How fast can you Unlock "The Forgotten"?

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yo what's going on guys it's bd1p back with another speedrunning video and today i'm here with a bit of a different one i've had some meme runs in the channel the past few days like the death percent stuff but this is an actual uh true blooded run i did here uh this was me unlocking the forgotten off of a fresh save file so like i deleted everything and started new in just under half an hour i've been wondering i just seem too bad i just gotta you know sacrifice to lamb you gotta do the run get the trouble piece and all that i mean it it is a a struggle um so my general you'll see like what i'm doing here now you also notice that there are three of me playing there's three isaacs here i'm going oh who else is running this with you isn't this like a solo category in your own mind yeah it is solo this is actually only me playing with three characters at once so i'm i'm i died there's an idiot um i have one controller underneath my foot i have my keyboard on my desk and then i have my controller in my hand this is the start of the run right here this is where the timing actually starts for the uh the full 20 minutes um i knew that in order to make this run work i had to unlock his easel well you see here the blackstone i actually unlocked him save the equipment to the unlock actually saved then i alt f40 immediately what i'm doing now i'm going into the game's files and i'm changing the zoom option i'm going to zoom the game really far out like this and load back in as fast as i can pick azel so this gun is going to be very very tiny i've had this game with my hands and feet and this screen the reason it's so small is for the reason is co-op actually because if you have two characters that have their own camera weights um by the beginning of a room which if let's say you're like a big a big two by two or a one by two room right um the camera stays on the ghost i need to see what i'm doing to actually win the runs so i zoomed into the game out like super far able to view everything at once um just to make sure it would work so my strategy here was to unlock azazel first i knew it was gonna be necessary for this run because i'm not gonna be able to go and beat lamb and do a full run with the shuffle piece and unlock the forgotten really fast this run is definitely slow it could definitely be beaten but the reason is this is my main attempt to the number one reason i do this attempt is because these resets are crazy we just unlocked the zazo like less than less than like 30 seconds ago and this right here is our shovel or is our lamb runner right here this is our lamb run um if you don't run isaac it might seem you know weird to you but you never get resets this close together this early on this is crazy luck so what happened i just kept resetting holding r you know see what's gonna happen here uh my goal was to get a sacrifice room and have enough health and hp and damage to sac down to lamb and my my ideal item here was going to be a damage multiplier and then i have the occult that was my big thing because i have the occult with azazel makes your brimstone pretty much full range and has really great control on it and i'm thinking to myself i'm not playing eden i'm not going to have these crazy starts to be able to um get down to lamb and kill them really fast i can't find an emperor card i can't start with one i'd blow up skulls for that there are not a lot of skulls in your sacrifice rooms actually pretty rare to find so my thought was okay all i got to do is get a zazel and get a really strong item at the end so my plan was in the beginning of the run my my kind of routing idea was going to be holding archlight unlocked as hazel first room which actually took me like eight hours i did not unlock this character for forever it took me so so long um to do it but my general thought process here was to um you know unlock his easel and hold our respond my isaac sin and just keep doing sacrifices and they might be thinking you could have just sacked down to lamb right if you got lucky with the soul heart drops yes i could have but i also needed the hp for my other characters i need them to also stack their hp away because i gotta be able to afford eye of the occult the other thing is too a big big thing is you go down to the lam fight um and you have two isaacs in the game the default deals are red hearts so i cannot even buy them if i wanted to and it was noticed right there if you look at the video i didn't get a single hp up that pillow on the ground right there was an hp uphill that was nutty that was a crazy random drop i was i was obsessed with that um that saved this made this run actually possible in general um and also we also might be thinking well you can just go to lambda unlock a sales all right if you buy three of the red chest deals no you can't the red chest deals do not count as definitely so they actually will not trigger the unlock for zazel sadly but i ended up what i did there is i kept one of my isaacs on the sacrifice spikes for his last bit of health there and then i stood far away and here i get sulfur i didn't get eye of the occult which really made me a little upset because that was kind of my win condition there right but i knew that i had to do something i had to just hold this right now because this was a decent sacrifice i had great hp and sulfur is not bad at all i knew with good padding i could definitely pull this off and because i also sat here for like eight hours already resetting i needed to get a run in before i lost my own sanity here so this could be beaten really fast but i kind of wanted to introduce this um run here as a new series on my channel i want to do some like niche dumb isaac speedrun so if you guys in the comments have any ideas what you want me to do in the future like oh spirit unlocking