God's Complete Health Plan | Healing School | Gloria Copeland

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God is having his way he wants his people well and he wants you to be well today he wants everything in your life to be victorious I like what brother Caldwell got about victory in the house there's gonna be victory in the house I wish I had that I don't think I have it let me just check if I do already it's very very high do I turn right to here's what pastor Caldwell said in December of 98 you have turned a new page now it's time to enter into refreshing this this is what he was specifically talking to with his church but I believe it applies to all of us Satan came against you but you have stood strong and steady this is a new day of victory you will begin to see victory and everything you do the things that have been hard will become easy I'm believing for that I'm entering the things that you have been praying for are yours now is the time to declare victory declare victory in your family declare victory in your body declare victory in your life in your church claim the victory claim that everywhere you go for I have given victory to you claiming over every department in the church over every staff over all your staff over your family it is the spirit of victory that has come on you do not take it lightly do not take it lightly do not take it lightly do not take it lightly do not take it lightly stand fast in the victory and refuse to have anything less than victory for there are things you have prayed for and have forgotten about that will manifest in victory I believe that things in your life will be restored to great Liberty and victory you will jump and sing and shout as you watch these things come to pass before your eyes you know that's really that's really what I'm experiencing them in my personal life I just I just get so excited I just wake up in the morning I think Oh things are so good so good god is so good he's so good to us that's a victory that's the spirit of victory when you just think about it I mean I'm not on any drugs but I'm high glory there God I think about how good god is and I see my family I see my children my grandchildren and I see how God what all he's done for us all these years and how he's kept us and how he didn't let little Lindsey died when she was near death a few years ago an average everywhere I look I see the goodness of God now God lost that for his people he wants us all to have that kind of life not where we have to fight depression and we have to fight being down but we're everywhere we look the blessing of God stares us in the face and we just rejoice we rejoice we rejoice I just tell you sometimes I just want to jump around and thank the Lord for being so good to me things in your life will be restored in great Liberty great Liberty and victory you will jump sing and shout as you watch these things come to pass before your eyes it will not be by your mind but will be by my spirit glory to God the spirit you will see it and witness it because the spirit of victory is in the house the spirit of victory can be in your house how do you get that way by putting God first place by putting his word first place by doing what he says to do whether it seems easy or whether it seems hard he'll bring you to the place of victory in your house some of you may be new I know many of you are at the first convention you've ever been to well you can grow a lot faster than we can grow because there's you know and for one thing it's the time the time the short things are speeded up I'm telling you it's easy to grow up fast you can find you a good church that preaches you the Word of God and tells you the truth about God how good it is and how to live and you can grow up fast hallelujah get involved hearing the Word of God from people that have experienced the goodness of God and know the goodness of God and if live the goodness of God and you can grow up so fast you don't have to be slow anymore I mean twenty years it took God we've been at this over 30 years but we started out in a dry season it was a dry season there weren't great churches everywhere there weren't ministries everywhere you couldn't turn on your television and see forty five good sermons every day there were hardly any sermons owned of any kind but I tell you pastors are preaching good messages on those televisions now local pastors are on and and so many good ministries are all and you can just take your selection in this area of which good word preacher you want to hear I mean it's wonderful the world is being covered in a particularly this nation's being covered with the Word of God and we can grow up fast and we can be strong and we can hold fast you know you can need a little help one morning and turn that TV on and there's Joyce Myers telling you you better get yourself in gear [Applause] you shall let you know real quick to just get yourself jerked around and straighten up and and all the great preacher Jesse Jerry creflo all of the I mean and people that you know you might not even recognize you their name but their faith people and they're on there preaching you the Word of God encouraging you we don't have any excuse we've got videos we've got audios we've got television going in our place all the time we've got all kind of things to preach us the Word of God this is the hour for the church to shine it is a stacked deck where the devil is concerned he's probably saying right now this is not fair this is not fair this is not fair they're taking advantage of me and my evil nature but it is fair you know why it's fair because Jesus defeated him he stripped him of all his power all his authority it's been unfair for the devil to have control of the church but people have leading because they didn't know any better it's fair for you to beat his brains in every time he sticks his head up in your house it's fair and it's just and it's righteous we don't have to put up with anything out of the devil because he's a defeated foe he doesn't have any power and authority he has to use the power and authority that belongs to us he tries to get us to talk our defeat to accept our defeat to put it in our mouth and let him have place but if we won't give him any place he can't have any place Loree to God that's why we got to be tough we got to be tough in this last day we can't be little wimpy Christians and do what God's called us to do we're winding this thing up glory to God we got to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind hallelujah well that's all extra day but it's all the truth but that blessed me that blessed me to read that prophecy about how God wants us well and how he wants us to have the the victory in our lives glory to God so it's going to be easy for you get healed today I mean I expect many many many of you have already been healed this week I know you have because you've been receiving you know you don't have to have hands laid on you all you got to do is receive the Word of God and act on it for yourself that's why our lives should be a life of seeking God first and everything else coming when there's time we don't make the word fit into our busy lives we make our lives fit around putting God in his word first place because that's what gives us victory he said well I don't have time you got time you can get your lazy self up in the morning you've got time you don't have time not to you don't have time to sit in the doctor's office you don't have time to stay at the hospital so if you'll spend your time in the Word of God or the bankers office either if you'll spend your time in the Word of God look at all the time you'll save bore either God you don't have time to try to live in the natural this is a crazy world this is a goofy world you don't have time to live like the world you get all messed up yourself we got a stick with God and live with him do what he says I'm in you know this is kind of a weird thing to say but I got this this morning I was impressed this morning that somebody here I was thinking about I was thinking about you know how crazy the world is people shooting people in the work place and for no reason I was thinking this morning you know used to things shootings happened in bars and places like that and now there's this trend I don't know how these trends get started I'm except that the devil works on people and how do you get up in the morning and get it a thought well I'm gonna go kill everybody in my office well you didn't get that way you weren't normal one day and got that thought the next you you've been people have been pulled into that well I was impressed as those thoughts were going across my mind today that there's somebody here in that condition that you have been having that go through your mind now now that's not you that's the devil and he's trying to get somebody to do his business for him he's come to what to kill to steal and to destroy so he comes against people's mind and usually it's people that have a lot of problems or our other and are otherwise unstable in areas and are on drugs or whatever excuse me and he tries to talk somebody into doing his business foreign killing stealing destroying and that's all that is that's just a devil trying to get you to do some work for him get it get you to kill some people get you to cause misery and problems and and so I'm telling you this morning if there is somebody like that I mean I could have it wrong but I hope I did it actually but if there is somebody like that when we have the prayer line today you tell my son John because I don't pay attention sometimes in the prayer line I get it cut in my own world you tell my son John that you're the one and I lay hands on you and we'll just buy him that thing off of you because nobody has to do what the devil says nobody has to do what he says and that sort of thing or even suicide that is not the end so that's just the beginning of your problems because there is life after death it's eternal life or it's life in hell but your spirit is going to live on and suicide is not the answer and if you've been bothered with suicide today you can go free from that when we pray any kind of mental anguish depression suicide drugs any kind of addictions this is the data set let God set you free from it he's ready he's present he's always here to deliver we've never had healing school anywhere in the world that we didn't have healing and miracles because Jesus always comes this is his healing school he's the one that wanted this in every meeting and he's always been faithful to heal people glory to God and to deliver so this is the time of great deliverance today I want to just feed our hearts on some more on some some healing scriptures and I want to talk about wholeness today also let's go over some of the things in the Old Covenant I know how many of you here this is your first time in healing school in person look at that Oh fresh meat glory [Applause] alleluiah we're so glad you're here Hosea 4:6 says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge now that's the reason that good