Fruit Tanghulu

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there's this really great snack from northern china called tang hulu and as a chef it's right up my alley not only because i speak some mandarin chinese but also because it's really fun to make and it's delicious traditionally this is made with hawthorne but you can literally make it with any fruit and it's the same process no matter how you do it it's actually very simple you make a mixture of water and sugar and cook this down until the sugar retains very low amounts of water you bring it to what's called the hard crack stage this basically means that when the sugar cools down it's going to make a crunch if you bite into it or tap it think of something like the top of a creme brulee or a lollipop all you need to do is bring the sugar to a certain temperature and if you don't have a thermometer i have tricks for you i myself never use a thermometer so today i'm going to try using a ton of different fruits fruits you've never even seen before some will be more common fruits such as strawberries grapes kiwis others will be fruits that some of you have never seen before and we'll think outside the box a little bit and see exactly what fruits work well with tonkulu the first box here is for my super cool friends at miami fruit whenever you guys have seen crazy fruits on my instagram it's probably from them wait this is really weird i think we have two boxes that are taped together hold on i think i might be able to break these apart so i guess i have not two but three exotic fruit boxes let's see what's in the first one to start it looks like i got a couple passion fruits this happens to be one of my two favorite fruits but i don't know if i'm gonna be able to tongue hulu this because if you know what the inside of a passion fruit looks like you know that it wouldn't be easy let me show you i've just cut this one open for you to see but it's basically just a goo inside i got a few of these things and i'm going to be totally honest with you guys i've got no idea what these are so i'll put these aside as well for now this fruit looks a little weird or maybe it's just me but this thing's kind of got a funny shape and again not sure what this is so we'll toss it aside let's see what this is ah so to the untrained eye this is a regular apple but if you look really closely do you see anything unique there's that light reddish tint under this apple this is a rose apple at least in the u.s these are extremely rare and i can't wait to try this out these cute little guys are obviously mini bananas you already know we're going to tongue hulu these then it looks like we got a nice little pineapple i don't think i've actually ever seen a stalk of a pineapple that looks this beautiful that's really cool and last but not least in this box we got a cacao pod now again something i'm not really sure you can talk hulu because even if you were to tongue hulu one of the seeds of a cacao pod which is really watery it might be difficult to coat in sugar you can't bite all the way through it cause you gotta roast that chocolate that's inside the seed first so i might save this for something else now let's check the other box to start i can already see we got another cacao pot this will make for some fun stuff later next we got a young water coconut and again this is just gonna be my drink during this i'm gonna hack off the top and it's gonna be delicious more little mini bananas and oh what do we have here this looks to be either a grapefruit or a pomelo is it pomelo or pablo i never know that was a rhyme we are definitely gonna talk hulu this this thing right here looks to be a sprouted coconut and i happen to know that the inside of this is almost like a sponge candy that tastes like coconut not really sure what we're gonna do with this one but i say we try to tongue hulu it and then just a few more passion fruits because you can never have enough passion fruit now let's check our other box this is a tropical fruit box so i'm really excited to see what's inside this smells incredible it reminds me of sitting down in a paradise island with a pina colada that's what this smell reminds me of first we have rambutan or at least that's how i think you're supposed to pronounce them it's spelled rambutan but i'd love any thoughts in the comments because i know some different types of fruits are pronounced differently in different places next we have a massive cacao pod the biggest one i've ever seen i mean this thing is absolutely gorgeous next we have longan or at least i hope i'm pronouncing that right they come on this vine and almost look like grapes these are from the same family as lychee so i'm suspecting they'll taste pretty similar ah we have one of my favorites lychee again if i ever butcher the pronunciation just let me know and i promise i'll say it right next time this is by far one of my favorite fruits out there almost done i promise now we have this pineapple but this isn't just a regular ordinary pineapple this is a pink pineapple so when i cut inside this is literally gonna be a bright glowing pink this one is wrapped up quite well and again is something that i have no idea and have never seen before this one right here is very squishy and it's a star apple