The Binding of Isaac Iceberg Explained

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over the past few months on YouTube a specific trend of videos has dominated my front page the iceberg image videos if you're unfamiliar with the trend the iceberg videos focus in on one particular topic and discuss different trivia about that topic the lower you go on the iceberg the more obscure and creepy the entries get in this case we will be talking about one of the most successful indie games of all time The Binding of Isaac most of you probably already understand how this kind of video works so I won't delay much longer however there are a few things that I want to clarify about this specific video the first being that I did not make this Iceberg this is just my explanation and dissection of it the original image was created by user I like memes on Reddit and I'll have a link to their post down below the second fact being that some of these theories and entries on this list are so big that they weren't whole videos in themselves but one item in particular I'm gonna gloss over it involves an active member of the community and I in no way wanna spread misinformation or Express ill intent towards them without further Ado let's get into it okay before we head into the first tier of the iceberg let's set some guidelines there are some entries on this list that I'm not 100 sure about so I'll be using this heart meter right here to determine my confidence in my explanation if the meter is full I have full confidence in my description if the meter is empty I am completely unsure of what I'm talking about if there is something that I get wrong or just find out don't know please let me know in the comments and I'll make an update video as soon as I can the next guideline we can set is that when referring to Isaac in this video always make the assumption that it is about the most recent iteration of the game unless I State otherwise if the entry talks about Flash Isaac I'll clarify that and same for past versions of rebirth as well once again big thanks to user I like memes on Reddit for making this Iceberg image and if you enjoyed the video it would mean a lot if you like it it took a lot of time to make I am error the IM error entry refers to a set of rooms in the game that you can find through certain teleporting items the room consists of a glitchy floor a custom shopkeeper and a way to take you to the next part of the game whether it's by trapdoor or beams of light the rewards found in this room can be crazy good from just a few Pennies on the ground to several Eternal chests containing Angel room items however if you are unlucky you can encounter bosses in this room such as ragman and other unpleasantries some of the items I can bring you here are telepills undefined both teleporter items and using blank card with double active card in your held slot four souls four souls is the card game based on The Binding of Isaac released back in 2018 it involves players working together to beat bosses and the first player to collect four souls wins I don't know a ton about it but everyone has played it has loved it so I would definitely check it out if you enjoy strategy card games The Legend of Zelda it's no surprise that Isaac takes autonomous inspiration from The Legend of Zelda series tons of references are scattered throughout the game such as the bombs keys and coin system from Isaac heavily mirrors the bombs keys and rupee system from Zelda in Flash Isaac tears are labeled as arrows on the HUD and the HUD itself looks straight out of Zelda in its layout the shopkeeper's position with two fires adjacent to them is seen in the original Zelda as well and the item posed a lifting an item above your head is very Zelda crawl spaces secret rooms and some items are Zelda such as candles Boomerang map compass ladder golden key and stopwatch some bosses such as pin chub haunt and Larry Jr are heavily inspired by lenmola the Dongo Guinea and moldorm respectively the chub dislike smoke message is taken from Zelda's to Dongo dislike smoke mom's hands are very clearly wall Masters and function like so and the Japanese Isaac release was titled the legend of Isaac rebirths the lost on that procedure meant to be an alternate reality game or ARG the loss included in a rebirth was sort of spoiled data miners found out the specifications for unlocking this character just 109 hours after the game's release unlike an afterbirth which has you dying to a self-sacrifice room while holding the missing poster rebirth had you do a multitude of different steps first Isaac Must Die to a Mullen boom in the basement or Cellar Maggie must then die to her own bomb in the caves or catacombs Judas Must Die to any mom attack in the depths or an acropolis and finally Azazel must tie to any Satan attack and Shoal this all has to be done consecutively trailers every time the Isaac games have gotten a new update of sorts it comes with the release trailer these trailers are known for being pretty unsettling most known will be the rebirth trailer which I'll leave a link to down below newground demo previous to the release of flash Isaac a demo of the game was posted on the you can only play two floors in the game that being basement one and caves one not much else can be said about it it's just limited Isaac other Edmund games references to other games that Edmund