3 SHOTTING THE FINAL BOSS?! - The Binding Of Random Streaks #64

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welcome back everyone to the bd 1p random streak today is going to be tainted characters for this episode i'm a little uh mike excuse me a little nervous for it because i don't think we're going to get one of the the harder boys this time but we can power through i i believe i believe in us but question of the day is going to be what is your favorite scented candle put your answer in the comments down below for me probably like anything apple based honestly i i'm i really like fall like the season autumn okay seed is going to be y3kz08eq when i said harder character i did not picture the most fun character showing up but he still is very difficult anyways though huh what it's going to give me buttfly sitting on the ground in a random ass room you can't make this up you just can't make this up uh anyways back to my other tangent um i'm a huge fan of the season autumn or fall i like the fall scent i grew up in the midwest where fall was always a very short you know brief but wow wow okay uh i would say beautiful time uh there uh the leaves are always a pretty color i live next to a lake so having that you know okay that that lakeside like leaves in the water kind of look and things like that really just made the season feel that much more beautiful uh so when it comes to like candles and my mom would always go to the store and she'd buy like apple scented you know apple spice pumpkin stuff like for our house and it's always been like a very close memory or very close like feeling is just uh that smell during fall and you know with a you know a bonfire going stuff like that just very very like close to my heart my memories i guess and it still prevails this day where if i smell like pine or or an apple like through a candle it's like that that's fall to me that is his fault all right you know just buy a bonfire right away literally one of the best defensive items in this game going to be better than bot fly next patch i guarantee or better than excuse me uh what's it called sci-fly next uh patch uh well um well bob flies better than key bum so i'm glad we got this guy first because i would not have wanted to pay 15 cents for oh please keep them we got to be a little little cautious though speaking of cautious um there isn't a a very powerful synergy here sitting in this room there is a very powerful synergy sitting in this room and you know honestly i think we may you know have to go for it because that's going to shred pretty much every boss oh i don't mean to bomb that my bad oh not i want to buy that card either well okay we have a death card now that's going to pretty much shred every boss for the rest of the game for us and i i'm very okay with that i'm very very okay with that so let's go by mr mega and see where this run takes us here so having this synergy and if we can find like an emperor card somewhere um we can just go to dark room and end the run and be super super safe about it because this character is a dangerous one man he is not easy he may have you know extremely strong items and things like that but he doesn't have the defense to back it up and with a builder like epic fetus mr mega you're not really going to have that defense you know essentially ever i would say it's very scary it's very scary and i'm not really playing that safe to be honest with you i'm playing pretty pretty reckless right now i gotta tone it back i gotta tone it back thank you for the money i appreciate it i'm going for full clearance for literally any benefit we can provide ourselves here because we're going to need again every benefit we can get for ourselves on this run i don't see us really uh well with this kind of build like the the bad tier rate takes a takes a bit of a dip on you the uh just just being able to hurt yourself when the enemies are the ones who give you health it's a very very tricky situation i'm just really hoping we can uh make it work but i i honestly honestly we're going to be fine i think we're going to be fine kill the spider kill you okay i had no t right to shoot him yet there we go kill thank you all right bomb the pots as well burning basement speaking this is why you bomb pots a dime and swallowed penny all right this is why you this is why you do your full clears here because every single scent you grab matters i would not mind buying a potential a school bag in the shop for us reason being is that setting us up for a great run school bag is one of the items that you don't really know you want it until you have like two activities you want to take down with you it's planning for the future it's definitely planning for the future get this pot right here okay a lot of money go for your um secret room potentially right here also more pipes you can break for the quarter in here you never know it could happen to anybody including me yeah we have a an interesting schedule for today's videos i have uh my first isaac like mod playthrough coming out i'm planning to do uh one of my friends on youtube the turtlemelon uh he's in my my recommended page on my channel check him out it's a very good youtuber is making a secret room mod for it basically makes like a secret more interesting again because it's next to our item room go bridging over to the cursed room or the big room weird secret room spawn here interesting stuff do not buy that there's no need not it's not right here is it there's no way wow that is the strangest room i've ever seen in my entire life all right well hey a speed upgrade not bad dude not bad and magic march right here watch i said watch you gotta have those calls sometimes man you gotta have those calls what do you got for me though range down uh actually very bad he's making a uh like advanced secret room mod for the game that adds a bunch of unique layouts that are also still like they're not op they're they're base game balanced you know like you said to me that you know the um the ones that give you items are the same rarity as ones that give you items and vanilla game it's a 15 chance to get an item out of a secret room oh is that worth 15 cents i don't think it's gonna be that