people die young that's the reason that good people are broke that's the reason that Christians suffer things that the world suffers many times because they don't know enough about God now the more we know about God and the more we line up our lives and the more we separate ourselves unto him earlier this year and a lot of some things that had happened in the country the Lord spoke that to me he said separate yourself and you'll be separated the Bible teaches us to separate ourselves unto God teaches us that second Corinthians teaches us that to separate ourselves under God God said you separate yourself from and he was talking about from the evil from the bad from the devil's way of doing things in the world and he's pretty much got control over the world and the people that live in his territory what would his territory be darkness people that live in darkness he's got control over but he doesn't have control over me he has no rights over me I have made Jesus Christ the Lord of my life and I've been translated out of the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of his dear son but if I haven't spent any time finding out anything about how the kingdom of his dear son operates then even though I'm born again I'll still think like people in darkness I'll still act like people in darkness so God says come out from among the unbelievers separate yourself and I'll be your God I will be a father to you if you'll come out and separate yourself under me glory to God that's what he said so you separate yourself and you will be separated that is the place of protection in our hour in this hour is to separate yourself if you're going to try to live and act like the world and think well because I've been born again I'll be protected when all these my cronies here my buddies are not you are being misled and you're being to see God said don't be to see God's not mocked whatsoever you sow that shall you also reap you cannot sow to the spirit of death and reap life you have to sow to to the spirit of life that is in Christ Jesus if you want the rewards of that life and however you know there's multitudes of Christians that don't live in the privileges that belong to them in this world because they don't show to the spirit right off though well they don't spend enough time finding out about what God says his kingdom is and how it operates so we have to sow God's people this answers a lot of questions are destroyed for our lack of knowledge I already stated this week you don't get healed because you're good you get healed because you take the Word of God and you act on your covenant rights of healing you don't get protected because you're good you get protected because you believe the promises of divine protection divine protection as we read it in the 91st psalm is a very real valid fact for the body of Christ but if the body of Christ are a portion of it lives like the world lives plays around in the darkness does what they know not to do or they just never find out never spend enough time with God to find out what he says about their protection they're vulnerable so we don't want to be that way we want to go after the knowledge of God we want to put the wisdom of God first place in their life and we want to find out what God says about everything in my life I want to know what God says and I've been at it long enough to know that every single thing God tells me in the word or tells me to do in the word he's trying to get wholeness for that is God's principle desire for his people and always have has has to be always has been that they be hold have peace Bible peace is that what makes for men's highest good that they have peace Shalom nothing missing nothing broken he doesn't want you to have to fret about finances he doesn't want you to have to fret about your health he doesn't want you to have to fret about your family he wants you whole every part missing in that greeting the Jewish greetings Shalom they're saying is there anything missing is everything all right with you is everything all right with you everything should be all right with you if you've got a covenant with God is anything missing you ought to have as we say the whole pie the whole pie nothing missing nothing broken your prosperity ought to be intact your health ought to be intact your peace of mind ought to be intact you ought to be enjoying your life yeah well you say well I've got a job I don't like well you're probably not in the right job when you do what God's called you to do you have satisfaction you know you fit you know you're there well I don't know what God wants me to do well that's why you have to seek Him and find out and offer yourself and say Lord I want your perfect will for my life tell me what it is and I will do it and he is faithful because he wants you to have that wholeness the more we know the more we seek God first the more we seek God first the more all things that we need are added unto us Psalm 145 says God is a good God let's read that Psalm I like to read that in every healing school this is the reason you'll be healed this morning the Lord in verse eight the Lord is gracious and full of compassion he we are dealing with a God that is easily entreated he's moved by the feeling of our infirmities he is full of compassion he is gracious disposed to show favors full of compassion slow to anger and of great mercy thank God he's got great mercy the Lord is good to all that would be you this morning the Lord is good to all and his tender mercies when the Bible talks about the mercy of God it has to amplify some way his tender mercies his great mercy his are over all his works well Ephesians says that we're his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works if you had one word to describe God and his relationship to his people it would be good the Lord is good for instance in acts 10:38 it says how Jesus of Nazareth anointed with the Holy Ghost in power went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him he said I don't do anything or say anything except what my father tells me to say or tells me to do so Jesus who was totally obedient to God and everything he did he went about doing what the Spirit of the Lord in the Bible calls good what was good healing oh not just healing some but healing all that were oppressed of the devil who was oppressing them the devil who did Jesus have to to deal with the devil God's Will was for all of them to be healed and the Bible says that's good God knows what's good he's at least as smart as you are he's a lot smarter than we are and whatever he says it's good that's good now he says that healing is good and the Bible says he is good too ah Jesus went about healing all that were oppressed of the devil Jesus was just fulfilling the will of God that's what we're doing here this morning Jesus is still the healer he hasn't changed his mind he still goes about doing good healing all that are oppressed of the devil he wants every person in this place to be home yeah but Gloria I haven't been living right I haven't been doing right well that's that's okay he wants you to repent and the blood of Jesus will cleanse you of that and you can start over in this place today you can have new life you can even be barn over if you've never been born again jesus said you must be born again and suck to see you can't even see the kingdom of God if you're not born again and if you don't see the kingdom of God you're not going to have the benefits that are there so if you've never been born again well how do I know if you don't know you haven't been if you if you've never if you can't look at a time in your life where you made a choice it might not be the words exactly that is led in a Salvation prayer as a minister would lead unit but you made a choice where you chose Jesus as your Savior or you gave yourself to him that's what I did I said look I just said lord I give myself to you because I didn't know of the words I didn't know the right words but my heart was doing what was right and I guy and I said that much I said Lord I'm giving you my life I'm giving do something take my life and do something with it but if you don't know of a time when you made a commitment to God then you need to know you need to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life and when we pray today I'm going to put that in the prayer and you pray it from your heart and you can be born again and healed in the same prayer god is good hallelujah the new birth is is healing and deliverance for your spirit and then of course healing that affects your flesh healing of your body we can do it all at the same time and that's the thing for you to do God is a good God and he's good to all look at Psalm 103 bless the Lord O my soul this is the way you ought to get up in the morning y'all not get up saying oh no I have to get up another day bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits God's got benefits who forgiveth all thine iniquities that means there's nothing so bad that you've done that will not be forgiven if you'll come to the Lord and confess it repent over it if you've been born again and you've gotten way far away from God and you've been living that old life he lived before you got born again we'll come home repent and let the blood of Jesus cleanses says we have an advocate with the father if we will confess our sins he'll forgive us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness glory to God come home that's all you got to do and stay home this time people get born again and they stray back because they aren't they aren't immediately taught and fed the Word of God and that's that's an easy thing to do if you don't have some understanding of the word and if you're not involved in a good church to help you to grow up you go back to the old way of living but your spirit man is still born again so all it's a short step back it's just one step back it's just say Father forgive me am I sinn I see what I've done and and I repent and I'm turning around that's what repent means it's not just to be sorry it means I was going this way and now I'm gonna go this way I'm gonna go your way and help me just say help me Lord if you haven't received the Holy Spirit the infilling of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues you need to do that today you need to do it today remind me at the end and I'll have somebody up here to minister to you this afternoon you can't live without power you can live but you can't live successfully and in victory without the power of the Spirit of God having full place in your life nothing changed in our lives except the inside of us until we got filled with the Holy Ghost and when we got feeling the Holy Ghost we begin to change on the outside because power comes he is the power of God the anointing begins to work in you bless the Lord O my soul forget not all his benefits who forgiveth all thine iniquities who healeth all thy diseases we invariably have people give testimonies in healing school of things they forgot they had they got heal of something they were thinking about