has worked on can be found in the game most notably Meat Boy having a variety of themed items Gish having its own boss and arcade poster and Bumbo the item getting its own separate game Isaac had also be found as an NPC in the end as Nai and when talked to says mother is coming dad this refers to Isaac's dad who is strangely very absent from the series barring Silhouettes and items such as dad's key or lost coin however after the legend of Bumbo we find out Isaac's dad is actually the narrator in the beginning of Isaac and that he chose to leave Isaac to some degree he either suffered from a gambling addiction or alcoholism and Dad's lost coin could be a reference to a sobriety token or a manifestation of his greed I'll link it right a thread below that discusses the many possible theories by Isaac Stanton and the Bumble connection meconium's secret room literally a useless secret room it doesn't affect drops it doesn't spawn anything and it's just literally a piece of poop surrounded by spikes in the middle of a room I don't get it memes in game refers to items like shoop the whoop and are you a wizard pills which refer to internet memes that albeitated were extremely popular around the game's release Easter egg seeds when entering in a seed for a run there are various special phrases that can change the way the game is played there are way too many to list off in one video so I'll have a link to the Isaac Wiki below where you can try them out for yourselves my personal favorite is the basement seed which lets the basement floors in the game be repeated infinitely Platinum God Platinum God is the most popular Isaac cheat sheet with item descriptions Synergy testers mechanic explanations and much more it's very helpful and I'll have a link to it down below as well all bosses are Isaac an old theory on a steam Forum post where a user says they saw the Sprite of Isaac inside many bosses making the claim that all bosses are some Twisted version of Isaac this was partially confirmed by Edmund who said he intended for most enemies to just be twisted versions of Isaac it could also be in reference to the fact that it lives as a fetus version of Isaac the cathedral boss is literally named Isaac and blue baby is confirmed to be the Dead version of Isaac hush is said to be a version of Blue Baby reaching back from the Beyond meaning hush is also Isaac as well as delirium being a Delirious state of all of these bosses combined meaning that in some sense if eligion can also become other bosses along with Isaac then every boss really is a form of Isaac thank you Edith an unfinished character in the anti-birth expansion who can only move by teleporting the author said she may be finished in a future update which made some believe she may have a return in Repentance this was eventually debunked by Edmund who said the character will not return but a nod to her will be included in the final game abortion birth a very buggy and trolley mod that has a very divisive hold in the community with some thinking it is the worst thing ever made to some people finding it a ton of fun it adds tons of new items bosses and other add-ons that may or may not make you want to die Genesis Plus another Community made mod but with a bit of a more odd history it started out as a project originally called The Binding of Jesus holy birth plus then just became holy birth Plus we'll be diving deeper in on this one in a later entry so hold on The Mod is now called Genesis plus as the entry States Max Max is a dog that Edmond wanted as a child but never got the max items in Flash Isaac were replaced by the cricket items in rebirth and Beyond but the lunch item still reads Max gender dysphoria this is probably in reference to the fact that every character is in variation of Isaac even the female ones and also in reference to items like Mom's wig or the mom transformation in general which depicts Isaac in traditional female clothing head inside the gate like I talked about previously two white eyes can be seen from inside the gate's mouth when fighting it and upon death a small Isaac's head can be seen peeking out furthering me every boss's is Isaac Theory blank cardiera the most common way to break the game the Euro Rune doubles every drop in a room and playing card lets you use your card slot without exhausting it every four rooms so if you double a room with a battery charge in it you can infinitely double any other drop in the game original booster pack mods the features and items included in the booster packs for afterbirth plus mainly consist of popular and crisp community-made mods that were solely introduced into the game the original booster pack mods refer to the place where the end game ideas came from telefragging a type of death that's name was coined in the early TF2 days where if you were too close to a teleporter when someone came through you would both die due to occupying the same space in Isaac it refers to a multitude of bosses and enemies that can wind up just teleporting on or near you and causing you to take unfair and infuriating damage p-e-n-i-s p-e-n-i-s is the name of the development team behind anti-birth and a large portion of repentance which stands for people's entertainment networking interactive software good naming convention keeper ARG the keeper ARG was an alternate reality game filled with the unlock of the keeper character