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[Music] hey everybody my name is Leigh fees and welcome back another video today we're going to be seeing if a minecraft player or me can survive in a super flat world the nether dimension and dimension ocean world and void world and how will that go is it possible how will we do it now to classify survival I have two different criteria one have a shelter to have a somewhat stable or reliable at least food source this shouldn't be too hard and most of them but who really knows so we're gonna see how this one goes if you do enjoy the consider give this video a thumbs up and subscribe you could really mean the world to me we're really close to thirty case I would really appreciate if you did subscribe however thank you so much for watching and let's go right into the video starting off with super flat so starting things off of a easy I'm sure you all can expect that yes a super flat world shouldn't be that hard to start off so I started a new world made it super flat and saw how long I could could progress and could I achieve the necessary requirements obviously as you may have expected the in stores yes I could we find myself scouring for a village and I got some animals along the way as food but it didn't take much time after setting up my render distance to find a village nearby I settled in that village and took residents instead of the homes stealing their wood and killing their cows for more food I then chopped down a few trees which now spawn naturally as villagers making it very easy to get saplings and overall a great source of wood and charcoal by association afterward I mined little uns once again for some stone as it is not naturally generated in flat world's and then you just don't to make a furnace and stone tools to fend off the massive hordes of slime obviously I couldn't spend for myself as the iron golems were dying however I was able to make shelter quite quickly and take residence and where the villagers houses and now I have shelter one of the requirements I decided to wait for the night to spawn to get wheat from skeletons by killing them for bone meal and then breeding cows together for stable food in the meanwhile though I just killed animals and killed cows as that is Elessar reliable food source hunting and gathering works perfectly fine and you can just kill animals and then smelt them with the charcoal from the infinite tree supply you have plus the villagers have their own farm so foods shop your problem and superflat so that concluded although superflat variants are very easy to survive and because they do come with trees wood cobblestone crafting tables and all the necessities for a survival world so crossing that one off the list even with free beds superflat survivable easy the next one the nether this one was gonna be much harder than I expected and left me dying more than a few times so here's how this one went down I have started off a normal world a pretty confident myself because of how well the superfly went and hop into the nether portal we ready to be created by easy access to food shelter and everything needed to make a good society however at little did I know that I had almost no hope of surviving in the nether without proper knowledge of how the nether works the nether is a brutal place and even with the new update which is why I chose to shoot this video now it is now she's possibly to start on the nether but it is very very far from easy I started off in a red forest to buy a nether fortress and began chopping down the trees but was soon created by a very mean piggelin monster I don't know what the names of the Pigman be serviced the hagglunds I don't know what a hagen is so I'm just gonna call them up pig lands pickling beasts logical and beasts and the pig zombie pigmen rip offs are piglets okay there we go I was May I barely able to get a crafting table before being chased off by one of the beasts and then I ran to the nether fortress as cover cover didn't help either because I was soon swarmed by penguins which led to my inevitable death after I hidden another fortress I decided to kill myself because this one wasn't going anywhere the next attempt went a bit better I scoured the nether fortress a bit more and was able to find diamonds crafting a diamond sword to defend myself from the monsters however this one didn't last very long either because while trying to survive I rely really quickly realized I had no chance for food there was no food in the nether that you can easily access because nether Ward is useless and apparently I don't know enough about the another update to realize if there are any crops that you can grow in this harsh environment because the only thing I could come up with was mushroom soup mushroom soup was actually a really good option because there is no wood in the nether which is why it's possible to survive in the first place however to get mushroom soup you have to go to the old another biomes thank you for being my saviors to find red and brown mushrooms these are actually not too uncommon and you can find them pretty quickly throughout the biomes if you search hard enough so I searched a little bit and got a food mat and mushroom soup which was good however I wasn't sure that it was good enough because I didn't have shelter and I was constantly on the run and have a threat from pig lands and beasts and zombie pigmen in general if I could only hit them plus another fortress was nowhere to stay because I got fireballed by a blaze and lost my diamond stuff so after deciding the I wanted to die because I missed a block clutch I ended up trying to do without my previous items and just start a whole new life for myself not wanting to use any items for my previous one and making this less legit as possible I decided to start anew getting wood and prioritizing mushrooms and soup after cooking a bit of soup as well as sticks a sword and a crafting table I begin my journey back into the fortress I was getting a bit more confident and I killed