Receiving the Holy Spirit - Pastor Robert Morris

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all right receiving the holy spirit three points here's port number one the Holy Spirit baptizes us in Jesus the Holy Spirit baptizes us the word baptizo in the greek means to immerse immerse to put fully to alert to to if you were to immerse something it's gonna get completely wet so the Holy Spirit baptizes us in Jesus and we're only going to read part of this verse because it's all we really need first Corinthians 12 verse 13 says for by one spirit we were all baptized into one body by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body so the Holy Spirit baptizes us into this is the body here's the body of Christ our Jesus so I'm gonna do something that I don't do a lot but I'm gonna write it on the board because I think it will help us to to see this all right so the Holy Spirit and you'll see you'll see a why as we go along here and and how it comes together for us baptizes us in Jesus all right everyone got that thank you alright here's number two alright I'll just go ahead and write it on the board the disciple baptized is us us in water you can tell from my writing that I have a doctor's degree so the disciples baptizing us so an estimate my doctor was in sin literature actually and they said Oh what does that mean I said I really don't know but anyway alright the disciple baptized us in water now you don't need to turn in this scripture alright we'll get to Matthew three in a minute this is a very famous scripture Matthew 28:19 Jesus said go there or make disciples this is a Greek word math a to say tall so all of you can remember that make disciples of all the nations baptizing them are immersing them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit this should be in water notice I said the disciple because when we get baptized in water doesn't have to be a pastor it's just a disciple we've had many fathers baptize their children because it needs to be a disciple so everyone knows about water baptism and we've done whole messages on water baptism I'm simply showing that to you because I want to show you three baptisms that we all need to experience all right so here's number three I'll go ahead and write it on the board for you and it'll come on the screen this one does it start with the word V and I was just testing you to see if you knew that Jesus baptized is us and there's the V the Holy Spirit last night I misspelled holy and put Hoyt my wife was gracious enough to point it out to me so Jesus baptized us in the Holy Spirit this is what we want to focus on the whole message we want to talk about receiving the Holy Spirit or what the Bible calls the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the reason I want to show you this is because it's very important to understand the difference between this first baptism and the third baptism and this is actually I wish I happen to have taken my marker but I'll use a different color then this is actually if you want to talk about grammar this is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and this is the baptism in or with the Holy Spirit this is what tricked me up because because I when someone says something I hear exactly what they say grammatically and so he would say have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit in other words the baptism that the holy spirit performs I would say yes when I got saved when you get saved the Holy Spirit baptizes you into the body of Christ but the Bible talks specifically about a baptism in or with the Holy Spirit and let me show it to you everyone in Matthew 3 now just flip over there to Matthew 3 you are in first Corinthians 12 and I go to Matthew chapter 3 Matthew 3 verse 11 this is John the Baptist speaking I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he who is coming after me is mightier than I me I was referring to Jesus obviously whose sandals I'm not worthy to carry he Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire with this a preposition and even in the Greek it's an article which could be translated in in or with it they mean the same all right notice very carefully he will baptize you with the spirit now will you just remember in your mind first Corinthians 12:13 where we started it said by the Spirit we are baptized into the body into Jesus so number one again the Holy Spirit baptizes us in Jesus but notice very carefully in Matthew 3:11 he Jesus will baptize you with or in the spirit I listen to me carefully theologically these can't be the same but here's what really gets to me grammatically they can't be the same you have two different subjects there is no way that any theologian are any grammarian could tell me that these are the same they cannot be the same because one is the Holy Spirit that baptizes you into the body of Christ but this is very clearly Jesus baptized as you with the Holy Spirit or in the Holy Spirit Jesus wants to immerse us completely surround us get us completely filled with to overflowing the Holy Spirit now here's what I want to show you as we go through this and talk about this I'm going to tell you something very unusual about this and very specific about this the baptism in the Holy Spirit is in every gospel now that may not surprise you because you may not understand that in every gospel there are only a few things that are in every in every gospel Matthew Mark and Luke are called synoptic or similar Gospels John is not a synoptic gospel here's the reason why Matthew Mark and Luke record the birth of Jesus and then they move immediately to after the beheading of John the Baptist which is the third year of Jesus's ministry they only cover the third year of Jesus's ministry Matthew Mark and Luke and in 70 AD John the Apostle John who was