useful for us to be honest with you so we can just blow up we can blow up any rock we want with this build i don't think we need to spend money on how to jump now maybe it is the right choice for you know iframes and dodging and stuff like that but the problem with that item is when i want to use it for dodging i get in my own head about it i use it for dodging and i just end up getting hit because i'm trying to you know dodge a separate enemy it's very very uh not the greatest so we'll just take our regular stuff and go on down here yeah if i take if i'm using how to jump to dodge right i'm focusing more on dodging with that than just dodging by walking around and i get hit more that way so i don't really want to rely on it too much i think we're fine without it either way curse the blind scary because this is our devil deal floor although it only costs money so we should be fine with that but would i not want to get in the deal uh i don't know we even want to go to the deal in the first place i think you know what because cursive blind buy that though two syringes already hell yeah because this curse is a blind there's really no point to walking in we should just go for angel deals then yeah probably the better choice nothing there because i don't want to walk in you know maybe like a 30 cent item and it's like some random we don't even need another save my money for a guaranteed oh not good not good not good not good not good okay thank you uh mr mega mr boom for the assist right there much appreciated okay tier rate again is killing us right now we're gonna get some pretty close calls in this round we don't get our you know tiered up quite a bit here so i think you just go for i mean they're both blind let's go right let's go right let's go right they're both blind so who cares hey probably one of the the worst ones we could have gotten there honestly not my favorite item in the game pretty useless actually gapers okay get them all get them all in one bunch get three at once potentially almost four there damn you need to get money though as a thing too stop stop missing your money you do have like a decent economy i wish i had a jump now don't i for one extra cent huh any good pills in here great okay yo it's a tears upgrade let's go dude my very very minor but it works wow how did we not get hit there what the was that we we definitely should have been hit there i think we got really lucky for no reason okay do your last room for the ultra secret room to spawn over there and then go fight your boss go fight your boss i am still terrified minded this does not ease my troubles at all can i have far money with you i cannot all right that makes sense i guess that makes sense there's some money in there beautiful so bad fly hasn't done a lot for us yet but i'm guessing in the future like you know fights of this run oh that could have been good if we knew it was here beforehand um like you know if we go to the lamb or if we go to mother stuff like that it's going to be paying out dividends like insane amounts of stuff wow that was oh yeah i get all that money in there i took some hits but it was definitely worth it for an extra we got extra like four cents out of that beautiful okay buy this it's hp who cares and just move on don't even walk in there go angel because angel won't be blind at least you know it helps out that way it helps out that way i'm also at this point praying for a sacrifice room and or an emperor card um i would i'm probably gonna sacrifice immediately anyways here there's no reason oh there's no reason to not sacrifice right now but truly is not hold on hold on hold on how am i gonna kill you huh wow okay i got him at least i killed him don't worry about that small rock for damage and tears this flies just flies it's okay i think maybe sure death carded that room back there but i'm a little bit of an idiot so i didn't we got pretty close to death that was not fun and this character is very scary dude very very scary uh could be a thing right here could be a thing no no no i'm not going to go mirror even though we are always two hits either way true um it's not really in my my wheelhouse right now i kind of want to just make sure we're living you know and because our bombs can do damage to us as well it just it makes it too suicidal in my opinion i don't want to risk the run like that even though it already is a pretty big risk just doing anything right now it looks like beautiful bomb in there nope nope nope watch out okay your money is going great your money is his high capricorn is a is it a tears or no i always forget if capricorn's tears or not i think it might be magic mushroom is not it is tears pretty sizable too yeah that's a huge improvement okay we're back in the swing of things baby jake room archie did not happen i don't even know if i'd argue on one of these runs here because we're always going to be no matter what our run becomes that let's get like mother's kiss something like that two h from death in any in any way word of the world that is terrifying that is terrifying to me hey just keep your cool man just keep your cool get him in there okay one guy left honestly at this point don't go for don't prioritize money prioritize just living because you have enough money to make anything you want in this run worth it bull card gambling uh addiction does not or a 24 7 gambling port it's not bad either i don't think deadeye actually works with uh after dr fetus i'm not even gonna worry about that it is half price wouldn't be bad to have just to have in case it does work but our damage like is a hundred percent fine for right now nice all right you know what man just go fight nothing's stopping you oh we're gonna crush this fool get in get in get in yeah swallow it yeah yeah yeah and you're gone free uh yeah tears up right here right dude insane we have almost one tier rate again oh is there a tinted rock in here maybe none sadly not okay just go down just go down i guess maybe look no there's no point well maybe a sacrifice room on this floor could help us out quite a bit here i'm interested to find out if it will or not because this run could use a lot of assistance we are very very uh i wouldn't say