something else and they got healed of something that had been with them so long they forgot about it but he wants to forgive all your iniquities and he wants to heal all your diseases you don't have to just choose one thing today if there's several things wrong with you get healed of all of it who redeemeth your life from destruction that could be from cancer or some sickness and disease that's trying to kill you the structure life are an accident it could be from a disaster or a calamity accident he's the one that redeems your life when your when your life needs redeeming from destruction he's the one you call him glory to God who crown a--they with loving-kindness and tender mercies I love that portion of the scripture he crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies God loves you he has perfect love he's totally fully developed in love he loves you like nobody else in the earth can love you because he's totally perfect and love himself and he loves you he loves you he can't love you that way and not want you home that's why his whole desire through the Old Covenant and the New Covenant was that his people be whole he wanted Adam and Eve to live whole and never know death he wanted him to live whole and never know sin he wants us to live hold and never know death how come I say that because the Bible teaches us that when we get born again we pass from death into life we've done all the dying we're gonna do I mean my body might die but I won't be in it as long as I'm in it this body's gonna live now when I leave my body's gonna die but I will be gone I will be gone ah the new man on the inside the spirit man this is our earth suit I like what Charles kept says he said this is our earth suit we have to have this flesh and bone body to live here this flesh body to live here but if you were to die today your body would be all laid out here and we'd dress you up best we could and a lot of times you look better after you're gone for some reason why that is but you would be gone and people that didn't know the Bible or weren't believers I had no hope beyond the grave they would think you were dead but she wouldn't be dead you would be gone the moments you live leave this body you are in the presence of the Lord hallelujah I have passed over you know what that word passed you know what it's the same word where Jesus said speak to the mountain and it'll be removed it's the same word removed it means to come up and over when you make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life you come up and over death and you don't have to go through it anymore it's just life and more life from then on your body's dead but you're alive you're gone whichever way you go up or down you're gone so you'll never have any sensation of death if you've made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life glory to God and that wonderful not to have to be afraid of death Jesus delivered us from the haunting fear of death we don't have to fear death and yet we want to live because we want to fulfill all that work all to do I want to finish my race and I want to finish it in victory I want to do everything God's call me to do I want to preach everywhere God's call me to preach I want to minister to every person God's call me to lay hands on or minister to so I want to fulfill I want to I want to live out the full number of my days and that's that's part of our blessing to who forgiveth all thine iniquities heal with all thy diseases who crown of thee with loving-kindness and tender mercies god loves you with an unqualified love the same way you love your children even when your children do wrong you love those little suckers there's just something about I'm you love your children that's the way God is and he'll be quick to take you back quick to forget quick to make up the difference even he you can you know you can get way off and just come back and he'll just get you right into the stream of God's will for your life so fast you just wonder at how amazing he really is but he's got a pass for you there are paths ordained for each one of us he has got a he has got a blessed and a whole life for you and the more you get into him the more you'll get into that whole life with nothing missing nothing broken you see yourself crowned with loving kindness and you know any time you're tempted to get depressed I never get depressed I just can't think that way long enough to get depressed I mean there's just too much word comes up in me things don't always go right but you know I just don't know how to worry anymore I I used to worry but I learned how not to and now I can't remember how to worry I refused to worry I trust God that's what comes up in me but when you're tempted to be that way or feel bad or feel down somebody's mistreated you or whatever remember this scripture I am crowned with loving-kindness and tender mercies just see yourself with a crown that not not just something on top of your head but crowned I see myself crowned with loving-kindness and tender mercies from up here all the way down and I'll tell you where I think I got that picture let me see if I can find it real quick of that for one thing let's see where is it five I believe it's Psalm 527 or either's 2075 5:12 says for you Lord well 11 says but let all those who take refuge and put their trust in you rejoice let them ever sing and shout for joy God knows us so full of life and so full of blessing and so full of joy that we just can't do anything but sing and shout you because you make a covering over them and defend them let those also who love your name be joyful in you and being high spirits Rory to God not depressed for you Lord will bring the righteous him who is upright and in right standing with you will bless the righteous as with a shield you will surround him with good will pleasure and favor that's why I see myself crown from up here all the way down because this scripture says you will God will shield you and surround you with goodwill pleasure and favor see yourself crowned with loving-kindness and tender mercies and get a picture of yourself with study scriptures like that if you have trouble with depression stand against that don't let it take over your life run to the rock run to the word have scriptures of blessing and favor and joy and peace and wholeness ready any time that tries to come on you and you just jump right into the Word of God and you you meditate on it you put it in front of your eyes you put it in your ears you get it in your heart and stand against that depression and you get your mind so renewed on the goodness of God but you don't know how to be depressed anymore glory to God God wants you free God wants you free he wants you free say yourself don't see yourself pitiful I know why people are depressed because I know people that are oppressed and I know what they do you know what they do they think about themselves and I think that's enough to depress anybody don't get your mind on yourself when you start getting your mind on yourself and you start coming down feeling bad right recognize it right then and get on it with the Word of God and get your mind on the father and the one that crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies yeah I'll Gloria that's easy for you to say it'll be easy for you to say if you'll just do what the Bible says I believe the Word of God is supernatural and it brings deliverance who Cravath thee God crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies who satisfies your mouth with goods so that your youth is renewed like the Eagles don't expect to start getting crippled up about forty fifty sixty expects your you to be renewed like the Eagles and walk with God so at the Spirit of God quickens your mortal flesh all the time hallelujah expect to live until you're satisfied that's what Psalm 91 says with long life will i satisfy him and show him my salvation you're 70 80 years old 70s not nearly as old as it used to be some got quite a few friends that are 70 now but if you're not satisfied in 70 live on if you're not satisfied at 80 live on live too you're satisfied I believe every one of us ought to be able to make it to 120 if we want to we might get tired of this place before that I don't know but biblically we could certainly stand on that but I haven't decided yet I may not want to be here that long I don't know but like sister Robert says I don't know who will take care of him if I'm not here she said she asked well oral said he's gonna live to be certain certainly and she said that she's gonna stay that long and that's it she said he's gonna be on his own after and that if he lives longer Oh Lord is good the Lord is good who satisfies your mouth with good so that your youth is renewed like the Eagles the Lord execute with righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed I might live that I just might have to decide to live that long because I don't want some other woman coming in my house and wearing my jewelry and wearing my clothes and driving my car so I guess I'll have to live hi every mom ken says he's gonna live Tory to God I just made a decision right there see she just makes your decision and besides that she'd probably be half my age you know how women are when men remarry they can remarry younger women now that's that's something and Ken wouldn't be any good at being by himself he got to talk to somebody well now that I've told ya [Applause] Psalm 107 says fools because of their transgression and because of their iniquities are afflicted then they crying to the Lord in their trouble isn't that the truth people live in darkness they follow after the devil then they get in trouble and they say God did it and he saves them he's so merciful though even then even a fool can call on God it when he's in iniquity and he's so merciful that he saves them out of their distress he sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions Exodus 20 that's up proverbs 107 17 19 and 20 Exodus 23 says you shall serve the Lord and he shall bless your bread and your water I will take sickness away from the midst of thee there shall nothing cast their young nor be barren in that land and the number of my days I will fulfill God said that you wants you to live out the full number of your days if you haven't lived that long and you've got a terminal illness here's your great scripture I will take sickness away from the midst of thee and you'll live out the number the number of your days I will fulfil glory to God God is so good jeremiah 3017 says for i will restore health unto thee and I will heal thee of thy wounds several times we've had veterans healed of wounds that had they have had for years and years and years and years since world war two on that scripture I will restore health wholeness completeness unto you and I will heal you of your wounds saith the Lord got any old wounds just a good time to get rid of them glory to God or any new wounds either but sometimes people you know they learn to live with something and they they don't even think about it greatest health report ever given is