the last living disciple thought to himself no one talked about the first two years of his ministry and so he wrote the the book of John then at that point and he covered the first years of history that's why we have things in John that you don't have in Matthew Mark and Luke and you see many times you'll read it in Matthew and you'll sell anyone this this parable it says in mark or in Luke but in John you start even with John chapter 2 the the wedding at Cana John 3 the the Nicodemus the conversation you must be born again John for the woman at the well you go into I mean you just go you got all the stuff the woman caught in adultery in John 8 the blind man in John 9 you've got Lazarus being raised from the dead you have the conversation John 14 15 and 16 the conversation at the Last Supper none of that's recorded in Matthew Mark or Luke so the reason I'm telling you this let me tell you what he's recorded in all four Gospels for sure the death burial and resurrection of Christ which is the Gospel according first Corinthians 15 I talked about that on Easter the death burial and resurrection of Christ and the baptism in the Holy Spirit in all four Gospels okay we just read it in Matthew all right now I'm going to ask you to do something that we hardly ever do here for the sake of time but I have a lot of the time to do it flip to mark chapter 1 okay this is the way we have used to have to do things in church before we had technology because you couldn't put scripture on the screen you know and then we got in the technology where we had the overheads how many of you remember the overheads you had a guy at the front that usually fell asleep and he'd have that he wouldn't put the change the overhead when the song changed for okay nevermind and he also had fingerprints that ki never mind okay mark chapter one everyone there verse eight john the baptist's again says I indeed baptize you in water but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit turn to Luke chapter three Luke chapter three I don't know if you can remember this if number stick in your mind but it's in Matthew three and Luke three and Mark one and John one I told my wife that one time and she said I have no idea why you're telling me that let's sit sure because you can remember them it's in Matthew and Luke three and in Mark and John one she said that I will never ever remember that I promise you I thought that's how you remember things okay all right Luke chapter 3 verse 16 John the Baptist again says I answer John answered saying to all I indeed baptize you with water but one mightier than I is coming whose sandal strap I'm not worthy to loose he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire notice the similarity again in Matthew Mark and Luke now go to John chapter 1 and you'll see how it's a little different in John John chapter 1 Matthew Mark Luke John so it's kind of easy to just follow the progression here and after this we'll go to acts 1 which is the next book after John John chapter 1 verse 33 this is John the Baptist speaking again but we'll see a little different slant on it now John 1 33 I did not know him John the Baptist said I didn't know Jesus but he who sent me to baptize with water said to me now watch this upon whom you see the spirit descending and remaining on him this is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit the one upon whom you see the spirit descending and remaining this is the one do you a this is very important because the Holies spirit had never ever descended and remained on a person he descended on people in the old testament but he would not remain if you remember he descended on King Saul and then when King Saul offered the sacrifice without Samuel being there the Holy Spirit left him if you remember he descended upon David then and then David committed adultery in Bathsheba and his in his prayer of repentance in Psalm 51 David says this take not thy Spirit from me restore to me the joy of my salvation and he had he repented and the Holy Spirit came back now the father says to John upon whom you see the spirit descending and remaining this is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit now when did John the Baptist see the spirit descending and remaining on Jesus it was when he water baptized him if you remember when Jesus was water baptized it says that the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit like a dove descended on Jesus came oh Jesus now here's something I want you to understand again you know I I think I look at things dramatically like a dog is a simile which means it adds to the senate's it gives a little color to it but it's not thought in in the root of the sin it's the base of the sentence so here the Holy Spirit is the subject here the holy spirit like a dove descended on Jesus here's my hair Sears what bothers me sometimes many many people think that that sentence reads this way a dove like the spirit descended on Jesus because we've all seen the movie we've all seen the Dove fly down you know from heaven I heard about this old preacher one time that he wanted to do an illustration and there was a hole above the pulpit where a vent had been at one time and had never been filled in and so he got this little boy and he put him up in the attic with the Dove and he said when I say the Holy Spirit came down you throw the dove down and so he got his message and he said the Holy Spirit came down nothing happened he said I said the Holy Spirit came down nothing happened the Holy Spirit came down he heard this voice say pastor a cat ate the Holy Ghost you want me to throw the cat down [Music] we invite you to join us each week on the blessed life with pastor Robert Morris experience dynamic bible-based teaching enjoy freedom through the inspiring worship of the gateway