Hush Stands NO Chance... Random Streak 39

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welcome back everyone to a new era of the uh bd1p random streak in the channel in general i'm usually using a new software for recording and i'm going back to obs because streamlabs give me so much trouble recently i've been getting lag at all my videos tons of like audio issues i'm just gonna go back to obs keep it simple so i might have a little bit of like a weird green screen issue today i'm figuring out the lighting still whatever leave that alone anyways today is normal day uh we're going for a normal victory here run 39 getting close to that 5-0 marker man it's it's really coming up here but anyways question of the day is going to be all right this is this is off the cup and this is like you know in my brain right now um what is your least favorite color and why there's got to be a reason for it you know you don't just hate a color that there's like a memory or some kind of like you know thing attached to it judah scares me judas judas scares me seat of the day by the way is also going to be v6 8 and pwne i have done it is uh 5 pm and i've been pretty much nothing today all day i've i've sat in this chair i like i did some stuff i guess i made some thumbnails um for the future i fixed some audio we had issues on with um the four player file because of stream labs believe it or not oh who would have guessed right um so i'm actually ready to sit down and play some low effort isaac here and i've been kind of concerned recently um looking we made a website if you don't know if you're not in the discord at all uh for our nuzlocke um like an online like leaderboard for the everyone involved right and um i'm only gonna please streaming it once to twice a week i i i thought at first but i look at the score and everyone's like super far ahead i mean now mind you i haven't died technically i have the most projected value because i haven't died or lost anything yet but um people are getting people are recording their runs you know you know snap snap snap like every single second cnet has already almost got keeper unlocked which is crazy to me i'm going to definitely cheese the keeper unlock for sure i don't want to spend 80 years playing green mode uh you guys don't want to watch that i'm guessing either but um i'm going to start playing a little bit more like on on um stream i guess i don't want to you know fall that far behind and you know be the guys lagging around the group i want to be ahead and i want to prosper man so i'm gonna have to start streaming some more isaac recently i wanted to only do like one day of the week isaac when i'm out at the end of being like in every sort of day we open up this room is terrifying open up with some isaac gonna go from there man um i just do not want to fall this far behind that's pretty much my only my only like big quota right now is i do not want to be like the last place we could easily die here i'm thinking of like the best place to stand and if we push these two barrels like this way we can stand with the door i know we can live in other places but i just do not want to risk that right now this streak means too much to me um because what we'll do we should be 100 safe right here yeah easy and we got two trinkets um this is gonna let us still get like other drops on the ground plus bombs i'm gonna pop it here just because we can i don't want to lose my charge these guys anyways um i know matchstick gives you a higher chance to find bombs but getting bombs off of coins we're also getting coins as well and it's not overtaking our drops at all so i think it's gonna be better for us as well as it's gonna give us potentially more bombs we find like an iv bank or something like that that really really you know buffs up our level here and if i if the video pauses by any means i'm waiting on a call for for a new apartment right now so i may have to pause and cut the run up for like you know 30 to 40 seconds here as that happens you know what happens man the apartment is more valuable than my my eden streak reputation my random streak sorry reputation i'd rather live in a nice place than uh have a a high winds trick to be honest with you that makes sense to any of you out there hopefully it should i'm gonna do a full clear because oh jesus christ you came hard at me thank god i have this spirit heart by the way if we didn't find this we would be in a much much dire more dire situation most first floor bosses can one shot you off of contact damage so it's a little scary i might be a bit bigger webcam wise you know i'm going to shrink myself down here i think i'm a little bit way too big we'll go like we'll go like this i'm still you know i just loaded up obs today i actually i did do a lot i made my my stream overlay on obs as well we should be a more reasonable size now for your eyes uh i'm sorry about that it has a a long time of me being large we should be good now though will i go to the cursed room uh definitely not i don't think there's really a point in going in there currently um i don't want to lose my spirit heart for it necessarily