we're not we're definitely not down on our lock but we uh could use a little bit of pick me up right now that's nice we save one more we can get an hp upgrade if we somehow lose hp on this run i don't know how you can lose hp as his character but i'll find a way trust me i'll find a way ah not what i wanted to see damn oh uh oh this is not a good place to be oh thank god i'm not very i have a headache right now sorry i'm not like very emotive but i just really okay careful here bomb flies okay get out of there get out of there get out of there pick up the money in here beautiful follow penny coming and clutch again all right you leave your main goal here is a sacrificer because right now you get the power to beat like literally any boss in the dark include including lamb himself you can kill with this build pretty easily and swallow penny is amazing so your literal main goal here is a sacrifice room and like an emperor card or even as any kind of like teleporting item to get us out of bed of rooms i would be ecstatic for insanely so and you're all gone kid get some more money 24 cents not bad to have for my economy right now i'm feeling pretty good about it obviously more is always appreciated we'll run through here get a bomb uh miss the money damn we got one cent though not bad not bad but this character is scary he is my number one character in the game i think he is the most fun character in this game built in quad shot better shots like i almost feel like better items to a point too like if he just has like better items he's almost like a tanner loss just better it's always two hits you know it's like playing the best parts of the lost antenna lost combined it's too it's for every room it's like a refreshable mantel and it's uh better shops more items all that good stuff go to your arcade because you maybe play like a machine there and get something good out of it what you got for me oh speaking of good machines wow first try metronome huh more you know okay they could have got me in the bubble and kind of don't they could have killed me they could have killed me legitimately that was not fun that was not fun there we go got that guy out of here oh d20 first try i'll take it is that even worth grinding for we can't do a ton with with d20 we can't do a lot with it [Music] uh you know probably not we got enough okay items out of that metronome was a great great fight metronome's amazing that's amazing as well metronome is could be could be our key for us we've been asking for that for a long time here i don't really want spewers sorry a metronome was just one of those items that like it can get i mean it can give you literally any item in the game and that makes it super super super like you know vital for a lot of runs that are struggling and i would say a little bit wow eight shot in this room huh a little bit we are kind of struggling right now not a ton but we're not into the greatest place nice worm friend okay keep this puberty pill in case you somehow get a health down you can use puberty and get that back oh no sun card that's a free heal for you though i guess puberty is a free heal as well though isn't it i don't know we'll take sun card it's mapping as well if you go to dark room on this run speaking of dark room there is a sacrifice room literally right there do we risk it for the freaking biscuit ah okay don't risk that there's no point in risking a coin right now i think you go for your boss fight maybe an angel deal here if not you just go and start sacrificing you have a puberty pill for a heal you've got more rooms to do for extra heals as well like we could just farm this room for money real quick because it's not that bad so what we want to do i think is uh okay okay okay okay jesus christ like you want to go to your i want to say go to your shop see what's in your shop then go back god this run is giving me an aneurysm right now that i can't handle this right now this is too much stress okay there is a lot going on here everything in the shop is takeable everything here is takeable i'm thinking undefined we use undefined on the dark room immediately brings us to our ultra secret room then we go fight lamb that is probably our best bet on winning this run right now great amazing not good quite the opposite actually okay so what you're gonna do wow it's infinite whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait we have a synergy here we have a synergy here hold on hold on wait a minute oh does it refresh your luck does it no no we can get infinite luck here can't we hold the phone wait wait just a damn second dude oh here there's our boss fight we can get infinite luck in that room what the hell somehow is that that is a thing you can do in this game man it's not it's not patched out or anything like that it's just free to get all right i'm not gonna complain too much about that leave coins on the ground you doofus kill oh my god kill yeah stay up yeah okay we did get our angel do here walk and see what's going on okay well that's a double that says two times the damage multiplier because there's a sacred heart right there i mean all right dude if you really want to go that route we can we can dance a little bit of tango right there okay watch out um your goal now is going to be you want to kill this guy a ton you want to get a bunch of luck see i don't know what it's going to do for you here okay get your nickel get your nickel um you're going to want to leave this room [Music] and go to your sacrifice room the scary thing here is you never want to be below um one heart walking out because that room below you is terrifying what's this card [Music] hey we have to use our sun card here in the issue of safety okay we got that okay air swallowed penny popping [Music] get out of there just get out of there get a penny okay walk back nope that's the wrong way we're going to sacrifice there's no reason not to and then we'll go by undefined don't forget about undefined that's gonna be great for you okay there's our money we needed that's the money we were looking for right there beautiful stuff that was not great followed penny wants more a penny please all right get out of there walk back in be careful go uh