in Psalm 105 37 he brought them forth also with silver and gold and there was not one feeble person among their tribes I believe what God is trying to get over to us and finances and health and everything is to quit looking at the natural when Israel came out of Egypt they came out not in the normal course of things but they came out supernaturally God supernaturally gave them gold and silver God supernaturally healed them at the Passover so that they were made whole don't look at well you know I might can live or I might not can live or the doctor says I can live this long or what doctors not God God's got a way for you to be healed of any terminal illness anything that's wrong with you God is willing he is ready the Covenant of healing that God gave to his people was immunity from disease in the blessing and he said in the blessing your body would be blessed he said in the curse that all these sicknesses and diseases will come upon you sickness and disease is a curse Deuteronomy 28 let you know that sicknesses and diseases a person lets you know poverty is a curse - and it lets you know doubt and having your life held in balancing and being afraid and not having any security that's a cursed you can find it all losing your children that's a curse that's in Deuteronomy 28 and Galatians 3 says that Jesus has redeemed us Jesus being made a curse for us he took the whole curse of man's separation from God the whole curse of sin from Adam on he took the whole curse of sin and death in himself he was made a curse for us the Bible says for it's written cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree he was made a curse for us that we might be renewed that we might be redeemed from the curse of the law we are redeemed he's made a curse for us I guess someone left I'm not quoting it right I'm have looked up Galatians 5 our three you're right thank you for correcting it God Christ has redeemed us have redeemed us from the curse of the law Christ has redeemed us The Anointed One has redeemed us from the curse of being sick from the curse of being broke from the curse of having to borrow and not lend from the curse of losing our family that's part that was in the curse your children would be taken from the curse of living in fear from the curse of living insecure Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree that the blessing oh I like the blessing I love to live in the blessing that the blessing not of just your father your natural father not of some good person that you know but the blessing of Abraham Abraham had some mighty promises one of them was that he didn't hear it the world that would just about cover a lot of things that the blessing of Abraham might come on the the nation's the Gentiles those outside the Covenant through Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith verse 16 says now to Abraham and his seed where the promise is made verse 29 says and if you be Christ's if you belong to him if you've been born into his kingdom by making him Lord if you be Christ's then are you Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise you ought to know what God promised Abraham because when you made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life you came into that covenant Jesus was the seed of Abraham or is the seed of Abraham and when we make him the Lord of our life and we're born into that kingdom we come into his portion glory to God we're his sea Alleluia you've been redeemed from every sickness every disease a lot of diseases in the curse are listed individually but then it says even all the sicknesses and are not in this curse or included in this Redemption all right doesn't say that it says every sickness is in the curse and a lot of them stroke all kind of things are listed there so you've just I did telling you you've been redeemed from every sickness and every disease today Jesus has redeemed you just as sure as he purchased for you eternal life and you were born again and passed from death and the life he has already bought paid for he's willing to enforce the fact that you've been redeemed from every sickness and disease we have a covenant of healing God gave his people immunity from disease Moses said in Deuteronomy 7:15 the Lord will keep you free from every disease Psalm 68 says blessed be the Lord who daily load with us with benefits even the god of our salvation deliver that's probably Shalom there that means wholeness he that is our God is the god of salvation and on to God the Lord belongs the issues from death the Amplified Bible says the escape from death glory to God we've got a we've got every right to live totally whole and well I want to let me think about where I want to go from here I thought had had several thoughts let's look over it first Thessalonians I want to talk to you about wholeness Shalom and the Old Testament you know we talked earlier this week about walking in God's Way Jesus was ministering and he was talking about seeking first the kingdom and then he began to tell you some things that are God's ways like not to take offense and so on and that's really what's happening here in that's 1st Thessalonians 5 he's giving directions talking about the end but of the times and the seasons brethren you have no need that I write unto you for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night for when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape now what a lot of Christians take that well you know Jesus is coming like a thief in the night but then you need to read verse 4 it says about you brethren we're not like those out there in the world that don't know the times of the seasons but you brethren are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief we know the owl we don't know the day or the hour but we know the season you are all the children of light and the children of the day and we are not of the night nor of the darkness therefore let us not sleep as others do but let us watch and be sober for they that sleep you know just driving through the city at night like going home from the meeting on the weekend downtown you see all the you know the bars are open and they're dancing on the street and they're it's like you can quit when you know what we know about light and darkness it's like the people are rushing rushing into hell rushing into darkness there's a whole world of darkness out there and those people don't have a clue what's going on and they're being fed by the devil and television and all kind of entertainment media to go on and dress faster you know no morality poor examples are being set for people in these days about morality listen nothing's changed I mean what's right is still right what's wrong is still wrong but people without God they're there they're like people born children born in this day an hour there they're gonna have a really hard time without being born into a spiritual family because even when I was even as I grew up and even 20-30 years ago it's not like it is today you know people talk about things today that I never heard of until I was a grown woman and children know about it you know and so it's a serious time it's a serious time in the world just going headlong that direction and you you know you see that you see people just walking the streets and and they don't know they just don't know that's why we've got to get the word to people we've got to witness to the people we work with and and to the people we know and more I think is important and maybe more important than our words are our life they need to see the love of God they need to see real people that really care they don't need to see somebody beating them over the head with a Bible they need to see people that love them endeavor to love and show your love to everybody that you meet just be kind do things for them be you know just just let them see that there's something different about those people they'll be wanting to know what makes you different as well as be bold about your witness you know how Ken and I do we've done this for years wherever we are and whatever we do we act like they all think like we do and we talk about people being healed just like that that was nothing new to them you know and that works that really works you just treat everybody like they were just right in there believing what you believe of course most everybody knows what we believe are some things we believe ahead of time but I'm not the least bit embarrassed about telling if I get an opportunity to tell about a healing or something it doesn't bother me you can be the data center in all the world and he doesn't bother me to tell you something like you'd be glad to hear it about somebody being healed or delivered or something that's happened you know they need people need to hear people around you need to hear they're desperate for truth it says therefore let us not sleep as do others but let us watch and be sober for they that sleep sleep in the night and they that be drunken are drunken in the night but let us who are of the day be sober putting on the breastplate of faith and love for a helmet and the hope of salvation for God's not appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ we know we're not going through the tribulation because of ever our tribulation who died for us whether we wake or sleep we should that we should live together with him wherefore comfort yourselves together and edify one another even as you also do it's also you do and we beseech you brethren to know them which labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you to esteem them very highly in love for their works sake and be at peace among yourselves now we exhort you brethren warn them that are unruly comfort the feeble-minded support the weak be patient toward all see that none render evil for evil unto any but ever follow that which is good both among yourselves and to all men but that's what I was talking about treat people treat people like they were one of us hallelujah both among yourselves follow that which is good both among yourselves and to all rejoice evermore pray without ceasing and everything give thanks for this is the will of God for you concerning will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you now that doesn't mean in sickness and disease if you've got cancer you give thanks for cancer no you give thanks to God because it is the will of God for us to give things to be thankful to be grateful we don't thank God for something than the devil's doing we thank God that we're healed by His stripes we were healed we thank God that was been redeemed from the curse quench not the spirit despised not prophesying he's given us some directions here prove all things hold fast to that which is good let go of everything else that which is the will of God you know for your life hold fast to that and let go of other things that it's not the will of God separate yourself and you'll be separated abstain from all appearance of evil and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly completely I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ this is