i will play this though 100 i would love an iv bag here definitely over belile um lyle is good but with the potential to get you know infinite bombs out of this as well i'd rather run that ball than run the other ball you know what i'm saying you know what i'm saying either way we're getting some money i'm gonna get any bombs back but life goes on we have seven cents great for an arcade next four if we get one also very easy belial boss here we should one shot every single ad he spawned i'm feeling good we had a super super crazy run last time went to beast with uh a natural godhead sacred heart revelations genesis stairway run that's just like that's my bread and butter baby ooh and a health up too as well and damage don't knock that great damage multiplier on our boy over here also mom's eye not a bad find at all if we could get an iv bag i would iv bag proc into my uh curse room and save my spirit heart from certain destruction here and we're gonna do some bomb drops now um i can hit both of these this one bomb there's a secret room right here which there probably should be there was not is it in this room then maybe it can't be here it's it was not there i mean i made it i just missed it honestly it could be other side of the map we're gonna have a lot of bombs we might as well be taking advantage of every resource we have right now because early game sacrifice i say every single run but early game sacrums man they definitely do make a huge difference ginormous difference we already found one if we can find another secret room um i mean you can find our key first floor which is just a recipe for for instant wins right there i would love mom's key as well on this run uh no joke i would take that in a heartbeat to get the money for it not there if it's not here oh it is here okay good good good i thought i'm gonna missed it um we're so close can you give me some money please sir one cent maybe yo one cent exactly we can actually buy mom's key that's plus two keys for us right now which is gonna be great for our downpour access as well as future chest being super super super good i'm feeling good let me know if you guys like the uh if obs is it seems weird to you or if it seems like it's fine um to me it looks like i'm looking at it right now on this side of the screen it is running much better than than streamlabs ever ran obs is doing doing wonders right now um it definitely helped with the lag on the four player file and in general um it's gonna make my streams look a lot better hopefully that's the goal shout out to ambrose2096 for the the suggestion to switch over because i'm having so many issues this wasn't worth it anymore i know this bottom corner right here is like freaking out on the green screen i can't help it there's a fan blowing which is probably moving it around a little bit oh well you guys it's like a very minor thing you guys can deal with that crack the sky hmm okay okay okay okay okay daddy likes daddy really likes we now have trizagon or sorry try sagian whatever you you you troglodytes pronounce it in the freaking comments um that's huge that's piercing shots that is big piercing shots now holy light is pretty much three boss kills um every single floor that thing shreds bosses book of a lyle i really only use on boss fights i think i would rather have crack the sky we could get yeah an extra item into the blind item and have booker blouse plus something else but rather you know rather than either or but i think in the either or situation is just a better item i know also jesus christ boost your devil deal chance we won't really need that i feel like we have a a decent standing on hp right now oh my god okay i lied our hp is actually in a much more dire place but it's like we're gonna be very very fine um i think we should just definitely go for crack the sky i think it's gonna be better it's also more unique um i know i said the last one that i don't like characters who are just like here's isaac with a with an extra item here's like judas is just isaac less health but here's book of belial you know like i like more unique mechanic characters yo we're so good at this game actually insane and 10 cents to gain and a bomb oh my god things are going great things are going great yeah we're definitely gonna pick up uh crack the sky here there's no question about it there's zero question about it and we'll play our man here um not down to half a heart but down to uh two hearts pick up crack the sky what were you magician card it's good for for piercing shots um i do want my man to pay out though pretty badly here pretty badly pick up that okay stopwatch is also like really good for winning streak runs i know it's a little bit lame but it's a speed upgrade as well which i really need speed as this character sucks i have i'm a very you know glass candy for a while um what did i want to get i wanted to get a uh super secret room and some more hearts to play our demon judgey please hearts okay it's tempting i'll tell you that much and look at that damn it this is the most beefy boss on this floor and he's dead already i'm not walking in there for