but i don't know that this will turn hulu too well because if it's high water content and last but not least we have dragon fruit these would be very cool to tonghulu and a white pomegranate something that always makes me remember my persian grandfather beautiful and delicious so suddenly my stuff seems so boring but i have blackberries raspberries some beautiful strawberries a couple clementines and some beautiful kiwi yeah you can eat the skin but i won't make you wait any longer let's tongue hulu let's start by cutting a few of these open because we have to be prepared bang pink pineapple bet you've never seen that before how about a dragon fruit i'm not sure how this is gonna work but let's try it anyway quite honestly even if it doesn't work this has to be one of the most gorgeous fruits so let's at least admire its beauty now for this grapefruit pomelo whatever it is i just want to lightly score the edges and actually remove the skin because i want to use those nice whole segments to try to tongue hulu it with less water content on the outside i almost just wanted tong hulu this part right here as for these beauties i know there might be certain ways to eat them but for this i'll score just around it and then open them up and let's see if i can tongue hulu this whole fruit right here and yes i know there's a seed but i'll eat around it these cute mini little bananas i don't know if they're ripe but either way i'll peel the skin off and tongue hulu it just to get an idea of what banana tong hulu might taste like or how it would even work for our kiwi because the skin is edible i think i'll use the entire kiwi and you already know that with my rose apples it's probably gonna look beautiful no matter what we do last but not least the sprouted coconut i'll use one of my other chef's knives to try to open this up don't try this at home i think we're in just like i thought it has a light fluffy interior it literally feels like this foamy cotton candy sort of looks like a cloudy souffle and this has got to be one of the most unique things i've ever tasted but i don't think it'll tongue hulu so let's make that sugar mixture for our tong hulu mixture it's very simple two parts sugar to one part water which pretty much means if you have two cups of sugar you'll need one cup of water i'm gonna do six cups of sugar and three cups of water so here goes my six cups of sugar followed by my three cups of water that i'll try to spread out really evenly now i'll turn my heat all the way up to high or medium high it's up to you and let this cook till the sugar dissolves don't touch it don't stir it that could mess it up only once the sugar's dissolved can you start swirling it around a little bit in your pan when your sugar reads 300 degrees fahrenheit or about 150 celsius on an instant read thermometer you're ready to dip your fruit the other way to test is to bring your sugar till it starts to get a light color once this starts to happen take your dipping stick and place it right into the sugar and then immediately into a glass of cold ice water pull this out and if the sugar cracks like a lollipop would when you bite into it you are ready to dip let's add a bunch of ice and this is our freezing bowl and then fill it all the way up with water to make our hardening bowl this is where we'll dip our fruits after we put them in the sugar mixture now let's begin dipping and to start i've always wanted to try it with a clementine i'll roll my clementine around in the sugar mixture and make sure that it's fully coated then i'll immediately plunge it into my sugar water and watch it as it hardens and cools you can now see that we have a really neat glassy mandarin orange i'll set this aside because i'm going to dip all my fruits first and then try them next we'll dip with a nice slice of rose apple again into my sugar i'll roll it all the way around and then throw it into my water we'll take it out once it's nice and hardened same thing with one of our mini bananas in goes the banana out comes tong hulu banana now we'll drop the strawberry in which i was really excited for and you can see that these tom hulu quite well i also really wanted to do a nice piece of our grapefruit or pomelo whatever this is so let me give that a try flung straight into the water i gotta say i think this one's gonna be a good one in all my days of tong hulu i've learned that grapes happen to be one of people's favorite things to tonghulu this is gonna be a fun one in terms of our dragon fruit i don't wanna mess this one up perhaps i can just peel off the skin and then just tongue hulu a nice big piece though i hate to say it i think dragon fruit's a little too watery to do tan hulu with with my blackberries and raspberries i'm going to try to drop them individually into the sugar and then take them out and drop them into the ice water so that i can get them done without a hole in the side for my skewer i couldn't help but do another clementine and i have to say this one turned out perfectly now for rambutan i'll take this little egg-like thing out of here and i will note that it's pretty wet so i don't know if it's gonna work just like i thought the sugar will not coat to this so this will not tongue hulu you can actually see here that we've sort of