worship team it's a time to grow be encouraged and learn how to live the blessed love [Music] the blessed life with gateway churches Robert mourns Thursdays on the Daystar television network so a dove a dog like the Holy Spirit didn't to send the Holy Spirit came on Jesus everyone get it Jesus was baptized with the Holy Spirit on this circle I have a very very simple question for you if Jesus needed to receive the Holy Spirit needed the Holy Spirit to come on him when he was on this earth and we all know the Holy Spirit came on him if Jesus needed to be baptized with anointed with the Holy Spirit do we need to now when we look at these things let me get my this marker I want you to just notice three words because we're going to look at these all through the book of Acts and in other scriptures salvation water we're talking about baptisms now in spirit in other words this first baptism happens at Salvation when we get saved the Holy Spirit baptizes us into the body of Christ which is wonderful to be and I wish I could just take a whole message on that what it means to be in Christ in Christ we're not in Christ by the way that's a really good thing to be in Christ and no one can pluck you out of his hand and no one can pluck you out of the Father saying you ought to be excited about that alright so the Holy Spirit baptizes there happens at salvation within we get water baptized and then I could do a whole message and I have done whole messages on water baptism and the cutting of the flesh the leaving of the old man in the water what happens at water baptism and then we get baptized in the spirit okay now I just want to just bring something up to you is Jesus our example yes he's our example so did Jesus have these three things in his life okay well let me explain one it's varied it's a good answer yes but let me explain something first of all was Jesus saved well hold on all right he didn't need to be saved because he saves all right let me say no the Bible called refers to salvation is being born again okay Jesus did not need to be born again because he was born right the first time in other words we were born sinners but we were born again now this might shock you we were born again perfect children of God not by works but by grace okay so I am this is gonna shock you again but I'm perfect in my position before God I'm not perfect in my performance I wish I were but I'm not but I'm perfect in my position because I stand in Christ before God he understands saying okay so Jesus well we need to be born again but here's what when we're born again were born children of God giant Jesus was born a child of God and then he was water baptized and he was baptized in the spirit so we need these three things so now turn to Acts chapter 1 and I want to I want you to notice as we go through a few scriptures the baptism in the Holy these three baptisms in all these verses were gonna go through all right Acts chapter 1 it's just to the right of John be the first book to the right of John acts 1 these are the last words of Jesus that we're about to read these are the last words he that does this last thing he said right after he said this he ascended into heaven all right look at verses 4 and 5 and being assembled together with them he commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the Father please remember the word promise all right I want you to wait for the promise the promise of the Father which he said you've heard from me for John truly he's going back to all these verses we read in Matthew Mark Luke and John for John truly John the Baptist truly baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now and he had to ascend to the Father before he could pour out the Holy Spirit okay so here's what he said wait for the promise and you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit and then we read last weekend actually acts 2 how the Holy Spirit when the day of Pentecost had fully come alright and then Peter stands up and preaches a message and says this is what was foretold by the prophets and Joel and he tells them about it and then look down in verse 37 now when they heard this they were cut to the heart and they said to Peter and the rest of the Apostles men and brethren what shall we do now I want you to watch for the three baptisms what shall we do okay verse 38 then Peter said to them repent okay that's how you get saved repent and let every one of you be baptized there's water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit you shall receive notice the three things repent get saved and be baptized water baptism and receive the gift of the Spirit now let me just clarify one thing the gift of the Holy Spirit is not one particular gift the gift of the Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit and all the gifts in other words if I said to Pastor Jean hereby suppressor gene I'm gonna give you the no no I'm just joking sit down no I'm not no way I'm giving you this watch buddy yes I got it for really good deals for you okay so um if I said I'm gonna give you the gift of this watch for being here ten years at Gateway and then when we have his party I give him the the minute-hand they saw that you don't give me the gift of the watch and I said oh the gift of the watch means one gift one part of the of the watch it doesn't mean and that's what we've done people said the gift of the Holy Spirit is tongues now that's one of the gifts of the Spirit the gift of the Spirit is the spirit that's what's wonderful and then you get all the rest of it with him all right now remember Jesus said wait for the promise now here's what some people have said this outpouring of the Holy Spirit was just for the hundred and twenty it was just for the people and the day of Pentecost but remember Jesus said it's called the promise