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what is going on guys my name is john and welcome back to yet another video last year i finished up the professorworks challenge for pokemon black and white and to no surprise you all wanted to see how difficult it would be to take on the sixth generation and today we're gonna do just that today we're gonna find out how easy you can complete professor oak's challenge in pokemon x and y so if you don't have any idea what this video is about or specifically what a professor challenge is i've included a link to a playlist in the top radio screen to better understand what we're trying to accomplish here essentially the objective of this challenge is to complete the pokedex as much as possible before completing each gym badge this means that for example all the pokemon that have to be caught before the first gym need to be fully evolved and we have to use every tool at our disposal to do it efficiently in addition we can only use one copy of the game and i chose why because i think it's cooler but there are very small differences between the two of them before getting the video be sure to leave a like and subscribe for more content like this roughly only 40 of the people that watch my videos are actually subscribed and you can always change your mind down the road if you don't like my videos with all that out of the way let's just jump right into it now if you watch my previous attempts at this challenge you know that this isn't exactly the fastest challenge in the world but generation 6 was very innovative with a lot of core mechanics of the game most importantly the experience although we don't get it for a little bit the experience share no longer works with a single party member rather it's automatically applied to the entire team as a result grinding should be realistically a lot faster than most other pokemon games but there are obviously many more factors in large editions that apply that we'll talk about later on our journey begins in vandeville town where we meet up with our new friends and head to aquacordtown to immediately grab our starter pokemon just like the past few generations there isn't really a superior choice considering that they all evolve at the same level so i chose froki for personal preference from here we have our first battle and a few more story events before being able to start chipping away at that total route 2 is going to be our first real stop and unlike every game before this every single route is loaded with many encounters which means that there are going to be a lot more to catch but we'll see how much of an impact that really makes when it comes to grinding out everything before the first gym in the grass we can catch bundle b fletchling scatterbug zigzagoon pidgey and caterpie directly after this is the santalune forest where we have a few mandatory battles but we can also catch pan sage pan sear pan pour weedle and pikachu which already gives us a total of 12 pokemon unfortunately not really much happens from the beginning of the game to the first gym so we're basically just speeding through and catching everything without being interrupted at the end of the forest we received some items from our friends and are completely free to venture out without any restraints we're left on route 3 which leaves us with a couple more pokemon to ground here we can get dunsparce azurill biddoof and burme but we're going to need to get a male and female for both evolutions because we can't breed until a little bit later on this route directly leads into santalune city and although it would seem like there really isn't any more progress that we can make towards the pokedex if we head east we can enter part of route 22. there are a couple more encounters here and unfortunately these are some of the worst ones for this section on this route we can catch farfetch psyduck lit leo and ryolu which gives us a total of 20 pokemon as well as every pokemon line that you can catch before the first badge as you all know by now though we still have to level up all these pokemon so as you'd expect from every other professor oaks challenge the first section tends to be one of the hardest parts due to encountering a few high level pokemon as well as only having a few options for the pokemon that yield disappointing amounts of experience in that regard nothing has really changed however there are quite a few mechanics introduced in this generation that expedite the grinding process the first big thing involves pokemon and me this is a nintendo style game mode where you can interact with your pokemon by feeding it and playing games and although their only real attraction to this is that if you want to evolve an eevee into sylveon if you manage to get your pokemon to at least two affection hearts it will receive an experience boost the process just requires you to feed your pokemon until it's full play any game preferably the puzzles because you can do them in like 20 seconds and then repeat the process a couple more times although this can be tedious when you have a ton of pokemon you need to evolve this gives you a 20 experience boost which saves an enormous amount of time especially this early on obviously we can get further in the challenges won't exactly be as essential but for extremely high evolutions you could potentially save tens of hours in this challenge the second addition is that if you're leveling up a pokemon and refuse to evolve it when it normally does you'll receive another 20 experience boost that sacks with the affection boost although this will never apply to two-stage pokemon unless you catch them over the level they evolve this is a huge time save with three stage pokemon like your starter although it can get annoying with having to cancel so many evolutions you can farm everstones later on in the challenge to save a little bit more time as for grinding locations the best location is going to be route 22. this area contains quite a few high-level experience yielding encounters like farfetch'd and ryolu but a majority of the time you'll be taking onto zurill bundle b and litlio as they take up about 60 of the encounter table when it came to grinding the easiest by far were caterpie weedle and scatterbug because they all evolve at super low levels they really only take a few battles each to evolve however because they are extremely weak i had to switch train them to make it a little bit easier after about 15 minutes for each caterpie evolved into metapod and then