your insurance policy this is your Divine health plan this is the best plan you have this plan then you'll never have to cash in on the other plan the one in the natural this is the plan right here the very God of peace separate you excuse me wholly completely I want to read you some different translations of that wholeness we're talking about wholeness that's what the Bible in the Old Covenant calls peace Shalom sometimes it's translated peace sometimes it's prince translated prosperity but it means everything complete wholeness he wanted the he wanted Israel to be whole he wanted them to be a whole nation no sickness no disease Oh lack no defeat but wholeness he wanted to be their God he willing to take their part he wanted to come against their enemies when they were attacked and keep them home he wanted them to be blessed he wanted to be their blessing he wanted to bless them coming in and going out he wanted to bless them in the city in the field he wanted to bless the fruit of their body the fruit of their livestock he wanted them to have storage places filled with plenty your storage places would be filled but they had to let him be God if you'll diligently hearken to my word to my statutes then all these blessings well and it included everything good all these blessings will come upon you and overtake you and he said also that the nations would see the blessing of God upon you you should be so blessed that anybody that knows you should understand these are the people that God's blessed keep your place there and let's just slip over to Deuteronomy 28 there's no point in us living for you below our privileges I think I'll read it in the amplified bible I love the blessing I love to be blessed I don't think that's selfish because God loves to bless us I enjoy verse 24 the first verse says if you will listen diligently to the voice of the Lord your God being watchful to do all his commandments which I command you this day the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth the other nations would know that they were blessed and these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you if you heed the voice of the Lord your God you know things will overtake you last year during 30 days of glory a lady gave me a new Mercedes compressor convertible I didn't even know I wanted one but I'll tell you if I'd have known how good it was I'd have bought myself one but it was much better for God to give it to me but it's red you might see me driving around with a red convertible with the top down glory to God it overtook me I have enjoyed that little car so much it's so much fun it had 2,500 miles on it when I got it and it was a 98 this man had given it to his wife for Valentine's Day and the Lord told her thirty days of glory you would I can't tell you what that was like I cannot tell you what that was like we went every day to church for 30 days one only once on Saturday but other times we went twice a day we couldn't you don't have time to do anything else you know when you go to church twice a day as though we were just separated to God for 30 days and it was a meeting call of God and it was it was it was a meeting with the purpose we came up we came up to another level in 30 days of glory and the people there and did people that were in that meeting now I and a number of other people in the church did not miss one meeting I have never lived 30 days before in my life where I went to church 58 times and I didn't come out of that thing the same way we went in one night people started giving things to one another huh someone had up so I don't remember all the different things but I remember there was a sewing machine okay this lady has a sewing machine who's believing for a sewing machine okay over here somebody's believing for a sewing machine okay come down here and get together then there were cars then there were there the whole front of the place was filled with people that were giving and receiving it was like the church out of me glory of God it was wonderful it was the most amazing thing and then that lady came and gave me that red convertible and that is the most fun car I can get in that little car and I'll just put the top down and put my ball cap on in a way I'll go and I'll be listening to my tape you know some music tape and singing and praising the Lord I tell you it's wonderful God is so good blessings overtake you it is fun it is fun all these blessings shall overtake you come upon you and overtake you if you heed the voice of the Lord your God then it talked about blessing and you'll be blessed in the city blessed in the field this is what belongs to you blessed in the fruit of your body the fruit of your ground the fruit of your beasts the increase of your cattle the young of their flock and that's really where their prosperity was in those days they were herdsmen and they and they had crops blessed shall you be in your basket and you're needing crop blessed shall you be when you come in blessed shall you be when you go out the Lord shall cause your enemies who rise up before you to be defeated before your face they shall come against you one way and flee before you seven ways the Lord shall command the blessing upon you the blessing upon yous been commanded in your storehouse you don't need a storehouse if you don't have anything extra the blessing is on your storehouse and in all that you under tape glory to God everything you do there's your scripture for it and he will bless you in the land which the Lord gives you I believe the Lord has got land for every person he's got a great spot for you he's got something picked out for you and he'll give it to you because he owns it the Lord will establish you a holy people to himself as he has sworn to you if you will keep the commandments of the Lord your God and walk in his ways seek he first his kingdom in his way of doing and being right his righteousness and all these other things will be added unto you all the people of the earth shall see that you are called I told you the Lord wants you blessed to such a degree I have a friend a minister who he kept prospering so and things kept being added to him so that he had boats and cars and things parked all the way around everywhere around his house and finally his neighbor came over and said I want to know what you're doing all the people of the earth shall see that you are called by the name and in the presence of the Lord they'll see that the Lord is with you in other words and they shall be afraid of you and the Lord that's the way it was in the book of Acts was and if they said they'd either join them or let them alone because there was so much power in their midst the Lord shall make you have a surplus of prosperity through the fruit of your body your livestock your ground your land your business your job your whatever it is God won't might be something you never heard of God's gonna make you have a surplus of prosperity which the Lord swear to your father's to give you the Lord shall open to you his good Treasury the heavens to give you rain of your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hands and you shall lend to many nations but you shall not borrow why would you not borrow because you don't need to borrow when you lend and the Lord shall make you the head and not the tail you should be above only and you shall not be beneath if you heed the commandments if you put God in his kingdom first and doing what he says if you heed the commandments of the Lord which I command you this day and are watchful to do them and you shall not turn aside from any now if you want this kind of life God saying don't turn aside from any of the words Jesus said you shall live not by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God this says don't turn away from any of the words which I command you this day to the right hand or to the left to go after other gods to serve them then it says if you don't obey all these curses will come up on you and I want to read you the one about all the sicknesses while we're over here verse 61 also every sickness and every affliction which is not written in this book of the law the Lord will bring upon you are allowed to come upon you until you are destroyed now that is a that's saying that every sickness is under the curse of breaking the law of God Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us glory to God we're afraid you are free I'm announcing iemon I'm declaring I'm telling you you are free from every sickness and disease on the authority of the word of God if Jesus Christ is your Savior God wants you home now listen to these different translations the amplified says and the very God of peace we're back now in 1st Thessalonians 5 and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ that's every part of you nothing but spirit soul and body that's every part of you be preserved blameless holy that you God of peace sanctify you wholly that word means whole complete undamaged and intact now when I saw the meaning of this word I had been praying that way and over my own body then I would be saying I would be saying to the Lord I believe you to keep me in tact spirit soul and body all the days of my life I'd been using that word in prayer that's exactly what Holy sanctify you separate you in other words separate you completely whole complete undamaged intact that's the way God wants us to live that's what belongs to us in Christ Jesus blameless to that your body be preserved blameless the word blameless means without fault spotless and unblemished that would be without sickness and disease blemish spotless that would be obedient preserved means to watch over our keep and then some nineteen seven says the law of the Lord is perfect restoring the whole person God wants you to be home now that's what the word peace in the Old Testament means Shalom it means to be complete it means to be intact I'll read that to you two minute let me read you these other translations Barkley says it's my prayer that the God of peace may completely consecrate you or separate you I pray that you may be kept sound in spirit soul and body for then you will be blameless when the Lord Jesus comes Philip says may the God of peace make you holy hol why through and through or separates you that's what holy means may you be kept sound in spirit mind and body blameless into the coming of the Lord now in the Old Testament the word Shalom which is peace translated peace more than any other way but it's also translated prosperity word means completeness here's what God wants here's the way God wants your life hole hole hole wo h ll wa holy complete undamaged intact here's what Shalom means or peace completeness wholeness peace health welfare safety it includes your protection soundness tranquility prosperity perfectness God wants our life to have perfectness fullness rest harmony it means the absence of agitation or discord the word Shalom which is peace in the Old Covenant comes from the word root word Shalom which means meaning to be complete perfect and full this is the way God wants our life complete