thinking literally big enough that we can walk inside this thing potentially even sleep inside it's hard to find anybody with enough gingerbread it's what we're finding i think we can accommodate we love a good challenge over here oh my god this is going to be cool all right yeah definitely wow we just called probably 10 to 15 bakeries all over the place and most people either hung up or laughed at us are you kidding me hello i'm not kidding why didn't you call ginger betty's first before i leave demeter don't forget to toss a like on the video i mean after all we're building this gingerbread house for you and if you're half as excited as i am about this make sure you hit that subscribe button too let's go meet ginger betty we have just pulled up to ginger betty's i have not been here before i do not know what to expect she sounds super pumped about this i'm glad we even found somebody let's go inside hello hello gingerbread nutmeg nick is that a name yeah that's your name nutmeg nick you guys like my gosh live and in person we're so happy i like it get it santa claus nick no you're fired you're fired all right you would be molasses manny i think that's fitting ho ho ho we're deck in the halls are ready at ginger betty so do you want to come in the kitchen let's do it hello it's icing aisha she's making ginger johnny bonbons there's a lot going on in here i sing aisha you go girl oh oh my gosh it's like a supercharged chocolate macaroon this is the most gingerbread i've ever seen in my life by far oh yeah we're gonna do thousands of these for christmas this is like santa's workshop do you ever get tempted and just eat it or video so essentially what happens is you have this whole like conveyor belt in the building right so you start with making the gingerbread and then you go on to the baking process and then the people ice it and then you can decorate exactly you got everything how much gingerbread do you think we'll need to fill an entire house how big is the house that you want to make i honestly don't know size wise probably like thousands and thousands of the houses just expanded into one giant house yeah we are on it i'd like to even sleep in this thing one day i would seriously like to sleep wait is this big enough for all of us we should have a slumber party what happens in the gingerbread house days in the gingerbread house [Music] this is the good thing that we just expanded this okay so you know what i mean so this is gonna be a perfect place for the um this room right here house yeah well we need to build it i have a buddy i don't know if he's doing carpentry anymore but i might be able to ask him because he's also just a total goofball yeah um and he'd love this oh awesome roll out the gingerbread hello christmas is coming we gotta get into it when it comes to construction there's only one guy that i'll call and that's my buddy kenny the real question is will you think this idea is too crazy or will he be up for it let's find out hello kenny how are you nick buddy what's going on i actually have a really random and kind of weird question for you will you want to build a life-size gingerbread house a life-size gingerbread house why for fun oh i'll be there with my tools this is the guy kenny i love you you are the man i can always count on you you can always depend on me my friend so none of the building part of this can happen without my buddy kenny who's a contractor and probably one of the funniest guys i've ever met and he's going to help us build that shed what's going on buddy how are you that's so bad good to see ya you know it's winter right you ready uh for some buildings gingerbread house huh i know yeah see what you got we want to see what you got i got a lot of stuff let's see what you got that's right all right let's go nice to meet you nice to meet you too thanks for having us of course so we're gonna need a good amount of space so we'll do it right here to physically build it you're gonna be amazed how much room you need to physically build it two boxes that's our shed we gotta build this thing up as quickly as we can okay we just laid everything out there is a lot of stuff we've done literally no work so far this is what we've done in about an hour and a half reunion break we're not gonna have a shed tonight as we continue setting this thing up i'd love to tell the people your life story a little bit well you know i was born and raised in the north end of boston and in little italy i know a lot of bad people when i was young and saw a lot of crazy things one of the things that most people would say in movies kenny you and me what dtf dtf sure you don't know what that is i probably don't but what's dtf oh yeah no not what mean this is the end of day one what have you accomplished kenny that's a good question nick what have we accomplished we got trusses we got left doors and a bunch of the gingerbread's already baked off i might take some of that home so we're gonna be back bright and early tomorrow morning to keep going we'll see you then [Music] it turned out this was a lot bigger and a lot more complex than we thought it would be so we got kermit here help us out this is lovely this is a great project you guys should tune in i might sleep here one night i might join you we're almost done building and decoration comes next mom home i mean this thing's looking pretty good we're almost there huh feeling pretty good buddy an 8x10 house is a lot bigger than it sounds and just look how much space there is in here you could easily have 10 people have a sleepover inside here now that our house is done my job is done and i'm going to turn it over to gingerbready and her crew it's your betty oh gingerbread what are they called gingerbready once again if you guys want some italian recipes and some lofts visit me on my youtube at live laugh and cook italian we'll see you guys when the house is done and one last thing we could not have pulled off this whole