this item or this character or this achievement what what are some things you want me to do on this series you know i don't want to have the runs be you know over an hour long i want to have them be less than half an hour usually so if you have a thing oh i wonder how fast you could unlock you know butterbean or like you know mystery gifts stuff like that i would love to do it if you guys are interested in it the big thing is going to be character unlocks um and i want to i want to focus on those first so this one actually has the at least from what i understand the fast azizal unlock and the fastest forgotten unlock um at least no one's tried it before the rest of this run will easily be beaten like very very fast i feel like um we'll also be thinking like well you don't really need to have a zazel to do this right you could just sack with isaac get brimstone and like a leviathan item you know brimstone and then you get the mark and you pick up like i don't know i have the occult at that point yeah that would work i guess but then the issue becomes in order to unlock the shovel you have to beat the first floor boss in under a minute and i don't think isaac has that dps capability to do that i think that isaac is while a decent character very well-rounded obviously i don't think he has the power to beat the first floor boss consistently in under a minute because a lot of your power is going to come from on these runs at sacrifice rooms um and i definitely could sacrifice right so i took the wrong way there sadly i knew it was gonna be left i know i was gonna be down i was like uh we'll see what down can do for us here um but i don't think isaac has the general power for that sadly i think i think it's he's a little bit too slow this run is about five minutes long this lamb run here i'm just talking over to divide some time but um this next big chunk is where the actual forgotten unlock starts and again these resets are bonkers dude i actually like within three resets i get my shovel run i got i believe it was like a crown of light sort of deal and it was of course you're looking for sacred heart but crown of light is also crazy the big deal about sacred heart is it does lower your tier rate quite a bit um which is a big big slow down for most rooms and these runs primarily are pretty slow like these can be done a lot faster um not getting an emperor card or any kind of lucky teleport is what slows the dark room down quite a bit so we could have been done with the run already because sulfur brimstone knockout drops also there i got qriket's head which is going to make this run speed up immensely um it it it just if you don't get the like my my world record for co-op right now like the spirit sword sacred heart run one on a million starting with an emperor card to skip all of darkroom which is primarily most of your time loss and then all this other stuff happening it is it's crazy we actually find the room here it's very very close so you're also going to notice here i'm playing in normal mode for a couple of reasons number one um enemies uh don't shoot as fast so i can i can save more hp is a big thing number two is that four generation is different your force will generate primarily smaller and making that makes the pathing a lot faster um so for most runs i'm gonna do for the character stuff i'm going to be playing in normal i'm never gonna do like a half hard half normal i'm pretty much just gonna be doing one or the other hard mode would have probably netted me a higher chance to get as hazel faster because of devil cheese and all that um but i i just i felt like to make the run fast and flashy normal mode was the way to go um the runs that i get though are super shaky and again i would have preferred to rerun this category and gotten a better time maybe i can do that in the future but just what i got here like these runs that i got they just were not the best but they were just so close together that rng wise it it was going to be fast but you can see on these things i unlocked ending 15 and the credits there i don't know the reason i started i don't know my cursor was i couldn't find my cursor for a minute there was it was weird but um i'm doing the same strategy here i'm actually trying to um i need to use sacrifice rooms on this run as well because you're not gonna get a huge dps multiplier outside of your sacrifice rooms i'm looking for those crowns of lights those sacred hearts anything like that's gonna give me that extra push you could find magic mud you could find qriket's head in these item rooms but you can also find in conjunction with that a crown of light or a sacred heart obviously um and i think this is more consistently good because you can actually get also some different utility and powerful items here i get trinity shield so i'm going to hold r again because this is not what i want to see here um but i believe this is next one that has a sacrifice room i actually uh this one i the run works out um i walk both my my feet and my hand isaac upwards into the sacrifice spikes and i'm waiting for it the best thing about this is that you uh oh it wasn't this run was it no it wasn't dang um the best thing about having the two isaacs and having them both have three hp's because six sacrifices is going to give you your first angel deal chance seven gives you your angel room item so i went on there i don't know why i hit myself first i think it was more of an accident just like kind of like my brain flopped i guess um but here i get my crown of light and i walk out and i push isaac into the spikes to see if i can get maybe one more you know item out of it i get a soul heart still as health whatever and now i start to go also starting with isaac means i get a bomb as well which i'm gonna need a bomb to get the um the uh shovel here because i have the shovel unlocked from beating the lamb so now my my base of the rest of