perfect and full every area of our life our body our mind our spirit our finances our family complete perfect and full I already told you God's got a good plan thus Shalom is much more than the absence of war in conflict it is the wholeness that this is from I believe this is from strong it is the wholeness that the entire human race sees everything the world seeks is wrapped up in the peace of God in the Shalom of God the word Shalom occurs about 250 times in the Old Testament Jeremiah 29:11 that says God has a plan let's read that because we've talked about that some plan God has a plan I don't make these things up there in the Bible 29:11 says for I know the thoughts that I think toward you that I think toward you says the Lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end now that word peace there is Shalom thoughts of completeness for safety health wholeness soundness prosperity those are the thoughts that God has told you that's all in that word Shalom completeness wholeness nothing missing nothing broken thoughts of peace thoughts of wholeness God has a plan I know there's another let's see the NIV says I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you a hope and a future hurry to God I want God's plan there is no other plan like his plan it's a plan of completeness and wholeness nothing missing nothing broken it's even got little red convertible City Florida private I think that's wonderful hallelujah the Living Bible says for I know the plans I have for you says the Lord they are plans for good and not for evil to give you a future and a hope glory today in those days here's a seat scripture in those days when you pray I will listen and you will find me when you seek me if you look in earnest that's a good seeking scripture the American Standard says for I know the plans that I have for you declares the Lord plans for welfare peace and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope glory to God that's the plan that's the plan the plan for you is how this completeness fullness Shalom nothing missing nothing broken it says if for instance in 35 Psalm 35 27 see where it says God takes pleasure and the prosperity of his servants it is Shalom God takes delight in the Shalom the wholeness the total well-being of his servant and isaiah 53:5 we're going to read this in a minute the chastisement necessary to bring us Shalom completeness wholeness perfect she was upon the suffering Messiah see it's already been done that agrees with what we read in in Galatians 3 Jesus redeemed us from the curse let's just well let me read you this about salvation in the New Testament the Greek word salvation in the New Testament means the same thing that Shalom means in the Old Testament and here's the definition for it it denotes deliverance preservation material and temporal deliverance from danger and apprehension pardon apprehension would be fear pardon it means protection Liberty hell restoration soundness wholeness that's completeness nothing missing nothing broken peace and the Old Testament and salvation in the Greek Shalom in the Hebrew it means the same thing it is God's plan it is God's plan it is his in this area that we're primarily dealing with today it is his health plan health wholeness soundness glory to God nothing missing nothing broken you know we've heard prophesied for years that in this last move of God people are going to get parts of course it's happened off and on but it hadn't happened in a continual stream yet but it's happening people are going to get parts you know the word Shalom Billy taught this and you should get those types of hearse in the 30 days of glory it was a marvelous teaching and even in the Bullinger Bible Bullinger says sometimes the word Shalom was translated prosperity sometimes it's translated peace but the haul in in the context of Shalom prosperity and peace and everything good and everything that takes to make you whole is in that word so when she said this it really blessed me I don't know why this made it so clear to me but one of the it comes from the root word hole and in Hebrew every word there's like I believe it's 240 or 241 or 42 root words that's all there are and you never lose the meaning of that root word so God has a supernatural language in Hebrew that his people could not lose the meaning of his real words because if you have that root you know that that word goes back to wholeness in other words like Shalom does you know that the word shel M means wholeness so if it's Shalom you know that wholeness is in that word and you can't ever lose that I think that's a miracle of God that there's a language like that certainly English it's not like that but you never you learn to read Hebrew you learn those roots and you net you can never find a word that that root you don't know what it means and so she was saying that the word and I get it mixed up because obviously I'm not a Hebrew scholar I'm not even an English scholar but you you you never get it mixed up because you see the root well so the word that means to pay if you buy something you pay for it that word and I don't remember think it's still in but I'm not really sure but anyway that word means you see the meaning of it is and here's what my god wants you to pay what you owe I think I said this earlier this week is because if you go in and you buy something from somebody you buy a cow from somebody you take that cow but you don't give him the money then the Lord's wills not done because that meant left not hold and when I saw that it seemed like it made that such a reality to me that how important it is that a person behold not left with anything missing now his cows missing and he doesn't have the money now if God is so wonderful and good that he wants you to not sell something and failed to get the money for it and that's part of his teaching when he taught them how to be right and do right how much more does he wants your body whole how much more does he want you're missing finger he wants you to have five fingers on your hand he made your hand with five fingers that is the perfect well four fingers and a thumb that is the perfect will of God for your body now to find out that because of his great heart and his great love and desire for his people that it's his will for me to have all for my fingers and one thumb on two hands that blesses me that lets me see the heart of God I understood I somehow understood wholeness better than I'd ever understood it before wholeness Shalom nothing missing nothing broken now God's got parts people have received different parts new heart new liver I just heard about a new heart I think ken told the testimony about a new heart this week God's got parts if you need a new liver he's got it I don't think that's your kidney in it where's your liver I don't know I'm no doctor I don't cut I just preach here's your kidneys God's got parts if you need a new part you need a new heart new liver if you got a thumb missing or a toe missing this is your opportunity to be made whole God wants you made whole today and I believe the faith for that is here today I've never said that before like I do today it's here today for you to be home God wants you home spirit soul and body and he wants you preserve complete and intact until the day he comes or until the day you go well if I'm intact how am I gonna die you just leave you don't have to be sick many many great people of faith just leave they know when there's some up knew ahead of time when they're going tell their family I'm leaving at 10 o'clock today or Thursday or whatever day it was so they all gathered around and they told him goodbye and he left you don't have to be sick to die you just leave and you're out of here but there is a there is a level of faith in this place today for missing parts I know that by the Spirit of God so whatever you need I mean if you just got that thumb gone that's not the perfect will for you God has a phone and he's willing to bring it to pass today in this place so whatever it is you need if you need if your eyes are not home God wants your eyes to be home if you've got disease in your body Jesus has already borne that let's look at that before we pray today let's look at Isaiah this is Isaiah foretelling what Jesus would do on the cross Isaiah 53 and when we're going to just go with this scripture I wanted let me just mention one thing before we pray before we read the scripture no let's do this first because it's about Shalom verse three says he is despised and rejected of men a man of sorrows acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteemed him not surely he has borne our griefs that word means our sorrows and pains weaknesses surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted but he was wounded we thought God had afflicted him as they said but he was wounded for our transgressions and he was bruised for our iniquities and the chastisement of our peace our Shalom our wholeness our well-being spirit soul and body was upon him and with His stripes we are healed Peter looked back on the cross and he said by his stripes we were healed glory to God he bore the chastisement of our Shalom nothing missing nothing broken that's why in the curse you see every single thing that could come against you the amplified bible says surely he has borne our griefs sicknesses weaknesses and de-stresses and carried our sorrows and pain verse 5 said he was wounded for our transgressions roof bruised for our guilt and iniquities the chastisement needful to obtain our peace or our Shalom or our completeness well-being for us was on him and with his stripes that wounded him we are healed and made whole Jesus bore the curse so completely that when that we can come back into to God we can make Jesus the Lord of our lives be born again into the kingdom of God and live in the earth in days of heaven on the earth while we're here doing the work of God completeness he doesn't want you to be broke in your bank account he doesn't want your leg to be broke your finger to be broke he doesn't want anything missing or broken about your life he doesn't want your family broken and the price has been paid for it now if we're specifically in here today going to receive healing in the body in the mind and in the spirit for those of you who've never made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life but this hollowness is a revelation that affects your whole life certainly your finances glory to God and that's what a lot of people are having trouble with because of debt mainly you know they talk about prosperity this being such a great time of prosperity in this country it's not a great time across security people are buying a lot of things but they got a lot of stuff but they got their salaries obligated for the next thirty years too so it's not real prosperity is phony for us pretty God's got real prosperity he's got the real thing he is the provider he is the one that gives us everything we need whatever we need and I started I think I got off into something else what I started to say was God is trying to get us not