Pokemon Sword & Shield: 10 Things The Game DOESN'T TELL YOU

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Pokemon has come to the Nintendo switch with sword and shield these games are gargantuan beasts with a lot of weird in inexplicable systems outside of poke a battling like remember pokey blocks well this game has some oddball stuff too like pitching a tent and cooking curry and there's just a whole lot of things that either aren't explained or intentionally left for you to figure out that's why today we're talking about 10 things that pokemon sword and shield doesn't tell you now as a quick disclaimer I'm battling a bit of a hefty cold people have been very nice about it and I appreciate it a lot but bear with me on this my voice has been kind of wrecked for a few days so at number 10 let's start off with an easy one literally best two starters now obviously you're free to pick whatever starter you want and you'll do just fine this is a Pokemon game it's not that hard but depending on which Pokemon you pick your rival will always pick the starter that's weak to yours well the champion Leon will always pick the Pokemon that's strong to yours so that part at least is set in stone you know like Brock from pokemon red and blue everyone's got a story about taking Brock on with only a Charmander fire attacks hopelessly bouncing off his rock type Pokemon and this game actually is different the first gym leader you take on they use grass type so you might have a little trouble if you exclusively use Sabo just talking about this specific matchup score bunny is the best starter pick well you'll find plenty of flying-type pokémon on the route to the first gym so it's not too hard to find something that's effective against these guys while you're out in the wild I hate it when people pop up and just say defendant it best Pokemon ever in these kinds of things so just pick up what you want but I will say that if you want an easy beat of the first gym and you don't want to catch any more Pokemon and you're in a real big hurry then probably pick score bunny bunnies alright anyway moving on to number 9 a major addition to this game is the wilds area it's kind of an open world section of the map that spans most of the Gullah region it's connected to multiple towns and it has a wide variety of Pokemon in the environment easy ones mixed up with high-level ones that'd be kind of a pain to deal with but did you notice Pokemon show up in the world now a mechanic borrowed from let's go Pikachu and Eevee so it's actually pretty easy to avoid the tough guys when they first show up in the wilds there's a changing weather system as well which can actually cause status effects on your Pokemon also different Pokemon will show up in different weather like this Winkle only appears in the rain outside of just being a big area with a lot of Pokemon the catch in it it's also an area where you can find these max raid battles where you fight tough boss versions of Pokemon that you can potentially capture there's also a lot of stuff to do in the wilds area and I imagine most the postgame contents probably gonna be there moving on to number eight here's a new mechanic in Pokemon sorting shield it's called brilliant aura like have you seen a Pokemon with what looks like a yellow or gold glow around it that is a brilliant aura it basically indicates that they're a particularly good version of a standard Pokemon meaning it's gonna have at least three max IVs that's individual values aka the hidden numbers that determine stat growth and they'll start out with a special move that you can only get from breeding normally so basically they're better but they're rare thankfully there's actually a way to get them to show up more and that is catching Pokemon in fact the more Pokemon you catch the more likely a brilliant or a Pokemon will show up in the wild now if you want to find these guys you just got to keep your eyes open it can be a little tricky to see the aura around them but just look closely and eventually you'll start to see it brilliant or a Pokemon are something that you definitely want so if you see one do what you can to catch it it is a valuable addition to your roster period and at number seven what we're talking about rare Pokemon let's talk about shiny pokemon there's basically no way not to talk about the shinies as pokemon video the term obviously goes back quite a ways in the fan community but first officially got used in black and white in 2012 these are alternate color variants on standard Pokemon and are even rarer than brilliant aura ones the difference between these two is that shiny pokémon aren't significantly better than your standard Pokemon they just look different sometimes surprisingly different these guys are really only interesting mainly for hardcore collectors but sword and shield is somewhat change the method of catching them you get a chance at increased odds of catching one by both the amount of poke of that specific species you've already caught and the combo you have on them ie the amount of times you fought them in a row this doesn't have to be in the same battle but running into and frightening the same type of Pokemon over and over and catching them a lot can greatly increase your chances of getting a shiny also of course having the shiny charm which you get from catching every single Pokemon in the game but you're not gonna do that quick it's just that simple that is not a fast thing that will happen so you have Chinese are mainly for hardcore completionists and it's definitely one of the big things the game doesn't actually explain but we got your back here and at number 6 here's a nice feature in the game every poke a center now has a move reminder inside meaning you can talk to them and relearn any move your Pokemon forgot either the one you swapped out with a different skill that maybe isn't as good as it looked or ones you just discarded after getting it from leveling up like Pokemon games have a lot of moves and it's nice to know that you don't have to worry about one being gone forever if you swap it out for something that sounded cool but actually ended up being kind of useless it encourages experimentation and that's great and what's especially nice is that in this