the life of me dude we're going to go back we're going to play our demon judgment first um if we're going to be running angel this one i want to actually get some devil power before we start committing to angel paths so if we can get some kind of like i would like little horn here any kind of syringe would be nice um obviously mark and pact are like you know your go-to is for this situation here should be a pretty quick payout yup ooh syn robes that's actually also huge that is a 2.05 damage up we're doing great this one's actually a lot of fun so far it's it's rewarded us for uh you know it's just reward enough it's not even just like in general we just had some great rewards for doing nothing i feel like we'll play this a little bit too bloodbag will be crazy here i'm not gonna say i want it a lot but i do want it a lot nothing happened we'll bomb them because we have a lot of bombs uh and we're probably gonna oh and that was done we got an eternal house an extra hp up all right all right all right all right my baby don't mess around because she messed around now she don't mess around hey now the actual lyrics speaking of uh dumb lyrics uh donda came out recently and i know i prefaced it by saying dumb lyrics but i actually liked the album decently you know aside from like the baby being on it who just like has the most boring flow of all time and also was just like an as well as marilyn manson being on it like okay dude i think i think he's just i think he's trying to put everybody that people hate this we get you know controversial plays off of it which if that's the case it definitely worked for release day but i i jail wasn't i loved jail a lot um jail two as well was was pretty alright i guess um the first leg of the album i've only listened to who eden's blessing sign me up dude i've only really heard the first like i would say like first half of the album really um i haven't gotten all the way through except i just i'm still in my car seat headrest kick for a while here um but from what i've heard of it so far it's not bad it's definitely not his best work at all i mean i'm gonna still be like uh you know a we don't care fan the early kanye gets me i think a lot of his i think his strength is opening up an album i i think that like you look at his discography and like the songs that he has on there like ever almost all of his albums are straight bangers like as even if you don't like you know hip hop or rap or whatever you want you know you classify him as every album he has a banger especially jesus man what a classic i love yeezys so much but you look at it like this i mean good morning opening song incredible great melodies great harmonies just great song overall we don't care which i guess is not the opening but it is like the it's the first song song you hear on the album um and then you have one of my favorites which is uh um heard him say with adam levine that might be one of my favorite that was a dumb hit favorite kanye songs like literally ever he has this weird way of making like these dopey white boy singers like really just shine in his songs and i don't know how he does it because like there is no song that's made better by adam levine i'm sorry adam if you're watching this but there is no song made better by adam levine he can pull some shots out i guess sure sure but um he just doesn't really add a lot but in that song his voice just fits i mean jesus doesn't have his strongest opening i'll admit you know for loving that album much as i do i don't think it has a strongest opening at all i think he could definitely benefit from a a stronger title track on on that album no angel deal sucks for us um i can't get through oh he blocked it that's hilarious dude that's really funny actually um phil what's it gonna be look down hilarious moon card already found it on this floor uh what's better definitely moon card for us and you know what we'll go mine this one is actually popping off pretty hard um but i don't know he's just got this way about like i i'd say more in his past his recent stuff has not been like that great but like i don't think he has a single miss from like his early career i mean there's a whole fantano meme about like you know um oh he gave you know dark fantasy like a six oh my god like i i think personally it deserves higher than a six versus opinion i don't really you know care to argue that too much but i don't think he has a single miss in his entire discography man i mean jesus walks like new workout plan like those those early early songs just they just hit man it does good like everything about them is just fantastic if you're not a kanye fan i'm sorry i'm making this episode all about kanye west but like what isn't about kanye west anymore in this world um oh i tried to like sneak in there but it did not work in my favor get out of there i'm too hasty on these rooms i have a lot of hp that doesn't really matter okay i believe you can take two items in this on this floor we'll take quince for one no you can't i think you take the blind one first maybe i don't remember you could someone sometimes take two on this floor i