a few pigeons to avenge myself and get back at those who had wronged me killing a bit more pig ones than necessary just for the hell of it get it because the hell of it ah I rated the fortress and I explored it a bit however I only went back to chests I've already looted so I actually got no loot out of the whole experience and just lost hunger along the way afterward I gave up on trying to look at it live in the fortress because that place is just super boring and it's time to become a nomad and no matter someone just walks around so I just walked around looking for food and mushrooms along the way I only found these weird sapling mushrooms which I'm pretty sure are now saplings and grow the nether trees but I couldn't get them to grow even once so I just gave up on that thought I went around killing as many beasts as possible living off their pork but then realizing that the mushroom soup is just way better and the pork is a waste of my time however the pickling beasts are very very easy to kill because never one of that never once did one of them hit me which is really weird but a very welcome so after walking around forever I decided to do some research on the nether because I knew that if I wanted to survive I was gonna have to make this work with me and the piglets we had a bit of a chubby relationship to begin with back and forth killing not very nice and they'd always shoot you when they see me so it's not really fun to be next to them so I decided I don't have to get gold armor and instead of looked looting fortresses like a normal person I decided to kill zombie Pigman after doing some research on the Minecraft Wiki I actually learned that a zombie Pigman dewdrop golden ingots I was like me I was pretty sure they did but I don't know I forgot there such thing as a gold farm so stop leave me alone after walking around without a purpose for ages I somehow I don't know how I somehow came back to my original starving spot and was greeted by a very familiar sight my portal and surrounding it were a bunch of zombie Pigman luckily there are very little pig Lin's in sight so I managed to kill a few zombie Pigman getting some gold which was very happy and some golden ingot and gold nuggets along the way after that I just have to set up shelter because of course that was one of my to require shelter and a stable food source my food source was already gonna be mushrooms and I discovered a valley by my new house which I was making out of these crimson wood which it doesn't look very good about it as a shelter and I discovered that there was a little valley with a bunch of mushrooms so I alluded that a bunch and then I decided to do something that no man in Minecraft has ever willingly done I was going to start a Jamba zombie pigman genocide now a zombie pigmen are known to be super annoying to hit and you should never ever hit him the nether but I've already done it before and they're pretty easy to kill so I just have to step base in my new house and bam just straight-up farm zombie Pigman I was gonna hit them then run into my house and then block up my doors and then kill them and then loot the gold and maybe get gold armor because if you didn't know if you wear gold armor the pig lens won't be mad at you the goal was thirty-six golden nuggets because that's how much you need to craft boots and once I have gold boots on I can live in peace with the Penguins and then I love honey pig many more then I can just focus on food and I already felt her so I survived perfect however there was one fatal flaw in my plan and that was guests now guests are not too difficult to deal with and while exploring the nether I actually got the return to sender achievement on the very first time I had a fireball back at a gas in this world which was pretty fun however there is one thing that would really screw me over Gast explosions now gassed fireballs actually blocked the ground next to your house or in the nether rock in general and next to my house a ghast fireball hit and it blew up a hole into my basement well what does that mean after I was done clearing the first wave of zombie Pigman genocide I actually got a few bits of gold which was very good and I was very happy with that however there was one stupid thing that happened after I finished Claire's ami Pigman I just finished getting the gold and then I went back inside to enjoy my riches and then BAM out of my basement comes a piglet how did he get in there I have no idea did they spawn in there I have no idea but he killed me and worst of all he took my gold I don't even know how this is possible I don't know if this is a feature in the game because I certainly have never heard of it but this pig Lin took my gold he literally killed me and stole my golden ingots which were never to be found again and I'm pretty sure he replaced him with four nether right nether brick ingots which was super annoying however that was pretty much the end of that life and I decided to continue with it pretending I'd never died because I feel like I was doing pretty good and after doing three more waves of zombie pigman genocide I eventually reached the 36 golden ingot threshold patched on my basement with some shroom lights and the whole thing felt much better also I learned that zombie of that piglets can open doors which is very scary so keep that in mind next I'm making a house in the nether however because I did actually manage to defend myself from the ghasts piglets and mine getting golden arm golden armor and a successful and mushroom soup I strategy which is just walking around looking for mushrooms I would consider this one a success as I have enough force to last me a lifetime and I'm pretty sure I count this as survival number three was the end and as many of you may have guessed it is actually impossible to survive in the end however it is not impossible to survive in the end City the end City is a whole different variant of the end that you unlock after killing the ender dragon so after maybe cheating my way through that