Crispy Duck with $3,000 Red Wine Sauce

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why when it comes to food it seems you also have to know a lot about wine or at least you should and i'll be completely honest i don't really know that much about wine and i want to i really really want to but today we're going to be learning about wine in a big big way because i've set out to get well pretty much the largest bottle of wine you can possibly possibly find now when it comes to wines there's a ranking order for sizes the lowest one is called the demi or essentially a half bottle then you have your standard it's about 750 milliliters of wine you know the usual old bottle of wine then we get up to magnum and double magnum which those get a little bit bigger of course now when we get to these ones past that i don't know if i'm going to be pronouncing them correctly but then you've got jeroboam rehoboam imperial salman czar balthazar nebuchadnezzar and solomon or melchoi what we have today and again i hope i'm pronouncing this correctly but i did some digging and it was kind of hard to figure it out anyway the point is i've spent hours and hours searching for the biggest bottle of wine in all of massachusetts and i think i found it so let's go grab it i'm gonna be honest i'm quite tired this morning because usually we don't start this early but we are headed before the shop opens to grab this big giant 18 liter bottle of wine i know it sounds crazy and it's going to be crazy and to be honest with you i don't even know what this thing's gonna look like but what i will say is that i'm wildly excited so let's get to that shop let's grab that wine and let's go back and make some early morning duck we've just gotten here to this wine shop i'm super super excited because they were the only place in seemingly all of massachusetts to actually have this bottle of wine that i'm looking for uh so i had this bottle for me from 18th century uh it's porto my wife's family is from galicia originally so we always fly into porto we spend a lot of time there i've won the only white porch from 1935 to crew 70 82 arguably the three best vintages ever wow here's yours it's the biggest model i've ever seen or used oh it's heavy it's 18 liters it's literally the largest bottle i've ever seen in person close to 100 pounds how much would this bad boy set you back close to three grand three grand so this or a small car and you could just go back and drink this whole thing in one sitting two of us i would say two of us would probably continue to find maybe invite man maybe invite you to be conservative should we bring it up yeah let's do it all right let's go luckily it is manageable at least it's a good start to friday morning yeah yeah that's great right you're good to go nice to meet you thanks for coming in early nice to meet you too yeah yeah do you need a hat no it's all right all right baby ready yeah yeah turn that off well it just so happened oh my god we got the biggest bottle of wine you can possibly get scoot aside for a second buddy i'm at a loss for words as you can see the wine bottle is quite literally wider than my actual head this can be easily backed by the fact that i can very simply hide behind it now before we jump to any conclusions no i'm not going to be drinking this whole bottle today in the video although that probably would be fairly entertaining for everybody but instead we're going to be doing something very very interesting i'm sure you've all heard of a red wine reduction right that often pairs extremely well with things like red meat or what we're going to be using today which is duck now i'm really excited because i haven't cooked duck yet on our channel nor have i really played around with it on other channels at this point so it's going to be really fun to try something new the idea here today is that as we focus on our duck and the other parts of our plate for this whole dish that we're going to be creating we are going to be letting this wine reduce all the way down to this one very very concentrated red wine reduction the idea behind that is that it's going to have so much of that sugar be so so concentrated and potent and ultimately be this amazing amazing sauce for our duck reducing this is gonna take quite some time because that means letting off a lot of the water on here and yes that's gonna burn off all the alcohol which is fine we're doing this in the name of experimentation and cooking and we'll still get all that amazing wine flavor that we have inside this bottle right here so without further ado let's figure out how to open this thing up because i'm not really even sure how and let's get cooking i'm going to take a moment to tell you about today's sponsor brightsellers and let me tell you i've got quite the offer for you brightsellers is a monthly wine club that matches you with wines that you'll love personally i know absolutely nothing about wine but all you need to do is take an easy 7 question quiz then they get a sense of your preferences and the questions are super easy for example your favorite type of chocolate how you like your tea you know with honey or lemon or plain and then they find the best wines that'll suit you it looks here like i got mostly white which is my favorite so they guessed right here and they also have an awesome concierge service so if i don't love a bottle in this shipment they'll just send me a new one in my next box there are also these wine education cards for each bottle that we received this red one should go perfectly with my duck now here's your offer bright cellars is giving my followers 50 off their first six bottle box so follow the link to take the quiz and get started today cheers now to open this bottle of wine of course we have to do something cool so we're gonna savor it i'm not sure who here knows what that is but basically i'm gonna slide my knife up and just crack the whole top off so here we go no i'm not going to savor it we have to be careful with this thing so whoever watching was just rooting for me to savor it come on think about how much money we just spent on this thing to start i'm going to come gently around the top with my knife slowly digging into this wax because our goal here will be to peel off the top of that wax section which will in turn expose that massive massive cork for us to take it off once we've got some leverage i'm gonna come around and just peel off this wax piece all the way around and then that makes it easy to take off that cap and here we have our monster cork at this point we're gonna wedge in that bottle opener and start to twist actually cut the cans for a second okay i believe i can fly i'm going to twist in with our opener until those arms are just above horizontal and then push down this is going to be extraordinarily difficult after our first attempt this is what we ended up with an opener with a bunch of cork attached to it and that's not