into butterfree weedle evolved into kokuna and then b-drill and scatterbug evolved into spupa and then vivalon the doof was also a relatively easy pokemon to level up although it learns arguably nothing throughout the entire grind having stabbed tackle is still a relatively strong move although like many others for this section it's probably best to start out on a previous route before trying to take on the route that we caught it on after a little over 30 minutes bedoof evolved into big barrel bundle b and ziggs goon also were pretty easy to take care of bottlebee gets access to quite a large list of moves however most of them aren't really that great and don't make this specific grind any faster than just using the tackle that you started with zig's going on the other hand gets stabbed headbutt at level 9 which deals a ton of damage to make this early grind a lot easier after about an hour for each bundle be evolved into diggersby and zigzagoon evolves into linux up next with the two burme unfortunately these literally only know the move protect when you encounter them with tackle unlocking at level 10. although you have to switch train it for the first few levels you'll eventually learn bug bite which makes it slightly more bearable after over an hour for each burme evolved into mother as well as wermadam now it's time to look at the real grind of this section just like the start of any of the other challenges there are a few pokemon that revolve in the 30s which means they're going to be grinding for quite a bit to see very small results thankfully though all the pokemon here are pretty strong early on so the grind wasn't too horrible first off is litelio out of all the grinds this is arguably the best as it learns literally nothing but stab moves ember headbutt takedown and firefang have very high powerpoint counts so there weren't that many trips to the pokemon center to get this one done psydek is a very familiar friend in this challenge so we're no stranger to its moveset water gun confusion and water pulse will probably be your go-to moves considering that you get them all even before you reach level 20 but even having scratch later on in the grind can still work fine if you're too lazy to heal up after roughly four and a half hours lit leo evolved into pyroar and psyduck evolved into goldock although fletchling's movesend is pretty lackluster with really only having tackle quick attack and peck throughout the majority of it this is one of the pokemon that you can take advantage of the 20 unevolved boost once you hit level 17. in comparison this saves an enormous amount of time grinding compared to lit leo and psyduck so i'd highly recommend pressing b until you reach level 34 for this one our other normal flying pokemon pidgey is almost entirely the same grind except for having to level up one more level i will note that pidgey gets access to a lot less damaging moves but like i mentioned before the only real inconvenience that you'll get from that are a few more trips to the pokemon center the last boosted pokemon on our list is going to be our starter froakie with having access to bubble water pulse and even smackdown later in the grind this is pretty much just as easy as the other two in terms of powerpoint usage i will note that this one technically took a little bit longer than the other two but we'll talk more about that in a second after roughly four hours for each fletchling evolved into fletchender and talonflame pidgey evolved into pidgeotto and pidgeot and roki evolved into frogadiere and then greninja this brings a total of 39 pokemon but we're still not done yet the last two level of pokemon are ryolu and azurill these both evolved through friendship so i just carried them through the grind and took care of them once i finished everything else up at revolving israel needed to be leveled up to level 18 to complete its final evolution and admittedly this did take a little bit because of how insanely weak it is with this we can evolve azurill to merrell and then a zoomer ill and riolu into lucario the final part of this section requires that we use a brand new feature that's only available in this gen super training on the bottom screen you have the ability to use a training program that allows your pokemon to gain evs through completing these soccer shooting mini games or through punching bags you can receive for completing them the minigame itself is pretty straightforward as you just tap the bottom screen and then throw a ball to hit the targets on the inflatable pokemon initially there are only a few courses that you can complete that will incrementally give you more evs depending on the challenge's level once you finally maxed out your evs on a pokemon the game will unlock secret super training courses in these you can receive rewards like healing items eevee wings but most importantly evolution stones although these courses are more difficult to do they have a pretty high chance of dropping every stone in the game and a lot of them are only available in individual ones so you can pick and choose which ones you want to take on odds are you're going to complete these courses multiple times to get everything that you need but overall this whole super training expedition only takes about an hour to get through if you know what you're doing with the evolution stones collected we can evolve pan sage to semi-sage pansier to semi-sear pan pour to semi-pour and pikachu into raichu this brings the total to a whopping 46 pokemon and all the pokemon you can obtain before the first batch alright now that we've taken out a huge chunk of the pokedex the next section should be a lot more simple right i mean there's only so far we can go at this point it won't take that long right please as you can imagine since our team is super high level there won't be any difficult battles we have to deal with so the remainder of this challenge is going to be entirely focused on completing the pokedex after destroying viola's gym and claiming the first badge we can head north of santalune city and talk to the woman at the gate suga was the experienced chair for defeating her which is technically another new addition to this challenge although we've had this item in the game in generation 6 the experience share now gives xp to the entire team which will cut down the grinding sections significantly this may make it seem like the remaining of the challenge will be a breeze but you'll see soon that this is still going to be a pretty grueling challenge