Questions I Have Never Asked Paul | Toni Talks

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okay that means going to talk to something very special to me he's so special that it made so we got enough slash [Music] 11:07 t everybody's having a suppose they experience an invention one hour and FBI video games it's quality signing checks it's a busy person benefiting begin your time today no choice okay and Gotama phonetic ball boys you're poppin now we are here with Paul and if you noticed in Tamela love in preschool he seldom appears which actually makes me wonder now you're such a private person but you married someone okay so I prepared questions here that I've never asked you before actually I think I've asked you some of these questions okay my first question is why don't I mean because sometimes it's watch differently like it's the same shirt exactly the same thread but one chunk more than other why do you like weird cars hmm ever since high school but are asking I'm here I'm not conscious I'm what about my hair you should see the hair up I came here yeah it's just that I just don't like fixing my hair I just find it easy I wake up I shower drive my hair I think of it a bit but I just come and pop out words sometimes people that could criticize you with your support you get affected by criticisms from people that I don't know no it's just kind of like the norm today people just need to give their due sense do things that are no you cannot even their business that's just how it is and then added a listen to the people close to me but their criticism is no matter how do you handle your - oh you don't I told you that about we create the world we want to listen to we create the world on a hoodie and I know my world and those are the people that I didn't do I believe and now if you're not part of that where do you get your inspiration well right now obviously it's it's a be sure if you're talking internally savvy but your next film is many amoeba no it's more of it's not it's not pneumonia big might be the topic are the subjects of my film inspire me it's more of you know I want to set it to be proud of what his father done oh the you ever see yourself wrong it has to be the perfect story so hey quick story I don't know or a story that I owe ya again I'm sorry basement so I won't say no because I want to read the story and then if I like it it's for you straight I produce for you I produce the stories you know keep it keep it open there might be something interesting okay so for you what is success what I can share with you guys other words after you want to work [Music] that's a Washington who's your favorite what's a good those Encounters of the Third Kind as of recent I really love I - that you know I could relate to it visit there's a strong father and son core story there I thought would you rather go back ten years ago with everything you know now or fast-forward 10 years from now with ten million dollars in the back go back now I'll go back there but you have ten million dollars in there I could have made 100 if I go buy a beach house for a house in the mountains they say that your your name life will be summarized in one sentence or Greece what would you want I guess you know honestly I would leave UNCA directly why would I write it so but I'm self-centered Newman I want to be you guys write it so that that would be an even more art because it's how you saw me well what makes you mad if I know narrow it's like free man somewhere when people don't learn from their mistakes it's a house you're late okay what makes you sad being away from you guys he's what makes you happy you ain't any family what's one thing that you would want me to change really because I don't want you to mine later on say that you regretted that change in any way so you just have to kind of just love and accept people for who they are and the change will just come back with you know what they discovered something to share this ain't you you remember when I cut my hair short he didn't like it he only don't mean mahogany he said just keep it that way so go wide but during that time when I was so into the British Diana spear everything even the shoes you're wearing everything travels and I would go I remember that he went home then my there was so shorts up in you Oh what happened to your hair but he didn't say anything discovery now that's a skip for your husband's out there yeah I didn't say that I was just don't say anything yeah I didn't say anything that was he didn't like my shorts never I'm here okay the top in a patent attorney Alex what makes you killing you still get killing thank you how with you right now in the state of our relationship has evolved into watching you take care of her son when you changes dieter when you know I don't want to when you brush your teeth and you know it's not like killing now okay it's okay not got enough going on except another church to when they can know that was it in our first no it was not it's just because no I think for me it's because I never forgot yeah but I'm like we won here you're still there a second you're still there third you're still there fourth you're in enough boots when you're always in my mind you never left what was the hardest thing you had to leave it when we were PNG of course the publicity and the hardest of course of course your parents no but with your parents in a month at the end of the day is you just have to respect you may not agree so you agree to disagree you're good enough I mean that's just the choice I did I want to be with their daughter to not gonna don't know rules you know even if I don't agree there's two things if you if you disagree for sure they will take her away obviously that's family family is also very important for me do I want to marry or be a part of a family where the parents don't like me because they respect is there so these we can have dinner together oh yeah the relationship matures but I've known I can even if it's through your mother rules that's just shows its character and also worth it you are how many kids it don't be not about the newly annexed Cydonia mother what the best thing about me being your life that when you were my girlfriend I didn't expect that you would be able to take care of a home you're so you're a homemaker housewife I'm a career despite the 101 things you do maybe give me yeah you think we were dating I never stole but I think about that about you were not very dirty you were focus on work obviously when you would go quits your mom and your dad because we sit down and is divided will she ever have time to make a home I try to make our house look so you but always my we were talking about this other day the money for the eight years that we were dating you never experienced mornings right you would always wake up after lunch I was like don't book me mom either but now you're awake five six a.m. we go to the mall it still we're out we're the kind of family I would go to the mall at night most waiting walls we're waiting in the car never before that we ever usually not many and she can see my before you notice ha ha well your sister will understand that way yes I have a kid well now someone is the best time to go to the mall okay do I make you laugh no usually when they like it's when you mess up it's it's not the man laughing apparently you know which is much later and then upwards all of them make it all up for you actually I forgot the one everyone in yeah do you think you know ah when he Gibson own horny Jory's am i a better wife or a mother mother being a better mothers what makes you very well okay what would you want me to improve as a wife okay what is your greatest achievement your biggest fear well personally a lot I mean will I will need another block for failure because I feel alive and I still but that's cool that's why I am where I am today it's because failure is just a part of your journey never learning targets every change Oh 180 degrees I just love the guy too much no you love him too much better mechanical physics what attracts you when you were still single because I get all oriented in a second what's the first thing that unified physical maybe you're singing why did you pour what's one thing that you remember usual that was like I said I always liked your job you like my job this is the first thing you notice see but other than physical stuff I guess if I'm to check out doing today [Applause] so I think I think I just say this out I wanna say it's a joke XQ to the job what would me that's a good question it's when you walk out of it what is right though and that's it thank you yeah the story is that I can she asked me I said no he said no so many times until one day not give up now no no you went up to me and you said you'd do it for everybody else now you ever seen a video because it if I think that's marketing yeah I told him topical who better foxy Tito boys what's up you say yes so let me take this opportunity to invite you to my latest films by anytime see get Go Go I'm just kidding no he really has a film thirsty that many films a queue so many needs ah to be in Tokyo competition in Tokyo never going to another European festival and then December for soon grandma and we have another filming your sister xia it already next york man I'll let you know what this this is actually the longest we've taught since SEVIS so thank you I hope you learned something from fall and if you guys like this video say if you really like this unit maybe you like this video please watch my unita and we can attend flip the tables I'll interview her in January thank you
Channel: Toni Gonzaga Studio
Views: 6,079,437
Rating: 4.9430661 out of 5
Id: oua9pJS_AQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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