only where our physical body is concerned but where our financial life is concerned and our family and everything else to quit looking and expecting according to the natural course of things when he brought Israel out they didn't get delivered according to the natural course of things they got delivered by guns and wonders and mighty deeds and supernatural wealth transfer supernatural wealth transfer for the slave owners to give the slaves all their gold and silver that's supernatural that doesn't happen in the natural course of things and I last night when we were sitting there sometime this week talking about the deliverance of Israel how come the Egyptians gave them their silver in their gold because they were scared spitless that's how come they said we're gonna be dead men if we don't get rid of these people they didn't give it out of love and concern or because they owed it to them they gave it out of being afraid of the power of God that they'd seen manifested and they knew that if they didn't do something quick none of them were going to survive and I believe we're going to see that kind of power manifested in these last days I think that's going to be as great as it was I think that's going to be the shadow it's what the Bible says it's going to be the shadow of this last great move of God in church we don't want to be doing something else when God is on the move we want him to be first and foremost in our lives God wants us whole he said in that word that ken gave in 1980 in Lakeland Florida that I need my people well so that they can do what I've called them to do in this hour God wants you well we're all in agreement here today you want to be well God wants you well we all want you well yeah let's just receive it right now everybody that you want to pray this prayer with me and give God and release your faith we're not looking to what the doctors say we're not looking to in the natural I could recover I might not recover what God's trying to do in our finances and in every area of our life is to get us to lift up our eyes when he talked to Abraham about his his family and about his future he eats a truck to get over to him he said look up lift up in the Bible where God tells them to lift up their eyes it means to look on him and not anything down here in the natural don't look at the seriousness of your condition what you know about it medically that is neither here nor there with God a new heart is like that with him there's no problem there a new finger a new leg a new toe no problem there driving out any terminal cancer replacing your body with healthy cells that's no problem you're not talking to medical science today you're not looking to the doctor today you're looking to the Lord Jesus Christ who's already bought and paid for it and God wants us in this hour to lift up our eyes and begin to look at the supernatural he said to Abraham about his seed he said look up there at those stars Abraham you see those stars that's the way your seeds gonna be you're gonna have a multitude of seed look up there don't look down here don't look at that old woman you're married to no look at your old body don't think about the natural Abraham look at the Stars God wants us to lift up our eyes and look to him and his ability to keep our body whole undamaged and intact to renew our youth to keep us strong to keep our minds strong don't you start talking old people get you know what I noticed you know we live down in the country I mean well we don't live in the country but we spend time down there and I have recently been doing some building down there and I found another old log house and so I've been dealing with carpenters and different people down there and they took old beyond their years and this guy if he's watching he'll know he'll know what I'm talking about sit but they all do it I noticed all of them do it but this guy that built four other long counts he he worked on it you know and he's always talking old every time I talk to him I finally said well how old are you well I'm 53 I said my word you're just getting started but they talked all the people in people talk oh don't start talking old if you're gonna live to be a hundred and twenty fifties pretty young or either God you know I'm convinced I dealt with three people just a few weekends ago and this one that I'd already dealt with two new ones two other ones and they all talk that way well I'm just getting so old there must be something hard about carpenter I don't understand they said I'm just gonna no I just you know how it is no I don't know how it is and I'm not gonna try to find out how it is I believe my use renewed like the Eagles I believe however long I live on the earth I'm going to live here intact spirit soul and body I'm going to keep a good mind I'm going to keep a sound body I'm depending on the Lord I've lifted up my eyes to look for him for my wholeness in Jesus name I expect to prosper all the days of my life and have my finances whole I expect to live here on the basis of this covenant to which I belong home undamaged complete nothing missing nothing not in the natural realm not in the physical realm not in the spiritual realm nothing missing nothing broken I'm a fanatic glory to God and I intend to get worse I'm gonna go through another 30 days of glory I'm gonna just I'm not gonna be the same next time you see me if you want to pray the prayer of faith and you're ready to receive your wholeness and you could just release your faith for your finances or anything else that it takes to keep you intact right now you stand up and let's pray let's pray and believe God let's just give the healer Jesus an opportunity to work with some real Bible faith today glory to God you pray this from your heart you close your eyes and pray it from your heart if you don't need healing today we'll just receive you know just pray it and receive thank God for divine health and release your faith for wholeness all the days of your life if you can't stand up on the outside stand up on the inside glory to God I'm expecting today I'm expecting deliverance today I'm expecting miracles today all reach to God close your eyes we're going to plug in with our faith right now to the power of God the anointing of God is present to heal we have to plug into that anointing with our faith just like you plug into an electric outlet we're going to release our faith right now and when you pray after you pray there were things you couldn't do before do it if you get an urge to run run I had one guy got in the meeting in Australia I believe was in Australia one time and run out the building he said I didn't want to disturb the meeting but I just felt like I ought to run well you just do whatever you feel like you ought to do glory to God close your eyes pray this from your heart your whole heart in this prayer the gospel that I've heard there's the power of God unto my salvation I confess Jesus Christ as the Lord over my life spirit soul and body [Applause] my finances I received the power of God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Word of God and receive the power of God sickness disease and pain I resist you in the name of Jesus lack and poverty how is this Jew in the name of Jesus you are not the will of God for me I stand on the covenant of God albert tolerate you in my life leave my presence never allow you back sickness are over my days of black are over I am made whole [Applause] Oh blood of Jesus I am here the power of the curse it's been broken over mama [Applause] by my Redeemer Jesus the Lord sickness shall no longer lorded over me [Applause] - I no longer lord it over me there shall no longer lorded over me blacks are no longer lorded over me Jesus for my sickness weakness and pain and I'm free [Applause] and I proclaim my freedom in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ today the gospel is the power of God unto me and I proclaim my freedom I received the gospel the gospel the good news of what Jesus is already done [Applause] Jesus [Applause] I receive in Tamala and into muffin now I take authority over every sickness every disease every malfunction everything missing in your body I can't take authority over every evil spirit and I command you to be made whole in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we receive in this place Jesus we give you the Liberty and the freedom to do your work thank you Lord for doing this good today thank you for making us home begin to worship Him we thank you Lord for our healing we're made whole and out of our body in the name of Jesus I break the power of every cancer I bind the spirit laughing cancer I command it to die and come out of your body and for your body to be recovered and restored the whole man restored in Jesus name I take authority over blood diseases and I command you to behold I rebuke pain out of your body and I rebuke the source of that pain and I command it to be fixed in Jesus name we thank you Lord for our healing we praise you I speak to hearts to be made whole and strength back in the body especially speak to men and women who are elderly and I commend your body to be made strong I command the stiffness to go out of your body I commend the pain to go out of your body it asked me to your body to be restored and strengthened and renewed and your mind to be removed in Jesus name i bind every form of arthritis you crippling devil we cast you out in the name of Jesus you lose those joints you list of flags you lose those hands you loose that body in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ where the home people where the home people where the home people in Jesus name Laurie to God we've been made told by the blood of the Lamb we stand in our covenant Lord and we thank you for the Spirit of God moving in every single person that's willing to receive today we thank you Lord Jesus for fixing every single person we thank you for the day in the hour where every person gets healed in Jesus name and we give you all the glory Lord we thank you for your goodness we thank you for bearing the curse for us and we tell you this Lord will give you the rest of our days in the life in this earth we give ourselves to you to do your will make your well playing to every one of us and we will walk in it Warren I pray that same prayer for every person I prayed for myself that day and have prayed for myself Lord you show us what you want us to do and we'll do it in Jesus name always thank you for making us well to God [Applause] [Music] thank you for every healing wait [Applause] whoa it's a god thank you lord bless the Lord we praise you Jesus we thank you we we rebuke crippling disease we command them to loose the people of God in Jesus name every crippling disease everything that's bad found anybody any physical body I rebuke it in the name of Jesus and I command you to leave our presence now on the authority of the word in the name we're made whole I speak everybody every physical body to be made free from any kind of hindrance spinal cords to be fixed malfunctions to be fixed abnormalities to be fixed