this run is me going down um to find the forgotten dirt patch so the next like i don't even know um how long is this run it's almost like is that really almost 20 minutes of me doing this um do you do boss rush too i guess yes you can't really just sacrifice down to lam in your second run you do have to see this one all the way through to boss rush which is why i would have preferred to have sacred heart because although sacred heart lowers your tier rate for specific rooms it really does shred in boss rush as a range upgrade as a damage just flat two multiplier because if you don't kind of light works if you get hit in a room you do end up losing that benefit of having the higher damage um which is a huge pullback so the earlier you get hit on boss rush the worst is gonna be for you and at this floor i consider um also you might say i killed my isaacs earlier uh i don't want to lose my devil deal changes because you can get a lot of good stuff out of devil deals as well and angel deals so i wanted to keep that chance high so i killed those guys previous floors i do forget to do it a couple times i'm just kind of trying to go fast but the big debuff of current as you can see i lost i lost the benefit of having two times damage um if i get hit in boss rush i do lose that two times modifier and then i'm pretty much just based as zazel for a while which is why this run slows down immensely um also in general my pad thing is not great um my room choices here i have if most of you follow my twitch and see me run the game like legitimately in the past you will know that i literally cannot choose a right way for the freaking life of me man it's awful my a b plus runs i was on world record pace like three or four times and every single time i got in that pace i would just choose the wrong way court can vouch for that hams can vouch for that it was awful dude um here i'm just playing for some cards here a joker card would definitely speed up the run a little bit if i got a good brimstone out of it i'm taking some heavy artillery fire here um on this run i actually am at like half a heart right now which is scary um i just going fast we're not really looking at the shadows too much i do skip the deal there i forgot oh i want to go for angel right i'm going for angel um i didn't think i had the hp to sacrifice there also um because i want to i don't have he's a thing too for this run to work you don't only need to get you know boss rush done for this speed run to work you have to either i've already unlocked the negative but you're not going to go through five satan runs before you do this throw that that would be insanely slow um you have to also sacrifice after boss rush you have to get one on depp's two room one or room two luckily i get mine on room two here which makes it means i can you know exit boss rush move go down floors oh also um i have to do mom skip on this run uh those you don't know i'm getting off track but so let me walk you through this real quick like just just like linearly right your first run of isaac your first i guess the first time you beat mom it forces you into a cut scene right it puts you in that that first end credits cut scene um and it ends the run for you so you actually need to beat mom before you do this category right no if you watch the 30 character run with my favorite video on this channel i do have recommended if you haven't watched i recommend it highly it's it's a great project um there is a set of i believe i've i counted it out and it was four from frames four to six so it's a two frame window after you kill mom you have to pause and exit you will still see the cut scene but post that you can actually continue your run now the big issue there is that after you do that your womb entrance like the womb trap door will not spawn because it is your first mom kill the woman is not unlocked and that running because you want the womb after you you know beat mom for that period of time i don't know why paul i paused to show the seed there right um i polished the seeds you guys know this is like a legitimate run um you have to do a first run then go back to and then you know um if you do your first run leave it so you'll knock the womb and then go back the even still because they did not generate with the womb portal in the room with the room trap door it will not spawn luckily for us edmund is a genius man and made mom's shovel also work as we need to go deeper proc so you can actually spawn the womb portal on that floor so what you need to do here and you assume we get the mom it is a very risky strat i actually lost a previous attempt of this to that same glitch um with the same bugs i missed mom's skip on a sacred heart run it really really hurt my heart but we got we got through it right either way um it is a tight tight scary window because you know if you you don't know when you're gonna kill mom right because you have familiar like papa fly could kill mom for you without you realizing you could go over ticks on your brimstone you could put a bomb down you could have her stomp on an enemy an enemy could be charm and shooter all these craziness could happen to you that'll kill mama without your kind of permission or consent which really slows down the run i kill my isaacs there i'm good to go anyways are going down so my my strategy was i and i had it i always forgot about mom skip too like oh i got to do mom skip all this stuff so what i did was i would go to the mom fight i i actually did miss mom skip like three or four times in this run i had to keep going back into fighting mom once more i'm pretty sure i might have had a previous attempt to this this is my second actual fully you know attempt of this category um but it also means two i cannot use my shovel in boss rush the reason why is i don't have a wave counter i can't see how many waves i'm doing on the screen i didn't want to count in my