BOI How To Unlock the Forgotten

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hello you beautiful person you I am judo cruise and today I'm gonna show you how to unlock the forgotten in binding of issac afterbirth plus the forgotten is a pretty gnarly secret character that you can unlock that looks a lot like the bony enemy The Forgotten does not shoot ears like everyone else he's actually a melee character he has a giant bone club that he can swing it nearby enemies or you can charge up the bone club and throw it at enemies he does an insane amount of damage he does triple his damage when swinging the club and 1.5 times damage when throwing the club that's a lot of damage on top of that you can press the swap button to make a blue ghost called the soul pop out of the Forgotten and you can start playing as him the soul is connected to the Forgotten by a chain he has flight and he shoots spectral tears while you're playing is the soul The Forgotten just stands there The Forgotten will not take damage while you're playing is the soul and he'll actually block incoming shots effectively turning the Forgotten into a little shield that you can hide behind stuff you need to do before you unlock the forgotten there's a couple of things you have to do before you can unlock the forgotten first you need to defeat Satan five times and unlock the negative you must also defeat the lamb at least once for more information about this check out my previous video on how to unlock the lost it goes into great detail about unlocking the negative and all that how to unlock the Forgotten start a new run using any character but I recommend as asel you can play on normal or hard difficulty it does not matter but you may as well play on normal unless there's some kind of insane maniac and want to make it even harder then beat the boss on the first level in under one minute this is exactly why I recommend as asel it can be pretty hard getting to and beating the first level boss in under a minute with anyone other than Azazel in this footage I actually had time to go to the treasure room and still beat Larry jr. in under a minute with Azazel Isaac could not beat Larry jr. in under a minute even going straight to the boss so this really shows the difference between playing as Azazel and playing as other characters now if you beat the boss in under a minute after the fight you will hear mom yell and you'll hear the sound of footsteps running now you need to go back to the first room you started in there should be a weird shadow on the floor in the starting room place a bomb anywhere in the starting room and the broken shovel will fall down from the ceiling pick this up now what does the broken shovel do is really really awesome what it does is it makes mom's feet stop you constantly now notice I did not say foot its feet plural multiple feet stopping you while you're playing so get ready to have multiple feet trying to crush you while you play this run you can use the broken shovel item to stop mom's feet from stopping you but it only lasts for the current room or the current wave if you're in the boss rush you must keep the broken shovel absolutely do not exchange it for another active item if you leave the broken shovel on the ground leave the room and then try to come back for it later you'll find that it has disappeared bummer so after you pick up the broken shovel keep playing through the game until you get to the mom fight you actually get a bit of a break here as you only have to deal with the normal single mom foot crushing you beat mom and after the fight the negative spawns and the boss rush entrance will appear grab the negative and enter the boss thrusts beat all the bosses at the end of the fight you will receive the second half of the broken shovel you will now hold the full mom shovel item when you're holding the completed mom's shovel item mom's feet will finally stop stepping on you exit the boss rush room and make sure you have grabbed the negative then head down into the womb finish the womb beat it lives go down the stairs to she'll beat Satan and jump in the chest to go to the dark room once you're in the dark room go through the level and look for an empty room with a patch of dirt in the middle this is the grave room go stand in the center of the room on top of the square dirt patch and used the mom's shovel item this will unlock the Forgotten other info and tips mom's stopping attacks are treated like explosions so things like host hat and pyromaniac make this process an absolute joke because mom's feet will not be able to hurt you you cannot use seeds to unlock the Forgotten so don't bother while holding the broken shovel try to keep moving if you constantly move around it's less likely that mom's feet will crush you you can actually use mom's feet to your advantage if you need a tinted rock or something else smashed just stand right next to it until you see the shadow of mom's foot appear then just get out of the way really quickly and voila mom's busted it open for you hey thanks mom mom can also crush enemies this way and even open secret areas during the boss rush you can use the broken shovel to stop mom's feet from crushing you but it only lasts for the current wave when the next wave starts so does the crushing of the feet so save the broken shovel for the bosses you have the most trouble with I'm looking at you gloat once you beat the boss rush and pick up the completed mom's shovel you can use this item to skip to the next level just like though we need to go deeper item you cannot unlock the forgotten in a victory lap free devil deals you can actually sort of cheese free devil deals using the soul just press the swap button to control the soul and pick up a devil deal if the devil deal would kill the soul just press the swap button again to swap back to controlling the Forgotten before the soul dies and you can keep playing then just pick up another soul heart or black heart and the soul will come back to life item pick up swinging The Forgotten Club will pick up items and you can even swing through an object to pick up unreachable items with the club and that ladies and gentlemen is it that is everything that you need to know in order to unlock the Forgotten if you have any questions or comments please leave them below I always enjoy hearing from you guys hit the like button if this video helps you and no matter what make sure to stay radical my friends peace
Channel: Judo Cruise Gaming
Views: 18,542
Rating: 4.9074378 out of 5
Keywords: boi how to unlock the forgotten, binding of isaac afterbirth plus, binding of isaac the forgotten, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, how to unlock the forgotten, the forgotten, binding of isaac, afterbirth plus, unlock the forgotten, afterbirth forgotten, binding of isaac the forgotten unlock, how to unlock the forgotten the binding of isaac, the binding of isaac, how to unlock the forgotten binding of isaac ps4, binding of isaac the forgotten tips, isaac new character
Id: Rw5j45qWYRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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