in Jesus name only authority of the word and our Redemption we've received Holly forward to God [Music] [Music] it all started 98 he had a black cloth in his head and he had surgery he was in a coma for three months the doctors would come and they told me well we don't know you know he's doing bad but I look I would look at that doctor and I would say no you don't devil you use not ears he he has a mission to do and I know that we have something to do for the Lord we all do and I've been on were standing and we're being right with the Lord sister Gloria it's a perfect example of progressive healing that the believers will recover because this is Lawrence lamb he came in a wheelchair this week during this week he was completely numb on his right side tingling begin to manifest and start he's now itching where life is coming back into that paralyzed part of his body and today that that progression has has speeded up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we were standing on the scriptures and he is doing awesome he's he's doing what he couldn't do and he's ready he's ready to do what the Lord wants him to do me this is Cheryl from Oklahoma City and she's had lupus and when krafla called it out the other day she received her healing and she has been walking with a cane for quite some time and she for two years you've been in a wheelchair two years laid in my bed nearly died twice medically disabled by the government and every day I couldn't even have the strength to hold my Bible but I watched you in Kenneth on TV glory to God [Applause] you were in a wheelchair for two years my both my doctors said you cannot work anymore you are this is this is very bad and with the lupus and the fibromyalgia and the renounce disease and the arthritis and it's all the other things it's been that God has healed me because I finally got it but you said you just need to receive it it's the gift it's the free gift he wants you to have but your Christmas present yes that's right that's right and you just have to go oh thank you Jesus [Applause] Charlie Hewitt from Deming New Mexico he was born deaf and was in the left ear right charlie and he can hear now [Applause] right this is Cassie Ellis from Fort Worth and for about five years she's been battling with TMJ and if she's alright yeah her I'd tell me of that I'm so grateful uh her jaw would pop every time she opened her mouth why and she's a singer and it sort of interfered with her singing and her bite was off she just went back to the orthodontist this last week and he told her said your bites still off and she says this morning her bite is lined up and her jaws not popping I've been praying for about eight or nine months for my eyes to improve I had had laser surgery last November and I had worn glasses for 45 years and the correction was very severe and they said probably the first time around it wouldn't be complete and so I would have to go back around November so and have it redone again my vision would fade in and out with after the surgery and I couldn't drive safely I couldn't see signs and that sort of thing and the distance thing was really difficult I couldn't see people's faces when I first came in here I couldn't see these big screens and I had to ask my husband if they were on and then after the healing school and the prayer I looked up there and I could see the picture perfectly and I he faces down on the floor it's it's wonderful what a day sister Dora this is an exciting one but for two reasons this is Peter bakuto right from Austria Europe so he came a long way to be in this meeting and secondarily to that he had an accident to his right near 20 years ago and today to his right right knee I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm thinking years who's right knee 20 years ago he ran into a concrete wall was unable to move it freely and completely and had pain for 20 years Spirit of God came on him today and restored full range of motion [Applause] when you'll have him has something to tell him back home Marty that he dropped his pen down here hallelu yeah that's right this is Cathy taylor from Pampa Texas and she came today and brought her her daughter's and some friends and so they three of them got healed this morning Cathy Cathy was coming up with Brittany Brittany got healed of stomach ulcers she had been to the doctor and he said that they she had four stomach ulcers and Brittany said she was sitting back there and her stomach was hurting her and the pain just left so Cathy was coming up to bring Brittany and let's see what you're not Jamie Jamie's the friend Jamie's knees got healed she had pain in her knees and the pain has gone out of her Neil's knees and when they were coming up Cathy has always had always had this ringing in her ears and she just realized suddenly it [Applause] oh my god that is so wonderful I'm telling you but neither is in the house today I'm from Michigan and I came down this week and yesterday the day before I want to call my son really really bad so I called him and he told me this I have a grandson that's three-and-a-half months old his name is Dawson and when Dawson was two weeks old they the doctors diagnosed him with hypothyroidism which just would keep him from growing and caused him to be and they're pretty strong Christians and they didn't share that with anyone except our pastor so he said I needed to talk to you this week mom he's and he told me the story of how they had diagnosed Dawson with this disease and how they had just believed God and they've been playing Kenneth and Gloria's tapes in his room around the clock since they got this diagnosis they got a letter one day this week and the doctor said that must have been a bad test or something happened because there's nothing there's the new tests are showing nothing and all of a sudden I want to jump and I want to dish out I wanted to dance you know there was in the hall waiting to get in and I thought this is so cool I could be he could have been that's what the enemy meant and the kid said no we're not having this we're not having this I just think it's wonderful that they they love the Lord that much that they trust him that much and Dawson's fine this is Travis pew from Clinton Oklahoma when you prayed his right ear had been closed for two months and it popped open while he was in line to tell that testimony he's had scoliosis since he was seven years old and this you know this bone right here that's kind of round at the top it was over to the left and it moved to the center of his back where it belongs and he could feel his ribs shifting and changing [Applause] of the largest making you home he was coming up to testify something else in this is Lucille Powell from Washington Arkansas I know our motorcycle and we go over there and we eat at that old place there on the in the park oh I think at the Williams restaurant yes eat beans and taters and turnip greens I never mile north of the restaurant so stop by to see me well thank you very much do you have any beans and taters and corn bro yes they stole her recipe well Lucille has had a notable miracle this morning first of all while you were talking about when you said that arthritis was leaving arthritis the left let her tell us how what happened your legs or didn't left your legs I was released from that stiffness and pain in my knee praise God and let me tell you what else she went to the doctor a year ago in Little Rock and had surgery on her left ear so that she could hear but the healing never came but this morning she came here doctor Jesus did it again hallelujah now she can hear you calling for them beans and taters amen hi glory we have a Karl from Ottawa Canada he's a physician and for four weeks he'd noticed that he couldn't move his right wrist he was losing range of motion which was very much of a concern to him and to take today he has a full range of motion in his right wrist this is Donna Hall from North Carolina and she was diagnosed in March with MS and she's listening to your tape since she was a little girl and when she got the report they just didn't receive it they stood on the word by the end of March they went back to the doctor and they gave her a report that she was healed [Applause] he's had a miracle today I touched in my heart he's from Tuscola Texas he says that he was healed of anger today that has affected his marriage in 46 years I asked him I asked him I said how did you know and he said I just began to cry and she began to weep while you were ministering the Word of God the Word of God began to drive that out of his life he'd been to weep and weep and all manner of sickness and all manner of disease and it left he said a calmness and a peace came a wholeness came and I just believe that his mirror to be restored and I know that the Lord wanted this testimony I'm so glad we got to hear about that lift your life to new levels now be healthier live longer get stronger and live a more satisfied life fully enjoy your family work recreation and every blessing God has for your future begin your lifelong journey of health and wellness faith and strength with the get well stay well packaged designed to help you live life without limits Gloria Copeland's book live long finish strong will show you how to take the promises of God for your life by faith with every scripture you'll discover how to live in God's blessing of wholeness every day the life line series healing and wellness your 10 day spiritual action plan by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland has everything you need to get well and stay well the plan includes daily readings for the morning and evening scripture cards worship music and video segments give yourself a lift get well and stay well Kenneth Copeland ministries wants to bless you request your FREE copy of the Get Well stay well packaged today take advantage of this free TV offer by calling us toll free at eight seven seven six one five four two six seven or by going to KCMG org slash BVO VN offer God's will is that you receive your healing walk in divine health learn to stand on God's Word and receive your healing request your package today one per person please we are here for you so call us for prayer at any time or visit our website to check out all the great resources we offer to help you grow in your faith remember God wants you well and Jesus is your healer [Music]
Channel: The Victory Channel
Views: 109,305
Rating: 4.7598586 out of 5
Keywords: God's Complete Health Plan, Healing School | Gloria Copeland, god's health plan, healing school, gloria copeland, KCM, Kenneth copeland ministries, good health, good health tips, good health videos, good health affirmations, good health and wellbeing, good health and good life, god for health, jesus healthcare, jesus prayer for health, jesus heals, jesus heal me, jesus healing people, jesus healing the sick, heal by jesus
Id: zgRkUIRf3vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 32sec (7052 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2017
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