head and miss count because your shovel will not automatically charge back up when you pick up the shuffle head in boss rush um and if i'm down to charge i have essentially soft locked myself in the run and i cannot continue so you'll see me in the boss rush not popping my shovel because i do not want to risk not having a charge and therefore soft blocking myself which would be a huge huge huge you know heartbreak there um so i'm heading out of depths one here i believe my boss it's either carrying a queen i don't remember remembering loki as well i don't remember at all actually uh this is like this like three days after i recorded the ranks i've been busy doing the nuzlocke and stuff so i'm a little a little brainwashed from it um but now i find my boss fight after some pretty rough pathing earlier on on the run um i didn't get a single mapping item card uh anything on this which oh did i get treasure map actually i might have gotten treasure i can't see because the the uh the uh hud is too small and larger for myself again oh i got treasure map that's right sorry so treasure map helped a lot to see where i was going um in the end i used it more to find sacrifice rooms over um boss fights because all i needed to do was find i need to do a couple of things on the womb i needed to find my boss fight and i needed to pray that i could find a sacrifice room because the fastest method of going down would be sacrificing you know um on deaths 2. i bomb my two guys i get hit a couple times i walk out and i head on down to the uh that's two at this point in the run my brain is thinking this i'm like okay you are losing hp like it's nobody's business you are not you're not gonna have hp to sack anymore you're gonna be down on hp like what's what's your plan here um and i was thinking to myself well you know i could revive my isaacs i don't know if i get like my pla my thought was worst case scenario i got on the show i had to get a sacrifice around shoal right i can fight satan and respawn my guys that's two extra sacks each um but i remember also too that once i get the head of the shovel the feet stop coming down which is a huge huge huge you know positive for me because the features are doing all that i'm taking damage from their feet primarily okay so here's what i'm doing here i find uh the boss fight right and i need to find a sacrifice i'm looking at my map and i'm like there's nowhere else i can be because top right like that top rope there has to be the shop because i haven't found my shop yet depression is okay i pick it up and we leave anyways i'm like i can't find it there's no way it's over here and i realized that i walked back now i actually am looking at my timer right now the side of my screen so i actually walk one room too far which is a big because it's a needles room so it's pretty pretty you know time consuming here um i got out of there though and i go to my mom fight so this is where mom skip comes into play you'll see me pause and skip here i found this skip out on the 30 character run on accident so this is like a a close uh close to my heart skip here like at least like method um and i'm thinking too i'm gonna die in a mom fight i'm doing no damage right now my run is like a garbage if i had the option i would have held r at this point and gone for a better run but i was like i got to live with it man doesn't i can't do anything about it i'm just this far in like um it's my only attempt after the other one that's gone this far i don't want to have to unlock azazel again i'm like ah brother so i pause a little though i actually got a first try okay i gotta first try there um i have to spam the a3 unlocks and hit continue but i think i'm gonna miss out on my others who runs now this is where the weird stuff starts to happen um a little bit at least no no sorry i'm a little behind cancer though also means that i can literally suck anytime i want to what cancer does it gives you half damage in a room after you've been hit once um so that means like it's pretty much i'm guaranteed to be able to sacrifice down so that was my exit plan there but you'll also notice that when i go down to the womb floor next my characters are all out of whack they're all in different places my hud is freaking out what i i think happened here so if you don't know co-op is super buggy but there is a co-op is just the most bugged thing in existence right now and if you watch the four player file i have on this channel you'll see that for yourself you don't play four player um when you spawn on the floors it'll sometimes put you next to a door or center of the room it really all depends and you'll also see that my game kind of like freezes almost like it's almost like it's going to crash and it skips frames and goes back um when i entered the new floor my switch controller actually died on me which my other my foot controller so i had to plug it into my like a usbc um which i had down i just didn't have it like plugged in because i i was using my microphone it's the same cord for my focus right um so the overlay was when you have your game zoomed out it and you i got to back up i tried to explain this without like sounding like a pretentious about it right um there are two kinds of pausing overlays in this game there's when you hit the pause button obviously and there's when a controller dc's and both of those have their own gradient overlay or like like you know semi-opaque overlay um for that you'll see like when you pause the game the screen behind you goes dark a little bit right um when my controller deceived um as the floor was like i was able to move around and walk around and interact with the floor it immediately pauses the game on you which freezes background animations um and puts up the pausing overlay as well as the controller dc overlay and because both of those are overlaying the game the game i think visually just freaks out i'm