our first stop in this section is going to be on route 4. this is the first time they're going to be dealing with flower patches which contain different encounters as well as different percentages depending on which ones you choose to walk into here we can catch badou flabebe skitty ladyba a female combi and a male and female rolts at the end of the route we meet dexio and cena who brings us through lumio city and eventually the pokemon lab hearing meet professor sycamore and he challenges us to a battle with the reward being one of the kanto starters just like most starter choices this is the only one we can obtain for the entire playthrough and although bulbasaur is technically the best option because it evolves at the lowest level you'll find out soon that it doesn't matter all too much because charizard is probably the least appreciated pokemon the series i decided to grab that instead as we're heading to route 5 we're stopped by the old powers man while this isn't all too significant at this moment later on we can receive powers to boost a few of the troublesome aspects of this challenge this is definitely the first route that we have to worry about horde encounters which contains some exclusive pokemon that we're going to need to grab usually these encounters are completely random but thankfully combi has access to sweet scent which will guarantee one of these encounters as we make our way through round 5 we can catch gulpin pancham skitto fur frow doduo abra scraggy plussel and minen moving forward a bit we reach camp for your town and start the side event with the snorlax which forces us to head north to route six although this area is known for having pokemon in the grass on each side of the pathway venipede and audino are also available in the shaking bushes so it's important to not skip over them over in the grass we can catch esper keklion ninketa oddish centrit and honich which brings his hold to 70 pokemon after taking care of the events of the parfum palace we can bring the pokeflute to the karate guy and he'll wake up the snorlax for this specific event you're going to want to save until it appears as a female snorlax because this section requires breeding and ditto isn't available until much later you're required to breed a female versions of multiple pokemon to get your desired egg it's a 12.5 chance to encounter a female snorlax but thankfully i was able to take care of this in only a few tries i like to note that catching female pokemon for breeding will happen quite a lot throughout this challenge so if i do end up reading a pokemon just know that i had to get a female evolution unless i say otherwise heading into route 7 we can check out the daycare house as well as catch volbeat spritzy smeargle roselia ducklit illumise hoppip and krogunk i'm sure you can tell by now this section is going to get worse so let's just quickly peel off that band-aid and catch an absurd amount of pokemon in the connecting cave we can catch zubat whismur axe u and meditate and on route 8 we can catch spoink driftloon myenfoo nk absol wingle fagon saver xangoose and talo during this catching spree i stopped to check out the battle chateau which may not seem all that important but we'll talk about this area a lot more in a little bit after venturing through route 8 we reach ambretown where we can get a few things like rock smash and the old rod before heading east to complete some more story events on route 9 we can catch hippopotas sandial and helioptile while riding on ryhorn before heading to the next location inside the glittering cave there are unfortunately a ton more encounters and the only way to find them is through the dark spots in the pathway thankfully you can stop reset until you get the pokemon that you want but considering that over half of the encounters are at five percent or less this will probably take you a while to do with this we can add soul rock rye horn lunatone cubone machop onyx kangaskhan mawwhile wubat and pharaoh seed which brings us to over 100 pokemon so far yikes further inside the cave there are a few breakable rocks which allows us to get dwebble as well as an old amber that we can revive in a bit after taking down some team flare members we can talk to the scientists at the end and pick one of the two kalos fossils i chose the jaw fossil but once again there really isn't a superior choice heading back to ambra town we can revive the two fossils to get tyron and aerodactyl okay now that we've taken care of all that we can just grind up and then take on the gym right unfortunately no because this little museum leads to the lower section of route 7 we're able to roam free through multiple routes and i think you can now tell just how absurd this whole section really is while following the path to the next gym we can use the new fishing rod to grab a couple more pokemon on the lower part of route 7 we can catch two love discs by nicole in silage city and if we backtrack to any water location in central kalos we can get magikarp if we take that second love disc and trade it with this person in silage city we can get steelix as well which isn't available anywhere else in the game the last thing that we'll do here for the time being is grab the bicycle at the shop which will save a lot of time in specific portions of future sections our final stop for this section is going to be on route 10. through all the types of grass we can catch electric snubble 6 eevee golet imoga sigilif halucha nose pass and yanma this brings the total to 122 pokemon now it's time for the big grind so if you couldn't tell by now there are a lot of evolutions that need to be taken care of and they cover just about every method that you could possibly think of at first glance it probably seems like route 10 is the best place to grind solely off the fact there are a lot of great high experience encounters however there is one place that completely blows that all out of the water the battle chateau now if you have no idea what this place is i really don't blame you the story kind of just glosses over it briefly and doesn't really tell you how advantageous this location can really be at the battle chateau trains will randomly appear within the building and you can challenge them to battle to earn points after collecting a certain amount of points the woman at the entrance will increase your rank to a higher level which results in stronger opponents coming to the chateau although the point requirement increases dramatically for each rank