wait for the promise and the promises the baptism in the Holy Spirit jesus said that's very clear look at the very next verse verse 39 for the promise that's the gift of the Holy Spirit is to you and to your children watch and to all who are afar off as many as the Lord our God will call that's us that's us we get to receive the gift - but notice the three baptisms they said what shall we do he said repent want you to get saved be baptized and then receive the Holy Spirit alright look over in Acts chapter eight just a few pages to your right acts 8 Philip goes to Samaria and he preaches Christ to them and see if you see that they get saved water baptized and then receive the Holy Spirit acts 8 verse 12 but when they believed Philip their salvation they believed as he preached the things concerning the king of God and the name of Jesus Christ so they believed in the kingdom and what G about Jesus both men and women were baptized now they got water baptized they got saved then they got water baptized now look at verse 14 now when the Apostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the Word of God they sent Peter and John to them who when they had come down gave them the right hand of Christian Fellowship because they had everything they needed is that what your Bible says because we've been told that's that that's all you need you get saved in water baptized that's what we've been told watch what it says though who when they'd come down prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit well I thought they were saved why would they go why would Peter and John disciples apostles go pray for people who had been saved to receive the Holy Spirit if I already had the Holy Spirit it's just crazy it's like the Bible doesn't know the theology that we know today watch is so clear who prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit and the next for his yet he had fallen or baptized immersed none of them they late and they had only been baptized name of Lord Jesus then they laid hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit okay let me just remind you the the title message is receiving the Holy Spirit many many believers have been saved in water baptized and have not received the Holy Spirit let me ask you son did you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior yes or no it would help me because I pastor all of you and I'd like to know okay did you receive Jesus means you opened your heart to him and you said Jesus you can be the Lord of my life and you can run my life and I will receive everything you have yes okay why would you not receive the Holy Spirit why would you not say to him I want you as well to lead me to guide me to help me to direct me to help me be the husband and father I need to be I receive you Holy Spirit and and and and obviously it's because we think we've already received him that when we receive Jesus we received him that's what we think and I understand that when we get saved the Holy Spirit does come to live inside of us but Jesus wants to baptize us with the Holy Spirit anoint us with the Holy Spirit all right turn Acts chapter 19 just to the right Acts chapter 19 by the way you can read later this week Acts chapter 10 where the Gentiles when they heard the gospel received the Holy Spirit also Acts chapter 19 verse 1 and it happened while Apollo's was at Corinth that Paul having passed through the upper regions came to Ephesus and finding some disciples now does the Bible call them disciples okay that means they were disciples now watch what Paul said in verse 2 this is very this is paramount to our message this week he said to them did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed now look at me for a moment Paul wrote a third a little over a third of the New Testament that is a little over a third more than you wrote and then I wrote okay this is the greatest apostle that ever lived this is the Apostle that said there are some revelations that I've received that I can't tell you about because they're too weighty for you you will not be able to understand them we can't understand what he did right I mean we can by the spirit but not on our own so what did he not write this is the same apostle that was caught up to the third heaven you know most of us want to make it to the first you know okay the this guy knows theology the Holy Spirit used him to pian most of the theology of the New Testament so he comes to disciples he says them did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed okay if you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed fly would the greatest apostle who ever lived asked that question it seems like he would know correct theology did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed it's a very simple question in other words did anyone tell you about the Holy Spirit and pray for you to receive the Holy Spirit when you believe and I don't mean this I really don't mean this derogatorily I just mean it humorously I think they went to the same church that I went to growing up because verse three they said to him we've not even heard there was a Holy Spirit that's the way I was I haven't even heard there was a Holy Spirit I did we never heard hardly anything about him at all wait look at verse three he said then I mean verse three and he said to them I mean the rest of verse 2 so they said we've not even heard there was a Holy Spirit verse 3 now he's gonna check out their salvation they so he said to them in the wind then what were you baptized so they said into John's baptism now watch John's baptism because this is a baptism that would represent salvation if in your heart you did what you were supposed to do that's why he told the Pharisees you can't be I'm not baptizing because it's not in your heart so they so verse 4 