forget how either way kevin like quince is a good item to have i would have taken it over blood bombs any day of the week even though we have a lot of bombs we're kind of using them a lot for finding secret rooms and stuff so it's not going to be like the most influential part of the run great kills and it should be a gideon fight here no it's these boys huh the the clowns if you will watch this one down already literally already halfway done with the fight practice sky is the answer to everyone's ailments dude if you could find a one cure all for every disease in the world it would be crack the sky watch this so watch this stuff this this call out boom baby shell is gone he's dead angel deal acquired let's go dude let's go oh eucharist that's infinite angel deals okay or i guess you know the max amount of angel deals that's pretty sick here let's just go down we can't check a little faster on this right we can pick up the pace a little bit the macho the the the grind if you will we can do a lot don't lose your bone heart actually we have guaranteed angel deal chances forever so i don't really care about getting hit anymore to be honest with you um the sad thing is if we ever wanted to run devil for any reason we can no longer who wants to run devil anymore we're good with the times old man honestly but no i think like i'm not super super super into the hip hop and rap scene i mean there's some artists that i follow like pretty religiously kanye being one of them uh jpeg mafia being another um peggy peggy also one of the artists against me man he just like that music just like you know it doesn't speak to me obviously but it just i like the way it sounds like i like the way it flows it's just good man this is good um who else do i follow in that scene i guess like i mean i know midwest is not a rapper anymore he's more of a uh like a hyper pop type artist but i i still think i i would i follow him like on everything i can um quinn obviously uh os quinn like he pretty much surpasses all genre i follow him he's done like one of everything at this point in his life i will go blind here 10 bombs you know why it's 10 bombs for sure that's one way to put it i would have liked to have a tooth and nail there for more utility but i'm kind of like where we at either way where we at where we're at um but yeah there's a lot of artists that i i do tend to um sink more time into that do we miss a secret do we miss this um take more time into than others and not for any like specific reason like i i enjoy a lot of music genres equally like i i feel like i touched most bases of genre in terms of music um it could have been better and maybe it could still be great though stapler here could be nice hard empress card it's a one room stapler i guess kinda we'll play this guy a little bit we have a lot of bombs um i mean right now it's my favorite genre is still gonna be like punk or alternative rock i'm just i was raised on rock it's how i'm gonna die probably um but i've i've always like been into hyper pop and and um genres of that nature more so uh especially recently i'm going to see 100 geckos in concert in november which i'm really really really excited for i i could not be more excited to see see gekks in concert like i i get a lot of bombs out of nowhere i feel like come on payout buddy please uh we're getting bombs from the coins uh yo oh we actually got to pay out their last bomb stick stuff um we could go to our boss trap room but i don't really feel like it man this run could just go fast we don't need to worry about anything anymore this run is going to be like uh a very very very quick finish i'm guessing here we don't keep taking stupid hits like that uh yeah i'll take 4.5 volt that's a pretty good item to have for future items as well as crack the sky guy could pop them multiple times on one boss you can get some some some crazy damage out there i would fight mega satan to actually let's fight mega state in this run dude nothing is stopping us we're gonna be going to chester or dark room anyways most likely unless you really really really want to pivot and do something else um restore item or more bombs i'm just going to say more bombs and move out of my life another one of these guys huh but the other version i see you i see you that was close that was real close get him in there all right now you do that one of these you charge up oh this charge is a pretty it also charges itself back up interesting dude this is a great buy for us honestly get him oh my god we only got one part there you're joking literally joking missed there again you got this bomb up here though once i see my man i'm popping this bomb where is he come on up come on up there you are there you are and you're a goner as well gg and we got our angel deal of course it's it's guaranteed at this point beth's essence is down there as well of construction [Music] it's it's not even a oh i guess it was a tears up i guess um could we i i'm not excited about it we could find out something better for sure let's go to the mausoleum go to go down just just keep going down for more stuff you know yeah let's go mega