that you try to climb if you fight a higher rank opponent you'll earn more points in addition these ranks will allow for more trainers to appear one time and even if you run out of them a new trainer will appear every 6 minutes although the standard battles can be pretty good once you reach the 4th rank of marquis kimono women will randomly appear these trainers only have ottano on their team and if you watch the black and white version of this challenge you'll fully understand how good this is after reaching the technical final rank of duke you'll be encountering many trainers at level 40 plus so no matter what you fight you'll still be raking in tons of experience for your whole team now you're probably thinking well you're probably going to be sitting around for a bit if it takes 6 minutes for a new train to appear but thankfully there is a way to get around that because you're going to be earning a ton of money through amulet coin battles and receiving gifts you can use that cash to buy ritz these are battle modifiers that can change many things like how much money you get lowering increasing your opponent's levels and most importantly making trainers appear faster the rate of invitation makes trainers appear every three minutes which definitely makes the process a little bit faster but i found that early on it still leaves you roaming around looking for battles for quite a bit although the silver rate of invitation fixes that once you reach rank 4 because it spawns a new trainer every minute i initially found that if you just change your 3ds's clock to the next day it will give you a collection of new trainers i will note that if you make any adjustments to your date and time all of your rits will be removed for the day but this also avoids having to spend a large amount of money they'll be making before you reach the optimal rank as you can imagine the grind is absurdly straightforward and considering that i use greninja for nearly every single battle you can completely avoid worrying about move sets and slow initial grinds because there are just so many pokemon that you have to evolve here greninja gained an absurd amount of levels and i'll admit that i did waste a bit of time extra to get to level 100 just because i thought it'd be funny to grind a pokemon to level 100 with only one badge but realistically you're going to get pretty close to that range anyway if you let your starter handle all the battles it's also important to note that i did grind out quite a lot of evolution stones for this section but for the most part it was the same process as last time before we get into the long list of evolutions i made sure to breathe the pikachu that we caught in the last section to get pichu alright hope you grabbed your popcorn because this is going to be a long recap after spending hours grinding out all the catches i was able to evolve them to get two curlia gardevoir gelade vespaquin lydian floette floregus pangoro swallot charmeleon charizard gogoat dodrio cadabra scrafty wurlipede scolopeed meowstic ninjask shadinja two gloom vileplume philosom ferret de blade ega slash roserade swanna skiploom jumpluff toxicroak golbat crobat loudrid explode swellow fracture haxorus grumpig driftblim myanshal malamar pelipper shalgon salamance rydon hippodon janmega crocoroc crocodile marowak machoke varathorn crustal gyarados babarikal monetric gramble golurk espeon umbreon sylveon metacham tyrantrum vaporeon jolteon flareon swoobat delcatty and heliolisk this brings the total to 193 pokemon available with only one badge in the game so as you can probably imagine that was by far the largest section in the entire game does that mean the rest of the challenge isn't going to be tedious not exactly but we officially climbed the largest hill in this challenge after destroying grant and collecting the second badge we were able to make it further into route 10 and reach geocenge town the only important thing that we have to do is interact with karina which then immediately leads to catching more pokemon on route 11 we can catch throw chingling hariyama staravia de dene stunke nidoran male nadiran female and starly which brings us to over 200 pokemon so far for this challenge eddie on this extremely short route is the entrance to reflection cave this allows us to catch rock and rolla carbink stabilize celosis mr mime wobba fat and mime jr surprisingly shallow city is pretty much the dead end for this section as we have to get surf to move further east and that's only until we collect the next gym batch with that being said we can still head to the grass patch on route 12 to collect the last pokemon for this section with this we can add execute chat art tauros heracross slowpoke miltank pachurisu and mareep to the total now it's time to grind out all of those catches so as you can obviously tell not only is this section significantly easier but a majority of the evolutions aren't at very high levels before we get into grinding we're also going to breed the hareyama that we caught earlier to get makawida but aside from that and the evolution stones we're ready to go although there are once again a few routes that can be good for grinding it's very obvious that the battle chateau is a superior method and i know that's a little underwhelming to hear that but because it will take forever to reach the levels that they offer in the wild this will be the primary choice for nearly every section for the remainder of this challenge with all that other way let's just go over the evolutions after grind for a while we can evolve our catches to get duosian rio nicolas voldor slowbro nidorino nidoking nidorina nidoqueen star raptor flaffy ampharos skunk tank exeggutor and trimeco this brings a total of 232 pokemon and every pokemon available for the third badge ah now that we've had a refreshing break from this challenge let's make a little bit more of a larger dent in our pokedex once we defeat karina and also receive the special lucario at the top of the tower we can collect the hm for surf and head east of the city before we touch the water if we talk to this breeder by the entrance he'll gift us a lapras which saves us a ton of time considering it's normally a one percent encounter in these waters moving forward a bit we can reach coomery and city although this is technically the final stop before the gym there are still quite a few encounters that we can obtain on the side of the city we can grab the good rod from the fishermen purchase the full and lacks incenses