then Paul said John indeed baptized with the baptism of say to the people that they should believe on him who would come after him that is on christ Jesus listen that's how you could say you repent and believe in Jesus and apparently these guys did they came to John very serious and they repented and they believed in the one who would come after him which was Jesus Christ the Messiah verse five when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus now they get water baptized they got saved then they got water baptized verse six and when Paul laid hands on them the Holy Spirit came upon them and they spoke with tongues and prophesied do you see the pattern people the new testament got saved they got water baptized and then they got baptized in the Holy Spirit this was this is all through the book of Acts we were at acts 1 X 8 and acts 19 okay let me just read you this verse first John chapter 5 verse 7 says for there are three that bear witness in heaven the father the word and the Holy Spirit and these three are one okay there are three that bear witness in heaven what do they - what do they bear witness they bear witness to the supernatural that there is a God the Father the word now notice that it doesn't refer to Jesus as Jesus here first him as the word in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god that's John 1:1 and then revelation 19 says his name is called the Word of God that would be about verse 12 or 13 of chapter 19 of Revelation his name is the word of God so he's the word so the father the word Jesus and the spirit there are three that bear witness in heaven now remember we're talking about these three baptisms on earth that they occur in our lives and sometimes salvation is referred to as blood let me tell you why because without the shedding of blood Hebrew says there is no remission of sin Jesus shed his blood you know the blood washes away all of our sin it's the blood we're saved by the blood okay so watch the next verse and see if you see the three baptisms alright look at verse eight and there are three that bear witness on earth the spirit the water and the blood and these three agrees one I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit in 1983 that's the verse right there that convicted me after reading lots of verses on it but watch what he said and there are three on earth that bear witness he said the spirit the water and the blood the blood of Jesus salvation spirit baptism water baptism experiment what did they bear witness to they bear witness to the fact that there's a god in heaven the supernatural that changes people's lives and let me just give you a synopsis quickly of what these three baptisms do their lives when we get saved we become a new person when we get baptized in water the old person is cut off and when we can get baptized in the spirit we get the power to walk in the new it's a complete word now in order to go to heaven you just have to be saved you do I mean the thief on the cross said remember me when you come into the kingdom jesus said today you'll be with me in paradise okay he believed in Jesus he got safe he did not get water baptized in spirit baptized I'm sure he would have liked to have said to the soldiers listen I just got saved I need to go and be water baptized but they didn't let him go apparently so he he got saved but he and so he went to heaven and there are a lot of believers who get saved but they don't get water baptized in spirit baptized so they have no power there are actually many believers who walked and I'll as a child but really didn't submit their will to Christ and they're really being it safe and later in life they get saved but because they got baptized before they don't think they need to be water baptized now and and so they miss out on this work because this has to occur after salvation so notice again salvation water in spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] alright let me read you another verse we know that the Old Testament is an example to us 1st Corinthians 10 verses 6 and 11 first Corinthians 10 verses 6 11 say that everything and the old test was written for our instruction as an example to us all right now 1st Corinthians 10 verse 1 says moreover brethren I do not want you to be unaware that all of our fathers were under the cloud and all passed through the sea now before I read the next verse I want you to think about this Moses was their type of deliverer okay Moses was the their type of Christ in other words Christ delivers us from bondage Moses delivered them from bondage Moses is not Christ obviously but he was a type or a symbol of Christ I'm saying to you that we need to be baptized into Jesus which who's our deliverer we need to be baptized in water in the spirit now sometimes again the Bible use this figurative language the spirit could be referred to as oil the to be anointed with all to be anointing with the Holy Spirit or it could be referred to as the cloud okay and even fire because he said the Holy Spirit Jesus baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire remember they were led by the cloud by day they were led by the fire at night that's the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit led them okay so I'm saying we need to be baptized into Jesus in water and in the spirit watch the figurative language of the very next verse Steve you see the three baptisms first Corinthians 10 verse 2 they were all baptized in the Moses in the cloud and in the sea and notice it uses the word baptized they were baptized in the Moses their type of Christ they were baptized in the cloud the spirit and they were baptized in the sea water and it uses very specifically the word baptism I was talking to Debbie on the way home from the service last night and she said to me that's the