state and honestly we have the drive for it if we do find sharp key i will go to mother i'll make that bet with you guys but i think mega seems to be more fun for having just this much dps oh the johanna my favorite floor everybody knows uh second only the ash pit my other favorite floor in the entire game oh hello big drops what the hell was that dude that was crazy ooh we're crazy we're crazy we're crazy big small whatever who cares dude i think we have literally zero chance of losing i mean i would for a little bit of in-depth uh bd1p facts here last night i was uh grinding out for the um ultra hard world record like the challenge and uh i fought mega satan all the way down to phase two with mom's knife with only one heart so i'm pretty confident on the fight and all the phases so i i could take him down with like a build worse than this all i had was was mom's knife and uh like base stats so it was not the easiest run but also it was not that because mom's knife is just crazy dps i mean that scaling is just absurd you can you like the world i could run for this game the last time i checked at least was just mom's knife and tarot deck um or a card link i mean the one that gives you teleport portals that was the world's record for a while just that and that was crazy it could also suck oh not anymore we're doing this guy for sure well give me a give me a give me it drop drop the boon for me baby drop that boon for me playing hades now nope that's not the boon that's not the boon you can do better than that you can do better than that come on come on come on come on there we go that's one syringe and a pretty sizable dps up you gotta go ghost pepper dude if we can get some kind of like luck bonus here imagine okay got his ass literally trolled him so hard there if we can get any kind of like luck bonus here we could have potentially like a a game you know destroying ron oh soul of polygon that's an instant pop in my book baby should we get our shop over here i'm hoping as i'm going over here before the shop or our actual boss fight i'm not sure which one's gonna be over here looks like boss fight now honestly yeah it's gonna be a boss fight isn't it okay be frosty here i'll shouldn't get out of there it's a pretty interesting room design there i like that it's it's not too hard it's not too difficult but it's uh just just as uh invigorating as you can see okay i don't care about him he's just gonna go to fight the boss get out of here that does so much it's already charged back up too jeez louise man hallowed ground would be okay but the problem is all right we have mom's eye so we won't be able to be able to stand inside of it that much i say go for it though still and make sure you bomb for your key piece here and also get your crack the sky yeah okay instant kill no issue no issue whatsoever um the more empty hearts we have the more damage i'm not gonna pick up any hearts i want to get pretty much like the rest i want to be i just want to have only spirit hearts and now i want to keep this words out because that will have a lot of damage dude a crazy amount of damage i'm i'm excited this runs going great there's having a little coroner down there this one's going pretty great another guy we haven't we've seen miles liam like once in a blue moon it's like such a common floor i feel like i know it was supposed to be like you know 50 50 right um this is this feels like it's like almost 80 20 for mausoleum gahanna chance we see kahana like literally everyone come down here which way i don't come down here anymore i'm just too scared of the gahanna it could literally wreck you that's big that's what i wanted dude kind of i mean the opposite really but like it also still benefits us quite a bit here i'm a fan of a fan go blind rain dude we got rainbow techno trisagon oh my lord uh you could instant kill mom with the bible you can't teleport back out as the issue just start buying this is your last shop right this is your last shop just start buying dude hanged man cart hilarious pill nemo temesis okay um and then you know what give back we lost some damage that's rough that's real rough get back to the people a little bit and a luck upgrade okay good good good good good for our ghost pepper here okay okay i i see you white boy i understand the meta this run is good that was a great charm effect right there we're gonna shred it we have one of the cool sucking synergies in the game thus far okay the bull both of the regular maze roamers are dead looks like the last ones all right bomb is for yours your uh spirit heart hopefully pick it up and you go you just you destroy you destroy yup she's dead oh we could do boss rush dude negatives more damage for you book of freaking virtue is 4.5 volt oh my god okay what do you want here i almost think it's not even worth it anymore man i mean marked could be fun i don't like marked no these are all items don't even worry about it dude don't even worry about you break us open metal i don't think so okay we're gonna continue to destroy this run out of its bootstraps right now my lord my lord alrighty boys well it's been fun so far