What if Darth Vader's Suit Was More Powerful? Star Wars Theory

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I'll first start by saying this is going to be a factual video that gives insight into Vader's problems with his suit and then leads into the films and how the events would change throughout the saga leading into the Return of the Jedi as a fanfiction we've all seen how powerful Anakin Skywalker was before he turned into Darth Vader praised as the Clone Wars hero and the poster boy for the Jedi Academy Anakin was no doubt strong with the force however once he lost obi-wan Kenobi out of his own arrogance and had all of his organic limbs severed he was turned into the iconic and monstrous Darth Vader that we all know today if you haven't watched my last two videos about all evaders injuries and how his suit was designed to make him weaker then i'll briefly reiterate some key points here Palpatine just like every sit master knew that their apprentices will one day try to kill them and become the new Sith Lord this was the way the Sith worked and Sidious was aware of it in fact in the books it stated that Palpatine would find it odd if Vader never tried to overtake him once Vader's connection to the force was reduced drastically after the loss of his limbs Palpatine's disappointment was reflected on the suit that he made for Vader making it extremely painful using an incorrect alloy for his legs and the handicap of his shoulder not being able to reach above his head uncomfortable sleep preventative and overall just limiting the suit was designed to allow Vader to become more powerful than Anakin was before his turn however never to exceed his master being extremely sensitive to Force Lightning as well that said in legends Vader was given an opportunity to have a new suit built for him this suit would have been far more advanced technologically superior and much more comfortable than his original however to be placed into this new suit Vader would have to have his prosthetics disconnected and his life-support system temporarily disabled since the process was considered far too risky and most likely would result in his death the idea was abandoned on top of this Anakin was very good at tinkering with Alec for example he created c-3po at the age of nine all by himself the reasons he never did were because the pain helped him tap into the dark side through his misery and discomfort and also because he was just so depressed that he didn't even care enough to have it fixed he felt he deserved this life of pain and suffering for what he did to Padme solidifying himself to the dark side of the force and p.m. but what if Vader did get that new suit what if in his downtime he got the new parts added bit by bit and tinkered with his prosthetics making them more durable flexible and comfortable it was written in the book the rise of Darth Vader that he could tighten the bolts on his hands to easily crush his lightsaber hilt if Vader got the suit that would truly limit his setbacks from obi-wan strike the movies would be entirely different this would absolutely change everything both good and bad from a certain point of view with the suit he was going to get Vader would be able to sleep this would help him heal his body faster on top of his sessions in the back to take this would calm his mind more and allow him to think more clearly instead of being so quick to force choked or constantly dwell on his depression making irrational and moody decisions Vader would be more confident faster stronger and whatever his severed force ties held back his new prosthetics would attempt to match Vader would no longer have to learn a new fighting style incorporating forms two three four and seven into his already formed five his lightsaber abilities would have literally just continued form Anakin Skywalker speed and flexibility making him truly the most powerful duelist in the galaxy without his breathing apparatus constantly making noise he would sleep better but also not be heard by enemies in the quiet of hunt his scorched eyes would be removed and implanted with new ocular retina implants that could see into the deep distance and in the night much more clearer than his helmet allowed it was said that the suit was constructed using various methods of Sith alchemy which served to augment Vader's severely diminished physical strength and vitality Vader would then seek stronger Sith sorcery in holocrons and use it to his advantage this would change Vader's overall feeling about himself as Anakin was always obsessed with becoming more powerful he would be able to feel his powers returned slightly again with the diminishment of his pain relying only on his mental hatred for himself and the Jedi to propel him for all of his missions this would change his battle with Luke not so much during the Empire Strikes Back as he was merely testing Luke's potential and ultimately trying to turn him to the dark side but more so it would change his duel in the Emperor's throne room during Return of the Jedi this time Vader would never be best spending even after Luke's brief turned to the dark side Luke would be outmatched out-powered and overall less experienced than his father this could do one of two things which I'll explain both firstly I will say it was Luke's connection to Vader's prosthetic hand that made him realize him and his father aren't that different and that if he continued using the dark side as he just did he would end up just like him if Vader had his elite suit and fought his son then Luke would either continue to fight allowing for his hatred to compound more and more with each blow as the emperor continually commanded him you are aggressive feelings let the hate flow through you and ultimately being beaten by his father being forced to turn or die or what I'm more inclined to believe would happen is that Vader would disable Luke in some way such as cutting his fighting hand off again or force pushing him in the corner and deactivating his lightsaber turning to the emperor and kneeling having secured his position as the apprentice in this test Palpatine would then walk towards Luke as he originally had and would give him the ultimatum to join or die and when Luke refused Palpatine would shock loop with a gradually increasing power of force late torturing him to death as Mader watched realizing how evil Palpatine was and finally coming to terms with all the manipulations he had poisoned Anakin with his life grabbing his lightsaber that was still clenched in his hand he ignited it and struck down top teen who was so transfixed on killing Luke that he had not felt Vader's energy shift just like how mace windu was too focused on Palpatine to see Anakin deliver this sacrificial strike to his head the emperor would fall to the floor in pieces as beta would grab Luke and bring him to his feet telling him right and never needing to remove his respirator to see him with his own eyes as he was able to see permanently without the masks ocular enhancing lenses this would also prevent Vader from being shocked by CBS's force lightning as he was in the original timeline and leading to his death Vader would go back to Endor as Luke originally planned in the film and the two would join forces as father and son to bring rise to a new Jedi war with the help of Yoda and obi-wan as force ghosts the Galaxy would be completely rewritten in a new era of more powerful Jedi and possibly eventual fallen Jedi would rise to fight thanks for watching this episode what did you all think would the events have changed that much of Vader had gotten the suit he originally wanted to upgrade to or would it just say the same I'd love to hear your thoughts on this be sure to join the Facebook page and find me on Twitter and I'll see you all in tomorrow's episode of Star Wars Theory until then my villager Knights at friends remember [Music]
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 3,658,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What if Darth Vader's Suit Was More Powerful, Darth Vader, Darth Vader Lightsaber, lightsaber, sith, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Emperor Palpatine, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader vs. Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader death, Darth Vader vs. Palpatine, Darth Vader vs. Anakin Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, star wars, star wars explained, jedi, star wars theory, darth sidious, star wars: revenge of the sith, anakin vs. obi-wan, palpatine, darth vader suit, Darth Vader Vs. Jedi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2017
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