verse that me because I saw very clearly the three baptisms they were baptized into their deliver their baptized in sea and they were baptized in cloud water and spirit now I want to show you one more thing and then we're finished and I'm gonna erase it head yep I'm gonna erase it real well did you ever have a professor erase the board like that and then rode on it didn't you hate him I'm kidding I had a professor did that one time and I didn't even pray for him because you know I was so upset with him I want you to know by the way despite what you're thinking right now I'm not OCD okay all right this is you probably have already recognized it because of my artistic ability this is I can't believe you haven't recognized it yet this is the tabernacle of Moses I just didn't put the little things right okay the holy place and the most holy place this is the outer court the inner court the holy place the most holy place God dwelt here right like you're going all the analogy of this but we don't have time for that okay here's what I want to tell you every is there's only one door at Jesus he's ill you know you can't get any other way in the God's presence but only one door okay when you come in now when you think about this because we're down about three threefold Witness three baptisms like when you come in obviously our desires to get in the presence of God as believers listen listen this when you came in there were three things you had to do before you could enter here is it that a coincidence three things and what were those three things right here was an altar where you shed the blood of a lamb what would that represent salvation Jesus is the perfect sinless spotless Lamb of God remember we're talking about three things the next step was a Laver where you washed with water what would that represent water baptism then before you could go there was a third step you had to have before you could enter the presence of God it was a Laver pardon me not a Laver it was a flask where you were anointed with oil anyone have any idea what that represent the baptism in the Holy Spirit here's what's amazing people come in they get saved they say yes you need to be water baptized okay I'll get water baptized Kenny be baptized the Holy Spirit oh I've heard some things about that I'd rather not do that I'm not going into the presence of God anyone know what happened if you went in here incorrectly or wrong you don't go into God's presence under your rules you go the way God said to go in that coincidence three things you had to do before you could go into the Holy of Holies in the most holy place the blood the water and oil here's what I want to do I want to pray for you and can I just tell you that last night there was anywhere from 25 percent depend on which congregation 250 percent of the people that came forward to receive the holy spirit do not be embarrassed do not feel like that you've done something wrong or you're an unspiritual person don't let the devil talk you out of this at every campus in just a moment and if you're in an overflow room at North Richland Hills then you can just stand up if you're in the overflow room you can just stand up or if you want to come into the sanctuary through the altar you can you're welcome to but here's what I want you to do I'm not even going to ask you to bow your heads and close your eyes I didn't do it in either Saturday night service if you would like and I'm going to pray for you if you would like to receive I'm pray for all of you at once if you would like to receive the Holy Spirit I want you at every campus I want you to get up out of your seat right now and I want you to come and stand at the altar right just get up and come no don't you dare let the devil talk you out of this don't you dare let pride stop you if you're on the second level Southlake you can go to the exits because we have a pastor there or you can come on down to the front all right if you're on the second level you come down these stairs at the front so come on come on don't don't be embarrassed don't let something stop you if you want to be baptized in the Holy Spirit if you want and listen nothing weird is going to happen because some you might be sitting there thinking well I won't Holy Spirit I don't want the weird stuff no don't you dare let's say you talk you up nothing weird is going to happen I'm gonna ask I'm gonna ask the Holy Spirit to come on you as far as you like praying in a prayer language like I talked about last week you can do that in your private time okay as the Holy Spirit leads you okay so nothing weirds gonna happen so just come on all right if you want to receive the Holy Spirit if you're a coming second level I'm gonna wait for your moment again at North Richland Hills and Frisco please don't be embarrassed just get up and come come to the front if you're in an overflow room at NRH you can just stand up or you can just leave that overflow and you can go into the sanctuary and walk down to the front and just walk to the altar as well you just if you want to that's fine so come on come on don't know me embarrass so we have more people coming up the South Lake campuses so I'm going to wait I'm sure if again Frisco North Richland Hills it's not too late don't and no one's look at you funny everyone's gonna rejoice all right so of you if you want to receive the Holy Spirit you just stand up and just come come to the altar right come on come on I'm gonna wait a moment because we have some more coming let me tell you a story while these are coming this is a true story when I was in Bible College I I studied about DL Moody but they left this part of his testimony out because they did not agree theologically with this DL Moody pastored in Chicago a church that just it just didn't it had no power at all no