i'm i wanna know you guys are doing though i asked a while ago i i gotta say i gotta say every episode that was the issue um i keep forgetting to do i want you guys to let me know like i want you guys to ask me questions for question of the day because i wanna have some stuff to build off of you know like i don't wanna just sit here and be like here's my question i want to just be like hey what do you guys want me to answer today that'd be kind of like that's my ideal thing right now if you guys have any questions for me you want to ask me that you're curious about you know youtube or just my personal life anything like that just ask away men i'm pretty much as open as it gets as for an open book i i have nothing to hide really i don't think so at least if i do i don't know about it so you know that was a big charge we're getting like we're essentially having our charge time for this plus on boss fights getting tons of wisps okay you're dead like instantly no chance how about you though how about you though uh any time though thank you so much thank you so much i appreciate that one this all right keep moving on you did lose uh smelting penny but who cares at this point like you don't need bombs you have 16. that'll be plenty for the rest of this run to carry you through oh i'm going to go in that vault room it's tempting me lord lord so help me but it's tempting oh there's pins in here i was like we're gonna walk out the door i was looking at my like my camera i don't know why we're still fine though we still have like literally you know 14 damage piercing shots with with whatever the hell uh um plato was is doing for us right now it's it's still a wild bat run if we get hit every once in a while oh my bad dude we have angel deals guaranteed doesn't really matter that much where is our i wonder where our secret room is we can get an r key maybe and do maggie satan plus somebody else in this run that would be a lot of fun that would be a lot of fun but you know we'll get there when we get there i guess you know what how does this work i mean it's really good it's a plus 13 damage for us don't go any lower than your hp is scary don't go any lower i i am scared for my own health right now there we go crush crush almost a crush we got a free charge back though we have four wisps of this on us out of like one room oh my god i don't even know what to say like we've had the past like few runs this is our pattern right really really powerful powerful runs scary-ass runs and characters really powerful again i mean judas is a scary character man if you had to play your early game like near perfect one champion one contact damage boss just ends your run you know you got to be having good luck and good play on your first few floors that sucks that's good though that's that's pretty good that's pretty good um it's a scary scary character man it's scary thoughts too because we could lose the streak off of a normal like you know like flash isaac character it's it's just terrifying but once you get the ball rolling though he's he's a great he's a great find on any run a great addition if you will a pleasure to have in class um to put it to put it even more lightly as every kid in high school was you're a pleasure to have in class you're a pleasure to have in class everyone said that i'm not trying to like you know toot my own horn but like every teacher i ever had was like he's a pleasure to have in class like i know i'm not special dude just like give give up the act come on i'm guessing i'm not gonna look for it anymore we've done too much work on this floor for that all right go on in oh the eyes are going down dude there's no chance look at that look at this damage and get the mamas oh she dodged the iframes dude crazy we got you i might go fight hush honestly is that star of bethlehem [Music] that doesn't go into the hush fight though does it ah it man we can we can well yeah we can do it i'm not going to be a coward about it i didn't bomb my angel statues oh man we're not going to mega city i'm not gonna we can go to lyrium maybe it doesn't go into the that's so lame that's like the dumbest thing ever i feel like uh definitely this over sorry uh fans they called me in high school that could be helpful for the first little bit of hush i guess um bot fly means you just won the hush fight that's just like the stupidest item to find down here oh big chess what the heck i don't even know over here dog i don't even see you bro okay okay i'm liking this run i'm liking this run play out please i need you this is all i need in my life i'm picking up i know i shouldn't be picking up any hearts but like i want to live the hush fight first and foremost any kind of reverse cards here but you actually get it still oh it's eden soul whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa we can get uh mega satan still as well as i don't want to give up crack the sky but you know eden's soul is just just just plainly better um for us here queen of hearts also great hierophant card great for the fight temperance we can do this um what i really wanted was a key because i think we're one