made spun sugar meaning the sugar is so delicate and fine now that it'll harden when i put it into these beautiful hair like strands it's actually really cool now fortunately we're almost done because our mixture is turning a little too dark brown at this point but before that let's tongue hulu an entire kiwi once it has a nice big coating i'll drop it in i almost just tongue hulu with a sticker unfortunately as pretty as it is this pink pineapple's too wet to tongue hulu too so this does not time hulu if these are properly sealed they can sit in the water as long as you want as long as they're fully coated in that sugar they'll be totally fine did you ever think these two fruits would make this sound one more thing to note is the color of your sugar this is about as far as i want to take my sugar so long as it looks like the consistency of honey you're totally fine but after that remake your sugar if you're making tom hulu for a long time people always ask this question so i'm going to answer it now to get the sugar out of your pan at the end it can be kind of tricky but just simply do this a couple times and it's easy to get out but if you just fill it with water and bring it to a boil dump that out and then maybe do that a few more times it should really only take two to three your pan will be good as new don't try to hack it out with a spatula or a knife trust me it's not gonna work and you're just gonna ruin your pan anytime something's stuck to your pan chances are you can get it out by just boiling some water in it it's a good chef's trick i want us to take a look at some of the tong hulu fruits we made hang hulu fruits is that a word first we got our beautiful mandarin orange which worked really well i'm going to give this a 10 out of 10 for looks then we got this gorgeous strawberry again it's got to be another 10 out of 10 for looks the fruit i think i'm most excited about is the kiwi the whole kiwi because you know you can eat the skin so why not just put the whole thing in how can you not love these grapes they clumped all together and they look so good as much as i hate to say it some of our more exotic fruits worked a little bit but take this rose apple for example on the skin where it's waxy and there's not much water it's stuck really well but flip it over and the tong hulu really didn't work because the sugar was pushed away by that water and it didn't adhere for some weird reason i really want to cut this kiwi open so let's try it actually looks like we might pull it off and there you go kiwi tang hulu all right now the fun part we're going to try them let's start small raspberry blackberry oh okay you want to know the craziest thing about eating the raspberry is suddenly the raspberry seems so tart and not sugary at all i guess it makes sense when you coat sling in sugar that other thing unless it's super sugary is gonna taste kind of bitter and that raspberry tasted really really tart and not sweet but i liked it alright this is the one i've kind of been waiting for a good old strawberry it's an awkward size do i bite in half or do i one hit it i feel like if you were here and you had the ability to tell me what to do you'd say one hit it so i'm going to try oh so other than cutting my mouth i found out that strawberry is one of my favorite fruits to tonghulu now the strawberry has just the right amount of sweetness and that perfect flavor to go with tom hulu that's going to the top of the list for me but i heard grapes are a fan favorite too so let's give these a try i'd still pick strawberry any day but those are damn good the dragon fruit tongue hulu just a little bit so let's try that too i'm gonna say i never really like dragon fruit that much it just doesn't taste like much to me but still pretty cool now we'd also be crazy not to try this little banana oh i don't want it now that's the first one where i'm gonna go hard no banana hulu not for me this clementine looks so cool i don't even want to eat it because of how pretty it is but we're gonna give it a try maybe a little too juicy but really really neat time for our kiwi that's pretty cool you know what i would do next time with the kiwi there's these cute little things called kiwi berries that are exactly what they sound like it's basically a kiwi in the size of a berry shape they're about the size of a blackberry maybe a little bigger if i could do those and just pop them in one by one that would be a treat now i know we got a rose apple we got all sorts of stuff but this is not a joke i went to the dentist yesterday and i have two more cavities and it's not hard to figure out why i'm tongue hulued out for the day let me answer unequivocally when it comes to fruit does it tongue hulu absolutely comment what i should do next is it meat is it pastries is it desserts i'll do whatever you want please remember to comment subscribe like all those simple little things that help these videos keep going and spreading around to people that'll hopefully enjoy them as much as you do i'm excited to see what you decide to tell hulu you
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 3,977,978
Rating: 4.9356036 out of 5
Id: 5yX9-pyqu0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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