power at all for years and these two little old ladies of this church said pastor we're praying for you to receive the baptism and Holy Spirit he said well thank you oh the board went away there was a board here remember and he said well thank you but I've already been baptized Holy Spirit when I got saved and they just said okay and they and he was gracious and they were gracious and they were now then they would say we're praying for you to receive the baptismal spirit so he started studying scripture because he saw no power in his ministry nobody was getting safe and he saw it in Scripture and in his basement he prayed to receive the Holy Spirit asked Jesus to baptize him Aloha spirit that's who we're gonna ask he said it was like waves of liquid love coming on him the next week he got up and preached one of the same sermons he preached before and many many people got saved and hundreds of people started coming and then thousands and the power of God came so strongly on deal moody that they said he would walk through a factory and factory workers in other places would fall on their knees and get saved that's the power of the Holy Spirit when the power of the Holy Spirit came on the disciples the Bible says state that's what they said about them these men have turned the world upside down that's the power all right so here's what I want you do now to close your eyes if you've come and just turn your hands upward toward heaven you don't have to lift them over your head at all just turn them upward toward heaven I just want you to be in a receiving mode all right and I want you to first of all pray in your heart you know I'm for out loud and and and just pray in your heart and tell the Holy Spirit I receive you I receive you right now I receive you Holy Spirit and then ask Jesus because he's the one according to the scripture that baptizes us in the Holy Spirit ask Jesus say Jesus I'm asking you today to baptized me in the Holy Spirit and now I'm going to pray for you but I want you to I will just want to remind you you received by faith the same way you receive Jesus you received by face so if you don't feel something in the natural some people do when they accept Christ some people don't don't you let your feelings get in the way of your faith I want you right now to know that because you have opened your heart that God is going to hear our prayer right now so I want you to receive right now Jesus I come to you right now and I ask you to feel my brothers and sisters with the Holy Spirit right now in Jesus name from the top of their heads to the bottom of their feet the same way that the Holy Spirit came on the disciples in the upper room and then disciples at Samaria and the Gentiles in acts 10 in acts 19 those disciples I asked you to cuddle them right now and feel them with your spirit from the top of their heads to the bottom of their feet anoint them with the power of the Holy Spirit right now and I take authority over Satan and every demonic spirit every spirit of fear and insecurity and rejection every spirit of anger and bitter bitterness and malice and envy and jealousy every spirit of lust and lying and pride and I rebuke you by the main power and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and I command you to loose them and let them go every addiction every bondage that's held them unbelief every spirit of fear I command you to go right now and every place that the enemy has left Holy Spirit I ask you to feel them right now right now in Jesus they've filled in the overflowing building with power and love and gentleness and meekness and and faithfulness and self-control filled their Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit and we tell you right now we receive you Jesus thank you thank you I see every person right now who wants to receive the Holy Spirit for baptizing us immersing us with the Holy Spirit we receive it right now by faith in Jesus name and now will you just thank the Lord thank you lord [Music] I was 19 years old when I gave my life to the Lord and everything changed I didn't have any desire to go back to that old life I wanted to walk with the Lord and learn more about him and some people helped me to learn the Bible and to learn how to pray and to learn about my new life in Christ and that's what we want to do for you I am so excited that you've given your life to the Lord he's forgiven all of your sins and you're on your way to heaven but we need to learn some things now about the Bible about prayer about some basics of the Christian life so that you can be victorious and live for the Lord like I know you want to so we've designed a class called fresh start and I want to encourage you to sign up for this class because we want to help you grow in your walk with the Lord now I love you and I'm so proud of you experienced gateway church live from anywhere you are at Gateway People TV if you have internet access on your computer or mobile device you're only a click away from experiencing great worship and teaching don't miss Church because you're on vacation out of town on business or even if you're just feeling a bit under the weather visit gateway People TV and be a part of our live service for service times visit gateway people dot TV [Music]
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 978,971
Rating: 4.7904782 out of 5
Keywords: Receiving the Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Robert Morris, gatewaypeople, Gateway Church, Encourage, Encouraging, Words Life or Death, Pastor Robert, Words, DFW, Southlake, Texas, live sermon, sin, Baptism, baptism of the holy spirit
Id: L0xXi6Iw2EE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 34sec (2854 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 13 2012
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