grab your puberty pill for a little bit of a heal here there you go see i'm i'm learning so many things on how to strategize with this character right now so many goddamn things just don't i'm so scared by getting hit right now that's my biggest thing go all right we got it and another one great more luck is always nice okay now i go this way go to your shop go go buy your uh your damn item jesus christ get that penny too why not go buy your damn item in your shop you need undefined to make this run really really succeed beautiful okay a little bit of strategy here but i think it's going to be you know in the long run very very very beneficial please stop with all these flies killing my enemies for me thank you okay get out oh i was looking that was i almost just killed myself being an idiot there hold on stay stay calm stay calm was is there an item over there was that just a penny i was like what the is that for a minute okay we're healed we're healed we're healed get the hell out of dodge right now extra penny right there lovely first try teleport sadly no no first try right there oh boy i'm getting ran for my money right now more luck amazing all right bomb back out and go back up right here damn we got a penny back though no penny there this is a long sacrifice what the is going on can you give me my darker teleport we all there is an item over there what the hell it's not on the map though for some reason lucky penny thank you um why is it not on the map is that lost soul as well we should buy that shouldn't we yeah because we can get an item next floor from it hey get out get all your heels buy that item buy that item just get some extra money here nickel is beautiful and a luck penny they're both right there yeah buy this and or just don't lose it is the big thing just not not now we've worked too hard for him there we go okay no we almost lost him god damn game let me down i've been here for hours just trying to sacrifice and you're just be like nah dawg oh that's a bit a bit of a bad place to be isn't it thank you for that nickel is always helpful i guess please there we go finally man jesus christ what you got for me hey flies are not bad don't knock them nothing great there do this it's your normal secret room huh but the heels but the heels okay honestly you still got this run in the freaking bag right now in the bag get his ass yeah there we go even more money to buy more items if we so desire in the other room over there there are some good items sitting in there i mean cambion is not bad obviously um what's this yo damage reduction okay okay honestly man run not going terribly not going terribly right now this this room could change all of that never mind i literally cannot change any of that extra money for heals on the ground all right pills we already saw these pills right we don't need puberty anymore i'll tell you that much i meant that a couple times i don't know what that means i don't know what that means oh okay that's very very good you're gone watch out for that guy it's a ghost chest that's great as well okay get out of here back to our secret room i want to go to the ultra secret or the the super secret room please but i guess we can't always get what we want so we have an extra heal for the lamb fight as well as amazing dps personally man i don't know i think we have this in the freaking bag right now i think we're going to be winning this run i could use a sun card for mapping right now but i'd rather save it for a time where we're in dire need of a heal because i'd rather not die you know that'd be like my main thing okay first thing you want to do is buy damage up definitely buy damage up it's pretty sizable as well careful here no loss oh yes it doesn't matter but lost soul rip rip the real homie god damn man what is with this what is with this sneeze is fine these we're taking every wrong way the bd1p pathing back to strike again here huh the most fun scary character you can get in isaac and it's on our freaking random streak huh that's a b this will be a very easy room for us no issues whatsoever okay we're getting some pretty nice items out of these chests besides that one man we're getting quite a lot of good stuff here nice all right teleport now god three in a row our plan did not really work out in our favor did it here chat not really go into what i thought it was gonna be get out of there holding shots can kill ya homie shots can and we'll kill you good okay bro i am actually i'm still very scared like don't get me wrong this run is still scary to me that makes it even scary i'm not gonna use that at all it has to be down it literally has to be down never mind it could be right i guess too you know in some very twisted world it could be right i guess all right well full clear dark room after only a few items on this run say good heart though and dr feed as being some of those which makes this that was very close pretty easy pretty easy should be do like so close we can't be like much farther away could we we can't be like any distance away thank you for that that kill echoldemo there we go lamb fight everybody let's do it let's do it anything down here it wouldn't even brought us here don't even care about that all right scary times actually know this very easy time bro no issue whatsoever finishing off the run here a bit risky we managed to pull that out though we managed to pull that out if you enjoyed the run like comment and sub for the algorithm there it helps me out more than you know follow my twitch twitter discord and tick tock they're all in description down below as well as my new second channel for uh just random should i want to post on youtube that i want to you know reflect on my channel poorly but yeah anyways guys have a good rest of your day peace out and goodbye
Channel: bd1p
Views: 7,794
Rating: 4.8670077 out of 5
Keywords: tboi, the binding of isaac, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, eden streak, eden, win, winstreak, random, random character, isaac, tainted, dr fetus, sacred heart, mr mega, lamb, crazy, insane damage, damage, wtf
Id: NEG36MSd4xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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