How General Grievous Became a Cyborg and His Past Life - Featuring Fact Free

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Hey, Everyone [I'd] like for you to give A warm welcome to Fact-Free and After this Video go support mine on his Channel the link Will Be [in] The Description Enjoy Hello I'm [fact] [Free] and [I'll] be Filling in for Star Wars Theory Today Genital Grievous was an Infamous Jedi Killer who Led the Droid Army during the Clone Wars at First Many believed that he Was Just an Advanced Droid but he was Actually a cyborg? So how did Grievous become a Cyborg and who, was he before all of his Cybernetic enhancements? Although, We don't Currently have a Definite answer in [canon] We do have one in Legends? Originally [General] [Grievous] Was a [kulish] Male Named [chi] [minh] [je] [lal] he Grew up on a world torn by the Huq war in Which the Technologically Advanced [Huk] Sought to enslave the [kulish] People During This war She'll all Rose up as A demigod Among his People and Led Countless Campaigns that Freed his People from the [Huck's] Chains During One of his Battles She walls Best friend and Possibly Lover died at the Hands of the enemy This Drove She lal Into Deep Depression Causing him Later to Change his Name [to] Grievous This Depression Transformed Into Hatred to Which Grievous Began to Employ Vicious Attacks on the Remaining [Hux] Eventually Driving Him Off of [Cali] But he Didn't stop There Driving the Slaving Scum from his [Homeworld] wasn't enough no he Sought to exterminate them all to Make them all Pay [for] the Suffering he They Had Caused his People Grievous Began an Offensive on the Huq Wiping Them out on all Their Colony worlds as he got closer and closer to the Huq Homeworld The Huq Began to Freak out and Sought Outside Assistance Using Their Connections to the trade Federation The Huq, were able to gain support from the Galactic senate Convincing them that the [kulish], were The ones who started the war in The first Place This Caused The Republic to send a team of Jedi To intervene and Push the [kulish] Back to their Homeworld [on] Top of that the Galactic [republic] Implemented Sanctions on [Tickly] Resulting in Poverty and Starvation Among [Macleish], People such Actions Made Grievous Despise The Jedi and The [Republic] They Served Viewing The Entire Galactic Regime as A corrupt Entity That only Served the Few in Power Grievous is Success in his Early Campaigns Made him Famous in his Corner of the Galaxy Which Brought The Attention of the sith Lord Darth Sidious Believing you and Make an excellent Pawn in his greater scheme Sidious ordered his, Apprentice Count Dooku to acquire the [kulish] Warrior Into Their Services Around This Time Grievous and his People Discovered that the Huq Were destroying Their Sacred Burial Grounds This Propelled Grievous, and his men to get back Involved with the Huq Seeking to Destroy them Once Again Unknown to them the Shuttle They boarded was Rigged to Explode? Causing it to Crash over A body of Water This Bomb Was Planted by Dooku who Then retrieved the Severely Injured? Grievous After Framing The incident as an Attack Done by the jedi Dooku then took Grievous's Body To Geonosis [Where] he Placed Him Within a [bacta] tank When he awoke Grievous Was met With Sandhill the Chairman of the Intergalactic banking Clan? Initially Grievous Was Furious Demanding to be Brought back to his People? so [he] Could die With his men as a tradition of his Warrior Culture but Sandhill had other Plans He told the injured [Kulish] general of how he Planned to rebuild him Into A vicious Killing machine that [was] Capable of even Surpassing Jedi and the he Would lead the largest Droid Army in Galactic History Paving A, way to a new order at first Grievous Didn't Care About this whole Grand scheme to instill a new order and he Also viewed Leading a, Droid Army as something Beneath him but he Was Finally Convinced when Sandhill offered to Pay Off his People's debts and Reversed the Crippling Sanctions Placed on his Homeworld? Once Grievous's Transformation Began Dooku Had Sifo-Dyas Blood Transfused, Into The [Kulish] Warrior Although The Midi-Chlorians Kept Grievous alive it did not Unlock Any Force Sensitivity Within him Duke who, also had Grievous's mind Tampered With Increasing his Hatred for the jedi While Making Him more Compliant to his new Masters after all the surgery was Complete Grievous Was more Machine Than Reptilian only his Brain Heart and A few other Vital organs remained the rest of him? Was cold Hard Metal his Cybernetics Enhanced him like no being before Giving Him the Speed and Reflexes of A jedi and the Durability of an Armored tank he was truly a killing Machine? Once Grievous Settled Into his New Body he was trained by Dooku and his Magna Guards in the Ways of lightsaber Combat Once The Time Came, Grievous Would be Unleashed Into The Clone Wars Where he Would Take the lives of Countless Jedi? Collecting Their Lightsabers To Add to his Ever-Growing Collection Over the Course of the war and That's the Story of general Grievous Prior to his Cybernetics Thanks for Watching I want to thank Star Wars Theory for letting me Share my Video on his Channel and be Sure to Also Check out and subscribe to my channel fact free a link to which will be in The Description of this Video on My Channel I Make Videos similar to this one As Well as [Vs] Videos List Videos and Videos Where I answer [Star] [Wars] Questions that Fans Have always Wondered and As always May the Force be with you
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 7,451,405
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Keywords: star wars, star wars explained, sith, jedi, yoda, obi wan, mace windu, swkotr, star wars episode 8, star wars VIII, star wars VII, star wars episode 7, star wars force awakens, star wars movies, star wars trailer, star wars release date, anakin skywalker, luke skywalker, padme, star wars theory, darth, vader, sidious, darth vader, general grievous, star, wars, fact free, obi wan vs general grievous, grievous vs obi wan, cyborg, general, grievous, past, life, clone, lightsabers, palpatine, army
Id: Gf9J0GlPH6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2016
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