not a coder so i don't know what's going on here but the game visually just freaks out on you it just doesn't know what to do um and if you notice from the death percent videos your timing starts when like for example timing on these runs the frame you can see the start of your banner like your basement one banner showing up when you start your timer you can actually skip frames to increase like to decrease your time quite a bit on there um if you hold r for a little bit too long uh just just just enough frames to like barely before you skip another run um the banner will come out quicker so you can it'll skip some frames um because and you can actually move around and damage yourself and hurt yourself and hurt enemies before the banner shows up so if something happens when you're when you're going into floors when the floor light kind of like goes pixely and like zooms in and goes in black and then re like you know re-blacks out and becomes pixely again this makes any sense you guys don't know what i'm saying it's translating very well um you can still interact and move around before the floor actually fully loads in so i'm thinking what happened here because the game visually like it it freaked out when i thought the game crashed i was running the category and i was so mad for a minute um what what happened here i'm guessing is that there are too many overlays on the screen the game auto pause and then skip the frames and whatever but either way it's not an official category so having that bug happiness doesn't mean anything to me at all it just doesn't um but yeah so tldr the game doesn't know how to handle double overlays um well with visually at all as well as it auto pausing mid-floor transition because my controller passes out on me um but when it passes out i don't really wait too long to get my run started back up i kind of just plug it in like harshly and i don't i don't need isaac anymore at this point like he's been dead for a while so i don't really need him anymore but um the bosses should be almost over here i again i lost my crown of light early on and i lost a lot of damage from doing that however cancer is carrying i would be dead without it right now a hundred percent like these feet are just everywhere it's it's targeting the ghost sometimes it's putting me off guard like it's just this this roanoke has been crazy like it's just been blowing my mind how many feet have hit me in the past like you know half an hour but again i can't pop my shovel because i don't want to not have a charge leaving this room um so i think it's like one of the last two waves here but we're getting into the getting into the final parts of this run i'm going to go to the next floor and i'm going to immediately see that i have a couple dead ends that i can explore um for a sacrifice room um and i immediately trust my gut and i go left and up now that ends up being the boss fight is up but i also really needed that as well like desperately needed that boss fight because i was like staggering for hp i had no way to get hp on the floor like my i had no spirit hearts i was taking so much damage like everywhere because well in this fight defeat and next floor is because i'm an idiot um it was rough man but luckily for me i don't have to fight the lamb explorer all i got to do is find the uh the dirt patch room and i go a couple of wrong ways that i find it in the end again it's more just like a showcase an introduction to that new series i want to do about me speed editing random you know unlocks and isaac because i think it'd be fun or even challenges as well going for challenge records um but this should be the one of the last waves here it's been going on for a while i know because boston is is is awful um but i i beat this spider i get the nail unlock for izaizal isaac's head as well pick up my broken shovel i get the mom transformation and i'm looking around for heart pick one up and i leave there's no there's no one portal here because it's my first run of the profile i head on down and i see the visual bug here the game blacks out i skipped that transition and then boom like it just like the the enemy's abruptly cuts off my controller dies i'm struck i'm pushing it back in and everything it dc's again because i plugged it back in and now we're in you'll see my ghost spawn at the top and right doors because they had actually previously died on the floor before and i spawned left that is a common co-op bug like that you will see in mostly four player i guess it doesn't really happen in two players because the game can handle like you know pick up any style pretty well but i also see my boss fight here like okay it's not this one i was thinking boss fight was left and down and like this would be our sacrifice room so we didn't have one last floor um but i don't know it's mr fred's i see that it's a one by two so i just kind of fight it and go go ham on it um it's a pretty standard fight i have my shovel charged back up it looks like one more cycle to go when he's dead i'm praying for hp here i'd get an angel deal surprisingly um what's inside the angel deal i get a bunch of hp upgrades actually hilariously breath of life like you're so funny game i love you and we leave and i'm thinking okay it's got to be left and down it's got to be left and down like i have nowhere else to go i walk out of there and say my eyes are taking damage because they are my father for sacrificing it's actually straight left um and i'm thinking myself i don't have enough hp for this i don't have enough health to sack all the way down at this point right at least safely and live and i want to throw away half an hour of progress i guess more like eight hours eight and a half hours of progress right here i'm like i gotta make this please be harsh in the chest there was a pill the pill was um i forget i couldn't see it health up though which is good but again did