it involved a broken Green Machine phone voice messages and real-life missing posters it's a bit of a long story so if you're interested they'll be linked down below to an explanation Revelations a huge mod developed and somewhat inspired by anti-birth with the lead anti-birth team contributing to the development of this mod it currently has two all paths to take that add super Unique Mechanics of interacting with the game Eternal addition a free update to the original Binding of Isaac that added a new hard mode that created some controversy due to it being kind of unfair it gave every boss an eternal variation along with a bit of new items bug fixes and other minor changes prequel what I'm guessing this refers to is the fact that Legend of Bumbo is a prequel to The Binding of Isaac if that's the case I don't know why it's this far down on the iceberg Edmonds cats The Guppy items found in game are based on a cat that Edmund had in real life named guppy sadly guppy is passed and they now have another cat named moxie unused fatty there is an unused Mega fatty model seen in the game files that almost resembles a Stony variant my guess is that it was going to be used for the flooded caves [Music] Unholy Edition a special UK release of the original Isaac that includes a free DRM of the game Steam release key fan poster and an art book detailing sketches and concepts for the original game there was a second release of this titled the most Unholy Edition that released in 2012 that contains all was listed previously as well as a DLC content for Wrath of the Lamb Broski the lead Dev of The Binding of Jesus holy birth slash holy birth plus slash Genesis plus who was Infamous for begging YouTubers to play his mod asking other modders for their code and just having a full-on breakdown because nobody was playing his mod I really don't want to talk about this one too much since I don't know the guy personally and there might have been more going on than I could find detailed online fiend folio ARG in ARG for the Isaac mod fiendfolio it involves a strange entity called the mother orb which acts very strange when bombed or interacted with it is a very rare spawn in an I am error room and can crash your game kill the player respond a very sketchy silhouette simply named freezer which also just crashes the game as of March 15 2021 the resolution has been found Elder futhark alphabet system Elder futhark was the guy who created the runic alphabet system we see used in the game such as perthro or brucano leather ice creams animations a decently popular YouTuber slash animator by the name of leather ice cream who has made tons of The Binding of Isaac Animations My Favorite probably being the life of greed the most popular video was titled the Isaac of Isaac re-isaac and is just under 700 000 views r slash [ __ ] bloat a subreddit dedicated to the controversial boss of load and a place for people just to hate on it personally I think that Ultra greed and The Matriarch are worse but still a [ __ ] bloat Little Squid I'm gonna be honest I have no clue this could refer to outside of game squid which is a trinket found only in the Eternal edition of Isaac that would occasionally shoot out a slowing tear maybe it's on here because it never made it back into the game either way games could is still pretty cute realismada refers to a plethora of mods that add really unsettling gross and creepy realistic Graphics to the game I also found a video by the aforementioned Broski showcasing a more realistic type of art to rebirth but not nearly as creepy as the art by Christopher dando Isaac's irritable bowel syndrome refers to this tweet where when asked by there is so much poop everywhere in the basement Edmund says Isaac has IBS or irritable bowel syndrome swastika room refers to ruin the depths or dank depths floor of the game that sort of resembles a swastika well I don't think it was intentional it's still kind of a big oversight Bumbo was Isaac's father I couldn't find much on this outside of Isaac's dad telling Isaac bumble's world will continue to grow and grow and will always be there for Isaac which could be taken as his father always being there after he lost custody but other than that I really have no idea what this can refer to sloth is Isaac's uncle is confirmed by Edmund to be Isaac's dad's brother making him Isaac's Uncle it could also be a play on the phrase Bob's your uncle since all the Bob items in game refer back to sloth Magdalene omura the name of Isaac's mom as seen on the divorce papers card in four souls fun fact the initials of the name spell out mom this confirms that the character Maggie's Isaac dressing up as his mom which was also confirmed by Edmund on Twitter newground's boss health bar in the new ground's version of Isaac the icon next to the Boss Bar was a popular new ground's emote angry face rather than it being a skull like it is in other versions of the game globe and protein the global enemy seen in Isaac shares a name with the globe and protein that is used to bind and transport oxygen if you want to get more technical it binds blood to the bloodstream and the Globes kind of look like blood clots the name also is close to the word Goblin so it could be a clever combination of the words Goblin and hemoglobin the lamb is Jesus the lamb is the name most Christians know Jesus by inferring that the lamb might