charge away from that i feel like man that's currently how i oh we got a golden key let's go we're so lucky oh my god okay that's not going to pay out well actually actually oh you're paying out you're paying out uh you're giving me you're giving me i'm going to pay that money machine all the way full here we're we're buying the shop all the way out man all the way okay don't be two hastings might not have to pay but it might break when you have full hp that's not good for you um because then you'd be you know down a lot of damage for no reason what do you give me here i'm looking for an hp up honestly even though we're gonna lose our damage uh that might give us good wisps though if we can uh get an eden soul pop somehow on this floor before we leave it interesting interesting um i guess we could just roll it right all right mom's bracelet oh actually this is pretty good so we can we can uh find the uh the hush uh door here without using any of our bombs so far hey we get some wisps on the ground as well you know don't knock it we should do is do one of these and do one of these oh i found it okay i found it guys sorry it's over um this is a broken synergy right i don't know how to pull it off but you can like get like pretty much infinite shots with this right you can like throw it on the ground and then like pick it back up and then like i don't know i think if you have like a fully charged and then if you like recall and then throw it again no i thought how do you do that i know i think i was like matman who found this glitch um i don't know i don't like that bug though it's kind of like cheesy i feel like a little bit so we will go with um eden's soul obviously and i guess we're just going to go into the fight i mean we have everything we're going to need sadly there's no star bethlehem following us in here watch really does we're doing a lot of damage in the way but it really does suck that's that's a great item i would have loved to have cracked the sky for it but eden's soul's gonna be more fun in the long run i actually have a full key piece for mega state now so we could we can go fight our man in a little bit here oh it's charged up because we have 4.5 we're doing uh should i pop it in here should i yeah why not okay that that was like awful that was like terrible terrible terrible grab that hush grab him show him with boss dude i guess about you have sticky bombs as well as their mega so put some bombs in there pick up your items too who cares bring in a lot of wisps in this fight you can base off of um i don't know how does uh i don't know how um iv bag wisps work in this game i'm hoping that they're like you know permanent whispers i couldn't tell you we're doing so much damage dude oh my god poison mega bombs right as well as a sticky to that to hush that's pretty good that's pretty good oh another wisp as well we're invincible we're literally invincible any kind of one charge item that we can use four point five volt is gonna be crazy pick it up get a troll bomb in there maybe yo megatron on hush got his ass literally oh golden bombs too hello okay okay there's a lot of things coming at me now i'm terrified easy win though for free delirium i'm not gonna fight he is a little bs he almost ended our streak last time even though he had like pretty much full health he just came in with a tele frag and it was not a fun time so i'm gonna go to mega site and only he's a more fair and fun final boss i feel like so we'll go there that'll be more beneficial for our run anyways it's better clickbait i feel like too it's illegal i was like you know the boss everyone goes super click bait i'd rather be more unique about it watch this watch this call oh you're so close right there uh kill him please thank god all right he's dead gg's in that fight that was easy dude flush pose is no challenge to me okay let's see how these wisps work oh we re-rolled that right never mind we rerolled that item because we're idiots well we're kind of out of cool active items now what did we leave down here mom's bracelet i mean decap attacks is going to give us i guess better wisps for a while if we can figure out like the the bug with it i'll use it on mega state and i guess just to show it off and be funny about it but i'm not too interested in it to be honest with you i'm not super super interested in it to be to be completely honest and forthcoming and so forth uh empress we don't really need chariot currently need we can do this and we'll go on yeah just leave this sleeve i mean you know you know take this why not man it does give you a wisp every two rooms let's go down for the negative right yep we'll fight satan we'll fight lamb mega satan and then that'll be it man that'll be that'll be our run right there oh we're going the wrong way already good calls good calls so far that actually got me though okay you know you're better than i thought you were definitely better than i thought you were mr mr tainted uh fatty over there i kind of like that enemy he's he's a bit challenging but i think he has a cool payoff to him oh we're almost out of keys as well that's kind of rough now