for more breeding and most importantly go into the chateau and talk to this woman if pokemon your party has max happiness she'll give you the lucky egg i can't possibly imagine a situation where you wouldn't have a single pokemon in this challenge with at least two points away from max happiness but if you somehow manage to do that you can always get this at any point in the challenge from now on if we take the monorail to the other side of the city we can skip the gym and head south to route 13. although this is the end of the section for the time being there are still quite a few pokemon that we can grab throughout the dust clouds here we can get gibble trap pinch and duct trio as well as slugma and graveler through rock smash although it may seem like a short section it's important note that we know of the good rod and surf which means we're going to backtrack through nearly the entire region to collect some new pokemon after making our way back to nearly the beginning of the game we were able to catch mascaraine goldeen and corefish on route 3 carvana on route 22 tentacool whalmer shelder and skraup on round eight horsey and silage city remarade chinchu and man taik in chelor city and finally clamper along route 12. now let's get to the big grind although there are a few pokemon they're going to breed from this section because we can now use those incenses for kumarine city we can breed a few more pokemon that are from earlier portions of the game with this we can hatch sur skit geodude why not diglett and munchlax which gives us a new total of 256 pokemon the last thing that we're going to need to do for this section is head all the way back to route 13. if you grind out a little bit in the desert with nosepass from earlier it will evolve into provopass which is the only way to get it in this game now let's get to the chateau grind aside from gibbel trapinch and scrulp this grind wasn't all too bad but it was definitely a lot faster with the addition of the lucky egg with this we will evolve all of our catches to get gabyte guard chop macargo vibrava flygon sea king crawdant sharpedo tentacruel whalelord dragalgy sidra mantine lantern artillery and cloister this brings the total 273 pokemon and all the pokemon you can obtain before the fourth badge after defeating ramos and kumarine city we're able to take care of all the events within the desert and the little power plant and then head south to meet the super tall man although we do get a new addition to our pokedex because the next gym is located in lumio city we're unable to check out any new routes until we've taken care of that badge you shouldn't really be that surprised considering that we've caught nearly 300 pokemon at this point but let's knock this gym out and then grab some new pokemon with a fifth batch down we're able to meet all of our friends again on route 14. this route in particular is very interesting as it's not only basically the only location for encounters for this section but there are quite a few encounter methods that we're going to have to do to get everything in this area aside from the standard grass we also have the bog water fishing counters and hordes the hordes are especially annoying because this route is one of the most common places to reign which means that sweet scent will fail any time that we use it although you can still get hordes through walking through the grass it's best to either wait for the rain to stop or change your 3ds's clock which we will talk more about in a little bit after waiting out the rain we can catch quagsire stun fisk goomy skarupi weepinbell karoblast haunter shellmet carnivine bellsprout atkins poliwhirl barboach and poliwag with these catches we're obviously going to need to do a little bit of grinding but before we take on that it's important to stop in la vera city so we can come back to fly but we can also grab our final pokemon masculine which gives us a total of 288 pokemon after breeding we can add whooper and gastly to the total which underwhelmingly finishes all of our encounters now let's get to the grind as you can imagine the only real grind here is goomy but it's getting to the point in the game where the encounter levels are high enough that it's not exactly the tedious chore that it once was the only actual challenge is there to evolve goomy in the rain to get its final revolution and of course with just my luck route 14 in leverage city just refused to rain if you ever run to this issue just know the storms move throughout the region and if you fly to every location you'll probably find it at some point once again we have to grab a few more evolution stones but by this point you should have the process down after grinding out all the catches i was able to get arbok wish cash drapion sligoo goodra victory bell and polywrath with these the total is now brought up to 297 pokemon and all the pokemon you can collect before the sixth gym batch once leveraged gym is taken down we're now starting to get into the real meat of the team flare storyline after cleaning through the pokeball factory and saving the ceo we get the master ball which will obviously be put to good use later on for the challenge for a more important encounter with all that taken care of we can head east to route 15. just like the last few sections this area is a straight shot to the next gym however there are a few side locations that we're going to have to check out on this route we have to catch lipard watch hog pony yard mark row fungus clef key lombre and flotsol which brings us to over 300 pokemon so far in this challenge you like the part where i said so far right at the end of this round are the stairs leading to the lost hotel although we are here to catch the standard encounters magneton electrode and litwick the last two were a lot more interesting of a story as you make your way through the hotel you'll notice that they're a bunch of green garbage bins when you interact with them you'll get some cool items but you're also able to catch a few pokemon trubish is by far the most common encounter so that won't be a problem but rotom on the other hand can be a real pain unlike rubbish rotom only appears in trash cans on tuesdays considering that i've dealt with time exclusive events in the past i figured that this wouldn't be a big issue at the time i was playing the game on a sunday so i just changed my 3ds clock to a monday night and let it roll over until oso tuesday this is a classic trick in the pokemon series that's worked for