How High Can You Jump in Minecraft?

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[Music] if you have ever played Minecraft then you definitely have jumped at the very least once jumping is one of the core essential parts of the game and it's difficult to imagine on Minecraft would be like if you didn't have the ability to jump when one jumps there are two components to take into account jump length and jump height the more discussed feature as you probably guessed is jump length one topic that instantly comes to mind is dreams five-block jump video and that whole discussion additionally parkour is usually more based on the horizontal distance you travel in jumping but how high can you jump in Minecraft it's a unique question one that many people will never ask and mostly because it seems super trivial but is it have you ever actually taken the time to consider how high can you jump in Minecraft and that is a question we will be answering in today's video there are many different hikes we can jump on in game jumping on two snow layers can raise your height by 0.125 blocks you can jump on a sideways and rod point six to five blocks and a champion table point seven five blocks an end portal frame 0.8 one to five blocks a path block 0.9375 also side note while researching for this video actually discovered the largest possible amount of blocks that can make a staircase one block in height while I previously felt a record was seven using snow layers I discovered this arrangement of 15 blocks with each bug in a series being exactly one pixel higher than the one before it there is one exception however because as far as I'm aware there is actually no blog that is 5 pixels tall or 0.3 1 to 5 blocks back to jumping however this is far from the limit I think one of the more popular opinions and when that will very often be brought up by newer players is that a player in Minecraft can jump up to one block most blocks in Minecraft have a height of 1 meter off the ground and can be jumped on top of without a problem but this isn't the limit either far from it actually put a carpet on that block and suddenly the new height becomes 1.0 6 to 5 replace that carpet with two snow layers and a 1.125 vertical block Trump becomes possible as well a block with a trap door on it is 1.1 875 also for convenience sake I'll not be referring to blocks as one beat or to be so for example a block with two signal ears on it I would call a1 b2 snow layer keeping that in mind a 1v3 snow layer or a 1b campfire both seem to take us to the limit 1.25 blocks this is also the limit listed in the Minecraft Wikipedia so is that all no not even close I'm now going to take a second to refine my definition of a jump my definition of a vertical jump is as follows a jump must be started by pressing or holding the space key and must be easy to perform nearly anywhere with very very minimal setup this eliminates jumping into ladders minecarts beds or using tnt cannons as well as other things that require some setup additionally at no point during the jump can you be lower than your initial Y position thus purling after jumping off a cliff is not allowed either and our pros are generally not allowed because you'll hit the ground before the Pearl lands in most cases the jump height will be calculated by subtracting the initial Y position from the final standing position so not peak height but just a landing height so now the question becomes how much vertical elevation can a player get by pressing their jump key without too much external modification I do all this defining because the methods of jumping will become more and more unorthodox and very very strange a lot of you may say that isn't a jump in which case I respect your opinion but for the purposes of this video I will count the methods as jumping but that being said let's break the limits of Minecraft jumping lighting yourself on fire with a flint and steel allows you to jump around 1.5 blocks jump boost one sets your new jump height to 1.75 recreate a ball with a 1 b7 snow layers but why stop a jump boost 1 jump boost 2 allows you to jump 2.5 blocks into the air I think the previously mentioned flint and steel into the mix with fire and jump too you can go three point five blocks up that alone is pretty high but we can go much much higher now we will get into animal modifications horses are one of the many rideable mobs in Minecraft but they are unique as they are the only ones that can jump into the air horses have different jump power levels that determine the height of their jump with the average being 0.7 and the maximum being one the average horse can jump around two point eight seven five blocks into the air which is pretty high but still at as high as fire plus jump to actually the actual jump height is two point eight nine two blocks but I don't know how to replicate that with Minecraft so this is gonna be close enough that being said a zero point eight power horse can jump around three point six to five blocks but why stop there a zero point nine power horse can jump an astounding four point four 375 but a super powered horse a power one can jump an entire five point two five blocks into the air but what if they gave that horse jump boost one there's a strange bug in Minecraft that you have to relock whenever you give jump boosts to a horse or I won't register but giving jump boost one to the art extremely rare power one horse that races its jump height to six point one to five blocks very high but again why stop by jump one when we can give jump to the most powerful horse spa noble in survival minecraft can jump with jump boost to around seven point one to five blocks that alone is an insanely high jump and it's where the definition from before comes in if horse jump boost wasn't weird enough I suggest you raise yourselves you may not consider the following methods jumps but we're just having fun at this point seeing how high we can go [Music] chorus