shed without the help of kermit so make sure to toss it thanks to him in the comments below [Music] all right i'm very excited this morning because we're headed to the gingerbread house but i wouldn't really call it a gingerbread house quite yet and that's because there's no gingerbread on it however ginger betty and oliver's so-called elves have been working very hard to make as much gingerbread as possible for the tiling and the shingles on the side of the house because that is our first step in setting it all up things might look a little different today because manny's the one driving instead of me he's been upgraded from head of film to chauffeur so we are here at ginger betty's it is finally that day so the next game plan is this i'm gonna start taking all the gingerbread shingles that have been baked off and plastering them to the wall with royal icing we have all this candy pretty much everything you could possibly imagine then we have all this gingerbread and it is a lot more than you think all of these things including these boxes over here are all the pieces of gingerbread for our house this is gonna be a lot of ginger a lot of gingerbread this is a big moment right here drum roll please we are now going to take this beautiful but more importantly delicious icing that's going to get very very hard when we stick the gingerbread to it spread a nice line across our first shingle and finally we put on that first piece of gingerbread that may have looked pretty easy but the only problem now is the fact that we have to do this entire house [Music] we got here early this morning it is late afternoon i think that's a solid day's work there manny don't you i think so the house is looking pretty good we've gotten most of the shingles on but the real question is will they hold or did we just put in a bunch of work for absolutely no reason at all we'll find out tomorrow we are back and as you can see the house is pretty much there in terms of the loose covering on the outside of the gingerbread even the roof all on top is done and all we're waiting for is a custom piece that they're baking right now to put right here over the top minnie what is this did you do this i didn't do that ginger betty's been up for a few days i'm just saying i feel like this next step is your favorite part the decoration what are you thinking what are you envisioning if you made me build a gingerbread house it would look the same as if a seven-year-old built it would you agree with that i think yeah vicky come on just a little come on should we start decorating i think we should get to it let's do it all right minnie get to work put the camera away get to work okay so the idea is you're gonna pipe the royal icing on between between between the edges we're going to fill it in with smarties thumb drops literally all this candy to sing yeah this candy's matches your outfit man i know what number house is this going to be some number christmas numbers all right ginger betty's at the dock who shut up the lights what [Music] making spirits [Music] so we're starting to actually decorate the inside of the house as well because it can't just look cool from the outside and not be cool on the inside look at the table that we're starting with we're starting off strong we've done a lot today we're gonna sleep on it definitely it's looking good today is sunday we are back we're working overtime on this thing some of us was sleeping in i slept i was here at 4 30 am just oh my god as you can see it's looking fantastic at this point i mean what it's got all the bells and whistles we're gonna get started again because we have a lot of work to do and we don't have much time left to do it absolutely so ho ho ho we gotta go this is just one of many cookies that's going on to the gingerbread house obviously it's a stocking but look at that little sugar on the top that's supposed to be the fluff of the top of the stocking everything is super super detailed at this rate maybe i'll build my real house someday out of gingerbread [Music] we're all in right on the sleepover in the house yeah yeah we already said it and we pinky swore on it you're being completely serious about sleeping over in the house yeah i'm serious hello naked gingerbread should we give them clothes or i like the idea of just naked gingerbread all right buck naked gingerbread do you think full frontal we'll just give him a scarf i think that's great this is where it gets dangerous everybody so what we're doing right now we're doing fake snow across the house with frost right we're creating a blizzard hold on a second ready what the hell's magic pig says what is that [Music] that's the way we roll we've made some really good headway today we hadn't even touched the roof yet bonus all right the snow has fallen we're getting a little chilly and we got the ho ho ho thing we got to get santa in place how many hours do you think we have left on this actual house like oh my gosh we could really wrap it up and like buy but i feel like we could do 25. we want it to be perfect we like attention to detail the inside is really what we're focusing on next we want to make sure that that thing looks and feels like a gingerbread home we are many months into this project now this is the home stretch it's the holidays it's snowing outside in boston well not today but it has been and i want everybody to be warm and cozy most people don't know this but the number one most requested item at homeless shelters is sucks and that's why i'm gonna donate 10 000 pairs of socks to homeless shelters throughout boston but i needed some help to make this happen so i called up my friends at current they also want to give back to you guys too so stick around till the end of the video to find out more minnie and i already ordered about 8 000 pairs of socks which are being delivered straight to the gingerbread house the rest we thought we'd pick up ourselves so it's time to do some shopping