nearly every game so i figured this was the best play come to find out after a few attempts that doesn't work in the slightest anytime you adjust your 3ds's clock the game will detect the change and then lock you out of the game for 24 hours although you can change the 3ds to different times for evolutions and certain events for some reason the developers thought this specific event was one of the more important ones so i kind of made a big mistake by changing the clock as a result i had to wait an entire week to do this section so if you're wondering why this video took so long to come out this is part of the reason i didn't realize nearing the end of the week that i could have just said it like 24 hours before the next tuesday but i figured that i tampered with the game enough and should just play the game normally thankfully the first encounter ended up being a rotom but let this be a word of advice to save you a lot of time you cannot trick the trash cans before we end to the next town we can also head south to route 16 to catch phantomp and pumpkaboo to finish off the whole area once we meet with a professor in dendon mill town we can head north to the frost cavern to take on more of team flair before we do that i decided to backtrack and catch another eevee as we're going to need to take care of another evolution anyways in the next area so it made the most sense to kill two birds with one john stone inside the frost cavern there are quite a few floors that we can catch pokemon but it shouldn't take you too long to grab everything that you need here we can catch beartic bergmite vanillite jinx piloswine kubchu cryogonal and smoochum after clearing out the innermost cave of the team flare admins we can head to the secret ice rock room and evolve our eevee into glaceon now those events are completed we can head east of the town to ride on mama swine through route 17. other way through the snow we can catch snover dela bird and sneasel which covers nearly every new location for this section but as you can probably guess there are a few more things we can do before the grind although anastar city does have access to new routes we're once again unable to pass through until we complete the next gym however we head back to route 16 we can grab the super rod and go on yet another fishing tour throughout the region with this we can now get quillfish on route 8 relicanth in silage city alamo mola and shallow city and corsola and gorbas on route 12. the final obvious thing that we're going to have to do is breed a few more pokemon but just like the last few sections it isn't too tedious after biking around for a bit we can add low tad pat rat purloin weasel and swine up to the collection which brings us to a total of 334 pokemon to no surprise the battle chateau is our grind again however there is a new little addition that we can utilize to make this section go by a tad bit faster in the astar city pokemon center we can talk to the opowers guy who will give you the exp booster this obviously increases your xp for basically one battle but throughout the course of grinding you're able to get off a few to really pump up those odd no battles although i'd say the section is harder than the last one it's really not that much of a pain aside from a couple high-level evolutions it's important note that once again there are a few evolution stone pokemon here but also piloswine needs a hard scale for its final evolution and magneton also needs to be evolved on route 13 just like probopass thankfully you probably have at least one heart skill you've collected along the way but if not you can always smash a few rocks and get one relatively fast after grinding for a while i was able to evolve the catches to get garboder lampen chandelor amungus obama snow vanillish vanillux bisharp mama swine magnazone ludicolo haunchcrow and avalon this brings a total to 347 pokemon and all the pokemon available for the seventh batch now that olympia's gym is out of the way it's time to take on the climax of the story from here we can head to lumio city and head through the cafe hideout and take on lysander as you'd expect this is really boring and tedious because our team just demolishes anything in its path but thankfully it doesn't take too long before we reach the basement and watch a slideshow of the great pokemon war after watching the ultimate weapon get activated we can head back to geocenge town and take on lysander again in the team flare hideout and here we have a bunch of consecutive battles with the admins and grunts before reaching the chamber where the legendary pokemon is hidden after defeating all the bad guys in the area we can finally summon the bacon bird itself yveltal now just like every other recent box legendary the catch rate for this pokemon is much higher than you'd expect so after a few great balls we can add this powerful beats to the team from here we have our final battle with lysander which concludes the team flare storyline for this challenge once again this section is just tedious because there isn't really any sort of challenge to it but once you get past this it's time to have some fun with all the important storyline stuff completed we can now head south of anastar city to route 18. the first thing that we have to take care of are the encounters in the grass we can catch torquel girder pupitar durant sandslash and heatmore but if you use rocksmash you can also find shuckle which will probably take you a little bit to find before we head into the next town it's important that we also stop in terminus cave now this location is a lot more important later on in the game but that still doesn't mean that there aren't any new pokemon that we're going to have to catch the only regular encounter here is going to be larvitar but through the shaking spots on the ground we can find aryados and noibat although i've definitely had trouble with this pokemon before noibat only took me about 15 encounters to find which is pretty impressive considering its encounter rate feels like it's point zero one percent after taking on the professor again in kuraway town we can head even further south to route 19. this is a location where we have all those battles against our friend group but there are two more special pokemon that we can grab through hordes we can counter gligar and in the water we can fish for polytode bringing our total to 360 pokemon moving forward a bit we reach snowball city which is basically the dead end for this section before we start grinding