actually be Jesus although I disagree with this theory in the original story of Isaac God asks Abraham to sacrifice to lamb in place of his son Isaac I see the lamb as a misplacement of Isaac's suffering make him feel a little less pain by passing it back to the lamb side to generated repentance it could refer to the way the floors are going to generate in the new update with the all paths and such but I found nothing on this one I have no idea what this is referring to glitched vanilla Isaac rooms refers to the many many glitches that can happen in vanilla rebirth rooms from as simple as small graphical errors to finding rocks inside of walls snail Sprite this could refer to snail baby and its Sprite or it could have heard of his snail looking texture I find on the floor overlays The Binding of octarak refers to concept art that Edmund posted on Twitter explaining that early on Isaac was intended to be an actuarach from The Legend of Zelda series and honestly it makes sense when you look at the Core Shooting mechanic of Isaac and the way the actorox behave in the original Zelda game chain dudes the original name of the swinger enemy in the game's concept art but instead of being attached to a globin it is instead attached to a Pacer enemy abortion refer to the theory that this whole series of events was due to Isaac being a failed abortion drawing evidence from the fact that it lived as Isaac's fetus the wire coat hanger which is ties to unsafe abortion methods is unlocked when you beat the womb four times and it possibly being the reason why Isaac's dad leapt because he didn't want to raise a child Kirby reference the Isaac enemy Camillo Jr is named after and styled after Krakow Jr from the Kirby series both being clouds with eyes that shoot laser beams and lightning bolts respectively The Binding of Isaac is church approved this could refer to a multitude of articles that I found that analyzed the game in a Christian Viewpoint from a Christian which is odd to see knowing the game's mocking tone and referring to religion at all links to all interviews and articles that I found will be below Adult Swim games refers to the fact that Isaac was almost sponsored by Adult Swim games but Edmund turned them down he said he didn't need the money since he only spent three months on flash Isaac pumpkin helmet pumpkin helmet is the original version of krampus's head that never made it into flash Isaac but eventually became krampus's head in rebirth and Beyond blober blober is the former name for the Cod head enemy that's all I could find on this one Exodus 33 20. no sinful man can see God's face and live and he said unto Moses thou can't not see my face at this time lest mine anger be kindled against thee also and I destroy thee and thy people for there shall no man among them see me at this time and live for they are exceedingly sinful both Gabriel and Uriel the angel enemies are faceless in game as well as all the angel statues which tie back to the theme of no man can see God's face and live Devin and Payne a new grounds user and it's about all that I could find weirdly enough even when searching up his exact username you can't find anything if they go through someone's followers until you find his page and the only tie from him to Isaac is the review he left years ago that says a demo of the game reminds him of Smash TV on the NES basement negative one basement negative one is an unused floor from the Isaac mod anti-birth The Binding of Christmas a Christmas soundtrack released by ridiculin the guys behind the rebirth after birth and after birth plus soundtrack weird virus porn I'm not showing this in a video if you want to figure out what it is you can look it up yourself I'm not doing this and with that we're done with the iceberg um I wanted to thank everyone for sticking around towards the end of the video um it was a long time coming it was my first time ever doing video editing so it took quite a while to make so again thank you for you know watching it and um supposedly hitting like and subscribing actually only uh zero percent of you are subscribed right now we gotta we gotta fix that you know but um I will be making some more content on Isaac when I'm definitely on repentance traps I'm I'm really stoked for that and this is more of like an an off the books outro but you know if you do enjoy this kind of content from me I'd love to make more you know hyper edited videos like this maybe on the Lost ARG or the keeper ARG and stuff like that but yeah if you do enjoy what I what I have here um stick around if you get bored of your Northern lions and use Invictus and the when repentance comes out you can always come to this channel there'll be plenty of content here and on my twitch which will be linked below I'm live every weekday and some weekends and probably every day when repentance comes out but yeah I just wanted to say thanks guys for uh watching it and you know have a good rest of your day or night or morning or whatever it is but yeah take care thank you
Channel: bdLP
Views: 256,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iceberg explained, tier list, tboi, the binding of isaac, iceberg, the binding of isaac iceberg explained, the binding of isaac repentance, lore, trivia, bd1p
Id: W5vi1jqVlnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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