game you don't have to pay to do it it's completely free and no I'm actually not talking about microtransactions but actually in world transactions but still you can screw around with your pokemons move list to your heart's content and it doesn't actually hurt you in any way like I said I think it'll really help people try more new things in this game and that makes me happy cuz often you feel like you're kind of stuck with certain things because they work and you're liable to take less risks this game totally mitigates that moving on our number 5 let's talk about the differences between each version of the game the big one is the usual one of course each game has a unique legend area that you'll be able to capture in the postgame zakian in pokemon sword and zama Zenta in pokemon shield each version also has a unique gym leader which is new for the series these being the fighting-type gym leader bay in pokemon sword and the ghost type gym leader alistair in pokemon shield there's also the prerequisite version exclusive Pokemon if you want to know who's in what game well thank you too sara be known for compiling this list but here's which ones are exclusive to sword and here are the ones that are exclusive to shield honestly there's a lot of good pokemon in both categories but if you see something you really like just know that these are the exclusive ones so go with the version you prefer and at number 4 another pokemon game another weird set of methods to evolve your Pokemon some of the weirder ones involve getting an apple - this Apple Pokemon or getting three criticals in one battle - evolved far-fetched who by the way is very aptly named as if you didn't actually look into it that's basically the only way you would know is if you got three criticals in a battle probably the strangest of all of them is Mill Suri who evolves when you give them a specific item then spin in place on top of that depending on what time of day and for how long you spin they will evolve into a different forum yeah oh yeah and this one is yum ask how do you evolve him well he has to take at least 49 hit points to damage and not be knocked out then you have to walk under a specific stone arch in the dusty bowl area so yeah there's some weird evolutions to this game they have no idea how anyone will figure out on their own moving on to number 3 in the wilds area you can find these two guys called the digging duo in bridge field near the daycare center and these guys will well dig for you in exchange for the special currency you find in the wilds called watts they want 500 watts to do some digging and each one is capable of finding specific items the one closer to the daycare center is the stamina one he'll dig more but find less rare items while the other one is more about rewards he won't dig out as many items but he'll find rarer stuff want to know you'll find well here's the list again courtesy of Sara B nut this one's for the stamina guy and this one's for the reward guy most of these are items for evolving Pokemon or stuff that can be held by Pokemon to improve their stats there's even one item the wishing stone which you can use to summon a max raid battle so yeah there is some pretty good stuff in there if you're willing to spend the watts and a number - most people are probably aware at this point that in pokemon sword and shield the national pokedex is out you can't transfer every pokemon from every previous game into this one but strangely there are some Pokemon that are still transfer only as in they do not appear in this game in any way but can be transferred using stuff like Pokemon home or given out during giveaways the Game Freak occasionally does so yep this is confusing but there are Pokemon that aren't in this game at all but still haven't been cut from the Pokedex and therefore can be transferred over it's a relatively small list up here they are again this is thanks to Sarah Burnett for putting this together [Music] and at number one here's the big feature of the game dynamaxx which is basically replacing the mega evolution from previous games when a Pokemon Dyna maxes they get huge their stats multiply in the game particularly strong attacks there's also Giganta Max Pokemon which are unique looking variants on standard Dynomax Pokemon and also have unique moves exclusive to that Pokemon this is kind of the confusing part like there's the Giganta max mouth right there you don't get this unique giant form just by catching them you out you have to get that specific Meowth with its variant Giganta max form from either a giveaway or a max raid battle if they ever do that which right now they haven't and the only way you can get the Giganta max variant Meowth is from an early adopter giveaway so if you see a Pokemon that looks unique when Dyna maxed that doesn't necessarily mean you can just go and catch that one and get its Giganta max form you have to either catch it in a max rate battle in the wilds area or get it through some in-game event like I said it's kind of confusing and I've said whatever max way too many times but I just want to do at least try to clarify how this whole thing works Giganta max isn't just what some pokemons turn into is a specific variant on a Pokemon like having a brilliant aura or being shiny they're hard to get but for this guy it's probably worth it what's your experience in Pokemon sword and shield so far leave us a comment let us know what you think and if you liked this video please click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week and the best way to see them first is of course the subscription so click Subscribe and don't forget to click the notification bell as always we thank you very much for watching this video I'm Falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon hero and we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 2,615,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon sword shield tips, pokemon sword shield guide, pokemon sword shield tricks, pokemon sword shield best starters, pokemon, wilds area guide, dynamax, pokemon sword shield hidden features, pokemon sword shield secrets, gameranx, falcon
Id: xmgh5AOZ8ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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