we can take the southwest path to grab some more pokemon in the forest because we had to get another eeveelution here i caught one final eevee before grabbing the new encounters here you can catch zoroark trevenin noctowl gothita jigglypuff and pseudowudo while i was catching all these i was able to get enough experience to evolve eevee into leafeon by the mossy rock at the end of the little maze we reach the pokemon village and speak to the most forgettable gym leader in the region who says that we can now challenge him in his gym before we leave the area we still have to catch ditto as well as banette through the trash cans which only appear on thursdays thankfully i planned ahead of time i was able to get this relatively fast our last offering coverage for this section is going to be west of the city on route 21. through grass and fishing we can catch spinda altaria ursaring scyther dragonair and dratini which gives us an updated total of 375 pokemon now although the section may not seem too bad considering that we really didn't catch much there is one glaring thing that we can do now because we caught ditto we can now breed all the pokemon from previous sections that couldn't evolve as well as the many pokemon we caught for this section on the upside we can now stop catching females for breeding but as you can probably tell it's not that much of a time save as it would have been seven sections ago it's important note that you're going to need to grab the rokin sense for sudo wudo if you haven't already but other than that you're just going to be biking around until all of these are done with this we can add spin iraq timber sandshrew voltorb magnemite iggly buff hoothoot gothita zarua teddy ursa shopit and bonsley now let's get to the grinding per usual the option of grinding out encounters in the battle chateau will never go out of style however because the wild encounters are now becoming as high if not higher than the trainers there i decided to give myself a change of scenery and just grind on route 21. although basically everything here gives you a ton of experience scyther hordes give you the most so it's best to just grind out all the sweet sounding counters until you're done because there's only five pokemon that need to evolve this really shouldn't take you that much time to get the job done you will need to get another moonstone but aside from that you should have everything that you need with this we can add gothitel tyranitar neuvern dragonite and wigglytuff to the collection which gives us a new total of 393 pokemon and all the pokemon you can collect before the 8th gym badge now that we can defeat wolfray can collect the final gym badge there really shouldn't be that much left to do right and thankfully for once that's totally correct because the storyline is finished the only thing we have left to do is take on victory road and the elite 4. after proving our worth we can enter victory road and collect the only pokemon for this entire section here we can catch lichitang drudagon zwilis firo and skarmory yep that's that's literally it however as you can tell there are a few more pokemon that we can squeeze out of this group if you take them back to the daycare center we can breed to get spiro and dino which gives us an even 400 pokemon caught for this challenge now it's time to grind the only two pokemon we have to worry about for this section is going to be zwielis and like a tongue and like tongue isn't even really a grind concerning that you can re-teach a roll out and evolve it like once like we did for mama swan although you can catch a wild hot dragon i figured it really wouldn't have taken that long to level up wireless anyways and considering that there are plenty of trainer battles in victory road to earn experience from and with that combined with the hordes this should be a straightforward grind overall this entire grind took me a little under an hour to get licky licky and hydraegon in the collection this brings to all the 402 pokemon and everything you can catch before the post game okay now that we've caught everything in the region let's just finish up the game just like any other versions of this challenge the elite four and champion are pretty easy to manage and there shouldn't be a single moment where you're going to lose with the combination of overpowered pokemon and millions of dollars to spend on revives and potions to keep you going i'm not going to bore you with all the battles but overall is extremely easy to get through the last section of the game after feeding diantha we're crowned as the new champion of the kalos region we've successfully beat the main storyline but as you know by now there are still quite a few more pokemon that we're going to catch before we can say we're truly done with the entire challenge let's check out the post game now you're probably thinking there's got to be a ton of encounters i mean think of the previous games black and white was loaded with post-game pokemon so this is probably going to be the worst section right far from because we've been to literally every location in the game there are no new routes so we can obtain pokemon however once you beat the game multiple previously visited routes contain pokemon that we can now add to the totals so let's just check those out after waking up at our home again we can head outside and meet with shauna who offers to trade any of our pokemon for another one of the kalos starters because i accidentally caught a few males for breeding along the way i just traded one of those for fennekin from here we're instructed to go to lumio station to meet professor sycamore and our pokedex is upgrade to national mode this hasn't changed the total from what it was before it's just that all of our pokemon are now represented on one list rather than the individual sections of the kalos region we also received the rail pass that allows us to reach kailud city which is hoped to really only one thing for this challenge the battle maison unfortunately we're going to interact with this location because we're going to have to buy the razer fang and the razer claw with battle points which cost a whopping 48 battle points each thankfully though i think i have a much better solution for this issue if we head back to lumio city we can visit the battle institute in essence this is basically the same location except the amount of battle points you receive is directly reflected on how many points you earn during your battle sets for example you earn