good this bottle of wine is going to be a ton harder to open than i ever could have imagined unfortunately my opener was too small so this here is the aftermath but we got the cork out with absolutely no cork left in the bottle which honestly i'm happy about because we didn't have the proper tools for this we really didn't plan ahead for this i mean who can plan ahead for this as you can see our cork has that beautiful deep red color which is great because this means the wine was resting properly and by resting it such that the wine could touch the cork and continue saturating it that ensures the cork remains swelled which in turn keeps the bottle fresh and sealed so this is fantastic as for the actual wine bottle let's all give ourselves a pat on the back right now because we actually open this thing up here cut the camera for a quick sec [Music] now at this point in time we actually need to start pouring this into our big giant beautiful glass pot so that we can reduce it and just look at that sweet sweet nectar pouring out like that fortunately for me the more i pour the lighter this thing gets so i feel like it's probably closer to the 85 pound range now instead of 100. and as i top off the second pot here we've actually taken a massive massive dent out of this bottle i think we only have to fill about three of these pots for all of it oh look at this steady stream at the end here oh look at this steady stream at the end here you gotta love a good steady stream i'm not sure if you can tell but that leaves us only with wine about up to here the rest of the bottle at this point is fully see-through to be honest looking at this bottle i thought there was a lot more wine than this but again i have no complaints this is gonna make a really really good red wine reduction at this point i'm cooking this over the highest heat possible and i'm gonna put the other pot behind me as well as the rest of the wine in here and we're gonna reduce it all down into a tiny tiny tiny amount so while we wait for all these to finish which will probably take about five to six hours we're gonna finish the rest of our dish now first things first we're gonna make what's called a palm puree which is pretty much just fancy way of saying mashed potatoes but instead they're usually just really really smooth and have been put through something like a shinwa to make them perfectly silky to start i'm gonna peel my roasted potatoes because normally when i make regular mashed potatoes i leave on that skin but for a fancy high-end palm puree like this we don't want any of those darker spots or any impurities at all most people don't know that you can go both ways like this with a peeler and to be honest it makes your work a heck of a lot faster so next time you're peeling try it out when you're peeling potatoes you want to go as quickly as possible because they are going to start to oxidize but a way to get around that is to put them in a bowl of cool water which basically doesn't let them oxidize at least not as quickly also we're going to rinse off a little bit of that starch first at this point we're going to slice some cubes of our potato making fairly small cubes so that they cook quickly this is always a good trick that i use because that way you're not waiting hours for your potato to cook and once all our potatoes cubed we're going to put this right into some boiling water where these are essentially going to cook until they're nice and fluffy but an absolute must here is to make sure you don't overcook these because when they take on too much water you will have a terrible terrible puree i can't give you a time here but cook them until they're fork tender right here i have a whole muscovy duck first i'm going to take out his neck because we're not gonna be needing this for this portion but i'm gonna freeze this to save what are you smiling about what get out get out but i am going to freeze this and save it for a stock down the road what are you all looking at you haven't seen a duck's neck before at this point i'm gonna carve my knife in and gently take off both of those breasts and as you can see we get that really clean cut to take this out we want to get as close to the bones as we can possibly get here just in order to get a really nice breast once the first breast is complete which really looks quite nice we'll flip the bird around and take off the other breasts and at this point we have two beautiful duck breasts both of which are really well cleaned and are ready to cook for now i'm gonna set these aside and let them come up to room temperature at this point our potatoes are fork tender so i'm gonna add them to our bowl here after straining out as much water as i can and then we're gonna lay a kitchen towel over the top to let them steam this gets them nice and fluffy at this point in time we need to score the duck breasts because this will get maximum crisping when we cook it so without going all the way through i'm simply gonna come across the whole thing with my knife with the goal of making a checkerboard pattern on top of this duck skin as you can see we don't go quite all the way through but we pretty much go as deep as possible without doing that and at this point once we're done scoring both pieces we're going to hit it with some nice salt because this salt will draw out some moisture which in turn will give us an even crispier skin keep in mind that with something like duck or chicken the skin is what protects the rest of that meat from getting overcooked so it really is important that you leave plenty of skin on here but at this point we're ready to go this pan here is not dirty it's carbon steel which means we can get it really really hot but the first thing we're going to do here is use a few extra bits of that skin to really just lube up the bottom of this pan don't look at me like that once we grease the bottom of the pan we can remove that duck fat and i've actually turned the heat down at this point because with duck many people say you want to start with a cold pan this way you slowly render off that fat as opposed to hitting it really quickly with a steak which you want to get immediately immediately crispy duck fat is thick and it takes time to render off all that fat once we're all set we're going to lay both pieces of duck face down with our meat i've started with about a medium hot pan here at this point we'll be very patient i'm gonna leave it over low heat and render off as much of that fat as possible to get an extremely extremely crispy skin at this point we've been really patient with our ducks and patience has given us this at this point we're gonna flip both pieces of duck over revealing those beautifully crispy skins at which point we'll toss in a whole knob of butter spinning this around just a second so it rapidly melts and at this point we'll add in a bunch of thyme some dried orange peel a bunch of whole peppercorns and a few bits of