nick we should buy the whole wall let's do it tough luck for anyone who came shopping for socks today current i'm sorry we're about to do some damage [Music] mandy this is the final push the final socks [Music] hey what are you doing man you're fired my goal here today was to fill this entire car and we're getting most of the way there benny right we're almost there we are at target now one of my favorite stores in the game we're gonna grab as many socks as they've got minnie get out of the car [Music] we spent virtually the entire day buying out the sock racks pretty much every major retailer here in boston but we got some amazing cozy socks and i'm excited to go with manny to bring these to a ton of different shelters and he's going to be dressed up like santa once again i want to give a huge thanks to karen for making this possible current is a mobile app and debit card that helps you spend and save better so you've got the freedom to do you they want to give away 5 000 or 500 to 10 of you who sign up at the link in the description below using code nick that's nick thanks again for helping me make a lot of people's feet cozy current now get ready because tomorrow morning we'll finish the house and donate some socks good morning everyone it is 3 30 in the morning i'm not kidding apparently gingerbread factories get pretty busy around the holidays which means we have to finish the video before they open today but just wait until you see this finished house it's all gonna be worth it i'm gonna be honest guys i don't think manny's very happy with me this morning but this guy will get out of bed for you morning or night rain or shine it is the final day betty's been here since three in the morning hello we have to put all the finishing touches on the house before santa arrives this morning but more importantly manny and i weren't kidding when we said we had a lot of socks we already have a bunch laying out on the ground here but perhaps more importantly we had an entire palette of socks arrived the other day and have to unpack all these boxes too a little bit later we're gonna have manny dress up as santa i can't wait [Music] all right ginger betty before we have our closing festivities i want to first of all thank you for being crazy enough to take on this challenge are you calling me crazy a little bit and also just think about where it led us we are lying in probably more than 10 000 pairs of socks right now and we're also about to have some fun with santa you know he's one of my best friends right it's the real santa manny's on the naughty list molasses manny coming down the chimney at 2 a.m nick hey sam kenny thank you for being crazy enough to take on this project this came out amazing words can't describe it i appreciate you you are one tough cookie well let me tell you i can build it i couldn't do this guys great job ginger betty he can build it he can eat it you and the ginger girls you did unbelievable all right guys i gotta roll cookie candy is out all right nutmeg we're so excited i can't wait for you to see the inside this is a house built for santa santa come on like you gotta take me off the naughty list there's gotta be something we can work out i'm afraid that's not the way this works there's nothing you have to prove yourself there's a whole gingerbread village on the wall this is amazing santa claus thank you so much such a good friend and look at what we made over here special oh my gosh nutmeg this is mimi and look at molasses manny that's me and santa has his special cookie in his santa sack already this has turned into a real christmas miracle everybody jumped in to help thanks all those socks you guys are donating awesome i actually can't believe that despite the outside of the house looking amazing the inside looks just as detailed dear santa i've been very good this year that's kind of debatable but that's all right love you and enjoy the cookies with wonderful cookies look at these cookies ginger betty you went over the top this year ginger betty this has been an absolute pleasure thank you so much for taking this on oh my gosh this is so sweet this is the best project this year this project is months and months in the works like we said and it really it was a lot of effort from so many different people it's just really amazing how we can end off the year on such a sweet note we were so excited to have nutmeg nick and molasses manny come to ginger betty university tootsie roll taylor has a prize nutmeg nick and molasses manny's own ginger buddy university certificates so they passed gingivita university omg omg with an xo i'm gonna throw out my other real college diploma because i don't need that anymore all of this right here to me is the epitome of the holidays we got all these socks here that we're gonna drop off we got this gingerbread house that tons of kids have enjoyed we had santa it doesn't get better great work thank you gb you're welcome thank you but we're not done yet it's time for us to load up the car and for me and manny to go drop these off at a bunch of shelters in boston loaded up all right loading them up we're pulling up to the first homeless shelter manny is dressed in a santa costume and he'll be delivering those socks in a good holiday fashion let's have some fun [Music] that was a blur six months of work all boiled down to a gingerbread house it's just crazy to think about i want to wish all of you watching the happiest of holidays remind you one last time to toss a like on the video and subscribe and as always happy cooking [Music]
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 1,368,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i built a life size gingerbread house, gingerbread house, gingerbread house decorating, giant gingerbread house, life size gingerbread house, gingerbread, challenge
Id: tlcmwSx3-Xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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