points for knocking out a pokemon landing super effective attacks and switching your pokemon however you lose points for having one of your pokemon get knocked out and using not very effective moves on your opponent the beauty of this mode is you can actually lose battles and still earn battle points in the end so mistakes are completely welcome at the end you'll receive a score as well as battle points to reflect the point total if you're bringing a strong team you can earn tens of battle points for only 10 minutes of work which is much faster than grinding through the battle maze on from scratch this is realistically the only tedious thing that you're going to do for the post game so once you've completed that you're ready to catch some legendaries our first location is going to be the pokemon village in the far back of the area we can enter the secret cave and confront mewtwo when it comes to catching all the legendaries for the section all of them have the exact same catch rate so it really doesn't matter which one you use your master ball on so i just decided to make the first one easy and then head to the next location our next pokemon is located in terminus cave if you go deep into the cave than we did last time we can enter the basement caverns and take on zygarde the process to get here doesn't really require you to do anything it's just kind of standing there waiting to be caught because we have endless dust balls at this point it only took a few minutes to add this one to the total the final legend that we had to catch for this section was actually encountered on the way to get the last legendary if you roam around the grass enough you'll encounter one of the kanto birds based on which starter you picked at the beginning of the game because i chose froki i have to hunt down moultrace this process can be a bit annoying because you have to encounter it 10 times before you can actually catch it and because it's a roaming pokemon and we don't get the amazing pokechat from gen 4 you're going to be dashing through routes quite a lot after some trial and error i found that if you just keep flying to the top or bottom of lumio city and check on one of its five connecting routes if you go through the gate it'll probably still be there this failed a few times but in my opinion this is a lot faster than going back and forth like the classic method after the 10th encounter mole trace will fly to the sea spirits den in nazur bay i kind of got ahead of myself and forgot to save for this battle so i was extremely careful about the choices i made because i was not going to mess up this challenge at literally the last point of the game just like zygarde this only took a few dust balls before we can add it to the collection believe it or not there is really only one more thing that we're going to have to do if we head all the way back to glittering cave all the rocks are now updated to include the previous generation fossils there are a few that are virgin exclusive but in total you're going to need to collect about 6 new fossils which to my knowledge have the exact same rate of appearing part of me thinks that's not true because i found over 50 fossils before i found one plume fossil but with all them collected and revived we can add ammonite kabuto shieldon craninos tertuga and archen to the total now it's time for the final grind like i said this section is pretty lackluster but i think it's a nice casual grind to reward you for having to register nearly 150 pokemon in one section i decided to finish this off in the battle chateau because it's a bit more convenient than grinding out the elite four but like i've already said there are quite a few locations you can grind out if you find the chateau too boring i really wish i had more to say but this is arguably one of the easiest sections in the game aside from the battle point grind so it's really not too stressful after grinding the team for a bit we can evolve our catches to get rampardos bastiodon carracosta archeops brexin del fox glice gore weville omastar and kabutops this brings a total to 422 pokemon and every pokemon available in one copy of pokemon y and with that we've successfully completed professor oak's challenge in pokemon x and y but how'd i do so let's review at the end i finished with a time of 105 hours and 11 minutes but let me be the first to say that this was a really really bad time to give a little context i've been in the process of moving to a new house so i've been focusing a lot on that and another challenge so i played the game a little bit more relaxed than i normally do because this whole process has been stressful trying to balance everything that's going on i know for sure that i accidentally left my 3ds on a couple times so it's probably more like 95 hours but if you really pay attention to the entire challenge you can do this in 70 hours no problem i just want to say thank you all for being so patient with this video coming out i know i haven't uploaded in a while and i promise you that i didn't just give up and videos will be back to normal once i'm all settled into the new place in the meantime i do stream nearly every day on my twitch channel so if you're missing my content that'll probably hold you over until the next upload i want to thank mulax for making this guide to this challenge and if you're interested in taking on this challenge yourself i've included the guide in the description to help you become the best of the best other than that that's all there is to say about completing professor x challenge and pokemon x and y and that's gonna do for today's video if you liked the video leave a like and consider subscribing as i'll be making more content like this very soon if you have any suggestions for videos that you'd like to see leave a comment below follow me on twitter to keep updated with new videos as they come out if you're interested in watching me take on challenges live i've been streaming a lot over my twitch account as well as upload highlights to my johnstone live channel that you can find in the description other than that like thank you all for watching and i'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Johnstone
Views: 1,291,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, johnstone, johnstone pokemon, johnstone live, johnstone twitch
Id: p3CCovG8emg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 34sec (2494 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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