fruits harvested in the merciless and dimension chorus plants don't seem very useful at first while there are a necessity on to be to tea in survival minecraft most players discard the coarse fruit unless they want to craft and rods however while scrolling through the Minecraft inventory searching for jump modifiers I had the idea of Korra sleeping trying to eat chorus fruit to teleport the moment you reach the peak of your jump now after doing some research I discovered that the maximum teleporting distance of a chorus fruit was 8 blocks so theoretically if we consume one at the very peak of our jump we can go nine point two five blocks into the air my personal best is 8 just because the timing but theoretically 9 and 9.25 should be possible try it out for yourself if you want to better test and analyze results like painted avoid world where the only possible option for the chorus fruit was a platform pipe in the air this would make it easier to test but even then I didn't always get teleported so it is kind of frustrating still I recommend you check it out with a twith jump boost to the theoretical limit jumps pun intended - 10.5 with my personal best being 9 and again let's involve a horse taking a basic power one horse without jump boost the theoretical limit becomes around thirteen point three blocks my personal record is around eleven it's noticeably lower because the timing for the horse one is much more complex first you have to begin eating the fruit then get a max jump pie by timing your space and jump correctly and finally dismount at the peak of the horse jump right as the fruit meets even after all that there's a chance that I won't even teleport you just back to the platform where you started this was very first ready to test out but eventually I got the hang of it with jump boost - on a power one horse while chorus leaping theoretical height becomes fifteen point one two five and my personal best was just a tad bit lower at four blocks this is a bit better and if you want to test it out for yourself my last piece of advice is to use slow fall slow falling helps ensure that even if you just not have it early you don't lose hiking getting good heights a bit easier so 15 blocks is a pretty high jump to be sure but there are other gadgets that will help us get even higher at this point I don't think many people would consider the following jumps but it's fun to explore the limits of vertical height so let's do that rain one of my least favorite game mechanics personally I think that rain is very annoying and I usually always turn off the weather cycle just to avoid it however with the introduction of Riptide in the update aquatic rain is a necessity for getting vertical height limit by timing your jump just before the release of the trident you can add momentum to the riptide making it even stronger than normal even with Riptide 1 I was able to go 17 point 1 to 5 blocks into the air already higher than the highest coarsely possible this value nearly doubles at 30 point 1 to 5 with Riptide - and with Riptide three but two values are added together to get my personal best of forty seven point one to five blocks adding jump boost to increases by four becoming fifty one point one two five that already is a massive leap but it isn't the limit either I'd like to briefly point out that using Riptide 3 you can actually go infinitely into the air if it continues to rain because you can repeatedly throw the trident that being said at the Lelaina option somehow they ignoring it you may be thinking what about a horse but actually when you dismount a horse to jump you lose all your momentum making the riptides worse because the moment you jump off the horse you begin to fall downwards and that downwards momentum combats the riptides making your overall propelling slower and weaker back to the jumping however the final item i'll introduce is the Electra we all know that using a firework you can soar into the sky with an electron on your back but a feature that may be a bit less of you'll be familiar with is flight duration depending on how much gunpowder you add to the firework rocket while crafting the Fighter ation can go from 1 to 3 with a fluctuation 1 rocket I was able to get a 46 block jump but of course that's just flag duration 1 with flight duration 2 I was enabled to go out whopping 66 blocks into the air that's already higher than a riptide strategy and finally with flight duration 3 I was able to soar 78 blocks into the air that is mental again one could use infinite fireworks to boost themselves high into the sky but that's no fun is it finally what if you combined Riptide 3 with a flight duration 3 rocket the results 104 blocks into the air personally this is just a record of my own and a higher jumps may be possible however it's my knowledge of the current time this is how hot you can jump in Minecraft it may be possible to throw a pearl to get higher but I'll leave that up to you Oh again a lot of these methods won't be considered jumps with many players but we're only over the phone and this is lots of a scientific video as we get closer to the end that being said that is all I have for today I do hope you have enjoyed today's video if you did then please do consider subscribing it would mean the world to me but thank you so much for watching I really appreciate it and I'll see you next time be sad [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Wifies
Views: 1,034,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wifies, hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, mumbo jumbo, amazon mumbo, amazon grian, dream, skeppy, grian, how high can you jump in minecraft, how far can you jump in minecraft, parkour, sipover, zyphon, simply sarc, minecraft parkour, minecraft jump, 5 block jump, minecraft high jump, minecraft jump height
Id: c65raCmA3yE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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