lemon juice we'll quickly butter base both of our ducks really getting in all those flavors that we've just added in and making sure they get it coated with a little bit of that crispy orange peel and again all of those other flavors at this point we can lay our duck down on the board because now it's time for that beautiful beautiful meat to rest for a while but make sure you don't forget to put all those aromatics directly on top so that they continue to seep onto the meat see you guys in a little bit now it's time to make our palm puree so into my potato ricer i'll add a bunch of our potatoes which by the way are steaming hot and will burn your hands so i would suggest using a spoon if you can and then into the bowl we go with our ricer i've said it before and i'll say it again if you like potatoes and you make a lot of mashed potatoes in particular get a ricer it will change your life and once we've riced all of those potatoes we'll add in a few knobs of butter which should melt because of how hot these potatoes are a little bit of heavy cream to reach the consistency that you'd like and last but not least a nice pinch of salt and now we fold it all together until it's the smoothest potatoes you've ever seen but we're not done just yet stir for just a few moments to make sure all that butter is melted and make sure you don't forget to give it a little taste to make sure that it's seasoned properly what did you say get out at this point we'll put our potatoes into what's called the chinwa which is a fancy word for a very fine strainer and then we'll stir until we push it all the way through this part right here is gonna take a while but as you can see already that silky smooth potato is coming through and finally our palm puree is in a squeeze bottle and ready to go okay i know at this point it seems crazy to see these where they are now but what you're looking at is this red wine that's been reduced for several hours as you can see it coasts the edge of the pot much more than before and at this point i'm going to move this into the middle and combine all of our wine together you see how syrupy this is that's how thick the entire bottle of wine has become now to finish off this reduction i do want to add in a few light but relevant flavors so we're first going to add just a little bit of this duck stock that i have a few little hunks of shallots and last but not least a good old knob of butter and at this point we'll whisk it all up now that right there is a red wine reduction if i have ever seen one from a 100 pound bottle of wine we've ended with one beautiful sauce no more than a half a cup's worth let's all appreciate for just a moment that we got from this entire bottle which as i hope you can now tell is completely empty to this extremely powerful delicious grape filled red wine reduction now first things first it's time to cut open this gorgeous piece of duck to do so i'm just going to cut from the end first going all the way down to the middle until i've carved all this duck which can be laid out in a beautiful way across our plate it's definitely gonna get more rare as you reach the middle but to be completely honest the end pieces are usually actually my favorite because they've got that really crispy skin but are also still so juicy whereas if you pick up a middle piece you're gonna have more of that pinker more reddish colored duck a lot of people are gonna tell you to cook duck just ever so slightly so that it's extremely extremely pink and red but frankly i don't like it that rare to build our plate we're gonna start by layering out some of that duck but we want to leave space for some other stuff because i'd argue that the red wine reduction is our star of this dish next i'm going to hit the plate with some of that red wine reduction going right up next to the duck then of course we'll come in with a few nice dots for our potato puree which we've worked ever so hard to achieve and each one of those dots is going to have so much creamy flavor but i'll also tuck a few dots underneath our duck to give a little bit more of that potato because we don't want to totally screw people over with this plate and last but not least i'm going to take just a little bit of parsley here because we want to liven up the plate a little bit with some green color otherwise it just sort of looks sad and that right there is a magnificent duck dish with a red wine reduction i know will be so complex that i can't even begin to imagine how it's going to taste let's eat i am extraordinarily proud of this dish i haven't gotten to really play around with food in this way in quite some time and every dish tells a story it's fun to make food like this now i first want to say i hope you have enjoyed this video and if you did please don't forget to toss a like because that really helps us more than you could ever ever know we film every single day of every single week even sometimes weekends and that's all that we ever ask of you now let's dive into this duck because i am very excited look at my little pinky there i look like the queen of england i'm going to start by taking one of my pieces of duck and just dip it right through this reduction just look at that sauce dripping down onto the plate next i just have to dip it in that potato puree and let's just put a little bit more for good measure now down the hatch we go wow you can take a piece right now and i won't fire you go ahead you're fired i'm just kidding no go ahead go ahead the sauce yeah this one of the top things we've made yet many of you would probably look at that bottle of wine and say oh my gosh what a waste but let me just tell you right now this is genuinely one of the best duck dishes i have ever had in my entire life i mean just think about how much time and energy has gone into this dish it's genuinely mind-blowing i've licked the plate clean and all it stands is this one cute little herb you don't often see me finish food like that and this was really good if you ever want to make something amazing at home take a cheap bottle of red wine because if you calculated it out this bottle that we bought though expensive as a whole was actually quite affordable by the bottle if you really calculate things out reduce that entire bottle of red wine watching it carefully towards the end so you don't burn it then mix in a little butter shallot or onion a little bit of chicken or duck stock whatever you'd like and pair it with whatever meat you want it is seriously seriously good thank you all for watching smack that subscribe button and the notifications icon if you want to i mean i wouldn't want you to miss anything like this got a few things up our sleeves for down the road but again thank you so much for watching and i'll see you soon you
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 1,335,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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