they got some keys back here getting a lot stop picking up healthy you don't really need it anymore i'm gonna give a lot away to devil items on the dark room but i mean until that comes don't worry about the hard containers too much you should excuse me no hit this floor as it comes these are going to be important wait i don't know i don't even want to fight lamb it's gonna be too easy we just go to mega satan right away speed up the process get it all done the run is fun but we can do better pick that up oh it just oh it's got a 50 50 chance to destroy the wisp that's funny that that's thematically fitting i enjoy that quick they quirk a lot there's a key in there i heard it help should be good yeah we're fine yeah yeah yeah and we did not get a wisp there weird i don't trust this item man i i usually use it when i'm playing as the lost yeah but aside from that i don't trust it too much that should be good oh poison still a little early on these now i used to be so good man i'm way too early on them now that was the issue i'll get better as time goes on again oh the fire is blocking all of our tears for us man we're getting no wisps out of it either i guess it's only when you reroll an item maybe that's weird that's weird although i understand it makes sense for the item but i'd still prefer to have more consistent wisps nice dodge there dumbass you're dead though higher than carted up head on down buy some devil items and then go fight mega state and you're going to win the run if you have hollow ground you can't lose literally cannot lose also a bot fly as well money equals power is great too spooky's all right boom do this we'll buy it why not we have a lot of bombs for brim bombs to work for us uh yeah let's go in go in this should be the easiest fight of your life you've been fighting mega satan on it this should not be a challenge whatsoever we got a lot of bombs to use as well and they're piercing too yeah we're we're destroying we're actually destroying right now i'm going to use my book when we have if we get there i will fight the lyrium now this run is is cracked we could lose the run to it but you know it's it's still i think it's worth it for the streak man for glory for glory just get your wisps out there you cannot pop it multiple times in this fight i believe they're death cards as well um oh here's the wave here are the waves there you go but but like if six charge items are not bad for wisps especially what it's gonna get with orbitals as well 4.5 was going to crush this fight too for giving us you know even more of them i'm a happy camper this runs great though if it ends here i hope you guys enjoyed it if you did remember to like and subscribe now because a lot of you guys aren't subbed already and it kind of kind of hurts my soul a little bit but i'm sure we'll get you guys in there eventually but if you're coming back every single day to watch these runs might as well just sub right you give me the numbers you know we're close to 15k i did say if we have 15k before october i will get our key tattooed on my literal body so i'm going to make an r key on my body you know give me that that dangle sub number there it would definitely help that that calls out quite a bit but if you don't want to no pressure obviously but also all my socials are down below twitch twitter and discord i am live every monday wednesday and friday from 12 p.m to 4 p.m central time uh stop on bye give me give me a shout hey i'm here from the random streak i'm like hey what's up guy when you guys come from the streaks it means a lot i'm like oh they're actually reaching a lot of people now that's great great to hear he should be dead like two seconds for a second phase here yeah there we go i'm gonna bomb the ever living out of this next phase he's not gonna win he's not gonna live he's gonna blink a freaking eye at this point dude watch this watch these one right there one right there we covered all bases pretty much get your guys up there get your boys in there you should be dead like in two seconds here uh you're still not even cracked really i'm cracked at fortnight though look at that much a lot of boys are up there as well my bony boys that is no hit so far dodging like a pro down here there we go now you're starting to crack buddy now you're starting to crack no hit we dodge all these oh we got hit once you piece of okay okay okay i always say if i see the portal i'll go into it that's what i always say on the streak so please no portal yes there we go anyways guys thank you for watching see you guys tomorrow peace out and goodbye what's my hockey face oh it's just stop recording here we go see ya peace out
Channel: bd1p
Views: 4,490
Rating: 4.9196787 out of 5
Keywords: tboi, the binding of isaac, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, eden streak, eden, win, winstreak, random, random character, isaac, tainted, trisagion, play dough, angel rooms, mega satan, lamb, dark room, colorful
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 38sec (2258 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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