nothing for me i get my bombs down there i walk out which is a very big mistake i didn't i then lose my half heart stuff then i walk down to get an extra heart and i find the biggest rule of pills ever tons of health up tons of random pills in here tears down sucks but whatever shot speed up shots speed up um 48 hours pretty good and all that stuff so i'm thinking to myself ah dude i still gotta find the hearts on this floor i don't have enough hp to sack so i'm running around my head cut off at this point in the run i'm like at this point i'm so committed to it i found a rainbow champion on normal mode which is super rare but i'm just like freaking out something i mean i gotta have hp so this is this is crazy like i cannot lose this run this far in and i would have preferred again to reset but i just want to get it over and done with i see a red champion and i'm like oh my god it drops a heart i mean that's crazy that's that's you know an extra sack for me that's all i really needed i think when i was counting it out in my head um that's all i really needed to get this to keep working now it's also praying for good items next floor for because we have a lot of empty red hearts we can spend those um do we see if i go down one more to see what our special room is down here it was just a regular dead end so oh well um i head back up oh no dugo left here again i do i wanted to get more hearts because i i still was a little shaky i felt like um i'd only reached seven i think when i was counting at my head i found a no secret room there uh nothing here right yeah no i just keep going on i was thinking myself okay hello mary i gotta get down there hopefully have enough hp even like live the floor i find greed and i'm like ah dude like as this is going slower and slower every day i get hit against greed which never happened to me i was like so upset i get um emergency contact is going to be great for uh or if i find like a really bad room like double adversary next before i can pop that uh i'm like all right this is my my last chance to do this let's just go left and see what happens i guess and i run in do my sack i i don't walk out cause i don't want to lose that half heart you know that half heart you know cancer interval there is going to be essential um i got no spirit hearts and i was like i was like you're joking dude i i hit him i try to go on the spikes here slowly i want to get that last second pretty quickly here i started i can't get around them that was the issue i get one second nothing and i'm like oh no i don't have hp am i i'm like i'm gonna be down this is this runs over here i'm like please god give me the hp i need for the sack no and there's another one no no it took me six extra sacks after sac 12 to get down here i've never had a sacrifice room that bad before i get guppy's paw i guess i think that's i have the calls which is great um guppy's paw means i get to live forever pretty much um i pick up that and then i'm going to my room and i realize oh wait i should pop guppy's paw all the way because i have i think an item that gives me approximate zero oh yeah no each crown of light that i want to proc i want to have full um you know no empty heart containers for crown of light to give me double damage back it comes back pick up my shovel again and i head on around and the runs can be closing out here in just a little bit um once i actually find the room for it if i find the room for it that is but this run actually turned out pretty well if you enjoyed the video please give it a like if you want to see more stuff like this again i want to do more niche unlocks like this like how fast can you unlock blank um give me some ideas down below i have some in my head about just random character unlocks but but still i think going for bethany could be fun because it's going to require mom skip as well as like we need to go deeper or this shovel piece and all that so that could be intro to the mom skip on um with the right seat of course i don't want to have to keep real knocking as hazel though is my biggest sphere so i'm kind of like ah i don't want to have to go through these hazel unlock another one um but you know it bygones are bygones you know we're all done with this run now if it gets beat oh well it's a pretty pretty lengthy category to run again i only kept this this in here like this this run is the primary one because of the resets being so nuts because you can go 30 to 40 runs without seeing a single good item it happened to me when i think going for his hazel man you can see a lot of you know just not great runs and we're going into our i believe our room is pretty close up here to uh getting forgotten and time should be showing up any second now um it is going to be a 28 minute run um obviously the video is longer than that just because of you know the beginning part i didn't i wanted to keep the the previous runs you guys know i was holding r and i wasn't like you know cheating this in um but yeah this is a fun thing to do if you guys want to see more please let me know i would love to do more um this could be really well for a channel could be really bad for the channel you never know oh yeah i found the ragman room sorry that was the wrong way as well that sucked too that was pretty pretty pretty bad um i got the forgotten right there that was time where right when i hit the the spacebar uh you know button there but that's it that is it um if you again if you enjoyed all this thing i said before but aside from that see you guys next video peace out and goodbye
Channel: bd1p
Views: 12,551
Rating: 4.9353347 out of 5
Keywords: tboi, the binding of isaac, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, win, isaac, tainted, forgotten, world record, wr, speedrun, fast, record, pog, gaming
Id: ehrxNvC-m3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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