first part I ended up in the end City where I was very happily greeted by shockers and the Shocker City that I found well let's just say it was a truly useless so I had to find a new one because there were no chests throughout the whole city and I wasted my life looking there this one wasn't actually that interesting because there's only so much you can do there is a very stable food source which is of course Korus plants so you can easily replant those as I did so that's easy food a renewable boom BAM done however there is also the issue of shelter which obviously you can take residence in the lovely cities constructed for you I did get my gear from a few of the chests and I was able to kill off the shelters and Enderman that posed a threat for that area of the region so easy and completed nothing much you're saying this one definitely survivable in the end City however I wouldn't recommend it because you have no wood and it's really boring dimension slash world number 4 was the ocean world and I'd never played open-world so I never really knew what to expect and it was very very interesting to say the least so I booted up an ocean world and right away was you into what you would expect straight-up ocean no land throughout the entire world or so I'd assume I never saw any however while something for a bit I did notice a piece of sunken land with some wood and drowns it was really nice however after getting him and then drowning trying to break the blocks of wood I realized that it was not gonna work and I had spent way too much time on trying to survive down here the ocean world is actually a very difficult place to survive and I do challenge you guys to since you can survive because it is much harder than I expected and I could not mine any wood from the sunken piece of land without being tried and killed drowned or drowned I guess two different things so afterwards I then remembered wait this isn't hopeless after all there's such thing as a shipwreck and I found a shipwreck by going north about a hundred blocks so luckily for me the shipwreck was in fact useless there were no items that could possibly help me however there was a lot of wood that was near the surface so what I did was I mined wood and then because I was so deep in the ocean floor I just died swim back to that location because was only a hundred blocks away got the wood mind another piece of wood died and then decided to mine logs like a smart person died and then finally crafted a crafting table and some doors and began living in the shipwreck this actually went much smoother once I actually managed to get a base because I was able to find a stone axe in the chest of the shipwreck and I was pretty much the only useful thing throughout the entire mission I decided that could make my living fishing however I didn't really have any string I didn't know how to get it so I ended up not doing that and just going for the old-fashioned way of killing your fish by hand I spend a lot of my time clearing out the water in the shipwreck because I wanted to make it at least a nice shelter so I ended up making I mean I think quite a nice home I have some iron that'll probably never help me ever but I'd start online and to my surprise there is actually cobblestone or stone underneath the sand of the world so that was really helpful and I was able to get stone tools that progressed quite nicely I think if I had the energy to farm around fish in my boat I think it would be totally survivable and very feasible in an ocean world I think it's almost the funnest because I love the cozy feeling of being the shipwreck while the world around you is flooded it's just a really cool feeling and this one they went pretty well and there was one final one which did not go so well the final one avoid world avoid world as might expect does not provide any support to you whatsoever it is just the cobblestone platform in the middle of air you're hopeless I was gonna try to get to a village by farming off the drops of zombies so I like mm maybe or no mobs general maybe there is one certain mob that will drop what I need but I I think I'm pretty sure no mobs will drop blocks or something can be crafted into blocks without a crafting table I mean Rhino bone blocks exist but you need a crafting table and I think that's bone meal anyway I don't know however I then realized that no mobs could spawn because the area was too small for mobs to spawn so that was a complete waste of my time and complete waste of your time however I do challenge you guys this challenge my IQ challenge you guys do this challenge to see if you could survive in a void world if you have any idea at all on how to survive in a void world my goal is to get to a village somehow as I said before so maybe you guys can have an idea of how to get to there so if you do let me know in the comment section I'd really really be curious to see if there is a possible way to survive in the void world but I cannot think of a single one however that concludes today's video thank you so much for watching these are the different ways to survive and the different dimensions I don't have you enjoyed and I'm still on next time consider subscribing if you did enjoy and peace out sorry if my voice were so weird today I have a cold bye [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Wifies
Views: 294,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wifies, hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 6, grian, mumbo, mumbo jumbo, hermitcraft 6, grian hermitcraft, hermitcraft grian, grian hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft mumbo, best of mumbo, best of grian, wifies hermitcraft, minecraft hermitcraft, hermit craft, can you survive in superflat, super flat world, survive, flat world, minecraft flat world, every dimension, trying to survive in every dimension and world type in survival, minecraft nether base, minecraft end base
Id: J9Bajsrx9wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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